152 resultados para terminal doxynucleotidyl transferase d-UTP nick end labelling


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Glucose metabolism is difficult to image with cellular resolution in mammalian brain tissue, particularly with (18) fluorodeoxy-D-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET). To this end, we explored the potential of synchrotron-based low-energy X-ray fluorescence (LEXRF) to image the stable isotope of fluorine (F) in phosphorylated FDG (DG-6P) at 1 μm(2) spatial resolution in 3-μm-thick brain slices. The excitation-dependent fluorescence F signal at 676 eV varied linearly with FDG concentration between 0.5 and 10 mM, whereas the endogenous background F signal was undetectable in brain. To validate LEXRF mapping of fluorine, FDG was administered in vitro and in vivo, and the fluorine LEXRF signal from intracellular trapped FDG-6P over selected brain areas rich in radial glia was spectrally quantitated at 1 μm(2) resolution. The subsequent generation of spatial LEXRF maps of F reproduced the expected localization and gradients of glucose metabolism in retinal Müller glia. In addition, FDG uptake was localized to periventricular hypothalamic tanycytes, whose morphological features were imaged simultaneously by X-ray absorption. We conclude that the high specificity of photon emission from F and its spatial mapping at ≤1 μm resolution demonstrates the ability to identify glucose uptake at subcellular resolution and holds remarkable potential for imaging glucose metabolism in biological tissue. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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RESUME Les nombreuses mines de plomb et d'argent du Valais témoignent d'une activité minière importante par le passé, sans toutefois dévoiler ni l'importance des minéralisations, ni l'ancienneté de l'exploitation. La présente recherche a pour but de comprendre pourquoi les grandes mines sont concentrées dans une région, et de déterminer la chronologie de leur exploitation. L'originalité de ce travail réside dans son interdisciplinarité, plus précisément dans l'application des méthodes minéralogiques pour résoudre une problématique historique. Afin d'évaluer les ressources minières en plomb et en argent du Valais, 57 mines et indices ont été repérés et échantillonnés. Les signatures isotopiques du Pb (74 analyses) et les compositions chimiques élémentaires (45 analyses) ont été déterminées. Les plus grandes exploitations se situent dans la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, au Sud d'une ligne Vallée du Rhône / Val de Bagnes ainsi que dans le Lötschental. Elles sont liées, d'après leur signature isotopique de plomb, à des minéralisations d'âge calédonien (408 à 387 Ma) ou tardi-hercynien (333 à 286 Ma). À ces périodes, l'ancien continent est très lourd et subit une subsidence thermique. Des premières fractures d'extrême importance se forment. Comme il s'agit d'accidents tectoniques majeurs, des gisements de grande extension peuvent se former dans ce contexte. D'autres minéralisations se situent dans les domaines helvétiques (Massif des Aiguilles Rouges, Massif du Mont Blanc et couverture sédimentaire), couvrant une région au Nord de la Vallée du Rhône et du Val d'Entremont. D'âge post-hercynien à tardi-alpin (notons qu'il n'y a pas de minéralisations d'âge tertiaire), elles sont pour la plupart liées à des intrusions granitiques, sources de plomb juvénile. Les mines situées dans ces unités tectoniques sont nettement moins étendues que celles de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, ce qui permet de penser que les minéralisations correspondantes le sont également. Les périodes d'exploitation des mines peuvent être déterminées par quatre approches différentes l'archéologie minière, la lecture des textes historiques, l'étude des déchets métallurgiques et la comparaison de la signature isotopique du plomb, que l'on mesure dans un objet archéologique bien daté (monnaie, bijoux etc.), avec celles des minerais. Cette dernière méthode a été appliquée et développée dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Pour ce faire, 221 échantillons d'objet en plomb ou en argent datés entre l'Âge du Fer et le Moyen Age ont été analysés par la méthode des isotopes de plomb et comparés à environ 1800 signatures isotopiques de minerais des gisements les plus importants en Suisse et en Europe. Avant l'époque romaine et jusqu'au 1 er siècle de cette époque, le plomb provient principalement des mines de la péninsule ibérique alors en pleine activité. Un apport des mines d'Europe tempérée, notamment des Vosges, reste à confirmer. A partir du 1" siècle de notre ère, le plomb a principalement été importé en Suisse occidentale de grands centres de productions situées en Allemagne du Nord (région d'Eifel). Les mines de plomb valaisannes, notamment celles de Siviez, débutent leur exploitation en même temps, principalement pour couvrir les besoins locaux, mais également pour l'exportation jusque dans l'arc lémanique et, dans une moindre importance, au-delà. À partir du 4ème siècle, le besoin en plomb a été couvert par un apport des mines locales et par la refonte d'objets anciens. Ce changement d'approvisionnement est probablement lié aux tensions créées par les invasions germaniques durant la seconde moitié du 3' siècle ; le marché suisse n'est dès lors plus approvisionné par le nord, c'est-à-dire par la vallée du Rhin. Quant à l'argent, l'exploitation de ce métal est attestée à partir de la fin du La Tène, peu après l'apparition de ce métal dans la région valaisanne. L'échantillonnage ne couvrant pas l'époque romaine, rien n'est connu pour cette période. A partir du 5" siècle, une exploitation d'argent est de nouveau attestée. Cependant, l'exploitation d'argent des mines locales ne gagne en importance qu'à partir du Moyen Âge avec les frappes monétaires, notamment les frappes carolingiennes et épiscopales valaisannes. Les sources d'argent sont différentes selon leur utilisation : à part quelques exceptions notamment vers la fin du La Tène et au tardo-antique, les bijoux et objets de cultes ont été souvent créés à partir d'argent refondu, contrairement aux monnaies pour lesquelles l'argent provient des mines locales. On note un approvisionnement différent de ce métal pour les objets, notamment les monnaies, selon leur lieu de fabrication : on peut clairement distinguer les objets valaisans de ceux du Plateau Suisse. SUMMARY The many lead and silver mines of the Valais testify of an important mining activity in the past, without however revealing neither the importance of the mineralizations, nor the era of the exploitation. The purpose of this research is to understand why the large mines are concentrated in one region, and to determine the history of their exploitation. The uniqueness of this work lies in its interdisciplinarity, more precisely in the application of mineralogical methods to solve historical problems. In order to evaluate the lead and silver mining resources of the Valais region, 57 mines and ore deposits were located and sampled. The isotope signatures of Pb (74 analyses) and the compositions of the chemical elements (45 analyses) were determined. The largest activities are in the Siviez-Mischabel area, located in the South of the boundary formed by the Rhone, Bagnes and Lotschental valleys. According to their lead isotope signatures, they are linked to mineralizations of the Caledonian (408 to 387 my) or tardi-Hercynian (333 to 286 my) orogenies. In those times, the old continent was very heavy and underwent a thermal subsidence. First fractures of great significance were formed. Through these major tectonic events, large extended ore deposits can be formed. Other mineralizations are found in the helvetic regions situated north of the Rhone and the Entremont valley (the Aiguilles Rouges basement, Mount Blanc basement and the covering sediment). Because they are from post-hercynien to tardi-alpine age (there are no mineralizations of tertiary age), they are mainly linked to granite intrusions, the sources of juvenile lead. The mines found in these tectonic units are significantly less extensive than those of the Siviez-Mischabel area, leading to the assumption that the respective mineralizations extend accordingly. The history of exploitation of the mines can be determined by four different sources: mining archaeology, historical texts, metallurgical waste, and the comparison of the isotope signature of the lead from accurately dated archaeological objects (currency, jewels etc), with those of the ores. This last approach was applied and developed within the framework of this research. The lead isotope signatures of 221 lead or silver objects from the Iron Age to the Middle Age were compared with approximately 1800 samples of ore of the most important ore deposits in Switzerland and Europe. Before the Roman time up to the 1st century, lead comes mainly from the mines of the Iberian Peninsula then in full activity. A contribution of the mines of Central Europe, in particular of the Vosges, remains to be confirmed. From the 1st century on, lead was mainly imported into Western Switzerland from Northern Germany (Eiffel region). The lead mines in the Valais region, in particular those of Siviez, begin their exploitation at the same time, mainly to meet the local needs, but also for export to the lemanic basin and of lesser importance, beyond. As from the 4th century, the need of lead was met by the production from local mines and the recycling of old objects. This change of supply is probably related to the tensions created by the Germanic invasions during second half of the 3rd century; as a consequence, the Swiss market is not supplied any more by the north, i.e. the Rhine valley. Silver production is confirmed starting from the end of La Tene, shortly after the appearance of this metal in the Valais region. Since no objects of Roman origin were analyzed, nothing is known for this period. From the 5th century on, silver production is again confirmed. However, significant silver production from local mines starts only in the Middle Age with the coinage, in particular Carolingian and Episcopal minting from the Valais region. The sources of silver differ according to their use: besides some exceptions in particular towards the end of La Tene and the tardi-Roman, the jewels and objects of worships were often created from recycled silver, contrary to the coins the silver for which comes from the local mines. A different source of silver is observed according to the location of coin manufacture: Objects originating from the Valais region are clearly distinguished from those from the Plateau Suisse. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die grosse Zahl von Blei- und Silberminen im Wallis ist Zeugnis einer bedeutenden Bergbautätigkeit, es fehlen aber Hinweise über ihren Umfang und den Zeitraum ihrer Ausbeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht zu ergründen, warum grosse Minen sich in einer eng begrenzten Region häufen und in welchem Zeitraum sie genutzt wurden. Die Besonderheit der Studie liegt in ihrer Interdisziplinarität, genauer in der Anwendung von mineralogischen Methoden zur Beantwortung historischer Fragestellungen. Zur Beurteilung der Lagerstätten wurden von 57 Minen und Aufschlüssen Proben entnommen oder Nachweise erbracht und mittels 74 Isotopen-Analysen von Blei und 45 chemischen Gesamtanalysen ausgewertet. Die wichtigsten Vorkommen liegen in der Siviez- Mischabel- Decke südlich der Linie Rhonetal- Val de Bagnes, sowie im Lötschental. Die Bleiisotopen- Alter weisen ihre Entstehung der kaledonischen (408 - 387 Mio. J.) oder der spät- herzynischen (333 - 286 Mio. J.) Gebirgsbildungsphase zu. In dieser Periode ist die kompakte Landmasse sehr schwer und erfairt eine thermische Absenkung. Es bilden sich tektonische Brüche von kontinentaler Ausdehnung. Die grossen tektonischen Bewegungen ermöglichen die Bildung von ausgedehnten Lagerstätten. Andere Vorkommen finden sich im Bereich der Helvetischen Alpen (Aiguilles Rouges Massiv, Mont-Blanc-Massiv und Sediment-Decken) im Gebiet nördlich des Rhonetales bis zum Val d'Entremont. Altersmässig sind sie der nach-hercynischen bis zur spät-alpidischen Orogenese zuzuweisen (auffällig ist das Fehlen von Vorkommen im Tertiär) und haben sich meist in der Folge von Granit- Intrusion, dem Ursprung von primärem Blei ausgebildet. Die Bergwerke in diesem Bereich sind deutlich weniger ausgedehnt als jene in der Siviez-Mischabel-Decke und entsprechen wahrscheinlich dem geringen Umfang der zugehörigen Vorkommen. Die Nutzungsperioden der Minen können mit vier verschiedenen Methoden bestimmt werden: Minenarchäologie, Historische Quellen, Auswertung von metallischen Abfällen (Schlacken) und Vergleich der Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzung von Erzen mit jener von zeitlich gut datierbaren archäologischen Gegenständen (Münzen, Schmuckstücke). Die letztere Methode wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit entwickelt und angewendet. Zu diesem Zweck wurden an 221 Proben von Blei- oder Silberobjekten, die in die Periode zwischen Eisenzeit und Mittelalter eingestuft werden können, Bleiisotopen- Analysen durchgeführt und mit ca. 1800 Proben aus den wichtigsten Lagerstätten der Schweiz und Europas verglichen. Vor der Römerzeit und bis ins 1. Jahrh. stammt das Blei vornehmlich aus den in jener Zeit in voller Ausbeutung begriffenen Minen der Iberischen Halbinsel. Der Beitrag von Mitteleuropa, besonders der Vogesen, muss noch bestätigt werden. Ab dem 1. Jahrh. nach Chr. wurde die Westschweiz hauptschlich mit Blei aus den grossen Produktionszentren Norddeutschlands, vorwiegend der Eifel, versorgt. In dieser Periode setzt die Ausbeutung der Bleiminen des Wallis, besonders von Siviez, ein. Sie dienen der Deckung des örtlichen Bedarfs aber auch der Ausfuhr in das Gebiet des Genfersees und in einem bescheidenen Rahmen sogar darüber hinaus. Ab dem 4. Jahrhundert wurden vermehrt alte Objekte eingeschmolzen. Dieser Wechsel der Versorgungsquellen war vermutlich eine Folge der Wölkerwanderung in der zweiten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war Helvetien der Zugang zu den Versorgungsquellen des Nordens, besonders des Rheinlandes, verwehrt. Der Abbau von Silber ist ab dem Ende des La Tène nachgewiesen, nur wenig nach dem Auftreten dieses Metalls im Wallis. Über die Römerzeit können wegen dem Fehlen entsprechender Proben keine Aussagen gemacht werden. Eine erneute Abbauperiode ist ab dem 5. Jahrhundert nachgewiesen. Die Produktion der örtlichen Minen erreicht aber erst im Mittelalter eine gewisse Bedeutung mit der Prägung von Mnzen durch die Karolinger und die Walliser Bischöfe. Die Herkunft des Silbers ist abhängig von dessen Verwendung. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen in der Zeit des La Tène und der späteren Römerzeit wurde für Kunst- und Kult- Gegenstände rezykliertes Silber verwendet, für Münzprägungen neues Silber aus den örtlichen Minen. Von Einfluss auf die Herkunft war auch der Produktionsstandort: Die Objekte aus dem Wallis unterscheiden sich deutlich von jenen des Mittellandes.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has a pair of distinct ornithine carbamoyltransferases. The anabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase encoded by the argF gene catalyzes the formation of citrulline from ornithine and carbamoylphosphate. The catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase encoded by the arcB gene promotes the reverse reaction in vivo; although this enzyme can be assayed in vitro for citrulline synthesis, its unidirectionality in vivo is determined by its high concentration at half maximum velocity for carbamoylphosphate ([S]0.5) and high cooperativity toward this substrate. We have isolated mutant forms of catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase catalyzing the anabolic reaction in vivo. The corresponding arcB mutant alleles on a multicopy plasmid specifically suppressed an argF mutation of P. aeruginosa. Two new mutant enzymes were obtained. When methionine 321 was replaced by isoleucine, the mutant enzyme showed loss of homotropic cooperativity at physiological carbamoylphosphate concentrations. Substitution of glutamate 105 by lysine resulted in a partial loss of the sigmoidal response to increasing carbamoylphosphate concentrations. However, both mutant enzymes were still sensitive to the allosteric activator AMP and to the inhibitor spermidine. These results indicate that at least two residues of catabolic ornithine carbamoyltransferase are critically involved in positive carbamoylphosphate cooperativity: glutamate 105 (previously known to be important) and methionine 321. Mutational changes in either amino acid will affect the geometry of helix H2, which contains several residues required for carbamoylphosphate binding.


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The microtubule-associated protein MAP2 is essential for development of early neuronal morphology and maintenance of adult neuronal morphology. Several splice variants exist, MAP2a-d, with a lack of MAP2a in cat brain. MAP2 is widely used as a neuronal marker. In this study we compared five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against MAP2. They show differences in the immunocytochemical distribution of MAP2 isoforms during development of the visual cortex and cerebellum of the cat. Local and temporal differences were seen with MAb AP18, an antibody directed against a phosphorylation-dependent epitope near the N-terminal end. In large pyramidal dendrites in visual cortex, the AP18 epitope remained in parts immunoreactive after treatment with alkaline phosphatase. Three MAbs, AP14, MT-01, and MT-02, recognized the central region of the MAP2b molecule, which is not present in MAP2c and 2d, and reacted with phosphorylation-independent epitopes. During the first postnatal week the immunostaining in cerebellum differed between antibodies in that some cellular elements in external and internal granular layers and Purkinje cells were stained to various degrees, whereas at later stages staining patterns were similar. At early stages, antibody MT-02 stained cell bodies and dendrites in cerebral cortex and cerebellum. With progressing maturation, immunoreactivity became restricted to distal parts of apical dendrites of pyramidal cells and was absent from perikarya and finer proximal dendrites in cortex. MT-02 did not stain MAP2 in cerebellum of adult animals. This study demonstrates that the immunocytochemical detection of MAP2 depends on modifications such as phosphorylation and conformational changes of the molecule, and that MAP2 staining patterns differ between MAbs. Phosphorylation and specific conformations in the molecule may be essential for modulating function and molecular stability of MAP2, and monoclonal antibodies against such sites may provide tools for studying the functional role of modifications.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified the mu 2 subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex 2 as a protein interacting with the C-tail of the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR). Direct association between the alpha 1b-AR and mu 2 was demonstrated using a solid phase overlay assay. The alpha 1b-AR/mu 2 interaction occurred inside the cells, as shown by the finding that the transfected alpha 1b-AR and the endogenous mu 2 could be coimmunoprecipitated from HEK-293 cell extracts. Mutational analysis of the alpha 1b-AR revealed that the binding site for mu 2 does not involve canonical YXX Phi or dileucine motifs but a stretch of eight arginines on the receptor C-tail. The binding domain of mu 2 for the receptor C-tail involves both its N terminus and the subdomain B of its C-terminal portion. The alpha 1b-AR specifically interacted with mu 2, but not with the mu 1, mu 3, or mu 4 subunits belonging to other AP complexes. The deletion of the mu 2 binding site in the C-tail markedly decreased agonist-induced receptor internalization as demonstrated by confocal microscopy as well as by the results of a surface receptor biotinylation assay. The direct association of the adaptor complex 2 with a G protein-coupled receptor has not been reported so far and might represent a common mechanism underlying clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis.


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Abstract : The female reproductive hormones estrogen, progesterone and prolactin control postnatal breast development and are important to breast carcinogenesis. The mechanisms by which they elicit proliferation and morphogenesis remain poorly understood. Using the mouse as a model to study the molecular mechanisms through which hormones elicit morphogenetic changes in the mammary gland in vivo, we found the Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, a Tumor Necrosis Factor family member, to be strongly induced by progesterone. Recent publications suggested that hormone dependant RANKURANK signals are involved in the terminal differentiation of mammary gland alveolar buds into lobulo-alveolar structures competent for lactation. I show that in the absence of epithelial RANKL a distinct earlier stage of mammary gland development, side branch formation, is blocked. RANKL acts as a major mediator downstream of progesterone; it is required for progesterone-induced paracrine proliferation and completely rescues the mutant phenotype when ectopically expressed in progesterone receptor (PR) KO mammary epithelia. RANKL is not required for cell autonomous division of estrogen receptor alpha (ERa) /PR positive cells. Cyclin D1, previously implicated as a mediator of RANKL, is not affected by ablation of RANKL and is not required for RANKL-induced paracrine proliferation but for the cell autonomous proliferation. Gene expression arrays to find specific RANKL downstream targets have identified Id4, ElfS and one secreted metalloprotease (Adamtsl8) as potential candidates validated by Q-RT-PCR. Interestingly, Id4 and Adamtsl8 are expressed by the myoepithelial cells. Their expression additionally coincides with RANKL mRNA expression at mid pregnancy, possibly implying a functional contribution of both genes to RANKL mediated sidebranch formation. ElfS in contrast, is found to be strongly expressed by the end of pregnancy supporting recent findings of a prolactin mediated regulation. As for RANKL, this gene was in particular induced in luminal cells. Taken together, I report that progesterone is the major proliferative stimulus in the adult mammary gland eliciting proliferation of ERaJPR positive cells by a cell autonomous, cyclin D1-dependent and a paracrine RANKL-dependent mechanism. My work moreover suggests, that RANKL acts as a major orchestrator affecting different downstream mediators, through which progesterone exerts its effects concomitantly on different cellular compartments. Résumé : Les hormones sexuelles telles que l'oestrogène, la progestérone et la prolactine contrôlent le développement postnatal du sein et sont impliquées dans la cazcinogenèse. Les mécanismes par lesquels elles induisent la prolifération et la morphogénèse demeurent incompris. En utilisant la souris comme modèle, J'ai trouvé que le ligand activateur du récepteur de NFκB, une protéine de la famille du facteur de nécrose des tumeurs, peut être fortement induit par la progestérone. Les publications récentes ont suggéré que cette protéine est nécessaire à la fin de la grossesse, quand les cellules sécrétrices du lait apparaissent. Par des techniques de transplantation d'épithélium, je montre contrairement aux études précédentes, qu'en l'absence de RANKL dans l'épithélium une partie distincte du développement mammaire, la formation de branches latérales, est bloquée. La progestérone agit de manière pazacrine par l'intermédiaire de 12ANKL pour induire la prolifération tandis que la mort cellulaire n'est pas affectée. De plus, l'injection d'une protéine recombinante RANKL dans une souris mutante pour le récepteur à la progestérone induit la prolifération des cellules épithéliales en l'absence de grossesse ; la surexpression de RANKL dans ces mêmes mutants mène à une réversion complète du phénotype. Mes expériences démontrent que la progestérone induit deux types distincts de prolifération. Un premier type direct dans laquelle les cellules positives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Cette division cellulaire est alors indépendante de RANKL mais dépendante de la cycline D1. Le second type de prolifération est induit par un mécanisme pazacrine et dépend de RANKL mais pas de la cycline D1. Ici, les cellules négatives au récepteur à la progestérone prolifèrent. Pour détecter des gènes cibles de la voie de signalisation du RANKL, un profil d'expression des gènes a été généré. Les facteurs de transcription Id4, EIf5 et une métalloprotéase sécrétée (Adamtsl8) ont été identifiés en tant que cibles potentielles. D'autres analyses de validation démontrent qu'Id4, Adamtsl8, RANKL mais pas E1f5 sont fortement exprimés au cours de la grossesse, coïncidant avec la formation de branchements latéraux induit par progestérone. EIf5 s'est avéré être exprimé vers la fin de la grossesse appuyant des résultats récents proposant une régulation par la prolactine. Le système canalaire mammaire se compose de couches cellulaires: une couche interne de cellules luminales et une externe de cellules myoépithéliale. Les expériences génétiques d'expression ont révélé que RANKL. et E1f5 sont exprimés dans la partie luminale tandis qu'Id4 et Adamtsl8 sont dans les cellules myoépithéliales. En conclusion, je prouve que la progestérone est le stimulus principal induisant la prolifération dans la glande mammaire d'adulte. Deux mécanismes de prolifération sont impliqués: l'un direct dépendant de la cycline Dl et l'autre paracrine dépendant de RANKI.. Mon travail suggère par ailleurs que RANKL agit en tant que médiateur important, par lequel la progestérone exerce ses effets sur différents compartiments cellulaires tels que la coordination de la prolifération des cellules épithéliales avec la réorganisation de la matrice extracellulaire et de la membrane basale exigées pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire latéral.


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Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of insults, including acoustic trauma and exposure to ototoxins, that principally effect the viability of sensory hair cells via the MAP kinase (MAPK) cell death signaling pathway that incorporates c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). We evaluated the otoprotective efficacy of D-JNKI-1, a cell permeable peptide that blocks the MAPK-JNK signal pathway. The experimental studies included organ cultures of neonatal mouse cochlea exposed to an ototoxic drug and cochleae of adult guinea pigs that were exposed to either an ototoxic drug or acoustic trauma. Results obtained from the organ of Corti explants demonstrated that the MAPK-JNK signal pathway is associated with injury and that blocking of this signal pathway prevented apoptosis in areas of aminoglycoside damage. Treatment of the neomycin-exposed organ of Corti explants with D-JNKI-1 completely prevented hair cell death initiated by this ototoxin. Results from in vivo studies showed that direct application of D-JNKI-1 into the scala tympani of the guinea pig cochlea prevented nearly all hair cell death and permanent hearing loss induced by neomycin ototoxicity. Local delivery of D-JNKI-1 also prevented acoustic trauma-induced permanent hearing loss in a dose-dependent manner. These results indicate that the MAPK-JNK signal pathway is involved in both ototoxicity and acoustic trauma-induced hair cell loss and permanent hearing loss. Blocking this signal pathway with D-JNKI-1 is of potential therapeutic value for long-term protection of both the morphological integrity and physiological function of the organ of Corti during times of oxidative stress.


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D-JNKI1, a cell-permeable peptide inhibitor of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway, has been shown to be a powerful neuroprotective agent after focal cerebral ischemia in adult mice and young rats. We have investigated the potential neuroprotective effect of D-JNKI1 and the involvement of the JNK pathway in a neonatal rat model of cerebral hypoxia-ischemia. Seven-day-old rats underwent a permanent ligation of the right common carotid artery followed by 2h of hypoxia (8% oxygen). Treatment with D-JNKI1 (0.3mg/kg intraperitoneally) significantly reduced early calpain activation, late caspase-3 activation and, in the thalamus, autophagosome formation, indicating an involvement of JNK in different types of cell death: necrotic, apoptotic and autophagic. However the size of the lesion was unchanged. Further analysis showed that neonatal hypoxia-ischemia induced an immediate decrease in JNK phosphorylation (reflecting mainly P-JNK1) followed by a slow progressive increase (including P-JNK3 54kDa), whereas c-jun and c-fos expression were both strongly activated immediately after hypoxia-ischemia. In conclusion, unlike in adult ischemic models, JNK is only moderately activated after severe cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in neonatal rats and the observed positive effects of D-JNKI1 are insufficient to give neuroprotection. Thus, for perinatal asphyxia, D-JNKI1 can only be considered in association with other therapies.


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Islet-brain 1 [IB1; also termed c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting protein 1 (JIP-1] is involved in the apoptotic signaling cascade of JNK and functions as a scaffold protein. It organizes several MAP kinases and the microtubule-transport motor protein kinesin and relates to other signal-transducing molecules such as the amyloid precursor protein. Here we have identified IB1/JIP-1 using different antibodies that reacted with either a monomeric or a dimeric form of IB1/JIP-1. By immunoelectron microscopy, differences in the subcellular localization were observed. The monomeric form was found in the cytoplasmic compartment and is associated with the cytoskeleton and with membranes, whereas the dimeric form was found in addition in nuclei. After treatment of mouse brain homogenates with alkaline phosphatase, the dimeric form disappeared and the monomeric form decreased its molecular weight, suggesting that an IB1/JIP-1 dimerization is phosphorylation dependent and that IB1 exists in several phospho- forms. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor activation induced a dephosphorylation of IB1/JIP-1 in primary cultures of cortical neurons and reduced homodimerization. In conclusion, these data suggest that IB1/JIP-1 monomers and dimers may differ in compartmental localization and thus function as a scaffold protein of the JNK signaling cascade in the cytoplasm or as a transcription factor in nuclei.


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Abstract Ovarian hormones are key regulators of postnatal mammary gland development and are linked to breast carcinogenesis. In particular, estrogens induce mammary epithelial cells to proliferate at the onset of puberty, leading to the elongation of the rudimental ductal tree into the fatty stromal tissue. Elucidating the molecular events underlying estrogen mitogenic activity in the mammary gland is of value in understanding how the deregulation of this signalling pathway can lead to breast tumorigenesis. Our lab has recently shown that estrogen induces mammary proliferation via epithelial estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) by a paracrine mechanism. Based on the finding that several EGF receptor (EGFR) ligands are able to substitute for estrogens and that amphiregulin (Areg), one of these ligands, is required during mammary development, we have hypothesized that Areg is a key mediator of estrogen induced paracrine signalling during ductal morphogenesis. Our analysis of the Areg -/- mice mammary phenotype reveals that epithelial Areg is required at the onset of puberty for epithelial proliferation, terminal end bud (TEB) formation and, subsequently, ductal elongation. Hormonal stimulation experiments show that among the EGFR ligands, only Arég is specifically controlled by estrogen at the transcriptional level, via ERα, in the mammary gland. Moreover, Areg is required for the estrogen-induced mammotrophic effects of epithelial proliferation and ductal elongation. We have shown that ectopic Areg expression in ERα -/- mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to induce ductal morphogenesis. Our transplantations experiment show that when Areg -/- cells are in the presence of wt cells they contribute to all aspects of ductal development, suggesting that this growth factor acts in a paracrine fashion. Moreover, this result shows that Areg -/- epithelial cells are not intrinsically impaired in proliferation. Our transplantation experiment carried out under physiological conditions confirmed previous reports showing that stromal EGFR is needed for ductal morphogenesis. This suggests that estrogen-driven Areg signalling involves an epithelium-stroma crosstalk. Thus, these data confirmed our hypothesis of Areg being an important estrogen mediator during ductal morphogenesis. Résumé Les hormones ovariennes, régulatrices clés du développement post-natal de la glande mammaire, sont également liées à la carcinogénèse du sein. En particulier, l'oestrogène induit la division des cellules épithéliales au début de la puberté. Cette prolifération amène à l'élongation du réseau canalaire rudimentaire et permet l'invasion du compartiment stromal. L'élucidation des mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l'activité mitogénique de l'oestrogène dans la glande mammaire est précieuse pour une meilleure compréhension du développement du cancer du sein. Notre laboratoire a récemment démontré que l'cestrogène induit la prolifération des cellules épithéliales par un signal paracrine, grâce au récepteur à l'oestrogène alpha (ERα). En se basant sur le fait que plusieurs ligands du récepteur à l'EGF (EGFR) sont capables de se substituer à l'cestrogène et d'induire la prolifération épithéliale et qu'amphiregulin (Areg), un de ces ligands, est essentielle au développement de la glande mammaire, nous avons émi l'hypothèse que Areg est un médiateur essentiel du signal paracrine induit par l'oestrogène pendant la croissance du système canalaire. Nos analyses phénotypiques des glandes mammaires issues de souris transgéniques Areg -/- démontrent que cette protéine est indispensable à la prolifération des cellules épithéliales mammaires au début de la puberté et à la formation des bourgeons terminaux qui conduisent à l'élongation des canaux. Nos expériences de stimulations hormonales démontrent que, parmi l'ensemble des ligands du EGFR, seule Areg est contrôlée au niveau transcriptionnel par l'cestrogène dans la glande mammaire, ceci via le récepteur ERα. De plus, Areg est essentielle pour le effets mammotrophique induit par l'cestrogène, à savoir la prolifération épithéliál et la croissance du système canalaire. Par ailleurs, l'expression ectopique d'Areg dans des cellules epithéliales mammaires de souris transgéniques ERα -/- est suffisante pour permettre la formation du réseau canalaire. En présence de cellules normales, les cellules dépourvues du gène d'Areg contribuent à la formation des canaux. Cette expérience suggère que ce facteur de croissance agit de manière paracrine. De plus, ce résultat montre que les cellules épithéliales Areg -/- conservent leur potentiel prolifératif. Nos expériences de transplantation, réalisées dans des conditions physiologiques, ont confirmé des précédentes études qui montraient que le récepteur stromal à l'EGF est nécessaire pour la morphogénèse du système canalaire. Ceci suggère que la voie de signalisation activée par l'oestrogène et dépendante d' implique une communication entre l'épithélium et le stroma. Ainsi, ces résultats valident notre hypothèse puisqu'ils confirment Areg en tant que médiateur majeur de l'oestrogène dans la morphogénèse du système canalaire.


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BACKGROUND: In acute respiratory failure, arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) is used to diagnose hypercapnia. Once non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is initiated, ABG should at least be repeated within 1 h to assess PaCO2 response to treatment in order to help detect NIV failure. The main aim of this study was to assess whether measuring end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) with a dedicated naso-buccal sensor during NIV could predict PaCO2 variation and/or PaCO2 absolute values. The additional aim was to assess whether active or passive prolonged expiratory maneuvers could improve the agreement between expiratory CO2 and PaCO2. METHODS: This is a prospective study in adult patients suffering from acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (PaCO2 ≥ 45 mmHg) treated with NIV. EtCO2 and expiratory CO2 values during active and passive expiratory maneuvers were measured using a dedicated naso-buccal sensor and compared to concomitant PaCO2 values. The agreement between two consecutive values of EtCO2 (delta EtCO2) and two consecutive values of PaCO2 (delta PaCO2) and between PaCO2 and concomitant expiratory CO2 values was assessed using the Bland and Altman method adjusted for the effects of repeated measurements. RESULTS: Fifty-four datasets from a population of 11 patients (8 COPD and 3 non-COPD patients), were included in the analysis. PaCO2 values ranged from 39 to 80 mmHg, and EtCO2 from 12 to 68 mmHg. In the observed agreement between delta EtCO2 and deltaPaCO2, bias was -0.3 mmHg, and limits of agreement were -17.8 and 17.2 mmHg. In agreement between PaCO2 and EtCO2, bias was 14.7 mmHg, and limits of agreement were -6.6 and 36.1 mmHg. Adding active and passive expiration maneuvers did not improve PaCO2 prediction. CONCLUSIONS: During NIV delivered for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure, measuring EtCO2 using a dedicating naso-buccal sensor was inaccurate to predict both PaCO2 and PaCO2 variations over time. Active and passive expiration maneuvers did not improve PaCO2 prediction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01489150.


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The GH-2000 and GH-2004 projects have developed a method for detecting GH misuse based on measuring insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and the amino-terminal pro-peptide of type III collagen (P-III-NP). The objectives were to analyze more samples from elite athletes to improve the reliability of the decision limit estimates, to evaluate whether the existing decision limits needed revision, and to validate further non-radioisotopic assays for these markers. The study included 998 male and 931 female elite athletes. Blood samples were collected according to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) guidelines at various sporting events including the 2011 International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Athletics Championships in Daegu, South Korea. IGF-I was measured by the Immunotech A15729 IGF-I IRMA, the Immunodiagnostic Systems iSYS IGF-I assay and a recently developed mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. P-III-NP was measured by the Cisbio RIA-gnost P-III-P, Orion UniQ? PIIINP RIA and Siemens ADVIA Centaur P-III-NP assays. The GH-2000 score decision limits were developed using existing statistical techniques. Decision limits were determined using a specificity of 99.99% and an allowance for uncertainty because of the finite sample size. The revised Immunotech IGF-I - Orion P-III-NP assay combination decision limit did not change significantly following the addition of the new samples. The new decision limits are applied to currently available non-radioisotopic assays to measure IGF-I and P-III-NP in elite athletes, which should allow wider flexibility to implement the GH-2000 marker test for GH misuse while providing some resilience against manufacturer withdrawal or change of assays. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Diagnosing pediatric pneumonia is challenging in low-resource settings. The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined primary end-point radiological pneumonia for use in epidemiological and vaccine studies. However, radiography requires expertise and is often inaccessible. We hypothesized that plasma biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial activation may be useful surrogates for end-point pneumonia, and may provide insight into its biological significance. METHODS: We studied children with WHO-defined clinical pneumonia (n = 155) within a prospective cohort of 1,005 consecutive febrile children presenting to Tanzanian outpatient clinics. Based on x-ray findings, participants were categorized as primary end-point pneumonia (n = 30), other infiltrates (n = 31), or normal chest x-ray (n = 94). Plasma levels of 7 host response biomarkers at presentation were measured by ELISA. Associations between biomarker levels and radiological findings were assessed by Kruskal-Wallis test and multivariable logistic regression. Biomarker ability to predict radiological findings was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic curve analysis and Classification and Regression Tree analysis. RESULTS: Compared to children with normal x-ray, children with end-point pneumonia had significantly higher C-reactive protein, procalcitonin and Chitinase 3-like-1, while those with other infiltrates had elevated procalcitonin and von Willebrand Factor and decreased soluble Tie-2 and endoglin. Clinical variables were not predictive of radiological findings. Classification and Regression Tree analysis generated multi-marker models with improved performance over single markers for discriminating between groups. A model based on C-reactive protein and Chitinase 3-like-1 discriminated between end-point pneumonia and non-end-point pneumonia with 93.3% sensitivity (95% confidence interval 76.5-98.8), 80.8% specificity (72.6-87.1), positive likelihood ratio 4.9 (3.4-7.1), negative likelihood ratio 0.083 (0.022-0.32), and misclassification rate 0.20 (standard error 0.038). CONCLUSIONS: In Tanzanian children with WHO-defined clinical pneumonia, combinations of host biomarkers distinguished between end-point pneumonia, other infiltrates, and normal chest x-ray, whereas clinical variables did not. These findings generate pathophysiological hypotheses and may have potential research and clinical utility.


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Mantle cell lymphoma is a mature lymphoid neoplasm characterized by the t(11;14)(q13;q32) and cyclin D1 overexpression. SOX11 is a transcription factor commonly overexpressed in these tumors but absent in most other mature B-cell lymphomas whose function is not well understood. Experimental studies have shown that silencing of SOX11 in mantle cell lymphoma cells promotes the shift from a mature B cell into an early plasmacytic differentiation phenotype, suggesting that SOX11 may contribute to tumor development by blocking the B-cell differentiation program. The relationship between SOX11 expression and terminal B-cell differentiation in primary mantle cell lymphoma and its relationship to the plasmacytic differentiation observed in occasional cases is not known. In this study we have investigated the terminal B-cell differentiation phenotype in 60 mantle cell lymphomas, 41 SOX11-positive and 19 SOX11-negative. Monotypic plasma cells and lymphoid cells with plasmacytic differentiation expressing cyclin D1 were observed in 7 (37%) SOX11-negative but in none of 41 SOX11-positive mantle cell lymphomas (P<0.001). Intense cytoplasmic expression of a restricted immunoglobulin light chain was significantly more frequent in SOX11-negative than -positive tumors (58 vs 13%) (P=0.001). Similarly, BLIMP1 and XBP1 expression was also significantly more frequent in SOX11-negative than in -positive cases (83 vs 34% and 75 vs 11%, respectively) (P=0.001). However, no differences in the expression of IRF4/MUM1 were observed among these subtypes of mantle cell lymphoma. In conclusion, these results indicate that SOX11-negative mantle cell lymphoma may be a particular subtype of this tumor characterized by more frequent morphological and immunophenotypic terminal B-cell differentiation features that may be facilitated by the absence of SOX11 transcription factor.


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AIM: To present a protocol for a multi-phase study about the current practice of end-of-life care in paediatric settings in Switzerland. BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, paediatric palliative care is usually provided by teams, who may not necessarily have specific training. There is a lack of systematic data about specific aspects of care at the end of a child's life, such as symptom management, involvement of parents in decision-making and family-centred care and experiences and needs of parents, and perspectives of healthcare professionals. DESIGN: This retrospective nationwide multicentre study, Paediatric End-of-LIfe CAre Needs in Switzerland (PELICAN), combines quantitative and qualitative methods of enquiry. METHODS: The PELICAN study consists of three observational parts, PELICAN I describes practices of end-of-life care (defined as the last 4 weeks of life) in the hospital and home care setting of children (0-18 years) who died in the years 2011-2012 due to a cardiac, neurological or oncological disease, or who died in the neonatal period. PELICAN II assesses the experiences and needs of parents during the end-of-life phase of their child. PELICAN III focuses on healthcare professionals and explores their perspectives concerning the provision of end-of-life care. CONCLUSION: This first study across Switzerland will provide comprehensive insight into the current end-of-life care in children with distinct diagnoses and the perspectives of affected parents and health professionals. The results may facilitate the development and implementation of programmes for end-of-life care in children across Switzerland, building on real experiences and needs. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01983852.