145 resultados para homeless and runaway adolescents


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BACKGROUND: The objectives of this research were to describe the main reason(s) why adolescents use electronic cigarettes, to assess how e-cigarette experimenters and users differ based on personal characteristics, and to determine whether its use is associated with the use of other substances among a representative sample of youths in Switzerland. METHODS: A representative sample of 621 youths (308 females) was divided into never users (n=353), experimenters (Only once, n=120) and users (Several times, n=148) of e-cigarettes. Groups were compared on socio-demographic data and current smoking, alcohol misuse and cannabis use. Reasons for e-cigarette use were compared between experimenters and users. A multinomial regression was performed using never users as the reference category. RESULTS: Forty-three percent had ever tried e-cigarettes, and the main reason was curiosity. Compared to never users, experimenters were more likely to be out of school (Relative Risk Ratio [RRR]: 2.68) and to misuse alcohol (RRR: 2.08), while users were more likely to be male (RRR: 2.75), to be vocational students (RRR: 2.30) or out of school (RRR: 3.48) and to use any of the studied substances (tobacco, RRR: 5.26; alcohol misuse, RRR: 2.71; cannabis use, RRR: 30.2). CONCLUSIONS: Although often still part of adolescent experimentation, e-cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular among adolescents and they should become part of health providers' standard substance use screening. As health providers (and especially paediatricians) do not seem to have high levels of knowledge and, consequently, little comfort in discussing e-cigarettes, training in this domain should be available to them.


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L'usage de cigarettes électroniques (vapotage) augmente chez les jeunes et les professionnels de la santé se sentent démunis. Ce court article donne quelques informations pratiques. L'usage (vapotage) de cigarettes électroniques (e-cigarettes) est un phénomène relativement récent qui est en train de prendre une ampleur inattendue, surtout chez les jeunes. Bien que les taux de prévalence soient extrêmement variables d'un pays à l'autre, ils sont en net augmentation: tant parmi ceux qui les ont seulement essayées que chez ceux qui les utilisent habituellement, les taux de prévalence ont doublé ou presque triplé en à peine une année. En outre, une proportion notable d'utilisateurs d'e-cigarettes (de 8 à 33% selon les études)n'avaient jamais fumé de cigarettes conventionnelles. Ce phénomène pourrait faire des e-cigarettes la porte d'entrée au tabagisme parmi les jeunes. Adolescents and electronic cigarettes: The use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) is increasing among young people and health professionals feel ill-prepared. This short article provides some practical information The use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) is increasing among young people and health professionals feel ill-prepared. This short article provides some practical information.


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Concussion, a frequent injury in sports, is rarely evoked and often trivialized in children and teenagers. Knowledge of the diverse symptoms and signs to seek for is essential to an appropriate and secure management. The initial treatment relies on cognitive and physical rest followed by a progressive return to school and subsequently sport activities. The aim of this article is to review an injury whose prognosis is generally favourable, but whose rare complications can prove dramatic.


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Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common among adolescents and an important cause of clinical visits. This study sought to understand the experiences with, and perceptions of, the healthcare of adolescents who have MUS and their parents. Using a qualitative approach, six focus groups and two individual interviews were conducted with a total of ten adolescents and sixteen parents. The participants were recruited in a university hospital in Switzerland. A thematic analysis was conducted in accordance with the Grounded Theory. Six main themes emerged: needing a label for the symptoms, seeking an etiology to explain the symptoms, negotiating the medical system, medication and treatments, interactions with doctors, and the inclusion of parents during consultations. Transcending these themes, however, was the need for good communication between the adolescents, their parents and the clinicians. When explaining the symptoms, clinicians should make sure to discuss the results, investigations and lack of organic origin.


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Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common among adolescents and are frequently encountered in primary care. Our aim was to explore how these adolescents and their parents experience the condition and its impact on their daily lives and to provide recommendations for health professionals. Using a qualitative approach, six focus groups and two individual interviews were conducted. These involved a total of ten adolescents with different types of MUS and sixteen parents. The respondents were recruited in a university hospital in Switzerland. A thematic analysis was conducted according to the Grounded Theory. The analysis of the data highlighted four core themes: disbelief, being different, concealing symptoms, and priority to adolescent's health. Transcending these themes was a core issue regarding the discrepancy between the strategies that adolescents and their parents use to cope with the symptoms. Health professionals should be made aware of the emotional needs of these patients and their families.


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OBJECTIVE: This longitudinal study aimed to investigate the characteristics and predictive risk factors of overweight among adolescents. The hypothesis was that baseline overweight predicted most overweight over time compared to other factors, especially excessive internet use. SUBJECTS: A sample of 621 youths were followed from age 14 (T0 Spring 2012) to age 16 (T1 Spring 2014) in Switzerland. Participants were divided into two groups according to their weight at the final assessment: overweight and non-overweight. At T0, participants reported demographic, health, substance use and internet use data. A logistic regression was performed to assess the explanatory variables of overweight at T1. Data are presented as adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence interval. RESULTS: The 2-year evolution showed a net BMI increase of 4.8%. Overweight adolescents were significantly more likely to be male, to live in an urban area, to be on a diet and to report using the internet more than 2 h per day on weekends at T0. However, with the addition of baseline overweight, only the excessive use of internet on weekends remained as an explanatory variable. An adolescent who was already overweight at T0 had a more than 20-fold risk (aOR 21.04) of being overweight 2 years later. Moreover, among adolescents becoming overweight between T0 and T1, internet use did not show any significant effect. CONCLUSION: The risk of being overweight is mostly influenced by weight status at baseline compared to excessive internet use. Thus, our results do not confirm the negative effect of internet on healthier activities. Internet use could at most reinforce an already existing risk of being overweight.


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To evaluate whether screening for hypertension should start early in life, information on the risk of diseases associated with the level of blood pressure in childhood or adolescence is needed. The study by Leiba et al. that is reported in the current issue of Pediatric Nephrology demonstrates convincingly that hypertensive adolescents are at higher risk of cardiovascular death than normotensive adolescents. Nevertheless, it can be shown that this excess risk is not sufficient to justify a screen-and-treat strategy. Since the large majority of cardiovascular deaths occur among normotensive adolescents, measures for primordial prevention of cardiovascular diseases could have a much larger impact at the population level.


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BACKGROUND: Several distributions of country-specific blood pressure (BP) percentiles by sex, age, and height for children and adolescents have been established worldwide. However, there are no globally unified BP references for defining elevated BP in children and adolescents, which limits international comparisons of the prevalence of pediatric elevated BP. We aimed to establish international BP references for children and adolescents by using 7 nationally representative data sets (China, India, Iran, Korea, Poland, Tunisia, and the United States). METHODS AND RESULTS: Data on BP for 52 636 nonoverweight children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years were obtained from 7 large nationally representative cross-sectional surveys in China, India, Iran, Korea, Poland, Tunisia, and the United States. BP values were obtained with certified mercury sphygmomanometers in all 7 countries by using standard procedures for BP measurement. Smoothed BP percentiles (50th, 90th, 95th, and 99th) by age and height were estimated by using the Generalized Additive Model for Location Scale and Shape model. BP values were similar between males and females until the age of 13 years and were higher in males than females thereafter. In comparison with the BP levels of the 90th and 95th percentiles of the US Fourth Report at median height, systolic BP of the corresponding percentiles of these international references was lower, whereas diastolic BP was similar. CONCLUSIONS: These international BP references will be a useful tool for international comparison of the prevalence of elevated BP in children and adolescents and may help to identify hypertensive youths in diverse populations.


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Il est fréquent en médecine de premier recours de rencontrer des adolescents exprimant des symptômes somatiques pour lesquels aucune des investigations entreprises n'a permis de rendre compte d'une pathologie organique. De tels symptômes sont retrouvés dans la littérature sous la terminologie de symptômes médicalement inexpliqués (MUS) ou des troubles fonctionnels. Bien que la prévalence des adolescents souffrant de MUS est fréquente, les médecins éprouvent encore beaucoup de difficultés à prendre en charge et communiquer avec ces patients, principalement en raison d'une incompréhension de leurs besoins et préoccupations tant dans leur vie quotidienne que lors d'une consultation au cabinet. Le but de notre étude est de comprendre les expériences et vécus des adolescents avec des MUS ainsi que de leurs parents afin d'aider le praticien dans la compréhension de son patient dans sa globalité et ainsi d'améliorer sa prise en charge. Dans le premier article présenté, nous nous sommes intéressés à la vie quotidienne de ces adolescents en étudiant leurs relations avec leur famille et leur entourage ainsi que les répercussions sur leurs parcours scolaire et leurs activités extrascolaires. Dans le second article nous nous sommes penchés sur les relations qu'entretiennent ces adolescents et leurs parents avec le système de santé. Nous avons collecté des données qualitatives en moyennant des groupes focus incluant 16 adolescents atteints de troubles fonctionnels et leurs parents. L'analyse a permis de faire émerger les difficultés que ces jeunes et leurs familles vivent au quotidien et comment ils sont confrontés à la solitude dû principalement à l'incompréhension sociale. Les résultats mettent aussi en évidence l'insatisfaction de ces jeunes et de leurs parents par rapport à la prise en charge médical, notamment en raison d'un manque de communication. -- Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common among adolescents and are frequently encountered in primary care. Our aim was to explore how these adolescents and their parents experience the condition and its impact on their daily lives and to provide recommendations for health professionals. Using a qualitative approach, six focus groups and two individual interviews were conducted. These involved a total of ten adolescents with different types of MUS and sixteen parents. The respondents were recruited in a university hospital in Switzerland. A thematic analysis was conducted according to the Grounded Theory. The analysis of the data highlighted four core themes: disbelief, being different, concealing symptoms, and priority to adolescent's health. Transcending these themes was a core issue regarding the discrepancy between the strategies that adolescents and their parents use to cope with the symptoms. Health professionals should be made aware of the emotional needs of these patients and their families.