257 resultados para Heikka, Henrikki: Decentered subjectivity and the logic of anarchy


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We have reported that ingesting a meal immediately after exercise increased skeletal muscle accretion and less adipose tissue accumulation in rats employed in a 10 week resistance exercise program. We hypothesized that a possible increase in the resting metabolic rate (RMR) as a result of the larger skeletal muscle mass might be responsible for the less adipose deposition. Therefore, the effect of the timing of a protein supplement after resistance exercise on body composition and the RMR was investigated in 17 slightly overweight men. The subjects participated in a 12-week weight reduction program consisting of mild energy restriction (17% energy intake reduction) and a light resistance exercise using a pair of dumbbells (3-5 kg). The subjects were assigned to two groups. Group S ingested a protein supplement (10 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 3.3 g fat and one-third of recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals) immediately after exercise. Group C did not ingest the supplement. Daily intake of both energy and protein was equal between the two groups and the protein intake met the RDA. After 12 weeks, the bodyweight, skinfold thickness, girth of waist and hip and percentage bodyfat significantly decreased in the both groups, however, no significant differences were observed between the groups. The fat-free mass significantly decreased in C, whereas its decrease in S was not significant. The RMR and post-meal total energy output significantly increased in S, while these variables did not change in C. In addition, the urinary nitrogen excretion tended to increase in C but not in S. These results suggest that the RMR increase observed in S might be associated with an increase in body protein synthesis.


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New stratigraphic data along a profile from the Helvetic Gotthard Massif to the remnants of the North Penninic Basin in eastern Ticino and Graubunden are presented. The stratigraphic record together with existing geochemical and structural data, motivate a new interpretation of the fossil European distal margin. We introduce a new group of Triassic facies, the North-Penninic-Triassic (NPT), which is characterised by the Ladinian "dolomie bicolori". The NPT was located in-between the Briançonnais carbonate platform and the Helvetic lands. The observed horizontal transition, coupled with the stratigraphic superposition of an Helvetic Liassic on a Briaçonnais Triassic in the Luzzone-Terri nappe, links, prior to Jurassic rifting, the Briançonnais paleogeographic domain at the Helvetic Margin, south of the Gotthard. Our observations suggest that the Jurassic rifting separated the Briançonnais domain from the Helvetic margin by complex and protracted extension. The syn-rift stratigraphic record in the Adula nappe and surroundings suggests the presence of a diffuse rising area with only moderately subsiding basins above a thinned continental and proto-oceanic crust. Strong subsidence occurred in a second phase following protracted extension and the resulting delamination of the rising area. The stratigraphic coherency in the Adula's Mesozoic questions the idea of a lithospheric mélange in the eclogitic Adula nappe, which is more likely to be a coherent alpine tectonic unit. The structural and stratigraphic observations in the Piz Terri-Lunschania zone suggest the activity of syn-rift detachments. During the alpine collision these faults are reactivated (and inverted) and played a major role in allowing the Adula subduction, the "Penninic Thrust" above it and in creating the structural complexity of the Central Alps.


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The use of well characterized recombinant or purified protein antigens (Ag) for vaccination is of interest for safety reasons and in the case where inactivated pathogens are not available (cancer, allergy). However it requires the addition of adjuvants such as Ag carrier or immune stimulators to potentiate their immunogenicity. In this study, we demonstrated that gas-filled microbubbles (MB) can serve as an efficient Ag delivery system to promote phagocytosis of the model Ag ovalbumin (OVA) without the need of ultrasound application. Once internalized by DC, OVA was processed and presented to both CD4 and CD8 T cells in vitro; such observations were coupled with the capacity of MB to activate DC. In vivo administration of MB-associated OVA in naïve wild-type Balb/c mice resulted in the induction of OVA-specific antibody and T cell responses. Detailed characterization of the generated immune response demonstrated the production of both IgG1 and IgG2a serum antibodies, as well as the secretion of IFN-γ and IL-10 by splenocytes. Interestingly, similar results were obtained with human DC in regards of Ag delivery and cell activation. Therefore, the data presented here settle the proof of principle for the further evaluation of MB-based immunomodulation studies.


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Due to various contexts and processes, forensic science communities may have different approaches, largely influenced by their criminal justice systems. However, forensic science practices share some common characteristics. One is the assurance of a high (scientific) quality within processes and practices. For most crime laboratory directors and forensic science associations, this issue is conditioned by the triangle of quality, which represents the current paradigm of quality assurance in the field. It consists of the implementation of standardization, certification, accreditation, and an evaluation process. It constitutes a clear and sound way to exchange data between laboratories and enables databasing due to standardized methods ensuring reliable and valid results; but it is also a means of defining minimum requirements for practitioners' skills for specific forensic science activities. The control of each of these aspects offers non-forensic science partners the assurance that the entire process has been mastered and is trustworthy. Most of the standards focus on the analysis stage and do not consider pre- and post-laboratory stages, namely, the work achieved at the investigation scene and the evaluation and interpretation of the results, intended for intelligence beneficiaries or for court. Such localized consideration prevents forensic practitioners from identifying where the problems really lie with regard to criminal justice systems. According to a performance-management approach, scientific quality should not be restricted to standardized procedures and controls in forensic science practice. Ensuring high quality also strongly depends on the way a forensic science culture is assimilated (into specific education training and workplaces) and in the way practitioners understand forensic science as a whole.


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AIMS: To investigate the relationships between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as it was suggested that insulin resistance was the hallmark of both conditions. To analyse post-partum screening in order to identify risk factors for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM at the Lausanne University Hospital for 3 consecutive years. Pre-pregnancy obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia were recorded as constituents of the MS. RESULTS: For 5788 deliveries, 159 women (2.7%) with GDM were identified. Constituents of the MS were present before GDM pregnancy in 26% (n = 37/144): 84% (n = 31/37) were obese, 38% (n = 14/37) had hypertension and 22% (n = 8/37) had dyslipidaemia. Gestational hypertension was associated with obesity (OR = 3.2, P = 0.02) and dyslipidaemia (OR = 5.4, P=0.002). Seventy-four women (47%) returned for post-partum OGTT, which was abnormal in 20 women (27%): 11% (n = 8) had type 2 diabetes and 16% (n = 12) had impaired glucose tolerance. Independent predictors of abnormal glucose tolerance in the post-partum were: having > 2 abnormal values on the diagnostic OGTT during pregnancy and presenting MS constituents (OR = 5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 and OR = 5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS: In one fourth of GDM pregnancies, metabolic abnormalities precede the appearance of glucose intolerance. These women have a high risk of developing the MS and type 2 diabetes in later years. Where GDM screening is not universal, practitioners should be aware of those metabolic risks in every pregnant woman presenting with obesity, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, in order to achieve better diagnosis and especially better post-partum follow-up and treatment.


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Brain infarction of unknown cause, known as cryptogenic stroke, represents 30% to 40% of all ischemic strokes, or approximately 400,000 cases each year in western Europe. In this category of patients new potential causes, such as aortic arch atheroma in the elderly, have been investigated in the past two decades.


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Hsp70s are highly conserved ATPase molecular chaperones mediating the correct folding of de novo synthesized proteins, the translocation of proteins across membranes, the disassembly of some native protein oligomers, and the active unfolding and disassembly of stress-induced protein aggregates. Here, we bring thermodynamic arguments and biochemical evidences for a unifying mechanism named entropic pulling, based on entropy loss due to excluded-volume effects, by which Hsp70 molecules can convert the energy of ATP hydrolysis into a force capable of accelerating the local unfolding of various protein substrates and, thus, perform disparate cellular functions. By means of entropic pulling, individual Hsp70 molecules can accelerate unfolding and pulling of translocating polypeptides into mitochondria in the absence of a molecular fulcrum, thus settling former contradictions between the power-stroke and the Brownian ratchet models for Hsp70-mediated protein translocation across membranes. Moreover, in a very different context devoid of membrane and components of the import pore, the same physical principles apply to the forceful unfolding, solubilization, and assisted native refolding of stable protein aggregates by individual Hsp70 molecules, thus providing a mechanism for Hsp70-mediated protein disaggregation.


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RESUME EN FRANÇAIS BUTS. Étudier les relations entre le diabète gestationnel (GDM) et le syndrome métabolique (MS), comme la résistance à l'insuline est une des caractéristiques des 'deux conditions. Analyser le dépistage du diabète dans le post-partum pour identifier les facteurs de risque associés au développement d'un diabète de type 2 ultérieur. MÉTHODES. Étude rétrospective de toutes les grossesses uniques diagnostiquées avec un diabète gestationnel à l'hôpital universitaire de Lausanne, pendant une durée de trois ans. La présence d'une obésité, d'une hypertension ou d'une dyslipidémie avant la grossesse définissent les composants du syndrome métabolique. RÉSULTATS. Sur 5788 grossesses, 159 patientes (2.7%) présentaient un diabète gestationnel. Des composants du syndrome métabolique étaient présents avant la grossesse chez 26% des patientes (n=37/144) : 84% (n=31/37) étaient obèses, 38% (n=14/37) présentaient une hypertension et 22% (n=8/37) une dyslipidémie. Le développement d'une hypertension gravidique était associé à l'obésité (OR=3.2, p=0.02) et à la dyslipidémie (OR=5.4, p=0.002). Septante-quatre patientes (47%) sont revenues pour l'HGPO dans le post-partum. Celle-ci était anormale chez 20 femmes (27%): 11 % (n=8) présentaient un diabète de type 2 et 16% (n=12) avaient une intolérance au glucose. Les facteurs de risque indépendants associés à une anomalie de la tolérance au glucose dans le post-partum étaient d'avoir plus de 2 valeurs anormales au test diagnostique durant la grossesse et présenter des composants du syndrome métabolique (OR=5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 et OR=5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS. Dans un quart des grossesses avec un diabète gestationnel, des anomalies métaboliques précèdent l'apparition de l'intolérance au glucose. Ces patientes présentent un haut risque de développer un syndrome métabolique et un diabète de type 2 ultérieurement. Là où le dépistage du diabète gestationnel n'est pas systématique, les praticiens devraient être avertis de ces risques métaboliques chez les patiente se présentant avec une obésité, une hypertension ou une dyslipidémie, afin de mieux les diagnostiquer et surtout de mieux les suivre et traiter après leur grossesse.