274 resultados para Radiation injury


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The spared nerve injury (SNI) model mimics human neuropathic pain related to peripheral nerve injury and is based upon an invasive but simple surgical procedure. Since its first description in 2000, it has displayed a remarkable development. It produces a robust, reliable and long-lasting neuropathic pain-like behaviour (allodynia and hyperalgesia) as well as the possibility of studying both injured and non-injured neuronal populations in the same spinal ganglion. Besides, variants of the SNI model have been developed in rats, mice and neonatal/young rodents, resulting in several possible angles of analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to provide a detailed guidance regarding the SNI model and its variants, highlighting its surgical and behavioural testing specificities.


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Prognosis after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is determined by the severity of initial injury and secondary cerebral damage. The main determinants of secondary cerebral damage are brain ischemia and oedema. Traumatic brain injury is a heterogeneous disease. Head CT-scan is essential in evaluating initial type of injury and severity of brain oedema. A standardised approach based on prevention and treatment of secondary cerebral damage is the only effective therapeutic strategy of severe TBI. We review the classification, pathophysiology and treatment of secondary cerebral damage after severe TBI and discuss the management of intracranial hypertension, cerebral perfusion pressure and brain ischemia.


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OBJECTIVE: This article analyses the influence of treatment duration on survival in patients with invasive carcinoma of the cervix treated by radical radiation therapy. METHOD: Three hundred and sixty patients with FIGO stage IB-IIIB carcinoma of the cervix were treated in Lausanne (Switzerland) with external radiation and brachytherapy as first line therapy. Median therapy duration was 45 days. Patients were classified according to the duration of the therapies, taking 60 days (the 75th percentile) as an arbitrary cut-off. RESULTS: The 5-year survival was 61% (S.E. = 3%) for the therapy duration group of less than 60 days and 53% (S.E. = 7%) for the group of more than 60 days. In terms of univariate hazard ratio (HR), the relative difference between the two groups corresponds to a 50% increase of deaths (HR = 1.53, 95% CI = 1.03-2.28) for the longer therapy duration group (P = 0.044). In a multivariate analysis, the magnitude of estimated relative hazards for the longer therapies are confirmed though significance was reduced (HR = 1.52, 95% CI = 0.94-2.45, P = 0.084). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that short treatment duration is a factor associated with longer survival in carcinoma of the cervix.


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Antemortem demonstration of ischemia has proved elusive in head injury because regional CBF reductions may represent hypoperfusion appropriately coupled to hypometabolism. Fifteen patients underwent positron emission tomography within 24 hours of head injury to map cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2), and oxygen extraction fraction (OEF). We estimated the volume of ischemic brain (IBV) and used the standard deviation of the OEF distribution to estimate the efficiency of coupling between CBF and CMRO2. The IBV in patients was significantly higher than controls (67 +/- 69 vs. 2 +/- 3 mL; P < 0.01). The coexistence of relative ischemia and hyperemia in some patients implies mismatching of perfusion to oxygen use. Whereas the saturation of jugular bulb blood (SjO2) correlated with the IBV (r = 0.8, P < 0.01), SjO2 values of 50% were only achieved at an IBV of 170 +/- 63 mL (mean +/- 95% CI), which equates to 13 +/- 5% of the brain. Increases in IBV correlated with a poor Glasgow Outcome Score 6 months after injury (rho = -0.6, P < 0.05). These results suggest significant ischemia within the first day after head injury. The ischemic burden represented by this "traumatic penumbra" is poorly detected by bedside clinical monitors and has significant associations with outcome.


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Radiotherapy is successfully used to treat cancer. Emerging evidence, however, indicates that recurrences after radiotherapy are associated with increased local invasion, metastatic spreading and poor prognosis. Radiation-induced modifications of the tumor microenvironment have been proposed to contribute to increased aggressive tumor behavior, an effect also referred to as tumor bed effect, but the putative mechanisms involved have remained largely elusive. We have recently demonstrated that irradiation of the prospective tumor stroma impairs de novo angiogenesis through sustained inhibition of proliferation, migration and sprouting of endothelial cells. Experimental tumors growing within a pre-irradiated field have reduced tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth, increased hypoxia, necrosis, local invasion and distant metastasis. Mechanisms of progression involve adaptation of tumor cells to local hypoxic conditions as well as selection of cells with invasive and metastatic capacities. The matricellular protein CYR61 and integrin αVβ5 emerged as molecules that cooperate to mediate lung metastasis. Cilengitide, a small molecular inhibitor of αV integrins prevented lung metastasis formation. These results represent a conceptual advance to the understanding of the tumor bed effect and indicate that αV integrin inhibition might be a potential therapeutic approach for preventing metastasis in patients at risk for post-radiation recurrences.


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BACKGROUND: To assess functional results, complications, and success of larynx preservation in patients with recurrent squamous cell carcinoma after radiotherapy. METHODS: From a database of 40 patients who underwent supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL) with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP) from June 2001 to April 2006, eight patients were treated previously with radiotherapy due to squamous cell carcinoma of the glottic region and were treated for recurrence at the site of the primary cancer. RESULTS: SCPL with CHEP was performed in six men and two women with a mean age of 67 years due to recurrence and/or persistence at a mean time of 30 months postradiotherapy (in case #8 after concomitant chemoradiotherapy). Bilateral neck dissection at levels II-V was performed in six patients. Only case #8 presented metastasis in one node. In case #5, Delphian node was positive. It was possible to preserve both arytenoids in five cases. Definitive surgical margins were negative. Complications were encountered in seven patients. Follow-up was on average 44 months (range: 20-67 months). Organ preservation in this series was 75%, and local control was 87%. Overall 5-year survival was 50%. CONCLUSIONS: In selected patient with persistence and/or recurrence after radiotherapy due to cancer of the larynx, SCPL with CHEP seems to be feasible with acceptable local control and toxicity. Complications may occur as in previously non-irradiated patients. These complications must be treated conservatively to avoid altering laryngeal function.


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Plain film radiography often underestimates the extent of injury in children with epiphyseal fracture. Especially Salter-Harris V fractures (crush fracture of the epiphyseal plate) are often primarily not detected. MRI of the ankle was performed in 10 children aged 9-17 (mean 14) years with suspected epiphyseal injury using 1.0-T Magnetom Expert. The fractures were classified according to the Salter-Harris-Rang-Odgen classification and compared with the results of plain radiography. In one case MRI could exclude epiphyseal injury; in four cases the MRI findings changed the therapeutic management. The visualisation of the fracture in three orthogonal planes and the possibility of detection of cartilage and ligamentous injury in MR imaging makes this method superior to conventional radiography and CT. With respect to radiation exposure MRI instead of CT should be used for the diagnosis of epiphyseal injuries in children.


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Urinary indices are classically believed to allow differentiation of transient (or pre-renal) acute kidney injury (AKI) from persistent (or acute tubular necrosis) AKI. However, the data validating urinalysis in critically ill patients are weak. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Pons and colleagues demonstrate in a multicenter observational study that sodium and urea excretion fractions as well as urinary over plasma ratios performed poorly as diagnostic tests to separate such entities. This study confirms the limited diagnostic and prognostic ability of urine testing. Together with other studies, this study raises more fundamental questions about the value, meaning and pathophysiologic validity of the pre-renal AKI paradigm and suggests that AKI (like all other forms of organ injury) is a continuum of injury that cannot be neatly divided into functional (pre-renal or transient) or structural (acute tubular necrosis or persistent).


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BACKGROUND: Sorafenib (Sb) is a multiple kinase inhibitor targeting both tumour cell proliferation and angiogenesis that may further act as a potent radiosensitizer by arresting cells in the most radiosensitive cell cycle phase. This phase I open-label, noncontrolled dose escalation study was performed to determine the safety and maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of Sb in combination with radiation therapy (RT) and temozolomide (TMZ) in 17 patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma. METHODS: Patients were treated with RT (60 Gy in 2 Gy fractions) combined with TMZ 75 mg m(-2) daily, and Sb administered at three dose levels (200 mg daily, 200 mg BID, and 400 mg BID) starting on day 8 of RT. Thirty days after the end of RT, patients received monthly TMZ (150-200 mg m(-2) D1-5/28) and Sb (400 mg BID). Pharmacokinetic (PK) analyses were performed on day 8 (TMZ) and on day 21 (TMZ&Sb) (Clinicaltrials ID: NCT00884416). RESULTS: The MTD of Sb was established at 200 mg BID. Dose-limiting toxicities included thrombocytopenia (two patients), diarrhoea (one patient) and hypercholesterolaemia (one patient). Sb administration did not affect the mean area under the curve(0-24) and mean Cmax of TMZ and its metabolite 5-amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide (AIC). Tmax of both TMZ and AIC was delayed from 0.75 (TMZ alone) to 1.5 h (combined TMZ/Sb). The median progression-free survival was 7.9 months (95% confidence interval (CI): 5.4-14.55), and the median overall survival was 17.8 months (95% CI: 14.7-25.6). CONCLUSIONS: Although Sb can be combined with RT and TMZ, significant side effects and moderate outcome results do not support further clinical development in malignant gliomas. The robust PK data of the TMZ/Sb combination could be useful in other cancer settings.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term outcomes of patients undergoing endocavitary contact radiation therapy (ECR) for stage I rectal cancer. METHODS: A database of patients treated with ECR for biopsy-proven rectal adenocarcinoma from July 1986 to June 2006 was reviewed retrospectively. Only patients with primary, non-metastatic, ultrasonographically staged T1 N0 and T2 N0 cancer who had no adjuvant treatment were included. Patients received a median of 90 (range 60-190) Gy contact radiation, delivered transanally by a 50-kV X-ray tube in two to five fractions. RESULTS: Of 149 patients, 77 (40 T1, 37 T2) met the inclusion criteria. Median age was 74 (range 38-104) years, and median follow-up 69 (range 10-219) months. ECR failed in 21 patients (27 per cent) (persistent disease, four; recurrence, 17), of whom ten remained disease free after salvage therapy. The estimated 5-year disease-free survival rate was 74 (95 per cent confidence interval 63 to 83) per cent after ECR alone, and 87 (76 to 93) per cent when survival after salvage therapy for recurrence was included. CONCLUSION: ECR is a minimally invasive treatment option for early-stage rectal cancer. However, similar to other local therapies, ECR has a worse oncological outcome than radical surgery.


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Switzerland, the country with the highest health expenditure per capita, is lacking data on trauma care and system planning. Recently, 12 trauma centres were designated to be reassessed through a future national trauma registry by 2015. Lausanne University Hospital launched the first Swiss trauma registry in 2008, which contains the largest database on trauma activity nationwide. METHODS: Prospective analysis of data from consecutively admitted shock room patients from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2012. Shock room admission is based on physiology and mechanism of injury, assessed by prehospital physicians. Management follows a surgeon-led multidisciplinary approach. Injuries are coded by Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM) certified coders. RESULTS: Over the 5 years, 1,599 trauma patients were admitted, predominantly males with a median age of 41.4 years and median injury severity score (ISS) of 13. Rate of ISS >15 was 42%. Principal mechanisms of injury were road traffic (40.4%) and falls (34.4%), with 91.5% blunt trauma. Principal patterns were brain (64.4%), chest (59.8%) and extremity/pelvic girdle (52.9%) injuries. Severe (abbreviated injury scale [AIS] score ≥ 3) orthopaedic injuries, defined as extremity and spine injuries together, accounted for 67.1%. Overall, 29.1% underwent immediate intervention, mainly by orthopaedics (27.3%), neurosurgeons (26.3 %) and visceral surgeons (13.9%); 43.8% underwent a surgical intervention within the first 24 hours and 59.1% during their hospitalisation. In-hospital mortality for patients with ISS >15 was 26.2%. CONCLUSION: This is the first 5-year report on trauma in Switzerland. Trauma workload was similar to other European countries. Despite high levels of healthcare, mortality exceeds published rates by >50%. Regardless of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, trauma remains a surgical disease and needs dedicated surgical resources.


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BACKGROUND: We reviewed the current evidence on the benefit and harm of pre-hospital tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation after traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: We conducted a systematic literature search up to December 2007 without language restriction to identify interventional and observational studies comparing pre-hospital intubation with other airway management (e.g. bag-valve-mask or oxygen administration) in patients with TBI. Information on study design, population, interventions, and outcomes was abstracted by two investigators and cross-checked by two others. Seventeen studies were included with data for 15,335 patients collected from 1985 to 2004. There were 12 retrospective analyses of trauma registries or hospital databases, three cohort studies, one case-control study, and one controlled trial. Using Brain Trauma Foundation classification of evidence, there were 14 class 3 studies, three class 2 studies, and no class 1 study. Six studies were of adults, five of children, and three of both; age groups were unclear in three studies. Maximum follow-up was up to 6 months or hospital discharge. RESULTS: In 13 studies, the unadjusted odds ratios (ORs) for an effect of pre-hospital intubation on in-hospital mortality ranged from 0.17 (favouring control interventions) to 2.43 (favouring pre-hospital intubation); adjusted ORs ranged from 0.24 to 1.42. Estimates for functional outcomes after TBI were equivocal. Three studies indicated higher risk of pneumonia associated with pre-hospital (when compared with in-hospital) intubation. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the available evidence did not support any benefit from pre-hospital intubation and mechanical ventilation after TBI. Additional arguments need to be taken into account, including medical and procedural aspects.


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BACKGROUND: The obective of this study was to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis comparing intermittent with continuous renal replacement therapy (IRRT versus CRRT) as initial therapy for acute kidney injury (AKI) in the intensive care unit (ICU). METHODS: Assuming some patients would potentially be eligible for either modality, we modeled life year gained, the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) and healthcare costs for a cohort of 1000 IRRT patients and a cohort of 1000 CRRT patients. We used a 1-year, 5-year and a lifetime horizon. A Markov model with two health states for AKI survivors was designed: dialysis dependence and dialysis independence. We applied Weibull regression from published estimates to fit survival curves for CRRT and IRRT patients and to fit the proportion of dialysis dependence among CRRT and IRRT survivors. We then applied a risk ratio reported in a large retrospective cohort study to the fitted CRRT estimates in order to determine the proportion of dialysis dependence for IRRT survivors. We conducted sensitivity analyses based on a range of differences for daily implementation cost between CRRT and IRRT (base case: CRRT day $632 more expensive than IRRT day; range from $200 to $1000) and a range of risk ratios for dialysis dependence for CRRT as compared with IRRT (from 0.65 to 0.95; base case: 0.80). RESULTS: Continuous renal replacement therapy was associated with a marginally greater gain in QALY as compared with IRRT (1.093 versus 1.078). Despite higher upfront costs for CRRT in the ICU ($4046 for CRRT versus $1423 for IRRT in average), the 5-year total cost including the cost of dialysis dependence was lower for CRRT ($37 780 for CRRT versus $39 448 for IRRT on average). The base case incremental cost-effectiveness analysis showed that CRRT dominated IRRT. This dominance was confirmed by extensive sensitivity analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Initial CRRT is cost-effective compared with initial IRRT by reducing the rate of long-term dialysis dependence among critically ill AKI survivors.