BACKGROUND: Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) has emerged as a pivotal mediator of innate immunity and has been shown to be an important effector molecule in severe sepsis. Melioidosis, caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, is an important cause of community-acquired sepsis in Southeast-Asia. We aimed to characterize the expression and function of MIF in melioidosis. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MIF expression was determined in leukocytes and plasma from 34 melioidosis patients and 32 controls, and in mice infected with B. pseudomallei. MIF function was investigated in experimental murine melioidosis using anti-MIF antibodies and recombinant MIF. Patients demonstrated markedly increased MIF mRNA leukocyte and MIF plasma concentrations. Elevated MIF concentrations were associated with mortality. Mice inoculated intranasally with B. pseudomallei displayed a robust increase in pulmonary and systemic MIF expression. Anti-MIF treated mice showed lower bacterial loads in their lungs upon infection with a low inoculum. Conversely, mice treated with recombinant MIF displayed a modestly impaired clearance of B. pseudomallei. MIF exerted no direct effects on bacterial outgrowth or phagocytosis of B. pseudomallei. CONCLUSIONS: MIF concentrations are markedly elevated during clinical melioidosis and correlate with patients' outcomes. In experimental melioidosis MIF impaired antibacterial defense.
Sequential conversion of estradiol (E) to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and 2-/4-methoxyestradiols (MEs) by CYP450s and catechol-O-methyltransferase, respectively, contributes to the inhibitory effects of E on smooth muscle cells (SMCs) via estrogen receptor-independent mechanisms. Because medroxyprogesterone (MPA) is a substrate for CYP450s, we hypothesized that MPA may abrogate the inhibitory effects of E by competing for CYP450s and inhibiting the formation of 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of E on SMC number, DNA and collagen synthesis, and migration in the presence and absence of MPA. The inhibitory effects of E on cell number, DNA synthesis, collagen synthesis, and SMC migration were significantly abrogated by MPA. For example, E (0.1micromol/L) reduced cell number to 51+/-3.6% of control, and this inhibitory effect was attenuated to 87.5+/-2.9% by MPA (10 nmol/L). Treatment with MPA alone did not alter any SMC parameters, and the abrogatory effects of MPA were not blocked by RU486 (progesterone-receptor antagonist), nor did treatment of SMCs with MPA influence the expression of estrogen receptor-alpha or estrogen receptor-beta. In SMCs and microsomal preparations, MPA inhibited the sequential conversion of E to 2-2/4-hydroxyestradiol and 2-ME. Moreover, as compared with microsomes treated with E alone, 2-ME formation was inhibited when SMCs were incubated with microsomal extracts incubated with E plus MPA. Our findings suggest that the inhibitory actions of MPA on the metabolism of E to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs may negate the cardiovascular protective actions of estradiol in postmenopausal women receiving estradiol therapy combined with administration of MPA.
The purpose of this work was to develop and optimize a simple and suitable method to detect the potential inhibitory effect of drugs and medicines on alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity in order to evaluate the possible interactions between medicines and alcohol metabolism. Commonly used medicines that are often involved in court litigations related with driving under the influence of alcohol were selected. Alprazolam, flunitrazepam and tramadol were tested as drugs with no known effect on ADH activity. Cimetidine, reported previously as having inhibitory effect on ADH, and 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP), a well known ADH inhibitor, were tested as positive controls. Apart from 4-MP, tramadol was identified as having the higher inhibitory effect with an IC50 of 44.7×10(-3)mM, followed by cimetidine (IC50 of 122.9×10(-3)mM). Alprazolam and flunitrazepam also reduced liver ADH activity but to a smaller extent (inhibition of 11.8±5.0% for alprazolam 1.0mM and 34.5±7.1% for flunitrazepam 0.04mM). Apart from cimetidine, this is the first report describing the inhibitory effect of these drugs on ethanol metabolism. The results also show the suitability of the method to screen for inhibitory effect of drugs on ethanol metabolism helping to identify drugs for which further study is justified.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between plasma concentrations of losartan, an orally active angiotensin II inhibitor, its active metabolite EXP3174, and angiotensin II blockade. Six healthy subjects received single oral doses of 40, 80, or 120 mg losartan and placebo at 1-week intervals in a crossover study. Angiotensin II blockade was assessed by the blood pressure response to exogenous angiotensin II before and after losartan administration. EXP3174 reached higher plasma concentrations and was eliminated more slowly than its parent compound; its levels paralleled the profile of angiotensin II blockade closer than losartan. Inhibition of the pressure response was dose dependent. The Hill-shaped relationship between response and EXP3174 concentration (or time-integrated variables) approached a plateau with 80 mg. The dose-dependent increase in plasma renin and angiotensin II exhibited a considerable individual scatter. We conclude that losartan produces a dose-dependent, effective angiotensin II blockade that is largely determined by the active metabolite EXP3174.
Considering macrophage migratory inhibitory factor (MIF) as a critical pro-inflammatory cytokine of the immune system, we evaluated plasma MIF levels in 89 HIV-infected adults. Plasma MIF levels were higher in HIV-infected than in HIV-negative individuals. Highest MIF levels were observed during acute HIV infection (AHI) whilst patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) had lower MIF levels, regardless of ART efficacy. Our results suggest that MIF is an integral component of the cytokine storm characteristic of AHI.
Although glucose is the major regulator of insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells, its action is modulated by several neural and hormonal stimuli. In particular, hormones secreted by intestinal endocrine cells stimulate glucose-induced insulin secretion very potently after nutrient absorption. These hormones, called gluco-incretins or insulinotropic hormones, are major regulators of postprandial glucose homeostasis. The main gluco-incretins are GIP (gastric inhibitory polypeptide or glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) and GLP-1 (glucagon-like polypeptide-1). The secretion of GIP, a 42 amino acid polypeptide secreted by duodenal K cells, is triggered by fat and glucose. GIP stimulation of insulin secretion depends on the presence of specific beta-cell receptors and requires glucose at a concentration at least equal to or higher than the normoglycaemic level of approximately 5 mM. GIP accounts for about 50% of incretin activity, and the rest may be due to GLP-1 which is produced by proteolytic processing of the preproglucagon molecule in intestinal L cells. GLP-1 is the most potent gluco-incretin characterized so far. As with GIP, its stimulatory action requires a specific membrane receptor and normal or elevated glucose concentrations. Contrary to GIP, the incretin effect of GLP-1 is maintained in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. This peptide or agonists of its beta-cell receptor could provide new therapeutic tools for the treatment of Type II diabetic hyperglycaemia.
Abstract The amygdala is a group of nuclei in the temporal lobe of the brain that plays a crucial role in anxiety and fear behavior. Sensory information converges in the basolateral and lateral nuclei of the amygdala, which have been the first regions in the brain where the acquisition of new (fear) memories has been associated with long term changes in synaptic transmission. These nuclei, in turn, project to the central nucleus of the amygdala. The central amygdala, through its extensive projections to numerous nuclei in the midbrain and brainstem, plays a pivotal role in the orchestration of the rapid autonomic and endocrine fear responses. In the central amygdala a large number of neuropeptides and receptors is expressed, among which high levels of vasopressin and oxytocin receptors. Local injections of these peptides into the amygdala modulate several aspects of the autonomic fear reaction. Interestingly, their effects are opposing: vasopressin tends to enhance the fear reactions, whereas oxytocin has anxiolytic effects. In order to investigate the neurophysiological mechanisms that could underlie this opposing modulation of the fear behavior, we studied the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the neuronal activity in an acute brain slice preparation of the rat central amygdala. We first assessed the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on the spontaneous activity of central amygdala neurons. Extracellular single unit recordings revealed two major populations of neurons: a majority of neurons was excited by vasopressin and inhibited by oxytocin, whereas other neurons were only excited by oxytocin receptor activation. The inhibitory effect of oxytocin could be reduced by the block of GABAergic transmission, whereas the excitatory effects of vasopressin and oxytocin were not affected. In a second step we identified the cellular mechanisms for the excitatory effects of both peptides as well as the morphological and biochemical mechanisms underlying the opposing effects, by using sharp electrode recordings together with intracellular labelings. We revealed that oxytocin-excited neurons are localized in the lateral part (CeL) whereas vasopressin excited cells are found in the medial part of the central amygdala (CeM). The tracing of the neuronal morphology showed that the axon collaterals of the oxytocin-excited neurons project from the CeL, far into the CeM. Combined immunohistochemical stainings indicated that these projections are GABAergic. In the third set of experiments we investigated the synaptic interactions between the two identified cell populations. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in the CeM revealed that the inhibitory effect of oxytocin was caused by the massive increase of inhibitory GABAergic currents, which was induced by the activation of CeL neurons. Finally, the effects of vasopressin and oxytocin on evoked activity were investigated. We found on the one hand, that the probability of evoking action potentials in the CeM by stimulating the basolateral amygdala afferents was enhanced under vasopressin, whereas it decreased under oxytocin. On the other hand, the impact of cortical afferents stimulation on the CeL neurons was enhanced by oxytocin application. Taken together, these findings have allowed us to develop a model, in which the opposing behavioral effects of vasopressin and oxytocin are caused by a selective activation of two distinct populations of neurons in the GABAergic network of the central amygdala. Our model could help to develop new anxiolytic treatments, which modulate simultaneously both receptor systems. By acting on a GABAergic network, such treatments can further be tuned by combinations with classical benzodiazepines. Résumé: L'amygdale est un groupe de noyaux cérébraux localisés dans le lobe temporal. Elle joue un rôle essentiel dans les comportements liés à la peur et l'anxiété. L'information issue des aires sensorielles converge vers les noyaux amygdaliens latéraux et basolatéraux, qui sont les projections vers différents noyaux du tronc cérébral et de l'hypothalamus, joue un rôle clef premières régions dans lesquelles il a été démontré que l'acquisition d'une nouvelle mémoire (de peur) était associée à des changements à long terme de la transmission synaptique. Ces noyaux envoient leurs projections sur l'amygdale centrale, qui à travers ses propres dans l'orchestration des réponses autonomes et endocrines de peur. Le contrôle de l'activité neuronale dans l'amygdale centrale module fortement la réaction de peur. Ainsi, un grand nombre de neuropeptides sont spécifiquement exprimés dans l'amygdale centrale et un bon nombre d'entre eux interfère dans la réaction de peur et d'anxiété. Chez les rats, une forte concentration de récepteurs à l'ocytocine et à la vasopressine est exprimée dans le noyau central, et l'injection de ces peptides dans l'amygdale influence différents aspects de la réaction viscérale associée à la peur. Il est intéressant de constater que ces peptides exercent des effets opposés. Ainsi, la vasopressine augmente la réaction de peur alors que l'ocytocine a un effet anxiolytique. Afin d'investiguer les mécanismes neurophysiologiques responsables de ces effets opposés, nous avons étudié l'effet de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sur l'activité neuronale de préparations de tranches de cerveau de rats contenant entre autres de l'amygdale centrale. Tout d'abord, notre intérêt s'est porté sur les effets de ces deux neuropeptides sur l'activité spontanée dans l'amygdale centrale. Des enregistrements extracellulaires ont révélé différentes populations de neurones ; une majorité était excitée par la vasopressine et inhibée par l'ocytocine ; d'autres étaient seulement excités par l'activation du récepteur à l'ocytocine. L'effet inhibiteur de l'ocytocine a pu être réduit par l'inhibition de la transmission GABAergique, alors que ses effets excitateurs n'étaient pas affectés. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons identifié les mécanismes cellulaires responsables de l'effet excitateur de ces deux peptides et analysé les caractéristiques morphologiques et biochimiques des neurones affectés. Des enregistrements intracellulaires ont permis de localiser les neurones excités par l'ocytocine dans la partie latérale de l'amygdale centrale (CeL), et ceux excités par la vasopressine dans sa partie médiale (CeM). Le traçage morphologique des neurones a révélé que les collatérales axonales des cellules excitées par l'ocytocine projetaient du CeL loin dans le CeM. De plus, des colorations immuno-histochimiques ont révélé que ces projections étaient GABAergiques. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons étudié les interactions synaptiques entre ces deux populations de cellules. Les enregistrements en whole-cell patch-clamp dans le CeM ont démontré que les effets inhibiteurs de l'ocytocine résultaient de l'augmentation massive des courants GABAergique résultant de l'activation des neurones dans le CeL. Finalement, les effets de l'ocytocine et de la vasopressine sur l'activité évoquée ont été étudiés. Nous avons pu montrer que la probabilité d'évoquer un potentiel d'action dans le CeM, par stimulation de l'amygdale basolatérale, était augmentée sous l'effet de la vasopressine et diminuée sous l'action de l'ocytocine. Par contre, l'impact de la stimulation des afférences corticales sur les neurones du CeL était augmenté par l'application de l'ocytocine. L'ensemble de ces résultats nous a permis de développer un modèle dans lequel les effets comportementaux opposés de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine sont causés par une activation sélective des deux différentes populations de neurones dans un réseau GABAergique. Un tel modèle pourrait mener au développement de nouveaux traitements anxiolytiques en modulant l'activité des deux récepteurs simultanément. En agissant sur un réseau GABAergique, les effets d'un tel traitement pourraient être rendus encore plus sélectifs en association avec des benzodiazépines classiques.
Cystatin C (CstC) is a cysteine protease inhibitor of major clinical importance. Low concentration of serum CstC is linked to atherosclerosis. CstC can prevent formation of amyloid β associated with Alzheimer's disease and can itself form toxic aggregates. CstC regulates NO secretion by macrophages and is a TGF-β antagonist. Finally, the serum concentration of CstC is an indicator of kidney function. Yet, little is known about the regulation of CstC expression in vivo. In this study, we demonstrate that the transcription factor IFN regulatory factor 8 (IRF-8) is critical for CstC expression in primary dendritic cells. Only those cells with IRF-8 bound to the CstC gene promoter expressed high levels of the inhibitor. Secretion of IL-10 in response to inflammatory stimuli downregulated IRF-8 expression and consequently CstC synthesis in vivo. Furthermore, the serum concentration of CstC decreased in an IL-10-dependent manner in mice treated with the TLR9 agonist CpG. CstC synthesis is therefore more tightly regulated than hitherto recognized. The mechanisms involved in this regulation might be targeted to alter CstC production, with potential therapeutic value. Our results also indicate that caution should be exerted when using the concentration of serum CstC as an indicator of kidney function in conditions in which inflammation may alter CstC production.
The cellular FLICE inhibitory protein (c-FLIP) is an endogenous inhibitor of the caspase-8 proapoptotic signaling pathway downstream of death receptors. Recent evidence indicates that the long form of c-FLIP (c-FLIP(L)) is required for proliferation and effector T-cell development. However, the role of c-FLIP(L) in triggering autoimmunity has not been carefully analyzed. We now report that c-FLIP(L) transgenic (Tg) mice develop splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, multiorgan infiltration, high titers of auto-antibodies, and proliferative glomerulonephritis with immune complex deposition in a strain-dependent manner. The development of autoimmunity requires CD4(+) T cells and may result from impaired thymic selection. At the molecular level, c-FLIP(L) overexpression inhibits the zeta chain-associated protein tyrosine kinase of 70 kDa (ZAP-70) activation, thus impairing the signaling pathway derived from ZAP-70 required for thymic selection. Therefore, we have identified c-FLIP(L) as a susceptibility factor under the influence of epistatic modifiers for the development of autoimmunity.
L'exposition aux poussières de bois est associé à un risque accru d'adénocarcinomes des fosses nasales et des sinus paranasaux (SNC, 'Sinonasal cancer') chez les travailleurs du bois. Les poussières de bois sont ainsi reconnues comme cancérogènes avérés pour l'homme par le Centre international de Recherche sur le Cancer (CIRC). Toutefois, l'agent causal spécifique et le mécanisme sous-jacent relatifs au cancer lié aux poussières de bois demeurent inconnus. Une possible explication est une co-exposition aux poussières de bois et aux Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAP), ces derniers étant potentiellement cancérogènes. Dans les faits, les travailleurs du bois sont non seulement exposés aux poussières de bois naturel, mais également à celles générées lors d'opérations effectuées à l'aide de machines (ponceuses, scies électriques, etc.) sur des finitions de bois (bois traités) ou sur des bois composites, tels que le mélaminé et les panneaux de fibres à densité moyenne (MDF, 'Medium Density Fiberboard'). Des HAP peuvent en effet être générés par la chaleur produite par l'utilisation de ces machines sur la surface du bois. Les principaux objectifs de cette thèse sont les suivants: (1) quantifier HAP qui sont présents dans les poussières générées lors de diverses opérations courantes effectuées sur différents bois (2) quantifier l'exposition individuelle aux poussières de bois et aux HAP chez les travailleurs, et (3) évaluer les effets génotoxiques (dommages au niveau de l'ADN et des chromosomes) due à l'exposition aux poussières de bois et aux HAP. Cette thèse est composée par une étude en laboratoire (objectif 1) et par une étude de terrain (objectifs 2 et 3). Pour l'étude en laboratoire, nous avons collecté des poussières de différents type de bois (sapin, MDF, hêtre, sipo, chêne, bois mélaminé) générées au cours de différentes opérations (comme le ponçage et le sciage), et ceci dans une chambre expérimentale et dans des conditions contrôlées. Ensuite, pour l'étude de terrain, nous avons suivi, dans le cadre de leur activité professionnelle, 31 travailleurs de sexe masculin (travailleurs du bois et ébenistes) exposés aux poussières de bois pendant deux jours de travail consécutifs. Nous avons également recruté, comme groupe de contrôle, 19 travailleurs non exposés. Pour effectuer une biosurveillance, nous avons collecté des échantillons de sang et des échantillons de cellules nasales et buccales pour chacun des participants. Ces derniers ont également rempli un questionnaire comprenant des données démographiques, ainsi que sur leur style de vie et sur leur exposition professionnelle. Pour les travailleurs du bois, un échantillonnage individuel de poussière a été effectué sur chaque sujet à l'aide d'une cassette fermée, puis nous avons évalué leur exposition à la poussière de bois et aux HAP, respectivement par mesure gravimétrique et par Chromatographie en phase gazeuse combinée à la spectrométrie de masse. L'évaluation des dommages induits à l'ADN et aux chromosomes (génotoxicité) a été, elle, effectuée à l'aide du test des micronoyaux (MN) sur les cellules nasales et buccales et à l'aide du test des comètes sur les échantillons de sang. Nos résultats montrent dans la poussière de la totalité des 6 types de bois étudiés la présence de HAP (dont certains sont cancérogènes). Des différences notoires dans les concentrations ont été néanmoins constatées en fonction du matériau étudié : les concentrations allant de 0,24 ppm pour la poussière de MDF à 7.95 ppm pour le mélaminé. Nos résultats montrent également que les travailleurs ont été exposés individuellement à de faibles concentrations de HAP (de 37,5 à 119,8 ng m-3) durant les opérations de travail du bois, alors que les concentrations de poussières inhalables étaient relativement élevés (moyenne géométrique de 2,8 mg m-3). En ce qui concerne la génotoxicité, les travailleurs exposés à la poussière de bois présentent une fréquence significativement plus élevée en MN dans les cellules nasales et buccales que les travailleurs du groupe témoin : un odds ratio de 3.1 a été obtenu pour les cellules nasales (IC 95% : de 1.8 à 5.1) et un odds ratio de 1,8 pour les cellules buccales (IC 95% : de 1.3 à 2.4). En outre, le test des comètes a montré que les travailleurs qui ont déclaré être exposés aux poussières de MDF et/ou de mélaminé avaient des dommages à l'ADN significativement plus élevés que les deux travailleurs exposés à la poussière de bois naturel (sapin, épicéa, hêtre, chêne) et que les travailleurs du groupe témoin (p <.01). Enfin, la fréquence des MN dans les cellules nasales et buccales augmentent avec les années d'exposition aux poussières de bois. Par contre, il n'y a pas de relation dose-réponse concernant la génotoxicité due à l'exposition journalière à la poussière et aux HAP. Cette étude montre qu'une exposition aux HAP eu bien lieu lors des opérations de travail du bois. Les travailleurs exposés aux poussières de bois, et donc aux HAP, courent un risque plus élevé (génotoxicité) par rapport au groupe témoin. Étant donné que certains des HAP détectés sont reconnus potentiellement cancérogènes, il est envisageable que les HAP générés au cours du travail sur les matériaux de bois sont un des agents responsables de la génotoxicité de la poussière de bois et du risque élevé de SNC observé chez les travailleurs du secteur. Etant donné la corrélation entre augmentation de la fréquence des MN, le test des micronoyaux dans les cellules nasales et buccales constitue sans conteste un futur outil pour la biosurveillance et pour la détection précoce du risque de SNC chez les travailleurs. - Exposures to wood dust have been associated with an elevated risk of adenocarcinomas of the Dasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses (sinonasal cancer or SNC) among wood workers. Wood dust is recognized as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. However, the specific cancer causative agent(s) and the mechanism(s) behind wood dust related carcinogenesis remains unknown. One possible explanation is a co-exposure to wood dust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), the latter being carcinogenic. In addition, wood workers are not only exposed to natural wood but also to wood finishes and composite woods such as wood melamine and medium density fiber (MDF) boards during the manipulation with power tools. The heat produced by the use of power tools can cause the generation of PAH from wood materials. The main objectives of the present thesis are to: (1) quantify possible PAH concentrations in wood dust generated during various common woodworking operations using different wood materials; (2) quantify personal wood dust concentrations and PAH exposures among wood workers; and (3) assess genotoxic effects (i.e., DNA and chromosomal damage) of wood dust and PAH exposure in wood workers. This thesis is composed by a laboratory study (objective 1) and a field study (objectives 2 and 3). In the laboratory study we collected wood dust from different wood materials (fir, MDF, beech, mahagany, oak, and wood melamine) generated during different wood operations (e.g., sanding and sawing) in an experimental chamber under controlled conditions. In the following field study, we monitored 31 male wood workers (furniture and construction workers) exposed to wood dust during their professional activity for two consecutive work shifts. Additionally, we recruited 19 non exposed workers as a control group. We collected from each participant blood samples, and nasal and buccal cell samples. They answered a questionnaire including demographic and life-style data and occupational exposure (current and past). Personal wood dust samples were collected using a closed-face cassette. We used gravimetrie analysis to determine the personal wood dust concentrations and capillary gas chromatography - mass spectrometry analysis to determine PAH concentrations. Genotoxicity was assessed with the micronucleus (MN) assay for nasal and buccal cells and with the comet assay for blood samples. Our results show that PAH (some of them carcinogenic) were present in dust from all six wood materials tested, yet at different concentrations depending on the material. The highest concentration was found in dust from wood melamine (7.95 ppm) and the lowest in MDF (0.24 ppm). Our results also show that workers were individually exposed to low concentrations of PAHs (37.5-119.8 ng m"3) during wood working operations, whereas the concentrations of inhalable dust were relatively high (geometric mean 2.8 mg m"3). Concerning the genotoxicity, wood workers had a significantly higher MN frequency in nasal and buccal cells than the workers in the control group (odds ratio for nasal cells 3.1 (95%CI 1.8-5.1) and buccal cells 1.8 (95%CI 1.3-2.4)). Furthermore, the comet assay showed that workers who reported to be exposed to dust from wooden boards (MDF and wood melamine) had significantly higher DNA damage than both the workers exposed to natural woods (fir, spruce, beech, oak) and the workers in the control group (p < 0.01). Finally, MN frequency in nasal and buccal cells increased with increasing years of exposure to wood dust. However, there was no genotoxic dose-response relationship with the per present day wood dust and PAH exposure. This study shows that PAH exposure occurred during wood working operations. Workers exposed to wood dust, and thus to PAH, had a higher risk for genotoxicity compared to the control group. Since some of the detected PAH are potentially carcinogenic, PAH generated from operations on wood materials may be one of the causative agents for the observed increased genotoxicity in wood workers. Since increased genotoxicity is manifested in an increased MN frequency, the MN assay in nasal and buccal cells may become a relevant biomonitoring tool in the future for early detection of SNC risk.
The role of Wnt antagonists in the carcinogenesis of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) remains unclear. We hypothesized that downregulation of the Wnt inhibitory factor-1 (WIF-1) might be involved in the neoplastic progression of Barrett's esophagus (BE). We analyzed the DNA methylation status of the WIF-1 promoter in normal, preneoplastic, and neoplastic samples from BE patients and in EAC cell lines. We investigated the role of WIF-1 on EAC cell growth and the chemosensitization of the cells to cisplatin. We found that silencing of WIF-1 correlated with promoter hypermethylation. EAC tissue samples showed higher levels of WIF-1 methylation compared to the matched normal epithelium. In addition, we found that WIF-1 hypermethylation was more frequent in BE samples from patients with EAC than in BE samples from patients who had not progressed to EAC. Restoration of WIF-1 in cell lines where WIF-1 was methylation-silenced resulted in growth suppression. Restoration of WIF-1 could sensitize the EAC cells to the chemotherapy drug cisplatin. Our results suggest that silencing of WIF-1 through promoter hypermethylation is an early and common event in the carcinogenesis of BE. Restoring functional WIF-1 might be used as a new targeted therapy for the treatment of this malignancy.