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Spiroplasmas are helical and motile members of a cell wall-less eubacterial group called Mollicutes. Although all spiroplasmas are associated with arthropods, they exhibit great diversity with respect to both their modes of transmission and their effects on their hosts; ranging from horizontally transmitted pathogens and commensals to endosymbionts that are transmitted transovarially (i.e., from mother to offspring). Here we provide the first genome sequence, along with proteomic validation, of an endosymbiotic inherited Spiroplasma bacterium, the Spiroplasma poulsonii MSRO strain harbored by Drosophila melanogaster. Comparison of the genome content of S. poulsonii with that of horizontally transmitted spiroplasmas indicates that S. poulsonii has lost many metabolic pathways and transporters, demonstrating a high level of interdependence with its insect host. Consistent with genome analysis, experimental studies showed that S. poulsonii metabolizes glucose but not trehalose. Notably, trehalose is more abundant than glucose in Drosophila hemolymph, and the inability to metabolize trehalose may prevent S. poulsonii from overproliferating. Our study identifies putative virulence genes, notably, those for a chitinase, the H2O2-producing glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase, and enzymes involved in the synthesis of the eukaryote-toxic lipid cardiolipin. S. poulsonii also expresses on the cell membrane one functional adhesion-related protein and two divergent spiralin proteins that have been implicated in insect cell invasion in other spiroplasmas. These lipoproteins may be involved in the colonization of the Drosophila germ line, ensuring S. poulsonii vertical transmission. The S. poulsonii genome is a valuable resource to explore the mechanisms of male killing and symbiont-mediated protection, two cardinal features of many facultative endosymbionts. IMPORTANCE: Most insect species, including important disease vectors and crop pests, harbor vertically transmitted endosymbiotic bacteria. These endosymbionts play key roles in their hosts' fitness, including protecting them against natural enemies and manipulating their reproduction in ways that increase the frequency of symbiont infection. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie these processes. Here, we provide the first genome draft of a vertically transmitted male-killing Spiroplasma bacterium, the S. poulsonii MSRO strain harbored by D. melanogaster. Analysis of the S. poulsonii genome was complemented by proteomics and ex vivo metabolic experiments. Our results indicate that S. poulsonii has reduced metabolic capabilities and expresses divergent membrane lipoproteins and potential virulence factors that likely participate in Spiroplasma-host interactions. This work fills a gap in our knowledge of insect endosymbionts and provides tools with which to decipher the interaction between Spiroplasma bacteria and their well-characterized host D. melanogaster, which is emerging as a model of endosymbiosis.
Eighty percent of the global 17 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) occur in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The burden of CVD and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is expected to markedly increase because of the global aging of the population and increasing exposure to detrimental lifestyle-related risk in LMICs. Interventions to reduce four main risks related to modifiable behaviors (tobacco use, unhealthy diet, low physical activity and excess alcohol consumption) are key elements for effective primary prevention of the four main NCDs (CVD, cancer, diabetes and chronic pulmonary disease). These behaviors are best improved through structural interventions (e.g., clean air policy, taxes on cigarettes, new recipes for processed foods with reduced salt and fat, urban shaping to improve mobility, etc.). In addition, health systems in LMICs should be reoriented to deliver integrated cost-effective treatment to persons at high risk at the primary health care level. The full implementation of a small number of highly cost effective, affordable and scalable interventions ("best buys") is likely to be the necessary and sufficient ingredient for curbing NCDs in LMICs. NCDs are both a cause and a consequence of poverty. It is therefore important to frame NCD prevention and control within the broader context of social determinants and development agenda. The recent emphasis on NCDs at a number of health and economic forums (including the September 2011 High Level Meeting on NCDs at the United Nations) provides a new opportunity to move the NCD agenda forward in LMICs.
The study aimed at assessing the link between physical activity (PA), sports activity and snus use among young men in Switzerland. Data from the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) were used to measure PA with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and sports activity with a single item. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to measure the association between snus use, PA and sports activity. Similar models were run for smoking and snuff use. Snus use increased in a dose-response association with PA (high level: OR = 1.72; 95% CI 1.16-2.55) and with individuals exercising once a week or more often (OR = 1.65; 95% CI 1.26-2.16; p < 0.001) or almost every day (OR = 2.27; 95% CI 1.72-3.01; p < 0.001) in separate models. Entered simultaneously, only sports and exercise maintained a basically unchanged significant dose-response relationship, whereas PA became non-significant. A non-significant dose-response relation was found for cigarette smoking and snuff use, indicating that the association with sport is specific to snus and not to tobacco use in general or smokeless tobacco in particular. This study showed that the association between snus use and sports is not specific to Nordic countries.
Nervous system involvement in Lyme disease often mimics other conditions and thus represents a diagnostic challenge, especially in an emergency department setting. We report a case of a female teenager presenting with sudden-onset aphasia and transient right-sided faciobrachial hemiplegia, along with headache and agitation. Ischemia, vasculitis, or another structural lesion was excluded by brain imaging. Toxicologic evaluation results were negative. Cerebral perfusion computed tomography and electroencephalography showed left parietotemporal brain dysfunction. Lumbar puncture result, although atypical, suggested bacterial infection and intravenous ceftriaxone was initiated. Finally, microbiological cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed Lyme neuroborreliosis, showing specific intrathecal antibody production and high level of C-X-C motif chemokine 13. The patient rapidly recovered. To our knowledge, this report for the first time illustrates that acute-onset language and motor symptoms may be directly related to Lyme neuroborreliosis. Neuroborreliosis may mimic other acute neurologic events such as stroke and should be taken into diagnostic consideration even in the absence of classic symptoms and evolution.
Résumé: L'impact de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) est dévastateur pour la vie quotidienne de la personne affectée, avec perte progressive de la mémoire et d'autres facultés cognitives jusqu'à la démence. Il n'existe toujours pas de traitement contre cette maladie et il y a aussi une grande incertitude sur le diagnostic des premiers stades de la MA. La signature anatomique de la MA, en particulier l'atrophie du lobe temporal moyen (LTM) mesurée avec la neuroimagerie, peut être utilisée comme un biomarqueur précoce, in vivo, des premiers stades de la MA. Toutefois, malgré le rôle évident du LMT dans les processus de la mémoire, nous savons que les modèles anatomiques prédictifs de la MA basés seulement sur des mesures d'atrophie du LTM n'expliquent pas tous les cas cliniques. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai conduit trois projets pour comprendre l'anatomie et le fonctionnement du LMT dans (1) les processus de la maladie et dans (2) les processus de mémoire ainsi que (3) ceux de l'apprentissage. Je me suis intéressée à une population avec déficit cognitif léger (« Mild Cognitive Impairment », MCI), à risque pour la MA. Le but du premier projet était de tester l'hypothèse que des facteurs, autres que ceux cognitifs, tels que les traits de personnalité peuvent expliquer les différences interindividuelles dans le LTM. De plus, la diversité phénotypique des manifestations précliniques de la MA provient aussi d'une connaissance limitée des processus de mémoire et d'apprentissage dans le cerveau sain. L'objectif du deuxième projet porte sur l'investigation des sous-régions du LTM, et plus particulièrement de leur contribution dans différentes composantes de la mémoire de reconnaissance chez le sujet sain. Pour étudier cela, j'ai utilisé une nouvelle méthode multivariée ainsi que l'IRM à haute résolution pour tester la contribution de ces sous-régions dans les processus de familiarité (« ou Know ») et de remémoration (ou « Recollection »). Finalement, l'objectif du troisième projet était de tester la contribution du LTM en tant que système de mémoire dans l'apprentissage et l'interaction dynamique entre différents systèmes de mémoire durant l'apprentissage. Les résultats du premier projet montrent que, en plus du déficit cognitif observé dans une population avec MCI, les traits de personnalité peuvent expliquer les différences interindividuelles du LTM ; notamment avec une plus grande contribution du neuroticisme liée à une vulnérabilité au stress et à la dépression. Mon étude a permis d'identifier un pattern d'anormalité anatomique dans le LTM associé à la personnalité avec des mesures de volume et de diffusion moyenne du tissu. Ce pattern est caractérisé par une asymétrie droite-gauche du LTM et un gradient antéro-postérieur dans le LTM. J'ai interprété ce résultat par des propriétés tissulaires et neurochimiques différemment sensibles au stress. Les résultats de mon deuxième projet ont contribué au débat actuel sur la contribution des sous-régions du LTM dans les processus de familiarité et de remémoration. Utilisant une nouvelle méthode multivariée, les résultats supportent premièrement une dissociation des sous-régions associées aux différentes composantes de la mémoire. L'hippocampe est le plus associé à la mémoire de type remémoration et le cortex parahippocampique, à la mémoire de type familiarité. Deuxièmement, l'activation correspondant à la trace mnésique pour chaque type de mémoire est caractérisée par une distribution spatiale distincte. La représentation neuronale spécifique, « sparse-distributed», associée à la mémoire de remémoration dans l'hippocampe serait la meilleure manière d'encoder rapidement des souvenirs détaillés sans interférer les souvenirs précédemment stockés. Dans mon troisième projet, j'ai mis en place une tâche d'apprentissage en IRM fonctionnelle pour étudier les processus d'apprentissage d'associations probabilistes basé sur le feedback/récompense. Cette étude m'a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle du LTM dans l'apprentissage et l'interaction entre différents systèmes de mémoire comme la mémoire procédurale, perceptuelle ou d'amorçage et la mémoire de travail. Nous avons trouvé des activations dans le LTM correspondant à un processus de mémoire épisodique; les ganglions de la base (GB), à la mémoire procédurale et la récompense; le cortex occipito-temporal (OT), à la mémoire de représentation perceptive ou l'amorçage et le cortex préfrontal, à la mémoire de travail. Nous avons également observé que ces régions peuvent interagir; le type de relation entre le LTM et les GB a été interprété comme une compétition, ce qui a déjà été reporté dans des études récentes. De plus, avec un modèle dynamique causal, j'ai démontré l'existence d'une connectivité effective entre des régions. Elle se caractérise par une influence causale de type « top-down » venant de régions corticales associées avec des processus de plus haut niveau venant du cortex préfrontal sur des régions corticales plus primaires comme le OT cortex. Cette influence diminue au cours du de l'apprentissage; cela pourrait correspondre à un mécanisme de diminution de l'erreur de prédiction. Mon interprétation est que cela est à l'origine de la connaissance sémantique. J'ai également montré que les choix du sujet et l'activation cérébrale associée sont influencés par les traits de personnalité et des états affectifs négatifs. Les résultats de cette thèse m'ont amenée à proposer (1) un modèle expliquant les mécanismes possibles liés à l'influence de la personnalité sur le LTM dans une population avec MCI, (2) une dissociation des sous-régions du LTM dans différents types de mémoire et une représentation neuronale spécifique à ces régions. Cela pourrait être une piste pour résoudre les débats actuels sur la mémoire de reconnaissance. Finalement, (3) le LTM est aussi un système de mémoire impliqué dans l'apprentissage et qui peut interagir avec les GB par une compétition. Nous avons aussi mis en évidence une interaction dynamique de type « top -down » et « bottom-up » entre le cortex préfrontal et le cortex OT. En conclusion, les résultats peuvent donner des indices afin de mieux comprendre certains dysfonctionnements de la mémoire liés à l'âge et la maladie d'Alzheimer ainsi qu'à améliorer le développement de traitement. Abstract: The impact of Alzheimer's disease is devastating for the daily life of the affected patients, with progressive loss of memory and other cognitive skills until dementia. We still lack disease modifying treatment and there is also a great amount of uncertainty regarding the accuracy of diagnostic classification in the early stages of AD. The anatomical signature of AD, in particular the medial temporal lobe (MTL) atrophy measured with neuroimaging, can be used as an early in vivo biomarker in early stages of AD. However, despite the evident role of MTL in memory, we know that the derived predictive anatomical model based only on measures of brain atrophy in MTL does not explain all clinical cases. Throughout my thesis, I have conducted three projects to understand the anatomy and the functioning of MTL on (1) disease's progression, (2) memory process and (3) learning process. I was interested in a population with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), at risk for AD. The objective of the first project was to test the hypothesis that factors, other than the cognitive ones, such as the personality traits, can explain inter-individual differences in the MTL. Moreover, the phenotypic diversity in the manifestations of preclinical AD arises also from the limited knowledge of memory and learning processes in healthy brain. The objective of the second project concerns the investigation of sub-regions of the MTL, and more particularly their contributions in the different components of recognition memory in healthy subjects. To study that, I have used a new multivariate method as well as MRI at high resolution to test the contribution of those sub-regions in the processes of familiarity and recollection. Finally, the objective of the third project was to test the contribution of the MTL as a memory system in learning and the dynamic interaction between memory systems during learning. The results of the first project show that, beyond cognitive state of impairment observed in the population with MCI, the personality traits can explain the inter-individual differences in the MTL; notably with a higher contribution of neuroticism linked to proneness to stress and depression. My study has allowed identifying a pattern of anatomical abnormality in the MTL related to personality with measures of volume and mean diffusion of the tissue. That pattern is characterized by right-left asymmetry in MTL and an anterior to posterior gradient within MTL. I have interpreted that result by tissue and neurochemical properties differently sensitive to stress. Results of my second project have contributed to the actual debate on the contribution of MTL sub-regions in the processes of familiarity and recollection. Using a new multivariate method, the results support firstly a dissociation of the subregions associated with different memory components. The hippocampus was mostly associated with recollection and the surrounding parahippocampal cortex, with familiarity type of memory. Secondly, the activation corresponding to the mensic trace for each type of memory is characterized by a distinct spatial distribution. The specific neuronal representation, "sparse-distributed", associated with recollection in the hippocampus would be the best way to rapidly encode detailed memories without overwriting previously stored memories. In the third project, I have created a learning task with functional MRI to sudy the processes of learning of probabilistic associations based on feedback/reward. That study allowed me to highlight the role of the MTL in learning and the interaction between different memory systems such as the procedural memory, the perceptual memory or priming and the working memory. We have found activations in the MTL corresponding to a process of episodic memory; the basal ganglia (BG), to a procedural memory and reward; the occipito-temporal (OT) cortex, to a perceptive memory or priming and the prefrontal cortex, to working memory. We have also observed that those regions can interact; the relation type between the MTL and the BG has been interpreted as a competition. In addition, with a dynamic causal model, I have demonstrated a "top-down" influence from cortical regions associated with high level cortical area such as the prefrontal cortex on lower level cortical regions such as the OT cortex. That influence decreases during learning; that could correspond to a mechanism linked to a diminution of prediction error. My interpretation is that this is at the origin of the semantic knowledge. I have also shown that the subject's choice and the associated brain activation are influenced by personality traits and negative affects. Overall results of this thesis have brought me to propose (1) a model explaining the possible mechanism linked to the influence of personality on the MTL in a population with MCI, (2) a dissociation of MTL sub-regions in different memory types and a neuronal representation specific to each region. This could be a cue to resolve the actual debates on recognition memory. Finally, (3) the MTL is also a system involved in learning and that can interact with the BG by a competition. We have also shown a dynamic interaction of « top -down » and « bottom-up » types between the pre-frontal cortex and the OT cortex. In conclusion, the results could give cues to better understand some memory dysfunctions in aging and Alzheimer's disease and to improve development of treatment.
Objectif STOPP/START est un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez la personne de 65 ans ou plus. La version initiale de 2008 vient d'être mise à jour et améliorée par ses auteurs. Nous en présentons l'adaptation et la validation en langue française. Méthodes L'adaptation en français de l'outil STOPP/START.v2 a été réalisée par deux experts, confirmée par la méthode de traduction-inverse, et finalisée d'après les commentaires de neufs évaluateurs francophones, gériatres, pharmaciens cliniciens, et médecin généraliste de quatre pays (France, Belgique, Suisse, Canada). La validation a été complétée par une analyse de concordance inter-juge (CCI) des critères STOPP/START.v2 appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques standardisées. Résultats Les 115 critères de STOPP/START.v2 en français sont, par rapport à la version originale anglaise, identiques par leur classification mais adaptés en termes de présentation (critères START.v2 commençant par la condition clinique, et accompagnés par une justification du caractère inapproprié de l'omission) voire de formulation de certains critères. Cette adaptation en français est validée par (i) la traduction-inverse montrant le respect du sens clinique de la version originale, (ii) l'identification semblable des critères lorsque appliqués à dix vignettes cliniques par les neuf évaluateurs, et (iii) le haut niveau de concordance de ces neuf évaluations tant pour STOPP.v2 (CCI 0,849) que pour START.v2 (CCI 0,921). Conclusion L'adaptation en langue française des critères STOPP/START.v2 fournit aux cliniciens un outil de détection de la prescription médicamenteuse potentiellement inappropriée chez les personnes de 65 ans et plus qui est logique, fiable et facile à utiliser. Objective STOPP/START is a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in persons aged 65 or older. Its Irish authors recently updated and improved the initially published version of 2008. We present the adaptation and validation into French language of this updated tool. Methods STOPP/START.v2 was adapted into French by two experts, then confirmed by a translation-back translation method and finalised according to the comments of nine French-speaking assessors - geriatricians, pharmacologists and a general physician - from four countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Canada). The validation was completed by an inter-rater reliability (IRR) analysis of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria applied to 10 standardized clinical vignettes. Results In comparison to the original English version, the 115 STOPP/START.v2 criteria in French language classify in identical manner, but the presentation has been adjusted (START.v2 first specifies the clinical condition followed by an explanation of the inappropriateness of the prescription or omission). This adaptation into French language was validated by means of (i) the translation/back-translation, which showed that the French version complied with the clinical meaning of the original criteria; (ii) the similar screening results when applied by the nine specialists to the 10 cases; and (iii) the high level of inter-rater reliability of these 9 evaluations, for both STOPP (IRR 0.849) and START.v2 (IRR 0.921). Conclusion The adaptation into French of the STOPP/START.v2 criteria provides clinicians with a screening tool to detect potentially inappropriate prescribing in patients aged 65 and older that is more logical, more reliable and easier to use.
OBJECTIVE: To perform a critical review focusing on the applicability in clinical daily practice of data from three randomized controlled trials (RCTs): SWOG 8794, EORTC 22911, and ARO/AUO 96-02. METHODS AND MATERIALS: An analytical framework, based on the identified population, interventions, comparators, and outcomes (PICO) was used to refine the search of the evidence from the three large randomized trials regarding the use of radiation therapy after prostatectomy as adjuvant therapy (ART). RESULTS: With regard to the inclusion criteria: (1) POPULATION: in the time since they were designed, in two among three trial (SWOG 8794 and EORTC 22911) patients had a detectable PSA at the time of randomization, thus representing de facto a substantial proportion of patients who eventually received salvage RT (SRT) at non-normalised PSA levels rather than ART. (2) INTERVENTIONS: although all the trials showed the benefit of postoperative ART compared to a wait-and-see approach, the dose herein employed would be now considered inadequate; (3) COMPARATORS: the comparison arm in all the 3 RCTs was an uncontrolled observation arm, where patients who subsequently developed biochemical failure were treated in various ways, with up to half of them receiving SRT at PSA well above 1ng/mL, a level that would be now deemed inappropriate; (4) OUTCOMES: only in one trial (SWOG 8794) ART was found to significantly improve overall survival compared to observation, with a ten-year overall survival rate of 74% vs. 66%, although this might be partly the result of imbalanced risk factors due to competing event risk stratification. CONCLUSIONS: ART has a high level of evidence due to three RCTs with at least 10-year follow-up recording a benefit in biochemical PFS, but its penetrance in present daily clinics should be reconsidered. While the benefit of ART or SRT is eagerly expected from ongoing randomized trials, a dynamic risk-stratified approach should drive the decisions making process.
Introduction: Ski mountaineering is an increasingly popular winter sport and leisure activity. Elite athletes practice this sport with a high level of professionalism, but so far little scientific evidence was available to support their approach. The main aim of this work was to develop a specific knowledge about ski mountaineering, allowing providing specific recommendations for the practice. Methods: First we investigated energy cost (EC) and vertical energy cost (ECv). These two parameters were estimated with oxygen uptake, at different gradients (7 to 33%) and different speeds (2 to 7 km·∙h-‐1) on treadmill with roller skis and on snow with ski mountaineering gear. Then we assessed energy expenditure (EE) during a long duration ski mountaineering event by measuring heart rate and altitude all along the race and associating them with an EE. The EE was compared with the energy intake during the race. Hydration level was estimated by comparing body weight immediately before and after the race. The energy intake during the 4 days preceding the race was estimated with food diaries and compared with the guidelines. Results/discussion: EC and ECv of ski mountaineering were very high and varied with gradient and speed. ECv decreased between 7 and 33% and with increasing speed at steep gradients. For a 5 h 51 ± 53 min race, the mean EE was 22.6 ± 2.6 MJ. The energy intake covered 20 ± 7% of the EE and was about 14% lower than the recommendations. No significant dehydration was observed. For the longest (53 km) race, we can extrapolate the EE as about 40 MJ. Before the race the energy intake and especially the carbohydrate intake were far under the guidelines (83 ± 17% and 46 ± 13% of the recommendations). Conclusions: EC and EE of ski mountaineering are very high. To minimize the EE to reach the top of a mountain and optimize the performance, the skier should choose a steep gradient and combine this steep gradient with a fast speed. The CHO intake should be increased during but, also before the race while the fluid intake seemed to be adequate. -- Introduction : Le ski-‐alpinisme est un sport d'hiver qui s'est particulièrement développé durant les dernières décennies : de plus en plus de personnes pratiquent cette activité dans un cadre de loisirs et de plus en plus d'athlètes d'élite prennent part à des compétitions qu'ils préparent avec un haut degré de professionnalisme. Cependant, les connaissances scientifiques restent limitées et les athlètes ne disposent pas de recommandations précises et spécifiques. Le but principal de ce travail est donc de développer un savoir spécifique sur le ski-‐alpinisme, ce qui devrait permettre d'établir des recommandations pour la pratique. Méthode : Le coût énergétique (CE) et le coût énergétique vertical (CEv) du ski-‐alpinisme ont été calculés en mesurant la consommation d'oxygène à différentes pentes (7 à 33%) et vitesses (2 à 6.8 km·∙h-‐1) sur tapis roulant avec des skis à roulettes et sur le terrain avec des skis de randonnée. Ensuite, la dépense énergétique (DE) d'une course de ski-‐alpinisme de longue durée a été évaluée en mesurant la fréquence cardiaque et l'altitude en continu. La DE a été comparée à l'énergie consommée par les ravitaillements. Des carnets alimentaires ont permis d'estimer la consommation d'énergie (boissons et nourriture) pendant les 4 jours précédant la course. Résultats/discussion : Le CE du ski-‐alpinisme est très élevé. Le CEv diminue entre 2 et 6 km·∙h-‐1 et entre 7 et 33%. Pour une course de 5 h 51 ± 53 min (26 km), la DE était de 22.6 ± 2.6 MJ, alors que, pour le grand parcours de la Patrouille des Glaciers (53 km), elle serait d'environ 40 MJ. La consommation d'énergie, pendant le parcours de 26 km, couvrait 20 ± 7% de la DE et était inférieure de 14% aux recommandations, alors qu'aucune déshydratation significative n'était constatée. Les jours précédant la course, la consommation d'énergie et surtout d'hydrates de carbone était bien inférieure aux quantités recommandées (83 ± 17% et 46 ± 13% des recommandations). Conclusion : Le CE et la DE étaient très élevés. Pour minimiser la dépense lors d'une ascension, il faut combiner pente et vitesse élevées. La consommation d'hydrates de carbone devrait être massivement augmentée avant et pendant la course, alors que l'hydratation semble adéquate.
The United Kingdom (UK) for last few decades has been faced with a growing need for health personnel and has therefore attracted professionals, particularly overseas nurses. The country has been characterised by a historical migration policy favourable to the recruitment of foreign health staff. However, in the context of deep shortage and high level of diseases and health system weakness, the international health professional recruitment from Sub Saharan Africa has created unprecedented ethical controversies which have pushed the UK to the centre of discussions because of its liberal policies towards international recruitment that have been considered as aggressive. While the 'brain drain' controversy is well known, less attention has been devoted to the specific international health migration controversy and the pivotal role of the UK in the diffusion of ethical code of practice. Using mainly the perspective of the policy analysis of controversy (Roe 1994) and the analysis of discourses (de Haas 2008), our paper comes back respectively to the nature of the controversy and the pivotal role of the UK. It also analyses how the implementation of UK ethical policies - Code of Practice, banned countries list of recruitment, restrictive immigration policies - have been considered as inefficient and unethical in their contents and their targets.
The illicit drug cutting represents a complex problem that requires the sharing of knowledge from addiction studies, toxicology, criminology and criminalistics. Therefore, cutting is not well known by the forensic community. Thus, this review aims at deciphering the different aspects of cutting, by gathering information mainly from criminology and criminalistics. It tackles essentially specificities of cocaine and heroin cutting. The article presents the detected cutting agents (adulterants and diluents), their evolution in time and space and the analytical methodology implemented by forensic laboratories. Furthermore, it discusses when, in the history of the illicit drug, cutting may take place. Moreover, researches studying how much cutting occurs in the country of destination are analysed. Lastly, the reasons for cutting are addressed. According to the literature, adulterants are added during production of the illicit drug or at a relatively high level of its distribution chain (e.g. before the product arrives in the country of destination or just after its importation in the latter). Their addition seems hardly justified by the only desire to increase profits or to harm consumers' health. Instead, adulteration would be performed to enhance or to mimic the illicit drug effects or to facilitate administration of the drug. Nowadays, caffeine, diltiazem, hydroxyzine, levamisole, lidocaïne and phenacetin are frequently detected in cocaine specimens, while paracetamol and caffeine are almost exclusively identified in heroin specimens. This may reveal differences in the respective structures of production and/or distribution of cocaine and heroin. As the relevant information about cutting is spread across different scientific fields, a close collaboration should be set up to collect essential and unified data to improve knowledge and provide information for monitoring, control and harm reduction purposes. More research, on several areas of investigation, should be carried out to gather relevant information.