295 resultados para Diametro mesio-distal


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Cobalt-labelled motoneuron dendrites of the frog spinal cord at the level of the second spinal nerve were photographed in the electron microscope from long series of ultrathin sections. Three-dimensional computer reconstructions of 120 dendrite segments were analysed. The samples were taken from two locations: proximal to cell body and distal, as defined in a transverse plane of the spinal cord. The dendrites showed highly irregular outlines with many 1-2 microns-long 'thorns' (on average 8.5 thorns per 100 microns 2 of dendritic area). Taken together, the reconstructed dendrite segments from the proximal sites had a total length of about 250 microns; those from the distal locations, 180 microns. On all segments together there were 699 synapses. Nine percent of the synapses were on thorns, and many more close to their base on the dendritic shaft. The synapses were classified in four groups. One third of the synapses were asymmetric with spherical vesicles; one half were symmetric with spherical vesicles; and one tenth were symmetric with flattened vesicles. A fourth, small class of asymmetric synapses had dense-core vesicles. The area of the active zones was large for the asymmetric synapses (median value 0.20 microns 2), and small for the symmetric ones (median value 0.10 microns 2), and the difference was significant. On average, the areas of the active zones of the synapses on thin dendrites were larger than those of synapses on large calibre dendrites. About every 4 microns 2 of dendritic area received one contact. There was a significant difference between the areas of the active zones of the synapses at the two locations. Moreover, the number per unit dendritic length was correlated with dendrite calibre. On average, the active zones covered more than 4% of the dendritic area; this value for thin dendrites was about twice as large as that of large calibre dendrites. We suggest that the larger active zones and the larger synaptic coverage of the thin dendrites compensate for the longer electrotonic distance of these synapses from the soma.


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Spatial-temporal regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt activity is essential for normal cardiovascular development, and altered activity of these growth factors causes maldevelopment of the cardiac outflow tract and great arteries. In the present study, we show that SOST, a Dan family member reported to antagonize BMP and Wnt activity, is expressed within the medial vessel wall of the great arteries containing smooth muscle cells. The ascending aorta, aortic arch, brachiocephalic artery, common carotids, and pulmonary trunk were all associated with SOST expressing smooth muscle cells, while the heart itself, including the valves, and more distal arteries, that is, pulmonary arteries, subclavian arteries, and descending aorta, were negative. SOST was expressed from embryonic day 15.5 up to the neonatal period. SOST expression, however, did not correspond with inhibition of Smad-dependent BMP activity or beta-catenin-dependent Wnt activity in the great arteries. Activity of both signaling pathways was already down-regulated before induction of SOST expression.


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Damage-inducible defenses in plants are controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived regulators that start to accumulate within 30 s of wounding a leaf. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we sought to identify the 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs) that initiate wound-induced jasmonate synthesis within a 190-s timeframe in Arabidopsis thaliana in 19 single, double, triple and quadruple mutant combinations derived from the four 13-LOX genes in this plant. All four 13-LOXs were found to contribute to jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves: among them LOX6 showed a unique behavior. The relative contribution of LOX6 to jasmonate synthesis increased with distance from a leaf tip wound, and LOX6 was the only 13-LOX necessary for the initiation of early jasmonate synthesis in leaves distal to the wounded leaf. Herbivory assays that compared Spodoptera littoralis feeding on the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A lox6A quadruple mutant and the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A triple mutant revealed a role for LOX6 in defense of the shoot apical meristem. Consistent with this, we found that LOX6 promoter activity was strong in the apical region of rosettes. The LOX6 promoter was active in and near developing xylem cells and in expression domains we term subtrichomal mounds.


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OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate whether self-expanding stents are more effective than balloon-expandable stents for reducing stent malapposition at 3 days after implantation in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. BACKGROUND: Acute myocardial infarction is associated with vasoconstriction and large thrombus burden. Resolution of vasoconstriction and thrombus load during the first hours to days after primary percutaneous coronary intervention may lead to stent undersizing and malapposition, which may subsequently lead to stent thrombosis or restenosis. In addition, aggressive stent deployment may cause distal embolization. METHODS: Eighty patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to receive a self-expanding stent (STENTYS, STENTYS SA, Paris, France) (n = 43) or a balloon-expandable stent (VISION, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, California; or Driver, Medtronic, Minneapolis, Minnesota) (n = 37) at 9 European centers. The primary endpoint was the proportion of stent strut malapposition at 3 days after implantation measured by optical coherence tomography. Secondary endpoints included major adverse cardiac events (cardiac death, recurrent myocardial infarction, emergent bypass surgery, or clinically driven target lesion revascularization). RESULTS: At 3 days after implantation, on a per-strut basis, a lower rate of malapposed stent struts was observed by optical coherence tomography in the self-expanding stent group than in the balloon-expandable group (0.58% vs. 5.46%, p < 0.001). On a per-patient basis, none of the patients in the self-expanding stent group versus 28% in the balloon-expandable group presented ≥5% malapposed struts (p < 0.001). At 6 months, major adverse cardiac events were 2.3% versus 0% in the self-expanding and balloon-expandable groups, respectively (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Strut malapposition at 3 days is significantly lower in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients allocated to self-expanding stents when than in those allocated to balloon-expandable stents. The impact of this difference on clinical outcome and the risk of late stent thrombosis need to be evaluated further. (Randomized Comparison Between the STENTYS Self-expanding Coronary Stent and a Balloon-expandable Stent in Acute Myocardial Infarction [APPOSITION II]; NCT01008085).


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Introduction: The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) contains Brodmann areas (BA) 1, 2, 3a, and 3b. Research in non-human primates showed that BAs 3b, 1, and 2 each contain one full representation of the hand with separate representations for each finger. This research also showed that the finger representation in BA3b has larger and clearer finger somatotopy than BA1 and 2. Although several efforts to map finger somatotopy in SI by fMRI have been made at 1.5 and 3T these studies have yielded variable results and were not able to detect single subject finger somatotopy, probably due to the limited spatial extent of the cortical areas representing a digit (close to the resolution in most fMRI experiments), complications due to acquisition of consistent maps for individual subjects (Schweizer et al 2008), or inter-individual variability in sulcal anatomy impeding group studies. Here, we used 7T fMRI to investigate finger somatotopy in SI, some of its functional characteristics, and its reproducibility. Methods: Eight right-handed male subjects were scanned on a 7T scanner (Siemens Medical, Germany) with an 8-channel Tx/Rx rf-coil (Rapid Biomedical, Germany). 1.3x1.3x1.3mm3 resolution fMRI data were acquired using a sinusoidal readout EPI sequence (Speck et al, 2008) and FOV=210mm, TE/TR=27ms/2.5s, GRAPPA=2. Each volume contained 28 transverse slices covering SI. A single EPI volume with 64 slices was acquired to aid coregistration. 1x1x1mm3 anatomical data were acquire using the MP2RAGE sequence (Marques et al, 2009; TE/TR/TI1,2/TRmprage=2.63ms/7.2ms/0.9,3.2s/5s). Subjects were positioned supine in the scanner with their right arm comfortably against the magnet bore. An experimenter was positioned at the entrance of the bore where he could easily reach and stroke successively the two distal phalanxes of each digit. The order of stroked digit was D1 (thumb)-D3-D5-D2-D4, with 20s ON, 10s OFF alternated. This sequence was repeated four times per run and two functional runs were acquired per subject. Realignment, smoothing (FWHM 2 mm), coregistration of the anatomical to the fMRI data and calculation of t-statistics were done using SPM8. An SI mask was obtained via an F-contrast (p<0.001) over all digits. Within the mask, voxels were labeled with the number of the digit demonstrating the highest t-value for that particular voxel. Results: For all subjects, areas corresponding to the five digits were identified in contralateral SI. BA3b showed the most consistent somatotopic finger representation (see an example in Fig.1). The five digits were localized in a consecutive order in the cortex, with D1 most anterior, inferior and distal and D5, most posterior, superior and medial (mean distance between centres of mass of digit representations ±stderr: 4.2±0.7mm; see Fig. 2). The analysis of average beta values within each finger representation region revealed the specificity of the somatotopic region to the tactile input for each tested finger (except digit 4 and 5). Five of these subjects also presented an orderly and consecutive representation of the five digits in BA1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data reveal that the increased BOLD sensitivity at 7T and the high spatial resolution used in this study allow consistent somatotopic mapping using human touch as a stimulus and that human SI contains at least three separate regions that contain five separate representations of all single contralateral fingers. Moreover, adjacent fingers were represented at adjacent cortical regions across the three SI regions. The spatial organization of SI as reflected in individual subject topography corresponds well with previous electrophysiological data in non-human primates. The small distance between digit representations highlights the need for the high spatial resolution available at 7T.


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We modeled work performance as outcomes of individual-differences mediated by technical performance. Beyond the "usual suspects" (e.g., general mental ability, and personality), we also measured the ethical development of participants (n = 460). We surmised that ethical development - which has not been extensively studied as a predictor of work performance while controlling for established predictors - captures unique variance in both technical and work performance. Results demonstrated incremental validity for ethical development in predicting technical performance, which in turn predicted work performance. The indirect effect of ethical development was significant too. Our results highlight the importance of process models of performance, which include proximal as well as distal individual differences.


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To assess the value of sampling lymph nodes located far sidelong colorectal cancer specimens, we analyzed retrospectively surgical specimens from 345 colorectal cancer patients. The mesocolic and perirectal fat was divided into 2 fractions: close to (<5 cm) and distant from (>5 cm) the tumor. Tumors were located in the cecum (n = 61), ascending colon (n = 29), transverse colon (n = 31), descending colon (n = 27), sigmoid colon (n = 108), and rectum (n = 89). The median number of lymph nodes sampled was 17 in both fractions (range, 4-66), 12 (range, 0-46) in the close fraction, and 3 (range, 0-33) in the distant fraction. There were 169 pN0, 104 pN1, and 72 pN2 cases. The pN staging was accurate in all cases except 10 based on the close fraction alone; of these, 6 were upstaged from pN0 to pN1 and 4 from pN1 to pN2 when the distant fraction was considered. Among pN1-upstaged cases, 5 were rectal (3/5 with neoadjuvant radiotherapy) and 1 colonic. In the colon, we found that lymph node location is more important than lymph node number because metastatic lymph nodes were present mostly in the peritumoral area. This suggests that lymph nodes should be initially recovered from the pericolic fat close to the tumor. If there are less than 4 positive lymph nodes and less than 12 lymph nodes examined in total, additional lymph nodes should be retrieved from the distal fraction for potential upstaging. In the rectum, systematic sampling of close and distant lymph nodes is mandatory because in rare cases, metastases are detected only in distant lymph nodes, particularly in patients who have undergone neoadjuvant radiotherapy.


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Pulse-wave velocity (PWV) is considered as the gold-standard method to assess arterial stiffness, an independent predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Current available devices that measure PWV need to be operated by skilled medical staff, thus, reducing the potential use of PWV in the ambulatory setting. In this paper, we present a new technique allowing continuous, unsupervised measurements of pulse transit times (PTT) in central arteries by means of a chest sensor. This technique relies on measuring the propagation time of pressure pulses from their genesis in the left ventricle to their later arrival at the cutaneous vasculature on the sternum. Combined thoracic impedance cardiography and phonocardiography are used to detect the opening of the aortic valve, from which a pre-ejection period (PEP) value is estimated. Multichannel reflective photoplethysmography at the sternum is used to detect the distal pulse-arrival time (PAT). A PTT value is then calculated as PTT = PAT - PEP. After optimizing the parameters of the chest PTT calculation algorithm on a nine-subject cohort, a prospective validation study involving 31 normo- and hypertensive subjects was performed. 1/chest PTT correlated very well with the COMPLIOR carotid to femoral PWV (r = 0.88, p < 10 (-9)). Finally, an empirical method to map chest PTT values onto chest PWV values is explored.


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Traditionally, the transcatheter aortic valve replacement is performed through a transapical, a transfemoral or a trans-subclavian approach. Recently, the transaortic approach for transcatheter aortic valve replacement through the distal part of the ascending aorta was successfully implemented in order to avoid peripheral vascular access-related complications and apical life-threatening haemorrhage. The Sapien? stent valve has great transaortic potential because it can be loaded 'upside down' in different generations of delivery systems. However, because of their health regulatory systems and despite the launch, in 2012, of the latest generation of the Ascendra? delivery system, the Ascendra+?, specifically designed for transapical and transaortic valve placements, several countries are still using the first generations of Ascendra? (Ascendra? 1 and 2). This device was specifically designed for transapical procedures, and retrograde stent-valve positioning through the stenotic aortic valve may be very challenging and risk the integrity of the aorta. We describe the manoeuvre required in order to pass the stenotic aortic valve safely in a retrograde direction using the Sapien? stent valve and the first generations of Ascendra?.


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In diabetes mellitus, it is expected to see a common, mainly sensitive, distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DPN) involving a large proportion of diabetic patients according to known risk factors. Several other diabetic peripheral neuropathies are recognized, such as dysautonomia and multifocal neuropathies including lumbosacral radiculoplexus and oculomotor palsies. In this review, general aspects of DPN and other diabetic neuropathies are examined, and it is discussed why and how the general practionner has to perform a yearly examination. At the present time, some consensuses emerge to ask help from neurologist when faced to other forms of peripheral neuropathies than distal symmetrical DPN.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to assess the feasibility of minimally invasive digestive anastomosis using a modular flexible magnetic anastomotic device made up of a set of two flexible chains of magnetic elements. The assembly possesses a non-deployed linear configuration which allows it to be introduced through a dedicated small-sized applicator into the bowel where it takes the deployed form. A centering suture allows the mating between the two parts to be controlled in order to include the viscerotomy between the two magnetic rings and the connected viscera. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Eight pigs were involved in a 2-week survival experimental study. In five colorectal anastomoses, the proximal device was inserted by a percutaneous endoscopic technique, and the colon was divided below the magnet. The distal magnet was delivered transanally to connect with the proximal magnet. In three jejunojejunostomies, the first magnetic chain was injected in its linear configuration through a small enterotomy. Once delivered, the device self-assembled into a ring shape. A second magnet was injected more distally through the same port. The centering sutures were tied together extracorporeally and, using a knot pusher, magnets were connected. Ex vivo strain testing to determine the compression force delivered by the magnetic device, burst pressure of the anastomosis, and histology were performed. RESULTS: Mean operative time including endoscopy was 69.2 ± 21.9 min, and average time to full patency was 5 days for colorectal anastomosis. Operative times for jejunojejunostomies were 125, 80, and 35 min, respectively. The postoperative period was uneventful. Burst pressure of all anastomoses was ≥ 110 mmHg. Mean strain force to detach the devices was 6.1 ± 0.98 and 12.88 ± 1.34 N in colorectal and jejunojejunal connections, respectively. Pathology showed a mild-to-moderate inflammation score. CONCLUSIONS: The modular magnetic system showed enormous potential to create minimally invasive digestive anastomoses, and may represent an alternative to stapled anastomoses, being easy to deliver, effective, and low cost.


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Regulation of renal Na(+) transport is essential for controlling blood pressure, as well as Na(+) and K(+) homeostasis. Aldosterone stimulates Na(+) reabsorption by the Na(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) and by the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) in the late DCT, connecting tubule, and collecting duct. Aldosterone increases ENaC expression by inhibiting the channel's ubiquitylation and degradation; aldosterone promotes serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase SGK1-mediated phosphorylation of the ubiquitin-protein ligase Nedd4-2 on serine 328, which prevents the Nedd4-2/ENaC interaction. It is important to note that aldosterone increases NCC protein expression by an unknown post-translational mechanism. Here, we present evidence that Nedd4-2 coimmunoprecipitated with NCC and stimulated NCC ubiquitylation at the surface of transfected HEK293 cells. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, coexpression of NCC with wild-type Nedd4-2, but not its catalytically inactive mutant, strongly decreased NCC activity and surface expression. SGK1 prevented this inhibition in a kinase-dependent manner. Furthermore, deficiency of Nedd4-2 in the renal tubules of mice and in cultured mDCT(15) cells upregulated NCC. In contrast to ENaC, Nedd4-2-mediated inhibition of NCC did not require the PY-like motif of NCC. Moreover, the mutation of Nedd4-2 at either serine 328 or 222 did not affect SGK1 action, and mutation at both sites enhanced Nedd4-2 activity and abolished SGK1-dependent inhibition. Taken together, these results suggest that aldosterone modulates NCC protein expression via a pathway involving SGK1 and Nedd4-2 and provides an explanation for the well-known aldosterone-induced increase in NCC protein expression.


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The Trepca Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit (29 Mt of ore at 3.45% Pb, 2.30% Zn, and 80 g/t Ag) is located in the Kopaonik block of the western Vardar zone, Kosovo. The mineralization, hosted by recrystallized limestone of Upper Triassic age, was structurally and lithologically controlled. Ore deposition is spatially and temporally related with the postcollisional magmatism of Oligocene age (23-26 Ma). The deposit was formed during two distinct mineralization stages: an early prograde closed-system and a later retrograde open-system stage. The prograde mineralization consisting mainly of pyroxenes (Hd(54-100)Jo(0-45)Di(0-45)) resulted from the interaction of magmatic fluids associated with Oligocene (23-26 Ma) postcollisional magmatism. Whereas there is no direct contact between magmatic rocks and the mineralization, the deposit is classified as a distal Pb-Zn-Ag skarn. Abundant pyroxene reflects low oxygen fugacity (<10(-31) bar) and anhydrous environment. Fluid inclusion data and mineral assemblage limit the prograde stage within a temperature range between 390 degrees and 475 degrees C. Formation pressure is estimated below 900 bars. Isotopic composition of aqueous fluid, inclusions hosted by hedenbergite (delta D = -108 to -130 parts per thousand; delta O-18 = 7.5-8.0 parts per thousand), Mn-enriched mineralogy and high REE content of the host carbonates at the contact with the skarn mineralization suggest that a magmatic fluid was modified during its infiltration through the country rocks. The retrograde mineral assemblage comprises ilvaite, magnetite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, pyrite, quartz, and various carbonates. Increases in oxygen and sulfur fugacities, as well as a hydrous character of mineralization, require an open-system model. The opening of the system is related to phreatomagmatic explosion and formation of the breccia. Arsenopyrite geothermometer limits the retrograde stage within the temperature range between 350 degrees and 380 degrees C and sulfur fugacity between 10(-8.8) and 10(-7.2) bars. The principal ore minerals, galena, sphalerite, pyrite, and minor chalcopyrite, were deposited from a moderately saline Ca-Na chloride fluid at around 350 degrees C. According to the isotopic composition of fluid inclusions hosted by sphalerite (delta D = -55 to -74 parts per thousand; delta O-18 = -9.6 to -13.6 parts per thousand), the fluid responsible for ore deposition was dominantly meteoric in origin. The delta S-31 values of the sulfides spanning between -5.5 and +10 parts per thousand point to a magmatic origin of sulfur. Ore deposition appears to have been largely contemporaneous with the retrograde stage of the skarn development. Postore stage accompanied the precipitation of significant amount of carbonates including the travertine deposits at the deposit surface. Mineralogical composition of travertine varies from calcite to siderite and all carbonates contain significant amounts of Mn. Decreased formation temperature and depletion in the REE content point to an influence of pH-neutralized cold ground water and dying magmatic system.


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The acute renal tubular effects of two pharmacologically distinct angiotensin II receptor antagonists have been evaluated in normotensive volunteers on various salt diets. In the first study, the renal response to a single oral dose of losartan (100 mg) was assessed in subjects on a low (50 mmol Na/d) and on a high (200 mmol Na/d) salt intake. In a second protocol, the renal effects of 50 mg irbesartan were investigated in subjects receiving a 100 mmol Na/d diet. Both angiotensin II antagonists induced a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion. With losartan, a modest, transient increase in urinary potassium and a significant increase in uric acid excretion were found. In contrast, no change in potassium and uric acid excretions were observed with irbesartan, suggesting that the effects of losartan on potassium and uric acid are due to the intrinsic pharmacologic properties of losartan rather than to the specific blockade of renal angiotensin II receptors. Assessment of segmental sodium reabsorption using lithium as a marker of proximal tubular reabsorption demonstrated a decreased distal reabsorption of sodium with both antagonists. A direct proximal tubular natriuretic effect of the angiotensin II antagonist could be demonstrated only with irbesartan. This apparent discrepancy allowed us to reveal the importance of acute water loading as a possible confounding factor in renal studies. The results of the present analysis show that acute water loading per se may enhance renal sodium excretion and hence modify the level of activity of the renin-angiotensin system expected from a given sodium diet. Since acute water loading is a common practice in clinical renal studies, this confounding factor should be taken into account when investigating the renal effects of vasoactive systems.


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BACKGROUND: Thirty-nine patients have been described with deletions involving chromosome 6p25. However, relatively few of these deletions have had molecular characterization. Common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome patients include hydrocephalus, hearing loss, and ocular, craniofacial, skeletal, cardiac, and renal malformations. Molecular characterization of deletions can identify genes that are responsible for these phenotypes. METHODS: We report the clinical phenotype of seven patients with terminal deletions of chromosome 6p25 and compare them to previously reported patients. Molecular characterization of the deletions was performed using polymorphic marker analysis to determine the extents of the deletions in these seven 6p25 deletion syndrome patients. RESULTS: Our results, and previous data, show that ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most highly penetrant phenotypes of the 6p25 deletion syndrome. While deletion of the forkhead box C1 gene (FOXC1) probably underlies the ocular dysgenesis, no gene in this region is known to be involved in hearing impairment. CONCLUSIONS: Ocular dysgenesis and hearing impairment are the two most common phenotypes of 6p25 deletion syndrome. We conclude that a locus for dominant hearing loss is present at 6p25 and that this locus is restricted to a region distal to D6S1617. Molecular characterization of more 6p25 deletion patients will aid in refinement of this locus and the identification of a gene involved in dominant hearing loss.