211 resultados para INSULIN EXOCYTOSIS
Seven obese Type 2 diabetic patients were studied for two 4-h periods after ingestion of a glucose load to determine the effects of preprandial subcutaneous injection of Insulin Lispro (5 min before the meal) or regular insulin (20 min before the meal) on glucose metabolism. Glucose production and utilisation were measured using a dual isotope method. After Lispro, the mean postprandial increase in plasma glucose was 29% lower and the increase in insulin concentration 25% higher than after regular insulin (p < 0.05). Suppression of endogenous glucose production was similar with both types of insulin. Thus, preprandial injection of Lispro reduced postprandial glucose increments in Type 2 diabetic patients as compared to regular insulin. This effect is best explained by the increased postprandial bioavailability of Lispro.
Introduction: Une élévation de l'activité des facteurs de transcription CREBs dans le tissu adipeux est en partie responsable de l'insulino-résistance systémique dans l'obésité. Le facteur «Inducible cAMP early repressor» (ICER) est un répresseur transcriptionnel passif dont le niveau d'expression antagonise l'activité des CREBs. L'objectif de ce travail adipocytaire des CREBs dans l'obésité chez l'Homme et la souris. Matériels et méthodes: Du tissu adipeux blanc (TAB) a été prélevé chez des souris obèses nourries sous une diète normale et des souris obèses nourries sous un régime riche en graisses pendant 12 semaines. Des biopsies de tissu adipeux viscéral (TAV) ont été prélevées chez les sujets humains minces (BMI = 24 ± 0,5 kg/m2) et obèses (BMI > 35 kg/m2). L'expression des gènes est quantifiée par RT-PCR quantitative. L'activité des CREBs et d'ICER est mesurée par des expériences de retard sur gel. L'activité des histones déacétylases est quantifiée par dosage colorimétrique. Résultats: L'expression et l'activité d'ICER sont diminuées dans le TAB des souris obèses, hyper-glycémiques et insulino-résistantes. De même, l'activité d'ICER est réduite dans le TAV des sujets humains obèses. Cette réduction corrèle avec une augmentation de l'activité des CREBs, une réduction de l'expression de Glut4 et de l'adiponectine, à la fois chez l'Homme et la souris. La diminution de l'expression d'ICER n'est observée que dans la fraction adipocytaire du tissu adipeux. L'expression d'ICER est contrôlée par l'activité des HDACs. L'inhibition des HDACs inhibe l'expression d'ICER dans les adipocytes. L'activité totale des HDACs est réduite dans les tissus adipeux chez les souris et chez les sujets humains obèses. Conclusion: La diminution de l'activité d'ICER dans les adipocytes par une modification de l'activité des HDACs serait responsable de l'augmentation de l'activité des CREBs dans l'obésité.
Introduction: Les études GVvA (Genome-wide association ,-studies) ont identifié et confirmé plus de 20 gènes de susceptibilité au DT2 et ont contribué à mieux comprendre sa physiopathologie. L'hyperglycémie à jeun (GJ), et 2 heures après une HGPO (G2h) sont les deux mesures cliniques du diagnostic du DT2. Nous avons identifié récemment la G6P du pancréas (G6PC2) comme déterminant de la variabilité physiologique de la GJ puis Ie récepteur à la mélatonine (MTNRIB) qui de plus lie la régulation du rythme circadien au DT2. Dans ce travail nous avons étudié la génétique de la G2h à l'aide de l'approche GWA. Résultats: Nous avons réalisé une méta-analyse GWA dans le cadre de MAGIC (Meta-Analysis of Glucose and Insulin related traits Consortium) qui a inclus 9 études GWA (N=15'234). La réplication de 29 loci (N=6958-30 121, P < 10-5 ) a confirmé 5 nouveaux loci; 2 étant connus comme associés avec Ie DT2 (TCF7L2, P = 1,6 X 10-10 ) et la GJ (GCKR, p = 5,6 X 10-10 ); alors que GIPR (p= 5,2 X 10-12), VSP13C (p= 3,9 X 10-8) et ADCY5 (p = 1,11 X 10-15 ) sont inédits. GIPR code Ie récepteur au GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide) qui est sécrété par les ceIlules intestinales pour stimuler la sécrétion de l'insuline en réponse au glucose (l'effet incrétine). Les porteurs du variant GIPR qui augmente la G2h ont également un indice insulinogénique plus bas, (p= 1,0 X 10-17) mais ils ne présentent aucune modification de leur glycémie suite à une hyperglycémie provoquée par voie veineuse (p= 0,21). Ces résultats soutiennent un effet incrétine du locus GIPR qui expliquerait ~9,6 % de la variance total de ce trait. La biologie de ADCY5 et VPS13C et son lien avec l'homéostasie du glucose restent à élucider. GIPR n'est pas associé avec le risque de DT2 indiquant qu'il influence la variabilité physiologique de la G2h alors que le locus ADCY5 est associé avec le DT2 (OR = 1,11, P = 1,5 X 10-15). Conclusion: Notre étude démontre que l'étude de la G2h est une approche efficace d'une part pour la compréhension de la base génétique de la physiologie de ce trait clinique important et d'autre part pour identifier de nouveaux gènes de susceptibilité au DT2.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sustained adipose activation of the transcriptional activators cAMP response binding proteins (CREB) in obesity leads to impaired expression of the glucose transporter GLUT4 and adiponectin (adipoq) in mice model of obesity. Diminution of GLUT4 and adipoq caused by CREB is indirect and relies on the increased repressive activity of the CREB target gene activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3). Specific inactivation of CREB in adipocytes decreases ATF3 production and improves whole-body insulin sensitivity of mice in the context of diet-induced obesity. Thus, elevation of CREB activity is a key mechanism responsible for adipocyte dysfunction and systemic insulin resistance. The inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) is a negative regulator of the CREB activity. In fact, ICER antagonizes the CREB factor by competing for the regulation of similar target genes. The goal of the study was to investigate whether loss of ICER expression in adipocytes could be responsible for increased CREB activity in obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mice C57bl6 were fed with a high fat diet (HFD) for 12 weeks to increase body weight and generate insulin resistance. Biopsies of visceral adipose tissues (VAT) were prepared from human lean (BMI=24}0.5 Kg/m2) or obese subjects (BMI>35 Kg/m2). Total RNA and protein were prepared from white adipose tissues (WAT) of chow- or HFD-fed mice and VAT of lean and obese subjects. Activities of CREBs and ICER were monitored by electromobility shift assays (EMSA). The role of ICER on CREB activity was confirmed in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cells. Briefly after differentiation, the cells were electroporated with the plasmid coding for ICER cDNA. Gene expression was quantified by quantitative real-time PCR and western Blotting experiments. RESULTS: The expression of ICER is reduced in WAT of HFD-induced obese mice when compared to chow mice as measured by real-time PCR and EMSA. Similar result was found in human tissues. Reduction in ICER expression was associated with increased ATF3 expression and decreased adipoq and GLUT4 contents. Diminution in ICER levels was observed in adipocytes fraction whereas its expression was unchanged in stroma vascular fraction of WAT. Overexpression of ICER in 3T3-L1 adipocytes silenced the expression of ATF3, confirming the regulation of the factor by ICER. The expression of ICER is regulated by histone deacetylases activity (HDAC). Inhibition of HDACs in 3T3-L1 adipocytes cells using trichostatin inhibited the production of ICER. The whole activity of HDAC was reduced in WAT and VAT of obese mice and human obese subjects. CONCLUSION: Impaired adipose expression of ICER is responsible of increased CREB activity in adipocytes in obesity. This mechanism relies on reduction of the HDAC activity.
The prevalence of obesity has markedly increased over the past few decades. Exploration of how hunger and satiety signals influence the reward system can help us understand non-homeostatic feeding. Insulin may act in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), a critical site for reward-seeking behavior, to suppress feeding. However, the neural mechanisms underlying insulin effects in the VTA remain unknown. We demonstrate that insulin, a circulating catabolic peptide that inhibits feeding, can induce long-term depression (LTD) of mouse excitatory synapses onto VTA dopamine neurons. This effect requires endocannabinoid-mediated presynaptic inhibition of glutamate release. Furthermore, after a sweetened high-fat meal, which elevates endogenous insulin, insulin-induced LTD is occluded. Finally, insulin in the VTA reduces food anticipatory behavior in mice and conditioned place preference for food in rats. Taken together, these results suggest that insulin in the VTA suppresses excitatory synaptic transmission and reduces anticipatory activity and preference for food-related cues.
BACKGROUND: Macrophage-mediated chronic inflammation is mechanistically linked to insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Although arginase I is considered antiinflammatory, the role of arginase II (Arg-II) in macrophage function remains elusive. This study characterizes the role of Arg-II in macrophage inflammatory responses and its impact on obesity-linked type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: In human monocytes, silencing Arg-II decreases the monocytes' adhesion to endothelial cells and their production of proinflammatory mediators stimulated by oxidized low-density lipoprotein or lipopolysaccharides, as evaluated by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Macrophages differentiated from bone marrow cells of Arg-II-deficient (Arg-II(-/-)) mice express lower levels of lipopolysaccharide-induced proinflammatory mediators than do macrophages of wild-type mice. Importantly, reintroducing Arg-II cDNA into Arg-II(-/-) macrophages restores the inflammatory responses, with concomitant enhancement of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Scavenging of reactive oxygen species by N-acetylcysteine prevents the Arg-II-mediated inflammatory responses. Moreover, high-fat diet-induced infiltration of macrophages in various organs and expression of proinflammatory cytokines in adipose tissue are blunted in Arg-II(-/-) mice. Accordingly, Arg-II(-/-) mice reveal lower fasting blood glucose and improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-deficient mice with Arg-II deficiency (ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-)) display reduced lesion size with characteristics of stable plaques, such as decreased macrophage inflammation and necrotic core. In vivo adoptive transfer experiments reveal that fewer donor ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-) than ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) monocytes infiltrate into the plaque of ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) mice. Conversely, recipient ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(-/-) mice accumulate fewer donor monocytes than do recipient ApoE(-/-)Arg-II(+/+) animals. CONCLUSIONS: Arg-II promotes macrophage proinflammatory responses through mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, contributing to insulin resistance and atherogenesis. Targeting Arg-II represents a potential therapeutic strategy in type II diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. (J Am Heart Assoc. 2012;1:e000992 doi: 10.1161/JAHA.112.000992.).
BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.
Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by intestinal factors has been described for many years. Today, two major peptides with potent insulinotropic action have been recognized: gastric inhibitory peptide and truncated forms of glucagon-like peptide I, GLP-I(7-37) or the related GLP-I(7-36)amide. These hormones have specific beta-cell receptors that are coupled to production of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Elevation in intracellular cAMP levels is required to mediate the glucoincretin effect of these hormones: the potentiation of insulin secretion in the presence of stimulatory concentrations of glucose. In addition, circulating glucoincretins maintain basal levels of cAMP, which are necessary to keep beta-cells in a glucose-competent state. Interactions between glucoincretin signaling and glucose-induced insulin secretion may result from the phosphorylation of key elements of the glucose signaling pathway by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These include the ATP-dependent K+ channel, the Ca++ channel, or elements of the secretory machinery itself. In NIDDM, the glucoincretin effect is reduced. However, basal or stimulated gastric inhibitory peptide and glucagon-like peptide I levels are normal or even elevated, suggesting that signals induced by these hormones on the beta-cells are probably altered. At pharmacological doses, infusion of glucagon-like peptide I but not gastric inhibitory peptide, can ameliorate postprandial insulin secretory response in NIDDM patients. Agonists of the glucagon-like peptide I receptor have been proposed as new therapeutic agents in NIDDM.
GLUT2-null mice are hyperglycemic, hypoinsulinemic, hyperglucagonemic, and glycosuric and die within the first 3 weeks of life. Their endocrine pancreas shows a loss of first phase glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and inverse alpha to beta cell ratio. Here we show that reexpression by transgenesis of either GLUT1 or GLUT2 in the pancreatic beta cells of these mice allowed mouse survival and breeding. The rescued mice had normal-fed glycemia but fasted hypoglycemia, glycosuria, and an elevated glucagon to insulin ratio. Glucose tolerance was, however, normal. In vivo, insulin secretion assessed following hyperglycemic clamps was normal. In vitro, islet perifusion studies revealed that first phase of insulin secretion was restored as well by GLUT1 or GLUT2, and this was accompanied by normalization of the glucose utilization rate. The ratio of pancreatic insulin to glucagon and volume densities of alpha to beta cells were, however, not corrected. These data demonstrate that 1) reexpression of GLUT1 or GLUT2 in beta cells is sufficient to rescue GLUT2-null mice from lethality, 2) GLUT1 as well as GLUT2 can restore normal GSIS, 3) restoration of GSIS does not correct the abnormal composition of the endocrine pancreas. Thus, normal GSIS does not depend on transporter affinity but on the rate of uptake at stimulatory glucose concentrations.
Elevated levels of γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) have been associated with elevated blood pressure (BP) and diabetes. However, the causality of these relations has not been addressed. The authors performed a cross-sectional analysis (2003-2006) among 4,360 participants from the population-based Cohorte Lausannoise (CoLaus) Study (Lausanne, Switzerland). The rs2017869 variant of the γ-glutamyltransferase 1 (GGT1) gene, which explained 1.6% of the variance in GGT levels, was used as an instrument for Mendelian randomization (MR). Sex-specific GGT quartiles were strongly associated with both systolic and diastolic BP (all P's < 0.0001). After multivariable adjustment, these relations were attenuated but remained significant. Using MR, the authors observed no positive association of GGT with BP (systolic: β -5.68, 95% confidence interval (CI): -11.51, 0.16 (P = 0.06); diastolic: β = -2.24, 95% CI: -5.98, 1.49 (P = 0.24)). The association of GGT with insulin was also attenuated after multivariable adjustment but persisted in the fully adjusted model (β = 0.07, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.09; P < 0.0001). Using MR, the authors also observed a positive association of GGT with insulin (β = 0.19, 95% CI: 0.01, 0.37; P = 0.04). In conclusion, the authors found evidence for a direct causal relation of GGT with fasting insulin but not with BP.
Neuropeptide-Y (NPY) is a 36-amino acid peptide known to inhibit glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in various animal models in vitro and in vivo. NPY is thought to be one of the mediators of sympathetic action in the pancreas through nerve endings surrounding the islets, and it has recently been shown to be synthesized within the islets of Langerhans. To elucidate the potential role of NPY in the endocrine pancreas, we studied the expression and regulation of NPY secretion in a rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1). NPY mRNA and peptide are highly expressed and secreted by INS-1 cells. NPY levels were determined by a sensitive and specific two-site amplified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Incubation of INS-1 cells with various glucose concentrations did not modify NPY secretion; however, stimulation of adenylate cyclase by forskolin induced a dose- and time-dependent increase in NPY release in the medium. The glucagon-like peptide-I-(7-36) amide (GLP-1), a known gluco-incretin in humans, induced at low concentration (10(-9) M) a similar expression of NPY mRNA and peptide secretion in INS-1 cells. On the other hand, the inhibition of cAMP accumulation by the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine decreased NPY secretion. In conclusion, 1) high levels of gene expression and secretion of NPY are found in a rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1). 2) Accumulation of cAMP induced by forskolin or a gluco-incretin (GLP-1) induces a further increase in NPY gene expression and release. 3) NPY secretion is not modulated by low or high glucose concentrations in the medium. 4) Induction of NPY, a known inhibitor of insulin secretion, may represent a novel counterregulatory mechanism of insulin secretion, limiting the stimulatory effect of GLP-1 on insulin secretion.
We evaluated the role of the G alpha-q (Galphaq) subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins in the insulin signaling pathway leading to GLUT4 translocation. We inhibited endogenous Galphaq function by single cell microinjection of anti-Galphaq/11 antibody or RGS2 protein (a GAP protein for Galphaq), followed by immunostaining to assess GLUT4 translocation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Galphaq/11 antibody and RGS2 inhibited insulin-induced GLUT4 translocation by 60 or 75%, respectively, indicating that activated Galphaq is important for insulin-induced glucose transport. We then assessed the effect of overexpressing wild-type Galphaq (WT-Galphaq) or a constitutively active Galphaq mutant (Q209L-Galphaq) by using an adenovirus expression vector. In the basal state, Q209L-Galphaq expression stimulated 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake and GLUT4 translocation to 70% of the maximal insulin effect. This effect of Q209L-Galphaq was inhibited by wortmannin, suggesting that it is phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) dependent. We further show that Q209L-Galphaq stimulates PI3-kinase activity in p110alpha and p110gamma immunoprecipitates by 3- and 8-fold, respectively, whereas insulin stimulates this activity mostly in p110alpha by 10-fold. Nevertheless, only microinjection of anti-p110alpha (and not p110gamma) antibody inhibited both insulin- and Q209L-Galphaq-induced GLUT4 translocation, suggesting that the metabolic effects induced by Q209L-Galphaq are dependent on the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase. In summary, (i) Galphaq appears to play a necessary role in insulin-stimulated glucose transport, (ii) Galphaq action in the insulin signaling pathway is upstream of and dependent upon PI3-kinase, and (iii) Galphaq can transmit signals from the insulin receptor to the p110alpha subunit of PI3-kinase, which leads to GLUT4 translocation.
Endurance training improves exercise performance and insulin sensitivity, and these effects may be in part mediated by an enhanced fat oxidation. Since n-3 and n-9 unsaturated fatty acids may also increase fat oxidation, we hypothesised that a diet enriched in these fatty acids may enhance the effects of endurance training on exercise performance, insulin sensitivity and fat oxidation. To assess this hypothesis, sixteen normal-weight sedentary male subjects were randomly assigned to an isoenergetic diet enriched with fish and olive oils (unsaturated fatty acid group (UFA): 52 % carbohydrates, 34 % fat (12 % SFA, 12 % MUFA, 5 % PUFA), 14 % protein), or a control diet (control group (CON): 62 % carbohydrates, 24 % fat (12 % SFA, 6 % MUFA, 2 % PUFA), 14 % protein) and underwent a 10 d gradual endurance training protocol. Exercise performance was evaluated by measuring VO2max and the time to exhaustion during a cycling exercise at 80 % VO2max; glucose homeostasis was assessed after ingestion of a test meal. Fat oxidation was assessed by indirect calorimetry at rest and during an exercise at 50 % VO2max. Training significantly increased time to exhaustion, but not VO2max, and lowered incremental insulin area under the curve after the test meal, indicating improved insulin sensitivity. Those effects were, however, of similar magnitude in UFA and CON. Fat oxidation tended to increase in UFA, but not in CON. This difference was, however, not significant. It is concluded that a diet enriched with fish- and olive oil does not substantially enhance the effects of a short-term endurance training protocol in healthy young subjects.