346 resultados para Binding Proteins


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RESUME Staphylococcus aureus est un important pathogène à gram-positif, à la fois responsable d'infections nosocomiales et communautaires. Le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline est intrinsèquement résistant aux bêta-lactamines, inhibiteurs de la synthèse de la paroi bactérienne, grâce à une enzyme nouvellement acquise, la protéine liant la pénicilline 2A, caractérisée par une faible affinité pour ces agents et pouvant poursuivre la synthèse de la paroi, alors que les autres enzymes sont bloquées. Ce micro-organisme a également développé des résistances contre quasiment tous les antibiotiques couramment utilisés en clinique. Parallèlement au développement de molécules entièrement nouvelles, il peut être utile d'explorer d'éventuelles caractéristiques inattendues de médicaments déjà existants, par exemple en les combinant, dans l'espoir d'un potentiel effet synergique. Comprendre les mécanismes de tels effets synergiques pourrait contribuer à la justification de leur utilisation clinique potentielle. Récemment, un effet synergique contre le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline a été décrit entre la streptogramine quinupristine-datfopristine et les bêta-lactamines, aussi bien in vitro qu'in vivo. Le présent travail a pour but de proposer un modèle pour le mécanisme de cette interaction positive et de l'étendre à d'autres classes d'antibiotiques. Premièrement, un certain nombre de méthodes microbiologiques ont permis de mieux cerner la nature de cette interaction, en montrant qu'elle agissait spécifiquement sur le S. aureus résistant à la méthicilline et qu'elle était restreinte à l'association entre inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines et bêta-lactamines. Deuxièmement, L'observation de l'influence des inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines sur la machinerie de la paroi bactérienne, c'est-à-dire sur l'expression des protéines liant la pénicilline, responsables de la synthèse du peptidoglycan, a montré une diminution de la quantité de ta protéine liant la pénicilline 2, connue pour posséder une activité de transglycosylation, indispensable au bon fonctionnement de la protéine liant la pénicilline 2A, responsable de la résistance à la méthicilline. Troisièmement, l'analyse fine de la composition du peptidoglycan extrait de bactéries, avant ou après traitement par des inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines, a montré des altérations corrélant avec leur capacité à agir en synergie avec les bêta-lactamines contre S. aureus résistant à ta méthicilline. Ces altérations dans les muropeptides pourraient représenter une signature de la diminution de la quantité de la protéine liant la pénicilline 2. Le modèle mécanistique retenu considère que les inhibiteurs de la synthèse des protéines pourraient diminuer l'expression de la protéine Liant la pénicilline 2, indispensable à la résistance à la méthiciltine, et que ce déséquilibre dans les enzymes synthétisant la paroi bactérienne pourrait générer une signature dans les muropeptides. SUMMARY Staphylococcus aureus is a major gram-positive pathogen causing both hospital-acquired and community-acquired infections. Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus is intrinsically resistant to the cell wall inhibitors beta-lactams by virtue of a newly acquired cell-wall-building enzyme, tow-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2A, which can build the wall when other penicillin-binding proteins are blocked. Moreover, the microorganism has developed resistance to virtually all non-experimental antibiotics. In addition of producing entirely new molecules, it is useful to explore unexpected features of existing drugs, for example by using them in combination, expecting drug synergisms. Understanding the mechanisms of such synergisms would help justify their putative clinical utilization. Recently, a synergism between the streptogramin quinupristin-dalfopristin and beta-lactams was reported against methicillin-resistant S. aureus, both in vitro and in vivo. The present work intends to propose a model for the mechanism of this positive interaction and to extend it to other drug classes. First, microbiological experimentation helped better defining the nature of this interaction, restricting it to methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and to the association of protein synthesis inhibitors with beta-lactams. Second, the observation of inhibitors of protein synthesis influence on the cell-wall-building machinery, i.e. on the expression of penicillin-binding proteins responsible for peptidoglycan synthesis, showed a decrease in the amount of penicillin-binding protein 2, known to provide a transglycosylase activity for glycan chain elongation, indispensable for the functionality of the low-affinity penicillin-binding protein 2A responsible for methicillin resistance. Third, the fine analysis of the peptidoglycan composition purified from bacteria before or after treatment with inhibitors of protein synthesis showed alterations that correlated with their ability to synergize with beta-lactams against methicillin-resistant S. aureus. These muropeptide alterations could be the signature of decrease in the amount of penicillin-binding protein 2. The retained mechanistic model is that inhibitors of protein synthesis could decrease the expression of penicillin-binding protein 2, wich is indispensable for methicillin-resistance, and that this imbalance in cell-wall-building enzymes could generate a muropeptide signature.


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Immuno-electron microscopy was used to visualize the structure of reconstituted chromatin after in vitro transcription by purified T7 RNA polymerase. T7 RNA polymerase disrupts the nucleosomal structure in the transcribed region. This disruption is not influenced by the template, linear or supercoiled, and the presence or absence of nucleosomal positioning sequences in the transcribed region. In this study, we used monoclonal autoantibodies reacting with the nucleosome core particles and epitopes within several regions of the four different core histones. Some of the residues recognized by the autoantibodies are accessible on the surface of the nucleosomes and some are more internal and therefore less exposed at the surface. We show that the loss of the nucleosomal configuration during transcription is due to the loss of histone/DNA binding and that at least part of the histones are transferred to the nascent RNA chains. Consequently, after in vitro transcription by T7 RNA polymerase, the nucleosomal template does not conserve its original configuration, and no interaction of antigen/antibodies is observed anymore in the region that has been transcribed. Therefore, we conclude that in our in vitro transcription assay, nucleosomes are detached from the template, and not simply unfolded with histones remaining attached to the DNA.


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Transcription factors of the NF-kappaB/Rel family are important mediators of extracellular signals. Their implication in positive selection of thymocytes is suggested by a defective thymic development in transgenic mice that over-express IkappaB in thymocytes. These mice exhibit an accumulation of an unusually prominent population of TCRhigh/CD4/CD8 double positive cells in the thymus and a dramatic reduction of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in the periphery. The present study addresses the role of NF-kappaB in survival and differentiation processes of maturing thymocytes using IkappaB/bcl-2 and IkappaB/HY double-transgenic mice. Neither the introduction of the anti-apoptosis gene bcl-2 nor the positively selecting background in female HY transgenic mice resulted in a rescue of the maturational defects observed in the thymus of IkappaB transgenic mice. Thus, rather than promoting survival the main role of NF-kappaB/Rel proteins during positive selection of thymocytes appears to be the mediation of differentiation signals.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The peroxisome proliferator-activated nuclear receptors (PPAR-alpha, PPAR-beta, and PPAR-gamma), which modulate the expression of genes involved in energy homeostasis, cell cycle, and immune function, may play a role in hepatic stellate cell activation. Previous studies focused on the decreased expression of PPAR-gamma in hepatic stellate cell activation but did not investigate the expression and role of the PPAR-alpha and -beta isotypes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of the different PPARs during hepatic stellate cell activation in vitro and in situ and to analyze possible factors that might contribute to their expression. In a second part of the study, the effect of a PPAR-beta agonist on acute liver injury was evaluated. METHODS: The effects of PPAR isotype-specific ligands on hepatic stellate cell transition were evaluated by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation, gel shifts, immunoprecipitation, and use of antisense PPAR-beta RNA-expressing adenoviruses. Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced PPAR-beta phosphorylation and expression was evaluated by metabolic labeling and by using specific P38 inhibitors. RESULTS: Hepatic stellate cells constitutively express high levels of PPAR-beta, which become further induced during culture activation and in vivo fibrogenesis. No significant expression of PPAR-alpha or -gamma was found. Stimulation of the P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway modulated the expression of PPAR-beta. Transcriptional activation of PPAR-beta by L165041 enhanced hepatic stellate cell proliferation. Treatment of rats with a single bolus of CCl(4) in combination with L165041 further enhanced the expression of fibrotic markers. CONCLUSIONS: PPAR-beta is an important signal-transducing factor contributing to hepatic stellate cell proliferation during acute and chronic liver inflammation.


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Dynamically polarized membrane proteins define different cell boundaries and have an important role in intercellular communication-a vital feature of multicellular development. Efflux carriers for the signalling molecule auxin from the PIN family are landmarks of cell polarity in plants and have a crucial involvement in auxin distribution-dependent development including embryo patterning, organogenesis and tropisms. Polar PIN localization determines the direction of intercellular auxin flow, yet the mechanisms generating PIN polarity remain unclear. Here we identify an endocytosis-dependent mechanism of PIN polarity generation and analyse its developmental implications. Real-time PIN tracking showed that after synthesis, PINs are initially delivered to the plasma membrane in a non-polar manner and their polarity is established by subsequent endocytic recycling. Interference with PIN endocytosis either by auxin or by manipulation of the Arabidopsis Rab5 GTPase pathway prevents PIN polarization. Failure of PIN polarization transiently alters asymmetric auxin distribution during embryogenesis and increases the local auxin response in apical embryo regions. This results in ectopic expression of auxin pathway-associated root-forming master regulators in embryonic leaves and promotes homeotic transformation of leaves to roots. Our results indicate a two-step mechanism for the generation of PIN polar localization and the essential role of endocytosis in this process. It also highlights the link between endocytosis-dependent polarity of individual cells and auxin distribution-dependent cell fate establishment for multicellular patterning.


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Chromatin remodeling and histone modification are essential for eukaryotic transcription regulation, but little is known about chromatin-modifying activities acting on RNA polymerase III (Pol III)-transcribed genes. The human U6 small nuclear RNA promoter, located 5' of the transcription start site, consists of a core region directing basal transcription and an activating region that recruits the transcription factors Oct-1 and Staf (ZNF143). Oct-1 activates transcription in part by helping recruit core binding factors, but nothing is known about the mechanisms of transcription activation by Staf. We show that Staf activates U6 transcription from a preassembled chromatin template in vitro and associates with several proteins linked to chromatin modification, among them chromodomain-helicase-DNA binding protein 8 (CHD8). CHD8 binds to histone H3 di- and trimethylated on lysine 4. It resides on the human U6 promoter as well as the mRNA IRF3 promoter in vivo and contributes to efficient transcription from both these promoters. Thus, Pol III transcription from type 3 promoters uses some of the same factors used for chromatin remodeling at Pol II promoters.


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Two candidate genes for controlling thymocyte differentiation, T-cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef-1), encode closely related DNA-binding HMG-box proteins. Their expression pattern is complex and largely overlapping during embryogenesis, yet restricted to lymphocytes postnatally. Here we generate two independent germline mutations in Tcf-1 and find that thymocyte development in (otherwise normal) mutant mice is blocked at the transition from the CD8+, immature single-positive to the CD4+/CD8+ double-positive stage. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the immature single-positive cells in the mutants are not in the cell cycle and the number of immunocompetent T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs is reduced. We conclude that Tcf-1 controls an essential step in thymocyte differentiation.


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T cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) is a transcription factor that binds to a sequence motif present in several T cell-specific enhancer elements. In Tcf-1-deficient (Tcf-1-/-) mice, thymocyte development is partially blocked at the transition from the CD4-8+ immature single-positive stage to the CD4+8+ double-positive stage, resulting in a marked decrease of mature peripheral T cells in lymph node and spleen. We report here that the development of most intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1.1+TCR alpha beta+ (NK1+T) cells, which are believed to be of extrathymic origin, is selectively impaired in Tcf-1-/- mice. In contrast, thymic and thymus-derived (splenic) TCR gamma delta+ cells are present in normal numbers in Tcf-1-/- mice, as are other T cell subsets in intestine and liver. Collectively, our data suggest that Tcf-1 is differentially required for the development of some extrathymic T cell subsets, including intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1+T cells.


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FANCM remodels branched DNA structures and plays essential roles in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. Here, we show that FANCM forms a conserved DNA-remodeling complex with a histone-fold heterodimer, MHF. We find that MHF stimulates DNA binding and replication fork remodeling by FANCM. In the cell, FANCM and MHF are rapidly recruited to forks stalled by DNA interstrand crosslinks, and both are required for cellular resistance to such lesions. In vertebrates, FANCM-MHF associates with the Fanconi anemia (FA) core complex, promotes FANCD2 monoubiquitination in response to DNA damage, and suppresses sister-chromatid exchanges. Yeast orthologs of these proteins function together to resist MMS-induced DNA damage and promote gene conversion at blocked replication forks. Thus, FANCM-MHF is an essential DNA-remodeling complex that protects replication forks from yeast to human.


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The inv(16) and related t(16;16) are found in 10% of all cases with de novo acute myeloid leukemia. In these rearrangements the core binding factor beta (CBFB) gene on 16q22 is fused to the smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene (MYH11) on 16p13. To gain insight into the mechanisms causing the inv(16) we have analysed 24 genomic CBFB-MYH11 breakpoints. All breakpoints in CBFB are located in a 15-Kb intron. More than 50% of the sequenced 6.2 Kb of this intron consists of human repetitive elements. Twenty-one of the 24 breakpoints in MYH11 are located in a 370-bp intron. The remaining three breakpoints in MYH11 are located more upstream. The localization of three breakpoints adjacent to a V(D)J recombinase signal sequence in MYH11 suggests a V(D)J recombinase-mediated rearrangement in these cases. V(D)J recombinase-associated characteristics (small nucleotide deletions and insertions of random nucleotides) were detected in six other cases. CBFB and MYH11 duplications were detected in four of six cases tested.


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We systematically investigated the effect of heterology on RecA-mediated strand exchange between double-stranded linear and single-stranded circular DNA. Strand exchange took place through heterologies of up to 150-200 base pairs when the insertion was at the proximal (initiating) end of the duplex DNA but was completely blocked by an insert of only 22 base pairs placed at the distal end of the duplex. In the case of medial heterology created by insertion either in the duplex or the single-stranded DNA, the ability of RecA to exchange strands decreased as the heterology was shifted toward the distal end of the duplex. These results suggest that two different strand exchange mechanisms operate in the proximal and distal portions of the duplex substrate.


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Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), like many monooxygenases, can produce reactive oxygen species during its catalytic cycle. Apart from the well-characterized xenobiotic-elicited induction, the regulatory mechanisms involved in the control of the steady-state activity of CYP1A1 have not been elucidated. We show here that reactive oxygen species generated from the activity of CYP1A1 limit the levels of induced CYP1A1 mRNAs. The mechanism involves the repression of the CYP1A1 gene promoter activity in a negative-feedback autoregulatory loop. Indeed, increasing the CYP1A1 activity by transfecting CYP1A1 expression vectors into hepatoma cells elicited an oxidative stress and led to the repression of a reporter gene driven by the CYP1A1 gene promoter. This negative autoregulation is abolished by ellipticine (an inhibitor of CYP1A1) and by catalase (which catalyzes H(2)O(2) catabolism), thus implying that H(2)O(2) is an intermediate. Down-regulation is also abolished by the mutation of the proximal nuclear factor I (NFI) site in the promoter. The transactivating domain of NFI/CTF was found to act in synergy with the arylhydrocarbon receptor pathway during the induction of CYP1A1 by 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-p-dibenzodioxin. Using an NFI/CTF-Gal4 fusion, we show that NFI/CTF transactivating function is decreased by a high activity of CYP1A1. This regulation is also abolished by catalase or ellipticine. Consistently, the transactivating function of NFI/CTF is repressed in cells treated with H(2)O(2), a novel finding indicating that the transactivating domain of a transcription factor can be targeted by oxidative stress. In conclusion, an autoregulatory loop leads to the fine tuning of the CYP1A1 gene expression through the down-regulation of NFI activity by CYP1A1-based H(2)O(2) production. This mechanism allows a limitation of the potentially toxic CYP1A1 activity within the cell.


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Idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) is an important human disease model. Investigations of the genetics of IHH have facilitated insights into critical pathways regulating sexual maturation and fertility. IHH has been traditionally considered a monogenic disorder. This model holds that a single gene defect is responsible for the disease in each patient. In the case of IHH, 30% of cases are explained by mutations in one of eleven genes. In recent years, several lines of evidence have challenged the monogenic paradigm in IHH. First, disease-associated mutations display striking incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity within and across IHH families. Second, each locus is responsible for only a small percentage of cases. Third, more than one disease-associated mutation seems to be segregating in some families with IHH, and their combined or separate presence in individuals accounts for the variability in disease severity. Finally, IHH is not strictly a congenital and life-long disorder; occasionally it manifests itself during adulthood (adult-onset IHH); in other cases, the disease is not permanent, as evidenced by normal activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis after discontinuation of treatment in adulthood (IHH reversal). Together, these observations suggest that IHH is not strictly a monogenic mendelian disease, as previously thought. Rather, it is emerging as a digenic, and potentially oligogenic disease, in which hormonal and/or environmental factors may critically influence genetic predisposition and clinical course. Future investigations of IHH should characterize the extent of the involvement of multiple genes in disease pathogenesis, and elucidate the contributions of epigenetic factors.


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PURPOSE: Retinal degeneration is associated with iron accumulation in several rodent models in which iron-regulating proteins are impaired. Oxidative stress is catalyzed by unbound iron. METHODS: The role of the heavy chain of ferritin, which sequesters iron, in regulating the thickness of the photoreceptor nuclear layer in the 4- and 16-month-old wild-type H ferritin (HFt(+/+)) and heterozygous H ferritin (HFt(+/-)) mice was investigated, before and 12 days after exposure to 13,000-lux light for 24 hours. The regulation of gene expression of the various proteins involved in iron homeostasis, such as transferrin, transferrin receptor, hephaestin, ferroportin, iron regulatory proteins 1 and 2, hepcidin, ceruloplasmin, and heme-oxygenase 1, was analyzed by quantitative (q)RT-PCR during exposure (2, 12, and 24 hours) and 24 hours after 1 day of exposure in the 4-month-old HFt(+/+) and HFt(+/-) mouse retinas. RESULTS: Retinal degeneration in the 4-month-old HFt(+/-) mice was more extensive than in the HFt(+/+) mice. Yet, it was more extensive in both of the 16-month-old mouse groups, revealing the combined effect of age and excessive light. Injury caused by excessive light modified the temporal gene expression of iron-regulating proteins similarly in the HFt(+/-) and HFt(+/+) mice. CONCLUSIONS: Loss of one allele of H ferritin appears to increase light-induced degeneration. This study highlighted that oxidative stress related to light-induced injury is associated with major changes in gene expression of iron metabolism proteins.


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During T cell development in the thymus, T cell receptor (TCR) alpha, beta, gamma, and delta genes are rearranged and expressed. TCR rearrangement strictly depends upon the coordinate activity of two recombinase activating genes, Rag-1 and Rag-2. In this study we have followed the expression of these genes at different stages of intrathymic development. The results indicate that there are two periods of high Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression. The first wave peaks early at the CD25+CD4-CD8-CD3- stage of development and coincides with the initial appearance of transcripts derived from fully rearranged TCR beta, gamma, and delta genes, whereas the second wave occurs later at the CD4+CD8+ stage coincident with full-length TCR alpha mRNA expression. Active downregulation of Rag-1 and Rag-2 mRNA expression appears to occur in vivo between the two peaks of recombinase activity. This phenomenon can be mimicked in vitro in response to artificial stimuli such as phorbol myristate acetate and calcium ionophore. Collectively our data suggest that recombinase expression is actively regulated during early thymus development independently of cell surface expression of a mature heterodimeric TCR protein complex.