204 resultados para KIMAP mouse model


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As a hallmark of tuberculosis (TB), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) induces granulomatous lung lesions and systemic inflammatory responses during active disease. Molecular regulation of inflammation is associated with inflammasome assembly. We determined the extent to which MTB triggers inflammasome activation and how this impacts on the severity of TB in a mouse model. MTB stimulated release of mature IL-1β in macrophages while attenuated M. bovis BCG failed to do so. Tubercle bacilli specifically activated the NLRP3 inflammasome and this propensity was strictly controlled by the virulence-associated RD1 locus of MTB. However, Nlrp3-deficient mice controlled pulmonary TB, a feature correlated with NLRP3-independent production of IL-1β in infected lungs. Our studies demonstrate that MTB activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in macrophages in an ESX-1-dependent manner. However, during TB, MTB promotes NLRP3- and caspase-1-independent IL-1β release in myeloid cells recruited to lung parenchyma and thus overcomes NLRP3 deficiency in vivo in experimental models.


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PURPOSE: To analyze in vivo the function of chicken acidic leucine-rich epidermal growth factor-like domain containing brain protein/Neuroglycan C (gene symbol: Cspg5) during retinal degeneration in the Rpe65⁻/⁻ mouse model of Leber congenital amaurosis. METHODS: We resorted to mice with targeted deletions in the Cspg5 and retinal pigment epithelium protein of 65 kDa (Rpe65) genes (Cspg5⁻/⁻/Rpe65⁻/⁻). Cone degeneration was assessed with cone-specific peanut agglutinin staining. Transcriptional expression of rhodopsin (Rho), S-opsin (Opn1sw), M-opsin (Opn1mw), rod transducin α subunit (Gnat1), and cone transducin α subunit (Gnat2) genes was assessed with quantitative PCR from 2 weeks to 12 months. The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was analyzed at P14 with immunodetection of the retinol-binding protein membrane receptor Stra6. RESULTS: No differences in the progression of retinal degeneration were observed between the Rpe65⁻/⁻ and Cspg5⁻/⁻/Rpe65⁻/⁻ mice. No retinal phenotype was detected in the late postnatal and adult Cspg5⁻/⁻ mice, when compared to the wild-type mice. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the previously reported upregulation of Cspg5 during retinal degeneration in Rpe65⁻/⁻ mice, no protective effect or any involvement of Cspg5 in disease progression was identified.


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La diarrhée congénitale de sodium est une maladie génétique très rare. Les enfants touchés par cette maladie présentent une diarrhée aqueuse sévère accompagnée d'une perte fécale de sodium et bicarbonates causant une déshydratation hyponatrémique et une acidose métabolique. Des analyses génétiques ont identifié des mutations du gène Spint2 comme cause de cette maladie. Le gène Spint2 code pour un inhibiteur de sérine protéase transmembranaire exprimé dans divers épithéliums tels que ceux du tube digestif ou des tubules rénaux. Le rôle physiologique de Spint2 n'est pas connu. De plus, aucun partenaire physiologique de Spint2 n'a été identifié et le mécanisme d'inhibition par Spint2 nous est peu connu. Le but de ce projet est donc d'obtenir de plus amples informations concernant la fonction et le rôle de Spint2 dans le contexte de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium, cela afin de mieux comprendre la physiopathologie des diarrhées et peut-être d'identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. Un test fonctionnel dans les ovocytes de Xenopus a identifié les sérine protéases transmembranaires CAPI et Tmprssl3 comme potentielles cibles de Spint2 dans la mesure où ces deux protéases n'étaient plus bloquées par le mutant de Spint2 Y163C qui est associé avec la diarrhée congénitale de sodium. Des expériences fonctionnelles et biochimiques plus poussées suggèrent que l'inhibition de Tmprssl3 par Spint2 est le résultat d'une interaction complexe entre ces deux protéines. Les effets des sérine protéases transmembranaires sur l'échangeur Na+-H+ NHE3, qui pourrait être impliqué dans la pathogenèse de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium ont aussi été testés. Un clivage spécifique de NHE3 par la sérine protéase transmembranaire Tmprss3 a été observé lors d'expériences biochimiques. Malheureusement, la pertinence physiologique de ces résultats n'a pas pu être évaluée in vivo, étant donné que le modèle de souris knockout conditionnel de Spint2 que nous avons créé ne montrait une réduction de l'expression de Spint2 que de 50% et aucun phénotype. En résumé, ce travail met en évidence deux nouveaux partenaires possibles de Spint2, ainsi qu'une potentielle régulation de NHE3 par des sérine protéases transmembranaires. Des expériences supplémentaires faites dans des modèles animaux et lignées cellulaires sont requises pour évaluer la pertinence physiologique de ces données et pour obtenir de plus amples informations au sujet de Spint2 et de la diarrhée congénitale de sodium. - The congenital sodium diarrhea is a very rare genetic disease. Children affected by this condition suffer from a severe diarrhea characterized by watery stools with a high fecal loss of sodium and bicarbonates, resulting in hyponatremic dehydration and metabolic acidosis. Genetic analyses have identified mutations in the Spint2 gene as a cause of this disease. The spint2 gene encodes a transmembrane serine protease inhibitor expressed in various epithelial tissues including the gastro-intestinal tract and renal tubules. The physiological role of Spint2 is completely unknown. In addition, physiological partners of Spint2 are still to be identified and the mechanism of inhibition by Spint2 remains elusive. Therefore, the aim of this project was to get insights about the function and the role of Spint2 in the context of the congenital sodium diarrhea in order to better understand the pathophysiology of diarrheas and maybe identify new therapeutic targets. A functional assay in Xenopus oocytes identified the membrane-bound serine proteases CAPI and Tmprssl3 as potential targets of Spint2 because both proteases were no longer inhibited by the mutant Spint2 Y163C that has been associated with the congenital diarrhea. Further functional and biochemical experiments suggested that the inhibition of Tmprssl3 by Spint2 occurs though a complex interaction between both proteins. The effects of membrane-bound serine proteases on the Na+-H+ exchanger NHE3, which has been proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of the congenital sodium diarrhea, were also tested. A specific cleavage of NHE3 by the membrane-bound serine protease Tmprss3 was observed in biochemical experiments. Unfortunately, the physiological relevance of these results could not be assessed in vivo since the conditional Spint2 knockout mouse model that we generated showed a reduction in Spint2 expression of only 50% and displayed no phenotype. Briefly, this work provides two new potential partners of Spint2 and emphasizes a putative regulation of NHE3 by membrane-bound serine proteases. Further work done in animal models and cell lines is required to assess the physiological relevance of these results and to obtain additional data about Spint2 and the congenital diarrhea.


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RESUME DESTINE AUX NON SCIENTIFIQUESLe diabète est une maladie associée à un excès de glucose (sucre) dans le sang. Le taux de glucose sanguin augmente lorsque l'action d'une hormone, l'insuline, responsable du transport du glucose du sang vers les tissus de l'organisme diminue, ou lorsque les quantités d'insuline à disposition sont inadéquates.L'une des causes communes entre les deux grands types de diabète connus, le type 1 et le type 2, est la disparition des cellules beta du pancréas, spécialisées dans la sécrétion d'insuline, par mort cellulaire programmée aussi appelée apoptose. Alors que dans le diabète de type 1, la destruction des cellules beta est causée par notre propre système immunitaire, dans le diabète de type 2, la mort de ces cellules, est principalement causée par des concentrations élevées de graisses saturés ou de molécules impliquées dans l'inflammation que l'on rencontre en quantités augmentées chez les personnes obèses. Etant donné l'augmentation épidémique du nombre de personnes obèses de par le monde, on estime que le nombre de personnes diabétiques (dont une majorité sont des diabétiques de type 2), va passer de 171 million en l'an 2000, à 366 million en l'an 2030, expliquant la nécessité absolue de mettre au point de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutique pour combattre cette maladie.L'apoptose est un processus complexe dont la dérégulation induit de nombreuses affections allant du cancer jusqu'au diabète. L'activation de caspase 3, une protéine clé contrôlant la mort cellulaire, était connue pour systématiquement mener à la mort cellulaire programmée. Ces dernières années, notre laboratoire a décrit des mécanismes de survie qui sont activés par caspase 3 et qui expliquent sans doute pourquoi son activation ne mène pas systématiquement à la mort cellulaire. Lorsqu'elle est faiblement activée, caspase 3 clive une autre protéine appelée RasGAP en deux protéines plus courtes dont l'une, appelée le fragment Ν a la particularité de protéger les cellules contre l'apoptose.Durant ma thèse, j'ai été impliqué dans divers projets destinés à mieux comprendre comment le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules contre l'apoptose et à savoir s'il pouvait être utilisé comme outil thérapeutique dans les conditions de survenue d'un diabète expérimental. C'est dans ce but que nous avons créé une souris transgénique, appelée RIP-N, exprimant le fragment Ν spécifiquement dans les cellules beta. Comme attendu, les cellules beta de ces souris étaient plus résistantes à la mort induite par des composés connus pour induire le diabète, comme certaines molécules induisant l'inflammation ou les graisses saturées. Nous avons ensuite pu montrer que les souris RIP-N étaient plus résistantes à la survenue d'un diabète expérimental que ce soit par l'injection d'une drogue induisant l'apoptose des cellules beta, que ce soit dans un fond génétique caractérisé par une attaque spontanée des cellules beta par le système immunitaire ou dans le contexte d'un diabète de type 2 induit par l'obésité. Dans plusieurs des modèles animaux étudiés, nous avons pu montrer que le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules en activant une voie protectrice bien connue impliquant successivement les protéines Ras, PI3K et Akt ainsi qu'en bloquant la capacité d'Akt d'activer le facteur NFKB, connu pour être délétère pour la survie de la cellule beta. La capacité qu'a le fragment Ν d'activer Akt tout en prévenant l'activation de NFKB par Akt est par conséquent particulièrement intéressante dans l'intégration des signaux régulant la mort cellulaire dans le contexte de la survenue d'un diabète.La perspective d'utiliser le fragment Ν comme outil thérapeutique dépendra de notre capacité à activer les signaux protecteurs induits par le fragment Ν depuis l'extérieur de la cellule ou de dériver des peptides perméables aux cellules possédant les propriétés du fragment N.2 SUMMARYDiabetes mellitus is an illness associated with excess blood glucose. Blood glucose levels raise when the action of insulin decreases or when insulin is provided in inappropriate amounts. In type 1 diabetes (T1D) as well as in type 2 diabetes (T2D), the insulin secreting beta cells in the pancreas undergo controlled cell death also called apoptosis. Whereas in T1D, beta cells are killed by the immune system, in T2D, they are killed by several factors, among which are increased blood glucose levels, increased levels of harmful lipids or pro-inflammatory cytokines that are released by the dysfunctional fat tissue of obese people. Given the epidemic increase in the number of obese people throughout the world, the number of diabetic people (a majority of which are type 2 diabetes) is estimated to rise from 171 million affected people in the year 2000 to 366 million in 2030 explaining the absolute requirement for new therapies to fight the disease.Apoptosis is a very complex process whose deregulation leads to a wide range of diseases going from cancer to diabetes. Caspase 3 although known as a key molecule controlling apoptosis, has been shown to have various other functions. In the past few years, our laboratory has described a survival mechanism, that takes place at low caspase activity and that might explain how cells that activate their caspases for reasons other than apoptosis survive. In such conditions, caspase 3 cleaves another protein called RasGAP into two shorter proteins, one of which, called fragment N, protects cells from apoptosis.We decided to check whether fragment Ν could be used as a therapeutical tool in the context of diabetes inducing conditions. We thus derived a transgenic mouse line, called RIP-N, in which the expression of fragment Ν is restricted to beta cells. As expected, the beta cells of these mice were more resistant ex-vivo to cell death induced by diabetes inducing factors. We then showed that the RIP-N transgenic mice were resistant to streptozotocin induced diabetes, a mouse model mimicking type 1 diabetes, which correlated to fewer number of apoptotic beta cells in the pancreas of the transgenic mice compared to their controls. The RIP-N transgene also delayed overt diabetes development in the NOD background, a mouse model of autoimmune type 1 diabetes, and delayed the occurrence of obesity induced hyperglycemia in a mouse model of type 2-like diabetes. Interestingly, fragment Ν was mediating its protection by activating the protective Akt kinase, and by blocking the detrimental NFKB factor. Our future ability to activate the protective signals elicited by fragment Ν from the outside of cells or to derive cell permeable peptides bearing the protective properties of fragment Ν might condition our ability to use this protein as a therapeutic tool.3 RESUMELe diabète est une maladie associée à un excès de glucose plasmatique. La glycémie augmente lorsque l'action de l'insuline diminue ou lorsque les quantités d'insuline à disposition sont inadéquates. Dans le diabète de type 1 (D1) comme dans le diabète de type 2 (D2), les cellules beta du pancréas subissent la mort cellulaire programmée aussi appelée apoptose. Alors que dans le D1 les cellules beta sont tuées par le système immunitaire, dans le D2 elles sont tuées par divers facteurs parmi lesquels on trouve des concentrations élevées de glucose, d'acides gras saturés ou de cytokines pro-inflammatoires qui sont sécrétées en concentrations augmentées par le tissu adipeux dysfonctionnel des personnes obèses. Etant donné l'augmentation épidémique du nombre de personnes obèses de par le monde, on estime que le nombre de personnes diabétiques (dont une majorité sont des diabétiques de type 2), va passer de 171 million en l'an 2000, à 366 million en l'an 2030, justifiant la nécessité absolue de mettre au point de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutique pour combattre cette maladie.L'apoptose est un processus complexe dont la dérégulation induit de nombreuses affections allant du cancer jusqu'au diabète. Caspase 3, bien que connue comme étant une protéine clé contrôlant l'apoptose a bien d'autres fonctions démontrées. Ces dernières années, notre laboratoire a décrit un mécanisme de survie qui est activé lorsque caspase 3 est faiblement activée et qui explique probablement comment des cellules qui ont activé leurs caspases pour une autre raison que l'apoptose peuvent survivre. Dans ces conditions, caspase 3 clive une autre protéine appelée RasGAP en deux protéines plus courtes dont l'une, appelée le fragment Ν a la particularité de protéger les cellules contre l'apoptose.Nous avons donc décidé de vérifier si le fragment Ν pouvait être utilisé comme outil thérapeutique dans les conditions de survenue d'un diabète expérimental. Pour se faire, nous avons créé une souris transgénique, appelée RIP-N, exprimant le fragment Ν spécifiquement dans les cellules beta. Comme attendu, les cellules beta de ces souris étaient plus résistantes ex-vivo à la mort induite par des facteurs pro-diabétogènes. Nous avons ensuite pu montrer que les souris RIP-N étaient plus résistantes à la survenue d'un diabète induit par la streptozotocine, un drogue mimant la survenue d'un D1 et que ceci était corrélée à une diminution du nombre de cellules en apoptose dans le pancréas des souris transgéniques comparé à leurs contrôles. L'expression du transgène a aussi eu pour effet de retarder la survenue d'un diabète franc dans le fond génétique NOD, un modèle génétique de diabète de type 1 auto-immun, ainsi que de retarder la survenue d'une hyperglycémie dans un modèle murin de diabète de type 2 induit par l'obésité. Dans plusieurs des modèles animaux étudiés, nous avons pu montrer que le fragment Ν protégeait les cellules en activant la kinase protectrice Akt ainsi qu'en bloquant le facteur délétère NFKB. La perspective d'utiliser le fragment Ν comme outil thérapeutique dépendra de notre capacité à activer les signaux protecteurs induits par le fragment Ν depuis l'extérieur de la cellule ou de dériver des peptides perméables aux cellules possédant les propriétés du fragment


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Alpha-D-mannopyranosides are potent FimH antagonists, which inhibit the adhesion of Escherichia coli to highly mannosylated uroplakin Ia on the urothelium and therefore offer an efficient therapeutic opportunity for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection. For the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of FimH antagonists, their effect on the disaggregation of E. coli from Candida albicans and guinea pig erythrocytes (GPE) was studied. The mannose-specific binding of E. coli to yeast cells and erythrocytes is mediated by type 1 pili and can be monitored by aggregometry. Maximal aggregation of C. albicans or GPE to E. coli is reached after 600 s. Then the FimH antagonist was added and disaggregation determined by light transmission over a period of 1400 s. A FimH-deleted mutant of E. coli, which does not induce any aggregation, was used in a control experiment. The activities of FimH antagonists are expressed as IC(50)s, the half maximal inhibitory concentration of the disaggregation potential. n-Heptyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (1) was used as a reference compound and exhibits an IC(50) of 77.14 microM , whereas methyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (2) does not lead to any disaggregation at concentrations up to 800 microM. o-Chloro-p-[N-(2-ethoxy-3,4-dioxocyclobut-1-enyl)amino]phenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (3) shows a 90-fold and 2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (4) a 6-fold increased affinity compared to 1. Finally, 4-nitrophenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside (5) exhibits an activity similar to 1. As negative control, D-galactose (6) was used. The standardized aggregation assay generates concentration-dependent, reproducible data allowing the evaluation of FimH antagonists according to their potency to inhibit E. coli adherence and can therefore be employed to select candidates for experimental and clinical studies for treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections.


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VEGF plays an essential role in ocular angiogenic diseases including the late-stage form of AMD, the primary cause of vision loss in the western world. Over-expression of VEGF leads to development of vasculature emanating from the choroid, invading the subretinal space through breaks in Bruch's membrane. Strategies leading to long-term suppression of inappropriate ocular angiogenesis are required. A panel of 10 shRNAs targeting the coding region of human VEGF165 was tested in HEK293 cells and in the human retinal pigment epithelial cell line, ARPE-19. VEGF knock-down up to 92% was achieved by co-transfecting shRNAexpressing constructs with plasmid encoding the Renilla luciferase gene fused to the VEGF165 sequence. For in vivo delivery of the most potent shRNA cassette, both single-stranded and self-complementary rAAV vectors were packaged in serotype 8 capsids. Intramuscular administration in mice led to localized expression and 96% knock-down of endogenous VEGF. Using eGFP as a marker, efficient gene transfer of retinal pigment epithelial cells, the cells thought to be responsible for the abnormal VEGF production, was obtained by subretinal delivery of rAAV2.8 vectors. The capacity of rAAV-encoded shRNAs to silence endogenous VEGF gene expression was evaluated in the laser-induced murine model of choroidal neovascularization (CNV). In this mouse model of AMD, sizes of the CNV were found to be significantly reduced following rAAV-shRNA subretinal delivery. Thus, our results indicate that gene transfer combining AAV-mediated delivery with triggering of the endogenous RNAi pathway can be used for anti-VEGF therapy and holds great promise for the treatment of AMD.


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Estrogen deprivation is associated with delayed healing, while Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) accelerates acute wound healing and protects against development of chronic wounds. Estrogen exerts its effects on healing via numerous cell types by signalling through the receptors ERα and ERβ, which bind to the Estrogen Responsive Element (ERE) and initiate gene transcription. The ERE-luciferase transgenic mouse model has been influential in assessing real-time in vivo estrogen receptor activation across a range of tissues and pathologies. Using this model we demonstrate novel temporally regulated peri-wound activation of estrogen signalling in female mice. Using histological methods we reveal that this signal is specifically localised to keratinocytes of the neoepidermis and wound margin dermal cells. Moreover using pharmacological agonists we reveal that ERβ induces ERE-mediated signal in both epidermal and dermal cells while ERα induces ERE-mediated signal in dermal cells alone. Collectively these novel data demonstrate rapid and regional activation of estrogen signalling in wounded skin. A more complete understanding of local hormonal signalling during repair is essential for the focussed development of new therapies for wound healing.


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The process of epidermal differentiation involves proliferation, differentiation, migration and maturation of keratinocytes to form an impermeable barrier against water loss and outside environment. It is controlled by highly balanced regulatory machinery, involving many molecules that are still under investigation.Homeobox proteins are involved in body patterning and morphogenesis of organs and are studied as potentially good candidates to regulate this process. In the first project we investigated the role of a protein named HOP which belongs to a group of homeobox proteins. Even if HOP is a small protein almost completely composed of the homeodomain and without DNA binding capacity, it is considered as transcriptional regulator in different tissues. HOP interacts with serum response factor (SRF) and histone deacetylase type 2 (HDAC2). By microarray analysis we found that HOP expression increases in cultured human primary keratinocytes (NHK) which undergo calcium-induced differentiation. HOP protein was localized in granular layer of the epidermis of healthy individuals. Lack of HOP was demonstrated in psoriatic lesions, whereas a strong expression was demonstrated in the lesional skin of patients affected with lichen planus (LP). Since LP is characterized by hypergranulosis while psoriatic lesions by progressive lack of the granular layer, the obtained data indicated that HOP might have a potential function in granular layer of epidermis. To investigate HOP function, we inhibited its expression by using HOP specific StealthRNAi and we overexpressed HOP using lentiviral vectors in differentiating NHK. The conclusion of both experiments indicated that HOP positively regulates the expression of late differentiation markers, such as profilaggrin, loricrin and transglutaminase 1. The in vitro data were next confirmed in vivo using HOP knockout mouse model.The second part of my study involved analysis of mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK). EHK is a genetic disorder characterized by erythema, skin blistering, keratinocyte hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis. EHK is caused by mutations in keratin 1 or 10 (K1, K10) which are major structural proteins of differentiated keratinocytes and participate in the cellular scaffold formation. To investigate how the structural proteins carrying mutations alter cellular signaling, we established an in vitro model for EHK by overexpression of one of the most common K10 mutations reported so far (K10R156H), in primary human keratinocytes. In order to mimic the in vivo situation, mutated keratinocytes growing on silicone membranes were subjected to mechanical stretch. We observed strong collapse of KIF in K10R156H keratinocytes when subjected to stretch for 30 minutes. Our data demonstrated stronger activation of p38, a member of MAPK stress signaling pathways, in K10R156H when compared to control cells. We demonstrated also that K10R156H keratinocytes showed an induction of TNF-α and RANTES release in response to stretch.Taken together these studies characterize a novel regulator of epidermal differentiation - HOP and demonstrate new aspects implicated in the pathogenesis of EHK.


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Collective evidence indicates that motor neuron degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is non-cell-autonomous and requires the interaction with the neighboring astrocytes. Recently, we reported that a subpopulation of spinal cord astrocytes degenerates in the microenvironment of motor neurons in the hSOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS. Mechanistic studies in vitro identified a role for the excitatory amino acid glutamate in the gliodegenerative process via the activation of its inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP(3))-generating metabotropic receptor 5 (mGluR5). Since non-physiological formation of IP(3) can prompt IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R)-mediated Ca(2+) release from the intracellular stores and trigger various forms of cell death, here we investigated the intracellular Ca(2+) signaling that occurs downstream of mGluR5 in hSOD1(G93A)-expressing astrocytes. Contrary to wild-type cells, stimulation of mGluR5 causes aberrant and persistent elevations of intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations ([Ca(2+)](i)) in the absence of spontaneous oscillations. The interaction of IP(3)Rs with the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L) was previously described to prevent cell death by modulating intracellular Ca(2+) signals. In mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, we found that the sole BH4 domain of Bcl-X(L), fused to the protein transduction domain of the HIV-1 TAT protein (TAT-BH4), is sufficient to restore sustained Ca(2+) oscillations and cell death resistance. Furthermore, chronic treatment of hSOD1(G93A) mice with the TAT-BH4 peptide reduces focal degeneration of astrocytes, slightly delays the onset of the disease and improves both motor performance and animal lifespan. Our results point at TAT-BH4 as a novel glioprotective agent with a therapeutic potential for ALS.


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Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4; CD152) is of pivotal importance for self-tolerance, with deficiency or unfavorable polymorphisms leading to autoimmune disease. Tolerance to self-antigens is achieved through thymic deletion of highly autoreactive conventional T (Tconv) cells and generation of FoxP3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. The main costimulatory molecule, CD28, augments the negative selection of Tconv cells and promotes the generation of FoxP3(+) Treg cells. The role of its antagonistic homolog CTLA-4, however, remains a topic of debate. To address this topic, we investigated the thymic development of T cells in the presence and absence of CTLA-4 in a T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse model specific for the myelin basic protein peptide Ac1-9. We reveal that CTLA-4 is expressed in the corticomedullary region of the thymus. Its absence alters the response of CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes to self-antigen recognition, which affects the quantity of the Treg cells generated and broadens the repertoire of peripheral Tconv cells. T-cell repertoire alteration after deletion of CTLA-4 results from changes in TCR Vα and Jα segment selection as well as CDR3α composition in Tconv and Treg cells. CTLA-4, therefore, regulates the early development of self-reactive T cells in the thymus and plays a key role in central tolerance.


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Parachlamydia acanthamoebae is a Chlamydia-related organism whose pathogenic role in pneumonia is supported by serological and molecular clinical studies and an experimental mouse model of lung infection. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a seminal role in sensing microbial products and initiating innate immune responses. The aim of this study was to investigate the roles of MyD88, TLR2, and TLR4 in the interaction of Parachlamydia with macrophages. Here, we showed that Parachlamydia entered bone-marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) in a TLR-independent manner but did not multiply intracellularly. Interestingly, compared to live bacteria, heat-inactivated Parachlamydia induced the production of substantial amounts of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-12p40 by BMDMs and of TNF and IL-6 by peritoneal macrophages as well as RAW 264.7 and J774 macrophage cell lines. Cytokine production by BMDMs, which was partially inhibited upon trypsin treatment of Parachlamydia, was dependent on MyD88, TLR4, and, to a lesser extent, TLR2. Finally, MyD88(-/-), TLR4(-/-), and TLR2(-/-) mice were as resistant as wild-type mice to lung infection following the intratracheal instillation of Parachlamydia. Thus, in contrast to Chlamydia pneumoniae, Parachlamydia acanthamoebae weakly stimulates macrophages, potentially compensating for its low replication capacity in macrophages by escaping the innate immune surveillance.


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Trisomy 21 is the most frequent genetic cause of cognitive impairment. To assess the perturbations of gene expression in trisomy 21, and to eliminate the noise of genomic variability, we studied the transcriptome of fetal fibroblasts from a pair of monozygotic twins discordant for trisomy 21. Here we show that the differential expression between the twins is organized in domains along all chromosomes that are either upregulated or downregulated. These gene expression dysregulation domains (GEDDs) can be defined by the expression level of their gene content, and are well conserved in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from the twins' fibroblasts. Comparison of the transcriptome of the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down's syndrome and normal littermate mouse fibroblasts also showed GEDDs along the mouse chromosomes that were syntenic in human. The GEDDs correlate with the lamina-associated (LADs) and replication domains of mammalian cells. The overall position of LADs was not altered in trisomic cells; however, the H3K4me3 profile of the trisomic fibroblasts was modified and accurately followed the GEDD pattern. These results indicate that the nuclear compartments of trisomic cells undergo modifications of the chromatin environment influencing the overall transcriptome, and that GEDDs may therefore contribute to some trisomy 21 phenotypes.


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α-Crystallins, initially described as the major structural proteins of the lens, belong to the small heat shock protein family. Apart from their function as chaperones, α-crystallins are involved in the regulation of intracellular apoptotic signals. αA- and αB-crystallins have been shown to interfere with the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway triggering Bax pro-apoptotic activity and downstream activation of effector caspases. Differential regulation of α-crystallins has been observed in several eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration and stress-induced and inherited retinal degenerations. Although the function of α-crystallins in healthy and diseased retina remains poorly understood, their altered expression in pathological conditions argue in favor of a role in cellular defensive response. In the Rpe65(-/-) mouse model of Leber's congenital amaurosis, we previously observed decreased expression of αA- and αB-crystallins during disease progression, which was correlated with Bax pro-death activity and photoreceptor apoptosis. In the present study, we demonstrated that α-crystallins interacted with pro-apoptotic Bax and displayed cytoprotective action against Bax-triggered apoptosis, as assessed by TUNEL and caspase assays. We further observed in staurosporine-treated photoreceptor-like 661W cells stably overexpressing αA- or αB-crystallin that Bax-dependent apoptosis and caspase activation were inhibited. Finally, we reported that the C-terminal extension domain of αA-crystallin was sufficient to provide protection against Bax-triggered apoptosis. Altogether, these data suggest that α-crystallins interfere with Bax-induced apoptosis in several cell types, including the cone-derived 661W cells. They further suggest that αA-crystallin-derived peptides might be sufficient to promote cytoprotective action in response to apoptotic cell death.


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SummaryMulticellular organisms have evolved an immune system in order to cope with the constant threats they are facing. Foreign pathogens or endogenous danger signals released by injured or dying host cells can be readily detected through a set of germline- encoded pattern-recognition receptors. The NOD-like receptors are a cytoplasmic family of pattern-recognition receptors that have recently attracted considerable attention due to their ability to form inflammasomes, which are molecular complexes responsible for the activation of caspase-1 and the subsequent processing of the pro¬inflammatory cytokines IL-IB and 11-18 into their mature, bioactive form.In this study, we describe a novel pro-inflammatory signaling pathway, whereby the endoplasmic reticulum promotes inflammation through activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. This was shown to be independent of the classical endoplasmic reticulum stress response pathway constituted by the effectors IREla, PERK and ATF6a. In keeping with other known NLRP3 activators, generation of reactive oxygen species and potassium efflux were required. We also provide evidence that calcium signaling is critical to this pathway, and possibly integrates signaling triggered by various NLRP3 inflammasome activators. Moreover, the mitochondrial channel VDAC1 was instrumental in mediating this response. We thus propose that the endoplasmic reticulum acts as an integrator of stress and is able to activate the mitochondria in a calcium-dependent manner in order to promote NLRP3 inflammasome activation in response to a wide range of activators.Given the role played by inflammation in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, we decided to investigate a possible role for the NLRP3 inflammasome in the progression of the disease. Using an ApoE mouse model, we find that deficiency in the NLRP3 inflammasome components NLRP3, ASC or Caspase-1 does not impair atherosclerosis progression, nor does it impact plaque stability. While previous studies have clearly shown a role for the interleukin-1 family of ligands in atherosclerosis, our results suggest that its contribution might be more complex than previously appreciated, and further research is thus warranted in this field.RésuméLes organismes multicellulaires ont développé un système immunitaire pour faire face aux menaces qui les entourent. Des pathogènes étrangers ou des signaux de danger relâchés par des cellules de l'hôte en détresse peuvent être rapidement détectés via un assemblage de récepteurs spécifiques qui sont présents dès la naissance. Certains membres de la famille de récepteurs NOD ont récemment attiré beaucoup d'attention au vu de leur capacité à former des inflammasomes, complexes moléculaires responsables de l'activation de la easpase-1 et de la maturation des cytokines pro-inflammatoires IL- 1β et IL-18 en leur forme bioactive.Dans cette étude, nous décrivons une nouvelle voie de signalisation pro-inflammatoire, par laquelle le réticulum endoplasmique induit l'inflammation via l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3. Cette voie est indépendante de la voie classique de réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique, qui comprend les effecteurs IRE1, PERK et ATF6. Comme pour d'autres activateurs de NLRP3, la génération de radicaux libres d'oxygène ainsi que Γ efflux de potassium sont requis. Nous montrons également que le calcium joue un rôle critique dans cette voie, et intègre possiblement la signalisation provoquée par divers activateurs de l'inflammasome NLRP3. De plus, le canal mitochondrial VDAC1 est essentiel dans cette réponse. Nous proposons donc que le réticulum endoplasmique agit comme un intégrateur de stress, activant la mitochondrie d'une façon calcium-dépendante pour promouvoir l'activation de l'inflammasome NLRP3 en réponse à divers activateurs.Au vu du rôle joué par l'inflammation dans la pathogenèse de l'athérosclérose, nous avons étudié un possible rôle pour l'inflammasome NLRP3 dans la progression de la maladie. Dans un modèle de souris ApoE, l'absence des composants de l'inflammasome NLRP3 que sont NLRP3, ASC et Caspase-1 n'influence pas la progression des plaques ni leur stabilité. Alors que d'autres études ont démontré un rôle pour les membres de la famille de l'interleukine-1 dans l'athérosclérose, nos résultats suggèrent que leur contribution pourrait être plus complexe que précédemment apprécié, et d'autres recherches dans ce domaine sont donc nécessaires.


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The corpus callosum (CC) is the major commissure that bridges the cerebral hemispheres. Agenesis of the CC is associated with human ciliopathies, but the origin of this default is unclear. Regulatory Factor X3 (RFX3) is a transcription factor involved in the control of ciliogenesis, and Rfx3-deficient mice show several hallmarks of ciliopathies including left-right asymmetry defects and hydrocephalus. Here we show that Rfx3-deficient mice suffer from CC agenesis associated with a marked disorganisation of guidepost neurons required for axon pathfinding across the midline. Using transplantation assays, we demonstrate that abnormalities of the mutant midline region are primarily responsible for the CC malformation. Conditional genetic inactivation shows that RFX3 is not required in guidepost cells for proper CC formation, but is required before E12.5 for proper patterning of the cortical septal boundary and hence accurate distribution of guidepost neurons at later stages. We observe focused but consistent ectopic expression of Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) at the rostro commissural plate associated with a reduced ratio of GLIoma-associated oncogene family zinc finger 3 (GLI3) repressor to activator forms. We demonstrate on brain explant cultures that ectopic FGF8 reproduces the guidepost neuronal defects observed in Rfx3 mutants. This study unravels a crucial role of RFX3 during early brain development by indirectly regulating GLI3 activity, which leads to FGF8 upregulation and ultimately to disturbed distribution of guidepost neurons required for CC morphogenesis. Hence, the RFX3 mutant mouse model brings novel understandings of the mechanisms that underlie CC agenesis in ciliopathies.