262 resultados para Sarpi, Paolo , 1552-1623
Lung volume reduction with valves is increasingly used to treat selected patients with severe emphysema. The indications for this procedure have been previously described; however, its contraindications have not yet been conclusively established. This case highlights the potentially severe complications of endobronchial one-way valve placement in the setting of a previous pleurodesis.
Suicidal behavior is commonly associated with depression. Twin studies indicate that both suicidality and major depressive disorder (MDD) are heritable. However, epidemiological evidence suggests that the inheritance of suicidality is likely to be independent of the underlying psychiatric disorder, implying a distinct genetic contribution to suicidality. We conducted a genomewide linkage search aiming to detect genomic loci that may harbor susceptibility genes contributing to risk for suicidality in recurrent MDD. Affected sibling pair (ASP) variance components analysis was performed using the Depression Network cohort of 971 ASPs. The quantitative trait measuring suicidality as a broad phenotype, encompassing ideation and suicide attempts, was established from Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry interview items. We examined 1,060 genotyped microsatellite markers with an average spacing of 3.3 cM. Empirical thresholds for linkage evidence were set by whole-genome simulations (LOD = 2.71 for genomewide significance, 1.71 for suggestive linkage). No genomewide significant findings were found. Marker D3S1234 on 3p14 achieved suggestive linkage and yielded a maximum LOD of 1.853 (P = 0.0017), loci 9p24.3 and 18q22-q23 achieved LOD scores >1.5. We found some support for linkage to 2p12 (LOD = 1.2, P = 0.0087) which was previously implicated in linkage studies of suicidality. Our follow-up meta-analysis of five studies showed strong linkage to this region (P = 2 × 10(-6) ). In conclusion, this study analyzed suicidality as a continuous trait in MDD. We found modest evidence for linkage on 3p14. Our meta-analysis supports previous evidence of linkage to suicidality on 2p12. Some candidate genes in these regions may plausibly be implicated in suicidality.
Purpose. To investigate the effect of the endothelin(A) receptor inhibitor BQ-123 on the retinal arteriolar vasculature in minipig retinas in normal eyes and eyes with acute branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods. Seven healthy eyes of seven minipigs and six eyes of six minipigs with experimental BRVO were evaluated under systemic anesthesia. An intravitreal juxta-arteriolar microinjection of 30 microL BQ-123 0.61 microg/mL (pH 7.4) was performed in all but one eye from each group, into which the physiologic saline vehicle alone was injected. Vessel-diameter changes were measured with a retinal vessel analyzer. Results. In healthy minipig retinas (n = 6), arteriolar diameter (+/-SD) increased 6.19% +/- 3.55% (P < 0.05), 25.98% +/- 2.37% (P < 0.001), 23.65% +/- 1.2% (P < 0.001), and 16.84% +/- 1.95% (P < 0.001), at 1, 5, 10, and 15 minutes, respectively, after BQ-123 microinjection. Two hours after experimental BRVO (n = 5), the retinal arteriolar diameter had decreased (13.07% +/- 5.7%; P < 0.01). One, 5, 10, and 15 minutes after BQ-123 microinjection, retinal arteriolar diameter had increased by 7.14% +/- 3.3% (P < 0.01), 26.74% +/- 7.63% (P < 0.001), 23.67% +/- 6.4% (P < 0.001), and 16.09% +/- 3.41% (P < 0.001), respectively. Vehicle only injection had no vasoactive effect on physiologic or BRVO retinas. Conclusions. A significant increase in retinal arteriolar diameter was demonstrated after juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection in healthy and in acute BRVO minipig retinas. The results suggest a role for endothelin-1 in maintaining retinal basal arteriolar tone. Reversing the BRVO-related vasoconstriction by juxta-arteriolar BQ-123 microinjection could bring a new perspective to the management of BRVO.
Résumé II lavoro verte sui volgarizzamenti quattro-cinquecenteschi di Luciano di Samosata, importante capitolo nella fortuna dell'autore greco, che diede l'avvio a quel vasto fenomeno chiamato "lucianesimo", esteso in Europa fino al XIX sec. In particolare fornisco l'edizione critica e commentata delle Storie vere volgarizzate, contenute nella prima, assai ampia (41 opuscoli), e per molto tempo unica, silloge lucianea in volgare, che ho datato a poco prima del 1480. Essa ci è giunta tramite un unico manoscritto, il Vaticano Chigiano L.VI.215, confezionato a Ferrara per Ercole I d'Este, nonché in almeno otto edizioni veneziane apparse fra il 1525 e il 1551. La princeps, da cui dipendono in vario modo tutte le edizioni successive, è pubblicata da Niccolò Zoppino. I1 ms. e le prime due edizioni (1525; 1527 Bindoni e Pasini) tacciono il nome del traduttore, che compare solo nell'edizione del 1529 (Zoppino): Niccolò Leoniceno (1428-1524), medico umanista e valente grecista, attivo a Ferrara dal 1464 al 1524, studioso e traduttore di Ippocrate e Galeno, editore di Aristotele e volgarizzatore di storici per Ercole d'Este. L'edizione ha richiesto uno studio preliminare sulle numerose traduzioni in latino e in volgare di Luciano, per valutare meglio le modalità della sua fortuna umanistica. Confrontando ms. e stampe, per le Storie vere si hanno due volgarizzamenti totalmente diversi, fin dal titolo: La vera historia nel ms., Le vere narrazioni nelle cinquecentine. Ma per l'ultimo quarto di testo, ms. e stampe in sostanza coincidono. La collazione ha coinvolto anche il testo greco (con gli apparati delle edizioni critiche) e la versione latina dell'umanista umbro Lilio Tifernate (1417/18-1486) risalente al 1439-43 ca., intitolata De veris narrationibus, di cui si hanno almeno tre redazioni d'autore; una quarta è invece dovuta probabilmente a Benedetto Bordon, che la inserì nella sua silloge latina di Luciano del 1494. Ho cosa stabilito che il volgarizzamento del ms. Chigiano, La vera historia, è stato eseguito direttamente dal greco, fatto eccezionale nel panorama delle traduzioni umanistiche, mentre quello a stampa, Le vere narrazioni, deriva dalla redazione Bordon del De veris narrationibus. La diversità dei titoli dipende dalle varianti dei codici greci utilizzati dai traduttori: il Vat. gr. 1323, o una sua copia, è utilizzato sia dal volgarizzatore del Chigiano, sia da Bordon, indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro; il Marc. gr. 434, o una sua copia, dal Tifernate. Il titolo latino mantenuto da Bordon risale al Tifernate. Per quanto riguarda l'attribuzione dei due volgarizzamenti, come già per altri due testi della silloge da me studiati (Lucio 01 Asino e Timone), anche per La vera historia del Chigiano è accettabile il nome di Niccolò Leoniceno, poiché: 1) essa è tradotta direttamente dal greco, correttamente e con buona resa in volgare, 2) Paolo Giovio -che conobbe di persona il Leoniceno -, negli Elogia veris clarorum virorum imaginibus apposita ricorda che i volgarizzamenti di Luciano e di Dione eseguiti dal Leoniceno piacquero molto ad Ercole d'Este, 3) nessuno nella prima metà del sec. XVI rivendica, per sé o per un suo maestro, il volgarizzamento di Luciano. Le vere narrazioni a stampa, tradotte dal latino del Bordon, dopo il 1494 e prima del 1525, per la parte che diverge dalla Vera historia rimangono invece anonime. Dato che si tratta di due volgarizzamenti distinti, ho allestito l'edizione a fronte dei due testi fin dove essi divergono, seguendo per l'uno il ms., per l'altro la princeps; per la parte finale, in cui confluiscono, mi baso invece sul manoscritto e relego in apparato le varianti più vistose della princeps (non è emerso un chiaro rapporto di dipendenza fra i due testimoni). Oltre all'apparato critico con le lezioni rifiutate, fornisco un commento con la giustificazione delle scelte e il confronto con i corrispondenti passi greci e latini.
Airway stenting is a common endoscopic procedure that is used to treat a variety of central airway lesions. Obstructions or fistulas involving the carina or nearby tracheobronchial structures require the use of specially designed stents, commonly referred to as Y-stents. Conventional methods of endobronchial Y-stent delivery are all characterized by a blind and apneic period during the procedure that carries the risk of stent misplacement or ventilation/oxygenation problems or both. Using combined suspension laryngoscopy, flexible bronchoscopy, and jet ventilation, we describe a technique that makes challenging bronchoscopic interventions--such as self-expandable Y-shaped airway stent delivery--easy, precise, and safe.
Metaphyseal dysplasia, Spahr type (MDST; OMIM 250400) was described in 1961 based on the observation of four children in one family who had rickets-like metaphyseal changes but normal blood chemistry and moderate short stature. Its molecular basis and nosologic status remained unknown. We followed up on those individuals and diagnosed the disorder in an additional member of the family. We used exome sequencing to ascertain the underlying mutation and explored its consequences on three-dimensional models of the affected protein. The MDST phenotype is associated with moderate short stature and knee pain in adults, while extra-skeletal complications are not observed. The sequencing showed that MDST segregated with a c.619T>G single nucleotide transversion in MMP13. The predicted non-conservative amino acid substitution, p.Trp207Gly, disrupts a crucial hydrogen bond in the calcium-binding region of the catalytic domain of the matrix metalloproteinase, MMP13. The MDST phenotype is associated with recessive MMP13 mutations, confirming the importance of this metalloproteinase in the metaphyseal growth plate. Dominant MMP13 mutations have been associated with metaphyseal anadysplasia (OMIM 602111), while a single child homozygous for a MMP13 mutation had been previously diagnosed as "recessive metaphyseal anadysplasia," that we conclude is the same nosologic entity as MDST. Molecular confirmation of MDST allows distinction of it from dominant conditions (e.g., metaphyseal dysplasia, Schmid type; OMIM # 156500) and from more severe multi-system conditions (such as cartilage-hair hypoplasia; OMIM # 250250) and to give precise recurrence risks and prognosis. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility and effects of non-invasive pressure support ventilation (NIV) on the breathing pattern in infants developing respiratory failure after extubation. DESIGN: Prospective pilot clinical study; each patient served as their own control. SETTING: A nine-bed paediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary university hospital. PATIENTS: Six patients (median age 5 months, range 0.5-7 months; median weight 4.2 kg, range 3.8-5.1 kg) who developed respiratory failure after extubation. INTERVENTIONS: After a period of spontaneous breathing (SB), children who developed respiratory failure were treated with NIV. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Measurements included clinical dyspnoea score (DS), blood gases and oesophageal pressure recordings, which were analysed for respiratory rate (RR), oesophageal inspiratory pressure swing (dPes) and oesophageal pressure-time product (PTPes). All data were collected during both periods (SB and NIV). When comparing NIV with SB, DS was reduced by 44% (P < 0.001), RR by 32% (P < 0.001), dPes by 45% (P < 0.01) and PTPes by 57% (P < 0.001). A non-significant trend for decrease in PaCO(2) was observed. CONCLUSION: In these infants, non-invasive pressure support ventilation with turbine flow generator induced a reduction of breathing frequency, dPes and PTPes, indicating reduced load of the inspiratory muscles. NIV can be used with some benefits in infants with respiratory failure after extubation.
PURPOSE: Nonvisual light-dependent functions in humans are conveyed mainly by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, which express melanopsin as photopigment. We aimed to identify the effects of circadian phase and sleepiness across 24 hours on various aspects of the pupil response to light stimulation. METHODS: We tested 10 healthy adults hourly in two 12-hour sessions covering a 24-hour period. Pupil responses to narrow bandwidth red (635 ± 18 nm) and blue (463 ± 24 nm) light (duration of 1 and 30 seconds) at equal photon fluxes were recorded, and correlated with salivary melatonin concentrations at the same circadian phases and to subjective sleepiness ratings. The magnitude of pupil constriction was determined from minimal pupil size. The post-stimulus pupil response was assessed from the pupil size at 6 seconds following light offset, the area within the redilation curve, and the exponential rate of redilation. RESULTS: Among the measured parameters, the pupil size 6 seconds after light offset correlated with melatonin concentrations (P < 0.05) and showed a significant modulation over 24 hours with maximal values after the nocturnal peak of melatonin secretion. In contrast, the post-stimulus pupil response following red light stimulation correlated with subjective sleepiness (P < 0.05) without significant changes over 24 hours. CONCLUSIONS: The post-stimulus pupil response to blue light as a marker of intrinsic melanopsin activity demonstrated a circadian modulation. In contrast, the effect of sleepiness was more apparent in the cone contribution to the pupil response. Thus, pupillary responsiveness to light is under influence of the endogenous circadian clock and subjective sleepiness.
Active labor-market policies (ALMPs) have developed significantly over the past two decades across Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, with substantial cross-national differences in terms of both extent and overall orientation. The objective of this article is to account for cross-national variation in this policy field. It starts by reviewing existing scholarship concerning political, institutional, and ideational determinants of ALMPs. It then argues that ALMP is too broad a category to be used without further specification, and it develops a typology of four different types of ALMPs: incentive reinforcement, employment assistance, occupation, and human capital investment. These are discussed and examined through ALMP expenditure profiles in selected countries. The article uses this typology to analyze ALMP trajectories in six Western European countries and shows that the role of this instrument changes dramatically over time. It concludes that there is little regularity in the political determinants of ALMPs. In contrast, it finds strong institutional and ideational effects, nested in the interaction between the changing economic context and existing labor-market policies.
The Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome type 1 (SGBS1, OMIM #312870) is an X-linked overgrowth condition comprising abnormal facial appearance, supernumerary nipples, congenital heart defects, polydactyly, fingernail hypoplasia, increased risk of neonatal death and of neoplasia. It is caused by mutation/deletion of the GPC3 gene. We describe a macrosomic 27-week preterm newborn with SGBS1 who presents a novel GPC3 mutation and emphasize the phenotypic aspects which allow a correct diagnosis neonatally in particular the rib malformations, hypoplasia of index finger and of the same fingernail, and 2nd-3rd finger syndactyly.
When dealing with multi-angular image sequences, problems of reflectance changes due either to illumination and acquisition geometry, or to interactions with the atmosphere, naturally arise. These phenomena interplay with the scene and lead to a modification of the measured radiance: for example, according to the angle of acquisition, tall objects may be seen from top or from the side and different light scatterings may affect the surfaces. This results in shifts in the acquired radiance, that make the problem of multi-angular classification harder and might lead to catastrophic results, since surfaces with the same reflectance return significantly different signals. In this paper, rather than performing atmospheric or bi-directional reflection distribution function (BRDF) correction, a non-linear manifold learning approach is used to align data structures. This method maximizes the similarity between the different acquisitions by deforming their manifold, thus enhancing the transferability of classification models among the images of the sequence.
We report successful bilateral lung transplantation for end-stage suppurative lung disease after a previous right-sided pneumonectomy performed for a destroyed lung. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of the procedure even in the context of mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal artificial oxygenation. Posttransplantation follow-up revealed excellent gas exchanges, no airway complications, and well-functioning grafts with right-sided ventilation and perfusion of 37% and 22%, respectively.
Sex differences in circadian rhythms have been reported with some conflicting results. The timing of sleep and length of time in bed have not been considered, however, in previous such studies. The current study has 3 major aims: (1) replicate previous studies in a large sample of young adults for sex differences in sleep patterns and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) phase; (2) in a subsample constrained by matching across sex for bedtime and time in bed, confirm sex differences in DLMO and phase angle of DLMO to bedtime; (3) explore sex differences in the influence of sleep timing and length of time in bed on phase angle. A total of 356 first-year Brown University students (207 women) aged 17.7 to 21.4 years (mean = 18.8 years, SD = 0.4 years) were included in these analyses. Wake time was the only sleep variable that showed a sex difference. DLMO phase was earlier in women than men and phase angle wider in women than men. Shorter time in bed was associated with wider phase angle in women and men. In men, however, a 3-way interaction indicated that phase angles were influenced by both bedtime and time in bed; a complex interaction was not found for women. These analyses in a large sample of young adults on self-selected schedules confirm a sex difference in wake time, circadian phase, and the association between circadian phase and reported bedtime. A complex interaction with length of time in bed occurred for men but not women. We propose that these sex differences likely indicate fundamental differences in the biology of the sleep and circadian timing systems as well as in behavioral choices.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the efficacy of coulomb-controlled iontophoresis (CCI) for delivery of riboflavin prior to corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL). METHODS: The eyes of 20 8-week-old Lewis rats, subject to epithelium-ON (epi-ON, n = 20 eyes) or epithelium-OFF (epi-OFF, n = 20 eyes) conditions, were used to evaluate the in vivo delivery of two riboflavin solutions: 0.1% riboflavin-20% dextran T500 solution (riboflavin-dextran) and 0.1% riboflavin 5'-phosphate (riboflavin-phosphate). After systemic intramuscular anesthesia, 0.25 mL of the photosensitizing agent was delivered by either instillation or CCI (2.11 mA/cm(2) for 4 or 10 minutes) into either epithelial condition. The CCI probe on the eye without current served as control. Confocal microscopy of flat-mounted corneas was used to analyze intracorneal penetration and fluorometry was used to quantify riboflavin in the aqueous within 30 minutes of treatment. RESULTS: Instillation and CCI allowed for uniform delivery of riboflavin-dextran throughout the stroma after epithelial debridement. Transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-dextran was not efficacious. Riboflavin-phosphate was successfully delivered in both epithelium conditions. Complete saturation of the cornea was achieved using CCI after removing the epithelium, the epi-ON case allowed for limited diffusion. Increasing the time from 4 to 10 minutes greatly increased the amount of riboflavin detected in the cornea and aqueous humor. CONCLUSIONS: Coulomb-controlled iontophoresis is an effective technique for transepithelial delivery of riboflavin-phosphate into the cornea. This drug delivery method would allow clinicians to significantly shorten the time required for the CXL procedure, with or without epithelial debridement. Whether efficient crosslinking can be achieved through an intact epithelium remains to be demonstrated.