222 resultados para Skin Permeability
The PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma belong to the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily. While all three receptors are undetectable in adult mouse interfollicular epidermis, PPARbeta expression and activity is strongly re-activated by inflammatory stimuli during epidermal injury. The pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFalpha (tumour necrosis factor alpha) stimulates transcription of the PPARbeta gene via an activator protein-1 site in its promoter and it also triggers the production of PPARbeta ligands in keratinocytes. This increase of PPARbeta activity in these cells up-regulates the expression of integrin-linked kinase and 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1, which phosphorylates protein kinase B-alpha (Akt1). The resulting increase in Akt1 activity suppresses apoptosis and ensures the presence of a sufficient number of viable keratinocytes at the wound margin for re-epithelialization. Together, these observations reveal that PPARbeta takes on multiple roles and contributes favourably to the process of wound closure.
Skin morphogenesis, maintenance, and healing after wounding require complex epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. In this study, we show that for skin homeostasis, interleukin-1 (IL-1) produced by keratinocytes activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) expression in underlying fibroblasts, which in turn inhibits the mitotic activity of keratinocytes via inhibition of the IL-1 signaling pathway. In fact, PPARbeta/delta stimulates production of the secreted IL-1 receptor antagonist, which leads to an autocrine decrease in IL-1 signaling pathways and consequently decreases production of secreted mitogenic factors by the fibroblasts. This fibroblast PPARbeta/delta regulation of the IL-1 signaling is required for proper wound healing and can regulate tumor as well as normal human keratinocyte cell proliferation. Together, these findings provide evidence for a novel homeostatic control of keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation mediated via PPARbeta/delta regulation in dermal fibroblasts of IL-1 signaling. Given the ubiquitous expression of PPARbeta/delta, other epithelial-mesenchymal interactions may also be regulated in a similar manner.
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the blood flow in the feet before and after lower limb revascularization using laser Doppler imaging (LDI). METHODS: Ten patients with critical lower limb ischemia were prospectively enrolled from June to October 2004. All patients underwent successful unilateral surgical interventions including above-knee bypass, distal bypass and endarterectomy. Skin blood flow (SBF) over the plantar surface of both forefeet and heels was measured by LDI 24h before and 10 days after revascularization, expressed in perfusion units (PU), and reported as mean+/-SD. RESULTS: Measurements in the forefoot and heel were similar. Before revascularization mean SBF was significantly lower in the ischemic foot (130+/-71 PU) compared to the contralateral foot (212+/-68 PU), p<0.05. After revascularization a significant increase of the SBF in the forefoot (from 135+/-67 to 202+/-86 PU, p=0.001) and hindfoot (from 148+/-58 to 203+/-83, p=0.001) was observed on the treatment side. However, a large decrease of the SBF was seen in forefoot and hindfoot on the untreated side (from 250+/-123 PU to 176+/-83 and from 208+/-116 to 133+/-40, p=0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: This study confirms the benefits of revascularization in patients with nonhealing foot lesions due to critical limb ischemia. A significant increase of the SBF was observed on the treatment side. However, an unexpected decrease was observed on the untreated side.
We have explored the possibility of obtaining first-order permeability estimates for saturated alluvial sediments based on the poro-elastic interpretation of the P-wave velocity dispersion inferred from sonic logs. Modern sonic logging tools designed for environmental and engineering applications allow one for P-wave velocity measurements at multiple emitter frequencies over a bandwidth covering 5 to 10 octaves. Methodological considerations indicate that, for saturated unconsolidated sediments in the silt to sand range and typical emitter frequencies ranging from approximately 1 to 30 kHz, the observable velocity dispersion should be sufficiently pronounced to allow one for reliable first-order estimations of the permeability structure. The corresponding predictions have been tested on and verified for a borehole penetrating a typical surficial alluvial aquifer. In addition to multifrequency sonic logs, a comprehensive suite of nuclear and electrical logs, an S-wave log, a litholog, and a limited number laboratory measurements of the permeability from retrieved core material were also available. This complementary information was found to be essential for parameterizing the poro-elastic inversion procedure and for assessing the uncertainty and internal consistency of corresponding permeability estimates. Our results indicate that the thus obtained permeability estimates are largely consistent with those expected based on the corresponding granulometric characteristics, as well as with the available evidence form laboratory measurements. These findings are also consistent with evidence from ocean acoustics, which indicate that, over a frequency range of several orders-of-magnitude, the classical theory of poro-elasticity is generally capable of explaining the observed P-wave velocity dispersion in medium- to fine-grained seabed sediments
IMPORTANCE OF THE FIELD: The permeability glycoprotein (P-gp) is an important protein transporter involved in the disposition of many drugs with different chemical structures, but few studies have examined a possible stereoselectivity in its activity. P-gp can have a major impact on the distribution of drugs in selected organs, including the brain. Polymorphisms of the ABCB1 gene, which encodes for P-gp, can influence the kinetics of several drugs. AREAS COVERED IN THIS REVIEW: A search including publications from 1990 up to 2009 was performed on P-gp stereoselectivity and on the impact of ABCB1 polymorphisms on enantiomer brain distribution. WHAT THE READER WILL GAIN: Despite stereoselectivity not being expected because of the large variability of chemical structures of P-gp substrates, structure-activity relationships suggest different P-gp-binding sites for enantiomers. Enantioselectivity in the activity of P-gp has been demonstrated by in vitro studies and in animal models (preferential transport of one enantiomer or different inhibitory potencies towards P-gp activity between enantiomers). There is also in vivo evidence of an enantioselective drug transport at the human blood-brain barrier. TAKE HOME MESSAGE: The significant enantioselective activity of P-gp might be clinically relevant and must be taken into account in future studies.
PPARalpha and PPARbeta are expressed in the mouse epidermis during fetal development, but their expression progressively disappears after birth. However, the expression of PPARbeta is reactivated in adult mice upon proliferative stimuli, such as cutaneous injury. We show here that PPARbeta protects keratinocytes from growth factor deprivation, anoikis and TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis, by modulating both early and late apoptotic events via the Akt1 signaling pathway and DNA fragmentation, respectively. The control mechanisms involve direct transcriptional upregulation of ILK, PDK1, and ICAD-L. In accordance with the anti-apoptotic role of PPARbeta observed in vitro, the balance between proliferation and apoptosis is altered in the epidermis of wounded PPARbeta mutant mice, with increased keratinocyte proliferation and apoptosis. In addition, primary keratinocytes deleted for PPARbeta show defects in both cell-matrix and cell-cell contacts, and impaired cell migration. Together, these results suggest that the delayed wound closure observed in PPARbeta mutant mice involves the alteration of several key processes. Finally, comparison of PPARbeta and Akt1 knock-out mice reveals many similarities, and suggests that the ability of PPARbeta to modulate the Akt1 pathway has significant impact during skin wound healing.
BACKGROUND: The Notch pathway is essential for proper epidermal differentiation during embryonic skin development. Moreover, skin specific loss of Notch signaling in the embryo results in skin barrier defects accompanied by a B-lymphoproliferative disease. However, much less is known about the consequences of loss of Notch signaling after birth. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To study the function of Notch signaling in the skin of adult mice, we made use of a series of conditional gene targeted mice that allow inactivation of several components of the Notch signaling pathway specifically in the skin. We demonstrate that skin-specific inactivation of Notch1 and Notch2 simultaneously, or RBP-J, induces the development of a severe form of atopic dermatitis (AD), characterized by acanthosis, spongiosis and hyperkeratosis, as well as a massive dermal infiltration of eosinophils and mast cells. Likewise, patients suffering from AD, but not psoriasis or lichen planus, have a marked reduction of Notch receptor expression in the skin. Loss of Notch in keratinocytes induces the production of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a cytokine deeply implicated in the pathogenesis of AD. The AD-like associated inflammation is accompanied by a myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) characterized by an increase in immature myeloid populations in the bone marrow and spleen. Transplantation studies revealed that the MPD is cell non-autonomous and caused by dramatic microenvironmental alterations. Genetic studies demontrated that G-CSF mediates the MPD as well as changes in the bone marrow microenvironment leading to osteopenia. SIGNIFICANCE: Our data demonstrate a critical role for Notch in repressing TSLP production in keratinocytes, thereby maintaining integrity of the skin and the hematopoietic system.
L'hyperhémie réactive, définie comme l'augmentation transitoire du flux sanguin après une courte période d'ischémie, pourrait être influencée par des vasoconstricteurs de la famille des prostanoïdes, telle que la thromboxane. Le terutroban (S18886) est un antagoniste spécifique des récepteurs à la thromboxane. L'étude présentée a cherché à déterminer l'effet du terutroban sur l'hyperhémie réactive dans la peau et le muscle squelettique de l'avant-bras de volontaires sains. Vingt volontaires sains ont été randomisés en aveugle pour recevoir oralement 30mg/j de terutroban ou un placebo pendant 5 jours puis réciproquement pendant une deuxième période de 5 jours, selon un schéma cross-over. L'ischémie transitoire a été provoquée par l'occlusion de l'artère brachiale par une manchette gonflée au dessus de la pression systolique. L'hyperhémie réactive était évaluée dans les tissus de l'avant- bras, en mesurant le flux sanguin, pour la peau par une méthode laser Doppler, et pour le muscle au moyen d'une pléthysmographie par jauge de contrainte durant une occlusion veineuse. Au premier et au dernier jour de chaque période de traitement, l'hyperhémie réactive était mesurée avant et 2 heures après l'ingestion du comprimé. Que ce soit dans la peau ou le muscle, le terutroban n'a pas montré d'effet sur le flux de pic post-occlusion ni sur la réponse globale d'hyperhémie, exprimée en aire sous la courbe. En conclusion, dans la peau et le muscle de sujets sains, l'hypérémie réactive n'est pas influencée par les récepteurs spécifiques à la thromboxane.
Light toxicity is suspected to enhance certain retinal degenerative processes such as age-related macular degeneration. Death of photoreceptors can be induced by their exposure to the visible light, and although cellular processes within photoreceptors have been characterized extensively, the role of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) in this model is less well understood. We demonstrate that exposition to intense light causes the immediate breakdown of the outer blood-retinal barrier (BRB). In a molecular level, we observed the slackening of adherens junctions tying up the RPE and massive leakage of albumin into the neural retina. Retinal pigment epithelial cells normally secrete vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) at their basolateral side; light damage in contrast leads to VEGF increase on the apical side - that is, in the neuroretina. Blocking VEGF, by means of lentiviral gene transfer to express an anti-VEGF antibody in RPE cells, inhibits outer BRB breakdown and retinal degeneration, as illustrated by functional, behavioral and morphometric analysis. Our data show that exposure to high levels of visible light induces hyperpermeability of the RPE, likely involving VEGF signaling. The resulting retinal edema contributes to irreversible damage to photoreceptors. These data suggest that anti-VEGF compounds are of therapeutic interest when the outer BRB is altered by retinal stresses.
Previous studies in the lab of Dr. Liliane Michalik, have shown thai the nuclear hormone receptor Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor beta/delta (PPARß/ö) is an important regulator of skin homeostasis, being involved in the regulation of keratinocyte differentiation, inflammation, apoptosis, arid mouse skin wound healing. Studies of PPARß/ö knock out mice have suggested a possible role for this receptor in cancer. However, contradictory observations of the role for PPARß/ö on tumor growth have been published, depending on cellular contexts and biological models. Given the controversial role of PPARß/ö in skin carcinoma development, the main aim of this PhD work has been to further explore the implication of PPARß/ö in skin response to UV and skin tumor growth. This PhD dissertation is divided in four chapters. The first chapter describes the core part of the project, where I explored the changes in miRNA expression in the skin upon chronic UV irradiation of PPARß/ö wild type and knock-out mice. This analysis shed light on a miRNA- PPARß/ö signature and also predicted thai miR-21-3p (previously named miR-21*) is a key regulator of the PPARß/ö-dependent UV response in the pre-lesiona! skin. Using mice acutely UV-irradiated, ! further demonstrated that miR-21-3p is indirectly regulated by PPARß/ö through activation of Transforming Growth Factor (TGFß)-1 under UV exposure. I also show that miR-21-3p is deregulated in human cutaneous squamous celi carcinoma. In cultured keratinocytes, application of a miR-21 -3p mimic oligonucleotide sequence leads to the regulation of lipid metabolism-related pathway. In the second chapter, I demonstrate that the usage of an mRNA/miRNA combined bioinformatics analysis leads to the discovery of important pathways involved in the PPARß/ö-miRNA response of the skin to chronic UV irradiation, indeed, I validated angiogenesis and lipid metabolism as important functions regulated by PPARß/ö in this context. In the third chapter, we demonstrate that PPARß/5 knockout mice have decreased cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas incidence compared to wild type mice and that PPARß/5 directly activates the cSrc kinase gene. In the last chapter, we review novel insights into PPAR functions in keratinocytes and liver, with emphasis on PPARß/ö but also on PPARa. In summary, this PhD study shows that i) PPARß/5 is able to regulate biological function through regulation of miRNAs, and specifically through miR-21-3p, the passenger miRNA of the oncomiR miR-21, and that ii) the PPARß/5-dependent skin response to UV involves the regulation of angiogenesis and lipid metabolism. Furthermore, the bioinformatics study highlights the relevance of performing integrated mRNA and miRNA genome-wide studies in order to better screen mRNAs and/or miRNAs of interest in the biological context of diseases. - Des études préalables dans le laboratoire du Dr. Liliane Michalik ont démontré que le récepteur nucléaire PPARß/5 est un régulateur important de l'homéostasie de la peau, étant impliqué dans la régulation de la différenciation des keratinocytes, dans l'inflammation, dans l'apoptose et dans la cicatrisation de la peau chez !a souris. L'étude de souris knock-out pour le gène PPARß/5, ont suggérées un rôle possible de ce récepteur dans le cancer. Cependant, des observations opposées ont été publiées suggérant un rôle pro- ou anti- cancer selon le tissue impliqué et le type- cellulaire. En considérant cette controverse autour du rôle de PPARß/5 dans le développement des cancers de la peau, le but principal de mon projet de recherche aura été d'approfondir l'exploration du rôle de PPARß/5 dans la réponse de la peau aux UVs et dans le développement du cancer. Cette dissertation de thèse est divisée en quatre parties. Une première partie, représentant le coeur de mon travail de recherche, décrit la découverte de l'implication des microRNAs (rniRNAs) dans la réponse aux UVs de PPARß/ö et plus spécifiquement l'implication du miRNA miR- 21 -3p (précédemment nommé miR-21*). En étudiant un modèle de souris irradiées de manière aigüe aux UVs, nous montrons que ia régulation de miR-21-3p est PPARß/ö-däpenaante et que cette régulation à lieu par l'intermédiaire du facteur de transcription TGFß-1. Dans des cultures de keratinocytes Humains, la transfecticn d'une séquence oligonucléotidique similaire à celle de miR-21-3p (mimic), montre l'implication de rniR-21-3p dans des fonctions importantes pour le développement des cancers telles que le métabolisme des lipides. Dans un second chapitre, nous montrons que l'usage d'une méthode bioinformatique combinant l'expression des ARN messagers et des miRNAs permet de mettre en évidence des fonctions biologiques importantes lors de ia réponse de PPARß/ö à l'irradiation chronique. L'angiogenèse, le stress oxydatif et le métabolisme des lipides font partie de ces fonctions régulées par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UVs. Nous mettons également en évidence la régulation du gène LpcatS par PPARß/5 dans la peau irradiée aux UV ainsi que dans des keratinocytes humains suggérant un rôle pour PPARß/5 dans le remodelage des lipides membranaires. Dans une troisième partie, nous établissons un lien entre la régulation de l'oncogène Src et l'activation de PPARß/5 dans les carcinomes spinocellulaires de la peau. Finalement dans un quatrième chapitre, nous faisons une revue des dernières recherches portées sur le rôle de PPARß/5 et de PPARa dans le foie et ia peau. En résumé ce projet de thèse représente un avancement pour la recherche sur rimplication de PPARß/5 dans la réponse aux UVs de la peau. Pour la première fois, un lien est établi entre ce facteur de transcription et la régulation de microRNAs dans le cadre du carcinome spinocellulare. Jusqu'alors resté dans l'ombre de rniR-21-5p, miR-21-3p est en fait fortement augmenté à la fois dans un modèle de souris d'irradiation aux UVs ainsi que dans ie carcinome spinocellulare chez i'humain. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques pour PPARß/5 ont été également mises en évidence dans ce travail, comme la régulation de l'angiogenèse ou du métabolisme des lipides dans Sa peau. De plus cette dissertation valorise l'intérêt d'une association entre le travail de laboratoire et celui de la bioinformatique.
There is no definite theory yet for the mechanism by which the pattern of epidermal ridges on fingers, palms and soles forming friction ridge skin (FRS) patterns is created. For a long time growth forces in the embryonal epidermis have been believed to be involved in FRS formation. More recent evidence suggests that Merkel cells play an important part in this process as well. Here we suggest a model for the formation of FRS patterns that links Merkel cells to the epidermal stress distribution. The Merkel cells are modeled as agents in an agent based model that move anisotropically where the anisotropy is created by the epidermal stress tensor. As a result ridge patterns are created with pattern defects as they occur in real FRS patterns. As a consequence we suggest why the topology of FRS patterns is indeed unique as the arrangement of pattern defects is sensitive to the initial configuration of Merkel cells.
BACKGROUND: Innate immune sensors control key cytokines that regulate T-cell priming and T-cell fate. This is particularly evident in allergic reactions, which represent ideal systems to study the interplay of innate and adaptive immunity. In patients with contact dermatitis, inflammasome-mediated IL-1 activation is responsible for a TH1 immune response. Surprisingly, the IL-1 signaling pathway was also proposed to control the activation of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), a cytokine implicated in development of the TH2 response in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) and asthma. OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the effect of the inflammasome on TSLP expression levels and the development of AD. METHODS: We studied the effect of the inflammasome activator 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene, and IL-1β on TSLP mRNA expression levels in mouse and human cell lines (in vitro assays), as well as in live mice and on human skin transplants. We also assessed the effect of 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene on TSLP and the TH2 response in mice in which the inflammasome and IL-1 signaling pathways were blocked, either genetically or pharmacologically, in 2 models of AD. RESULTS: We provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that inflammasome activation has an inhibitory role on TSLP mRNA expression and TH2 cell fate in the skin. We also show that solvents influence the activation of TSLP and IL-1β and direct the T-cell fate to a given hapten. CONCLUSION: Our observations strongly suggest that the TH1 versus TH2 cell fate decision is regulated at multiple levels and starts with innate immune events occurring within peripheral epithelial tissues.
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and protects it from water loss and mechanical damage. This barrier function is mainly provided by the epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin. This balance is regulated by several factors, including serine proteases, serine protease inhibitors and protease target substrates, such as receptors. Any mutations or alterations in the expression of these factors can lead to skin diseases. One of the players in this skin balance is the serine protease CAP1/Prss8, whose over-expression causes ichthyosis, hyperplasia and inflammation. This phenotype can be completely restored in the absence of PAR2 (protease-activated receptor 2) (Frateschi et al., 2011). During my thesis, I demonstrated that CAP1/Prss8 induces skin disease even if its catalytic triad is mutated. Additionally, I demonstrated an inhibitory effect of the serine protease-inhibitor nexin-1 (also called serpinE2, PN-1) on CAP1/Prss8, since nexin-1 negated the effects of both catalytically active and inactive CAP1/Prss8 over-expression. Indeed, CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1 interact in vitro, but independent of the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8. These results demonstrate a novel mechanism of interaction between CAP1/Prss8 and nexin-1, and indicate that the catalytic triad of CAP1/Prss8 is dispensable for nexin-1 inhibition and PAR2 activation. These observations in vivo and in vitro could be helpful to specifically target drugs to treat ichthyoses-like skin diseases, like e.g. atopic dermatitis. - La peau est l'un des organes les plus importants du corps humain au regard de sa surface et de sa masse. Ses principales fonctions sont de nous protéger contre l'entrée de pathogènes et de former une barrière imperméable qui empêche la déshydratation. Ces fonctions sont principalement assurées par l'épiderme, la couche la plus superficielle de la peau, et garanties par plusieurs "acteurs", comme par exemple les sérine-protéases, les inhibiteurs de sérine- protéases ou les protéases cibles comme les récepteurs. Toute mutation ou altération de l'un de ces "acteurs" peut aboutir au déclanchement de maladies de la peau. Pour mieux comprendre les conséquences biologiques résultant d'une altération d'expression de CAP1/Prss8, une serine-protéase normalement exprimée au niveau de l'épiderme, nous avons généré des souris transgéniques surexprimant CAP1/Prss8 au niveau de la peau. Ces dernières présentent une peau squameuse, un épiderme hypertrophique, des processus inflammatoires et des prurits conséquents. Ces symptômes disparaissent si le gène du récepteur PAR2, qui régule l'activité des cellules de l'épiderme, est inactivé. Dans le but de vérifier si le phénotype observé chez les souris CAP1/Prss8 résulte de l'action du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8, nous avons généré des souris CAP1/Prss8 chez lesquelles nous avons muté les trois acides aminés du site catalytique en alanine. Etonnement ces souris ont développé les mêmes problèmes de peau que les souris CAP1/Prss8, démontrant que l'effet de CAP1/Prss8, dans ce modèle animal, n'est pas lié à son site catalytique. Nous avons également montré in vivo, que la sérine-protéase nexin-1 (aussi appelée SERPINE2, PN-1) est capable d'exercer un effet inhibiteur sur CAP1/Prss8 indépendamment de l'activité du site catalytique de CAP1/Prss8. De plus, nous avons remarqué in vitro que CAP1/Prss8 et nexin-1 interagissent bien que la triade catalytique de CAP1/Prss8 soit enzymatiquement inactivée. Ces observations, in vivo et in vitro, pourraient être utilisées dans l'élaboration de médicaments contenant nexin-1, pour le traitement de pathologies de la peau telles l'ichthyose et la dermatite atopique.