167 resultados para max-semistable domain of attraction
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) and thyroid hormone receptors (TR) are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which regulate lipid metabolism and tissue differentiation. In order to bind to DNA and activate transcription, PPAR requires the formation of heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor (RXR). In addition to activating transcription through its own response elements, PPAR is able to selectively down-regulate the transcriptional activity of TR, but not vitamin D receptor. The molecular basis of this functional interaction has not been fully elucidated. By means of site-directed mutagenesis of hPPAR alpha we mapped its inhibitory action on TR to a leucine zipper-like motif in the ligand binding domain of PPAR, which is highly conserved among all subtypes of this receptor and mediates heterodimerization with RXR. Replacement of a single leucine by arginine at position 433 of hPPAR alpha (L433R) abolished heterodimerization of PPAR with RXR and consequently its trans-activating capacity. However, a similar mutation of a leucine residue to arginine at position 422 showed no alteration of heterodimerization, DNA binding, or transcriptional activation. The dimerization deficient mutant L433R was no longer able to inhibit TR action, demonstrating that the selective inhibitory effect of PPAR results from the competition for RXR as well as possibly for other TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, abolition of DNA binding by a mutation in the P-box of PPAR (C122S) did not eliminate the inhibition of TR trans-activation, indicating that competition for DNA binding is not involved. Additionally, no evidence for the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers was found in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. In summary, we have demonstrated that PPAR selectively inhibits the transcriptional activity of TRs by competition for RXR and possibly non-RXR TR-auxiliary proteins. In contrast, this functional interaction is independent of the formation of PPAR:TR heterodimers or competition for DNA binding.
Summary The CD4 molecule plays a key role in AIDS pathogenesis, it is required for entry of the virus into permissive cells and its subsequent down-modulation of the cell surface is a hallmark of HN-1 infected cells. The virus encodes no less than three proteins that participate in this process: Nef, Vpu and Env. Vpu protein interacts with CD4 within the endoplasmic reticulum of infected cells, where it targets CD4 for degradation through the interaction with a cellular protein named ß-TrCP1. This F-box protein functions as the substrate recognition subunit of the SCF ß-Trcr E3 ubiquitin ligase, which normally induce the ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of various proteins such as ß-catenin and IxBa. Mammals possess a homologue of ß-TrCP1, HOS, also named ß-TrCP2 which has a cytoplasmic subcellular distribution. Structural analysis of the ligand-binding domain of both homologues shows striking surface similarities. Both F-box proteins have a redundant role in a number of cellular processes; however the potential role of ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 infected cells has not been evaluated. In the present study, we assessed the existence of génetic variants of BRTC, encoding ß-TrCP1, and evaluated whether these variants would affect CD4 down-modulation. Additionally, we determined whether ß-TrCP2 shares with its homologue structural and functional properties that would allow it to bind Vpu, modulate CD4 expression, and thus participate in HN-1 pathogenesis. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism present in the human population with an allelic frequency of 0.03 that leads to the substitution of alanine 507 by a serine. However, we showed by transient transfection in HeLa CD4+ cells that this variant behaves as ß-TrCP1 with respect to CD4 down-modulation. We established transient expression systems in HeLa CD4+ cells to test whether ß-TrCP2 is implicated in Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation. We show by coimmunoprecipitation experiments that ß-TrCP2 binds Vpu and is able to induce CD4 down-modulation as efficiently as ß-TrCP1. In two different cell lines, HeLa CD4+ and Jurkat, Vpu-mediated CD4 down-modulation could not be completely reversed through the silencing of endogenous ß-TrCP 1 or ß-TrCP2 individually, but required both genes to be silenced simultaneously. We evaluated the role of ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 in HIV-1 life cycle using silencing prior to actual viral infection. Both ß-TrCP1 and ß-TrCP2 contributed to CD4 down-modulation during aone-cycle viral infection iri Ghost cells. In addition, the combined silencing of both homologues in the absence of env and nef reversed CD4 down-modulation, showing that ß-TrCP 1 and ß-TrCP2 represent the main and additive effectors of HIV-1 encoded Vpu. In addition, we showed that silencing of ß-TrCPI but not ß-TrCP2 induced a decrease of HIV-1 LTR-driven expression. In a transient transfection system with Tat and a LTR luciferase reporter, both homologues modulated LTR-driven expression. The present study revealed that ß-TrCP2 represents a novel protein participating in HIV-1 cycle and complete comprehension of the complex interplay occurring between the two F-Box will improve our understanding of HIV-1 infection. Résumé La molécule CD4 joue un rôle clef dans la pathogenèse du SIDA ; elle est requise pour l'entrée du virus dans les cellules permissives et la diminution de sa concentration au niveau de la surface cellulaire est une importante caractéristique des cellules infectées par le VIH-1. Le virus encode pas moins de trois protéines qui participent à ce processus Nef, Vpu et Env. La protéine Vpu lie CD4 au niveau du réticulum endoplasmique et induit sa dégradation en interagissant avec une protéine cellulaire nommée ß-TrCP 1. Cette protéine de type F-Box est une sous unité du complexe ubiquitine-ligase E3 SCFß-TrCP. Elle permet la reconnaissance du substrat par le complexe qui induit l'ubiquitination et la subséquente dégradation de diverses protéines cellulaires comme la ß-catenin ou IκBα. Les mammifères possèdent un homologue à ß-TrCP1appelé ß-TrCP2 (ou HOS). L'analyse comparative du domaine permettant la reconnaissance des substrats des deux homologues montre de frappantes similarités. Le rôle de ß-TrCP2 dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 n'a pas encore été évalué. Lors de cette étude, nous avons recherché l'existence de variants génétique de BTRC (codant pour ß-TrCP1) et nous avons évalué si ces variants pourraient affecter la dégradation des molécules CD4 induite par le virus. Nous avons ainsi identifié un polymorphisme présent dans la population humaine avec une fréquence allélique de 0.03 qui consiste en une substitution de l'alanine 507 par une sérine. Nous avons cependant montré par transfection dans des cellules HeLa CD4+ que ce variant se comporte comme ß-TrCP 1 en ce qui concerne la modulation de CD4. De plus, nous avons déterminé si ß-TrCP2 partageait avec son homologue des propriétés structurelles et fonctionnelles qui lui permettraient de lier Vpu, moduler la concentration de CD4 et ainsi prendre part à la pathogenèse du SIDA. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi un système d'expression temporaire dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Par co-immunoprécipitation, nous avons montré que ß-TrCP2 lie Vpu et est capable d'induire la dégradation de CD4 aussi efficacement que ß-TrCP1. Dans deux différentes lignées cellulaires, HeLa CD4+ et Jurkat, la dégradation de CD4 n'a pu être complètement inhibée par le silencing individuel de ß-TrCP 1 ou ß-TrCP2, mais nécessitait le silencing simultané des 2 gènes. Nous avons évalué le rôle des deux homologues dans le cycle viral du VIH-1 en infectant des cellules Ghost avec le virus après avoir effectué un silencing des deux protéines. Nous avons ainsi montré que ß-TrCP 1 et ß-TrCP2 contribuent de manière additive à la dégradation de CD4 induite par une infection du VIH-1. Le silencing combiné des deux homologues inhiba complètement cette dégradation en l'absence de env et nef, prouvant qu'aucune autre voie ne participe à ce processus: En outre, nous avons montré que le silencing de ß-TrCP 1 mais pas celui de ß-TrCP2 induisait une diminution de l'expression virale sous contrôle du LTR. Nous n'avons cependant pas été en mesure de reconstituer cet effet en exprimant Tat et un gène reporteur sous contrôle du LTR dans des cellules HeLa CD4+. Le présent travail révèle que ß-TrCP2 représente une nouvelle protéine participant dans le cycle viral du VIH-1. Une complète compréhension de l'effet de chacun des deux homologues sur le cycle viral permettra d'améliorer notre compréhension de l'infection par le VIH-1.
Résumé : Le cancer, qui est responsable d'un quart des décès en Suisse, exhibe un état cellulaire désordonné, qui lui-même, est la conséquence d'un dérèglement des gènes. Le gène le plus fréquemment altéré, dans les cas de cancers humains, est p53. Ce gène encode un facteur de transcription, impliqué dans la régulation de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le cycle cellulaire, l'apoptose ou la différenciation. Notre laboratoire a récemment identifié seize nouveaux gènes, dont l'expression est régulée par p53, parmi lesquels sept4, su jet de cette thèse. La protéine 5EPT4 appartient à la famille des septines, qui est impliquée dans la cytokinèse. Dans ce travail, nous avons confirmé la régulation de l'expression de sept4 par p53 dans des tissus de souris, et étonnamment, seul un des deux promoteurs du gène sept4 est contrôlé par p53. En outre, l'approche immunohistologique nous a permis de supposer une implication de la protéine SEPT4 dans le mécanisme de l'exocytose. Cette hypothèse a été confirmée par l'interaction de SEPT4 avec la protéine syntaxine 1A, et par son activité inhibitrice sur la sécrétion stimulée. En élargissant l'étude de la protéine SEPT4, nous avons découvert que celle-ci avait comme partenaire fonctionnel, la protéine Pinl, une enzyme qui catalyse l'isomérisation cis-trans du lien peptidique précédant une proline. bans ce contexte, nous avons démontré que l'interaction entre ces deux protéines reposait sur le domaine WW de Pinl, un type de domaine reconnaissant les motifs phosphoséryl-prolyl et phosphothréonyl-prolyl. Ce dernier résultat nous a conduit à examiner la phosphorylation de 5EPT4. Nous avons démontré que la partie N-terminale de SEPT4 était phosphorylée par la kinase Cdk5. La co¬expression de Cdk5 et de SEPT4 stimule la dégradation de SEPT4, indépendamment de la voie du protéasome. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos observations fournissent l'évidence de l'engagement de la protéine SEPT4 dans la régulation de l'exocytose, et soutiennent le rôle de p53 dans le contrôle de l'exocytose, via SEPT4, ce qui constituerait un nouveau rôle fonctionnel pour ce gardien du génome. Summary: Cancer, which is responsible for a quarter of the deaths in Switzerland, exhibits a disordered cellular state, which itself, is the consequence of an altered state of genes. The most frequently altered gene in human cancer is p53. This gene encodes a transcription factor, implicated in the regulation of numerous genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis or differentiation. Our laboratory has recently identified sixteen new genes whose expression is regulated by p53, amongst them septin 4, which is the subject of this thesis. The SEPT4 protein belongs to the septin family which is implicated in cytokinesis. In the present work, we have confirmed the regulation of sept4 expression by p53 in mouse tissues, and surprisingly, only one of the two sept4 promoters is regulated by p53. In addition, the immunohistologic approach enabled us to suppose a role of SEPT4 in exocytosis. This assumption was confirmed by the interaction of SEPT4 with syntaxin 1A, and by its inhibiting activity on stimulated secretion. By widening the analysis of SEPT4, we identified Pin1 as an interacting protein. Pin1 is an enzyme which catalyzes the cis-trans isomerization of the peptide bond preceding a proline residue. In this context, we showed that the interaction between these two proteins depends on the WW domain of Pin 1. This domain has been shown to function as a phosphoserine- or phosphothreonine¬binding module. This last result prompted us to examine phosphorylation of SEPT4. We demonstrated that the N-terminal portion of SEPT4 was phosphorylated by the Cdk5 kinase. The co-expression of Cdk5 with 5EPT4 stimulates SEPT4 degradation, independently of the proteasome pathway. Thus, these observations provide evidence for the engagement of SEPT4 in the regulation of exocytosis, and supports the role of p53 in the control of exocytosis, via SEPT4, which constitutes a new functional role for this guardian of the genome.
Résumé Le staphylocoque doré est un pathogène responsable d'une grande variété de maladies chez l'être humain. Il est extrêmement bien équipé de facteurs de virulence, dont les adhésines. Jusqu'à présent, 21 protéines liant des composants de tissus de l'hôte ("microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules, MSCRAMM") ont été identifiées, par exemple le "clumping factor" A (CIfA) ou la "fibronectin-binding protein" A (FnBPA). Néanmoins, pour la plupart de ces protéines, leur rôle dans la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré reste à être élucidé. Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer à ce processus. Premièrement, les "MSCRAMM" CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ et SasK ont été exprimés dans une bactérie substitut, Lactococcus lactis, et testés pour leurs propriétés adhésives et leur pathogénicité dans un modèle d'endocardite expérimentale (voir chapitre 1). Cette technique a préalablement été utilisée avec succès et a l'avantage d'éviter le contexte complexe des redondances et systèmes de régulations propres au staphylocoque doré. Les résultats montrent que, de tous les facteurs de virulence testés, seuls CIfA et FnBPA sont d'importance primordiale dans le développement d'endocardite expérimentale. En ce qui concerne l'internalisation dans les cellules endothéliales, seulement FnPBA et FnBPB en sont capables. En outre, l'adhérence à chacun des ligands testés (fibrinogène, fibronectine, kératine, élastine, collagène, et les caillots de fibrine et plaquettes) est très spécifique et est médiée par une ou plusieures adhésines provenant du staphylocoque doré. Par conséquence, ces protéines pourraient représenter des cibles potentielles pour de futures thérapies anti-adhésives contre le staphylocoque doré. Deuxièmement, l'expression des facteurs de virulence décrits dans le chapitre 1 par les souches recombinantes de lactocoques a été vérifiée par une nouvelle méthode utilisant la spectrométrie de masse (voir chapitre 2). L'expression de toutes ces protéines par les souches recombinantes a pu être confirmée. Cette méthode pourrait être de grande valeur dans la vérification de la présence de protéines quelconques dans toutes sortes d'applications. Troisièmement, deux facteurs de virulence du staphylocoque, CIfA et une forme tronquée de FnBPA, ont été exprimés de façon simultanée dans une souche recombinante de lactocoque (voir chapitre 3}. Contrairement à une souche exprimant la FnBPA entière, une souche exprimant la forme tronquée de FnPBA, qui ne contient plus le domaine capable de lier le fibrinogène, perd complètement sa capacité d'infecter dans le modèle d'endocardite expérimentale. Par contre, il est montré que, en cas de complémentation de la forme tronquée de FnPBA avec le domaine de liaison au fibrinogène de CIfA dans la souche double recombinante, le phénotype intégral de FnBPA est récupéré. En conséquence, les facteurs de virulence sont capables de coopérer dans le but de la pathogénie des infections à staphylocoque doré. Summary Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen causing a wide variety of disease. It is extremely well equipped with both secreted and surface-attached virulence factors, which can act as adhesins to host tissues. In total, twenty-one microbial surface components reacting with adherence matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs) have been identified, so far. These include well-characterized adhesins such as clumping factor A (CIfA) or fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA). However, for most of them their potential role in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections remains to be elucidated. This has been attempted in this thesis work. Firstly, the staphylococcal MSCRAMMs CIfA, CIfB, FnBPA, FnBPB, Cna, SpA, Pls, SdrC, SdrD, SdrE, SasD, SasE, SasF, SasG, Sasl, SasJ, and SasK have been expressed in a surrogate bacterium, Lactococcus lactis, and tested for their in vitro adherence properties and their pathogenicity in the rat model of experimental endocarditis (see chapter 1). This model has successfully been used previously, and has the advantage of bypassing the complex S. aureus background of redundancies and differential regulation. Here, it is shown that of the seventeen tested potential virulence factors, only CIfA and FnBPA are critical for the pathogenesis of experimental endocarditis in rats, while internalization into bovine endothelial cells is mediated exclusively by FnBPA and FnBPB. In addition, the adherence to specific host ligands (fibrinogen, fibronectin, keratin, elastin, collagen, and fibrin-platelet clots) is highly specific and mediated by one or few staphylococcal adhesins, respectively. Thus, these surface proteins may represent potential targets for an anti-adhesive strategy against S. aureus infections. Secondly, the expression of the staphylococcal proteins by L. lactis recombinants described in chapter 1 was tested by a novel method using mass spectrometry (see chapter 2). The expression of all the staphylococcal proteins by the respective recombinant lactococcal strain could be confirmed. This method may prove to be of great value in the confirmation of the presence of any given protein in various experimental settings. Thirdly, two staphylococcal virulence factors, CIfA and a truncated form of FnBPA, were expressed simultaneously in one recombinant lactococcal strain (see chapter 3). In contrast to a recombinant strain expressing full-length FnPBA, a recombinant strain expressing a truncated FnPBA, lacking the domain capable of binding fibrinogen, completely lost infectivity in experimental endocarditis. However, it is shown that the complementation of the truncated form of FnBPA with the fibrinogenbinding domain of CIfA in a double recombinant strain results in the recovery of the complete phenotype of full-length FnBPA. Thus, virulence factors can cooperate in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal infections.
Persistence in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is correlated with very limited cell-cell fusion and lack of cytolysis induced by the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV compared to that of the cytolytic Onderstepoort vaccine strain. We have previously shown that this difference was at least in part due to the amino acid sequence of the fusion (F) protein (P. Plattet, J. P. Rivals, B. Zuber, J. M. Brunner, A. Zurbriggen, and R. Wittek, Virology 337:312-326, 2005). Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of the neurovirulent CDV F protein underlying limited membrane fusion activity. By exchanging the signal peptide between both F CDV strains or replacing it with an exogenous signal peptide, we demonstrated that this domain controlled intracellular and consequently cell surface protein expression, thus indirectly modulating fusogenicity. In addition, by serially passaging a poorly fusogenic virus and selecting a syncytium-forming variant, we identified the mutation L372W as being responsible for this change of phenotype. Intriguingly, residue L372 potentially is located in the helical bundle domain of the F(1) subunit. We showed that this mutation drastically increased fusion activity of F proteins of both CDV strains in a signal peptide-independent manner. Due to its unique structure even among morbilliviruses, our findings with respect to the signal peptide are likely to be specifically relevant to CDV, whereas the results related to the helical bundle add new insights to our growing understanding of this class of F proteins. We conclude that different mechanisms involving multiple domains of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV F protein act in concert to limit fusion activity, preventing lysis of infected cells, which ultimately may favor viral persistence.
The Learning Affect Monitor (LAM) is a new computer-based assessment system integrating basic dimensional evaluation and discrete description of affective states in daily life, based on an autonomous adapting system. Subjects evaluate their affective states according to a tridimensional space (valence and activation circumplex as well as global intensity) and then qualify it using up to 30 adjective descriptors chosen from a list. The system gradually adapts to the user, enabling the affect descriptors it presents to be increasingly relevant. An initial study with 51 subjects, using a 1 week time-sampling with 8 to 10 randomized signals per day, produced n = 2,813 records with good reliability measures (e.g., response rate of 88.8%, mean split-half reliability of .86), user acceptance, and usability. Multilevel analyses show circadian and hebdomadal patterns, and significant individual and situational variance components of the basic dimension evaluations. Validity analyses indicate sound assignment of qualitative affect descriptors in the bidimensional semantic space according to the circumplex model of basic affect dimensions. The LAM assessment module can be implemented on different platforms (palm, desk, mobile phone) and provides very rapid and meaningful data collection, preserving complex and interindividually comparable information in the domain of emotion and well-being.
Efficient immune attack of malignant disease requires the concerted action of both CD8+ CTL and CD4+ Th cells. We used human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic mice, in which the mouse CD8 molecule cannot efficiently interact with the alpha3 domain of A2.1, to generate a high-affinity, CD8-independent T cell receptor (TCR) specific for a commonly expressed, tumor-associated cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope derived from the human p53 tumor suppressor protein. Retroviral expression of this CD8-independent, p53-specific TCR into human T cells imparted the CD8+ T lymphocytes with broad tumor-specific CTL activity and turned CD4+ T cells into potent tumor-reactive, p53A2.1-specific Th cells. Both T cell subsets were cooperative and interacted synergistically with dendritic cell intermediates and tumor targets. The intentional redirection of both CD4+ Th cells and CD8+ CTL by the same high-affinity, CD8-independent, tumor-specific TCR could provide the basis for novel broad-spectrum cancer immunotherapeutics.
Lassa virus (LASV) causing hemorrhagic Lassa fever in West Africa, Mopeia virus (MOPV) from East Africa, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) are the main representatives of the Old World arenaviruses. Little is known about how the components of the arenavirus replication machinery, i.e., the genome, nucleoprotein (NP), and L protein, interact. In addition, it is unknown whether these components can function across species boundaries. We established minireplicon systems for MOPV and LCMV in analogy to the existing LASV system and exchanged the components among the three systems. The functional and physical integrity of the resulting complexes was tested by reporter gene assay, Northern blotting, and coimmunoprecipitation studies. The minigenomes, NPs, and L proteins of LASV and MOPV could be exchanged without loss of function. LASV and MOPV L protein was also active in conjunction with LCMV NP, while the LCMV L protein required homologous NP for activity. Analysis of LASV/LCMV NP chimeras identified a single LCMV-specific NP residue (Ile-53) and the C terminus of NP (residues 340 to 558) as being essential for LCMV L protein function. The defect of LASV and MOPV NP in supporting transcriptional activity of LCMV L protein was not caused by a defect in physical NP-L protein interaction. In conclusion, components of the replication complex of Old World arenaviruses have the potential to functionally and physically interact across species boundaries. Residue 53 and the C-terminal domain of NP are important for function of L protein during genome replication and transcription.
OBJECTIVES: The pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of artesunate, recently discovered to possess promising trematocidal activity, and its main metabolite dihydroartemisinin (DHA) were determined in rats infected with hepatic and biliary stages of Fasciola hepatica and compared with uninfected rats after single intragastric and intravenous (iv) doses. METHODS: Rats infected with F. hepatica for 25 and 83 days and uninfected rats were cannulated in the right jugular vein and blood samples were withdrawn at selected timepoints following 10 mg/kg of iv and a single 100 mg/kg oral dose of artesunate. Plasma was analysed for artesunate and DHA by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Rats harbouring juvenile and adult F. hepatica infections revealed considerable changes in PK parameters of artesunate and DHA. Following oral administration, maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of artesunate and DHA were 1.8-2.3-fold higher in infected rats [artesunate: 1334 +/- 1404 ng/mL (no infection) versus 2454 +/- 1494 ng/mL (acute infection) and 2768 +/- 538 ng/mL (chronic infection); DHA: 3802 +/- 2149 ng/mL (no infection) versus 6507 +/- 3283 ng/mL (acute infection) and 9093 +/- 884 ng/mL (chronic infection)]. The AUCs of artesunate and DHA were 2.1-4.4-fold greater in infected rats. An opposite trend was observed after iv injection. C(max) and AUC of artesunate and DHA following iv dosing were 5784 +/- 3718 and 140 938 +/- 128 783 ng.min/mL and 3849 +/- 3060 and 86 107 +/- 41 863 ng.min/mL, respectively, in uninfected rats versus 2623 +/- 1554 and 21 617 +/- 12 230 ng.min/mL and 2835 +/- 980 and 64 290 +/- 29 057 ng.min/mL, respectively, in rats harbouring a chronic infection. The elimination half-lives (t(1/2)) of artesunate and DHA were considerably altered in infected rats following oral and iv administration of artesunate. CONCLUSIONS: F. hepatica infections strongly influence the disposition kinetics of artesunate and its metabolite in rats. The clinical implications of this finding need to be carefully studied.
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) often exhibit antagonistic actions on the regulation of various activities such as immune responses, cell growth, and gene expression. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the mutually opposing effects of TGF-beta and TNF-alpha are unknown. Here, we report that binding sites for the transcription factor CTF/NF-I mediate antagonistic TGF-beta and TNF-alpha transcriptional regulation in NIH3T3 fibroblasts. TGF-beta induces the proline-rich transactivation domain of specific CTF/NF-I family members, such as CTF-1, whereas TNF-alpha represses both the uninduced as well as the TGF-beta-induced CTF-1 transcriptional activity. CTF-1 is thus the first transcription factor reported to be repressed by TNF-alpha. The previously identified TGF-beta-responsive domain in the proline-rich transcriptional activation sequence of CTF-1 mediates both transcriptional induction and repression by the two growth factors. Analysis of potential signal transduction intermediates does not support a role for known mediators of TNF-alpha action, such as arachidonic acid, in CTF-1 regulation. However, overexpression of oncogenic forms of the small GTPase Ras or of the Raf-1 kinase represses CTF-1 transcriptional activity, as does TNF-alpha. Furthermore, TNF-alpha is unable to repress CTF-1 activity in NIH3T3 cells overexpressing ras or raf, suggesting that TNF-alpha regulates CTF-1 by a Ras-Raf kinase-dependent pathway. Mutagenesis studies demonstrated that the CTF-1 TGF-beta-responsive domain is not the primary target of regulatory phosphorylations. Interestingly, however, the domain mediating TGF-beta and TNF-alpha antagonistic regulation overlapped precisely the previously identified histone H3 interaction domain of CTF-1. These results identify CTF-1 as a molecular target of mutually antagonistic TGF-beta and TNF-alpha regulation, and they further suggest a molecular mechanism for the opposing effects of these growth factors on gene expression.
The Adula nappe belongs to the Lower Penni- nic domain of the Central Swiss Alps. It consists mostly of pre-Triassic basement lithologies occurring as strongly folded and sheared gneisses of various types with mafic boudins. We propose a new lithostratigraphy for the northern Adula nappe basement that is supported by detailed field investigations, U-Pb zircon geochronology, and whole-rock geochemistry. The following units have been identified: Cambrian clastic metasediments with abundant carbonate lenses and minor bimodal magmatism (Salahorn Formation); Ordovician metapelites associated with amphibolite boudins with abundant eclogite relicts representing oceanic metabasalts (Trescolmen Formation); Ordovician peraluminous metagranites of calc-alkaline affinity ascribed to subduction-related magmatism (Ga- renstock Augengneiss); Ordovician metamorphic volcanic- sedimentary deposits (Heinisch Stafel Formation); Early Permian post-collisional granites recording only Alpine orogenic events (Zervreila orthogneiss). All basement lithologies except the Permian granites record a Vari- scan ? Alpine polyorogenic metamorphic history. They document a complex Paleozoic geotectonic evolution consistent with the broader picture given by the pre- Mesozoic basement framework in the Alps. The internal consistency of the Adula basement lithologies and the stratigraphic coherence of the overlying Triassic sediments suggest that most tectonic contacts within the Adula nappe are pre-Alpine in age. Consequently, me ́lange models for the Tertiary emplacement of the Adula nappe are not consistent and must be rejected. The present-day structural complexity of the Adula nappe is the result of the intense Alpine ductile deformation of a pre-structured entity.
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is a pluripotent peptide hormone that regulates various cellular activities, including growth, differentiation, and extracellular matrix protein gene expression. We previously showed that TGF-beta induces the transcriptional activation domain (TAD) of CTF-1, the prototypic member of the CTF/NF-I family of transcription factors. This induction correlates with the proposed role of CTF/NF-I binding sites in collagen gene induction by TGF-beta. However, the mechanisms of TGF-beta signal transduction remain poorly understood. Here, we analyzed the role of free calcium signaling in the induction of CTF-1 transcriptional activity by TGF-beta. We found that TGF-beta stimulates calcium influx and mediates an increase of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration in NIH3T3 cells. TGF-beta induction of CTF-1 is inhibited in cells pretreated with thapsigargin, which depletes the endoplasmic reticulum calcium stores, thus further arguing for the potential relevance of calcium mobilization in TGF-beta action. Consistent with this possibility, expression of a constitutively active form of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin or of the calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase IV (DeltaCaMKIV) specifically induces the CTF-1 TAD and the endogenous mouse CTF/NF-I proteins. Both calcineurin- and DeltaCaMKIV-mediated induction require the previously identified TGF-beta-responsive domain of CTF-1. The immunosuppressants cyclosporin A and FK506 abolish calcineurin-mediated induction of CTF-1 activity. However, TGF-beta still induces the CTF-1 TAD in cells treated with these compounds or in cells overexpressing both calcineurin and DeltaCaMKIV, suggesting that other calcium-sensitive enzymes might mediate TGF-beta action. These results identify CTF/NF-I as a novel calcium signaling pathway-responsive transcription factor and further suggest multiple molecular mechanisms for the induction of CTF/NF-I transcriptional activity by growth factors.
In the root-colonizing biocontrol strain CHA0 of Pseudomonas fluorescens, cell density-dependent synthesis of extracellular, plant-beneficial secondary metabolites and enzymes is positively regulated by the GacS/GacA two-component system. Mutational analysis of the GacS sensor kinase using improved single-copy vectors showed that inactivation of each of the three conserved phosphate acceptor sites caused an exoproduct null phenotype (GacS-), whereas deletion of the periplasmic loop domain had no significant effect on the expression of exoproduct genes. Strain CHA0 is known to synthesize a solvent-extractable extracellular signal that advances and enhances the expression of exoproduct genes during the transition from exponential to stationary growth phase when maximal exoproduct formation occurs. Mutational inactivation of either GacS or its cognate response regulator GacA abolished the strain's response to added signal. Deletion of the linker domain of the GacS sensor kinase caused signal-independent, strongly elevated expression of exoproduct genes at low cell densities. In contrast to the wild-type strain CHA0, the gacS linker mutant and a gacS null mutant were unable to protect tomato plants from crown and root rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici in a soil-less microcosm, indicating that, at least in this plant-pathogen system, there is no advantage in using a signal-independent biocontrol strain.
Abstract : The maintenance of genome stability is a challenge for all living organisms. DNA is regularly subjected to chemical alterations by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. If left unrepaired, these lesions will create mutations or lead to chromosomal instability. DNA crosslinking agents probably bring about the most toxic lesions. By linking covalently the two strands of DNA, crosslinking agents will impede essential cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Cells from Fanconi anaemia patients are extremely sensitive to these agents. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal instability disorder that leads to developmental defects, pancytopenia and cancer susceptibility. FA is a genetically heterogeneous disease with thirteen complementation groups identified. Proteins encoded by the FA genes work together in the FA pathway. Eight of these proteins form the FA core complex (FANC-A, B, C,E, F, G, L and -M), whose integrity is required to monoubiquitinate FANCD2 and FANCI in response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity of FA cells to crosslinking agents, which perturb the progression of replication forks, has led to the hypothesis that FA proteins play a crucial role in the response to replication stress. However, at the molecular level, the functions of the FA pathway remain largely unknown. Our efforts were first focused on the characterization of FANCD2, "the key effector of the FA pathway". Using different substrates, we found that in vitro, purified hFANCD2 preferentially binds single strand DNA and double strand DNA extremities. Concomitantly, FANCM was identified as a new component of the FA core complex. Moreover FANCM was shown to have specific branch migration activities and probably a role as a "landing platform" on DNA for the other components of the core complex. By using FANCM mutants carrying deletions within the internal domain, we investigated the role of FANCM as a DNA anchor protein for the core complex. We observed that indeed, a specific part of the internal domain of FANCM interacts with components of the core complex. Finally, in collaboration with Weidong Wang's lab we characterized two new components of the FA pathway: FAAP10 and FAAP16. As a heterodimer these two proteins show affinity for dsDNA, and anneal complementary oligonucleotides in vitro. Moreover these proteins can associate with FANCM via a part of its internal domain. We find that FANCM, FAAP 10 and FAAP 16 can co-exist on the branch point of replication and recombination intermediates, and that FAAP10 and FAAP16 stimulate replication fork reversal by FANCM. These results suggest that FANCM may function as a landing platform for the core complex. After loading on DNA, the core complex can activate FANCD2 through monoubiquitination leading to its recruitment to the site of damage. Since ssDNA and double strand breaks are intermediates that are generated as a consequence of collapsed replication forks, FANCD2 by binding to ds DNA ends and ssDNA could protect such structures from the recombination repair machinery and prevent unscheduled recombination events. Alternatively, FANCD2 could avoid nucleases from gaining access to collapsed forks, preserving the DNA in state that can be used as a starting point for resumption of DNA synthesis. The overall comprehension of the FA pathway is far from been complete. Our results unravel new aspects of Fanconi Anaemia, which hopefully in the near future will address keys questions leading to a better understanding of the fascinating Fanconi Anaemia. Résumé : Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est fondamentale chez tous les organismes vivants. L'ADN est constamment altéré par des composés aussi bien endogènes qu'exogènes. Si ces altérations ne sont pas réparées, elles peuvent conduire à l'apparition de mutations, ainsi qu'à une instabilité génomique accrue. Les lésions les plus sévères qui peuvent survenir sur l'ADN, sont les pontages inter caténaires. Des agents pontants en liant de façon covalente les deux brins d'ADN, vont empêcher le déroulement normal de processus cellulaires essentiels tels que la réplication ou la transcription. La compréhension des mécanismes permettant à la cellule de tolérer et réparer ces lésions est primordiale, notamment dans le cas des patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi qui présentent une très grande sensibilité à ces composés pontants. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétique rare appartenant à un groupe de pathologies associées à une grande instabilité chromosomique. Les patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi présentent des malformations du squelette, une pancytopénie et une forte propension à la survenue de cancer. L'anémie de Fanconi est génétiquement très hétérogène. À ce jour, 13 gènes codant pour 13 protéines FANC différentes ont été identifiés. Huit de ces protéines fonctionnent ensemble au sein d'un complexe (nommé le complexe FANC) ayant pour but de monoubiquitiner FANCD2 et FANCI en réponse à la formation de lésions sur l'ADN. L'extrême sensibilité des cellules de patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi à ces agents pontant l'ADN suggère l'implication des protéines FANC dans la réponse cellulaire suite à une stress réplicatif. Cependant, le rôle moléculaire exact de ces protéines demeure encore inconnu. Après purification, nous avons observé que FANCD2 était capable de lier l'ADN simple brin, ainsi que les extrémités d'ADN in vitro. Dans le même temps, FANCM fut identifié comme appartenant au complexe FANC. FANCM est décrit comme une translocase capable de promouvoir le déplacement de point de jonction dans des structures d'ADN spécifiques in vitro. De plus, en se liant à l'ADN, FANCM peut agir comme une plateforme pour les autres protéines FANC, leur permettant ainsi d'être adressées à l'ADN. En créant des protéines FANCM recombinantes ayant des délétions dans le domaine interne, nous avons pu observer que certaines protéines du complexe FANC se fixent à des sites spécifiques sur le domaine interne de FANCM. Enfin, au travers d'une collaboration, nous avons été amenés à caractériser deux nouvelles protéines appartenant au complexe FANC : FAAP 10 et FAAP16. Elles s'associent à FANCM par l'intermédiaire du domaine interne, et forment ainsi un hétérotrimére. La présence de FAAP10 et FAAP16 n'affecte pas la liaison de FANCM à l'ADN, mais semble potentialiser son activité de régression in vitro. FANCM semble donc fonctionner comme une plateforme pour les autres composants du complexe FANC. Ces derniers, une fois liés à l'ADN permettent la monoubiquitination de FANCD2 et son recrutement au site lésé de l'ADN. FANCD2 en se liant de façon préférentielle à l'ADN simple brin et aux extrémités d'ADN qui sont générés lors de l'arrêt et du démantèlement d'une fourche de réplication, pourrait protéger ces même fourches de réplication arrêtées, d'évènements de recombinaison aléatoires. Nos résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments concernant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'anémie de Fanconi. Enfin, l'étude de l'anémie de Fanconi permet aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par la cellule pour tolérer des lésions survenant lors de la réplication.
Bacterial transcription activators of the XylR/DmpR subfamily exert their expression control via σ(54)-dependent RNA polymerase upon stimulation by a chemical effector, typically an aromatic compound. Where the chemical effector interacts with the transcription regulator protein to achieve activation is still largely unknown. Here we focus on the HbpR protein from Pseudomonas azelaica, which is a member of the XylR/DmpR subfamily and responds to biaromatic effectors such as 2-hydroxybiphenyl. We use protein structure modeling to predict folding of the effector recognition domain of HbpR and molecular docking to identify the region where 2-hydroxybiphenyl may interact with HbpR. A large number of site-directed HbpR mutants of residues in- and outside the predicted interaction area was created and their potential to induce reporter gene expression in Escherichia coli from the cognate P(C) promoter upon activation with 2-hydroxybiphenyl was studied. Mutant proteins were purified to study their conformation. Critical residues for effector stimulation indeed grouped near the predicted area, some of which are conserved among XylR/DmpR subfamily members in spite of displaying different effector specificities. This suggests that they are important for the process of effector activation, but not necessarily for effector specificity recognition.