249 resultados para Knee-joint angle
PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic performance of multi-detector CT arthrography (CTA) and 1.5-T MR arthrography (MRA) in detecting hyaline cartilage lesions of the shoulder, with arthroscopic correlation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: CTA and MRA prospectively obtained in 56 consecutive patients following the same arthrographic procedure were independently evaluated for glenohumeral cartilage lesions (modified Outerbridge grade ≥2 and grade 4) by two musculoskeletal radiologists. The cartilage surface was divided in 18 anatomical areas. Arthroscopy was taken as the reference standard. Diagnostic performance of CTA and MRA was compared using ROC analysis. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement was determined by κ statistics. RESULTS: Sensitivity and specificity of CTA varied from 46.4 to 82.4 % and from 89.0 to 95.9 % respectively; sensitivity and specificity of MRA varied from 31.9 to 66.2 % and from 91.1 to 97.5 % respectively. Diagnostic performance of CTA was statistically significantly better than MRA for both readers (all p ≤ 0.04). Interobserver agreement for the evaluation of cartilage lesions was substantial with CTA (κ = 0.63) and moderate with MRA (κ = 0.54). Intraobserver agreement was almost perfect with both CTA (κ = 0.94-0.95) and MRA (κ = 0.83-0.87). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic performance of CTA and MRA for the detection of glenohumeral cartilage lesions is moderate, although statistically significantly better with CTA. KEY POINTS: ? CTA has moderate diagnostic performance for detecting glenohumeral cartilage substance loss. ? MRA has moderate diagnostic performance for detecting glenohumeral cartilage substance loss. ? CTA is more accurate than MRA for detecting cartilage substance loss.
Purpose: Fluoroscopy-guided sacroiliac joint (SIJ) injections are technically difficult to perform because of the complex anatomy with helicoidal conformation of the joint. Our study describes the procedure of CT-guided SIJ injection, its feasibility and its rate of success. Methods and materials: Retrospective study included 46 consecutive patients. The procedure was performed by 3 MSK radiologists and consisted in a puncture with a posterior approach in the inferior articular part of SIJ, then in an injection of iodinated contrast agent (1ml) with CT control of SIJ space opacification and finally in an injection of slowacting corticosteroid. The SIJ approach was noticed as correct if there was an inferior articular puncture and if the needle was in the articular space, and as impossible if there was ankylosis or osteophytosis. The study was divided in two successive periods: period 1 (4 first months) and period 2 (12 last months). Results: SIJ opacification was successful in 57% (26/46). We observed a learning curve: opacification was succeeded in 66% (23/35) and there was incorrect approach in 9% (3/35) during period 2 versus respectively 27% (3/11) and 45% (5/11) during period 1. Causes of failure were incorrect approach in 40% (6/20 too low, 2/20 too high), impossible approach in 30% (6/20) and unexplained in 30% (6/20). Mean duration of procedure was about 28 minutes. No complication occurred. Conclusion: CT guided SIJ injection is safe and successful in 66% after a training period. The success depends on SIJ correct approach and also on anatomical lesions.
L'évaluation des résultats des arthroplasties totales du genou demande une évaluation du geste thérapeutique ou clinique, mais doit également tenir compte de l'impact de ce geste sur l'état de santé global du patient (somatique, psychologique, social) et intégrer son degré de satisfaction. La complexité croissante des instruments de mesure du suivi a de quoi décourager le chirurgien praticien déjà surchargé par son activité clinique quotidienne. L'apparition des scores, des études prospectives et des analyses statistiques, telles les courbes de survie, ont certainement permis une appréciation plus objective de nos résultats, tout en accroissant nos connaissances et en améliorant notre pratique quotidienne. La question aujourd'hui n'est plus de savoir si un suivi clinique de nos patients est utile, mais plutôt de choisir les bons instruments et de définir les buts de l'analyse tout en cherchant comment implanter cette démarche de manière réaliste dans nos pratiques. Les scores classiques, aussi imparfaits soient-ils, restent pour l'instant utiles. Largement diffusés à travers le monde, appliqués de manière prospective, ces outils de suivi orientés vers la clinique et la radiologie sont le fondement du suivi prospectif des implants. Au quotidien, ils permettent un suivi en temps réel des implants d'un service ou d'une institution. Cependant, leur faiblesse intrinsèque résidant dans l'inaptitude à saisir le point de vue du patient, il semble inéluctable d'y adjoindre des instruments psychométriques. Dans l'avenir, la recherche devrait se concentrer vers le développement d'outils adaptés, capables de cerner avec une plus grande précision l'attente des patients et de technologies accessibles à chaque praticien pour mesurer objectivement les capacités fonctionnelles de leurs patients avec plus d'acuité. Le développement de systèmes permettant une évaluation objective de la fonction quotidienne du patient revêt un intérêt tout particulier. Parallèlement, un effort doit être fait au niveau des sociétés spécialisées nationales et internationales pour harmoniser leurs protocoles de suivi.
Introduction: Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a rare benign tumour of the synovium, most commonly arising around the knee. Resection remains the treatment of choice. The diffuse variant of the disease is prone to local recurrence (30-50%). However distant dissemination is extremely rare. We report the case of a patient with massive loco-regional and late distant spread to the lungs of PVNS originating in the knee. Case report: A 69 yo women presented to our service 27 years ago with PVNS in her knee. Despite multible surgical resections, synoviorthesis and external beam radiotherapy, no local control was achieved. The disease spread in all thigh compartments. Due to the resistance to all convetional treatment modalities, isolated limb perfusion with TNFα and Melphalan was performed, without any effect on local control. After the disease was diagnosed in iliac lymph nodes, the patient was subjected to a systemic chemotherapy protocol with imitamib, which had to be abandoned, due to intolerance. Due to a giant lymphoedema of the entire limb, making up for a considerable part of the patient's body weight and in view of significant skin invasion, a hip disarticulation was performed. Finally, rapidly growing lung metastases appeared on CT scan, confirmed by core-needle biopsy. Palliative chemotherapy was initiated. Interestingly, histological analysis of the disease throughout the years remained consistent with classic benign PVNS. No sarcomatous dedifferentiation was observed, not even in the pulmonary lesions. Conclusion: PVNS is a benign tumour, with a high risk of local recurrence. Malignant behaviour, with loco-regional and distant metastases remains extremely rare. A histologically benign appearance does not exclude a clinically malignant behaviour with systemic spread.
In studies of the natural history of HIV-1 infection, the time scale of primary interest is the time since infection. Unfortunately, this time is very often unknown for HIV infection and using the follow-up time instead of the time since infection is likely to provide biased results because of onset confounding. Laboratory markers such as the CD4 T-cell count carry important information concerning disease progression and can be used to predict the unknown date of infection. Previous work on this topic has made use of only one CD4 measurement or based the imputation on incident patients only. However, because of considerable intrinsic variability in CD4 levels and because incident cases are different from prevalent cases, back calculation based on only one CD4 determination per person or on characteristics of the incident sub-cohort may provide unreliable results. Therefore, we propose a methodology based on the repeated individual CD4 T-cells marker measurements that use both incident and prevalent cases to impute the unknown date of infection. Our approach uses joint modelling of the time since infection, the CD4 time path and the drop-out process. This methodology has been applied to estimate the CD4 slope and impute the unknown date of infection in HIV patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. A procedure based on the comparison of different slope estimates is proposed to assess the goodness of fit of the imputation. Results of simulation studies indicated that the imputation procedure worked well, despite the intrinsic high volatility of the CD4 marker.
With the trend in molecular epidemiology towards both genome-wide association studies and complex modelling, the need for large sample sizes to detect small effects and to allow for the estimation of many parameters within a model continues to increase. Unfortunately, most methods of association analysis have been restricted to either a family-based or a case-control design, resulting in the lack of synthesis of data from multiple studies. Transmission disequilibrium-type methods for detecting linkage disequilibrium from family data were developed as an effective way of preventing the detection of association due to population stratification. Because these methods condition on parental genotype, however, they have precluded the joint analysis of family and case-control data, although methods for case-control data may not protect against population stratification and do not allow for familial correlations. We present here an extension of a family-based association analysis method for continuous traits that will simultaneously test for, and if necessary control for, population stratification. We further extend this method to analyse binary traits (and therefore family and case-control data together) and accurately to estimate genetic effects in the population, even when using an ascertained family sample. Finally, we present the power of this binary extension for both family-only and joint family and case-control data, and demonstrate the accuracy of the association parameter and variance components in an ascertained family sample.
Background: Arthrodesis of the knee by intramedullary fixation hasbeen reported to have a higher rate of success than external fixationor compression plating. Antegrade nailing however can lead to complicationsdue to the different diameters of the medullary canals, fracturesduring insertion, poor rotational stability, breakage of the IM-nailand insufficient compression at the fusion site.Method: This retrospective study reports all knee fusions performedby the same orthopaedic surgeon with the Wichita (Stryker) fusion nail(WFN) from 2004 to 2010. The Wichita nail is a short nail with a deviceat the knee which allows for coupling of differently sized and interlockedfemoral and tibial components and at the same time for compression.Results: We report of 18 patients with a mean follow up of 28 months(range 3-71 months). Infected TKA was the most common indicationfor arthrodesis in 9 cases. The remaining reasons included asepticfailed TKA in 3 cases, 2 patients after fracture, 1 patient with neurologicalinstability after knee dislocation, 1 patient after tumoral resectionand 1 non union after failed arthrodesis with long antegrade nail.Finally 1 patient with bilateral congenital knee dislocation operated onboth sides. As expected, patients receiving the WFN had undergonea large number of previous knee surgeries with a mean of 3.8 (range0-8) procedures per patient. The complication rate was 27% (5 of 18).Two patients had persistent pain requiring revision surgery to increasestability with plating. One case of periprosthetic fracture needed openreduction and internal fixation. 2 patients with superficial hematomawere treated one with open drainage and the other with physiotherapy.Infection was erradicated in all septic cases, we found no new infectionand the fusion rate was 100%.Conclusion: The results in these often difficult cases are satisfyingand we think that this technique is a valid alternative to the otherknown techniques of knee fusion in patients with a poor bone stockand fragile soft tissues.
Inbreeding avoidance is often invoked to explain observed patterns of dispersal, and theoretical models indeed point to a possibly important role. However, while inbreeding load is usually assumed constant in these models, it is actually bound to vary dynamically under the combined influences of mutation, drift, and selection and thus to evolve jointly with dispersal. Here we report the results of individual-based stochastic simulations allowing such a joint evolution. We show that strongly deleterious mutations should play no significant role, owing to the low genomic mutation rate for such mutations. Mildly deleterious mutations, by contrast, may create enough heterosis to affect the evolution of dispersal as an inbreeding-avoidance mechanism, but only provided that they are also strongly recessive. If slightly recessive, they will spread among demes and accumulate at the metapopulation level, thus contributing to mutational load, but not to heterosis. The resulting loss of viability may then combine with demographic stochasticity to promote population fluctuations, which foster indirect incentives for dispersal. Our simulations suggest that, under biologically realistic parameter values, deleterious mutations have a limited impact on the evolution of dispersal, which on average exceeds by only one-third the values expected from kin-competition avoidance.
Infection of total hip arthroplasties (THA) leads to significant long-termmorbidity and high healthcare costs. We evaluated the differentreasons for treatment failure using different surgical modalities in a12-year prosthetic joint infection cohort study.Method: All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected THAwere included either retrospectively (1999-2007) or prospectively(2008-2010). THA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganismin ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid culture, visible purulence, sinustract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysiswas performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients,their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.Results: During the study period, 117 patients with THA were identified.We exclude 2 patients due to missing data. The median age was69 years (range, 33-102 years); 42% were women. THA was mainlyperformed for osteoarthritis (n = 84), followed by trauma (n = 22),necrosis (n = 4), dysplasia (n = 2), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 1), osteosarcoma(n = 1) and tuberculosis (n = 1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months aftersurgery). Infected THA were treated with (i) two-stage exchange in59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 5 (4.3%,cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobileparts in 17 (14%, cure rate: 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, curerate: 100%), and (vi) two-stage exchange followed by removal in 3(2.6%). Patients were followed for a mean of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected THA. 15 patients (13%)needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons (dislocationof spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridementand retention (8 without change and 3 with change of mobile parts)and 3 with two-stage exchange. The mean number of surgery was 2.2(range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, butthe functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistentpain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).Conclusions: Non-respect of current treatment concept leads totreatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of eachtreatment failures can be used for improving the treatment algorithmleading to better results.
Objective¦Joint hypermobility (JH) and Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) are often underdiagnosed¦and were never specifically assessed in a selected population of chronic low back pain¦(LBP). This study aimed to assess JH and JHS among a population with chronic LBP using the¦Beighton and the Brigthon criteria.¦Methods¦We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study based on a prospective data base¦among 143 patients with non-specific chronic LBP. Patients were seen by the same rheumatologist,¦who looked for JH and JHS and took their medical history. Data were analysed using logistic¦regression.¦Results¦We found a JH prevalence of 33,3% (CI 95% 22.0-44.6) among women and 21,4% (11.7-¦31.2) among men, and for JHS, of 37,9% (26.0-49.8) among women and 30,9% (19.7-42.0) among¦men. JH was less frequent among people older than fifty (P < 0.02). JHS was more prevalent among¦Swiss individuals (P < 0.01) and among individuals having a non-manual job (P<0.03) compared to¦there opposites. Patients having an important limitation for daily living activities were four times¦more likely to have JHS. Degenerative spinal disorders were negatively associated with JH (OR¦0.31 (0.13-0.73) and JHS (OR 0.31 (0.14-0.68).¦Conclusion¦A high prevalence of joint hypermobility was found in our population. JHS should be¦part of differential diagnosis in individuals with chronic non-specific LBP.
This thesis is a compilation of projects to study sediment processes recharging debris flow channels. These works, conducted during my stay at the University of Lausanne, focus in the geological and morphological implications of torrent catchments to characterize debris supply, a fundamental element to predict debris flows. Other aspects of sediment dynamics are considered, e.g. the coupling headwaters - torrent, as well as the development of a modeling software that simulates sediment transfer in torrent systems. The sediment activity at Manival, an active torrent system of the northern French Alps, was investigated using terrestrial laser scanning and supplemented with geostructural investigations and a survey of sediment transferred in the main torrent. A full year of sediment flux could be observed, which coincided with two debris flows and several bedload transport events. This study revealed that both debris flows generated in the torrent and were preceded in time by recharge of material from the headwaters. Debris production occurred mostly during winter - early spring time and was caused by large slope failures. Sediment transfers were more puzzling, occurring almost exclusively in early spring subordinated to runoffconditions and in autumn during long rainfall. Intense rainstorms in summer did not affect debris storage that seems to rely on the stability of debris deposits. The morpho-geological implication in debris supply was evaluated using DEM and field surveys. A slope angle-based classification of topography could characterize the mode of debris production and transfer. A slope stability analysis derived from the structures in rock mass could assess susceptibility to failure. The modeled rockfall source areas included more than 97% of the recorded events and the sediment budgets appeared to be correlated to the density of potential slope failure. This work showed that the analysis of process-related terrain morphology and of susceptibility to slope failure document the sediment dynamics to quantitatively assess erosion zones leading to debris flow activity. The development of erosional landforms was evaluated by analyzing their geometry with the orientations of potential rock slope failure and with the direction of the maximum joint frequency. Structure in rock mass, but in particular wedge failure and the dominant discontinuities, appear as a first-order control of erosional mechanisms affecting bedrock- dominated catchment. They represent some weaknesses that are exploited primarily by mass wasting processes and erosion, promoting not only the initiation of rock couloirs and gullies, but also their propagation. Incorporating the geological control in geomorphic processes contributes to better understand the landscape evolution of active catchments. A sediment flux algorithm was implemented in a sediment cascade model that discretizes the torrent catchment in channel reaches and individual process-response systems. Each conceptual element includes in simple manner geomorphological and sediment flux information derived from GIS complemented with field mapping. This tool enables to simulate sediment transfers in channels considering evolving debris supply and conveyance, and helps reducing the uncertainty inherent to sediment budget prediction in torrent systems. Cette thèse est un recueil de projets d'études des processus de recharges sédimentaires des chenaux torrentiels. Ces travaux, réalisés lorsque j'étais employé à l'Université de Lausanne, se concentrent sur les implications géologiques et morphologiques des bassins dans l'apport de sédiments, élément fondamental dans la prédiction de laves torrentielles. D'autres aspects de dynamique sédimentaire ont été abordés, p. ex. le couplage torrent - bassin, ainsi qu'un modèle de simulation du transfert sédimentaire en milieu torrentiel. L'activité sédimentaire du Manival, un système torrentiel actif des Alpes françaises, a été étudiée par relevés au laser scanner terrestre et complétée par une étude géostructurale ainsi qu'un suivi du transfert en sédiments du torrent. Une année de flux sédimentaire a pu être observée, coïncidant avec deux laves torrentielles et plusieurs phénomènes de charriages. Cette étude a révélé que les laves s'étaient générées dans le torrent et étaient précédées par une recharge de débris depuis les versants. La production de débris s'est passée principalement en l'hiver - début du printemps, causée par de grandes ruptures de pentes. Le transfert était plus étrange, se produisant presque exclusivement au début du printemps subordonné aux conditions d'écoulement et en automne lors de longues pluies. Les orages d'été n'affectèrent guère les dépôts, qui semblent dépendre de leur stabilité. Les implications morpho-géologiques dans l'apport sédimentaire ont été évaluées à l'aide de MNT et études de terrain. Une classification de la topographie basée sur la pente a permis de charactériser le mode de production et transfert. Une analyse de stabilité de pente à partir des structures de roches a permis d'estimer la susceptibilité à la rupture. Les zones sources modélisées comprennent plus de 97% des chutes de blocs observées et les bilans sédimentaires sont corrélés à la densité de ruptures potentielles. Ce travail d'analyses des morphologies du terrain et de susceptibilité à la rupture documente la dynamique sédimentaire pour l'estimation quantitative des zones érosives induisant l'activité torrentielle. Le développement des formes d'érosion a été évalué par l'analyse de leur géométrie avec celle des ruptures potentielles et avec la direction de la fréquence maximale des joints. Les structures de roches, mais en particulier les dièdres et les discontinuités dominantes, semblent être très influents dans les mécanismes d'érosion affectant les bassins rocheux. Ils représentent des zones de faiblesse exploitées en priorité par les processus de démantèlement et d'érosion, encourageant l'initiation de ravines et couloirs, mais aussi leur propagation. L'incorporation du control géologique dans les processus de surface contribue à une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution topographique de bassins actifs. Un algorithme de flux sédimentaire a été implémenté dans un modèle en cascade, lequel divise le bassin en biefs et en systèmes individuels répondant aux processus. Chaque unité inclut de façon simple les informations géomorpologiques et celles du flux sédimentaire dérivées à partir de SIG et de cartographie de terrain. Cet outil permet la simulation des transferts de masse dans les chenaux, considérants la variabilité de l'apport et son transport, et aide à réduire l'incertitude liée à la prédiction de bilans sédimentaires torrentiels. Ce travail vise très humblement d'éclairer quelques aspects de la dynamique sédimentaire en milieu torrentiel.
BACKGROUND: Tendon transfers and calcaneal osteotomies are commonly used to treat symptoms related to medial ankle arthrosis in fixed pes cavovarus. However, the relative effect of these osteotomies in terms of lateralizing the ground contact point of the hindfoot and redistributing ankle joint contact stresses are unknown. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Pes cavovarus with fixed hindfoot varus was simulated in eight cadaver specimens. The effect of three types of calcaneal osteotomies on the migration of the center of force and tibiotalar peak pressure at 300 N axial static load (half-body weight) were recorded using pressure sensors. RESULTS: A significant lateral shift of the center of force was observed: 4.9 mm for the laterally closing Z-shaped osteotomy with additional lateralization of the tuberosity, 3.4 mm for the lateral sliding osteotomy of the calcaneal tuberosity, and 2.7 mm for the laterally closing Z-shaped osteotomy (all p < 0.001). A significant peak pressure reduction was recorded: -0.53 MPa for the Z-shaped osteotomy with lateralization, -0.58 MPa for the lateral sliding osteotomy of the calcaneal tuberosity, and -0.41 MPa for the Z-shaped osteotomy (all p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: This cadaver study supports the hypothesis that lateralizing calcaneal osteotomies substantially help to normalize ankle contact stresses in pes cavovarus.