Nos travaux traitent des dispositifs d'orientation scolaire et professionnelle (DOSP) voués au soutien et à l'accompagnement de jeunes inégalement dotés dans leur parcours d'orientation au moment de la transition aux études supérieures. Des innovations méthodologiques étaient requises afin d'étudier cette question dans la perspective théorique de justice sociale d'Amartya Sen. Nous avons procédé à l'élaboration et à la vérification des qualités scientifiques d'outils de récolte de données dans une étude comparative internationale. Notre étude multicas se fonde sur cinq pays (Burkina Faso, Canada, France, Turquie, Suisse). Dans chacun des cas, des données qualitatives ont été récoltées sur le système éducatif, l'organisation des services et les prestations de service d'orientation. Vingt-six entretiens semi-structurés ont été menés auprès de responsables de service, de conseillères et conseillers d'orientation psychologues ainsi que de jeunes en transition vers le supérieur. La validité interne ou crédibilité des outils a été assurée tout au long de l'élaboration et des révisions du protocole de recherche, empruntant les procédés propres à l'étude de cas. La vérification de la validité de construit et de la validité externe ou transférabilité, effectuée à partir des données de la préenquête, a mis en lumière la valeur heuristique de nos outils. Au final, le cadre comparatif des DOSP, présenté en annexe, compte parmi les toutes premières formes d'opérationnalisation du cadre théorique de Sen au champ de l'orientation.
Wood mice of the genus Apodemus are widely distributed in Eurasia, with the Eastern Mediterranean being considered as a hotspot. Indeed, numerous species have been documented in Iran, including A. witherbyi, A. hyrcanicus, A. uralensis, A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. arianus. In this study, 129 specimens were collected from different Iranian localities and two specimens from Afghanistan. The animals were identified taxonomically and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. Five species of the genus Apodemus were identified in Iran, including A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, A. cf. ponticus, A. uralensis, and A. mystacinus, beside, A. pallipes from Afghanistan. This study found no evidence of A. flavicollis or A. sylvaticus in Iran, despite their occurrence in Turkey, shedding doubt on the status of A. flavicollis in Iran, Asia Minor, and the Levant. Phylogenetic analyses imply that A. witherbyi has priority over A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. iconicus. Estimation of the divergence time for these taxa suggests a separation at around 7.2 Ma for the subgenera Karstomys (including A. mystacinus and A. epimelas) and Sylvaemus (including A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, A. pallipes, A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, and A. cf. ponticus). Within the subgenus Karstomys, the divergence times for A. mystacinus and A. epimelas were between 3.0 and 6.1 Ma, and divergence times within the subgenus Sylvaemus were between 5.2 and 6.9 Ma for A. witherbyi and other species in this subgenus. It is postulated that vicariance events including the uplifting of the Zagros Mountains and Anatolian Plateau in the middle Miocene and climate oscillations during the Messinian Salinity Crisis besides formation of the Hyrcanian tertiary forests during the Neogene probably played substantial roles in the radiation and distribution of the genus Apodemus in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The first molecular phylogenies of the flowering plant family Ranunculaceae were published more than twenty years ago, and have led to major changes in the infrafamilial classification. However, the current phylogeny is not yet well supported, and relationships among subfamilies and tribes of Ranunculaceae remain an open question. Eight molecular markers from the three genomes (nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial) were selected to investigate these relationships, including new markers for the family (two homologs of the nuclear CYCLOIDEA gene, the chloroplast gene ndhF, and the mitochondrial intron nad4-I1). The combination of multiple markers led to better resolution and higher support of phylogenetic relationships among subfamilies of Ranunculaceae, and among tribes within subfamily Ranunculoideae. Our results challenge the monophyly of Ranunculoideae as currently circumscribed due to the position of tribe Adonideae (Ranunculoideae), sister to Thalictroideae. We suggest that Thalictroideae could be merged with Ranunculoideae in an enlarged single subfamily.