161 resultados para Environmental risk assessment -- France
This is the fourth edition of the Nanosafety Cluster compendium. It documents the status of important projects on nanomaterial toxicity and exposure monitoring, integrated risk management, research infrastructure and coordination and support activities. The compendium is not intended to be a guidance document for human health and environmental safety management of nanotechnologies, as such guidance documents already exist and are widely available. Neither is the compendium intended to be a medium for the publication of scientific papers and research results, as this task is covered by scientific conferences and the peer reviewed press. The compendium aims to bring researchers closer together and show them the potential for synergy in their work. It is a means to establish links and communication between them during the actual research phase and well before the publication of their results. It thus focuses on the communication of projects' strategic aims, extensively covers specific work objectives and the methods used in research, and documents human capacities and available laboratory infrastructure. As such, the compendium supports collaboration on common goals and the joint elaboration of future plans, whilst compromising neither the potential for scientific publication, nor intellectual property rights.
Une expertise collective sur l'évaluation des risques liés aux nanomatériaux pour la population générale et pour l'environnement a identifié plusieurs centaines de produits de grande consommation contenant des nanomatériaux, présents dans notre quotidien : textiles, cosmétiques, alimentaires, équipements sportifs, matériaux de construction... Des études nouvelles suggèrent la possibilité de risques pour la santé et pour l'environnement de certains produits. Face à cette situation d'incertitude, l'Afsset recommande d'agir sans attendre au nom du principe de précaution et de 1) Rendre obligatoire la traçabilité des nanomatériaux. Cela passe par une obligation de déclaration par les industriels, 2) la mise en place un étiquetage clair qui mentionne la présence de nanomatériaux dans les produits et informe sur la possibilité de relargage à l'usage, 3) d'aller jusqu'à l'interdiction de certains usages des nanomatériaux pour lesquels l'utilité est faible par rapport aux dangers potentiels, 4) l'harmonisation des cadres réglementaires français et européens pour généraliser les meilleures pratiques : déclaration, autorisation, substitution. En particulier, une révision de REACh s'impose pour prendre en compte les nanomatériaux manufacturés de manière spécifique et quel que soit leur tonnage. L'expertise fait également des recommandations pour construire une méthode renouvelée d'évaluation des risques sanitaires qui soit adaptée aux spécificités des nanomatériaux. Pour cela l'Afsset a testé les méthodologies classiques d'évaluation des risques sur 4 produits particuliers et courants : la chaussette antibactérienne (nanoparticules d'argent), le ciment autonettoyant et le lait solaire (nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane), la silice alimentaire à l'état nanométrique. Ces 4 produits représentent bien les voies d'exposition de l'homme (cutanée, inhalation, ingestion) et la possibilité de dispersion environnementale. Ces travaux font apparaître une urgence à faire progresser les connaissances sur les expositions et les dangers potentiels des nanomatériaux. Aujourd'hui, seuls 2% des études publiées sur les nanomatériaux concernent leurs risques pour la santé et l'environnement. Le premier effort devra porter sur la normalisation des caractéristiques des nanomatériaux. Les priorités de la recherche devront cibler la toxicologie, l'écotoxicologie et la mesure des expositions. Enfin, l'Afsset prévoit de s'autosaisir pour définir en 2 ans, avec son groupe de travail, un outil simplifié d'évaluation des risques. Il s'agit d'une grille de cotation des risques qui permet de catégoriser les produits en plusieurs gammes de risques. Face à ce chantier considérable, une mise en réseau entre les organismes européens et internationaux pour se partager le travail est nécessaire. Elle a commencé autour de l'OCDE qui coordonne des travaux d'évaluation des risques et de l'ISO qui travaille à la mise en place de nouvelles normes. [Auteurs]
BACKGROUND: Only few countries have cohorts enabling specific and up-to-date cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk estimation. Individual risk assessment based on study samples that differ too much from the target population could jeopardize the benefit of risk charts in general practice. Our aim was to provide up-to-date and valid CVD risk estimation for a Swiss population using a novel record linkage approach. METHODS: Anonymous record linkage was used to follow-up (for mortality, until 2008) 9,853 men and women aged 25-74 years who participated in the Swiss MONICA (MONItoring of trends and determinants in CVD) study of 1983-92. The linkage success was 97.8%, loss to follow-up 1990-2000 was 4.7%. Based on the ESC SCORE methodology (Weibull regression), we used age, sex, blood pressure, smoking, and cholesterol to generate three models. We compared the 1) original SCORE model with a 2) recalibrated and a 3) new model using the Brier score (BS) and cross-validation. RESULTS: Based on the cross-validated BS, the new model (BS = 14107×10(-6)) was somewhat more appropriate for risk estimation than the original (BS = 14190×10(-6)) and the recalibrated (BS = 14172×10(-6)) model. Particularly at younger age, derived absolute risks were consistently lower than those from the original and the recalibrated model which was mainly due to a smaller impact of total cholesterol. CONCLUSION: Using record linkage of observational and routine data is an efficient procedure to obtain valid and up-to-date CVD risk estimates for a specific population.
BACKGROUND: The risks of a public exposure to a sudden decompression, until now, have been related to civil aviation and, at a lesser extent, to diving activities. However, engineers are currently planning the use of low pressure environments for underground transportation. This method has been proposed for the future Swissmetro, a high-speed underground train designed for inter-urban linking in Switzerland. HYPOTHESIS: The use of a low pressure environment in an underground public transportation system must be considered carefully regarding the decompression risks. Indeed, due to the enclosed environment, both decompression kinetics and safety measures may differ from aviation decompression cases. METHOD: A theoretical study of decompression risks has been conducted at an early stage of the Swissmetro project. A three-compartment theoretical model, based on the physics of fluids, has been implemented with flow processing software (Ithink 5.0). Simulations have been conducted in order to analyze "decompression scenarios" for a wide range of parameters, relevant in the context of the Swissmetro main study. RESULTS: Simulation results cover a wide range from slow to explosive decompression, depending on the simulation parameters. Not surprisingly, the leaking orifice area has a tremendous impact on barotraumatic effects, while the tunnel pressure may significantly affect both hypoxic and barotraumatic effects. Calculations have also shown that reducing the free space around the vehicle may mitigate significantly an accidental decompression. CONCLUSION: Numeric simulations are relevant to assess decompression risks in the future Swissmetro system. The decompression model has proven to be useful in assisting both design choices and safety management.
The aim was to examine the capacity of commonly used type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk scores to predict overall mortality. The US-based NHANES III (n = 3138; 982 deaths) and the Swiss-based CoLaus study (n = 3946; 191 deaths) were used. The predictive value of eight T2DM risk scores regarding overall mortality was tested. The Griffin score, based on few self-reported parameters, presented the best (NHANES III) and second best (CoLaus) predictive capacity. Generally, the predictive capacity of scores based on clinical (anthropometrics, lifestyle, history) and biological (blood parameters) data was not better than of scores based solely on clinical self-reported data. T2DM scores can be validly used to predict mortality risk in general populations without diabetes. Comparison with other scores could further show whether such scores also suit as a screening tool for quick overall health risk assessment.
Therapeutic nanoparticles (NPs) are used in nanomedicine as drug carriers or imaging agents, providing increased selectivity/specificity for diseased tissues. The first NPs in nanomedicine were developed for increasing the efficacy of known drugs displaying dose-limiting toxicity and poor bioavailability and for enhancing disease detection. Nanotechnologies have gained much interest owing to their huge potential for applications in industry and medicine. It is necessary to ensure and control the biocompatibility of the components of therapeutic NPs to guarantee that intrinsic toxicity does not overtake the benefits. In addition to monitoring their toxicity in vitro, in vivo and in silico, it is also necessary to understand their distribution in the human body, their biodegradation and excretion routes and dispersion in the environment. Therefore, a deep understanding of their interactions with living tissues and of their possible effects in the human (and animal) body is required for the safe use of nanoparticulate formulations. Obtaining this information was the main aim of the NanoTEST project, and the goals of the reports collected together in this special issue are to summarise the observations and results obtained by the participating research teams and to provide methodological tools for evaluating the biological impact of NPs.
Occupational exposures to fungi are very frequent and are known to cause chronic or acute symptoms. To better assess health risks related to fungal exposure, it is crucial to characterize precisely the airborne fungal community in terms of quantity and composition. The objective of this chapter is to synthesize existing knowledge of airborne fungal contamination in various occupational settings. We analyzed 134 papers published between 2000 and 2014 focusing on five different work sectors considered as highly contaminated (i.e., more than 1000 fungal particles/m3): animal confinement buildings, sawmills, waste handling, the food industry, and grain/plant handling. Results show that harvesting grain, washing cheese, and handling salami seem to be the occupational situations with the worst potential for exposure. Moreover, a lack of standardized sampling and analysis methods among countries and even within the same country is highlighted. Occupational exposure limit values do not exist. Recommendations and guidelines based on culture-dependent methods, which are now recognized to underestimate true concentrations, are proposed. Those recommendations are frequently exceeded and protective measures are not always easy to implement.
Occupational hygiene practitioners typically assess the risk posed by occupational exposure by comparing exposure measurements to regulatory occupational exposure limits (OELs). In most jurisdictions, OELs are only available for exposure by the inhalation pathway. Skin notations are used to indicate substances for which dermal exposure may lead to health effects. However, these notations are either present or absent and provide no indication of acceptable levels of exposure. Furthermore, the methodology and framework for assigning skin notation differ widely across jurisdictions resulting in inconsistencies in the substances that carry notations. The UPERCUT tool was developed in response to these limitations. It helps occupational health stakeholders to assess the hazard associated with dermal exposure to chemicals. UPERCUT integrates dermal quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) and toxicological data to provide users with a skin hazard index called the dermal hazard ratio (DHR) for the substance and scenario of interest. The DHR is the ratio between the estimated 'received' dose and the 'acceptable' dose. The 'received' dose is estimated using physico-chemical data and information on the exposure scenario provided by the user (body parts exposure and exposure duration), and the 'acceptable' dose is estimated using inhalation OELs and toxicological data. The uncertainty surrounding the DHR is estimated with Monte Carlo simulation. Additional information on the selected substances includes intrinsic skin permeation potential of the substance and the existence of skin notations. UPERCUT is the only available tool that estimates the absorbed dose and compares this to an acceptable dose. In the absence of dermal OELs it provides a systematic and simple approach for screening dermal exposure scenarios for 1686 substances.