226 resultados para gender violence crime


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Several internally fertilizing hermaphroditic animals can only perform one sexual role at a time. In such species, two individuals that engage in a copulation may have different interests in acting as male or female. A gender choice must be made which, if both individuals have the same preference, may give rise to a severe sexual conflict. Here we tested the hypothesis that gender choice could be influenced by mating history, using the freshwater snail, Physa acuta. We recorded the copulatory behaviour of 240 pairs composed of a focal individual and a partner, each either short- or long-isolated. We found that the time to the first copulation was unaffected by isolation status, suggesting that first contacts in this species are random processes. In contrast, the duration of copulations and the frequency of rejection behaviours suggested that individual gender preference switches from male biased to female biased as isolation increases. In addition, snails rejected copulations more frequently when presented to a partner with the same isolation status. Reciprocity, measured as the rate of gender swapping between the first and second copulations, was high irrespective of gender status. We suggest possible evolutionary causes for this gender preference switch and discuss its potential importance in natural population as well as its consequences for the maintenance of hermaphroditism


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Combining data from police statistics and crime victim surveys, this article analyses the evolution of crime in Western Europe from 1988 to 2007. The results show that there is no general drop in crime. Property offences and homicide have been decreasing since the mid 1990s, while violent and drug offences have increased during the period under study. These trends highlight the limits of the explanations to the crime drop in the United States, which are based on the premise of a correlation in the evolution of all offences. The drop in property offences seems related to changes in the socioeconomic situation in Europe as well as to increases in security measures in households, and the reinforcement of private security. The increase in violent offences can be explained by the combination of several factors, including changes in youth's free time provoked by the development of the Internet, changing demographics, and the rise of episodic heavy alcohol consumption and street gangs.


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The aim of this study was to examine the influence of child's gender on several dimensions-of paternity: the fathers' personal experience of paternity, their involvement in child rearing, and their representations. A total of 147 Swiss fathers of 18-month-old children (65 girls and 82 boys) relationship to the child or relationship with the child's completed questionnaires. The child's gender had little influence on paternal experience, mother. Globally, the fathers took on few responsibilities which were largely devolved to mothers. Fathers of boys were more involved in child care than fathers of girls. Finally, a discrepancy was found between the fathers representations of paternal roles in rearing girls and boys and the actual level of responsibility that fathers adopted in their relationship with their child.


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Dans notre pratique auprès des adolescents engagés dans des agirs sexuels violents, la consommation de pornographie est fréquemment convoquée dans le parcours de ces sujets à la découverte de la sexualité. Si bien sûr, tous les adolescents qui visionnent ces images ne commettent pas de tels actes, ce constat préoccupant nous invite à nous interroger sur les effets ou plutôt les méfaits de la pornographie sur l'investissement du corps sexué et sur la construction de la sexualité. Outre une réflexion sur l'impact de l'image dans son caractère obscène et à la suite des travaux de G. Bonnet (2003, Le Défi à la pudeur. Quand la pornographie devient l'initiation sexuelle des jeunes), nous montrerons en quoi la pornographie constitue une forme de violence, parfois jusqu'au traumatisme. Ce danger auquel les adolescents sont (sur)exposés, notamment par le biais d'Internet, pourrait en effet favoriser un clivage (que nous retrouvons systématiquement dans la problématique des violences sexuelles) entre corps érotique et corps sexué. La consommation de pornographie s'apparenterait davantage à l'incorporation de la sexualité génitale marquant ainsi l'échec de l'introjection de la génitalité au moment de l'adolescence. Ne devient-elle pas alors un ersatz de la pulsion de mort ? en tant qu'elle isole le sujet dans une activité auto-pseudo-érotique, retirant à la sexualité sa fonction de lien et par là même ouvrant le champ au déchaînement de toutes formes de violence.


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Bowlby proposed that the individual's social experiences, as early as in infancy, contribute to the construction of Internal Working Models (IWMs) of attachment, which will later guide the individual's expectations and behaviors in close relationships all along his or her life. The qualitative, individual characteristics of these models reflect the specificity of the individual's early experiences with attachment figures. The attachment literature globally shows that the qualities of IWMs are neither gender specific nor cultural specific. Procedures to evaluate IWMs in adulthood have been well established, based on narrative accounts of childhood experiences. Narrative procedures at earlier ages (e.g., in the preschool years) have been proposed, such as Bretherton's Attachment Story Completion Task (ASCT), to evaluate attachment representations. More than 500 ASCT narratives of preschoolers, coming from five different countries, have been collected, in the perspective of examining possible interactions between gender and culture regarding attachment representations. A specific Q-Sort coding procedure (CCH) has been used to evaluate several dimensions of the narratives. Girls' narratives appeared as systematically more secure than those of same-age boys, whatever their culture. The magnitude of gender differences, however, varied between countries. Taylor's model of gender-specific responses to stress and Harwood's and Posada's hypothesis on inter-cultural differences regarding caregiving are evoked to understand the differences across gender and countries.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of risk behaviors and to measure the extent of co-occurrence of these behaviors in chronically ill and healthy adolescents. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health database, a nationally representative survey of 7548 adolescents in postmandatory school aged 16 to 20 years. There were 760 subjects who reported a chronic illness and/or a disability. The comparison group consisted of 6493 subjects who answered negatively to both questions. We defined 8 risk behaviors: daily smoking, alcohol misuse, current cannabis use, current use of any other illegal drug, early sexual debut, eating disorder, violent acts, and antisocial acts. We analyzed each behavior and the sum of behaviors, controlling for age, gender, academic track, parents' education level, depression, and health status. Results are given as adjusted odds ratios using the comparison group as the reference category. RESULTS: Youth with a chronic condition were more likely to smoke daily, to be current cannabis users, and to have performed violent or antisocial acts. Youth with a chronic condition were also more likely to report 3 or >or=4 risk behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that having a chronic condition carries additional risks for engaging in health risk behaviors and emphasize the importance of health risk screening and preventive counseling for young people in general and among those suffering from chronic conditions in particular.