347 resultados para Digestione anaerobica, VFA, P y-AD, PHA


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BACKGROUND: Spinal cord ischaemia is rare in childhood and information on clinical presentation and outcome is scarce. METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of eight patients and 75 additional cases from the literature. Data search included: patient's age, primary manifestation, risk factors, neuroimaging and outcome. RESULTS: Five female and three male patients gave consent to participate. Mean age was 12.5 years (10-15 years). Six patients presented with paraplegia; this was preceded by pain in four. Brown Sequard syndrome and quadriparesis were the two others' presenting condition. Sensation levels were thoracolumbar in seven cases. Bladder dysfunction only or bladder and bowel dysfunction were reported in eight and five patients respectively. Time to maximal symptom manifestation was <12 h in 7/8. Risk factors included surgery, minor trauma, recent infection, and thrombophilia. Mean follow-up was 3.3 years (0.25-6.3 years). Three patients remained wheelchair-dependent and three patients were ambulatory without aid. Bladder function recovered fully in five children. Most affected aspects of quality of life were physical and mental well-being and self-perception. T2-weighted-MR images showed pencil-like hyperintensity (8/8) in sagittal and H-shaped or snake-eyes-like lesion (6/8) in axial views. Analyses of all 83 patients were in congruence with the above results of the study group. CONCLUSION: Spinal cord ischaemia in childhood presenting with pain, paraplegia, and bladder dysfunction has high morbidity concerning motor problems and quality of life. Acute arterial ischaemic event in children seems similar to adult events with respect to clinical presentation and, surprisingly, also in outcome.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate to what extent interstitial lung disease (ILD) in common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID)-associated granulomatous disease (GD) is similar to pulmonary sarcoidosis 20 patients with CVID/GD were included in a retrospective study conducted by the Groupe Sarcoïdose Francophone. Medical records were centralised. Patients were compared with 60 controls with sarcoidosis. Clinical examination showed more frequent crackles in patients than controls (45% versus 1.7%, respectively; p<0.001). On thoracic computed tomography scans, nodules (often multiple and with smooth margins), air bronchograms and halo signs were more frequent in patients than controls (80% versus 42%, respectively; p=0.004) as well as bronchiectasis (65% versus 23%, respectively; p<0.001). The micronodule distribution was perilymphatic in 100% of controls and in 42% of patients (p<0.001). Bronchoalveolar lavage analysis showed lower T-cell CD4/CD8 ratios in patients than in controls (mean±sd 1.6±1.1 versus 5.3±4, respectively; p<0.01). On pathological analysis, nodules and consolidations corresponded to granulomatous lesions with or without lymphocytic disorders in most cases. Mortality was higher in patients than controls (30% versus 0%, respectively) and resulted from common variable immunodeficiency complications. ILD in CVID/GD presents a specific clinical picture and evolution that are markedly different from those of sarcoidosis.


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Contexte :¦Les affections neuromusculaires sont des maladies rares, le plus souvent d'origine génétique et dont le degré de sévérité est variable. Certaines sont progressives et conduisent à une perte de l'indépendance motrice et à une insuffisance respiratoire, tandis que d'autres permettent une vie proche de la normale.¦Les progrès des connaissances en génétique moléculaire ont permis d'améliorer significativement la connaissance des mécanismes physiopathologiques de ces maladies et ont également ouverts la voie à de nouvelles possibilités thérapeutiques. Concernant les maladies les plus graves, le but premier de ces thérapies sera de tenter de préserver la marche indépendante le plus longtemps possible. Toutefois, les patients ayant déjà perdu la marche et qui dépendent de la fonction de leur membres supérieurs pour garder une certaine indépendance devront également pouvoir être inclus dans des essais thérapeutiques et bénéficier des traitements reconnus efficaces.¦De nouveaux moyens de mesure de la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs doivent être développés non seulement dans la perspective de ces éventuels essais thérapeutiques pour ces patients limités à la chaise roulante, mais également dans le but de pouvoir évaluer plus précisément l'histoire naturelle des maladies même après la perte de la marche indépendante.¦Objectifs:¦Evaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs chez des patients myopathes ayant perdu la marche indépendante par mesure cinématique.¦Méthode :¦Mesure de l'activité des membres supérieurs et le profil de cette activité par mesure cinématique (Physilog) chez:¦-Vingt-cinq patients atteints d'une myopathie en chaise roulante.¦-Vingt-cinq sujets contrôle assis¦Ces mesures seront comparées aux scores obtenus à l'échelle de Mesure de Fonction Motrice (Bérard et al, 2005) et plus précisément à l'axe D3 de cette échelle qui évalue les fonctions distales.¦Les patients seront vus à deux reprises pour une période de deux fois deux heures pendant laquelle ils porteront le Physilog. Il leur sera demandé d'effectuer une série d'exercices afin d'évaluer la fonction motrice des membres supérieurs (manger un yaourt avec une cuillère, verser un verre d'eau et le boire, se toucher selon les possibilités la tête, le front, la bouche, le cou, jouer à la console Wii) Le score de Brooke sera également testé. Chaque exercice sera répété plusieurs fois afin de d'assurer de la qualité des résultats.¦Système portable Physilog :¦Physilog est un système de mesure ambulatoire. La version utilisée dans cette étude est composée de 2 capteurs miniatures et d'une unité numérique portable légère (~215 g), qui filtre, amplifie et sauvegarde les signaux fournis par les capteurs sur une carte mémoire (Physilog-BioAGM, CH).¦Afin de pouvoir enregistrer l'activité des deux membres supérieurs, deux appareils Physilog (4 capteurs) seront utilisés par patient. Deux capteurs seront fixés sur chaque membre supérieur. Les capteurs sont fixés sur la peau à l'aide d'une bande autocollante.¦Les capteurs mis au point par le LMAM (laboratoire de mesure et d'analyse du mouvement) mesurent la rotation angulaire et l'accélération au niveau des membres supérieurs. L'algorithme utilisé dans cette étude a été développé dans le laboratoire LMAM à l'EPFL et a fait l'objet d'une thèse.¦Résultats escomptés :¦Les résultats de l'étude pilote montrent que le Physilog permet de quantifier de manière fiable et reproductible la fonction des membres supérieurs durant des activités courantes de la vie quotidienne et pourrait donc devenir un moyen d'évaluation fiable des nouveaux traitements.


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BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness among patients with uncontrolled HIV infections. Whereas polymorphisms in interferon-lambda 3 (IFNL3, previously named IL28B) strongly influence the clinical course of hepatitis C, few studies examined the role of such polymorphisms in infections due to viruses other than hepatitis C virus. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the association of newly identified IFNL3/4 variant rs368234815 with susceptibility to CMV-associated retinitis in a cohort of HIV-infected patients. DESIGN AND METHODS: This retrospective longitudinal study included 4884 white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, among whom 1134 were at risk to develop CMV retinitis (CD4 nadir <100 /μl and positive CMV serology). The association of CMV-associated retinitis with rs368234815 was assessed by cumulative incidence curves and multivariate Cox regression models, using the estimated date of HIV infection as a starting point, with censoring at death and/or lost follow-up. RESULTS: A total of 40 individuals among 1134 patients at risk developed CMV retinitis. The minor allele of rs368234815 was associated with a higher risk of CMV retinitis (log-rank test P = 0.007, recessive mode of inheritance). The association was still significant in a multivariate Cox regression model (hazard ratio 2.31, 95% confidence interval 1.09-4.92, P = 0.03), after adjustment for CD4 nadir and slope, HAART and HIV-risk groups. CONCLUSION: We reported for the first time an association between an IFNL3/4 polymorphism and susceptibility to AIDS-related CMV retinitis. IFNL3/4 may influence immunity against viruses other than HCV.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to compare children and young adults with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) in 2 large registries.Methods: We compared clinical characteristics, stroke etiology, workup, and outcome (modified Rankin scale score [mRS] at 3-6 months) in children (1 month-16 years) and young adults (16.1-45 years) with AIS. Data of children were collected prospectively in the nationwide Swiss NeuroPediatric Stroke Registry, young adults in the Bernese stroke database. Outcome (mRS) and stroke severity (pediatric adaptation of the National Institutes of Health stroke scale [PedNIHSS]) in children were calculated retrospectively.Results: From January 2000 to December 2008, 128 children and 199 young adults suffered from an AIS. Children were more likely to be male than young adults (62%/49%, p = 0.023) and less frequently had hypertension (p = 0.001), hypercholesterolemia (p = 0.003), and a family history of stroke (p = 0.048). Stroke severity was similar in children and young adults (median PedNIHSS/NIHSS 5/6; p = 0.102). Stroke etiology (original TOAST classification) was more likely to be "other determined cause" in children than in young adults (51%/29%; p < .001). Cervicocerebral artery dissections were less frequent in children than in young adults (10%/23%; p = 0.005). Outcome at 3 to 6 months did not differ between children and young adults (p = 0.907); 59% of children and 60% of young adults had a favorable outcome (mRS 0-1). Mortality was similar among children and young adults (4%/6%; p = 0.436). In multivariate analysis, low PedNIHSS/NIHSS was the most important predictor of favorable outcome (p < 0.001).Interpretation: Although stroke etiology and risk factors in children and young adults are different, stroke severity and clinical outcome were similar in both groups. ANN NEUROL 2011;70:245-254


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PURPOSE: To assess the outcome and patterns of failure in patients with testicular lymphoma treated by chemotherapy (CT) and/or radiation therapy (RT). METHODS AND MATERIALS: Data from a series of 36 adult patients with Ann Arbor Stage I (n = 21), II (n = 9), III (n = 3), or IV (n = 3) primary testicular lymphoma, consecutively treated between 1980 and 1999, were collected in a retrospective multicenter study by the Rare Cancer Network. Median age was 64 years (range: 21-91 years). Full staging workup (chest X-ray, testicular ultrasound, abdominal ultrasound, and/or thoracoabdominal computer tomography, bone marrow assessment, full blood count, lactate dehydrogenase, and cerebrospinal fluid evaluation) was completed in 18 (50%) patients. All but one patient underwent orchidectomy, and spermatic cord infiltration was found in 9 patients. Most patients (n = 29) had CT, consisting in most cases of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone (CHOP) with (n = 17) or without intrathecal CT. External RT was delivered to scrotum alone (n = 12) or testicular, iliac, and para-aortic regions (n = 8). The median RT dose was 31 Gy (range: 20-44 Gy) in a median of 17 fractions (10-24), using a median of 1.8 Gy (range: 1.5-2.5 Gy) per fraction. The median follow-up period was 42 months (range: 6-138 months). RESULTS: After a median period of 11 months (range: 1-76 months), 14 patients presented lymphoma progression, mostly in the central nervous system (CNS) (n = 8). Among the 17 patients who received intrathecal CT, 4 had a CNS relapse (p = NS). No testicular, iliac, or para-aortic relapse was observed in patients receiving RT to these regions. The 5-year overall, lymphoma-specific, and disease-free survival was 47%, 66%, and 43%, respectively. In univariate analyses, statistically significant factors favorably influencing the outcome were early-stage and combined modality treatment. Neither RT technique nor total dose influenced the outcome. Multivariate analysis revealed that the most favorable independent factors predicting the outcome were younger age, early-stage disease, and combined modality treatment. CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter retrospective study, CNS was found to be the principal site of relapse, and no extra-CNS lymphoma progression was observed in the irradiated volumes. More effective CNS prophylaxis, including combined modalities, should be prospectively explored in this uncommon site of extranodal lymphoma.


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In this paper, we introduce the concept of dyadic pulsations as a measure of sustainability in online discussion groups. Dyadic pulsations correspond to new communication exchanges occurring between two participants in a discussion group. A group that continuously integrates new participants in the on-going conversation is characterized by a steady dyadic pulsation rhythm. On the contrary, groups that either pursue close conversation or unilateral communication have no or very little dyadic pulsations. We show on two examples taken from Usenet discussion groups, that dyadic pulsations permit to anticipate future bursts in response delay time which are signs of group discussion collapses. We discuss ways of making this measure resilient to spam and other common algorithmic production that pollutes real discussions


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Tumor-reactive T cells play an important role in cancer immunosurveillance. Applying the multimer technology, we report here an unexpected high frequency of Melan-A-specific CTLs in a melanoma patient with progressive lymph node metastases, consisting of 18 and 12.8% of total peripheral blood and tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cells, respectively. Melan-A-specific CTLs revealed a high cytolytic activity against allogeneic Melan-A-expressing target cells but failed to kill the autologous tumor cells. Loading of the tumor cells with Melan-A peptide reversed the resistance to killing, suggesting impaired function of the MHC class I antigen processing and presentation pathway. Mutations of the coding region of the HLA-A2 binding Melan-A26-35 peptide or down-regulation of the MHC class I heavy chain, the antigenic peptide TAP, and tapasin could be excluded. However, PCR and immunohistochemical analysis revealed a deficiency of the immunoproteasomes low molecular weight protein 2 and low molecular weight protein 7 in the primary tumor cells, which affects the quantity and quality of generated T-cell epitopes and might explain the resistance to killing. This is supported by our data, demonstrating that the resistance to killing can be partially reversed by pre-exposure of the tumor cells to IFN-gamma, which is known to induce the immunoproteasomes. Overall, this is the first report of an extremely high frequency of tumor-specific CTLs that exhibit competent T-cell-effector functions but fail to lyse the autologous tumor cells. Immunotherapeutic approaches should not only focus on the induction of a robust antitumor immune response, but should also have to target tumor immune escape mechanisms.


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Volcanic flows and tuffs interbedded with ammonite-bearing sediments directly correlatable with the stratotype section of the Bajocian stage have been dated for the first time within the Caucasus area. Three samples, each from a different section, allowed separation of well-preserved brown hornblende; these are considered reliable geochronometers in a region where subsequent volcanic activity occurred. The dated separates are V139: a volcanic layer probably near the base, V142 another layer near the top of the Lower Bajocian substage; V141 a boulder from a latest Bajocian volcanic conglomerate. From bottom to top, apparent ages at 173.5 +/- 2.6, 164.8 +/- 2.5 and 167.1 +/- 1.9 Ma (analytical uncertainty, 95% confidence level) respectively, can be calculated. The consistency of the results is obtained if the dated boulder is interpreted as derived from an underlying layer, The Bajocian-Bathonian boundary is much younger than commonly accepted and younger than 164 Ma.


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BACKGROUND: Vitamin D insufficiency has been associated with the occurrence of various types of cancer, but causal relationships remain elusive. We therefore aimed to determine the relationship between genetic determinants of vitamin D serum levels and the risk of developing hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Associations between CYP2R1, GC, and DHCR7 genotypes that are determinants of reduced 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D3) serum levels and the risk of HCV-related HCC development were investigated for 1279 chronic hepatitis C patients with HCC and 4325 without HCC, respectively. The well-known associations between CYP2R1 (rs1993116, rs10741657), GC (rs2282679), and DHCR7 (rs7944926, rs12785878) genotypes and 25(OH)D3 serum levels were also apparent in patients with chronic hepatitis C. The same genotypes of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are associated with reduced 25(OH)D3 serum levels were found to be associated with HCV-related HCC (P = 0.07 [OR = 1.13, 95% CI = 0.99-1.28] for CYP2R1, P = 0.007 [OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.12-2.15] for GC, P = 0.003 [OR = 1.42, 95% CI = 1.13-1.78] for DHCR7; ORs for risk genotypes). In contrast, no association between these genetic variations and liver fibrosis progression rate (P>0.2 for each SNP) or outcome of standard therapy with pegylated interferon-α and ribavirin (P>0.2 for each SNP) was observed, suggesting a specific influence of the genetic determinants of 25(OH)D3 serum levels on hepatocarcinogenesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest a relatively weak but functionally relevant role for vitamin D in the prevention of HCV-related hepatocarcinogenesis.


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We recently described the neuroimaging and clinical findings in 6 children with cerebellar clefts and proposed that they result from disruptive changes following prenatal cerebellar hemorrhage. We now report an additional series of 9 patients analyzing the clinical and neuroimaging findings. The clefts were located in the left cerebellar hemisphere in 5 cases, in the right in 3, and bilaterally in one child who had bilateral cerebellar hemorrhages as a preterm infant at 30 weeks gestation. In one patient born at 24 weeks of gestation a unilateral cerebellar hemorrhage has been found at the age of 4 months. Other findings included disordered alignment of the folia and fissures, an irregular gray/white matter junction, and abnormal arborization of the white matter in all cases. Supratentorial abnormalities were found in 4 cases. All but 2 patients were born at term. We confirm the distinct neuroimaging pattern of cerebellar clefts. Considering the documented fetal cerebellar hemorrhage in our first series, we postulate that cerebellar clefts usually represent residual disruptive changes after a prenatal cerebellar hemorrhage. Exceptionally, as now documented in 2 patients, cerebellar clefts can be found after neonatal cerebellar hemorrhages in preterm infants. The short-term outcome in these children was variable.


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Jurassic volcanic formations interlayered with (ammonite-bearing) sediments are common in the Caucasus area; this situation is of interest for the numerical calibration of the poorly documented Jurassic portion of the time scale. However, following petrographic study on thin sections no whole-rocks can be considered reliable geochronometers due to subsequent alteration; from about 20 samples, two were selected for plagioclase dating; one (V134) is probably early Kimmeridgian in age; the other (V136) is probably located in the Lower Bathonian stage according to diagnostic ammonites. Cathodoluminescence (CTL) study has shown that sample V136 was similar to usual volcanic feldspars (blue to green colour); however, the lack of CTL of the V134 plagioclase is a character common to diagenetic feldspars; consequently, in spite of a good optical preservation, this geo-chronometer cannot give an age representative of the time of emplacement of the lava flow. We have combined CTL observation with microprobe analysis in order to document the poorly known CTL behaviour of volcanic feldspars; cations Ti4+ and Fe2+ play a major role in the CTL colour of plagioclases and are able to document the growing history of these feldspars ; phenocrysts are initially rich in Fe2+ (core of the crystals, green in colour), then richer in Ti toward the exterior; microcrysts are even richer in Ti (blue to bright blue). We have also observed that natural CTL colour was modified resulting from acid ``cleaning'' of the separated feldspars : the initial blue or green colour tends to change to yellow or violet, respectively, after acid treatment probably due to oxydation of Fe2+ toward Fe3+. X-ray and microprobe analyses both indicated that plagioclases from sample V134 was near the sodic end member (albite) suggesting a diagenetic origin in this andesitic basalt; In contrast, sample V136 contains a calcic plagioclase of common composition for a doleritic basalt. The K-Ar conventional technique was applied as a preliminary tool for radiometric analysis. The Kimmeridgian Na-plagioclase sample gave a ``rejuvenated'' (85 Ma) apparent age which confirms a late genesis for the separated plagioclase phase; this interpretation is based on CTL observation, X-ray analysis, and microprobe analysis ; these techniques are able to distinguish samples which have been submitted to diagenetic alteration from those which have not. An age consistent with the stratigraphic location has been obtained from sample V136. This age of 161 +/- 3 (2-sigma) Ma, is the first one available from a sample palaeontologically located with reasonable precision within the mid Jurassic time.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are the major cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Both spontaneous and treatment-induced clearance of HCV depend on genetic variation within the interferon-lambda locus, but until now no clear causal relationship has been established. Here we demonstrate that an amino-acid substitution in the IFNλ4 protein changing a proline at position 70 to a serine (P70S) substantially alters its antiviral activity. Patients harbouring the impaired IFNλ4-S70 variant display lower interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) expression levels, better treatment response rates and better spontaneous clearance rates, compared with patients coding for the fully active IFNλ4-P70 variant. Altogether, these data provide evidence supporting a role for the active IFNλ4 protein as the driver of high hepatic ISG expression as well as the cause of poor HCV clearance.


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The discovery of an anterior mediastinal mass requires careful management with specific consideration of the pathology. More than 50% of all mediastinal masses seen in adults are in the anterior mediastinum. The most frequent diagnoses are thymoma, lymphoma, teratoma and benign thyroid tumours. 60% of cases are malignant. Often the clinical and radiological findings do not allow a definitive diagnosis and a histological diagnosis is often required to select the optimal treatment modality. The choice of biopsy technique depends on the localization of the lesion, clinical factors, and the availability of special techniques and equipment. Biopsy may be obtained by trans-thoracic puncture under computed tomography or ultrasound guidance, or by a surgical approach (mediastinotomy or thoracoscopy).