177 resultados para duplicate elimination


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The activation of T cells is vital to the successful elimination of pathogens, but can also have a deleterious role in autoimmunity and transplant rejection. Various signalling pathways are triggered by the T-cell receptor; these have key roles in the control of the T-cell response and represent interesting targets for therapeutic immunomodulation. Recent findings define MALT1 (mucosa-associated-lymphoid-tissue lymphoma-translocation gene 1) as a protein with proteolytic activity that controls T-cell activation by regulating key molecules in T-cell-receptor-induced signalling pathways


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The number of HIV-infected persons with children and caregiving duties is likely to increase. From this statement, the present study was designed to establish how HIV infected caregivers organise their parenting routines and to determine their support needs. A further aim was to ascertain caregivers' perception of conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children. Finally, it sought to determine the extent to which the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity is influenced by the required support and their children's perceived conspicuous behaviours. The study design was observational and cross-sectional. Sampling was based on the 7 HIV Outpatient Clinics associated with the national population-based Swiss HIV Cohort Study. It focused on persons living with HIV who are responsible for raising children below the age of 18. A total of 520 caregivers were approached and 261 participated. An anonymous, standardised, self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. The data were analysed using descriptive statistical procedures and backward elimination multiple regression analysis. The 261 respondents cared for 406 children and adolescents under 18 years of age; the median age was 10 years. The caregivers' material resources were low. 70% had a net family income in a range below the median of Swiss net family income and 30% were dependent on welfare assistance. 73% were undergoing treatment with 86% reporting no physical impairments. The proportion of single caregivers was 34%. 92% of the children were living with their HIV infected caregivers. 80% of the children attended an institution such as a school or kindergarten during the day. 89% of the caregivers had access to social networks providing support. Nevertheless, caregivers required additional support in performing their parenting duties and indicated a need for assistance on the material level, in connection with legal problems and with participation in the labour market. 46% of the caregivers had observed one or more conspicuous behaviours displayed by their children, which indicates a challenging situation. However, most of these caregivers assessed their parenting activity very favourably. Backward elimination multiple regression analysis indicated that a smaller number of support needs, younger age of the eldest child and fewer physical impairments on the part of the caregiver enhance the caregivers' assessment of their parenting activity. Physicians should speak to caregivers living with HIV about their parenting responsibilities and provide the necessary scope for this subject in their consultation sessions. Physicians are in a position to draw their patients' attention to the services available to them.


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OBJECTIVES: Etravirine (ETV) is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A, 2C9, and 2C19. Metabolites are glucuronidated by uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferases (UGT). To identify the potential impact of genetic and non-genetic factors involved in ETV metabolism, we carried out a two-step pharmacogenetics-based population pharmacokinetic study in HIV-1 infected individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population included 144 individuals contributing 289 ETV plasma concentrations and four individuals contributing 23 ETV plasma concentrations collected in a rich sampling design. Genetic variants [n=125 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)] in 34 genes with a predicted role in ETV metabolism were selected. A first step population pharmacokinetic model included non-genetic and known genetic factors (seven SNPs in CYP2C, one SNP in CYP3A5) as covariates. Post-hoc individual ETV clearance (CL) was used in a second (discovery) step, in which the effect of the remaining 98 SNPs in CYP3A, P450 cytochrome oxidoreductase (POR), nuclear receptor genes, and UGTs was investigated. RESULTS: A one-compartment model with zero-order absorption best characterized ETV pharmacokinetics. The average ETV CL was 41 (l/h) (CV 51.1%), the volume of distribution was 1325 l, and the mean absorption time was 1.2 h. The administration of darunavir/ritonavir or tenofovir was the only non-genetic covariate influencing ETV CL significantly, resulting in a 40% [95% confidence interval (CI): 13-69%] and a 42% (95% CI: 17-68%) increase in ETV CL, respectively. Carriers of rs4244285 (CYP2C19*2) had 23% (8-38%) lower ETV CL. Co-administered antiretroviral agents and genetic factors explained 16% of the variance in ETV concentrations. None of the SNPs in the discovery step influenced ETV CL. CONCLUSION: ETV concentrations are highly variable, and co-administered antiretroviral agents and genetic factors explained only a modest part of the interindividual variability in ETV elimination. Opposing effects of interacting drugs effectively abrogate genetic influences on ETV CL, and vice-versa.


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Alcohol (ethanol) is consumed on a daily basis by a large fraction of the population, and in many countries, light-to-moderate alcohol consumption is considered as an integral part of the diet. Although the relationship between alcohol intake and obesity is controversial, regular consumption of alcohol, through its effects in suppressing fat oxidation, is regarded as a risk factor for weight gain, increased abdominal obesity and hypertriglyceridemia. Indeed, alcohol taken with a meal leads to an increase in postprandial lipemia-an effect on postprandial metabolism that is opposite to that observed with exercise. Furthermore, although regular exercise training and/or a preprandial exercise session reduce postprandial lipemia independently of alcohol ingestion, the exercise-induced reduction in postprandial lipemia is nonetheless less pronounced when alcohol is also consumed with the meal. Whether or not alcohol influences exercise and sport performance remains contradictory. It is believed that alcohol has deleterious effects on the performance, although it may contribute to reduce pain and anxiety. The alcohol effects on sports performance depend on the type and dosage of alcohol, acute vs chronic administration, the alcohol elimination rate as well as the type of exercise.


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AIMS: A large interindividual variability in plasma concentrations has been reported in patients treated with donepezil, the most frequently prescribed antidementia drug. We aimed to evaluate clinical and genetic factors influencing donepezil disposition in a patient population recruited from a naturalistic setting. METHODS: A population pharmacokinetic study was performed including data from 129 older patients treated with donepezil. The patients were genotyped for common polymorphisms in the metabolic enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP3A, in the electron transferring protein POR and the nuclear factor NR1I2 involved in CYP activity and expression, and in the drug transporter ABCB1. RESULTS: The average donepezil clearance was 7.3 l h(-1) with a 30% interindividual variability. Gender markedly influenced donepezil clearance (P < 0.01). Functional alleles of CYP2D6 were identified as unique significant genetic covariate for donepezil clearance (P < 0.01), with poor metabolizers and ultrarapid metabolizers demonstrating, respectively, a 32% slower and a 67% faster donepezil elimination compared with extensive metabolizers. CONCLUSION: The pharmacokinetic parameters of donepezil were well described by the developed population model. Functional alleles of CYP2D6 significantly contributed to the variability in donepezil disposition in the patient population and should be further investigated in the context of individual dose optimization to improve clinical outcome and tolerability of the treatment.


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Fungi are divided in 3 groups in the field of medical mycology. The dermatophytes are filamentous fungi able to grow on keratinized tissues from human or animals. They are the main cause of superficial and cutaneous mycoses of the skin and its appendix (hair and nail). The yeasts, or dimorphic fungi, can be responsible of diverse types of infections (superficial to deep mycoses). The moulds include all Non-dermatophyte Filamentous Fungi (NDF). In medical mycology, the most representative moulds are Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp. and Mucor spp. Diagnosis of mycosis is currently based on direct mycological examination of biological samples, as well as macroscopic and microscopic identification of the infectious fungus in culture assay. However, culture assays were found to remain sterile in roughly 40% of cases otherwise positive by direct mycological examinations. Additionally, results from culture assays are often difficult to interpret as various NDF are sometimes isolated. This thesis work is composed of three projects focusing on the development of new assays for direct in situ identification of fungi from dermatological samples. Part 1. A Polymerase Chain Reaction - Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism assay (PCR-TRFLP) targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophytes and NDF in nails with suspected onychomycosis. This method is faster and more efficient than culture. It further enables the distinction of more than one agent in case of mixed infection. A fast and reliable assay for the identification of dermatophytes and NDF in onychomycosis was found to be highly relevant since onychomycosis with Fusarium spp. or other NDF are weakly responsive or unresponsive to standard onychomycosis treatments with oral terbinafine and itraconazole. Part 2. A nested PCR-sequencing assay targeting the 28S rDNA was developed to identify dermatophyte species in skin and hair samples. This method is especially suitable for tinea capitis where dermatophytes identification is critical for subsequently prescribing the adequate treatment. The challenge presented when performing direct PCR fungi identification in skin and hair differs from that seen in onychomycosis as small amount of material is generally collected, few fungal elements are present in the clinical sample and one dermatophyte among a dozen species must be identified. Part 3. Fusarium spp. is currently isolated from nails with a frequency of 15% of that of dermatophytes in the laboratory of Mycology of the CHUV (2005-2012). The aim of this work was to examine if the intensive use of terbinafine and itraconazole could be a cause of the high incidence of Fusarium nail infections. For that purpose, two different methods, specific PCR and TRFLP, were used to detect both Fusarium spp. and Trichophyton spp. in nails of previously treated or untreated patients. TRFLP assay was found to be less sensitive than classical PCR assays specifically detecting Fusarium spp. or Trichophyton spp. Independently of the detection method used, the prevalence of Fusarium spp. appears not to be higher in patients previously treated by oral standard treatment with terbinafine and azoles which are highly effective to fight Trichophyton spp. in nails. In many cases Fusarium sp. was detected in samples of patients not previously subjected to antifungal therapy. Therefore, these treatments do not appear to favor the establishment of Fusarium spp. after elimination of a dermatophyte in nail infection. - En mycologie médicale, les champignons sont classés en 3 groupes. Les dermatophytes sont des champignons filamenteux capables de se développer dans les tissus kératinisés des hommes et des animaux, ils représentent la principale cause des mycoses superficielles et cutanées de la peau et de ses appendices (ongles et cheveux). Les levures, ou champignons dimorphiques, peuvent être responsables de divers types d'infections (superficielles à profondes). Les moisissures incluent tous les champignons filamenteux non-dermatophytes (NDF), les Aspergillus spp., les Fusarium spp. et les Mucor spp. sont les principales espèces rencontrées. Le diagnostic d'une mycose est basé sur un examen mycologique direct des prélèvements biologiques ainsi que sur l'identification macroscopique et microscopique du champignon infectieux isolé en culture. Cependant, dans environ 40% des cas, l'identification de l'agent pathogène est impossible par cette méthode car la culture reste stérile, bien que l'examen direct soit positif. De plus, la croissance de moisissures et/ou autres contaminants peut rendre l'interprétation de l'examen difficile. Ce travail de thèse est composé de trois projets focalisés sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'identification des champignons directement à partir d'échantillons dermatologiques. Projet 1. Une méthode de Réaction en chaîne de polymérase couplée à du polymorphisme de longueur des fragments de restriction terminaux (PCR-TRFLP), en ciblant l'ADN ribosomal 28S, a été développée pour l'identification des dermatophytes et moisissures dans les ongles avec suspicion d'onychomycoses. Cette technique s'est avérée plus rapide et plus efficace que la culture, permettant l'identification de plusieurs champignons en même temps. Posséder une méthode d'identification rapide et fiable des dermatophytes et des NDF dans les onychomycoses a été jugée nécessaire du fait que les Fusarium et d'autres NDF sont peu ou pas sensibles aux traitements oraux standards à la terbinafine et à Γ itraconazole. Projet 2. Une PCR nichée couplée au séquençage d'un fragment de l'ADN ribosomal 28S a été développée afin de différencier les dermatophytes dans la peau et les cheveux. Cette méthode est particulièrement adaptée au cas de tinea capitis, où l'identification du dermatophyte est essentielle afin de prescrire le traitement adéquat. Le problème de l'identification du pathogène fongique dans les cheveux et la peau diffère des onychomycoses car de petites quantités sont prélevées chez les patients, peu d'éléments fongiques sont présents et il faut discriminer un dermatophyte parmi une douzaine d'espèces potentielles. Projet 3. Au laboratoire de Mycologie du CHUV, les Fusarium ont été isolé dans les ongles à une fréquence de 15% pour la période 2005-2012. Le but de ce travail était d'examiner si l'utilisation intensive de terbinafine et d'itraconazole pouvait être une des causes de la forte incidence des infections des ongles par Fusarium. A cet effet, deux méthodes ont été utilisées pour détecter à la fois Fusarium spp. et Trichophyton spp., la PCR spécifique et le TRFLP. Indépendamment de la méthode choisie, il en résulte que la prévalence des Fusarium η'apparaît pas liée à un traitement au préalable des patients avec de la terbinafine ou des azoles, thérapies très efficaces contre les Trichophyton spp. dans les ongles. De plus, il existe de nombreux cas où Fusarium était détecté chez des patients non traités.


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OBJECTIVE: to assess the levels and determinants of interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a and C-reactive protein (CRP) in a healthy Caucasian population.METHODS: population sample of 2884 men and 3201 women aged 35 to 75. IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-a were assessed by a multiplexed particle-based flow cytometric assay and CRP by an immunometric assay.RESULTS: Spearman rank correlations between duplicate cytokine measurements (N?=?80) ranged between 0.89 and 0.96; intra-class correlation coefficients ranged between 0.94 and 0.97, indicating good reproducibility. Among the 6085 participants, 2289 (37.6%), 451 (7.4%) and 43 (0.7%) had IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF-a levels below detection limits, respectively. Median (interquartile range) for participants with detectable values were 1.17 (0.48-3.90) pg/ml for IL-1ß; 1.47 (0.71-3.53) pg/ml for IL-6; 2.89 (1.82-4.53) pg/ml for TNF-a and 1.3 (0.6-2.7) ng/ml for CRP. On multivariate analysis, greater age was the only factor inversely associated with IL-1ß levels. Male sex, increased BMI and smoking were associated with greater IL-6 levels, while no relationship was found for age and leisure-time PA. Male sex, greater age, increased BMI and current smoking were associated with greater TNF-a levels, while no relationship was found with leisure-time PA. CRP levels were positively related to age, BMI and smoking, and inversely to male sex and physical activity.CONCLUSION: Population-based levels of several cytokines were established. Increased age and BMI, and to a lesser degree sex and smoking, significantly and differentially impact cytokine levels, while leisure-time physical activity has little effect.


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The calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR) and receptor activity modifying protein-3 (RAMP3) can assemble into a CRLR/RAMP3 heterodimeric receptor that exhibits the characteristics of a high affinity adrenomedullin receptor. RAMP3 participates in adrenomedullin (AM) binding via its extracellular N-terminus characterized by the presence of six highly conserved cysteine residues and four N-glycosylation consensus sites. Here, we assessed the usage of these conserved residues in cotranslational modifications of RAMP3 and addressed their role in functional expression of the CRLR/RAMP3 receptor. Using a Xenopus oocyte expression system, we show that (i) RAMP3 is assembled with CRLR as a multiple N-glycosylated species in which two, three, or four consensus sites are used; (ii) elimination of all N-glycans in RAMP3 results in a significant inhibition of receptor [(125)I]AM binding and an increase in the EC(50) value for AM; (iii) several lines of indirect evidence indicate that each of the six cysteines is involved in disulfide bond formation; (iv) when all cysteines are mutated to serines, RAMP3 is N-glycosylated at all four consensus sites, suggesting that disulfide bond formation inhibits N-gylcosylation; and (v) elimination of all cysteines abolishes adrenomedullin binding and leads to a complete loss of receptor function. Our data demonstrate that cotranslational modifications of RAMP3 play a critical role in the function of the CRLR/RAMP3 adrenomedullin receptor.


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In newborn kittens, cortical auditory areas (including AI and AII) send transitory projections to ipsi- and contralateral visual areas 17 and 18. These projections originate mainly from neurons in supragranular layers but also from a few in infragranular layers (Innocenti and Clarke: Dev. Brain Res. 14:143-148, '84; Clarke and Innocenti: J. Comp. Neurol. 251:1-22, '86). The postnatal development of these projections was studied with injections of anterograde tracers (wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase [WGA-HRP]) in AI and AII and of retrograde tracers (WGA-HRP, fast blue, diamidino yellow, rhodamine-labeled latex beads) in areas 17 and 18. It was found that the projections are nearly completely eliminated in development, this, by the end of the first postnatal month. Until then, most of the transitory axons seem to remain confined to the white matter and the depth of layer VI; a few enter it further but do not appear to form terminal arbors. As for other transitory cortical projections the disappearance of the transitory axons seems not to involve death of their neurons of origin. In kittens older than 1 month and in normal adult cats, retrograde tracer injections restricted to, or including, areas 17 and 18 label only a few neurons in areas AI and AII. Unlike the situation in the kitten, nearly all of these are restricted to layers V and VI. A similar distribution of neurons projecting from auditory to visual areas is found in adult cats bilaterally enucleated at birth, which suggests that the postnatal elimination of the auditory-to-visual projection is independent of visual experience and more generally of information coming from the retina.


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Rationale: Human keratinocytes used for transplants are cultivated on a feeder layer which may be composed of autologous human fibroblasts or 3T3 murine fibroblasts. Using the latter method spares 15 additional days of preparation. In this study we investigate the potential presence of residual murine feeder cell contaminants in epidermal cultures prepared for transplantation. Methods: Monolayers of cultured 3T3-J2 murine fibroblasts were treated with 4 μg/mL of mitomycin C (MMC) for 2 h and used to track cell survival kinetics. Using similar 3T3 cells, human keratinocyte cultures were grown following a modified protocol based on the method described by Rheinwald and Green. Cell sheets were mechanically detached and rinsed 4 times following the same procedure used for transplant preparation. The elimination of 3T3 cells during culture was visually tracked using phase contrast microscopy. Epidermal cultures were then dissociated to produce cell suspensions and analyzed by flow cytometry using a murine-specific antibody, CD90, conjugated to a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) marker. Dead cells were identified using 7-amino-actinomysin D (7-AAD) which binds to DNA in permeabilized cells. Results: 3T3 cells treated with MMC display clear morphological signs of apoptosis, disappearing completely in 9-10 days following kinetics similar to 30 Gy gamma irradiated 3T3 cells. Histological analysis of cultured epidermal sheets revealed homogenous keratinocytic tissue with no 3T3 cells. MMC treated and untreated 3T3 cells displayed strong CD90 expression. Cell suspensions obtained from epidermal cultures were, however, negative for that marker. Conclusion: Results obtained demonstrate the absence of contaminating murine 3T3 feeder cells in human keratinocyte cultures. These findings highlight our success in developing cultured human epidermal autografts.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Recent in vitro studies have suggested an important role of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2B6 and CYP2C19 in methadone metabolism. We aimed to determine the influence of CYP2B6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism on methadone pharmacokinetics and on the response to treatment. METHODS: We included 209 patients in methadone maintenance treatment on the basis of their response to treatment and their daily methadone dose. Patients were genotyped for CYP2B6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19. Steady-state trough and peak (R)-, (S)-, and (R,S)-plasma levels and peak-to-trough plasma level ratios were measured. RESULTS: CYP2B6 genotype influences (S)-methadone and, to a lesser extent, (R)-methadone plasma levels, with the median trough (S)-methadone plasma levels being 105, 122, and 209 ng . kg/mL . mg for the noncarriers of allele *6, heterozygous carriers, and homozygous carriers (*6/*6), respectively (P = .0004). CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genotypes do not influence methadone plasma levels. Lower peak and trough plasma levels of methadone and higher peak-to-trough ratios were measured in patients considered as nonresponders [median (R,S)-methadone trough plasma levels of 183 and 249 ng . kg/mL . mg (P = .0004) and median peak-to-trough ratios of 1.82 and 1.58 for high-dose nonresponders and high-dose responders, respectively (P = .0003)]. CONCLUSION: Although CYP2B6 influences (S)-methadone plasma levels, given that only (R)-methadone contributes to the opioid effect of this drug, a major influence of CYP2B6 genotype on response to treatment is unlikely and has not been shown in this study. Lower plasma levels of methadone in nonresponders, suggesting a higher clearance, and higher peak-to-trough ratios, suggesting a shorter elimination half-life, are in agreement with the usual clinical measures taken for such patients, which are to increase methadone dosages and to split the daily dose into several intakes.


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Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common oral mucosa ailment. This condition is frequently considered as idiopathic due to the doubts about its etiology, probably related to a minor immunological dysregulation in a context of genetic predisposition. However, ulcers that resemble recurrent aphthous stomatitis in some respects can be found in systemic disorders that must be ruled out for the differential diagnosis of SAR, particularly when they appear after adolescence and/or when associated lesions exist out of the oral cavity. SAR management lies on the elimination of predisposing factors (drugs, oral trauma, food allergies...) and if needed, topical corticosteroids are the first choice regimen. More severe cases may require systemic regimens.


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OBJECTIVES: The pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters of artesunate, recently discovered to possess promising trematocidal activity, and its main metabolite dihydroartemisinin (DHA) were determined in rats infected with hepatic and biliary stages of Fasciola hepatica and compared with uninfected rats after single intragastric and intravenous (iv) doses. METHODS: Rats infected with F. hepatica for 25 and 83 days and uninfected rats were cannulated in the right jugular vein and blood samples were withdrawn at selected timepoints following 10 mg/kg of iv and a single 100 mg/kg oral dose of artesunate. Plasma was analysed for artesunate and DHA by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Rats harbouring juvenile and adult F. hepatica infections revealed considerable changes in PK parameters of artesunate and DHA. Following oral administration, maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of artesunate and DHA were 1.8-2.3-fold higher in infected rats [artesunate: 1334 +/- 1404 ng/mL (no infection) versus 2454 +/- 1494 ng/mL (acute infection) and 2768 +/- 538 ng/mL (chronic infection); DHA: 3802 +/- 2149 ng/mL (no infection) versus 6507 +/- 3283 ng/mL (acute infection) and 9093 +/- 884 ng/mL (chronic infection)]. The AUCs of artesunate and DHA were 2.1-4.4-fold greater in infected rats. An opposite trend was observed after iv injection. C(max) and AUC of artesunate and DHA following iv dosing were 5784 +/- 3718 and 140 938 +/- 128 783 ng.min/mL and 3849 +/- 3060 and 86 107 +/- 41 863 ng.min/mL, respectively, in uninfected rats versus 2623 +/- 1554 and 21 617 +/- 12 230 ng.min/mL and 2835 +/- 980 and 64 290 +/- 29 057 ng.min/mL, respectively, in rats harbouring a chronic infection. The elimination half-lives (t(1/2)) of artesunate and DHA were considerably altered in infected rats following oral and iv administration of artesunate. CONCLUSIONS: F. hepatica infections strongly influence the disposition kinetics of artesunate and its metabolite in rats. The clinical implications of this finding need to be carefully studied.


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We investigate the relevance of morphological operators for the classification of land use in urban scenes using submetric panchromatic imagery. A support vector machine is used for the classification. Six types of filters have been employed: opening and closing, opening and closing by reconstruction, and opening and closing top hat. The type and scale of the filters are discussed, and a feature selection algorithm called recursive feature elimination is applied to decrease the dimensionality of the input data. The analysis performed on two QuickBird panchromatic images showed that simple opening and closing operators are the most relevant for classification at such a high spatial resolution. Moreover, mixed sets combining simple and reconstruction filters provided the best performance. Tests performed on both images, having areas characterized by different architectural styles, yielded similar results for both feature selection and classification accuracy, suggesting the generalization of the feature sets highlighted.


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Introduction: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of imatinib has been increasingly proposed for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients, as several studies have found a correlation between trough concentrations (Cmin) >=1000ng/ml and improved response. The pharmacological monitoring project of EUTOS (European Treatment and Outcome Study) was launched to increase the availability of imatinib TDM, standardize labs, and validate proposed Cmin thresholds. Using the collected data, the objective of this analysis was to characterize imatinib Population pharmacokinetics (Pop-PK) in a large cohort of European patients, to quantify its variability and the influence of demographic factors and comedications, and to derive individual exposure variables suitable for further concentration-effect analyses.¦Methods: 4095 PK samples from 2478 adult patients were analyzed between 2006 and 2010 by LC-MS-MS and considered for Pop-PK analysis by NONMEM®. Model building used data from 973 patients with >=2 samples available (2590 samples). A sensitivity analysis was performed using all data. Available comedications (27%) were classified into inducers or inhibitors of P-glycoprotein, CYP3A4/5 and organic-cation-transporter-1 (hOCT-1).¦Results: A one-compartment model with linear elimination, zero-order absorption fitted the data best. Estimated Pop-PK parameters (interindividual variability, IIV %CV) for a 40-year old male patient were: clearance CL = 17.3 L/h (37.7%), volume V = 429L (51.1%), duration of absorption D1 = 3.2h. Outliers, reflecting potential compliance and time recording errors, were taken into account by estimating an IIV on the residual error (35.4%). Intra-individual residuals were 29.1% (proportional) plus ± 84.6 ng/mL (additive). Female patients had a 15.2% lower CL (14.6 L/h). A piece-wise linear effect of age estimated a CL of 18.7 L/h at 20 years, 17.3 L/h at 40 and 13.8 L/h at 60 years. These covariates explained 2% (CL) and 4.5% (V) of IIV variability. No effect of comedication was found. The sensitivity analysis expectedly estimated increased IIV, but similar fixed effect parameters.¦Conclusion: Imatinib PK was well described in a large cohort of CML patients under field conditions and results were concordant with previous studies. Patient characteristics explain only little IIV, confirming limited utility of prior dosage adjustment. As intra-variability is smaller than inter-patient variability, dose adjustment guided by TDM could however be beneficial in order to bring Cmin into a given therapeutic target.