337 resultados para Acute subdural haematoma
Morphological and functional effects of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR) are analyzed in an acute setting on a porcine model. Ten channels were drilled in the left lateral wall of the heart of 15 pigs (mean weight, 73 +/- 4 kg) with a Holmium-YAG laser (wavelength: 2.1 mu, probe diameter: 1.75 mm). Echocardiographic control was performed before the TMLR procedure as well as 5 min and 30 min thereafter. Echocardiographic parameters were recorded in short-axis at the level of the laser channels, and included left ventricular ejection fraction, fractional shortening and segmental wall motility of the channels' area (scale 0-3: 0 = normal, 1 = hypokinesia, 2 = akinesia, 3 = dyskinesia). After sacrifice the lased region was sliced perpendicularly to the channels for histological and morphometrical analysis. Five minutes after the drilling of the channels, all the echocardiographic index worsened significantly in comparison with baseline values (p < 0.01). All recovered after 30 min and showed no difference with baseline values. Cross-section of the channel lesions measured 8.8 +/- 2.4 mm2 which is more than three times that of the probe (p < 0.01). In acute conditions, the lesions due to the TMLR probe are significantly larger than the probe itself and cause a transient drop of the segmental wall motility on a healthy myocardium. These results suggest that TMLR should be used cautiously in the clinical setting for patients with an impaired ventricular function.
The aim of this study is to describe personal experience with retroperitoneal laparostomy in the management of infected acute necrotizing pancreatitis. The presence of an infected phlegmon requires surgical debridement and drainage. The surgical approach can be either an anterior laparotomy with irrigation and drainage (which can be either an open or closed laparotomy) or a posterior laparostomy. Three patients (2 men and 1 woman) presented with an unfavourable course of their acute necrotizing pancreatitis despite the administration of broad spectrum antibiotics. A posterior laparostomy with necrosectomy and drainage was performed. The postoperative course was slowly favorable in all 3 cases. Abdominal CT is the best modality for the detection and follow-up of pancreatic necrosis. CT-guided fine needle aspiration can detect superinfection of areas of necrosis. Posterior laparostomy presents several advantages compared to an anterior approach. There is no contamination of the peritoneal cavity; the integrity of the abdominal wall is respected. The necrosectomy is equally complete and the drainage is better as it is direct and posterior.
An 88 years old woman was admitted for muscular pain and weakness. She was under a treatment of simvastatin and was recently prescribed clarithromycin for a lung infection. The diagnosis of statin induced rhabdomyolysis by drug interaction was made. The evolution is good with eviction of the statin and aggressive hydratation. This case shows how important it is to know the risks factors and drug interactions predisposing to statin-induced myopathy.
Introduction : Driving is a complex everyday task requiring mechanisms of perception, attention, learning, memory, decision making and action control, thus indicating that involves numerous and varied brain networks. If many data have been accumulated over time about the effects of alcohol consumption on driving capability, much less is known about the role of other psychoactive substances, such as cannabis (Chang et al.2007, Ramaekers et al, 2006). Indeed, the solicited brain areas during safe driving which could be affected by cannabis exposure have not yet been clearly identified. Our aim is to study these brain regions during a tracking task related to driving skills and to evaluate the modulation due to the tolerance of cannabis effects. Methods : Eight non-smoker control subjects participated to an fMRI experiment based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Subjects were asked to track with a joystick with their right hand and to press a button with their left index at each appearance of a distractor. Four smoking subjects participated to the same fMRI sessions once before and once after smoking cannabis and a placebo in two independent cross-over experiments. We quantified the performance of the subjects by measuring the precision of the behavioural responses (i.e. percentage of time of correct tracking and reaction times to distractors). Functional MRI data were acquired using on a 3.0T Siemens Trio system equipped with a 32-channel head coil. BOLD signals will be obtained with a gradient-echo EPI sequence (TR=2s, TE=30ms, FoV=216mm, FA=90°, matrix size 72×72, 32 slices, thickness 3mm). Preprocessing, single subject analysis and group statistics were conducted on SPM8b. Results were thresholded at p<0.05 (FWE corrected) and at k>30 for spatial extent. Results : Behavioural results showed a significant impairment in task and cognitive test performance of the subjects after cannabis inhalation when comparing their tracking accuracy either to the controls subjects or to their performances before the inhalation or after the placebo inhalation (p<0.001 corrected). In controls, fMRI BOLD analysis of the active tracking condition compared to the passive one revealed networks of polymodal areas in superior frontal and parietal cortex dealing with attention and visuo-spatial coordination. In accordance to what is known of the visual and sensory motor networks we found activations in V4, frontal eye-field, right middle frontal gyrus, intra-parietal sulcus, temporo-parietal junction, premotor and sensory-motor cortex. The presence of distractors added a significant activation in the precuneus. Preliminary results on cannabis smokers in the acute phase, compared either to themselves before the cannabis inhalation or to control subjects, showed a decreased activation in large portions of the frontal and parietal attention network during the simple tracking task, but greater involvement of precuneus, of the superior part of intraparietal sulcus and middle frontal gyrus bilaterally when distractors were present in the task. Conclusions : Our preliminary results suggest that acute cannabis smoking alters performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network.
BACKGROUND: The prescription of recommended medical therapies is a key factor to improve prognosis after acute coronary syndromes (ACS). However, reasons for cardiovascular therapies discontinuation after hospital discharge are poorly reported in previous studies. METHODS: We enrolled 3055 consecutive patients hospitalized with a main diagnosis of ACS in four Swiss university hospitals with a prospective one-year follow-up. We assessed the self-reported use of recommended therapies and the reasons for medication discontinuation according to the patient interview performed at one-year follow-up. RESULTS: 3014 (99.3%) patients were discharged with aspirin, 2983 (98.4%) with statin, 2464 (81.2%) with beta-blocker, 2738 (90.3%) with ACE inhibitors/ARB and 2597 (100%) with P2Y12 inhibitors if treated with coronary stent. At the one-year follow-up, the discontinuation percentages were 2.9% for aspirin, 6.6% for statin, 11.6% for beta-blocker, 15.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB and 17.8% for P2Y12 inhibitors. Most patients reported having discontinued their medication based on their physicians' decision: 64 (2.1%) for aspirin, 82 (2.7%) for statin, 212 (8.6%) for beta-blocker, 251 (9.1% for ACE inhibitor/ARB) and 293 (11.4%) for P2Y12 inhibitors, while side effect, perception that medication was unnecessary and medication costs were uncommon reported reasons (<2%) according to the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Discontinuation of recommended therapies after ACS differs according the class of medication with the lowest percentages for aspirin. According to patients, most stopped their cardiovascular medication based on their physician's decision, while spontaneous discontinuation was infrequent.
The long-term implications of sexual abuse in childhood or adolescence (CSA) have been relatively well documented regarding attachment (disorganized attachment in childhood, unresolved trauma in adulthood), stress reactions (altered patterns of stress reactivity under experimental conditions), and psychopathology. Attachment has been shown to mediate the implications of CSA, namely on psychopathology. The implication of attachment on stress responses of abused persons has not been documented. Twenty-seven 20-46 years old women who had experienced episodes of CSA, and 17 controls have been interviewed using the Adult Attachment Interview. Sixty-three percent of abused women presented an unresolved trauma (12% for the controls). Thirty-six women (14 controls and 22 abused) came again to the laboratory for a session involving an experimental stress challenge (TSST). Subjects provided repeated appreciations of perceived stress on visual analogue scales and saliva samples were collected to assay cortisol levels. Whereas abused women with unresolved trauma showed the highest levels of perceived stress, they simultaneously presented the most suppressed cortisol reactions (there were significant post hoc differences between "unresolved abused" and controls on the increase of perceived stress and on cortisol recovery after the acute stress). It is suggested that important stressful experiences (such as CSA), especially when they have not been psychologically assimilated, may cause a disconnection, during subsequent mildly stressful circumstances, between the perception of stress and natural defensive body reactions.
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is the main complication after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Although the tissue damage and subsequent patient mortality are clearly dependent on T lymphocytes present in the grafted inoculum, the lethal effector molecules are unknown. Here, we show that acute lethal GVHD, induced by the transfer of splenocytes from C57BL/6 mice into sensitive BALB/c recipients, is dependent on both perforin and Fas ligand (FasL)-mediated lytic pathways. When spleen cells from mutant mice lacking both effector molecules were transferred to sublethally irradiated allogeneic recipients, mice survived. Delayed mortality was observed with grafted cells deficient in only one lytic mediator. In contrast, protection from lethal acute GVHD in resistant mice was exclusively perforin dependent. Perforin-FasL-deficient T cells failed to lyse most target cells in vitro. However, they still efficiently killed tumor necrosis factor alpha-sensitive fibroblasts, demonstrating that cytotoxic T cells possess a third lytic pathway.
BACKGROUND: The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) estimates the risk of 30-day mortality in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). We constructed a simplified version of the PESI. METHODS: The study retrospectively developed a simplified PESI clinical prediction rule for estimating the risk of 30-day mortality in a derivation cohort of Spanish outpatients. Simplified and original PESI performances were compared in the derivation cohort. The simplified PESI underwent retrospective external validation in an independent multinational cohort (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad Tromboembólica [RIETE] cohort) of outpatients. RESULTS: In the derivation data set, univariate logistic regression of the original 11 PESI variables led to the removal of variables that did not reach statistical significance and subsequently produced the simplified PESI that contained the variables of age, cancer, chronic cardiopulmonary disease, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and oxyhemoglobin saturation levels. The prognostic accuracy of the original and simplified PESI scores did not differ (area under the curve, 0.75 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.69-0.80]). The 305 of 995 patients (30.7%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.0% (95% CI, 0.0%-2.1%) compared with 10.9% (8.5%-13.2%) in the high-risk group. In the RIETE validation cohort, 2569 of 7106 patients (36.2%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.1% (95% CI, 0.7%-1.5%) compared with 8.9% (8.1%-9.8%) in the high-risk group. CONCLUSION: The simplified PESI has similar prognostic accuracy and clinical utility and greater ease of use compared with the original PESI.
BACKGROUND: The SYNTAX score (SXscore), an angiographic score reflecting coronary lesion complexity, predicts clinical outcomes in patients with left main or multivessel disease, and in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary PCI. The clinical SXscore (CSS) integrates the SXscore and clinical variables (age, ejection fraction, serum creatinine) into a single score. We analyzed these scores in elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing primary PCI. The purpose of this analysis was not to decide which patients should undergo PCI, but to predict clinical outcomes in this population. METHODS: The SXscore was determined in a consecutive series of 114 elderly patients (mean age, 79.6 ± 4.1 years) undergoing primary PCI for ACS. Outcomes were stratified according to SXscore tertiles: SXLOW ≤15 (n = 39), 15< SXMID <23 (n = 40), and SXHIGH ≥23 (n = 35). The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality at 30 days. Secondary endpoints were nonfatal major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) at 30 days, and 1-year outcomes in patients discharged alive. RESULTS: Mortality at 30 days was higher in the SXHIGH group compared with the aggregate SXLOW+MID group (37.1% vs 5.1%; P<.0001), and in the CSSHIGH group compared with the aggregate CSSLOW+MID group (25.5% vs 1.4%; P=.0001). MACCE rates at 30 days were similar among SXscore tertiles. The CSS predicted 1-year MACCE rates (12.1% for CSSHIGH vs 3.1% for CSSLOW+MID; P=.03). CONCLUSIONS: The SXscore predicts 30-day mortality in elderly patients with ACS undergoing primary PCI. In patients discharged alive, the CSS predicts risk of MACCE at 1 year.
BACKGROUND: Treatment strategies for acute basilar artery occlusion (BAO) are based on case series and data that have been extrapolated from stroke intervention trials in other cerebrovascular territories, and information on the efficacy of different treatments in unselected patients with BAO is scarce. We therefore assessed outcomes and differences in treatment response after BAO. METHODS: The Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS) is a prospective, observational registry of consecutive patients who presented with an acute symptomatic and radiologically confirmed BAO between November 1, 2002, and October 1, 2007. Stroke severity at time of treatment was dichotomised as severe (coma, locked-in state, or tetraplegia) or mild to moderate (any deficit that was less than severe). Outcome was assessed at 1 month. Poor outcome was defined as a modified Rankin scale score of 4 or 5, or death. Patients were divided into three groups according to the treatment they received: antithrombotic treatment only (AT), which comprised antiplatelet drugs or systemic anticoagulation; primary intravenous thrombolysis (IVT), including subsequent intra-arterial thrombolysis; or intra-arterial therapy (IAT), which comprised thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, stenting, or a combination of these approaches. Risk ratios (RR) for treatment effects were adjusted for age, the severity of neurological deficits at the time of treatment, time to treatment, prodromal minor stroke, location of the occlusion, and diabetes. FINDINGS: 619 patients were entered in the registry. 27 patients were excluded from the analyses because they did not receive AT, IVT, or IAT, and all had a poor outcome. Of the 592 patients who were analysed, 183 were treated with only AT, 121 with IVT, and 288 with IAT. Overall, 402 (68%) of the analysed patients had a poor outcome. No statistically significant superiority was found for any treatment strategy. Compared with outcome after AT, patients with a mild-to-moderate deficit (n=245) had about the same risk of poor outcome after IVT (adjusted RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.60-1.45) or after IAT (adjusted RR 1.29, 0.97-1.72) but had a worse outcome after IAT compared with IVT (adjusted RR 1.49, 1.00-2.23). Compared with AT, patients with a severe deficit (n=347) had a lower risk of poor outcome after IVT (adjusted RR 0.88, 0.76-1.01) or IAT (adjusted RR 0.94, 0.86-1.02), whereas outcomes were similar after treatment with IAT or IVT (adjusted RR 1.06, 0.91-1.22). INTERPRETATION: Most patients in the BASICS registry received IAT. Our results do not support unequivocal superiority of IAT over IVT, and the efficacy of IAT versus IVT in patients with an acute BAO needs to be assessed in a randomised controlled trial. FUNDING: Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Utrecht.
Endothelial cells form a semi-permeable barrier that participates in the exchange of plasma fluids, proteins and cells, and helps to maintain the physiological functions of organs as well as circulatory homeostasis. Vascular permeability and vasodilatation are increased during acute and chronic inflammation, cancer and wound healing. This is mediated by exposure to certain vascular permeability increasing factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) belong to the nuclear hormone receptor (NHRs) family of ligand-activated transcription factors. Three isotypes, PPARa, PPARp/5 and PPARy have been identified. They are all expressed in endothelial cells (ECs). Recent data have demonstrated their involvement in important mechanisms for vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, such as cell proliferation/differentiation, directional sensing/migration, and survival. PPARs were reported to modulate the expression of pro-angiogenic soluble factors, such as VEGF-A and may also participate in the regulation of expression of VEGF receptors. The aim of the present work was to elucidate the role of PPARp/δ in endothelial cell functions important for angiogenesis as well as in vascular permeability and vasodilatation. Using organ culture models of mouse aorta expiants, cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and genetically modified mouse models, we studied the consequences of loss and gain of PPARp/5 activity on endothelial cell functions. In the first part of this study, we show that the activation of PPARp/δ promotes EC outgrowth in murine aorta expiants. In vivo we observed that dermal vessel acute permeability in response to VEGF-A stimulation is strongly impaired in PPARfi/δ -I- animals. Additionally, observation of the dermal vessel morphology showed a clear enlargement of the wild-type dermal vessels upon VEGF-A injection, whereas vessels of PPARp/5 -/- animals showed almost no enlargement. The impaired response to VEGF stimulation in the knock-out animals was not due to structural or morphological abnormalities. Based on this data, we suggest that PPARp/5 may act on intracellular signaling cascades in ECs, downstream of the VEGF-A receptor. In the second part of this study, we address the relevance of PPARβ/δ vascular functions in pathophysiological inflammatory conditions, such as delayed- type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction and anaphylaxis in mice. The DTH reaction is a cell-mediated immune reaction to protein, bacterial and viral antigens, whereas anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction. In these in vivo models, we demonstrated that the absence of PPARβ/δ in ECs prevents the formation of severe edema in the DTH reaction, and that Ρ PARβ/δ accelerates recovery following systemic anaphylaxis, at least partially through the control of vascular permeability. Our data not only describe a novel function of PPARβ/δ in vessel permeability and vasodilatation, but also open new routes of research for the development of vessel permeability/vasodilatation regulating agents. - Les cellules endothéliales qui bordent la face interne des vaisseaux sanguins forment l'endothélium, une barrière semi-perméable qui régule les échanges de fluides, de protéines et de cellules immunes entre la circulation et les organes. L'endothélium participe également au maintien de la fonction des organes et de l'homéostasie circulatoire. La perméabilité vasculaire augmente dans des situations inflammatoires aigties ou chroniques, dans les tumeurs, et pendant la réparation de blessures. Cette augmentation de perméabilité est due à la production de facteurs sécrétés, tels que le Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF-A), la thrombine ou I'histamine. Lès récepteurs nucléaires Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPAR) sont des facteurs de transcription mis en activité par des ligands. Trois isotypes de PPARs, PPARa, ΡΡΑΡβ/δ and PPARy ont été caractérisés. Ils sont exprimés dans les cellules endothéliales, et des travaux récents ont montré qu'ils régulent des comportements cellulaires importants pour la vasculogenèse et l'angiogenèse, tels que la prolifération, la différenciation, la migration, et la survie des cellules. Ils régulent également la production de VEGF-A par divers types cellulaires. Le but de ce travail était d'élucider le rôle de PPARβ/δ dans la régulation de la perméabilité vasculaire, plus particulièrement dans les cellules endothéliales. Grâce à des cultures d'expiants d'aortes de souris, à la culture d'une lignée endothéliale humaine (HUVECs) et de souris génétiquement modifiées, nous avons étudié le rôle de PPARβ/δ dans les cellules endothéliales, dans des situations gain et perte de fonction du récepteur. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons montré les propriétés pro-angiogéniques de PPARβ/δ dans des explants d'aortes. In vivo, nous avons observé l'absence d'hyperperméabilité aiguë induite par le VEGF-A, la thrombine et I'histamine chez les souris PPARβ/δ -/-. De plus, l'analyse morphologique des vaisseaux dans le derme des souris après stimulation par VEGF- A a confirmé l'absence de réponse à la stimulation. Ces analyses morphologiques nous ont également permis de montrer que l'absence de réponse aiguë n'était pas due à un défaut de structure des vaisseaux dermiques chez les souris PPARp/δ -/-. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous proposons que PPARp/δ régule des voies de signalisation intracellulaires dans les cellules endothéliales, voie de signalisation impliquées dans la régulation de la perméabilité vasculaire: Dans la seconde partie du travail, nous avons étudié l'importance de la régulation de la perméabilité vasculaire par PPARβ/δ dans des situations pathophysiologiques impliquant une hyperperméabilité aiguë des vaisseaux : une réaction d'hypersensibilité cutanée retardée d'une part (delayed-type hypersensitivity, DTH), et un choc anaphylactique d'autre part. Dans ces deux modèles induits expérimentalement chez la souris, l'absence de PPARβ/δ prévient en partie la formation de l'oedème inflammatoire local (DTH), et accélère la récupération (anaphylaxie), au moins partiellement en réglant la perméabilité vasculaire. Ces résultats ouvrent un nouveau champs d'étude quant au rôle de PPARβ/δ dans les vaisseaux et à d'éventuelles applications thérapeutiques dans des pathologies inflammatoires.
Cough is a very frequent symptom in children. Different reviews have tried to delineate the best approach to pediatric cough.1 Clinical evaluation remains the most important diagnostic initial step. Although the relations between cough and asthma are not straightforward,2 wheeze should be considered as a physical sign of increased resistance to air flow. Lung function testing is the gold standard for analyzing pulmonary resistance to air flow but has a limited practical value in young children. The clinical evaluation of the presence or absence of wheeze thus remains a primary clinical step in coughing children. Young children do not necessarily breathe deeply in and out when asked to. For years, the author has used a so-called "squeeze and wheeze" maneuver (SWM, see Methods section for definition) to elicit chest signs in young children. The basic idea is to increase expiratory flows in children who do not cooperate adequately during their lung sounds analysis. This study was realized to communicate the author's experience of a yet unreported physical sign and to study its prevalence in young children cared for in a general pediatrics practice.