206 resultados para Motilidade ocular


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OBJECTIVES: We developed a population model that describes the ocular penetration and pharmacokinetics of penciclovir in human aqueous humour and plasma after oral administration of famciclovir. METHODS: Fifty-three patients undergoing cataract surgery received a single oral dose of 500 mg of famciclovir prior to surgery. Concentrations of penciclovir in both plasma and aqueous humour were measured by HPLC with fluorescence detection. Concentrations in plasma and aqueous humour were fitted using a two-compartment model (NONMEM software). Inter-individual and intra-individual variabilities were quantified and the influence of demographics and physiopathological and environmental variables on penciclovir pharmacokinetics was explored. RESULTS: Drug concentrations were fitted using a two-compartment, open model with first-order transfer rates between plasma and aqueous humour compartments. Among tested covariates, creatinine clearance, co-intake of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and body weight significantly influenced penciclovir pharmacokinetics. Plasma clearance was 22.8 ± 9.1 L/h and clearance from the aqueous humour was 8.2 × 10(-5) L/h. AUCs were 25.4 ± 10.2 and 6.6 ± 1.8 μg · h/mL in plasma and aqueous humour, respectively, yielding a penetration ratio of 0.28 ± 0.06. Simulated concentrations in the aqueous humour after administration of 500 mg of famciclovir three times daily were in the range of values required for 50% growth inhibition of non-resistant strains of the herpes zoster virus family. CONCLUSIONS: Plasma and aqueous penciclovir concentrations showed significant variability that could only be partially explained by renal function, body weight and comedication. Concentrations in the aqueous humour were much lower than in plasma, suggesting that factors in the blood-aqueous humour barrier might prevent its ocular penetration or that redistribution occurs in other ocular compartments.


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BACKGROUND: Tumour control of vitreous seeds remains challenging owing to their resistance to radiation and systemic chemotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To describe the short-term efficacy of intravitreal melphalan for vitreous disease in retinoblastoma using a new injection technique and dose. METHODS: This study is a retrospective non-comparative review of 23 consecutive heavily pretreated patients (23 eyes) with active vitreous seeding and eligible for intravitreous chemotherapy (IViC). They received a total of 122 intravitreal injections of melphalan (20-30 μg) given every 7-10 days. The ocular status was objectively monitored under anaesthesia with fundus photography. RESULTS: All patients are alive without evidence of extraocular spread (95% CI 82.19% to 100%). Concomitant treatments, including other chemotherapeutic modalities, were used until complete sterilisation of the retinal seeding source and subretinal seeds. Globe retention was achieved in 87% (20/23) of cases. All retained eyes were in complete remission after a median follow-up period of 22 months (range 9-31 months). The Kaplan-Meier estimate of ocular survival rates at 2 years was 84.14% (95% CI 62.48% to 95.28%). A localised peripheral salt-and-pepper retinopathy was noted in 10 eyes (43%) at the site of injection. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first clinically documented case series of patients with retinoblastoma treated with IViC. Despite a possible confounding effect of concomitant chemotherapy prescription using other routes of administration in four of the successfully treated eyes (20%), IViC achieved an unprecedented success rate of tumour control in the presence of vitreous seeding. Of note, none of the treated eyes required external beam irradiation to control the vitreous seeding. Further studies are required to assess IViC retinal toxicity and to better delineate its role in the management of retinoblastoma.


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Purpose: To report on the clinical and electrophysiological findings in a patient with oculo-auricular syndrome due to HMX1 mutation, with a follow-up of 12 years. Background: Oculo-auricular syndrome (MIM: 612109) is a rare developmental recessive condition affecting the eye and external ear that results from a mutation in the HMX1 gene. Previously described ocular abnormalities include bilateral microcornea, posterior synechiae, cataract, chorioretinal colobomas and rod-cone dystrophy. Methods: Retrospective chart review of an affected boy followed over a period of 12 years who had serial complete ophthalmologic examinations, fundus photographs, Goldmann perimetry and full-field electroretinograms (ERG). Results: Initial ERG tracings revealed generalized rod more than cone dysfunction. Thereafter, a rapid deterioration in rod and cone function was detected on follow up ERGs. Conclusion: The retinal degeneration in the recessively inherited oculo-auricular syndrome is a progressive rod-cone dystrophy. Visual prognosis is guarded considering the progressive nature of the retinal dystrophy in early infancy.


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PURPOSE: To compare in-season eotaxin-1 levels in tears of patients suffering from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC) with (1) tears of normal subjects and (2) tears of SAC patients out of season. METHODS: Tears of 11 SAC patients and six control volunteers were collected during the pollen season. Tears of five SAC patients showing a strong sensitivity to grass pollen (skin-prick tests and specific serum IgE) were collected both in season and out of season. ELISA measured eotaxin-1 level. RESULTS: Eotaxin-1 concentration in tears of SAC patients [2,100+/-503 (SEM) pg/ml] and normal subjects (1,193+/-176 pg/ml) were significantly different (P=0.0049). Regarding allergic patients, the clinical score (sum of five allergic criteria) was significantly different in season and out of season (P=0.0043) as was also the case with eotaxin-1 concentration (P=0.024). CONCLUSIONS: The eotaxin-1 concentration in tears of patients showing hay fever could confirm a diagnosis of seasonal ocular allergy.


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We have previously shown that the eye is a mineralocorticoid-sensitive organ and we now question the role of mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in ocular inflammation. The endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU), a rat model of human intraocular inflammation, was induced by systemic administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Evaluations were made 6 and 24 hours after intraocular injection of aldosterone (simultaneous to LPS injection). Three hours after onset of EIU, the MR and the glucocorticoid metabolizing enzyme 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11β-HSD2) expression were down-regulated in iris/ciliary body and the corticosterone concentration was increased in aqueous humor, altering the normal MR/glucocorticoid receptor (GR) balance. At 24 hours, the GR expression was also decreased. In EIU, aldosterone reduced the intensity of clinical inflammation in a dose-dependent manner. The clinical benefit of aldosterone was abrogated in the presence of the MR antagonist (RU26752) and only partially with the GR antagonist (RU38486). Aldosterone reduced the release of inflammatory mediators (6 and 24 hours: TNF-α, IFN-γ, MIP-1α) in aqueous humor and the number of activated microglia/macrophages. Aldosterone partly prevented the uveitis-induced MR down-regulation. These results suggest that MR expression and activation in iris/ciliary body could protect the ocular structures against damages induced by EIU.


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PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of electron microscopy of the aqueous cells when confronted with the clinical association of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment after trauma, high intraocular pressure (IOP) and aqueous cells. METHOD: We report a clinical history of a 50-years-old man who had ocular trauma with perforation in 1944, intraocular lens for traumatic cataract in 1988, Yag capsulotomy in 1993 and retinal detachment with oral dialysis, high IOP and aqueous cells in anterior chamber in 1995. During the surgical therapy we performed an anterior chamber puncture to analyse the aqueous cells. An electron microscopic study was performed on 0.2 ml of aqueous humor mixed in the same volume of 2.5% glutaraldehyde and fixed with 1% osmium acid. RESULTS: Electron microscopic ultrastructural study of the aqueous cells showed numerous photoreceptor outer segments, some of them appearing degenerated. CONCLUSION: The combination of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with tears near the ora serrata, high IOP and aqueous cells in the anterior chamber should lead the physician to do an anterior chamber puncture and analyse the aqueous cells structure. The combination of those three clinical signs associated with the photoreceptor outer segments in the anterior chamber allowed to diagnose the Schwartz-Matsuo syndrome.


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There are various methods of providing pain relief for painful blind eyes. We wish to recommend this effective method of providing temporary analgesia in patients suffering from a severe painful blind eye before undergoing enucleation.


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Rapport de synthèse : Le rétinoblastome est la tumeur de l'oeil la plus fréquente chez l'enfant. Un diagnostic précoce est important pour sauver le globe oculaire et la survie du patient. Le but de notre étude est de déterminer l'évolution de l'intervalle diagnostique, c'est-à-dire le délai entre les premiers symptômes et la date du diagnostic officiel du rétinoblastome, sur une période de 40 ans en Suisse. Matériel et méthode : Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective faite sur 139 patients suisses traités pour rétinoblastome durant trois différentes périodes : (1) 1963-1983 ; (2) 1984-1993 ; et (3) 1994-2004. On compare certaines caractéristiques : le sexe du patient, la latéralité de la maladie, les premiers symptômes, leurs observateurs, l'intervalle diagnostique, l'âge au diagnostic, le stade de la maladie, l'histoire familiale. Résultats : 37 patients (26.6%) ont été traités dans la première période ; 44 (31.7%) dans la période 2 et 58 (41.7%) dans la période 3. L'intervalle diagnostique diminue de façon significative de 6.97 mois dans la période 1 à 3.58 dans la période 2 à 2.25 dans la période 3 pour le total des malades. Ceci reste significatif pour les rétinoblastomes unilatéraux. De plus, dans ce même groupe, on observe une diminution significative des stades avancés de la maladie, groupe E selon Murphree (61.5% dans la période 1 ; 46.7% dans la période 2 et 22.2 % dans la période 3). Lorsque la maladie est bilatérale, les mêmes observations se font de façon un peu moins marquée. Il n'y a aucun patient diagnostiqué au stade E de la maladie en présence d'une anamnèse familiale positive. Leucocorie (48.2%) et strabisme (20.1 %) sont les symptômes les plus fréquents durant les 3 périodes. Les seuls facteurs qui influencent significativement le risque d'avoir un stade E de la maladie sont la durée de l'intervalle diagnostic et la période de diagnostic. Conclusion : On constate un progrès dans le diagnostic du rétinoblastome en Suisse, surtout lors de maladie unilatérale. De même, des améliorations sont notées dans la maladie bilatérale mais de façon non significative. Il est donc important de mieux enseigner aux médecins à reconnaître les symptômes oculaires de la maladie et à référer les patients plus tôt aux spécialistes. Abstract : OBECTIVES : Retinoblastoma is the most frequent intraocular malignancy in children. Early diagnosis is essential for globe salvage and patient survival. The aim of our study was to determine how time to diagnosis of retinoblastoma has evolved over a 40-year period in Switzerland. METHOD AND PATIENTS : A retrospective study of 139 Swiss patients with retinoblastoma was performed comparing 3 periods: (1) 1963-1983; (2) 1984-1993; and (3) 1994-2004. Factors taken into account were gender, laterality of retínoblastoma, age at first symptoms, type and first observer of symptoms, time to diagnosis, age at diagnosis, disease stage, and family history. RESULTS : Thirty-seven patients (26.6%) were treated in period 1, 44 (31.7%) in period 2, and S8 (41.7%) in period 3.Overall, the diagnostic interval decreased in a significant way from 6.97 months in period 1 to 3.58 in period 2 and to 2.25 in period 3. When looking separately at unilateral and bilateral disease, the decrease oí the diagnostic interval remained statistically significant in unilateral retinoblastoma; there was also a significant reduction in the number of patients with advanced group E disease (Murphree classification) (61.5% in period 1, 46.7% in period 2, 22.2% in period 3). In bilateral disease, the same observations were made to a lesser extent. However, there were no cases with group E disease in 10 patients with positive family history. Leukornria (48.2%) and strabismus (20.1 %) were the 2 most frequent symptoms throughout the 3 periods. The only factors that statistically influenced the chances of having a diagnosis of group E disease were the diagnostic interval and period of diagnosis. Conclusion : Progress has been made in the diagnosis of retinoblastoma in Switzerland, notably in unilateral disease. Improvement to a lesser extent has also been observed in bilateral cases but without statistical significance. Greater effort is needed to teach physians-in-training to recognize the importance of ocular symptoms and refer patients earlier.


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Purpose: To compare the disease classification using optic nerve head imaging against clinical examination combined with perimetry in the case-finding environment.Methods: During a glaucoma screening event at the University Hospital in Lausanne 148 attendees opted to undergo an extended screening exam consisting of perimetry with Octopus (Haag-Streit, Koeniz, Switzerland), tonometry, gonioscopy, slit-lamp optic nerve head examination and Heidelberg Retinal Tomorgraph (HRT, Heidelberg engineering). Classification criteria of an abnormal clinical exam consisted of a cup to disc ratio > 0.6, other disc abnormality (e.g. notching), closed angles, Van Herrick < ¼ and intraocular pressure >21mmHg. In perimetry a square root loss variance (sLV) >3.0 dB was considered abnormal. Those cases with both an abnormal clinical exam and abnormal perimetric results were considered to be glaucoma suspects. An abnormal HRT exam was a global Moorfields Regression Analysis (MRA) result of "outside normal limits". The results from the worse eye for each instrument are reported.Results: The mean age of the patients was 59.9 years (SD ±14.8years). 46 subjects failed the clinical exam. 55 subjects had sLV>3.0dB. 86 subjects failed one or more of the testing components, 21 subjects failed both the clinical exam and perimetry. Two cases of advanced glaucoma were diagnosed on the day of the event. 20 subjects were referred due to other ocular pathology (10 cataract; 2 AMD; 8 other). 16 subjects were outside normal limits with the HRT, of which 11 failed the clinical exam, 9 failed the perimetric exam and 7 failed all three. HRT had a sensitivity of 33% CI [15%,57%] with a specificity of 93% CI [87%,97%].Conclusions: HRT shows good specificity, however the low sensitivity makes it of limited use in the proposed case finding scenario.


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INTRODUCTION: The association of a granulomatous uveitis and congenital cataract and is rarely observed in newborn children. We describe the history of two patients presenting simultaneously with these two features in the absence of a TORCH infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The first patient, a boy born in 1997, presented to our hospital two days after birth with multiples Koeppe's and Busacca's nodules and bilateral cataract. The second patient, a boy born in 2006, was referred two weeks after birth. He presented with a severe unilateral granulomatous uveitis, multiples iris nodules, a high intraocular pressure of 45 mmHg and a congenital cataract. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Lens extraction produced a rapid resolution of uveitis in these two patients. TORCH infection was ruled out in both children by history, extensive serologies performed simultaneously in mother and child or PCR of ocular fluids. CONCLUSIONS: A congenital cataract associated with a granulomatous uveitis is an extremely rare association. The removal of the lens resulted in complete resolution of the inflammation: a phacogenic mechanism could be at the origin of ocular inflammation in both cases.


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PURPOSE: To report a series of patients with cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion, and to quantify their visual impairment in motion with a simple clinical test. METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients suffering from cerebellar dysfunction and altered vision during motion were examined between 1994 and 2007. A control group consisted of 20 age- and sex-matched healthy people. All patients had a full neuro-ophthalmic examination. Near visual acuity (NVA) was measured at rest (static NVA) and during chair rotation (dynamic NVA). Distance visual acuity (DVA) was measured at rest (static DVA) and during rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA). RESULTS: Only four of the 20 patients reported altered vision during motion spontaneously. The remaining 16 patients admitted this unusual visual disturbance only when asked specifically. All patients exhibited abnormal eye movements, including saccadic smooth pursuit (20/20), dysmetric saccades (15/20), nystagmus (19/20) and impaired suppression of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) (20/20). During rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), the drop in NVA averaged 5.6 lines (range 1-10 lines). During rotation of the patient's head (dynamic DVA), the drop in DVA averaged only 2.5 lines (range 0-10 lines). For the control group, there was no significant drop in NVA under dynamic conditions. CONCLUSION: Patients with cerebellar dysfunction rarely complain spontaneously of altered vision during motion. However, specific questioning may bring up this unusual symptom. The use of a simple clinical test, consisting of NVA measurement during rotation of the examination chair (dynamic NVA), allows practitioners to quantify the level of visual impairment in patients presenting altered VOR modulation.


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PURPOSE: To describe a probable case of bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP) with unusual manifestations and prognosis. DESIGN: Case report. METHODS: Clinical follow-up of the patient lasting 50 months with recurrent fundus examination using color photographs, angiography, ultrasound, and optical coherence tomography. Serological and radiological investigations were performed to assess possible extraocular alterations. RESULTS: In both eyes patch-shaped pigmented alterations of the fundus were revealed. Fluorescein and indocyanine angiography evidenced corresponding areas of hyperfluorescent pinpoints and subtle serous detachment of the neurosensory retina, respectively. Ten months after the initial evaluation, flat pigmentary lesions appeared in the superior scleral surface of the right eye and underwent histological examination. After an initial decrease in visual acuity, the patient experienced a spontaneous recovery. He did not develop cataracts or any systemic malignancies. CONCLUSIONS: Although not all the criteria for the diagnosis were fulfilled, clinical findings were compatible with BDUMP. The presence of scleral pigmented lesions and the good visual prognosis may widen the spectrum of this rare disease.


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BACKGROUND: Endoresection of choroidal melanoma may offer the best hope of conserving vision in some patients but is controversial because of concerns regarding iatrogenic tumour dissemination. METHODS: Retrospective, non-randomised study of consecutive patients who underwent endoresection for choroidal melanoma at the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre between 1996 and 2010. RESULTS: The study included 71 patients with a mean age of 58.7 years. The tumour extended within 2 disc diameters of the optic disc in 46 (65%) eyes, involving the disc in 24 (34%) eyes. The mean largest basal tumour diameter and tumour thickness were 9.5 mm and 4.4 mm, respectively. The median follow-up was 4.1 years. The visual acuity at the latest follow-up was better than 6/30 in 31% eyes. The main causes of visual loss were foveal excision, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD) and proliferative vitreo-retinopathy (PVR). Local recurrence developed in two patients (3%), who were treated by enucleation and proton beam radiotherapy, respectively. RD occurred in 16 cases (22%). Three (4%) eyes were enucleated, two because of PVR and one because of local tumour recurrence. Five patients died of metastatic disease. CONCLUSIONS: Endoresection achieved high rates of local tumour control. This operation would seem to be a useful alternative to radiotherapy as a means of conserving vision in eyes with juxtapapillary melanoma.


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this pilot study is to compare the efficacy and tolerance of azithromycin alone as opposed to standard treatment with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine for active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. MATERIAL/METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, institutional clinical study comparing azithromycin to sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine for active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Nineteen out of 75 patients fulfilled inclusion criteria and were randomized into 2 treatment regimens. Nine patients were treated with sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine and 10 patients with azithromycin at a dose of 500 mg qd. Main outcome measures assessed were time to sharpening of lesion borders, time to lesion scarring, time to disease inactivity, and treatment tolerance. RESULTS: Azithromycin monotherapy achieved lesion scarring and disease inactivity in all but 1 patient. Although no statistically significant difference was found between the 2 patient groups as regards main outcome measures for treatment efficacy, all median times to endpoints (days) were longer for the azithromycin group - time to sharpening of lesion borders on clinical evaluation (25.5 vs. 24) and masked evaluation of photographs (30.5 vs. 24), time to lesion scarring on clinical evaluation (73 vs. 47) and masked evaluation of photographs (71.5 vs. 36) and time to disease inactivity (73 vs. 49). Treatment tolerance was significantly better for the azithromycin group (p=0.0005). ConcluSIONS: Azithromycin monotherapy at a dose of 500 mg per day was shown to be effective and well-tolerated for the treatment of active, non-vision-threatening toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis. Duration of treatment was clinically longer for the azithromycin group.


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Abstract Purpose: XG-102, a TAT-coupled dextrogyre peptide inhibiting the c-Jun N-terminal kinase, was shown efficient in the treatment of experimental uveitis. Preclinical studies are now performed to determine optimal XG-102 dose and route of administration in endotoxin-induced uveitis (EIU) in rats with the purpose of clinical study design. METHODS: EIU was induced in Lewis rats by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) injection. XG-102 was administered at the time of LPS challenge by intravenous (IV; 3.2, 35 or 355 μg/injection), intravitreal (IVT; 0.08, 0.2 or 2.2 μg/eye), or subconjunctival (SCJ; 0.2, 1.8 or 22 μg/eye) routes. Controls received either the vehicle (saline) or dexamethasone phosphate injections. Efficacy was assessed by clinical scoring, infiltrating cells count, and expression of inflammatory mediators [inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1)]. The effect of XG-102 on phosphorylation of c-Jun was evaluated by Western blot. RESULTS: XG-102 demonstrated a dose-dependent anti-inflammatory effect in EIU after IV and SCJ administrations. Respective doses of 35 and 1.8 μg were efficient as compared with the vehicle-injected controls, but only the highest doses, respectively 355 and 22 μg, were as efficient as dexamethasone phosphate. After IVT injections, the anti-inflammatory effect of XG-102 was clinically evaluated similar to the corticoid's effect with all the tested doses. Regardless of the administration route, the lowest efficient doses of XG-102 significantly decreased the ration of phospho c-Jun/total c-Jun, reduced cells infiltration in the treated eyes, and significantly downregulated iNOS and CINC-1 expression in the retina. CONCLUSION: These results confirm that XG-102 peptide has potential for treating intraocular inflammation. SCJ injection appears as a good compromise to provide a therapeutic effect while limiting side effects.