239 resultados para Inflammatory pseudotumor of the liver


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RÉSUMÉ La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie démyélinisante du système nerveux central (SNC) qui touche le plus souvent de jeunes femmes. Bien qu'elle ait été décrite pour la première fois il y a plus de 200 ans, son étiologie n'est pas encore complètement comprise. Contrairement à d'autres maladies purement génétiques, l'épidémiologie de la SEP ne peut être que partiellement expliquée par des facteurs génétiques. Ceci suggère que des facteurs environnementaux pourraient être impliqués dans la pathogenèse de la SEP. Parmi ceux-ci, le virus d'Epstein-Barr (EBV) est un excellent candidat, comme cela a été démontré par de larges études séroépidémiologiques ainsi que pax l'évaluation de la réponse cellulaire dans le sang. Bien que le SNC soit en fait la cible des réponses immunitaires anormales dans la SEP, peu d'études ont été accomplies sur les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à EBV dans ce compartiment. Ceci est particulièrement vrai chez des patients vivants chez lesquels des biopsies sont rarement effectuées, ainsi que pour les réponses cellulaires car très peu de cellules immunitaires peuvent être obtenues du SNC. Nous avons donc développé des conditions de cultures et un readout nous permettant d'étudier le nombre réduit de cellules disponibles dans le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR), qui représente le seul matériel pouvant être obtenu du SNC de patients SEP vivants. Nous avons trouvé que les réponses cellulaires et humorales spécifiques à EBV étaient augmentées dans le LCR des patients SEP comparé à du sang pairé, ainsi que par rapport à des patients avec d'autres maladies neurologiques inflammatoires et noninflammatoires. Afin de déterminer si les réponses immunitaires augmentées contre EBV étaient spécifiques à ce virus ou si elles reflétaient simplement une hyperactivation immunitaire aspécifique, nous avons comparé les réponses spécifiques à EBV avec celles spécifiques au cytomegalovirus (CNN). En effet, comme EBV, CNN est un herpesvirus neurotropique qui peut établir des infections latentes, mais ce dernier n'est pas considéré comme étant associé à la SEP. De façon intéressante, les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à CNN trouvées dans le LCR étaient plus basses que dans le sang, et ceci dans toutes les catégories de patients. Ces données suggèrent qu'une réactivation d'EBV pourrait avoir lieu dans le SNC des patients SEP à un stade précoce de la maladie et renforcent fortement l'hypothèse qu'EBV pourrait avoir un rôle déclencheur dans cette maladie. Ainsi, il pourrait être intéressant d'explorer si un traitement ou un vaccin efficace contre EBV peut prévenir le développement de la SEP. On ne connaît toujours pas la raison pour laquelle les réponses immunitaires spécifiques à EBV sont augmentées chez les patients SEP. Une hypothèse est que la réponse immunitaire est qualitativement différente chez les patients SEP par rapports aux contrôles. Pour examiner ceci, nous avons évalué le profile cytokinique de lymphocytes T CD4+ et CD8+ stimulés par EBV, mais nous n'avons pas pu mettre en évidence de différence remarquable entre patients SEP et sujets sains. Cette question reste donc ouverte et d'autres études sont justifiées. Il n'existe pas de marqueur fiable de la SEP. Ici, nous avons trouvé que la cytokine IL-26, récemment décrite, était augmentée dans les lymphocytes T CD8+ des patients avec une SEP secondairement progressive comparé à des patients SEP en poussée, des patients avec une SEP primairement progressive, des patients avec d'autres maladies neurologiques inflammatoires, ou des sujets sains. De plus, nous avons identifié des types de cellules dérivées du cerveau (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes et neurones) qui exprimaient le récepteur de l'IL-26. Ceci ouvre la voie à d'autres études afin de mieux comprendre la fonction de l'II.-26 et son interaction avec la. SEP. SUMMARY : Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS), mostly in young female adults. Although it was first described 200 years ago, its etiology is still not completely understood. Contrary to other purely genetic diseases, genetics can explain only part of MS epidemiology. Therefore, environmental factors that might be involved in MS pathogenesis were searched for. Among them, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a strong potential candidate, such as shown by large seroepidemiological studies and cellular immune response assessments in the blood. Although the CNS is the actual target of abnormal immune responses in MS, few studies have been performed on EBV-specific immune responses in this compartment. This is particularly true for live patients, from which biopsy material is almost never available, and for cellular immune responses, since very few immune cells are available from the CNS. We therefore developed culture conditions and a readout that were compatible with the study of the reduced number of cells found in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the only readily available material from the CNS of live ' MS patients. We found that EBV-specific cellular and humoral immune responses were increased in the CSF of MS patients as compared with paired blood, as well as compared with the CSF of patients with other inflammatory and non-inflammatory neurological diseases. To determine whether the enhanced immune responses against EBV were specific of this virus or simply reflected an aspecific immune hyperactivation, we compared the EBV- with the cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific immune responses. Indeed, like EBV, CMV is a neurotrophic herpesvirus that can establish latent infections, but the latter is not considered to be associated with MS. Interestingly, CSF CMV-specific immune responses were lower than blood ones and this, in all patient categories. These findings suggest that EBV reactivation may be taking place in the CNS of patients at the early stages of MS and strengthen the hypothesis that EBV may have a triggering role in this disease. Therefore, it might be interesting to explore whether an efficient anti-EBV drug or vaccine is able to prevent MS development. The reason why EBV-specific immune responses are increased in MS patients is still missing. One hypothesis might be that the immune response against EBV is qualitatively different in MS patients as compared with controls. To examine this, we assessed the cytokine mRNA profile of EBV-stimulated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but could not find any remarkable difference between MS patients and healthy controls. Therefore, this question remains open and fiirther studies are warranted. Reliable disease markers are lacking for MS. Here, we found that the recently described cytokine IL-26 was increased in CD8+ T cells of patients with secondary progressive MS as compared with relapsing MS, primary progressive MS, other inflammatory neurological diseases and healthy controls. Moreover, we identified brain cell types (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and neurons) that expressed the IL-26 receptor, paring the way for further studies to understand IL-26 function and its interaction with MS.


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Two distinct, TATA box-containing promoters regulate the transcriptional activity of the Xenopus vitellogenin A1 gene. These two promoters are of different strength and are separated by 1.8 kilobase pairs of untranslated sequence. Estrogen receptor (ER) and its ligand, 17beta-estradiol, induce the activity of both promoters. The estrogen response elements (EREs) are located proximal to the downstream i promoter while no ERE-like sequences have been identified in the vicinity of the upstream io promoter. We show here, that transcriptional activity of the upstream io promoter is Sp1-dependent. Moreover, we demonstrate that estrogen inducibility of the io promoter results from functional interactions between the io bound Sp1 and the ER bound at the proximity of i. Functional interactions between Sp1 and ER do not require the presence of a TATA box for transcriptional activation, as is demonstrated using the acyl-CoA oxidase promoter. The relative positions that ER and Sp1 occupy with respect to the initiation site determines whether these two transcription activators can synergize for transcription initiation.


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Steroid receptors are nuclear proteins that regulate gene transcription in a ligand-dependent manner. Over-expression of the Xenopus estrogen receptor in a vaccinia virus-derived expression system revealed that the receptor localized exclusively in the nucleus of the infected cells, irrespective of the presence or absence of the ligand. Furthermore, two forms of the receptor were produced, a full-length and a N-terminal truncated version, which are translated from a single mRNA species by the use of two AUG within the same reading frame. These 66- and 61-kDa receptors were also observed after in vitro translation of the mRNA as well as in primary Xenopus hepatocytes. Both forms are potent estrogen-dependent transcriptional activators in transient transfection experiments, as well as in in vitro transcription assays.


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Epidemiological studies in urban areas have linked increasing respiratory and cardiovascular pathologies with atmospheric particulate matter (PM) from anthropic activities. However, the biological fate of metal-rich PM industrial emissions in urban areas of developed countries remains understudied. Lead toxicity and bioaccessibility assessments were therefore performed on emissions from a lead recycling plant, using complementary chemical acellular tests and toxicological assays, as a function of PM size (PM(10-2.5), PM(2.5-1) and PM(1)) and origin (furnace, refining and channeled emissions). Process PM displayed differences in metal content, granulometry, and percentage of inhalable fraction as a function of their origin. Lead gastric bioaccessibility was relatively low (maximum 25%) versus previous studies; although, because of high total lead concentrations, significant metal quantities were solubilized in simulated gastrointestinal fluids. Regardless of origin, the finest PM(1) particles induced the most significant pro-inflammatory response in human bronchial epithelial cells. Moreover, this biological response correlated with pro-oxidant potential assay results, suggesting some biological predictive value for acellular tests. Pulmonary effects from lead-rich PM could be driven by thiol complexation with either lead ions or directly on the particulate surface. Finally, health concern of PM was discussed on the basis of pro-inflammatory effects, accellular test results, and PM size distribution.


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Purpose: To evaluate whether parametric imaging with contrast material-enhanced ultrasonography (US) is superior to visual assessment for the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions (FLLs). Materials and Methods: This study had institutional review board approval, and verbal patient informed consent was obtained. Between August 2005 and October 2008, 146 FLLs in 145 patients (63 women, 82 men; mean age, 62.5 years; age range, 22-89 years) were imaged with real-time low-mechanical-index contrast-enhanced US after a bolus injection of 2.4 mL of a second-generation contrast agent. Clips showing contrast agent uptake kinetics (including arterial, portal, and late phases) were recorded and subsequently analyzed off-line with dedicated image processing software. Analysis of the dynamic vascular patterns (DVPs) of lesions with respect to adjacent parenchyma allowed mapping DVP signatures on a single parametric image. Cine loops of contrast-enhanced US and results from parametric imaging of DVP were assessed separately by three independent off-site readers who classified each lesion as benign, malignant, or indeterminate. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for both techniques. Interobserver agreement (κ statistics) was determined. Results: Sensitivities for visual interpretation of cine loops for the three readers were 85.0%, 77.9%, and 87.6%, which improved significantly to 96.5%, 97.3%, and 96.5% for parametric imaging, respectively (P < .05, McNemar test), while retaining high specificity (90.9% for all three readers). Accuracy scores of parametric imaging were higher than those of conventional contrast-enhanced US for all three readers (P < .001, McNemar test). Interobserver agreement increased with DVP parametric imaging compared with conventional contrast-enhanced US (change of κ from 0.54 to 0.99). Conclusion: Parametric imaging of DVP improves diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced US in the differentiation between malignant and benign FLLs; it also provides excellent interobserver agreement.


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Background and Aims: The NS5A protein of the HCV is known tobe involved in viral replication and assembly and probably in theresistance to Interferon based-therapy. Previous studies identifiedinsertions or deletions from 1 to 12 nucleotides in several genomicregions. In a multicenter study (17 French and 1 Swiss laboratoriesof virology), we identified for the first time a 31 amino acidsinsertion leading to a duplication of the V3 domain in the NS5Aregion with a high prevalence. Quasispecies of each strain withduplication were characterized and the inserted V3 domain wasidentified.Methods: Between 2006 and 2008, 1067 patients chronicallyinfected with a 1b HCV were consecutively included in the study.We first amplified the V3 region by RT-PCR to detect duplication(919 samples successfully amplified). The entire NS5A region wasthen amplified, cloned and sequenced in strains bearing theduplication. V3 sequences (called R1 and R2) from each clonewere analyzed with BioEdit and compared to a V3 consensussequence (C) built from the Database Los Alamos Hepatitis C.Entropy was determined at each position.Results: V3 duplications were identified in 25 patients representinga prevalence of 2.72%. We sequenced 2043 clones from which776 had a complete coding NS5A sequence (corresponding toa mean of 30 clones per patient). At the intra-individual level,6 to 17 variants were identified per V3 region, with a maximum of3 different amino acids. At the inter-individual level, a differenceof 7 and 2 amino acids was observed between C and R1 and R2sequences, respectively. Moreover few positions presented entropyhigher than 1 (4 for the R1, 2 for the R2 and 2 for the C). Among allthe sequenced clones, more than 60% were defective virus (partialfragment of NS5A or stop codon).Conclusions: We identified a duplication of the V3 domain ingenotype 1b HCV with a high prevalence. The R2 domain, which wasthe most similar to the C region, might probably be the "original"domain, whereas R1 should be the inserted domain. Phylogeneticanalyses are under process to confirm this hypothesis.


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Generating a diverse T cell memory population through vaccination is a promising strategy to overcome pathogen epitope variability and tolerance to tumor Ags. The effector and memory pool becomes broad in TCR diversity by recruiting high- and low-affinity T cells. We wanted to determine which factors dictate whether a memory T cell pool has a broad versus focused repertoire. We find that inflammation increases the magnitude of low- and high-affinity T cell responses equally well, arguing against a synergistic effect of TCR and inflammatory signals on T cell expansion. We dissect the differential effects of TCR signal strength and inflammation and demonstrate that they control effector T cell survival in a bim-dependent manner. Importantly, bim-dependent cell death is overcome with a high Ag dose in the context of an inflammatory environment. Our data define the framework for the generation of a broad T cell memory pool to inform future vaccine design.


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Apoptosis, differentiation, and proliferation are cellular responses which play a pivotal role in wound healing. During this process PPARbeta translates inflammatory signals into prompt keratinocyte responses. We show herein that PPARbeta modulates Akt1 activation via transcriptional upregulation of ILK and PDK1, revealing a mechanism for the control of Akt1 signaling. The resulting higher Akt1 activity leads to increased keratinocyte survival following growth factor deprivation or anoikis. PPARbeta also potentiates NF-kappaB activity and MMP-9 production, which can regulate keratinocyte migration. Together, these results provide a molecular mechanism by which PPARbeta protects keratinocytes against apoptosis and may contribute to the process of skin wound closure.


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The first line imaging of the non-traumatic brachial plexus is by MRI. Knowledge of the anatomy and commonest variants is essential. Three Tesla imaging offers the possibility of 3D isotropic sequences with excellent spatial and contrast enhancement resolutions, which leads to time saving and quality boosting. The most commonly seen conditions are benign tumor lesions and radiation damage. Gadolinium is required to assess inflammatory or tumour plexopathy. MRI data should be correlated with FDG-PET if tumor recurrence is suspected.


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Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic progressive destructive disease. Currently available instruments measure disease activity at a specific point in time. An instrument to measure cumulative structural damage to the bowel, which may predict long-term disability, is needed. The aim of this article is to outline the methods to develop an instrument that can measure cumulative bowel damage. The project is being conducted by the International Program to develop New Indexes in Crohn's disease (IPNIC) group. This instrument, called the Crohn's Disease Digestive Damage Score (the Lémann score), should take into account damage location, severity, extent, progression, and reversibility, as measured by diagnostic imaging modalities and the history of surgical resection. It should not be "diagnostic modality driven": for each lesion and location, a modality appropriate for the anatomic site (for example: computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging enterography, and colonoscopy) will be used. A total of 24 centers from 15 countries will be involved in a cross-sectional study, which will include up to 240 patients with stratification according to disease location and duration. At least 120 additional patients will be included in the study to validate the score. The Lémann score is expected to be able to portray a patient's disease course on a double-axis graph, with time as the x-axis, bowel damage severity as the y-axis, and the slope of the line connecting data points as a measure of disease progression. This instrument could be used to assess the effect of various medical therapies on the progression of bowel damage. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011).


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OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether the INTERMED, a generic instrument for assessing biopsychosocial case complexity and direct care, identifies organ transplant patients at risk of unfavourable post-transplant development by comparing it to the Transplant Evaluation Rating Scale (TERS), the established measure for pretransplant psychosocial evaluation. METHOD: One hundred nineteen kidney, liver, and heart transplant candidates were evaluated using the INTERMED, TERS, SF-36, EuroQol, Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), and Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). RESULTS: We found significant relationships between the INTERMED and the TERS scores. The INTERMED highly correlated with the HADS,MADRS, and mental and physical health scores of the SF-36 Health Survey. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate the validity and usefulness of the INTERMED instrument for pretransplant evaluation. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the different qualities of INTERMED and TERS in clinical practice. The advantages of the psychiatric focus of the TERS and the biopsychosocial perspective of the INTERMED are discussed in the context of current literature on integrated care.


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BACKGROUND: The relation of serum uric acid (SUA) with systemic inflammation has been little explored in humans and results have been inconsistent. We analyzed the association between SUA and circulating levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein (CRP). METHODS AND FINDINGS: This cross-sectional population-based study conducted in Lausanne, Switzerland, included 6085 participants aged 35 to 75 years. SUA was measured using uricase-PAP method. Plasma TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and IL-6 were measured by a multiplexed particle-based flow cytometric assay and hs-CRP by an immunometric assay. The median levels of SUA, IL-6, TNF-alpha, CRP and IL-1beta were 355 micromol/L, 1.46 pg/mL, 3.04 pg/mL, 1.2 mg/L and 0.34 pg/mL in men and 262 micromol/L, 1.21 pg/mL, 2.74 pg/mL, 1.3 mg/L and 0.45 pg/mL in women, respectively. SUA correlated positively with IL-6, TNF-alpha and CRP and negatively with IL-1beta (Spearman r: 0.04, 0.07, 0.20 and 0.05 in men, and 0.09, 0.13, 0.30 and 0.07 in women, respectively, P<0.05). In multivariable analyses, SUA was associated positively with CRP (beta coefficient +/- SE = 0.35+/-0.02, P<0.001), TNF-alpha (0.08+/-0.02, P<0.001) and IL-6 (0.10+/-0.03, P<0.001), and negatively with IL-1beta (-0.07+/-0.03, P = 0.027). Upon further adjustment for body mass index, these associations were substantially attenuated. CONCLUSIONS: SUA was associated positively with IL-6, CRP and TNF-alpha and negatively with IL-1beta, particularly in women. These results suggest that uric acid contributes to systemic inflammation in humans and are in line with experimental data showing that uric acid triggers sterile inflammation.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Pazopanib has demonstrated clinical benefit in patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and is generally well tolerated. However, transaminase elevations have commonly been observed. This 2-stage study sought to identify genetic determinants of alanine transaminase (ALT) elevations in pazopanib-treated white patients with RCC.¦METHODS: Data from two separate clinical studies were used to examine the association of genetic polymorphisms with maximum on-treatment ALT levels.¦RESULTS: Of 6852 polymorphisms in 282 candidate genes examined in an exploratory dataset of 115 patients, 92 polymorphisms in 40 genes were significantly associated with ALT elevation (p<0.01). Two markers (rs2858996 and rs707889) in the HFE gene, which are not yet known to be associated with hemochromatosis, showed evidence for replication. Because of multiple comparisons, there was a 12% likelihood the replication occurred by chance. These two markers demonstrated strong linkage disequilibrium (r(2)=0.99). In the combined dataset, median (25-75th percentile) maximum ALT values were 1.2 (0.7-1.9), 1.1 (0.8-2.5), and 5.4 (1.9-7.6)×ULN for rs2858996 GG (n=148), GT (n=82), and TT (n=1 2) genotypes, respectively. All 12 TT patients had a maximum ALT>ULN, and 8 (67%) had ALT≥3×ULN. The odds ratio (95% CI) for ALT≥3×ULN for TT genotype was 39.7 (2.2-703.7) compared with other genotypes. As a predictor of ALT≥3×ULN, the TT genotype had a negative predictive value of 0.83 and positive predictive value of 0.67. No TT patients developed liver failure.¦CONCLUSIONS: The rs2858996/rs707889 polymorphisms in the HFE gene may be associated with reversible ALT elevation in pazo-panib-treated patients with RCC.


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PURPOSE: To implement and characterize a fluorine-19 ((19)F) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique and to test the hypothesis that the (19)F MRI signal in steady state after intravenous injection of a perfluoro-15-crown-5 ether (PCE) emulsion may be exploited for angiography in a pre-clinical in vivo animal study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro at 9.4T, the detection limit of the PCE emulsion at a scan time of 10 min/slice was determined, after which the T(1) and T(2) of PCE in venous blood were measured. Permission from the local animal use committee was obtained for all animal experiments. 12 µl/g of PCE emulsion was intravenously injected in 11 mice. Gradient echo (1)H and (19)F images were obtained at identical anatomical levels. Signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise (CNR) ratios were determined for 33 vessels in both the (19)F and (1)H images, which was followed by vessel tracking to determine the vessel conspicuity for both modalities. RESULTS: In vitro, the detection limit was ∼400 µM, while the (19)F T(1) and T(2) were 1350±40 and 25±2 ms. The (19)F MR angiograms selectively visualized the vasculature (and the liver parenchyma over time) while precisely coregistering with the (1)H images. Due to the lower SNR of (19)F compared to (1)H (17±8 vs. 83±49, p<0.001), the (19)F CNR was also lower at 15±8 vs. 52±35 (p<0.001). Vessel tracking demonstrated a significantly higher vessel sharpness in the (19)F images (66±11 vs. 56±12, p = 0.002). CONCLUSION: (19)F magnetic resonance angiography of intravenously administered perfluorocarbon emulsions is feasible for a selective and exclusive visualization of the vasculature in vivo.