183 resultados para psychotic break


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OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the socio-demographic as well as the health and psychiatric profiles of adolescents hospitalised for suicide attempt or overwhelming suicide ideation and to assess repetition of suicide attempt over a period of 18 months. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between April 2000 and September 2001, all patients aged 16 to 21 years admitted to the University Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne for suicide attempt or ideation were included in the study. At this time (T0) semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted to identify socio-demographic data, mental health and antecedents regarding suicidal conducts. Current psychiatric status was assessed with the MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument). At T1 and T2, reassessments included psychiatric status (MINI) as well as lifestyles, socio-professional situation and suicidal behaviours. RESULTS: At T0, 269 subjects met the study criteria, among whom 83 subjects (56 girls and 27 boys) left the hospital too quickly to be involved or refused to participate in the study (final sample at T0: 149 girls; 37 boys). The participation rate at T1 and T2 was respectively 66% and 62% of the original sample. The percentage of adolescents meeting the criteria for psychiatric diagnoses (91%) was high: affective disorder (78%); anxiety disorder (64%); substance use disorder (39%); eating disorder (9%); psychotic disorder (11%); antisocial personality (7%) with most subjects (85%) having more than one disorder. Around 90% of the subjects interviewed at T1, and/or T2, had received follow-up care after their hospitalisation, either by a primary care physician or a psychotherapist or both. Two subjects died of violent death and 18% made a further suicide attempt. CONCLUSION: Most adolescents hospitalised for suicidal episodes suffer from psychiatric problems which should be addressed by a careful psychiatric assessment, followed up if needed by a structured after care plan.


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Background: Language processing abnormalities and executive difficulties are hallmark features of schizophrenia. The objective of this study is to assess the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response at two different stages of the illness (i.e. comparison between adolescents and adults with schizophrenic symptoms) during a fluency task.Methods: BOLD responses during a covert verbal fluency task were compared between 11 psychotic adolescents with schizophrenic symptoms (mean age 16,9 years) and 14 adults with schizophrenia (mean age 33,4 years). fMRI data were analyzed with standard routine of spm5.Results: First, expected activation's network was found for both groups, separately. Secondly, adolescents showed greater activation in left rolandic opercule (BA 48), left angular (BA 39) and right hippocampus compared to adults. Thirdly, adults demonstrated greater activation in presupplementary motor area (BA 6) and in precentral area (BA 4) compared to adolescents.Conclusions: The adolescents seemed to recruit a verbal network (Broca and Wernicke) and memory abilities to perform a fluency task. In contrast, adults seemed to recruit more executive function abilities to perform a similar task. Despite the evolution of schizophrenia, which is known to have a deleterious influence on the prefrontal cortex development, adult patients seemed to be able to recruit such areas to perform a verbal fluency / executive function task.


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The Permo-Triassic crisis was a major turning point in geological history. Following the end-Guadalupian extinction phase, the Palaeozoic biota underwent a steady decline through the Lopingian (Late Permian), resulting in their decimation at the level that is adopted as the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB). This trend coincided with the greatest Phanerozoic regression. The extinction at the end of the Guadalupian and that marking the end of the Permian are therefore related. The subsequent recovery of the biota occupied the whole of the Early Triassic. Several phases of perturbations in [delta]13Ccarb occurred through a similar period, from the late Wuchiapingian to the end of the Early Triassic. Therefore, the Permian-Triassic crisis was protracted, and spanned Late Permian and Early Triassic time. The extinction associated with the PTB occurred in two episodes, the main act with a prelude and the epilogue. The prelude commenced prior to beds 25 and 26 at Meishan and coincided with the end-Permian regression. The main act itself happened in beds 25 and 26 at Meishan. The epilogue occurred in the late Griesbachian and coincided with the second volcanogenic layer (bed 28) at Meishan. The temporal distribution of these episodes constrains the interpretation of mechanisms responsible for the greatest Phanerozoic mass extinction, particularly the significance of a postulated bolide impact that to our view may have occurred about 50,000[no-break space]Myr after the prelude. The prolonged and multi-phase nature of the Permo-Triassic crisis favours the mechanisms of the Earth's intrinsic evolution rather than extraterrestrial catastrophe. The most significant regression in the Phanerozoic, the palaeomagnetic disturbance of the Permo-Triassic Mixed Superchron, widespread extensive volcanism, and other events, may all be related, through deep-seated processes that occurred during the integration of Pangea. These combined processes could be responsible for the profound changes in marine, terrestrial and atmospheric environments that resulted in the end-Permian mass extinction. Bolide impact is possible but is neither an adequate nor a necessary explanation for these changes.


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Using a new dynamical network model of society in which pairwise interactions are weighted according to mutual satisfaction, we show that cooperation is the norm in the hawks-doves game when individuals are allowed to break ties with undesirable neighbors and to make new acquaintances in their extended neighborhood. Moreover, cooperation is robust with respect to rather strong strategy perturbations. We also discuss the empirical structure of the emerging networks, and the reasons that allow cooperators to thrive in the population. Given the metaphorical importance of this game for social interaction, this is an encouraging positive result as standard theory for large mixing populations prescribes that a certain fraction of defectors must always exist at equilibrium.


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BACKGROUND: Previous studies on the impact of cannabis use disorders (CU) on outcome in psychosis were predominantly based on non representative samples, often have not controlled for confounders and rarely focused on adolescent patients. Thus, the aims of the present study were to assess: (i) prevalence of CU; (ii) baseline and pretreatment differences between CU and those without CU (NCU); (iii) the impact of baseline and course of CU on 18-month outcomes in a representative cohort of adolescents with early onset first episode psychosis (EOP). METHODS: The sample comprised 99 adolescents (age 14 to 18) with EOP (onset age 14 to 17), admitted to the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre in Australia. Data were collected from medical files using a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Prevalence of lifetime CU was 65.7%, of current CU at baseline 53.5%, and of persistent CU throughout treatment 26.3%. Baseline CU compared to NCU had significantly higher illness-severity, lower psychosocial functioning, less insight, lower premorbid functioning and longer duration of untreated psychosis. Compared to all other groups, only persistent CU was linked to worse outcomes and more service disengagement. Effect sizes were medium controlling for relevant confounders. Medication non-adherence did not explain the association between persistent CU and worse outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Baseline CU was associated with worse baseline characteristics, but only persistent CU was linked with worse outcome. About half of those with baseline CU reduced cannabis during treatment. For these, effectively treating the psychotic disorder may already be beneficial. However, future research is necessary on the reasons for persistent CU in EOP and its treatment.


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Background: Computer assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) was demonstrated to be efficient in improving cognitive deficits in adults with psychosis. However, scarce studies explored the outcome of CACR in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Aims: To investigate the effectiveness of a computer-assisted cognitive remediation (CACR) program in adolescents with psychosis or at high risk. Method: Intention to treat analyses included 32 adolescents who participated in a blinded 8-week randomized controlled trial of CACR treatment compared to computer games (CG). Cognitive abilities, symptoms and psychosocial functioning were assessed at baseline and posttreatment. Results: Improvement in visuospatial abilities was significantly greater in the CACR group than in CG. Other cognitive functions, psychotic symptoms and psychosocial functioning improved significantly, but at similar rates, in the two groups. Conclusion: CACR can be successfully administered in this population; it proved to be effective over and above CG for the most intensively trained cognitive ability.


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BACKGROUND: This study measures the impact of beliefs about auditory hallucinations on social functioning. SAMPLING AND METHODS: Twenty-nine subjects who met the ICD-10 criteria for schizophrenia or a schizo-affective disorder were included. Beliefs about voices and coping responses as measured by the Beliefs about Voices Questionnaire were compared with social functioning as assessed with the Life Skills Profile (LSP). RESULTS: The belief that voices are benevolent was associated with poor communication. Engagement with voices was correlated with the non-turbulence and the compliance factors of the LSP. Patients who held the belief that their voices were benevolent functioned significantly more poorly on the communication factor of the LSP than patients who interpreted their voices as malevolent. DISCUSSION: The results indicate that a positive relationship with voices may affect social functioning. However, the size of the sample is small and patients with benevolent voices are overrepresented. Nonetheless, these results have implications for the use of cognitive therapy for psychotic symptoms


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PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of combining hyperthermia with a DNA repair inhibitor (double-strand break bait [Dbait]) and its potential application to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in a preclinical model of human colorectal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee of animal experimentation approved all investigations. First, the relevance was assessed by studying the survival of four human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell cultures after 1 hour of hyperthermia at 41°C or 43°C with or without Dbait. Human colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) were grafted subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 111). When tumors reached approximately 500 mm(3), mice were treated with Dbait alone (n = 20), sublethal RFA (n = 21), three different Dbait schemes and sublethal RFA (n = 52), or a sham treatment (n = 18). RFA was performed to ablate the tumor center alone. To elucidate antitumor mechanisms, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathologic analysis, including assessment of DNA damage, cell proliferation, and tumor necrosis. Others were monitored for tumor growth and survival. Analyses of variance and log-rank tests were used to evaluate differences. RESULTS: When associated with mild hyperthermia, Dbait induced cytotoxicity in all tested colon cancer cell lines. Sublethal RFA or Dbait treatment alone moderately improved survival (median, 40 days vs 28 days for control; P = .0005) but combination treatment significantly improved survival (median, 84 days vs 40 days for RFA alone, P = .0004), with approximately half of the animals showing complete tumor responses. Pathologic studies showed that the Dbait and RFA combination strongly enhances DNA damage and coagulation areas in tumors. CONCLUSION: Combining Dbait with RFA sensitizes the tumor periphery to mild hyperthermia and increases RFA antitumor efficacy.


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Objective: To report a single-center experience treating patients with squamous- cell carcinoma of the anal canal using helical Tomotherapy (HT) and concurrent chemotherapy (CT).Materials/Methods: From October 2007 to February 2011, 55 patients were treated with HT and concurrent CT (5-fluorouracil/capecitabin and mitomycin) for anal squamous-cell carcinoma. All patients underwent computed- tomography-based treatment planning, with pelvic and inguinal nodes receiving 36 Gy in 1.8 Gy/fraction. Following a planned 1-week break, primary tumor site and involved nodes were boosted to a total dose 59.4 Gy in 1.8 Gy/fraction. Dose-volume histograms of several organs at risk (OAR; bladder, small intestine, rectum, femoral heads, penile bulb, external genitalia) were assessed in terms of conformal avoidance. All toxicity was scored according to the CTCAE, v.3.0. HT plans and treatment were implemented using the Tomotherapy, Inc. software and hardware. For dosimetric comparisons, 3D RT and/or IMRT plans were also computed for some of the patients using the CMS planning system, for treatment with 6-18 MV photons and/or electrons with suitable energies from a Siemens Primus linear accelerator equipped with a multileaf collimator.Locoregional control and survival curves were compared with the log-rank test, and multivariate analysis by the Cox model.Results: With 360-degree-of-freedom beam projection, HT has an advantage over other RT techniques (3D or 5-field step-and-shot IMRT). There is significant improvement over 3D or 5-field IMRT plans in terms of dose conformity around the PTV, and dose gradients are steeper outside the target volume, resulting in reduced doses to OARs. Using HT, acute toxicity was acceptable, and seemed to be better than historical standards.Conclusions: Our results suggest that HT combined with concurrent CT for anal cancer is effective and tolerable. Compared to 3D RT or 5-field step-andshot IMRT, there is better conformity around the PTV, and better OAR sparing.


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Atherosclerosis, which is influenced by both traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors and has been characterized as an inflammatory process, is considered to be the main cause of the elevated cardiovascular risk associated with chronic kidney disease. The inflammatory component of atherosclerosis can be separated into an innate immune response involving monocytes and macrophages that respond to the excessive uptake of lipoproteins and an adaptive immune response that involves antigen-specific T cells. Concurrent with the influx of immune cells to the site of atherosclerotic lesion, the role of the adaptive immune response gradually increases. One of those cells are represented by the CD4+/CD25+ Tregs, which play indispensable roles in the maintenance of natural self-tolerance and negative control of pathological, as well as physiological, immune responses. Altered self-antigens such as oxidized LDLs may induce the development of CD4+/CD25+ Tregs with atheroprotective properties. However, atherosclerosis may be promoted by an imbalance between regulatory and pathogenic immunity that may be represented by the low expression of the forkhead box transcription factor (Foxp3) in CD4+/CD25+ Tregs. Such a defect may break immunologic tolerance and alter both specific and bystander immune suppression, leading to exacerbation of plaque development. Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) display a cellular immune dysfunction and accelerated atherosclerosis. Uremic solutes that accumulate during ESKD may be involved in these processes. In patients with ESKD and especially in those that are chronically hemodialyzed, oxidative stress induced by oxidized LDLs may increase CD4+/CD25+ Treg sensitivity to Fas-mediated apoptosis as a consequence of specific dysregulation of IL-2 expression. This review will focus on the current state of knowledge regarding the influence of CD4+/CD25+ Tregs on atherogenesis in patients with ESKD, and the potential effect of statins on the circulating number and the functional properties of these cells.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the degree of psychological distress in adult childhood cancer survivors in Switzerland and to characterize survivors with significant distress. METHODS: Childhood cancer survivors who were age younger than 16 years when diagnosed between 1976 and 2003, had survived more than 5 years, and were currently age 20 years or older received a postal questionnaire. Psychological distress was assessed using the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Raw scores were transformed into T scores according to the German norm sample, and the proportion of participants being at increased risk for psychological distress was calculated (case rule: T > or = 63). t tests and univariable and multivariable logistic regressions were used for statistical analyses. RESULTS: One thousand seventy-six survivors (63.% of eligible survivors, 71.9% of contacted survivors) returned the questionnaire, 987 with complete data on BSI. Comparison with the norm populations showed lower T scores (T < 50) in the Global Severity Index (GSI; T = 46.2), somatization (T = 47.6), obsessive-compulsive tendencies (T = 46.9), and anxiety (T = 48.4). However, more childhood cancer survivors (especially women) had increased distress for GSI (14.4%), interpersonal sensitivity (16.5%), depression (13.4%), aggression (16.9%), and psychotic tendencies (15.6%) than the expected 10% from the norm population. Caseness was associated with female sex, being a single child, older age at study, and self-reported late effects, especially psychological problems. CONCLUSION: Results show that childhood cancer survivors, on average, have less psychological distress than a norm population but that the proportion of survivors at risk for high psychological distress is disproportionally large. Monitoring psychological distress in childhood cancer survivors may be desirable during routine follow-up, and psychological support should be offered as needed.


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BACKGROUND: In 2005, findings of the first "cost of disorders of the brain in Europe" study of the European Brain Council (EBC) showed that these costs cause a substantial economic burden to the Swiss society. In 2010 an improved update with a broader range of disorders has been analysed. This report shows the new findings for Switzerland and discusses changes. METHODS: Data are derived from the EBC 2010 census study that estimates 12-month prevalence of 12 groups of disorders of the brain and calculates costs (direct health-care costs, direct non-medical costs and indirect costs) by combining top-down and bottom up cost approaches using existing data. RESULTS: The most frequent disorder was headache (2.3 million). Anxiety disorders were found in 1 million persons and sleep disorders in 700,000 persons. Annual costs for all assessed disorders total to 14.5 billion Euro corresponding to about 1,900 EUR per inhabitant per year. Mood, psychotic disorders and dementias (appr. 2 billion EUR each) were most costly. Costs per person were highest for neurological/neurosurgery-relevant disorders, e.g. neuromuscular disorders, brain tumour and multiple sclerosis (38,000 to 24,000 EUR). CONCLUSION: The estimates of the EBC 2010 study for Switzerland provide a basis for health care planning. Increase in size and costs compared to 2005 are mostly due to the inclusion of new disorders (e.g., sleep disorders), or the re-definition of others (e.g., headache) and to an increase in younger cohorts. We suggest coordinated research and preventive measures coordinated between governmental bodies, private health-care and pharmaceutical companies.


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Starting from the early descriptions of Kraepelin and Bleuler, the construct of schizotypy was developed from observations of aberrations in nonpsychotic family members of schizophrenia patients. In contemporary diagnostic manuals, the positive symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder were included in the ultra high-risk (UHR) criteria 20 years ago, and nowadays are broadly employed in clinical early detection of psychosis. The schizotypy construct, now dissociated from strict familial risk, also informed research on the liability to develop any psychotic disorder, and in particular schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, even outside clinical settings. Against the historical background of schizotypy it is surprising that evidence from longitudinal studies linking schizotypy, UHR, and conversion to psychosis has only recently emerged; and it still remains unclear how schizotypy may be positioned in high-risk research. Following a comprehensive literature search, we review 18 prospective studies on 15 samples examining the evidence for a link between trait schizotypy and conversion to psychosis in 4 different types of samples: general population, clinical risk samples according to UHR and/or basic symptom criteria, genetic (familial) risk, and clinical samples at-risk for a nonpsychotic schizophrenia-spectrum diagnosis. These prospective studies underline the value of schizotypy in high-risk research, but also point to the lack of evidence needed to better define the position of the construct of schizotypy within a developmental psychopathology perspective of emerging psychosis and schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.


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The rice low phytic acid (lpa) mutant Os-lpa-XS110-1(XS-lpa) has ~45 % reduction in seed phytic acid (PA) compared with the wild-type cultivar Xiushui 110. Previously, a single recessive gene mutation was shown to be responsible for the lpa phenotype and was mapped to a region of chromosome 3 near OsMIK (LOC_Os03g52760) and OsIPK1 (LOC_Os03g51610), two genes involved in PA biosynthesis. Here, we report the identification of a large insert in the intron of OsMIK in the XS-lpa mutant. Sequencing of fragments amplified through TAIL-PCRs revealed that the insert was a derivative of the LINE retrotransposon gene LOC_Os03g56910. Further analyses revealed the following characteristics of the insert and its impacts: (1) the inserted sequence of LOC_Os03g56910 was split at its third exon and rejoined inversely, with its 5' and 3' flanking sequences inward and the split third exon segments outward; (2) the LOC_Os03g56910 remained in its original locus in XS-lpa, and the insertion probably resulted from homologous recombination repair of a DNA double strand break; (3) while the OsMIK transcripts of XS-lpa and Xiushui 110 were identical, substantial reductions of the transcript abundance (~87 %) and the protein level (~60 %) were observed in XS-lpa, probably due to increased methylation in its promoter region. The above findings are discussed in the context of plant mutagenesis, epigenetics and lpa breeding.


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There has been increasing attention to the subgroups of mood disorders and their boundaries with other mental disorders, particularly psychoses. The goals of the present paper were (1) to assess the familial aggregation and co-aggregation patterns of the full spectrum of mood disorders (that is, bipolar, schizoaffective (SAF), major depression) based on contemporary diagnostic criteria; and (2) to evaluate the familial specificity of the major subgroups of mood disorders, including psychotic, manic and major depressive episodes (MDEs). The sample included 293 patients with a lifetime diagnosis of SAF disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder (MDD), 110 orthopedic controls, and 1734 adult first-degree relatives. The diagnostic assignment was based on all available information, including direct diagnostic interviews, family history reports and medical records. Our findings revealed specificity of the familial aggregation of psychosis (odds ratio (OR)=2.9, confidence interval (CI): 1.1-7.7), mania (OR=6.4, CI: 2.2-18.7) and MDEs (OR=2.0, CI: 1.5-2.7) but not hypomania (OR=1.3, CI: 0.5-3.6). There was no evidence for cross-transmission of mania and MDEs (OR=.7, CI:.5-1.1), psychosis and mania (OR=1.0, CI:.4-2.7) or psychosis and MDEs (OR=1.0, CI:.7-1.4). The strong familial specificity of psychotic, manic and MDEs in this largest controlled contemporary family study challenges the growing assertion that the major types of mood disorders are manifestations of a common underlying diathesis.