280 resultados para international libraries
An alternative socio-ecological strategy? International Trade Unions' engagement with climate change
In the context of a global ecological crisis, it is an important move when trade unions turn to environmentalism. Yet, the form that this environmentalism takes is often overlooked. This is especially the case with international trade unions. Based on an empirical study of international trade unions' engagement with the climate change issue, this article argues that international trade unions follow three different (and partially conflicting) strategies. I label these strategies as 'deliberative', 'collaborative growth' and 'socialist', and I examine each in turn. I argue that such analysis is important if we want to identify the potential for transforming the social relations of production that are at the root of the current climate crisis, and for identifying an alternative socio-ecological strategy.
Background: Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is an uncommon, butpotentially life-threatening disease. Aim of this ISTH based registryis to improve the knowledge on SVT by studying a large, international,unselected population.Methods: Consecutive patients with objectively diagnosed SVT areeligible for the registry. Information on clinical presentations, diagnosticapproaches, risk factors, therapeutic approaches, and recurrencesof SVT, bleedings and deaths at a 2 year follow up are enteredon a website database (www.svt.altervista.org). We planned a samplesize of 500 patients, including all sites of thrombosis.Results: As of December 31st, 2010, 429 patients with SVT (85.8%of the planned sample) have been enrolled at 25 centres from sevencountries. The mean age is 52.6 years (range 16-85 years); 62.2% aremales, 67.8% are Caucasians, and 31.2% Asians. SVT occurred inmultiple vein segments in 36.4% of patients, 40.5% of patients hadisolated portal vein thrombosis, 11.9% of patients had mesentericvein thrombosis, 7.5% had supra-hepatic vein thrombosis, and 3.6%had splenic vein thrombosis. Abdominal pain was the most commonsymptom occurring in 56.6% of the patients; 9.5% of patients hadgastrointestinal bleeding at the time of diagnosis; 25.4% of patientswith SVT were asymptomatic. Mean time between onset of symptomsand diagnosis was 7.4 days. Objective diagnosis was obtained withabdominal CT in 79.9% of patients. Most common risk factors atthe time of diagnosis included cancer (24.1%), cirrhosis (23.1%), andhematological disorders (15.4%); in 15.9% of patients SVT was idiopathic.Most patients were treated with anticoagulant drugs: 30.8%with parenteral drugs only, 56.9% with parenteral drugs followed byvitamin K antagonists.Conclusions: SVT is a major challenge for experts in thrombosis andhemostasis. Large collaborative studies are necessary to improve theunderstanding and the management of this heterogeneous disease.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) continues to be one of the most common infections after solid-organ transplantation, resulting in significant morbidity, graft loss, and adverse outcomes. Management of CMV varies considerably among transplant centers but has been become more standardized by publication of consensus guidelines by the Infectious Diseases Section of The Transplantation Society. An international panel of experts was reconvened in October 2012 to revise and expand evidence and expert opinion-based consensus guidelines on CMV management, including diagnostics, immunology, prevention, treatment, drug resistance, and pediatric issues. The following report summarizes the recommendations.
Urease is an important virulence factor for Helicobacter pylori and is critical for bacterial colonization of the human gastric mucosa. Specific inhibition of urease activity has been proposed as a possible strategy to fight this bacteria which infects billions of individual throughout the world and can lead to severe pathological conditions in a limited number of cases. We have selected peptides which specifically bind and inhibit H. pylori urease from libraries of random peptides displayed on filamentous phage in the context of pIII coat protein. Screening of a highly diverse 25-mer combinatorial library and two newly constructed random 6-mer peptide libraries on solid phase H. pylori urease holoenzyme allowed the identification of two peptides, 24-mer TFLPQPRCSALLRYLSEDGVIVPS and 6-mer YDFYWW that can bind and inhibit the activity of urease purified from H. pylori. These two peptides were chemically synthesized and their inhibition constants (Ki) were found to be 47 microM for the 24-mer and 30 microM for the 6-mer peptide. Both peptides specifically inhibited the activity of H. pylori urease but not that of Bacillus pasteurii.