183 resultados para sodium 24
1. The relation between dietary carbohydrate: lipid ratio and the fuel mixture oxidized during 24 h was investigated in eleven healthy volunteers (six females, and five males) in a respiration chamber. Values of the fuel mixture oxidized were estimated by continuous indirect calorimetry and urinary nitrogen measurements. 2. The subjects, were first given a mixed diet for 7 d and spent the last 24 h of the 7 d period in a respiration chamber for continuous gas-exchange measurement. The fuels oxidized during 2.5 h or moderate exercise were also measured in the respiration chamber. After an interval of 2 weeks from the end of the mixed-diet period, the same subjects were given an isoenergetic high-carbohydrate low-fat diet for 7 d, and the same experimental regimen was repeated. 3. Dietary composition markedly influenced the fuel mixture oxidized during 24 h and this effect was still present 12 h after the last meal in the postabsorptive state. However, the diets had no influence on the substrates oxidized above resting levels during exercise. With both diets, the 24 h energy balance was slightly negative and the energy deficit was covered by lipid oxidation. 4. With the high-carbohydrate low-fat diet, the energy expenditure during sleep was found to be higher than that with the mixed diet. 5. It is concluded that: (a) the composition of the diet did not influence the fuel mixture utilized for moderate exercise, (b) the energy deficit calculated for a 24 h period was compensated by lipid oxidation irrespective of the carbohydrate content of the diet, (c) energy expenditure during sleep was found to be higher with the high-carbohydrate low-fat diet than with the mixed diet.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Sodium oxybate (SO) is a GABA(B) agonist used to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy. SO was shown to increase slow wave sleep (SWS) and EEG delta power (0.75-4.5 Hz), both indexes of NREM sleep (NREMS) intensity and depth, suggesting that SO enhances recuperative function of NREM. We investigated whether SO induces physiological deep sleep. DESIGN: SO was administered before an afternoon nap or before the subsequent experimental night in 13 healthy volunteers. The effects of SO were compared to baclofen (BAC), another GABA(B) receptor agonist, to assess the role of GABA(B) receptors in the SO response. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: As expected, a nap significantly decreased sleep need and intensity the subsequent night. Both drugs reversed this nap effect on the subsequent night by decreasing sleep latency and increasing total sleep time, SWS during the first NREMS episode, and EEG delta and theta (0.75-7.25 Hz) power during NREMS. The SO-induced increase in EEG delta and theta power was, however, not specific to NREMS and was also observed during REM sleep (REMS) and wakefulness. Moreover, the high levels of delta power during a nap following SO administration did not affect delta power the following night. SO and BAC taken before the nap did not improve subsequent psychomotor performance and subjective alertness, or memory consolidation. Finally, SO and BAC strongly promoted the appearance of sleep onset REM periods. CONCLUSIONS: The SO-induced EEG slow waves seem not to be functionally similar to physiological slow waves. Our findings also suggest a role for GABA(B) receptors in REMS generation. CITATION: Vienne J; Lecciso G; Constantinescu I; Schwartz S; Franken P; Heinzer R; Tafti M. Differential effects of sodium oxybate and baclofen on EEG, sleep, neurobehavioral performance, and memory. SLEEP 2012;35(8):1071-1084.
The recently discovered epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)/degenerin (DEG) gene family encodes sodium channels involved in various cell functions in metazoans. Subfamilies found in invertebrates or mammals are functionally distinct. The degenerins in Caenorhabditis elegans participate in mechanotransduction in neuronal cells, FaNaC in snails is a ligand-gated channel activated by neuropeptides, and the Drosophila subfamily is expressed in gonads and neurons. In mammals, ENaC mediates Na+ transport in epithelia and is essential for sodium homeostasis. The ASIC genes encode proton-gated cation channels in both the central and peripheral nervous system that could be involved in pain transduction. This review summarizes the physiological roles of the different channels belonging to this family, their biophysical and pharmacological characteristics, and the emerging knowledge of their molecular structure. Although functionally different, the ENaC/DEG family members share functional domains that are involved in the control of channel activity and in the formation of the pore. The functional heterogeneity among the members of the ENaC/DEG channel family provides a unique opportunity to address the molecular basis of basic channel functions such as activation by ligands, mechanotransduction, ionic selectivity, or block by pharmacological ligands.
Purpose: In vitro studies in porcine eyes have demonstrated a good correlation between induced intraocular pressure variations and corneal curvature changes, using a contact lens with an embedded microfabricated strain gauge. Continuous 24 hour-intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring to detect large diurnal fluctuation is currently an unmet clinical need. The aims of this study is to evaluate precision of signal transmission and biocompatibility of 24 hour contact lens sensor wear (SENSIMED Triggerfish®) in humans. Methods: After full eye examination in 10 healthy volunteers, a 8.7 mm radius contact lens sensor and an orbital bandage containing a loop antenna were applied and connected to a portable recorder. Best corrected visual acuity and position, lubrication status and mobility of the sensor were assessed after 5 and 30 minutes, 4, 7 and 24 hours. Subjective comfort was scored and activities documented in a logbook. After sensor removal full eye examination was repeated, and the registration signal studied. Results: The comfort score was high and did not fluctuate significantly, except at the 7 hour-visit. The mobility of the contact lens was minimal but its lubrication remained good. Best corrected visual acuity was significantly reduced during the sensor wear and immediately after its removal. Three patients developed mild corneal staining. In all but one participant we obtained a registration IOP curve with visible ocular pulse amplitude. Conclusions: This 24 hour-trial confirmed the functionality and biocompatibility of SENSIMED Triggerfish® wireless contact lens sensor for IOP-fluctuation monitoring in volunteers. Further studies with a range of different contact lens sensor radii are indicated.
Changes in intracellular Na(+) concentration underlie essential neurobiological processes, but few reliable tools exist for their measurement. Here we characterize a new synthetic Na(+)-sensitive fluorescent dye, Asante Natrium Green (ANG), with unique properties. This indicator was excitable in the visible spectrum and by two-photon illumination, suffered little photobleaching and located to the cytosol were it remained for long durations without noticeable unwanted effects on basic cell properties. When used in brain tissue, ANG yielded a bright fluorescent signal during physiological Na(+) responses both in neurons and astrocytes. Synchronous electrophysiological and fluorometric recordings showed that ANG produced accurate Na(+) measurement in situ. This new Na(+) indicator opens innovative ways of probing neuronal circuits.
Résumé : La première partie de ce travail de thèse est consacrée au canal à sodium épithélial (ENaC), l'élément clé du transport transépithélial de Na+ dans le néphron distal, le colon et les voies aériennes. Ce canal est impliqué dans certaines formes génétiques d'hypo- et d'hypertension (PHA I, syndrome de Liddle), mais aussi, indirectement, dans la mucoviscidose. La réabsorption transépithéliale de Na+ est principalement régulée par des hormones (aldostérone, vasopressine), mais aussi directement par le Na+, via deux phénomènes distincts, la « feedback inhibition » et la « self-inhibition » (SI). Ce second phénomène est dépendant de la concentration de Na+ extracellulaire, et montre une cinétique rapide (constante de temps d'environ 3 s). Son rôle physiologique serait d'assurer l'homogénéité de la réabsorption de Na+ et d'empêcher que celle-ci soit excessive lorsque les concentrations de Na+ sont élevées. Différents éléments appuient l'hypothèse de la présence d'un site de détection de la concentration du Na+ extracellulaire sur ENaC, gouvernant la SI. L'objectif de ce premier projet est de démontrer l'existence du site de détection impliqué dans la SI et de déterminer ses propriétés physiologiques et sa localisation. Nous avons montré que les caractéristiques de la SI (en termes de sélectivité et affinité ionique) sont différentes des propriétés de conduction du canal. Ainsi, nos résultats confirment l'hypothèse de l'existence d'un site de détection du Na+ (responsable de la transmission de l'information au mécanisme de contrôle de l'ouverture du canal), différent du site de conduction. Par ailleurs, ce site présente une affinité basse et indépendante du voltage pour le Na+ et le Li+ extracellulaires. Le site semble donc être localisé dans le domaine extracellulaire, plutôt que transmembranaire, de la protéine. L'étape suivante consiste alors à localiser précisément le site sur le canal. Des études précédentes, ainsi que des résultats préliminaires récemment obtenus, mettent en avant le rôle dans la self-inhibition du premiers tiers des boucles extracellulaires des sous-unités α et γ du canal. Le second projet tire son origine des limitations de la méthode classique pour l'étude des canaux ioniques, après expression dans les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis, par la méthode du voltage-clamp à deux électrodes, en particulier les limitations dues à la lenteur des échanges de solutions. En outre, cette méthode souffre de nombreux désavantages (manipulations délicates et peu rapides, grands volumes de solution requis). Plusieurs systèmes améliorés ont été élaborés, mais aucun ne corrige tous les désavantages de la méthode classique Ainsi, l'objectif ici est le développement d'un système, pour l'étude électrophysiologique sur ovocytes, présentant les caractéristiques suivantes : manipulation des cellules facilitée et réduite, volumes de solution de perfusion faibles et vitesse rapide d'échange de la perfusion. Un microsystème intégré sur une puce a été élaboré. Ces capacités de mesure ont été testées en utilisant des ovocytes exprimant ENaC. Des résultats similaires (courbes IV, courbes dose-réponse au benzamil) à ceux obtenus avec le système traditionnel ont été enregistrés avec le microsystème. Le temps d'échange de solution a été estimé à ~20 ms et des temps effectifs de changement ont été déterminés comme étant 8 fois plus court avec le nouveau système comparé au classique. Finalement, la SI a été étudiée et il apparaît que sa cinétique est 3 fois plus rapide que ce qui a été estimé précédemment avec le système traditionnel et son amplitude de 10 à 20 % plus importante. Le nouveau microsystème intégré apparaît donc comme adapté à la mesure électrophysiologique sur ovocytes de Xenopus, et possèdent des caractéristiques appropriées à l'étude de phénomènes à cinétique rapide, mais aussi à des applications de type « high throughput screening ». Summary : The first part of the thesis is related to the Epithelial Sodium Channel (ENaC), which is a key component of the transepithelial Na+ transport in the distal nephron, colon and airways. This channel is involved in hypo- and hypertensive syndrome (PHA I, Liddle syndrome), but also indirectly in cystic fibrosis. The transepithelial reabsorption of Na+ is mainly regulated by hormones (aldosterone, vasopressin), but also directly by Na+ itself, via two distinct phenomena, feedback inhibition and self-inhibition. This latter phenomenon is dependant on the extracellular Na+ concentration and has rapid kinetics (time constant of about 3 s). Its physiological role would be to prevent excessive Na+ reabsorption and ensure this reabsorption is homogenous. Several pieces of evidence enable to propose the hypothesis of an extracellular Na+ sensing site on ENaC, governing self-inhibition. The aim of this first project is to demonstrate the existence of the sensing site involved in self-inhibition and to determine its physiological properties and localization. We show self-inhibition characteristics (ionic selectivity and affinity) are different from the conducting properties of the channel. Our results support thus the hypothesis that the Na+ sensing site (responsible of the transmission of the information about the extracellular Na+ concentration to the channel gating mechanism), is different from the channel conduction site. Furthermore, the site has a low and voltage-insensitive affinity for extracellular Na+ or Li+. This site appears to be located in the extracellular domain rather than in the transmembrane part of the channel protein. The next step is then to precisely localize the site on the channel. Some previous studies and preliminary results we recently obtained highlight the role of the first third of the extracellular loop of the α and γ subunits of the channel in self-inhibition. The second project originates in the limitation of the classical two-electrode voltageclamp system classically used to study ion channels expressed in Xenopus /aevis oocytes, in particular limitations related to the slow solution exchange time. In addition, this technique undergoes several drawbacks (delicate manipulations, time consumption volumes). Several improved systems have been built up, but none corrected all these detriments. The aim of this second study is thus to develop a system for electrophysiological study on oocytes featuring an easy and reduced cell handling, small necessary perfusion volumes and fast fluidic exchange. This last feature establishes the link with the first project, as it should enable to improve the kinetics analysis of self-inhibition. A PDMS chip-based microsystem has been elaborated. Its electrophysiological measurement abilities have been tested using oocytes expressing ENaC. Similar measurements (IV curves of benzamil-sensitive currents, benzamil dose-response curves) have been obtained with this system, compared to the traditional one. The solution exchange time has been estimated at N20 ms and effective exchange times (on inward currents) have been determined as 8 times faster with the novel system compared to the classical one. Finally, self-inhibition has been studied and it appears its kinetics is 3 times faster and its amplitude 10 to 20 % higher than what has been previously estimated with the traditional system. The novel integrated microsystem appears therefore to be convenient for electrophysiological measurement on Xenopus oocytes, and displays features suitable for the study of fast kinetics phenomenon, but also high throughput screening applications. Résumé destiné large public : Le corps humain est composé d'organes, eux-mêmes constitués d'un très grand nombre de cellules. Chaque cellule possède une paroi appelée membrane cellulaire qui sépare l'intérieur de cette cellule (milieu intracellulaire) du liquide (milieu extracellulaire) dans lequel elle baigne. Le maintien de la composition stable de ce milieu extracellulaire est essentiel pour la survie des cellules et donc de l'organisme. Le sodium est un des composants majeurs du milieu extracellulaire, sa quantité dans celui-ci doit être particulièrement contrôlée. Le sodium joue en effet un rôle important : il conditionne le volume de ce liquide extracellulaire, donc, par la même, du sang. Ainsi, une grande quantité de sodium présente dans ce milieu va de paire avec une augmentation du volume sanguin, ce qui conduit l'organisme à souffrir d'hypertension. On se rend donc compte qu'il est très important de contrôler la quantité de sodium présente dans les différents liquides de l'organisme. Les apports de sodium dans l'organisme se font par l'alimentation, mais la quantité de sodium présente dans le liquide extracellulaire est contrôlée de manière très précise par le rein. Au niveau de cet organe, on appelle urine primaire le liquide résultant de la filtration du sang. Elle contient de nombreuses substances, des petites molécules, dont l'organisme a besoin (sodium, glucose...), qui sont ensuite récupérées dans l'organe. A la sortie du rein, l'urine finale ne contient plus que l'excédent de ces substances, ainsi que des déchets à éliminer. La récupération du sodium est plus ou moins importante, en fonction des ajustements à apporter à la quantité présente dans le liquide extracellulaire. Elle a lieu grâce à la présence de protéines, dans les membranes des cellules du rein, capables de le transporter et de le faire transiter de l'urine primaire vers le liquide extracellulaire, qui assurera ensuite sa distribution dans l'ensemble de l'organisme. Parmi ces protéines « transporteurs de sodium », nous nous intéressons à une protéine en particulier, appelée ENaC. Il a été montré qu'elle jouait un rôle important dans cette récupération de sodium, elle est en effet impliquée dans des maladies génétiques conduisant à l'hypo- ou à l'hypertension. De précédents travaux ont montré que lorsque le sodium est présent en faible quantité dans l'urine primaire, cette protéine permet d'en récupérer une très grande partie. A l'inverse, lorsque cette quantité de sodium dans l'urine primaire est importante, sa récupération par le biais d'ENaC est réduite. On parle alors d'autorégulation : la protéine elle-même est capable d'adapter son activité de transport en fonction des conditions. Ce phénomène d'autorégulation constitue a priori un mécanisme préventif visant à éviter une trop grande récupération de sodium, limitant ainsi les risques d'hypertension. La première partie de ce travail de thèse a ainsi consisté à clarifier le mécanisme d'autorégulation de la protéine ENaC. Ce phénomène se caractérise en particulier par sa grande vitesse, ce qui le rend difficile à étudier par les méthodes traditionnelles. Nous avons donc, dans une deuxième partie, développé un nouveau système permettant de mieux décrire et analyser cette « autorégulation » d'ENaC. Ce second projet a été mené en collaboration avec l'équipe de Martin Gijs de l'EPFL.
The diuretic and natriuretic responses to exogenous synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were evaluated in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) or nephrotic syndrome (NS). Patients were studied after an oral water load (8 ml/kg in CRF and 20 ml/kg in NS patients). A short intravenous bolus of either a placebo or ANP was administered when urine output was stable. In each group of patients, three doses of ANP were injected at 24 h intervals, i.e., 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 micrograms/kg in the CRF and 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0 micrograms/kg in the NS group. Blood pressure and heart rate were monitored throughout the study and urinary volume and electrolyte excretion were measured every 20 min up to 3 h after the bolus. An acute and transient fall in blood pressure was observed immediately after the ANP injection. It was more pronounced in CRF than in NS patients. In CRF patients, ANP caused only a slight increase in urinary volume (13.5-44% over baseline) but a significant increase in urinary sodium excretion (45-114% over baseline). In NS patients, significant increases in both urine volume (60-105%) and sodium excretion (149-248%) were also found. In these latter patients, the renal response to ANP appeared to be better preserved. The hemodynamic and renal changes induced by ANP occurred mainly during the first 20 min following the ANP administration, when the peak plasma ANP levels were obtained. However, no clear dose-response effect could be evidenced in either group with the three doses of ANP chosen in this study.
The renal site of the natriuretic effect of human, atrial natriuretic peptide (hANP) was studied using clearance techniques in eight salt-loaded normal volunteers undergoing maximal water diuresis. Lithium was used as a marker of proximal sodium reabsorption. According to a two-way, single blind, crossover design, hANP (Met12-(3-28)-eicosahexapeptide, (2 micrograms/min) or its vehicle (Ve) were infused for two hours, followed by a two-hour recovery period. Blood pressure, heart rate and insulin clearance remained unchanged. During hANP infusion, the filtration fraction increased slightly from 19.6 to 24.3% (P less than 0.001), fractional water excretion rose transiently at the beginning of the infusion. Fractional excretion of sodium increased markedly from 2.2% to 7.4% (P less than 0.001) but remained unchanged with Ve. ANP increased fractional excretion of lithium slightly from 46 to 58% (P less than 0.01), while it remained stable at 47% during Ve. The distal tubular rejection fraction of sodium calculated from sodium and lithium clearances rose markedly from 4.7 to 13% (P less than 0.001) and returned to 6.2% at the end of the recovery period. Thus, under salt loading and water diuresis conditions, hANP infusion did not alter GFR, but reduced proximal reabsorption of sodium, and markedly enhanced the fraction of sodium escaping distal tubular reabsorption, suggesting that hANP-induced natriuresis is due, for an important part, to inhibition of sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron.
Transepithelial sodium transport via alveolar epithelial Na(+) channels (ENaC) and Na(+),K(+)-ATPase constitutes the driving force for removal of alveolar edema fluid. Alveolar hypoxia associated with pulmonary edema may impair ENaC activity and alveolar Na(+) absorption through a decrease of ENaC subunit expression at the apical membrane of alveolar epithelial cells (AECs). Here, we investigated the mechanism(s) involved in this process in vivo in the β-Liddle mouse strain mice carrying a truncation of β-ENaC C-terminus abolishing the interaction between β-ENaC and the ubiquitin protein-ligase Nedd4-2 that targets the channel for endocytosis and degradation and in vitro in rat AECs. Hypoxia (8% O2 for 24 h) reduced amiloride-sensitive alveolar fluid clearance by 69% in wild-type mice but had no effect in homozygous mutated β-Liddle littermates. In vitro, acute exposure of AECs to hypoxia (0.5-3% O2 for 1-6 h) rapidly decreased transepithelial Na(+) transport as assessed by equivalent short-circuit current Ieq and the amiloride-sensitive component of Na(+) current across the apical membrane, reflecting ENaC activity. Hypoxia induced a decrease of ENaC subunit expression in the apical membrane of AECs with no change in intracellular expression and induced a 2-fold increase in α-ENaC polyubiquitination. Hypoxic inhibition of amiloride-sensitive Ieq was fully prevented by preincubation with the proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin or with the antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine. Our data strongly suggest that Nedd4-2-mediated ubiquitination of ENaC leading to endocytosis and degradation of apical Na(+) channels is a key feature of hypoxia-induced inhibition of transepithelial alveolar Na(+) transport.
The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is responsible for Na+ and fluid absorption across colon, kidney, and airway epithelia. We have previously identified SPLUNC1 as an autocrine inhibitor of ENaC. We have now located the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 to SPLUNC1's N terminus, and a peptide corresponding to this domain, G22-A39, inhibited ENaC activity to a similar degree as full-length SPLUNC1 (∼2.5 fold). However, G22-A39 had no effect on the structurally related acid-sensing ion channels, indicating specificity for ENaC. G22-A39 preferentially bound to the β-ENaC subunit in a glycosylation-dependent manner. ENaC hyperactivity is contributory to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. Addition of G22-A39 to CF human bronchial epithelial cultures (HBECs) resulted in an increase in airway surface liquid height from 4.2±0.6 to 7.9±0.6 μm, comparable to heights seen in normal HBECs, even in the presence of neutrophil elastase. Our data also indicate that the ENaC inhibitory domain of SPLUNC1 may be cleaved away from the main molecule by neutrophil elastase, which suggests that it may still be active during inflammation or neutrophilia. Furthermore, the robust inhibition of ENaC by the G22-A39 peptide suggests that this peptide may be suitable for treating CF lung disease.