671 resultados para urgences pédiatriques, pédiatrie générale, prise en charge


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Les enquêtes menées auprès des officines vaudoises en 1994 et 2003 avaient montré que les pharmacies étaient des partenaires importants dans le réseau de prise en charge des usagers de drogue par injection (UDI), en particulier en ce qui concerne la dispensation et le suivi des cures de méthadone. Elles avaient aussi mis en évidence les besoins de formation/information des pharmaciens et de leur personnel. La troisième vague de l'enquête pharmacie 2011 avait pour objectif : o de mesurer l'évolution de la remise de seringues par les pharmacies aux UDI o de repérer les lacunes éventuelles dans l'accès au matériel stérile du point de vue géographique o d'apprécier le rôle des pharmacies dans la remise de traitements de méthadone o d'identifier d'éventuels problèmes rencontrés dans ces deux activités (vente de seringues et dispensation de méthadone) o d'identifier les besoins en formation des pharmaciens et du personnel des pharmacies o d'identifier les actions qui favoriseraient une meilleure intégration des pharmacies dans le dispositif de prise en charge des personnes toxicodépendantes o de recueillir l'avis des pharmaciens sur la pose d'automates de distribution de seringues et sur la nécessité d'une extension de la remise de matériel stérile. Méthode L'enquête pharmacie 2011 comprend deux volets. Un premier volet quantitatif, sous la forme d'un questionnaire adressé à toutes les pharmacies du canton (n=248). Le taux de participation de 92% (n=227) est remarquable. Les analyses portent sur 220 questionnaires valides. Un second volet, qualitatif, permet de compléter les données statistiques. Parmi les pharmaciens disposés à s'exprimer dans le cadre d'un entretien (n=90), nous en avons échantillonné [...] [Auteurs, p. 5]


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The prostate cancer is a complex pathology involving oncological, functional and psychosocial items. The prostate's center of CHUV harmonize the know-how of urologists, oncologist, radiotherapists and clinical nurses to offer a global management to patients attempts by prostate cancer, from diagnosis to therapy and follow-up.


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Renal colic (RC) is a common problem in primary care practice. It is estimated that 5-12% of the general population will suffer once RC during his lifetime. The primary care physicians play a central role in the management of urolithiasis. This article summarizes the current recommendations in terms of renal colic emergency management: biological assessment, imaging, pain relief and specific treatment. The vast majority of patients only needs efficient antalgic treatment and an outpatient monitoring. A minimal assessment must however be undertaken to detect complicated RC that will require urgent treatment in urology department. The analysis of the stone after the crisis is crucial to set up a preventive treatment.


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Pancreaticoduodenectomy is a major procedure in visceral surgery. Post-operative mortality is around 5% in high-volume hospitals, thanks to improvement in global patients care. Morbidity remains high though. The treatment of complications most often require a multidisciplinary approach. Delayed gastric emptying, intraabdominal abscesses and pancreatic fistulas are the most frequent complications. Post-pancreatectomy hemorrhage, although more rare, is a severe and dreadful event. Despite its morbidity, duodenopancreatectomy significantly improves survival of patients with biliopancreatic cancer. Early recognition of these complications and a prompt treatment increase the safety of this procedure.


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What do we know about the effectiveness of various treatments of alcoholism? This review of literature shows that lack--or weaknesses--of published studies make it impossible to draw definite conclusions. Rigorous controlled studies show high rates of spontaneous remission and important uncertainties about specialised treatments of alcoholism. However, except for severe dependence that may well require a different approach, brief interventions conducted by non-specialists have proved highly effective for at-risk alcohol drinkers: based on minimal medical advice, they increase the chances of lowering alcohol consumption. General practitioners may thus represent on important link in the therapeutic chain.


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A cleft can be labial, labial-maxillary, unilateral or bilateral labial-maxillary-palatal, or isolated palatal. A multidisciplinary team includes several specialists who will handle the diverse problems of children born with a cleft. This team will follow the child through each developmental stage and assemble an optimal treatment plan, thus reducing the onus on the family. Depending on the type of cleft and the age of the child, feeding, speech, ORL, dental, orthodontic, esthetic and possibly also psychological problems will be taken care of. This is why cleft treatment starts at the time it is diagnosed, before or after birth, and ends when the child is fully grown. It requires a complete interdisciplinary team and the collaboration with obstetricians and geneticians.


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Underfeeding causes a significant increase of postoperative complications, particularly respiratory and infectious complications. Thoracic surgery is frequently required in patients suffering wasting diseases (cancer, COPD, cystic fibrosis), which increase the risk of malnutrition. The most important risk factors are preoperative hypoalbuminemia and BMI < 20. The deleterious effects of underfeeding may be corrected by a preoperative nutritional support for 7 to 15 days using oral supplements or enteral feeding: respiratory muscle strength is improved, immunity is restored, and overall complications are reduced. Therefore preoperative diagnosis of underfeeding is of utmost importance. In case of emergency surgery, the nutritional assessment on admission enables the introduction of early postoperative artificial feeding.


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Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a subacute/chronic vasculitis and represents the most common form of systemic vasculitis in people over the age of 50 years. The absence of clear and specific diagnostic criteria with the highly variable clinical presentation is a diagnostic challenge requesting a multidisciplinary approach. Yet, GCA is an emergency and the treatment must be initiated very rapidly due to the risk of blindness. This article presents a review of GCA as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic institutional guidelines of the University Hospital of Lausanne.