223 resultados para Cognitive distributivity


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Individuals with depression process information in an overly negative or biased way (e.g., Henriques & Leitenberg, 2002) and demonstrate significant interpersonal dysfunction (e.g., Zlotnick, Kohn, Keitner, & Della Grotta, 2000). This study examined the relationship between cognitive errors (CEs) and interpersonal interactions in early psychotherapy sessions of 25 female patients with major depression. Transcripts were rated for CEs using the Cognitive Error Rating Scale (Drapeau, Perry, & Dunkley, 2008). Interpersonal patterns were assessed using the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (Benjamin, 1974). Significant associations were found between CEs and markers of interpersonal functioning in selected contexts. The implications of these findings in bridging the gap between research and practice, enhancing treatment outcome, and improving therapist training are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).


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Cette thèse explore dans quelle mesure la poursuite d'un but de performance-approche (i.e., le désir de surpasser autrui et de démontrer ses compétences) favorise, ou au contraire endommage, la réussite et l'apprentissage-une question toujours largement débattue dans la littérature. Quatre études menées en laboratoire ont confirmé cette hypothèse et démontré que la poursuite du but de performance-approche amène les individus à diviser leur attention entre d'une part la réalisation de la tâche évaluée, et d'autre part la gestion de préoccupations liées à l'atteinte du but-ceci empêchant une concentration efficace sur les processus de résolution de la tâche. Dans une deuxième ligne de recherche, nous avons ensuite démontré que cette distraction est exacerbée chez les individus les plus performants et ayant le plus l'habitude de réussir, ceci dérivant d'une pression supplémentaire liée au souhait de maintenir le statut positif de « bon élève ». Enfin, notre troisième ligne de recherche a cherché à réconcilier ces résultats-pointant l'aspect distractif du but de performance-approche-avec le profil se dégageant des études longitudinales rapportées dans la littérature-associant ce but avec la réussite académique. Ainsi, nous avons mené une étude longitudinale testant si l'adoption du but de performance-approche en classe pourrait augmenter la mise en oeuvre de stratégies d'étude tactiquement dirigées vers la performance-favorisant une réussite optimale aux tests. Nos résultats ont apporté des éléments en faveur de cette hypothèse, mais uniquement chez les élèves de bas niveau. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos résultats permet de mettre en lumière les processus cognitifs à l'oeuvre lors de la poursuite du but de performance-approche, ainsi que d'alimenter le débat concernant leur aspect bénéfique ou nuisible en contexte éducatif. -- In this dissertation, we propose to investigate whether the pursuit of performance-approach goals (i.e., the desire to outperform others and appear talented) facilitates or rather endangers achievement and learning-an issue that is still widely discussed in the achievement goal literature. Four experiments carried out in a laboratory setting have provided evidence that performance- approach goals create a divided-attention situation that leads cognitive resources to be divided between task processing and the activation of goal-attainment concerns-which jeopardizes full cognitive immersion in the task. Then, in a second research line, we found evidence that high- achievers (i.e., those individuals who are the most used to succeed) experience, under evaluative contexts, heightened pressure to excel at the task, deriving from concerns associated with the preservation of their "high-achiever" status. Finally, a third research line was designed to try to reconcile results stemming from our laboratory studies with the overall profile emerging from longitudinal research-which have consistently found performance-approach goals to be a positive predictor of students' test scores. We thus set up a longitudinal study so as to test whether students' adoption of performance-approach goals in a long-term classroom setting enhances the implementation of strategic study behaviors tactically directed toward goal-attainment, hence favoring test performance. Our findings brought support for this hypothesis, but only for low-achieving students. Taken together, our findings shed new light on the cognitive processes at play during the pursuit of performance-approach goals, and are likely to fuel the debate regarding whether performance-approach goals should be encouraged or not in educational settings.


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Background: Computer assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) was demonstrated to be efficient in improving cognitive deficits in adults with psychosis. However, scarce studies explored the outcome of CACR in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of a computer-assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) program in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Method: Intention to treat analyses included 32 adolescents who participated in a blinded 8-week randomized controlled trial of CACR treatment compared to computer games (CG). Cognitive abilities, symptoms and psychosocial functioning were assessed at baseline and posttreatment. Results: Improvement in visuospatial abilities was significantly greater in the CACR group than in CG. Other cognitive functions, psychotic symptoms and psychosocial functioning improved significantly, but at similar rates, in the two groups. Conclusion: CACR can be successfully administered in this population; it proved to be effective over and above CG for the most intensively trained cognitive ability.


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Connectivity among demes in a metapopulation depends on both the landscape's and the focal organism's properties (including its mobility and cognitive abilities). Using individual-based simulations, we contrast the consequences of three different cognitive strategies on several measures of metapopulation connectivity. Model animals search suitable habitat patches while dispersing through a model landscape made of cells varying in size, shape, attractiveness and friction. In the blind strategy, the next cell is chosen randomly among the adjacent ones. In the near-sighted strategy, the choice depends on the relative attractiveness of these adjacent cells. In the far-sighted strategy, animals may additionally target suitable patches that appear within their perceptual range. Simulations show that the blind strategy provides the best overall connectivity, and results in balanced dispersal. The near-sighted strategy traps animals into corridors that reduce the number of potential targets, thereby fragmenting metapopulations in several local clusters of demes, and inducing sink-source dynamics. This sort of local trapping is somewhat prevented in the far-sighted strategy. The colonization success of strategies depends highly on initial energy reserves: blind does best when energy is high, near-sighted wins at intermediate levels, and far-sighted outcompetes its rivals at low energy reserves. We also expect strong effects in terms of metapopulation genetics: the blind strategy generates a migrant-pool mode of dispersal that should erase local structures. By contrast, near- and far-sighted strategies generate a propagule-pool mode of dispersal and source-sink behavior that should boost structures (high genetic variance among- and low variance within local clusters of demes), particularly if metapopulation dynamics is also affected by extinction-colonization processes. Our results thus point to important effects of the cognitive ability of dispersers on the connectivity, dynamics and genetics of metapopulations.


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OBJECTIVE: The authors examined the relationship of cognitive impairment at hospital admission to 6-month outcome (hospital readmission, nursing home admission, and death) in a cohort of elderly medical inpatients. METHODS: A group of 401 medical inpatients age 75 and older underwent a comprehensive geriatric assessment at hospital admission and were followed up for 6 months. Cognitive impairment was defined as a score <24 on the Mini-Mental State Exam. Detection was assessed through blinded review of discharge summary. Follow-up data were gathered from the centralized billing system (hospital and nursing home admissions) and from proxies (death). RESULTS: Cognitive impairment was present in 129 patients (32.3%). Only 48 (37.2%) were detected; these had more severe impairment than undetected cases. During follow-up, cognitive impairment, whether detected or not, was associated with death and nursing home admission. After adjustment for health, functional, and socioeconomic status, an independent association remained only for nursing home admission in subjects with detected impairment. Those with undetected impairment appeared to be at intermediate risk, but this relationship was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: In these elderly medical inpatients, cognitive impairment was frequent, rarely detected, and associated with nursing home admission during follow-up. Although this association was stronger in those with detected impairment, these results support the view that acute hospitalization presents an opportunity to better detect cognitive impairment in elderly patients and target further interventions to prevent adverse outcomes such as nursing home admission.


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Despite that cognitive impairment is a known early feature present in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, the biological substrate of cognitive deficits in MS remains elusive. In this study, we assessed whether T1 relaxometry, as obtained in clinically acceptable scan times by the recent Magnetization Prepared 2 Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echoes (MP2RAGE) sequence, may help identifying the structural correlate of cognitive deficits in relapsing-remitting MS patients (RRMS). Twenty-nine healthy controls (HC) and forty-nine RRMS patients underwent high-resolution 3T magnetic resonance imaging to obtain optimal cortical lesion (CL) and white matter lesion (WML) count/volume and T1 relaxation times. T1 z scores were then obtained between T1 relaxation times in lesion and the corresponding HC tissue. Patient cognitive performance was tested using the Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuro-psychological Tests. Multivariate analysis was applied to assess the contribution of MRI variables (T1 z scores, lesion count/volume) to cognition in patients and Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple comparison. T1 z scores were higher in WML (p < 0.001) and CL-I (p < 0.01) than in the corresponding normal-appearing tissue in patients, indicating relative microstructural loss. (1) T1 z scores in CL-I (p = 0.01) and the number of CL-II (p = 0.04) were predictors of long-term memory; (2) T1 z scores in CL-I (β = 0.3; p = 0.03) were independent determinants of long-term memory storage, and (3) lesion volume did not significantly influenced cognitive performances in patients. Our study supports evidence that T1 relaxometry from MP2RAGE provides information about microstructural properties in CL and WML and improves correlation with cognition in RRMS patients, compared to conventional measures of disease burden.


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Highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) has almost abolished HIV-related mortality and serious opportunistic diseases; among them, AIDS-related dementia. However, minor forms of cognitive dysfunction, have not disappeared, and even increased in frequency. Ageing of HIV+ patients, insufficient penetration of anti-viral drugs into the brain with continuous low-grade viral production and inflammation may play a role. Minor cognitive dysfunction in HIV infection shares some clinical and pathophysiological features with neuro-degenerative diseases, in particular Alzheimers disease. It can thus be postulated that, such in Alzheimer disease, anti-cholinesterase drugs might also be efficacious in AIDS-related minor cognitive dysfunction. This hypothesis has not been tested yet however A clinical trial using ravistigmine is starting this spring in patients with HIV-associated cognitive dysfunction in Geneva and Lausanne.


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The Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) was initially designed to assess cognition in long term care residents. Subsequently, the CPS has also been used among in-home, post-acute, and acute care populations even though CPS' clinimetric performance has not been studied in these settings. This study aimed to determine CPS agreement with the Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) and its predictive validity for institutionalization and death in a cohort (N=401) of elderly medical inpatients aged 75 years and over. Medical, physical and mental status were assessed upon admission. The same day, the patient's nurse completed the CPS by interview. Follow-up data were gathered from the central billing system (nursing home stay) and proxies (death). Cognitive impairment was present in 92 (23%) patients according to CPS (score >or= 2). Agreement with MMSE was moderate (kappa 0.52, P<.001). Analysis of discordant results suggested that cognitive impairment was overestimated by the CPS in dependent patients with comorbidities and depressive symptoms, and underestimated in older ones. During follow-up, subjects with abnormal CPS had increased risks of death (adjusted hazard ratio (adjHR) 1.7, 95% CI 1.0-2.8, P=.035) and institutionalization (adjHR 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-5.3, P=.006), independent of demographic, health and functional status. Interestingly, subjects with abnormal CPS were at increased risk of death only if they also had abnormal MMSE. The CPS predicted death and institutionalization during follow-up, but correlated moderately well with the MMSE. Combining CPS and MMSE provided additional predictive information, suggesting that domains other than cognition are assessed by professionals when using the CPS in elderly medical inpatients.


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BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity are common concerns in individuals with severe mental disorders. In particular, antipsychotic drugs (AP) frequently induce weight gain. This phenomenon lacks current management and no previous controlled studies seem to use cognitive therapy to modify eating and weight-related cognitions. Moreover, none of these studies considered binge eating or eating and weight-related cognitions as possible outcomes. AIM: The main aim of this study is to assess the effectivity of cognitive and behavioural treatment (CBT) on eating and weight-related cognitions, binge eating symptomatology and weight loss in patients who reported weight gain during AP treatment. METHOD: A randomized controlled study (12-week CBT vs. Brief Nutritional Education) was carried out on 61 patients treated with an antipsychotic drug who reported weight gain following treatment. Binge eating symptomatology, eating and weight-related cognitions, as well as weight and body mass index were assessed before treatment, at 12 weeks and at 24 weeks. RESULTS: The CBT group showed some improvement with respect to binge eating symptomatology and weight-related cognitions, whereas the control group did not. Weight loss occurred more progressively and was greater in the CBT group at 24 weeks. CONCLUSION: The proposed CBT treatment is particularly interesting for patients suffering from weight gain associated with antipsychotic treatment