157 resultados para phosphorylated Tau
In the corpus callosum of the cat, the heavy subunit of neurofilaments (NFH) can be demonstrated with the monoclonal antibody NE14, as early as P11, not at P3, and only in a few axons. At P18-19 and more markedly at P29, many more callosal axons have become positive to NE14 and this is similar to what is found in the adult. In contrast, callosal axons become positive to the neurofilament antibody SMI-32 only between P29 and P39 and remain positive in the adult. Treatment with alkaline phosphatase prevents axonal staining with NE14, but results in SMI-32 staining of a few callosal axons as early as P11, but not at P3. Between P11 and P19 the number of axons stained with SMI-32 after alkaline phosphatase treatment increases, in parallel with that of axons stained with NE14. Thus NE14 appears to recognize a phosphorylated form of NFH, while SMI-32 appears to recognize an epitope of NFH which is either masked by phosphate or inaccessible until between P29 and P39, unless the tissue is treated with alkaline phosphatase. These two forms of NFH appear towards the end of the period of massive developmental elimination of callosal axons. They are also synchronous with changes in the spacing of neurofilaments quantified in a separate ultrastructural study. These cytoskeletal changes may terminate the juvenile-labile state of callosal axons and allow further axial growth of the axon.
mTORC1 is a central regulator of growth in response to nutrient availability, but few direct targets have been identified. RNA polymerase (pol) III produces a number of essential RNA molecules involved in protein synthesis, RNA maturation, and other processes. Its activity is highly regulated, and deregulation can lead to cell transformation. The human phosphoprotein MAF1 becomes dephosphorylated and represses pol III transcription after various stresses, but neither the significance of the phosphorylations nor the kinase involved is known. We find that human MAF1 is absolutely required for pol III repression in response to serum starvation or TORC1 inhibition by rapamycin or Torin1. The protein is phosphorylated mainly on residues S60, S68, and S75, and this inhibits its pol III repression function. The responsible kinase is mTORC1, which phosphorylates MAF1 directly. Our results describe molecular mechanisms by which mTORC1 controls human MAF1, a key repressor of RNA polymerase III transcription, and add a new branch to the signal transduction cascade immediately downstream of TORC1.
Introduction : Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule associated protein expressed by migrating neural precursors. DCX is also expressed in approximately 4% of all cortical cells in adult normal primate brain. DCX expression is also enhanced locally in response to an acute insult made to the brain. This is thought to play a role in plasticity or neural repair. That being said, it would be interesting to know how the expression of DCX is modified in a more chronic insult, like in neurodegeneration such as in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD). The aim of my study is to study the expression of DCX cells in the cortex of patients having a neurodegenerative disease, compared to control patients. Method: DCX cells quantification on 9 DCX‐stained 5 μm thick formalin fixed paraffin embedded brain sections: 3 Alzheimer's disease patients, 3 Parkinson's disease patients and 3 control patients. Each patient had several sections that we could stain with different stainings (GALLYA, TAU, DCX). By using a computerized image analysis system (Explora Nova, La Rochelle, France), cortical columns were selected on areas on the cortex with a lot of degeneration subjectively observed on GALLYA stained sections and on TAU stained sections. Then total number of cells was counted on TAU sections, where all nuclei were colored in blue. Then the DCX cells were counted on the corresponding DCX sections. These values were standardized to a reference surface area. The ratio of DCX cells over total cells was then calculated. Results : There is a difference of DCX cell expression between Alzheimer's Disease patients and control patients. The percentage of dcx cells in the cortex of an Alzheimer's patient is around 12.54% ± 2.17%, where as in the cortex of control patients, it is around 5.47% ± 0.83%. On the other hand, there is no significant difference in the ratio of DCX cells over total cells between parkinson's patients and control patients, both having around 5% of DCX cells. Discussion: There is a dramatic increase of DCX expression in AD (12.5%) compared to PD and controls (5.5%). The increase in DCX ratio in AD may have two potential causes: 1.The increased ratio is due to DCX cells being more resistant to degeneration compared to surrounding cells which are degenerating due to AD, leading to the cortical atrophy observed in AD patients. So the decrease of total cells without any change in the number of DCX cells makes the ratio bigger in AD compared to the controls. 2.The increased ratio is due to an actual increase in DCX cells. This means that there is some neural repair to compensate the degenerative process, just like the repair process observed in acute lesions to the brain. This second idea can be integrated in the broader point of view of neuroinflammation. The progression of the disease would trigger neuroinflammation and the process following the primary inflammatory response which is neural repair. So our study can show that the increase in DCX cells is an attempt to repair the degenerated neurons, in the context of neuroinflammation triggered by the physiopathological progression of the disease.
Résumé : L'amygdale latérale (AL) joue un .rôle essentiel dans la plasticité synaptique à la base du conditionnement de la peur. Malgré le faite que la majorité des cellules de l'AL reçoivent les afférentes nécessaires, une potentialisation dans seulement une partie d'entre elles est obligatoire afin que l'apprentissage de la peur ait lieu. Il a été montré que ces cellules expriment la forme active de CREB, et celui-ci a été associé aux cellules dites de type 'nonaccomrnodating' (nAC). Très récemment, une étude a impliqué les circuits récurrents de l'AL dans le conditionnement de la peur. Un lien entre ces deux observations n'a toutefois jamais été établi. t Nous avons utilisé un protocole in vitro de forte activation de l'AL, résultant dans l'induction de 'bursts' provenant de l'hippocampe et se propageant jusqu'à l'AL. Dans l'AL ces 'bursts' atteignent toutes les cellules et se propagent à travers plusieurs chemins. Utilisant ce protocole, nous avons, pour la première fois pu associer dans l'AL, des cellules connectées de manière récurrente avec des cellules de type nAC. Aussi bien dans ces dernières que dans les cellules de type 'accommodating' (AC), une diminution dans la transmission inhibitrice, à la fois exprimée de manière pré synaptique mais également indépendant de la synthèse de protéine a pu être observé. Au contraire, une potentialisation induite et exprimée au niveau pré synaptique ainsi que dépendante de la synthèse de protéine a pu être trouvé uniquement dans les cellules de type nAC. De plus, une hyperexcitabilité, dépendante des récepteurs NMDA a pu être observé, avec une sélection préférentielle des cellules du type nAC dans la génération de bursts. Nous avons également pu démontrer que la transformation d'un certain nombre de cellules de type AC en cellules dites nAC accompagnait cette augmentation générale de l'excitabilité de l'AL. Du faite da la grande quantité d'indices suggérant une connexion entre le système noradrénergique et les états de peur/d'anxiété, les effets d'une forte activation de l'AL sur ce dernier ont été investigués et ont révélés une perte de sa capacité de modulation du 'spiking pattern'. Finalement, des changements au niveau de l'expression d'un certain nombre de gènes, incluant celui codant pour le BDNF, a pu être trouvé à la suite d'une forte activation de l'AL. En raison du lien récemment décrit entre l'expression de la forme active de CREB et des cellules de type nAC ainsi que celui de l'implication des cellules de l'AL connectés de manière récurrente dans l'apprentissage de la peur, nos résultats nous permettent de suggérer un modèle expliquant comment la potentialisation des connections récurrentes entre cellules de type nAC pourrait être à la base de leur recrutement sélectif pendant le conditionnement de la peur. De plus, ils peuvent offrir des indices par rapport aux mécanismes à travers lesquels une sous population de neurones peut être réactivée par une stimulation externe précédemment inefficace, et induire ainsi un signal suffisamment fort pour qu'il soit transmit aux structures efférentes de l'AL. Abstract : The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is critically involved in the plasticity underlying fear-conditioned learning (Sah et al., 2008). Even though the majority of cells in the LA receive the necessary sensory inputs, potentiation in only a subset is required for fear learning to occur (Repa et al., 2001; Rumpel et al., 2005). These cells express active CREB (CAMP-responsive element-binding protein) (Han et al., 200, and this was related to the non-accommodating (nAC) spiking phenotype (Viosca et al., 2009; Zhou et al., 2009). In addition, a very recent study implicated recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear conditioned learning (Johnson et al., 2008). A link between the two observations has however never been made. In rats, we used an in vitro protocol of strong activation of the LA, resulting in bursting activity, which spread from the hippocampus to the LA. Within the LA, this activity reached all cells and spread via a multitude of pathways. Using this model, we were able to link, for the first time, recurrently connected cells in the LA with cells of the nAC phenotype. While we found a presynaptically expressed, protein synthesis independent decrease in inhibitory synaptic transmission in both nAC and accommodating (AC) cells, only nAC cells underwent a presynaptically induced and expressed, protein synthesis dependent potentiation. Moreover we observed an NMDA dependent hyperexcitability of the LA, with a preferential selection of nAC cells into burst generation. The transformation of a subset of AC cells into nAC cells accompanied this general increase in LA excitability. Given the considerable evidence suggesting a relationship between the central noradrenergic (NA) system and fear/anxiety states (Itoi, 2008), the effects of strong activation of the LA on the noradrenergic system were investigated, which revealed a loss of its modulatory actions on cell spiking patterns. Finally, we found changes in the expression levels of a number of genes; among which the one coding for $DNF, to be induced by strong activation of the LA. In view of the recently described link between nAC cells and expression of pCREB (phosphorylated cAMP-responsive element-binding protein) as well as the involvement of recurrently connected cells of the LA in fear-conditioned learning, our findings may provide a model of how potentiation of recurrent connections between nAC neurons underlies their recruitment into the fear memory trace. Additionally, they may offer clues as to the mechanisms through which a selected subset of neurons can be reactivated by smaller, previously ineffective external stimulations to respond with a sufficiently strong signal, which can be transmitted to downstream targets of the LA.
SCG10 is a neuron-specific, membrane-associated protein that is highly concentrated in growth cones of developing neurons. Previous studies have suggested that it is a regulator of microtubule dynamics and that it may influence microtubule polymerization in growth cones. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo, SCG10 exists in both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, two phosphoisoforms were detected in neonatal rat brain. Using in vitro phosphorylated recombinant protein, four phosphorylation sites were identified in the SCG10 sequence. Ser-50 and Ser-97 were the target sites for protein kinase A, Ser-62 and Ser-73 for mitogen-activated protein kinase and Ser-73 for cyclin-dependent kinase. We also show that overexpression of SCG10 induces a disruption of the microtubule network in COS-7 cells. By expressing different phosphorylation site mutants, we have dissected the roles of the individual phosphorylation sites in regulating its microtubule-destabilizing activity. We show that nonphosphorylatable mutants have increased activity, whereas mutants in which phosphorylation is mimicked by serine-to-aspartate substitutions have decreased activity. These data suggest that the microtubule-destabilizing activity of SCG10 is regulated by phosphorylation, and that SCG10 may link signal transduction of growth or guidance cues involving serine/threonine protein kinases to alterations of microtubule dynamics in the growth cone.
ABSTRACT : Fungal infections have become a major source of diseases in immuncompromised patients, but are quite benign in healthy individuals. As fungi are eukaryotes, and share many biological processes with humans, many antifungal drugs can cause toxicity in the patients. Therefore, the characterization of signaling pathways specific to the anti-fungal immune response is relevant for the better understanding of the disease and the development of new therapeutic approaches. Dectin-1 is the major mammalian pattern recognition receptor for the fungal component zymosan. Dectin-1 is an innate non-Toll-like receptor containing immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs). Card9, Bc110 and Maltl are proteins that have been shown to play a key role in the Dectin-l-induced signaliñg pathway by controlling Dectin-l-mediated cell activation, cytokine production and innate anti-fungal immunity in mice. Here we investigate the role of the Card9-Bc110-Maltl complex in humans using the monocytic cell line THP-1. We show that Card9 interacts with Bc110 through a CARD-CARD interaction and that interaction of Card9 with Bc110 is required for NF-xB activation. We further demonstrate that Card9 is phosphorylated in its C-terminal part on serine residues. The phosphorylation status of Card9 can influence its ability to active NF-xB, since mutation of the phosphorylation sites increases its ability to activate NF-xB. We find that Card9 is expressed in myeloid derived cells, such as the human monocytic cell lines THP1 and U937, and in human monocyte-enriched PBLs and monocyte-derived DCs. Our findings demonstrate that Card9 is implicated in anti-fungal responses, since silencing of Card9 as well as of Bc110 and Maltl diminishes the capacity of THP1 cells to produce TNF-a in response to zymosan. Interestingly, activation of the NF-xB and MAPK pathway remained normal and levels of TNF-a mRNA produced were also not affected in THP 1 cells silenced for the expression of Card9, Bc110 or Malt1. Using a Malt1 inhibitor, we provide evidence that the proteolytic activity of Malt1 is needed for zymosan-induced TNF-a production in THP 1 cells and bone marrow-derived macrophages of mice, but further experiments are required to confirm these findings and identify the substrate(s) of Malt1. In conclusion, our results reveal an important role for Card9 in the innate immune response of human macrophages to fungi. RÉSUMÉ : Les infections fongiques sont une source majeure de maladie chez les patients immunodéprimés, alors qu'elles sont plutôt bénignes chez les individus sains. Comme les champignons sont des eucaryotes et partagent beaucoup de processus biologiques avec les humains, les médicaments antifongiques peuvent être source de toxicité chez les patients. Il est donc important de mieux caractériser les voies de signalisation intracellulaire des réponses anti-fongiques pour pouvoir développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. La protéine Dectin-1 est le récepteur principal du composé fongique zymosan. Les protéines Card9, Bc110 et Maltl ont été décrites comme jouant un rôle primordial dans les signaux d'activation induits par Dectin-l, en contrôlant l'activité cellulaire, la production de cytokines et la défense anti-fongique dans les souris. Dans cette étude, nous investiguons le rôle du complexe Card9-Bc110-Maltl dans la lignée monocytaire humaine THP1. Nous montrons que Card9 interagit avec Bc110 par une interaction CARD-CARD et que cette interaction est requise pour activer le facteur de transcription NF-xB. Nous observons que Card9 est phosphorylé dans sa partie C-terminale sur des résidus serine et que l'état de phosphorylation de Card9 influence sa capacité à activer NF-xB. En effet, sa capacité à activer NF-xB est augmentée, après mutation des sites de phosphorylation. La génération d'un anticorps spécifique dirigé contre Card9 nous a permis de démontrer que Card9 est exprimé dans des cellules myéloïdes comme les lignées cellulaires monocytiques THP-1 et U-937, ainsi que dans les cellules dendritiques humaines. Nos résultats démontrent que Card9 est impliqué dans la réponse immunitaire antifongique puisque la réduction de l'expression de Card9 ainsi que de Bc110 et de Malt1 diminue la capacité des THP-1 à produire du TNF-a en réponse au zymosan. Par contre, les voies de signalisation NF-xB et MAPK ainsi que les niveaux de mRNA de TNF-a produits en réponse au zymosan ne sont pas affectés dans ces cellules. En utilisant un inhibiteur de Malt1, nous montrons que l'activité protéolytique de Malt1 est nécessaire pour la production de TNF-a induite par le zymosan dans les cellules THP-1 ainsi que dans les macrophages de souris, mais d'autres expériences seront nécessaires pour confirmer cette observation et identifier le(s) substrat(s) de Malt1 responsables de cet effet. En conclusion, nos résultats révèlent un rôle important de la protéine Card9 dans la réponse immunitaire innée antifongique dans les macrophages humains.
We propose robust estimators of the generalized log-gamma distribution and, more generally, of location-shape-scale families of distributions. A (weighted) Q tau estimator minimizes a tau scale of the differences between empirical and theoretical quantiles. It is n(1/2) consistent; unfortunately, it is not asymptotically normal and, therefore, inconvenient for inference. However, it is a convenient starting point for a one-step weighted likelihood estimator, where the weights are based on a disparity measure between the model density and a kernel density estimate. The one-step weighted likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal and fully efficient under the model. It is also highly robust under outlier contamination. Supplementary materials are available online.
Calcineurin is a key protein phosphatase required for hyphal growth and virulence in Aspergillus fumigatus, making it an attractive antifungal target. However, currently available calcineurin inhibitors, FK506 and cyclosporine A, are immunosuppressive, limiting usage in the treatment of patients with invasive aspergillosis. Therefore, the identification of endogenous inhibitors of calcineurin belonging to the calcipressin family is an important parallel strategy. We previously identified the gene cbpA as the A. fumigatus calcipressin member and showed its involvement in hyphal growth and calcium homeostasis. However, the mechanism of its activation/inhibition through phosphorylation and its interaction with calcineurin remains unknown. Here we show that A. fumigatus CbpA is phosphorylated at three distinct domains, including the conserved SP repeat motif (phosphorylated domain-I; PD-I), a filamentous fungal-specific domain (PD-II), and the C-terminal CIC motif (Calcipressin Inhibitor of Calcineurin; PD-III). While mutation of three phosphorylated residues (Ser208, Ser217, Ser223) in the PD-II did not affect CbpA function in vivo, mutation of the two phosphorylated serines (Ser156, Ser160) in the SP repeat motif caused reduced hyphal growth and sensitivity to oxidative stress. Mutational analysis in the key domains in calcineurin A (CnaA) and proteomic interaction studies confirmed the requirement of PxIxIT motif-binding residues (352-NIR-354) and the calcineurin B (CnaB)-binding helix residue (V371) for the binding of CbpA to CnaA. Additionally, while the calmodulin-binding residues (442-RVF-444) did not affect CbpA binding to CnaA, three mutations (T359P, H361L, and L365S) clustered between the CnaA catalytic and the CnaB-binding helix were also required for CbpA binding. This is the first study to analyze the phosphorylation status of calcipressin in filamentous fungi and identify the domains required for binding to calcineurin.
Increased peripheral and central nervous system cortisol levels have been reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may reflect dysfunction of cerebral components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. However, brain exposure to high cortisol concentrations may also accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline. The objectives of this study were to investigate whether HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at early clinical stages of AD and whether plasma and CSF cortisol levels are associated with clinical disease progression. Morning plasma and CSF cortisol concentrations were obtained from the subjects with AD dementia, mild cognitive impairment of AD type (MCI-AD), MCI of other type (MCI-O), and controls with normal cognition included in a multicenter study from the German Dementia Competence Network. A clinical and neuropsychological follow-up was performed in a subgroup of participants with MCI-AD, MCI-O, and AD dementia. CSF cortisol concentrations were increased in the subjects with AD dementia or MCI-AD compared with subjects with MCI-O or normal cognition. After controlling for possible confounders including CSF measures of amyloid beta1-42 and total tau, higher baseline CSF cortisol levels were associated with faster clinical worsening and cognitive decline in MCI-AD. The findings suggest that HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at the MCI stage of AD and may accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline.
Seizures can be an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and can precede cognitive decline. Early epilepsy in AD can mimic transient epileptic amnesic syndrome (TEAS) or epileptic amnesic syndrome. We report the case of a patient who started a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-proven AD with partial seizures and TEAS that secondarily became a cortical posterior atrophy syndrome. CSF biomarkers showed a high amyloid production, amyloidopathy, and high level of total tau and p-Tau. This observation adds data to the complex AD-early epilepsy interactions and illustrates that atypical AD can cause a TEAS. Possible red flags for an underlying neurodegenerative process in TEAS are discussed.
Lymphomas arising from NK or γδ-T cells are very aggressive diseases and little is known regarding their pathogenesis. Here we report frequent activating mutations of STAT3 and STAT5B in NK/T-cell lymphomas (n=51), γδ-T-cell lymphomas (n=43) and their cell lines (n=9) through next generation and/or Sanger sequencing. STAT5B N642H is particularly frequent in all forms of γδ-T-cell lymphomas. STAT3 and STAT5B mutations are associated with increased phosphorylated protein and a growth advantage to transduced cell lines or normal NK cells. Growth-promoting activity of the mutants can be partially inhibited by a JAK1/2 inhibitor. Molecular modelling and surface plasmon resonance measurements of the N642H mutant indicate a marked increase in binding affinity of the phosphotyrosine-Y699 with the mutant histidine. This is associated with the prolonged persistence of the mutant phosphoSTAT5B and marked increase of binding to target sites. Our findings suggest that JAK-STAT pathway inhibition may represent a therapeutic strategy.
OBJECTIVES: Chloride intracellular channel protein 4 (Clic4) is a ubiquitously expressed protein involved in multiple cellular processes including cell-cycle control, cell differentiation, and apoptosis. Here, we investigated the role of Clic4 in pancreatic β-cell apoptosis. METHODS: We used βTC-tet cells and islets from β-cell specific Clic4 knockout mice (βClic4KO) and assessed cytokine-induced apoptosis, Bcl2 family protein expression and stability, and identified Clic4-interacting proteins by co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry analysis. RESULTS: We show that cytokines increased Clic4 expression in βTC-tet cells and in mouse islets and siRNA-mediated silencing of Clic4 expression in βTC-tet cells or its genetic inactivation in islets β-cells, reduced cytokine-induced apoptosis. This was associated with increased expression of Bcl-2 and increased expression and phosphorylation of Bad. Measurement of Bcl-2 and Bad half-lives in βTC-tet cells showed that Clic4 silencing increased the stability of these proteins. In primary islets β-cells, absence of Clic4 expression increased Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL expression as well as expression and phosphorylation of Bad. Mass-spectrometry analysis of proteins co-immunoprecipitated with Clic4 from βTC-tet cells showed no association of Clic4 with Bcl-2 family proteins. However, Clic4 co-purified with proteins from the proteasome suggesting a possible role for Clic4 in regulating protein degradation. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, our data show that Clic4 is a cytokine-induced gene that sensitizes β-cells to apoptosis by reducing the steady state levels of Bcl-2, Bad and phosphorylated Bad.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Only 5% of the Alzheimer's cases are explained by genetic mutations, whereas the remaining 95% are sporadic. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying sporadic Alzheimer's disease are not well understood, suggesting a complex multifactorial cause. This review summarizes the recent findings on research aiming to show how biomarkers can be used for revealing the underlying mechanisms of preclinical stage Alzheimer's disease and help in their diagnosis. RECENT FINDINGS: The undisputed successful publicly accessible repositories provide longitudinal brain images, clinical, genetic and proteomic information of Alzheimer's disease. By combining with increasingly sophisticated data analysis methods, it is a great opportunity for searching new biomarkers. Innovative studies validated theoretical models of disease progression demonstrating the sequential ordering of well-established biomarkers. Novel observations shed light on the interaction between biomarkers to confirm that disease progression is related to multiple pathological factors. A typical example is the tau-associated neuronal toxicity that can be additionally potentiated by amyloid β peptides. To increase further the complexity, studies report specific impact of common genetic variants that can be traced from childhood through middle age up to the symptomatic onset of Alzheimer's disease. SUMMARY: The discovery of efficient therapies to prevent the disease or modify the progression of disease requires a more thorough understanding of the underlying biological processes. Neuroimaging, genetic and proteomic biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease are critically discussed and proposed to be included in clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines.
β-Adrenergic modulation of skeletal muscle contraction: key role of excitation-contraction coupling.
Our aim is to describe the acute effects of catecholamines/β-adrenergic agonists on contraction of non-fatigued skeletal muscle in animals and humans, and explain the mechanisms involved. Adrenaline/β-agonists (0.1-30 μm) generally augment peak force across animal species (positive inotropic effect) and abbreviate relaxation of slow-twitch muscles (positive lusitropic effect). A peak force reduction also occurs in slow-twitch muscles in some conditions. β2 -Adrenoceptor stimulation activates distinct cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases to phosphorylate multiple target proteins. β-Agonists modulate sarcolemmal processes (increased resting membrane potential and action potential amplitude) via enhanced Na(+) -K(+) pump and Na(+) -K(+) -2Cl(-) cotransporter function, but this does not increase force. Myofibrillar Ca(2+) sensitivity and maximum Ca(2+) -activated force are unchanged. All force potentiation involves amplified myoplasmic Ca(2+) transients consequent to increased Ca(2+) release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This unequivocally requires phosphorylation of SR Ca(2+) release channels/ryanodine receptors (RyR1) which sensitize the Ca(2+) -induced Ca(2+) release mechanism. Enhanced trans-sarcolemmal Ca(2+) influx through phosphorylated voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels contributes to force potentiation in diaphragm and amphibian muscle, but not mammalian limb muscle. Phosphorylation of phospholamban increases SR Ca(2+) pump activity in slow-twitch fibres but does not augment force; this process accelerates relaxation and may depress force. Greater Ca(2+) loading of SR may assist force potentiation in fast-twitch muscle. Some human studies show no significant force potentiation which appears to be related to the β-agonist concentration used. Indeed high-dose β-agonists (∼0.1 μm) enhance SR Ca(2+) -release rates, maximum voluntary contraction strength and peak Wingate power in trained humans. The combined findings can explain how adrenaline/β-agonists influence muscle performance during exercise/stress in humans.
Ce papier fournit et discute les résultats d'une grande enquête quantitative sur la pratique religieuse en ville de Fribourg. L'enquête a pu fournir de manière quantifiée les paramètres d'une situation, certes connue : baisse de la pratique, augmentation de la participation des migrants, vieillissement des fidèles et des prêtres. L'enquête aura aussi permis d'observer que certains styles de messes sont préférés à d'autres, que le sentiment d'appartenance est affecté par les réorganisations. Ces paramètres permettent de rendre visible une « révolution silencieuse » du catholicisme, pris dans un étau entre un certain conservatisme des fidèles - qui n'aiment pas que les choses changent - et une hiérarchie catholique - qui a ses lignes de conduites pastorales et éthiques -, que retiennent, chacun à leur façon, une partie des fidèles dans une pratique faible ou peu fréquente.