231 resultados para Array-CGH
Three classes of thyroid hormone response elements have been described. They are composed of two half-sites arranged either as a palindromic, a direct repeat or as an inverted palindromic array. Receptor homodimers as well as heterodimers can bind to all three types of response element. While the ligand binding domain of the receptors provides the major dimerization surface, asymmetric contacts between the DNA binding domains are necessary for binding to a direct repeat. Moreover, some recent findings suggest that in TR, compared to RXR, the ligand binding domain has a 180 degrees rotation with respect to the DNA binding domain. This feature could explain the preferential binding of the RXR-TR heterodimer to the direct repeat response element, in which RXR exclusively binds the 5' half-site, and of the TR homodimer to the inverted palindrome response element.
In most pathology laboratories worldwide, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples are the only tissue specimens available for routine diagnostics. Although commercial kits for diagnostic molecular pathology testing are becoming available, most of the current diagnostic tests are laboratory-based assays. Thus, there is a need for standardized procedures in molecular pathology, starting from the extraction of nucleic acids. To evaluate the current methods for extracting nucleic acids from FFPE tissues, 13 European laboratories, participating to the European FP6 program IMPACTS (www.impactsnetwork.eu), isolated nucleic acids from four diagnostic FFPE tissues using their routine methods, followed by quality assessment. The DNA-extraction protocols ranged from homemade protocols to commercial kits. Except for one homemade protocol, the majority gave comparable results in terms of the quality of the extracted DNA measured by the ability to amplify differently sized control gene fragments by PCR. For array-applications or tests that require an accurately determined DNA-input, we recommend using silica based adsorption columns for DNA recovery. For RNA extractions, the best results were obtained using chromatography column based commercial kits, which resulted in the highest quantity and best assayable RNA. Quality testing using RT-PCR gave successful amplification of 200 bp-250 bp PCR products from most tested tissues. Modifications of the proteinase-K digestion time led to better results, even when commercial kits were applied. The results of the study emphasize the need for quality control of the nucleic acid extracts with standardised methods to prevent false negative results and to allow data comparison among different diagnostic laboratories.
The olfactory system is an attractive model to study the genetic mechanisms underlying evolution of the nervous system. This sensory system mediates the detection and behavioural responses to an enormous diversity of volatile chemicals in the environment and displays rapid evolution, as species acquire, modify and discard olfactory receptors and circuits to adapt to new olfactory stimuli. Drosophilids provide an attractive model to study these processes. The availability of 12 sequenced genomes of Drosophila species occupying diverse ecological niches provides a rich resource for genomic analyses. Moreover, one of these species, Drosophila melanogaster, is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and electrophysiological analyses. D. melanogaster has two distinct families of olfactory receptors to detect odours, the well-characterised Odorant Receptors (ORs) and the recently identified lonotropic Receptors (IRs). In my thesis, I have provided new insights into the genetic mechanisms underlying olfactory system evolution through three distinct, but interrelated projects. First, I performed a comparative genomic analysis of the IR repertoire in 12 sequenced Drosophila species, which has revealed that the olfactory IRs are highly conserved across species. By contrast, a large fraction of IRs that are not expressed in the olfactory system - and which may be gustatory receptors - are much more variable in sequence and gene copy number. Second, to identify ligands for IR expressing olfactory sensory neurons, I have performed an electrophysiological screen in D. melanogaster using a panel of over 160 odours. I found that the IRs respond to a number of amines, aldehydes and acids, contrasting with the chemical specificity of the OR repertoire, which is mainly tuned to esters, alcohols and ketones. Finally, the identification of ligands for IRs in this species allowed me to investigate in detail the molecular and functional evolution of a tandem array of IRs, IR75a/IR75b/IR75c, in D. sechellia. This species is endemic to the Seychelles archipelago and highly specialised to breed on the fruits of Morinda citrifolia, which is repulsive and toxic for other Drosophila species. These studies led me to discover that receptor loss, changes in receptor specificity and changes in receptor expression have likely played an important role during the evolution of these IRs in D. sechellia. These changes may explain, in part, the unique chemical ecology of this species. - Le système olfactif est un excellent modèle pour étudier les mécanismes génétiques impliqués dans l'étude de l'évolution du système nerveux. Ce système sensoriel permet la détection de nombreux composés volatils présents dans l'environnement et est à la base des réponses comportementales. Il est propre à chaque espèce et évolue rapidement en modifiant ou en éliminant des récepteurs et leurs circuits olfactifs correspondants pour s'adapter à de nouvelles odeurs. Pour étudier le système olfactif et son évolution, nous avons décidé d'utiliser la drosophile comme modèle. Le séquençage complet de 12 souches de drosophiles habitant différentes niches écologiques permet une analyse génomique conséquente. De plus, l'une de ces espèces Drosophila melanogaster permet la combinaison d'analyses génétiques et électrophysiologiques. En effet, D. melanogaster possède 2 familles distinctes de récepteurs olfactifs qui permettent la détection d'odeurs: les récepteurs olfactifs (ORs) étant les mieux caractérisés et les récepteurs ionotropiques (IRs), plus récemment identifiés. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai apporté des nouvelles connaissances qui m'ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes génétiques à la base de l'évolution du système olfactif au travers de trois projets différents, mais interdépendants. Premièrement, j'ai réalisé une analyse génomique comparative de l'ensemble des IRs dans les 12 souches de drosophiles séquencées jusqu'à présent. Ceci a montré que les récepteurs olfactifs IRs sont hautement conservés parmi l'ensemble de ces espèces. Au contraire, une grande partie des IRs qui ne sont pas exprimés dans le système olfactif, et qui semblent être des récepteurs gustatifs, sont beaucoup plus variables dans leur séquence et dans le nombre de copie de gènes. Deuxièmement, pour identifier les ligands des récepteurs IRs exprimés par les neurones sensoriels olfactifs, j'ai réalisé une étude électrophysiologique chez D. melanogaster e η testant l'effet de plus de 160 composés chimiques sur les IRs. J'ai trouvé que les IRs répondent à un nombre d'amines, d'aldéhydes et d'acides, contrairement aux récepteurs olfactifs ORs qui eux répondent principalement aux esthers, alcools et cétones. Finalement, l'identification de ligands pour les IRs dans ces espèces m'a permis d'étudier en détail l'évolution fonctionnelle et moléculaire des IR75a/IR75b/IR75c dans D. sechellia. Cette espèce est endémique de l'archipel des Seychelles et se nourrit spécifiquement du fruit Morinda citrifolia qui est répulsif et toxique pour d'autres souches de drosophiles. Ces études m'ont poussé à découvrir que, la perte de IR75a, le changement dans la spécificité de IR75b ainsi que le changement dans l'expression de IR75c ont probablement joué un rôle important dans l'évolution des IRs chez D. sechellia. Ces changements peuvent expliquer, en partie, l'écologie chimique propre à cette espèce. Résumé français large public Le système olfactif permet aux animaux de détecter des milliers de molécules odorantes, les aidant ainsi à trouver de la nourriture, à distinguer si elle est fraîche ou avariée, à trouver des partenaires sexuels, ainsi qu'à éviter les prédateurs. Selon l'environnement et le mode de vie des espèces, le système olfactif doit détecter des odeurs très diverses ; en effet, un moustique qui recherche du sang humain pour se nourrir doit détecter des odeurs bien différentes d'une abeille qui recherche des fleurs. Dans ma thèse, j'ai essayé de comprendre comment les systèmes olfactifs d'une espèce évoluent pour s'adapter aux exigences induites par son environnement. Un très bon modèle pour étudier cela est la drosophile dont les différentes espèces se nichent dans des habitats très divers. Pour ce faire, j'ai étudié les récepteurs olfactifs de différentes espèces de la drosophile. Ces récepteurs sont des protéines qui se lient à des odeurs spécifiques. Lorsqu'ils se lient, ils activent un neurone qui envoie un signal électrique au cerveau. Ce signal est ensuite traité par ce dernier qui indique à la mouche si l'odeur est attractive ou répulsive. J'ai identifié les récepteurs olfactifs de plusieurs espèces de drosophile et étudié s'il y avait des différences entre elles. La plupart des récepteurs sont similaires entre les espèces, cependant dans l'une d'entre elles, certains récepteurs sont différents. Ce fait est particulièrement intéressant car cette espèce de drosophile se nourrit de fruits que les autres espèces n'apprécient pas. Comme nous ne savons pas quels récepteurs se lient à quelles odeurs, j'ai testé un grand nombre de composants odorants. Ceci m'a permis de constater que, effectivement, certains changements produits dans ces récepteurs expliquent pourquoi cette espèce aime particulièrement ces fruits. En outre, mes résultats contribuent à mieux comprendre les changements génétiques qui sont impliqués dans l'évolution du système olfactif.
Cancer immunotherapy has come a long way. The hope that immunological approaches may help cancer patients has sparked many initiatives in research and development (R&D). For many years, progress was modest and disappointments were frequent. Today, the increasing scientific and medical knowledge has established a solid basis for improvements. Considerable clinical success was first achieved for patients with hematological cancers. More recently, immunotherapy has entered center stage in the development of novel therapies against solid cancers. Together with R&D in angiogenesis, the field of immunology has fundamentally extended the scientific scope, which has evolved from a cancer-cell-centered view to a comprehensive and integrated vision of tumor biology. Current R&D is focused on a large array of possible disease mechanisms, driven by cancer cells, and amplified by tumor stroma, inflammatory and immunological actors, blood and lymph vessels, and the "macroenvironment," i.e. systemic mechanisms of the host, particularly of the haematopoietic system. Contrasting to this large spectrum of pathophysiological events promoting tumor growth, only a small number of biological mechanisms, namely of the immune system, have the potential to counteract tumor growth. They are of prime interest because therapeutic enhancement may result in clinical benefit for patients. This special issue is dedicated to immunotherapeutics against cancer, with particular emphasis on vaccination and combination therapies, providing updates and extended insight in this booming field.
The root system is fundamentally important for plant growth and survival because of its role in water and nutrient uptake. Therefore, plants rely on modulation of root system architecture (RSA) to respond to a changing soil environment. Although RSA is a highly plastic trait and varies both between and among species, the basic root system morphology and its plasticity are controlled by inherent genetic factors. These mediate the modification of RSA, mostly at the level of root branching, in response to a suite of biotic and abiotic factors. Recent progress in the understanding of the molecular basis of these responses suggests that they largely feed through hormone homeostasis and signaling pathways. Novel factors implicated in the regulation of RSA in response to the myriad endogenous and exogenous signals are also increasingly isolated through alternative approaches such as quantitative trait locus analysis.
Background: Growth Arrest-Specific Gene 6 product (Gas6) is, like anticoagulant protein C, a vitamin K-dependent protein. Our aim was to determine whether Gas6 plays a role in sepsis. Materials and methods: We submitted mice lacking Gas6 (Gas6)/)) or one of its receptors (Axl)/), Tyro3)/) or Mertk)/)) to LPS-induced endotoxemia and peritonitis (cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) and inoculation of E. coli). In addition, we measured Gas6 or its soluble receptors in plasma of eight volunteers that received LPS, 13 healthy subjects, 28 patients with severe sepsis, and 18 patients with non-infectious inflammatory diseases. Results: Gas6 and its soluble receptor sAxl raised in mice models and TNF-a was more elevated in Gas6)/) mice than in wild-type (WT). Protein array showed that before and after LPS injection, titers of 62 cytokines were more elevated in plasma of Gas6)/) than WT mice. Endotoxemia-induced mortality was higher in Gas6)/), Axl)/), Tyro3)/) and Mertk)/) compared to WT mice and mortality subsequent to CLP was amplified in Gas6)/) mice. LPS-stimulated Gas6)/) macrophages produced more cytokines than WT macrophages. This production was dampened by recombinant Gas6. Phosphorylation of Akt in Gas6)/) macrophages was reduced, but p38 phosphorylation and NF-jB translocation were increased. In human, Gas6 raised in plasma after LPS (2 ng/kg). Gas6 and sAxl were higher in patients with severe sepsis than in healthy subjects or control patients, and there was a non-significant trend for higher Gas6 in the survival group. Conclusions: Our data point to Gas6 as a major modulator of innate immunity and provide thereby novel insights into the mechanism of sepsis. Thus Gas6 and its receptors might constitute potential therapeutic targets for the development of new immunomodulating drugs.
Background and aim of the study: Genomic gains and losses play a crucial role in the development and progression of DLBCL and are closely related to gene expression profiles (GEP), including the germinal center B-cell like (GCB) and activated B-cell like (ABC) cell of origin (COO) molecular signatures. To identify new oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes (TSG) involved in DLBCL pathogenesis and to determine their prognostic values, an integrated analysis of high-resolution gene expression and copy number profiling was performed. Patients and methods: Two hundred and eight adult patients with de novo CD20+ DLBCL enrolled in the prospective multicentric randomized LNH-03 GELA trials (LNH03-1B, -2B, -3B, 39B, -5B, -6B, -7B) with available frozen tumour samples, centralized reviewing and adequate DNA/RNA quality were selected. 116 patients were treated by Rituximab(R)-CHOP/R-miniCHOP and 92 patients were treated by the high dose (R)-ACVBP regimen dedicated to patients younger than 60 years (y) in frontline. Tumour samples were simultaneously analysed by high resolution comparative genomic hybridization (CGH, Agilent, 144K) and gene expression arrays (Affymetrix, U133+2). Minimal common regions (MCR), as defined by segments that affect the same chromosomal region in different cases, were delineated. Gene expression and MCR data sets were merged using Gene expression and dosage integrator algorithm (GEDI, Lenz et al. PNAS 2008) to identify new potential driver genes. Results: A total of 1363 recurrent (defined by a penetrance > 5%) MCRs within the DLBCL data set, ranging in size from 386 bp, affecting a single gene, to more than 24 Mb were identified by CGH. Of these MCRs, 756 (55%) showed a significant association with gene expression: 396 (59%) gains, 354 (52%) single-copy deletions, and 6 (67%) homozygous deletions. By this integrated approach, in addition to previously reported genes (CDKN2A/2B, PTEN, DLEU2, TNFAIP3, B2M, CD58, TNFRSF14, FOXP1, REL...), several genes targeted by gene copy abnormalities with a dosage effect and potential physiopathological impact were identified, including genes with TSG activity involved in cell cycle (HACE1, CDKN2C) immune response (CD68, CD177, CD70, TNFSF9, IRAK2), DNA integrity (XRCC2, BRCA1, NCOR1, NF1, FHIT) or oncogenic functions (CD79b, PTPRT, MALT1, AUTS2, MCL1, PTTG1...) with distinct distribution according to COO signature. The CDKN2A/2B tumor suppressor locus (9p21) was deleted homozygously in 27% of cases and hemizygously in 9% of cases. Biallelic loss was observed in 49% of ABC DLBCL and in 10% of GCB DLBCL. This deletion was strongly correlated to age and associated to a limited number of additional genetic abnormalities including trisomy 3, 18 and short gains/losses of Chr. 1, 2, 19 regions (FDR < 0.01), allowing to identify genes that may have synergistic effects with CDKN2A/2B inactivation. With a median follow-up of 42.9 months, only CDKN2A/2B biallelic deletion strongly correlates (FDR p.value < 0.01) to a poor outcome in the entire cohort (4y PFS = 44% [32-61] respectively vs. 74% [66-82] for patients in germline configuration; 4y OS = 53% [39-72] vs 83% [76-90]). In a Cox proportional hazard prediction of the PFS, CDKN2A/2B deletion remains predictive (HR = 1.9 [1.1-3.2], p = 0.02) when combined with IPI (HR = 2.4 [1.4-4.1], p = 0.001) and GCB status (HR = 1.3 [0.8-2.3], p = 0.31). This difference remains predictive in the subgroup of patients treated by R-CHOP (4y PFS = 43% [29-63] vs. 66% [55-78], p=0.02), in patients treated by R-ACVBP (4y PFS = 49% [28-84] vs. 83% [74-92], p=0.003), and in GCB (4y PFS = 50% [27-93] vs. 81% [73-90], p=0.02), or ABC/unclassified (5y PFS = 42% [28-61] vs. 67% [55-82] p = 0.009) molecular subtypes (Figure 1). Conclusion: We report for the first time an integrated genetic analysis of a large cohort of DLBCL patients included in a prospective multicentric clinical trial program allowing identifying new potential driver genes with pathogenic impact. However CDKN2A/2B deletion constitutes the strongest and unique prognostic factor of chemoresistance to R-CHOP, regardless the COO signature, which is not overcome by a more intensified immunochemotherapy. Patients displaying this frequent genomic abnormality warrant new and dedicated therapeutic approaches.
Purpose: We have previously demonstrated that mutations in the FAM161A gene, encoding a protein with unknown function and no similarities with other characterized sequences, cause autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The purpose of this work is to investigate the functional role of FAM161A within the retina and its relationship with other proteins involved in RP. Methods: The subcellular localization of FAM161A in the retina was assessed by immunohistochemistry of retinal sections and dissociated photoreceptors from mice, which were stained using antibodies against FAM161A and antibodies against cilium markers. The function of FAM161A was further assessed in ciliated mammalian cell lines by expression of recombinant FAM161A with various fusion tags. The binary interaction between FAM161A and a collection of ciliary and ciliopathy-associated proteins was analyzed using a yeast two-hybrid assay. The results obtained with this technique were validated using independent protein-protein interaction assays (GST-pull downs, co-transfection and co-immunoprecipitation). Results: Native FAM161A localized at the connecting cilium of photoreceptor cells, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence in both dissociated photoreceptors and retinal sections of mice. More specifically, co-staining with markers for ciliary sub-structures (RPGRIP1L, Centrin, RP1, GT335) demonstrated that FAM161A decorated the basal body and the very apical part of the connecting cilium. Upon overexpression in ciliated cultured mammalian cells, FAM161A localized to the ciliary basal body. Yeast two-hybrid analysis of the binary interaction of FAM161A and an array of ciliary proteins revealed the direct interaction of FAM161A with three proteins of which the cognate genes are mutated in retinal ciliopathies. The confirmation of these interactions using different biochemical assays is currently in progress. Conclusions: FAM161A is a ciliary basal body protein of the photoreceptor connecting cilium, rendering the associated RP as a novel retinal ciliopathy. The confined expression of FAM161A in the retina and the direct interaction of FAM161A with other retinal ciliopathy-associated proteins may explain the retinal phenotype of this specific subset of mechanistically and phenotypically connected retinal disorders.
BACKGROUND: The excess in cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis provides a strong rationale for early therapeutical interventions. In view of the similarities between atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and the proven benefit of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in atherosclerotic vascular disease, it was the aim of the present study to delineate the impact of ramipril on endothelial function as well as on markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven patients with rheumatoid arthritis were included in this randomized, double-blind, crossover study to receive ramipril in an uptitration design (2.5 to 10 mg) for 8 weeks followed by placebo, or vice versa, on top of standard antiinflammatory therapy. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, and disease activity were investigated at baseline and after each treatment period. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation increased from 2.85+/-1.49% to 4.00+/-1.81% (P=0.017) after 8 weeks of therapy with ramipril but did not change with placebo (from 2.85+/-1.49% to 2.84+/-2.47%; P=0.88). Although systolic blood pressure and heart rate remained unaltered, diastolic blood pressure decreased slightly from 78+/-7 to 74+/-6 mm Hg (P=0.03). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha showed a significant inverse correlation with flow-mediated dilation (r=-0.408, P=0.02), and CD40 significantly decreased after ramipril therapy (P=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition with 10 mg/d ramipril for 8 weeks on top of current antiinflammatory treatment markedly improved endothelial function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This finding suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition may provide a novel strategy to prevent cardiovascular events in these patients.
Introduction: Infection with Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and a lack invitamin D are emerging as the twomost significant environmental triggersof multiple sclerosis (MS). Sincewe and others have shown that CD8+T cells are important immune mediatorsof the inflammatory response inMS, we examined whether vitamin Ddirectly affects the CD8+ T cell response.We also explored if vitaminDmodulates the EBV-specific CD8+ Tcell response. Methods: PBMC of 10patients with early MS and 10 healthycontrols (HC) were stimulated eitherwith a pool of EBVimmunodominantpeptides or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads.Cytokine secretion was assessed witha Cytometric Beads Array (CBA),ELISA and intracellular cytokinestaining. To examine whether vitaminD could directly modulate CD8+ Tcell immune responses, we depletedCD4+ T cells using a negative selection.Results: We found that vitaminD-treated PBMC stimulated eitherwith the EBV peptide pool or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 beads adopted ananti-inflammatory profile: significantdecrease in IFN-and TNF secretion,contrasting with a significant increasein IL-5 and TGF-secretion. At baseline,but also after vitamin D stimulation,IL-5 was significantly less producedby stimulated CD8+ T cells ofearly MS than HC. Finally, using depletionof CD4+ T cells, we couldshow that vitaminDcan directlymodulateCD8+ T cells. Discussion: Ourdata suggest that vitaminDconfers ananti-inflammatory profile to CD8+ Tcells, without the help of CD4+ Tcells. Even if vitamin D has a significanteffect on CD8+ T cells of earlyMS patients, this "rescuing" effect isof smaller magnitude than in HC subjects.Finally, vitamin D does influencethe CD8+ T cell response toEBV in early MS patients, suggestingthat there is an interplay betweenthese two major environmental factorsof MS.
The influence of proximal olfactory cues on place learning and memory was tested in two different spatial tasks. Rats were trained to find a hole leading to their home cage or a single food source in an array of petri dishes. The two apparatuses differed both by the type of reinforcement (return to the home cage or food reward) and the local characteristics of the goal (masked holes or salient dishes). In both cases, the goal was in a fixed location relative to distant visual landmarks and could be marked by a local olfactory cue. Thus, the position of the goal was defined by two sets of redundant cues, each of which was sufficient to allow the discrimination of the goal location. These experiments were conducted with two strains of hooded rats (Long-Evans and PVG), which show different speeds of acquisition in place learning tasks. They revealed that the presence of an olfactory cue marking the goal facilitated learning of its location and that the facilitation persisted after the removal of the cue. Thus, the proximal olfactory cue appeared to potentiate learning and memory of the goal location relative to distant environmental cues. This facilitating effect was only detected when the expression of spatial memory was not already optimal, i.e., during the early phase of acquisition. It was not limited to a particular strain.
BACKGROUND: Molecular interaction Information is a key resource in modern biomedical research. Publicly available data have previously been provided in a broad array of diverse formats, making access to this very difficult. The publication and wide implementation of the Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative Molecular Interactions (HUPO PSI-MI) format in 2004 was a major step towards the establishment of a single, unified format by which molecular interactions should be presented, but focused purely on protein-protein interactions. RESULTS: The HUPO-PSI has further developed the PSI-MI XML schema to enable the description of interactions between a wider range of molecular types, for example nucleic acids, chemical entities, and molecular complexes. Extensive details about each supported molecular interaction can now be captured, including the biological role of each molecule within that interaction, detailed description of interacting domains, and the kinetic parameters of the interaction. The format is supported by data management and analysis tools and has been adopted by major interaction data providers. Additionally, a simpler, tab-delimited format MITAB2.5 has been developed for the benefit of users who require only minimal information in an easy to access configuration. CONCLUSION: The PSI-MI XML2.5 and MITAB2.5 formats have been jointly developed by interaction data producers and providers from both the academic and commercial sector, and are already widely implemented and well supported by an active development community. PSI-MI XML2.5 enables the description of highly detailed molecular interaction data and facilitates data exchange between databases and users without loss of information. MITAB2.5 is a simpler format appropriate for fast Perl parsing or loading into Microsoft Excel.
While the morphological and electrophysiological changes underlying diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are relatively well described, the involved molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether phenotypic changes associated with early DPN are correlated with transcriptional alterations in the neuronal (dorsal root ganglia [DRG]) or the glial (endoneurium) compartments of the peripheral nerve. We used Ins2(Akita/+) mice to study transcriptional changes underlying the onset of DPN in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Ins2(Akita/+) and control mice during the first three months of life in order to determine the onset of DPN. Based on this phenotypic characterization, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and DRG isolated from pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic Ins2(Akita/+) mice and sex-matched littermate controls. Our phenotypic analysis of Ins2(Akita/+) mice revealed that DPN, as measured by reduced MNCV, is detectable in affected animals already one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. Surprisingly, the onset of DPN was not associated with any major persistent changes in gene expression profiles in either sciatic nerve endoneurium or DRG. Our data thus demonstrated that the transcriptional programs in both endoneurial and neuronal compartments of the peripheral nerve are relatively resistant to the onset of hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia suggesting that either minor transcriptional alterations or changes on the proteomic level are responsible for the functional deficits associated with the onset of DPN in type 1 DM.
Purpose:To identify the gene causing rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta Methods:Homozygosity mapping was performed using the Affymetrix 50K XbaI array in one family and candidate genes in the linked interval were sequenced with ABI Dye Terminator, vers. 1 in the index patient of 3 families. The identified mutations were screened in normal control individuals. Expression analyses were performed on RNA extracted from the brain, various parts of the eye and teeth; immunostaining was done on mouse eyes and jaw and knock-down experiments were carried out in zebrafish embroys. Results:Sequencing the coding regions of ancient conserved domain protein 4 (CNNM4), a metal ions transporter, revealed a 1-base pair duplication (p.L438fs) in family A, a p.R236Q mutation in family B and a p.L324P in family C. All these mutations were homozygous and involved very conserved amino acids in paralogs and orthologs. Immunostaining and RT-PCR confirmed that CNNM4 was strongly expressed in various parts of the eye and in the teeth. Morpholino experiments in zebrafish showed a loss of ganglion cells at 5 days post fertilization. Conclusions:The rod-cone dystrophy/amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome is caused by mutation in CNNM4 and is due to aberrant metal ion homeostasis.
Rhizobacteria-induced systemic resistance (ISR) and pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR) have a broad, yet partly distinct, range of effectiveness against pathogenic microorganisms. Here, we investigated the effectiveness of ISR and SAR in Arabidopsis against the tissue-chewing insects Pieris rapae and Spodoptera exigua. Resistance against insects consists of direct defense, such as the production of toxins and feeding deterrents and indirect defense such as the production of plant volatiles that attract carnivorous enemies of the herbivores. Wind-tunnel experiments revealed that ISR and SAR did not affect herbivore-induced attraction of the parasitic wasp Cotesia rubecula (indirect defense). By contrast, ISR and SAR significantly reduced growth and development of the generalist herbivore S. exigua, although not that of the specialist P. rapae. This enhanced direct defense against S. exigua was associated with potentiated expression of the defense-related genes PDF1.2 and HEL. Expression profiling using a dedicated cDNA microarray revealed four additional, differentially primed genes in microbially induced S. exigua-challenged plants, three of which encode a lipid-transfer protein. Together, these results indicate that microbially induced plants are differentially primed for enhanced insect-responsive gene expression that is associated with increased direct defense against the generalist S. exigua but not against the specialist P. rapae.