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Objectifs En EHPAD, selon les recommandations de la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des troubles psychocomportementaux associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer ou aux syndromes apparentés, implique une réorganisation, une formation spécifique du personnel et du temps. Se pose ici la question du rôle des bénévoles dans cette prise en charge. Matériels et méthodes Enquête descriptive à partir de questionnaires distribués aux différents intervenants (bénévoles, professionnels de santé et aidants familiaux) d'une unité protégée de l'EHPAD de la clinique du Diaconat (Colmar, France) et spécifiquement élaborés pour évaluer leur vécu de l'expérience de bénévolat dans la prise en charge des résidents souffrant d'une maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'un syndrome apparenté. Résultats Sur les 101 questionnaires qui ont été remplis, 85,7 % des aidants, 60 % des bénévoles et 42,1 % des professionnels constataient des bénéfices pour eux-mêmes. Les professionnels et les aidants avaient confiance dans l'intervention des bénévoles. Cependant, les bénévoles semblaient manquer de compétence pour le soutien des aidants et dans les techniques de communication avec les résidents. Les points essentiels pour permettre un fonctionnement harmonieux entre les différents intervenants étaient de bien définir préalablement le rôle de bénévoles et d'en informer les autres intervenants, de former les bénévoles à ce rôle et de favoriser la communication entre les bénévoles et les professionnels. Conclusion Cette enquête montre que les bénévoles ont une place aux côtés des équipes soignantes pour participer à la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer ou syndromes apparentés. Ils ont une position singulière et jouent un rôle complémentaire de celui des soignants et des aidants. Objectives According to the recommendation of the French High Authority of Health (HAS), the non-pharmaceutical management of psycho-behavioural disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders in a nursing home, involves reorganization an specific training for staff members and time. This raises the question of the role of volunteering in this approach. Materials and methods A descriptive survey using questionnaires distributed to various stakeholders (volunteers, healthcare professionals and caregivers) of a protected unit of the nursing home of the Diaconat clinic (Colmar, France) and specifically designed to assess their experience of the volunteering in supporting residents suffering from Alzheimer's diseases or related disorders. Results Of the 101 questionnaires that were filled in, 85.7% of caregivers, 60% of volunteers and 42.1% of professionals recorded benefits for themselves. Professionals and informal carers had confidence in the intervention of volunteers. However, volunteers seemed to lack skills to support informal caregivers and specific knowledge about the technique of communicating with residents. The key points to favor harmonious collaborations between the different stakeholders were: to properly define the role of volunteers and to inform other stakeholders about this role previously, and to specifically educate themselves in this task and to promote communication between volunteers and all other professionals. Conclusion This study shows that volunteers have a place alongside medical teams to participate in the non-pharmaceutical treatment for people with Alzheimer's disease or related syndromes. They have a unique position and play a complementary role to that of carers and informal caregivers.
The treatment of biliary lithiasis has changed during the past 20 years. Cholecystectomy remains the gold standard for cholelithiasis, but many options are available for calculi of the common bile duct. Among them are surgical open or laparoscopic choledochotomy, biliary-enteric anastomosis, transduodenal sphincterotomy (TDS), endoscopic sphincterotomy. With the aim to describe the current place of TDS, we reviewed the patients operated on in our department between 1976 and 1992. We found 78 patients with a mean age of 58 years (26-89 years). 34 (43%) of them had acute cholecystitis, with 26 being operated on urgently. 47 (60%) were jaundiced, 15 (19%) had pancreatitis and 12 (15%) had cholangitis before operation. Indications for TDS have been impacted stone or absence of progression of the contrast medium on intraoperative cholangiography in 71 patients (91%). 3 patients died (1 pulmonary embolism, 1 sepsis of pulmonary origin, 1 MOF syndrome complicating preoperative necrotizing pancreatitis). 30 patients (38%) had complications, of which 20 were directly related to TDS. Hemorrhage occurred in 4 cases, and resolved spontaneously without transfusion. Hyperamylasemia occurred in 17 instances, but clinical pancreatitis developed in only 1 case, with complete resolution. 1 duodenal fistula healed after conservative therapy. No death is attributable directly to TDS. Today, the importance of endoscopic sphincterotomy is increasing. This retrospective study shows that TDS, if performed with caution, does not increase the operative risks even in emergent operations. During surgical exploration of the common bile duct, TDS is indicated to remove an impacted stone, or as a bilio-enteric anastomosis if multiple stones are present with a thin common duct.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)