445 resultados para Geiger-Müller counters.
BACKGROUND: : Most of the existing research relating to the life courses of people with psychiatric symptoms focuses on the occurrence and the impact of non-normative events on the onsets of crises; it usually disregards the more regular dimensions of life, such as work, family and intimate partnerships that may be related to the timing and seriousness of psychiatric problems. An additional reason for empirically addressing life trajectories of individuals with psychiatric problems relates to recent changes of family and occupational trajectories in relation to societal trends such as individualization and pluralization of life courses.¦AIM: : This paper explores the life trajectories of 86 individuals under clinical supervision and proposes a typology of their occupational, co-residence and intimacy trajectories. The results are discussed in light of the life-course paradigm.¦METHOD: : A multidimensional optimal matching analysis was performed on a sample of 86 individuals under clinical supervision to create a typology of trajectories. The influence of these trajectories on psychiatric disorders, evaluated using a SCL-90-R questionnaire, was then assessed using linear regression modelling.¦RESULTS: : The typologies of trajectories showed that the patients developed a diversity of life trajectories. Individuals who have developed a standard life course with few institutionalization periods reported more symptoms and distress than individuals with an institutionalized life trajectory.¦CONCLUSION: : The results of this study stress that psychiatric patients are social actors who are influenced by society at large and its ongoing process of change. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the diversity of occupational and family trajectories when dealing with individuals in therapeutic settings.
Purpose: In the Rd1 and Rd10 mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa, a mutation in the Pde6ß gene leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors. As in several neurodegenerative diseases, Rd1 and Rd10 photoreceptors re-express cell cycle proteins prior to death. Bmi1 regulates cell cycle progression through inhibition of CDK inhibitors, and its deletion efficiently rescues the Rd1 retinal degeneration. The present study evaluates the effects of Bmi1 loss in photoreceptors and Müller glia, since in lower vertebrates, these cells respond to retinal injury through dedifferentiation and regeneration of retinal cells. Methods: Cell death and Müller cell activation were analyzed by immunostaining of wild-type, Rd1 and Rd1;Bmi1-/- eye sections during retinal degeneration, between P10 and P20. Lineage tracing experiments use the GFAP-Cre mouse (JAX) to target Müller cells. Results: In Rd1 retinal explants, inhibition of CDKs reduces the amount of dying cells. In vivo, Bmi1 deletion reduces CDK4 expression and cell death in the P15 Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina, although cGMP accumulation and TUNEL staining are detected at the onset of retinal degeneration (P12). This suggests that another process acts in parallel to overcome the initial loss of Rd1;Bmi1-/- photoreceptors. We demonstrate here that Bmi1 loss in the Rd1 retina enhances the activation of Müller glia by downregulation of p27Kip1, that these cells migrate toward the ONL, and that some cells express the retinal progenitor marker Pax6 at the inner part of the ONL. These events are also observed, but to a lesser extent, in Rd1 and Rd10 retinas. At P12, EdU incorporation shows proliferating cells with atypical elongated nuclei at the inner border of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL. Lineage tracing targeting Müller cells is in process and will determine the implication of this cell population in the maintenance of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL thickness and whether downregulation of Bmi1 in Rd10 Müller cells equally stimulates their activation. Conclusions: Our results show a dual role of Bmi1 deletion in the rescue of photoreceptors in the Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina. Indeed, the loss of Bmi1 reduces Rd1 retinal degeneration, and as well, enhances the Müller glia activation. In addition, the emergence of cells expressing a retinal progenitor marker in the ONL suggests Bmi1 as a blockade to the regeneration of retinal cells in mammals.
Deviner ce qu'il y a «après la mort» est une envie vieille comme l'humanité. Les réponses foisonnent: «Livre des morts» dans l'Egypte ancienne, immortalité de l'âme, résurrection, réincarnation... Que peut-on savoir, au juste? Ce livre invite un historien des religions, deux philosophes et des théologiens à se pencher sur la question. Que dire des mystères de l'après-mort? Que révèlent ces représentations religieuses de notre rapport à la mort: peur, fascination, délivrance? Il se pourrait qu'elles offrent avant tout un sens à donner à la vie.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Deviner ce qu'il y a «après la mort» est une envie vieille comme l'humanité. Les réponses foisonnent: «Livre des morts» dans l'Egypte ancienne, immortalité de l'âme, résurrection, réincarnation... Que peut-on savoir, au juste? Ce livre invite un historien des religions, deux philosophes et des théologiens à se pencher sur la question. Que dire des mystères de l'après-mort? Que révèlent ces représentations religieuses de notre rapport à la mort: peur, fascination, délivrance? Il se pourrait qu'elles offrent avant tout un sens à donner à la vie.
Some models of sexual selection predict that individuals vary in their genetic quality and reveal some of this variation in their secondary sexual characteristics. Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp.) develop breeding tubercles shortly before their spawning season. These tubercles are epidermal structures that are distributed regularly along the body sides of both males and females. There is still much unexplained variation in the size of breeding tubercles within both sexes and with much overlap between the sexes. It has been suggested that breeding tubercles function to maintain body contact between the mating partners during spawning, act as weapons for defence of spawning territories, or are sexual signals that reveal aspects of genetic quality. We took two samples of whitefish from their spawning place, one at the beginning and one around the peak of spawning season. We found that females have on average smaller breeding tubercles than males, and that tubercle size partly reveals the stage of gonad maturation. Two independent full-factorial breeding experiments revealed that embryo mortality was significantly influenced by male and female effects. This finding demonstrates that the males differed in their genetic quality (because offspring get nothing but genes from their fathers). Tubercle size was negatively linked to some aspects of embryo mortality in the first breeding experiment but not significantly so in the second. This lack of consistency adds to inconsistent results that were reported before and suggests that (i) some aspects of genetic quality are not revealed in breeding tubercles while others are, or (ii) individuals vary in their signaling strategies and the information content of breeding tubercles is not always reliable. Moreover, the fact that female whitefish have breeding tubercles of significant size while males seem to have few reasons to be choosy suggests that the tubercles might also serve some functions that are not linked to sexual signaling.
Essai sur l'éthique et la foi chrétienne dans ses rapports avec le sida et son évolution.
Le statut éthique et juridique de l'animal fait l'objet de discussions intenses aujourd'hui. Sa résolution suppose des choix difficiles entre des modèles argumentatifs en apparence incompatibles. L'auteur compare les deux principales formes de biocentrisme, le biocentrisme égalitaire et le biocentrisme hiérarchique, à l'anthropocentrisme, qui peut lui-même être radical ou modéré. Il en découle que le modèle anthropocentrique présente des avantages décisifs, à condition de subir une révision fondamentale, dans le sens d'une anthropo-relationnalité qui distingue la domination violente de l'homme sur l'animal du respect pleinement humain - et donc aussi humanisant - envers les animaux, dont il importe de prendre en compte la dignité et la valeur. La voie du pathocentrisme trouve alors une certaine justification, mais sans occulter la perspective humaine seule à même de fonder une éthique et de la rendre socialement plausible.