437 resultados para Europe Centrale


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La « surexploitation » des eaux souterraines est devenue au début des années 2000 une thématique majeure des programmes de développement des régions semi arides et arides de Syrie. Les fondements scientifiques du discours de surexploitation posent cependant question à plus d'un titre. Mobilisant une notion mal définie, le diagnostic de surexploitation réinterprète d'anciennes données soviétiques qui n'ont pas été actualisées. D'autre part, appliqué globalement à des espaces très hétérogènes, il n'apporte aucun élément d'évaluation et de régulation des pratiques d'exploitation. Les mesures de conservation des eaux souterraines qu'il justifie offrent alors un paradoxe. Présentées comme des mesures de restriction de l'exploitation des eaux souterraines, leur application dans les régions semi-arides a conduit à pénaliser les agriculteurs qui font l'usage le plus efficace de la ressource hydrique sans pour autant réduire la consommation en eau.


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An EC concerted action on the assessment of AIDS/HIV prevention strategies was conducted between 1989 and 1992. The aim of this concerted action (CA) was to bring together researchers who are active in this assessment field, make an initial appraisal of the results of AIDS prevention efforts, in various population groups in Europe and develop an assessment methodology. Five areas of study were selected for the CA: the population as a whole ("general population"), men who have sexual relations with other men, intravenous drug users, migrant populations, monitoring of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to determine changes in behaviour. For each of these areas, a working group composed of the leading researchers in the field in Europe was constituted and commissioned by the project administration and coordination team to collate and analyse data on prevention efforts and their assessment in different countries of Europe. This review presents the main results from the groups responsible in each area in the concerted action. A number of general conclusions from the results of this concerted action are drawn.


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Cet article présente la situation des femmes au sein des hiérarchies professionnelles et examine les différentes mesures législatives qui visent à promouvoir une meilleure répartition sexuée de la « prise de décision » dans le champ économique en Europe. Il s'appuie à la fois sur les documents publiés par la Commission européenne, sur des initiatives adoptées dans certains États membres et sur des données issues de plusieurs recherches récentes sur les femmes cadres et dirigeantes d'entreprise en Europe.


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The white Barn Owl subspecies (Tyto alba alba) is found in southern Europe and the reddish-brown subspecies (T a. guttata) in northern and eastern Europe. In central Europe, the two subspecies interbreed producing a large range of phenotypic variants. Because of the different ratios of the subspecies in different geographic regions, we predict that genetic variation should be greater in Switzerland than in Hungary. We tested this hypothesis by measuring genetic variation with the RAPD method. As predicted, the genetic differentiation within a Swiss population of Barn Owls was significantly greater than the variation within a Hungarian population. This suggests that gene flow is greater in central Europe than at the eastern limit of the Barn Owl distribution in Hungary. In both countries genetic variation was more pronounced in females than in males. As in other birds, this is probably because female Barn Owls are less philopatric than males. The number of migrants between Hungary and Switzerland is ca. 1 individual per generation; if calculated separately for the sexes, then 0.525 for males and ca. I for females (Nm values). The difference in the number of migrants between genders again is likely a consequence of higher male philopatry. The sexual differentiation is greater in the Swiss population than in the Hungarian and the genetic substructuring of the populations of the species is substantial. The reason for the considerable population substructuring could be the nonmigratory behavior and socially monogamous pairing of the species, as well as the geographical barriers (Alps) between the populations examined.


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BACKGROUND: To update the pattern of cancer mortality in Europe. Materials and methods: We analysed cancer mortality in 34 European countries during 2000-2004, with an overview of trends in 1975-2004 using data from the World Health Organization. RESULTS: From 1990-1994 to 2000-2004, overall cancer mortality in the European Union declined from 185.2 to 168.0/100 000 (world standard, -9%) in men and from 104.8 to 96.9 (-8%) in women, with larger falls in middle age. Total cancer mortality trends were favourable, though to a variable degree, in all major European countries, including Russia, but not in Romania. The major determinants of these favourable trends were the decline of lung (-16%) and other tobacco-related cancers in men, together with the persistent falls in gastric cancer, and the recent appreciable falls in colorectal cancer. In women, relevant contributions came from the persistent decline in cervical cancer and the recent falls in breast cancer mortality, particularly in northern and western Europe. Favourable trends were also observed for testicular cancer, Hodgkin lymphomas, leukaemias, and other neoplasms amenable to treatment, though the reductions were still appreciably smaller in eastern Europe. CONCLUSION: This updated analysis of cancer mortality in Europe showed a persistent favourable trend over the last years.


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I. Introduction : A. Données du problème : En ce début de XXIe siècle, le nombre d'actions en justice visant à engager la responsabilité des autorités de surveillance des banques, à la suite de faillites bancaires, n'a cessé de croître. Ce contentieux s'inscrit dans une tendance générale de recherche des responsabilités des acteurs chargés du contrôle des entités économiques privées. Les autorités de surveillance bancaire ont-elles l'obligation de répondre, devant la justice, du dommage éventuellement causé dans l'exercice de leur mission et d'en assumer les conséquences financières? C'est ce que tentent d'établir les demandeurs, le plus souvent des déposants lésés, qui, malgré l'existence de mécanismes de garantie des dépôts, n'ont pu recouvrer l'intégralité des sommes déposées auprès de banques défaillantes. Les demandeurs agissent fréquemment en dernier ressort contre l'autorité de surveillance bancaire. Les carences alléguées des autorités de surveillance bancaire constituent les fondements de leurs actions en justice. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent expliquer l'augmentation de ce contentieux : ? La croissance des avoirs financiers. Au sein d'un paysage financier européen caractérisé par l'intégration et l'interdépendance de plus en plus poussées des économies nationales, volume et concentration des avoirs financiers n'ont cessé de croître. ? La formalisation des réglementations prudentielles. La surveillance des banques repose désormais sur un corps de règles détaillé et précis, au niveau national, européen et international. ? Les défaillances bancaires. De telles défaillances ont touché de nombreux Etats ces dernières années: la Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) dont la faillite a eu des répercussions internationales en 1991, l'établissement Barings au Royaume-Uni en 1995, le Crédit Lyonnais en France en 1992 ou la Spar- und Leihkasse Thun en Suisse en 1991. Cette tendance est cependant paradoxale puisque dans de nombreux Etats européens, comme au Royaume-Uni ou en Allemagne, les autorités de surveillance jouissent d'une protection juridique conférée par la loi, les préservant, théoriquement, de poursuites judiciaires intempestives. Dans d'autres pays, comme en France et en Suisse, c'est le droit général de la responsabilité de l'Etat qui est appliqué de manière restrictive par les juridictions compétentes. Les actions judiciaires devant les juges nationaux comportent également des aspects de droit européen. En effet, depuis 1993 un marché bancaire unique existe en Europe et les demandeurs ont fréquemment invoqué le droit matériel de l'Union européenne à l'appui de leurs prétentions. L'affaire BCCI illustre le type de contentieux auquel doivent faire face le Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) allemand, la Financial Services Authority (FSA) britannique, la Commission fédérale des banques (CFB) suisse ou la Commission bancaire (CB) française. L'accroissement de ce contentieux prouve que le risque d'engagement de la responsabilité des autorités de surveillance bancaire n'est pas purement théorique.


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Combining data from police statistics and crime victim surveys, this article analyses the evolution of crime in Western Europe from 1988 to 2007. The results show that there is no general drop in crime. Property offences and homicide have been decreasing since the mid 1990s, while violent and drug offences have increased during the period under study. These trends highlight the limits of the explanations to the crime drop in the United States, which are based on the premise of a correlation in the evolution of all offences. The drop in property offences seems related to changes in the socioeconomic situation in Europe as well as to increases in security measures in households, and the reinforcement of private security. The increase in violent offences can be explained by the combination of several factors, including changes in youth's free time provoked by the development of the Internet, changing demographics, and the rise of episodic heavy alcohol consumption and street gangs.


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Capsule We present a review of the propensity to eat reptiles in the Barn Owl Tyto alba in Europe. Based on the analysis of 591 published studies reporting 3.07 million prey items identified in pellets, only 2402 reptiles (0.08%) were found. Reptiles were most often captured in southern parts of the European continent and on islands. A large proportion of the 1304 identified reptiles to the species level were nocturnal Gekkonidae (77.1%).


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This paper describes behavioural surveillance for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Europe, focusing on the methods and indicators used. In August 2008, questionnaires were sent to European Union Member States and European Free Trade Association countries seeking information on behavioural surveillance activities among eight population groups including MSM. Thirty-one countries were invited to take part in the survey and 27 returned a questionnaire on MSM. Of these 27 countries, 14 reported that there was a system of behavioural surveillance among MSM in their country while another four countries had conducted behavioural surveys of some kind in this subpopulation. In the absence of a sampling frame, all European countries used convenience samples for behavioural surveillance among MSM. Most European countries used the Internet for recruiting and surveying MSM for behavioural surveillance reflecting increasing use of the Internet by MSM for meeting sexual partners. While there was a general consensus about the main behavioural indicators (unprotected anal intercourse, condom use, number of partners, HIV testing), there was considerable diversity between countries in the specific indicators used. We suggest that European countries reach an agreement on a core set of indicators. In addition we recommend that the process of harmonising HIV and STI behavioural surveillance among MSM in Europe continues.