232 resultados para lifeworld perspectives


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Dopaminergic, serotonergic and noradrenergic nuclei form the trimonoamine modulating system (TMMS). This system modulates emotional/motivational activities mediated by the limbic circuitry, where glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter. Two main concepts are the basis of this review. First, since 1950 and the discovery of the antipsychotic activity of the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist chlorpromazine, it appears that drugs that can modulate the TMMS possess therapeutic psychiatric properties. Second, the concept of glutamate/trimonoamine imbalance in the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop that has been so successful in explaining the pathophysiology of Parkinson disease has been applied in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. This review will focus on the complex interactions between the fast synaptic glutamatergic transmission and the TMMS in specific parts of the limbic lobe and we will try to link these interactions to some psychiatric disorders, mainly depression, schizophrenia and drug addiction.


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En matière de loteries et paris, presque tous les Etats européens ont mis en place un système plus ou moins similaire reposant sur un principe d'interdiction des grandes loteries et des paris, sauf exception. L'exception consiste à accorder l'autorisation d'organiser ces jeux à un organisateur unique qui dispose ainsi d'un monopole sur son territoire d'autorisation, et à imposer que les bénéfices soient intégralement reversés à l'utilité publique, à l'exemple de la Suisse, ou affectés au budget de l'Etat, à l'exemple de la France. Dans une perspective légistique, ce travail de recherche propose de tracer un état des lieux de la situation actuelle en Suisse, sous l'angle juridique et économique, et, sous l'éclairage des éléments remettant en cause le monopole, de discuter cinq scénarii envisageables pour l'avenir accompagnés des conséquences juridiques, économiques et sociales pour chacun d'eux. Ces réflexions conduisent à constater que le cadre juridique n'est plus adapté aux tendances actuelles. Die Regelung der Lotterie- und Wettmärkte ist in fast allen europäischen Staaten im Wesentlichen ähnlich: es besteht ein grundsätzliches Verbot der Durchführung von grossen Lotterien und Wetten, das durch eine Ausnahmeregelung zugunsten eines einzigen oder eines stark eingeschränkten Kreises von Spielveranstaltern relativiert wird. Die Spielveranstalter verfügen über ein Exklusivrecht zur Durchführung dieser Glücksspiele auf ihrem Vertriebsgebiet. Damit verbunden ist die Pflicht, die generierten Erträge vollumfänglich entweder - wie in der Schweiz - so genannt "gemeinnützigen Zwecken" oder - wie etwa in Frankreich - der Staatskasse zufliessen zu lassen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit wird zunächst aus legistischer Perspektive die aktuelle Situation im Lotterie- und Wettbereich in der Schweiz analysiert. Im Lichte der Elemente, die das erwähnte Exklusivrecht in Frage stellen, werden sodann fünf mögliche Zukunftsszenarien mit ihren juristischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Konsequenzen skizziert. Die Untersuchung kommt zum Schluss, dass der heute in der Schweiz geltende rechtliche Rahmen nicht mehr den aktuellen Entwicklungen entspricht.


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There are currently few studies exploring doctors' personal perspectives on integrating sexuality into medical consultations. This study focuses on the views of gynaecologists on introducing, or not introducing, sexuality into their work. A total of 30 semistructured interviews were conducted with gynaecologists in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. The thematic content analysis and computer-assisted lexical analysis (Alceste) on the interview transcripts highlighted four categories: perceptions and description of sexuality, patient's sexological history, training in sexology and perceived difficulties. It is observed that, above all, the 'medical dimension' characterises gynaecologists' perceptions. Of greater interest is our observation of disparities in gynaecologists' discussion of their practice, which is often the product of lay knowledge based on common sense and/or personal experience. Finally, the decision to integrate questions relating to sexuality seems to depend on non-medical factors such as the personal experience, interest or gender of the doctor.


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cette étude présente une méthodologie de détection et d'analyse de sites de vente en ligne de GBL (gamma-butyrolactone, un précurseur du GHB : gamma-hydroxybutyrate). La veille de ces sites nécessite de définir des stratégies de collecte efficientes. Elle implique, de surcroît, la conception de systèmes capables d'accueillir et structurer les données collectées dans une mémoire de travail adaptée pour mettre en évidence des relations entre les sites et ainsi mieux comprendre le marché de distribution. Trente-neuf sites vendant de la GBL ont été détectés. Il a été observé que le marché en ligne de la GBL semble plutôt stable entre 2010 et 2011. De plus, quatre-vingt pourcent des sites sont hébergés aux Pays-Bas où la substance n'est pas prohibée. Six groupes, reliant au total dix-sept sites, ont été identifiés sur la base d'informations directement collectées à partir des sites.


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Due to actual demographic evolution, emergency departments have to face a dramatic increase in admissions of elderly people. The peculiar medical and socio-demographic characteristics of these old patients emphasize the need of specific decision processes and resources allocation. An individual-based approach, related to significant ethical values, should allow better diagnostic and therapeutic attitudes. Such a way to admit, evaluate and treat older patients implies an active collaboration with patients and their relatives, but also with all medical interveners, including in particular primary care physicians.


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We present here a draft genome sequence of the red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus. Because the chicken is a modern descendant of the dinosaurs and the first non-mammalian amniote to have its genome sequenced, the draft sequence of its genome--composed of approximately one billion base pairs of sequence and an estimated 20,000-23,000 genes--provides a new perspective on vertebrate genome evolution, while also improving the annotation of mammalian genomes. For example, the evolutionary distance between chicken and human provides high specificity in detecting functional elements, both non-coding and coding. Notably, many conserved non-coding sequences are far from genes and cannot be assigned to defined functional classes. In coding regions the evolutionary dynamics of protein domains and orthologous groups illustrate processes that distinguish the lineages leading to birds and mammals. The distinctive properties of avian microchromosomes, together with the inferred patterns of conserved synteny, provide additional insights into vertebrate chromosome architecture.


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General internal medicine (GIM) has flourished in the United States (U.S.). Unlike other subspecialties of internal medicine, however, GIM's evolution has not been global in scope, but rather appears to have occurred in isolation within countries. Here, we describe international models of GIM from Canada, Switzerland, Australia/New Zealand, Argentina, and Japan, and compare these with the U.S. model. There are notable differences in the typical clinical roles assumed by General Internists across these 7 countries, but also important overlap in clinical and academic domains. Despite this overlap, there has been a relative lack of contact among General Internists from these and other countries at a truly international GIM meeting; the time is now for increased international exchange and the "globalization" of GIM.


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During the last two decades, endoscopic endonasal approach has completed the minimally invasive skull base surgery armamentarium. Endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery (EESBS) was initially developed in the field of pituitary adenomas, and gained an increasing place for the treatment of a wide variety of skull base pathologies, extending on the midline from crista galli process to the occipitocervical junction and laterally to the parasellar areas and petroclival apex. Until now, most studies are retrospective and lack sufficient methodological quality to confirm whether the endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery has better results than the microsurgical trans-sphenoidal classical approach. The impressions of the expert teams show a trend toward better results for some pituitary adenomas with the endoscopic endonasal route, in terms of gross total resection rate and probably more comfortable postoperative course for the patient. Excepting intra- and suprasellar pituitary adenomas, EESBS seems useful for selected lesions extending onto the cavernous sinus and Meckel's cave but also for clival pathologies. Nevertheless, this infatuation toward endoscopic endonasal approaches has to be balanced with the critical issue of cerebrospinal fluid leaks, which constitutes actually the main limit of this approach. Through their experience and a review of the literature, the authors aim to present the state of the art of this approach as well as its limits.