237 resultados para Credit events correlation


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Endocrine therapy remains a mainstay in the treatment of endocrine-sensitive breast cancer. In the adjuvant setting, 5 years of endocrine therapy significantly reduces recurrence rate and mortality. Tamoxifen is the molecule of choice for premenopausal women, whereas for postmenopausal women aromatase inhibitors are currently part of the standard treatment. Endocrine therapy can induce side effects, which can affect patient's quality of life and lead to premature treatment interruption. Identification and adequately addressing these side effects is fundamental to maintain good treatment compliance and therefore improve breast cancer specific outcome.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to explore the periodical patterns of events and deaths related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and stroke in Swiss adults (≥ 18 years). METHODS: Mortality data for period 1969-2007 (N=869,863 CVD events) and hospitalization data for period 1997-2008 (N=959,990 CVD events) were used. The annual, weekly and circadian distribution of CVD-related deaths and events were assessed. Multivariate analysis was conducted using multinomial logistic regression adjusting for age, gender and calendar year and considering deaths from respiratory diseases, accidents or other causes as competitive events. RESULTS: CVD deaths and hospitalizations occurred less frequently in the summer months. Similar patterns were found for AMI and stroke. No significant weekly variation for CVD deaths was found. Stratification by age and gender showed subjects aged <65 years to present a higher probability of dying on Mondays and Saturday, only for men. This finding was confirmed after multivariate adjustment. Finally, a circadian variation in CVD mortality was observed, with a first peak in the morning (8-12 am) and a smaller second peak in the late afternoon (2-6 pm). This pattern persisted after multivariate adjustment and was more pronounced for AMI than for stroke. CONCLUSION: There is a periodicity of hospitalizations and deaths related to CVD, AMI and stroke in Switzerland. This pattern changes slightly according to the age and sex of the subjects. Although the underlying mechanisms are not fully identified, preventive measures should take into account these aspects to develop better strategies of prevention and management of CVD.


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According to Jenkyns (2010), oceanic anoxic events (OAE) record profound changes in the climatic and paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global carbon cycle. One of the most studied OAEs on a worldwide scale is the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2, which is characterized by a pronounced positive excursion in carbon-isotope records and the important accumulation of organic-rich sediments. The section at Gongzha (Tibet) and the sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco (Mexico) are located in remote parts of the Tethys, and show δ13C records, which are well correlated with those of classical Tethyan sections. Both sections, however, do not exhibit the presence of organic-rich sediments. Phosphorus Mass Accumulation Rates (PMAR) in Tibet show a pattern similar to that observed in the Tethys by Mort et al. (2007), which suggests enhanced Ρ regeneration during the OAE 2 time interval, though there is no evidence for anoxic conditions in Tibet. Ρ appears here to have been mainly driven by detrital influx and sea-level fluctuations. The sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco show that the Mexican carbonate platform persisted during this anoxic event, which allowed the evolution of platform fauna otherwise not present in Tethyan sections. The persistence of this carbonate platform close to the Caribbean Igneous Plateau, which is thought to have released bio-limiting metals, is explained by local uplift which delayed the drowning of the platform and a specific oceanic circulation that permitted the preservation of oligotrophic conditions in the area. The Coniacian-Santonian OAE (OAE3) appears to have been more dependent on local conditions than OAE2. The presence of black shales associated with OAE3 appear to have been restricted to shallow-water settings and epicontinental seas in areas located around the Atlantic Ocean. The sections at Olazagutia (Spain), and Ten Mile - Arbor Park (USA), two potential Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSP) sites, are devoid of organic-rich sediments and lack a δ13C positive excursion around the C-S boundary. The Gabal Ekma section (Sinai, Egypt) exhibits accumulations of organic-rich sediments, in addition to phosphorite bone beds layers, which may have been linked to an epicontinental upwelling zone and/or storm inputs. Our data suggest that OAE 3 is rarely expressed by truly anoxic conditions and seems to have been linked to local conditions rather than global paleoenvironmental change. The evidence for detrital-P being the likely cause of Ρ fluctuations during the OAEs studied here does not negate the idea that anoxia was the principal driver of these fluctuations in the western Tethys. However, an explanation is required as to why the Ρ accumulation signatures are mirrored in both oxic and anoxic sedimentary successions. 'Eustatic/climatic' and 'productivity/anoxic' models may have both operated simultaneously in different parts of the world depending on local conditions, both producing similar trends in Ρ accumulation. - Selon Jenkyns (2010), les événements anoxiques océaniques enregistrent de profonds changements dans le climat et la paléoceanographie de la planète et représente des perturbations majeures du cycle du carbone. L'un des plus étudiés à l'échelle mondiale est l'ΟΑΕ2 du Cénomanien-Turonien, qui est caractérisé par une très forte excursion positive des isotopes du carbone et une importante accumulation de sédiments riche en matière organique. La section de Gongzha (Tibet) et les sections de Barranca et Axaxcualco (Mexique) sont situées aux confins de la Téthys, et enregistrent une courbe isotopique en δ13C parfaitement corrélable avec les sections téthysiennes, mais ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales. Le taux de phosphore en accumulation de masses (PMAR) au Tibet montre un pattern similaire observé également par Mort et al. (2007) dans la Téthys, suggérant un model de régénération du Ρ durant l'anoxie, cependant aucune conditions anoxiques régnent dans la région du Tibet. Ρ apparaît donc principalement guidé par le détritisme et les fluctuations du niveau marin. Les sections de Barranca et d'Axaxacualco montrent que la plateforme carbonatée mexicaine persiste durant cet événement anoxique, et permet le développement d'une faune de plateforme qui n'est pas présente dans les sections téthysiennes. La persistance de cette plateforme carbonatée si proche du plateau Caribéen, qui est connu pour le relâchement de métaux bio-limitant, peut être expliqué par un soulèvement tectonique local qui inhibe l'ennoiement de la plateforme et une circulation océanique spécifique qui permet la préservation de conditions oligotrophiques dans cette région. L'événement anoxique océanique du Coniacien-Santonien apparaît plus dépendant des conditions locales que pour l'ΟΑΕ2. Les black shales associés à POAE3 sont restreints aux zones situées autour de l'océan Atlantique et plus particulièrement aux eaux peu profondes et épicontinentales. Les sections d'Olazagutia (Espagne), Ten Mile Creek et Arbor Park (USA), qui sont deux potentielles sections GSSP (Sections de stratotype de limite globaux et de points), ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales et pas de forte excursion positive en δ13C autour de la limite C-S. La section de Gabal Ekma (Sinai, Egypte) montre des accumulations de black shales, en plus des couches de phosphorites et d'accumulation d'os (« bone beds »), vraisemblablement lié à des zones active d'upwelling épicontinentale et/ou d'apport de tempêtes. Nos données suggèrent que l'OAE 3 est rarement exprimé par de vraies conditions anoxiques et semble être plus lié à des conditions plus locales que des changements paléo-environnementaux globaux, comme observés pour le Cénomanien- Turonien. Les arguments pour un modèle lié au phosphore détritique qui serait la cause des fluctuations du phosphore total durant les OAEs, n'écartent pas l'idée que l'anoxie est la principale cause de ces fluctuations dans les sections riches en matière organique de l'Ouest téthysien. Cependant une explication est nécessaire pour comprendre pourquoi la signature de l'accumulation du phosphore est semblable dans les successions sédimentaires déposées dans des conditions oxygénées et anoxiques. Les modèles « Eustatisme/Climat » et « Productivité/anoxie » ont simultanément opéré dans les différentes parties du monde dépendant de conditions locales, et ont produit des tendances similaires en accumulation de phosphore.


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OBJECTIVE: Juvenile dermatomyositis (DM) is a systemic autoimmune disorder of unknown immunopathogenesis in which the immune system targets the microvasculature of skeletal muscles, skin, and other organs. The current mainstay of therapy is a steroid regimen in combination with other immunosuppressive treatments. To date, no validated markers for monitoring disease activity have been identified, which hampers personalized treatment. This study was undertaken to identify a panel of proteins specifically related to active disease in juvenile DM. METHODS: We performed a multiplex immunoassay for plasma levels of 45 proteins related to inflammation in 25 patients with juvenile DM in 4 clinically well-defined groups, as determined by clinical activity and treatment. We compared them to 14 age-matched healthy children and 8 age-matched children with nonautoimmune muscle disease. RESULTS: Cluster analysis of circulating proteins showed distinct profiles for juvenile DM patients and controls based on a group of 10 proteins. In addition to CXCL10, tumor necrosis factor receptor type II (TNFRII) and galectin 9 were significantly increased in active juvenile DM. The levels of these 3 proteins were tightly linked to active disease and correlated with clinical scores (as measured by the Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale and physician's global assessment of disease activity on a visual analog scale). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that CXCL10, TNFRII, and galectin 9 correspond to disease status in juvenile DM and thus could be helpful in monitoring disease activity and guiding treatment. Furthermore, they might provide new knowledge about the pathogenesis of this autoimmune disease.


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Objective: Tachycardia is associated with hypertension and is a predictor of cardiovascular events. The predictive effect of tachycardia might reflect its connection with hypertension. In this analysis of 15,245 VALUE study patients we explore whether tachycardia predicts cardiovascular endpoints in high risk hypertension and whether the in-trial blood pressure lowering modified the tachycardia - related risk. Methods: Heart rate from ECG readings at baseline and annually throughout the trial. Results: In the Cox Regression analysis the primary endpoint hazard ratio for a 10 beats per minute increment of baseline heart rate was 1.16 (1.12-1.2) p < 0.0001, 1.17 (1.13-1.22) p < 0.0001 and 1.22 (1.18-1.27) p < 0.0001 unadjusted, adjusted for baseline blood pressure and for blood pressure plus risk factors, respectively. Primary endpoints strikingly increased in the highest quintile of baseline heart rate (=/>79 beats). Primary endpoints in the highest heart rate quintile were 30 % higher in first, 55 % in second, 55 % in third, 52 % in fourth and 46 % in the fifth year of the study. The in-trial heart rate was also a potent predictor. The primary endpoint hazard ratios of highest heart rate quintile versus pooled lower 4 quintiles was (1.34-1.66) p < 0.0001 unadjusted, 1.52 (1.36-1.69) p <0.0001 adjusted for baseline blood pressure and risk factors and 1.52 (1.36-1.69) p < 0.0001 further adjusted for in trial pressure. The increase of primary events in the upper quintile of in-trial heart rate was 68% in the group with good and 63% in the group with inadequate blood pressure control (both p < 0.0001 by log rank test). Conclusions: 1./ Tachycardia is a short term marker and a long term predictor of adverse event in high risk hypertension. 2./ Tachycardia contributes to the residual cardiovascular risk regardless of the degree of BP control. We hypothesize heart rate lowering with appropriate drugs may further decrease the cardiovascular risk in patients with high risk hypertension and tachycardia.


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PURPOSE: Intraoperative adverse events significantly influence morbidity and mortality of laparoscopic colorectal resections. Over an 11-year period, the changes of occurrence of such intraoperative adverse events were assessed in this study. METHODS: Analysis of 3,928 patients undergoing elective laparoscopic colorectal resection based on the prospective database of the Swiss Association of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery was performed. RESULTS: Overall, 377 intraoperative adverse events occurred in 329 patients (overall incidence of 8.4 %). Of 377 events, 163 (43 %) were surgical complications and 214 (57 %) were nonsurgical adverse events. Surgical complications were iatrogenic injury to solid organs (n = 63; incidence of 1.6 %), bleeding (n = 62; 1.6 %), lesion by puncture (n = 25; 0.6 %), and intraoperative anastomotic leakage (n = 13; 0.3 %). Of note, 11 % of intraoperative organ/puncture lesions requiring re-intervention were missed intraoperatively. Nonsurgical adverse events were problems with equipment (n = 127; 3.2 %), anesthetic problems (n = 30; 0.8 %), and various (n = 57; 1.5 %). Over time, the rate of intraoperative adverse events decreased, but not significantly. Bleeding complications significantly decreased (p = 0.015), and equipment problems increased (p = 0.036). However, the rate of adverse events requiring conversion significantly decreased with time (p < 0.001). Patients with an intraoperative adverse event had a significantly higher rate of postoperative local and general morbidity (41.2 and 32.9 % vs. 18.0 and 17.2 %, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative surgical complications and adverse events in laparoscopic colorectal resections did not change significantly over time and are associated with an increased postoperative morbidity.


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A fundamental trait of the human self is its continuum experience of space and time. Perceptual aberrations of this spatial and temporal continuity is a major characteristic of schizophrenia spectrum disturbances--including schizophrenia, schizotypal personality disorder and schizotypy. We have previously found the classical Perceptual Aberration Scale (PAS) scores, related to body and space, to be positively correlated with both behavior and temporo-parietal activation in healthy participants performing a task involving self-projection in space. However, not much is known about the relationship between temporal perceptual aberration, behavior and brain activity. To this aim, we composed a temporal Perceptual Aberration Scale (tPAS) similar to the traditional PAS. Testing on 170 participants suggested similar performance for PAS and tPAS. We then correlated tPAS and PAS scores to participants' performance and neural activity in a task of self-projection in time. tPAS scores correlated positively with reaction times across task conditions, as did PAS scores. Evoked potential mapping and electrical neuroimaging showed self-projection in time to recruit a network of brain regions at the left anterior temporal cortex, right temporo-parietal junction, and occipito-temporal cortex, and duration of activation in this network positively correlated with tPAS and PAS scores. These data demonstrate that schizotypal perceptual aberrations of both time and space, as reflected by tPAS and PAS scores, are positively correlated with performance and brain activation during self-projection in time in healthy individuals along the schizophrenia spectrum.


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Aldosterone exerts its effects through interactions with two types of binding sites, the mineralocorticoid (MR) and the glucocorticoid (GR) receptors. Although both receptors are known to be involved in the anti-natriuretic response to aldosterone, the mechanisms of signal transduction leading to modulation of electrolyte transport are not yet fully understood. This study measured the Na(+) and K(+) urinary excretion and the mRNA levels of three known aldosterone-induced transcripts, the serum and glucocorticoid-induced kinase (Sgk-1), the alpha subunit of the epithelial Na(+) channel (alphaENaC), and the glucocorticoid-induced-leucine-zipper protein (GILZ) in the whole kidney and in isolated cortical collecting tubules of adrenalectomized rats treated with low doses of aldosterone and/or dexamethasone. The resulting plasma concentrations of both steroids were close to 1 nmol/L. Aldosterone, given with or without dexamethasone, induced anti-natriuresis and kaliuresis, whereas dexamethasone alone did not. GILZ and alphaENaC transcripts were higher after treatment with either or both hormones, whereas the mRNA abundance of Sgk-1 was increased in the cortical collecting tubule by aldosterone but not by dexamethasone. We conclude the increased expression of Sgk-1 in the cortical collecting tubules is a primary event in the early antinatriuretic and kaliuretic responses to physiologic concentrations of aldosterone. Induction of alphaENaC and/or GILZ mRNAs may play a permissive role in the enhancement of the early and/or late responses; these effects may be necessary for a full response but do not by themselves promote early changes in urinary Na(+) and K(+) excretion.