156 resultados para Initial efficiency
Le cancer du poumon fait partie des cancers les plus fréquents. Diagnostiqué à un stade souvent tardif, il se caractérise par un mauvais pronostic et de lourdes répercussions sur la santé du patient. La phase de traitement initial représente un moment critique où les proches du patient deviennent aidants naturels du patient et endossent de nouvelles responsabilités. Cette situation génère des conséquences en termes de stress chez l'aidant naturel. Le but de cette étude était de décrire l'importance du stress chez l'aidant naturel du patient en traitement initial pour un cancer du poumon. L'approche méthodologique utilisée est de type descriptif transversal. L'échantillon de convenance était composé de 28 aidants naturels et 26 patients en traitement initial pour un cancer du poumon suivis dans un centre d'oncologie ambulatoire universitaire en Suisse. L'importance du stress des aidants naturels a été évaluée à partir de l'instrument Caregiver Reaction Assessment (CRA) de Given et al. (1992) complété d'une question mesurant la perception du manque d'information. Le CRA mesure le ressenti de l'aidant naturel face aux dimensions négatives et positive du stress sur une échelle de type Likert à cinq points. Le modèle des systèmes de Neuman (2002) a servi de cadre théorique à l'étude. Les aidants naturels ont accordé une importance plus élevée (score moyen 4,15) à l'Estime de soi, dimension positive du stress qu'aux dimensions négatives. Parmi celles-ci, la Perturbation des activités représente la dimension qui affecte le plus le quotidien des aidants (score moyen 2,96). Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques de l'aidant et les données médicales du patient, semblent avoir une influence sur l'importance du stress perçu, mais d'autres marqueurs objectifs doivent être identifiés pour affiner l'interprétation de ces relations. Une grande majorité (78%) des aidants ont indiqué qu'ils disposaient d'assez d'information pour soigner, indiquant que l'information est un sujet important dans leur vécu et mérite une évaluation plus poussée en tant que dimension du stress associé au rôle d'aidant naturel. L'infirmière doit viser par ses actions à préserver l'intégrité et la stabilité de la santé de l'aidant naturel comme elle le fait pour les patients. L'investigation systématique du stress représente une intervention prioritaire chez les aidants naturels dans le contexte oncologique. Des interventions personnalisées pourront être ainsi développées, afin de soutenir l'aidant naturel dans ses activités d'aide auprès de son proche tout en préservant sa propre santé.
BACKGROUND: Even in the absence of evidence on its long-term efficacy and safety, a number of patients with venous thromboembolism (VTE) receive long-term therapy with fondaparinux alone in everyday practice. METHODS: We used the Registro Informatizado de Enfermedad Tromboembólica (RIETE) registry to compare the rate of VTE recurrences and major bleeding at 10 and 90 days in patients with and without cancer. For long-term therapy, fondaparinux was compared with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) in patients without cancer and with low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in those with cancer. RESULTS: Of 47,378 patients recruited, 46,513 were initially treated with heparin, 865 with fondaparinux. Then, 263 patients (78 with cancer) were treated for at least 3 months with fondaparinux. After propensity-score matching, there were no differences between patients receiving initial therapy with heparin or fondaparinux. Among patients with cancer, there were no differences between fondaparinux and LMWH. Among patients without cancer, the long-term use of fondaparinux was associated with an increased risk of major bleeding (3.24 % vs. 0.95 %, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: An unexpected high rate of major bleeding was observed in non-cancer patients treated with long-term fondaparinux. Our small sample does not allow to derive relevant conclusions on the use of fondaparinux in cancer patients.
AIM: To develop and test the Parental PELICAN Questionnaire, an instrument to retrospectively assess parental experiences and needs during their child's end-of-life care. BACKGROUND: To offer appropriate care for dying children, healthcare professionals need to understand the illness experience from the family perspective. A questionnaire specific to the end-of-life experiences and needs of parents losing a child is needed to evaluate the perceived quality of paediatric end-of-life care. DESIGN: This is an instrument development study applying mixed methods based on recommendations for questionnaire design and validation. METHOD: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire was developed in four phases between August 2012-March 2014: phase 1: item generation; phase 2: validity testing; phase 3: translation; phase 4: pilot testing. Psychometric properties were assessed after applying the Parental PELICAN Questionnaire in a sample of 224 bereaved parents in April 2014. Validity testing covered the evidence based on tests of content, internal structure and relations to other variables. RESULTS: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire consists of approximately 90 items in four slightly different versions accounting for particularities of the four diagnostic groups. The questionnaire's items were structured according to six quality domains described in the literature. Evidence of initial validity and reliability could be demonstrated with the involvement of healthcare professionals and bereaved parents. CONCLUSION: The Parental PELICAN Questionnaire holds promise as a measure to assess parental experiences and needs and is applicable to a broad range of paediatric specialties and settings. Future validation is needed to evaluate its suitability in different cultures.
BACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most frequent form of dementia in the elderly and no effective treatment is currently available. The mechanisms triggering AD onset and progression are still imperfectly dissected. We aimed at deciphering the modifications occurring in vivo during the very early stages of AD, before the development of amyloid deposits, neurofibrillary tangles, neuronal death and inflammation. Most current AD models based on Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) overproduction beginning from in utero, to rapidly reproduce the histological and behavioral features of the disease within a few months, are not appropriate to study the early steps of AD development. As a means to mimic in vivo amyloid APP processing closer to the human situation in AD, we used an adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based transfer of human mutant APP and Presenilin 1 (PS1) genes to the hippocampi of two-month-old C57Bl/6 J mice to express human APP, without significant overexpression and to specifically induce its amyloid processing. RESULTS: The human APP, βCTF and Aβ42/40 ratio were similar to those in hippocampal tissues from AD patients. Three months after injection the murine Tau protein was hyperphosphorylated and rapid synaptic failure occurred characterized by decreased levels of both PSD-95 and metabolites related to neuromodulation, on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS). Astrocytic GLT-1 transporter levels were lower and the tonic glutamatergic current was stronger on electrophysiological recordings of CA1 hippocampal region, revealing the overstimulation of extrasynaptic N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) which precedes the loss of long-term potentiation (LTP). These modifications were associated with early behavioral impairments in the Open-field, Y-maze and Morris Mater Maze tasks. CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, this demonstrates that an AD-like APP processing, yielding to levels of APP, βCTF and Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio similar to those observed in AD patients, are sufficient to rapidly trigger early steps of the amyloidogenic and Tau pathways in vivo. With this strategy, we identified a sequence of early events likely to account for disease onset and described a model that may facilitate efforts to decipher the factors triggering AD and to evaluate early neuroprotective strategies.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">As opposed to the standard detective quantum efficiency (DQE), effective DQE (eDQE) is a figure of merit that allows comparing the performances of imaging systems in the presence of scatter rejection devices. The geometry of the EOS™ slot-scanning system is such that the detector is self-collimated and rejects scattered radiation. In this study, the EOS system was characterised using the eDQE in imaging conditions similar to those used in clinical practice: with phantoms of different widths placed in the X-ray beam, for various incident air kerma and tube voltages corresponding to the phantom thickness. Scatter fractions in EOS images were extremely low, around 2 % for all configurations. Maximum eDQE values spanned 9-14.8 % for a large range of air kerma at the detector plane from 0.01 to 1.34 µGy. These figures were obtained with non-optimised EOS setting but still over-performed most of the maximum eDQEs recently assessed for various computed radiology and digital radiology systems with antiscatter grids.
Mammalian physiology and behavior follow daily rhythms that are orchestrated by endogenous timekeepers known as circadian clocks. Rhythms in transcription are considered the main mechanism to engender rhythmic gene expression, but important roles for posttranscriptional mechanisms have recently emerged as well (reviewed in Lim and Allada (2013) [1]). We have recently reported on the use of ribosome profiling (RPF-seq), a method based on the high-throughput sequencing of ribosome protected mRNA fragments, to explore the temporal regulation of translation efficiency (Janich et al., 2015 [2]). Through the comparison of around-the-clock RPF-seq and matching RNA-seq data we were able to identify 150 genes, involved in ribosome biogenesis, iron metabolism and other pathways, whose rhythmicity is generated entirely at the level of protein synthesis. The temporal transcriptome and translatome data sets from this study have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus under the accession number GSE67305. Here we provide additional information on the experimental setup and on important optimization steps pertaining to the ribosome profiling technique in mouse liver and to data analysis.