292 resultados para dispersion-controlled dissipative scheme
BACKGROUND: The use of robots for gait training in Parkinson disease (PD) is growing, but no evidence points to an advantage over the standard treadmill. METHODS: In this randomized, single-blind controlled trial, participants aged <75 years with early-stage PD (Hoehn-Yahr <3) were randomly allocated to 2 groups: either 30 minutes of gait training on a treadmill or in the Lokomat for 3 d/wk for 4 weeks. Patients were evaluated by a physical therapist blinded to allocation before and at the end of treatment and then at the 3- and 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome measure was the 6-minute walk test. RESULTS: Of 334 screened patients, the authors randomly allocated 30 to receive gait training with treadmill or the Lokomat. At baseline, the 2 groups did not differ. At the 6-month follow-up, both groups had improved significantly in the primary outcome measure (treadmill: mean = 490.95 m, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 448.56-533.34, P = .0006; Lokomat: 458.6 m, 95% CI = 417.23-499.96, P = .01), but no significant differences were found between the 2 groups (P = .53). DISCUSSION: Robotic gait training with the Lokomat is not superior to treadmill training in improving gait performance in patients with PD. Both approaches are safe, with results maintained for up to 6 months.
Very little research has been conducted so far to study the potential mechanisms of change in long-term active psychological treatments of recurrent depression. The present pilot randomized controlled trial aimed to determine the feasibility of studying the change process occurring in patients during the course of 2-year-long dynamic psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and cognitive therapy, as compared with clinical management. In total, eight outpatients presenting with recurrent depression, two patients per treatment arm, were included. All patients were randomly assigned to one of the four treatment conditions. Defense mechanisms and coping patterns were assessed using validated observer-rated methodology based on transcribed, semistructured follow-along independent dynamic interviews. The results indicated that, whereas some patients in the active treatments changed on the symptomatic levels, some others remained unchanged during the course of their 2-year-long treatment. However, with regard to potential mechanisms of change in these patients, changes in defense mechanisms and coping patterns were revealed to be important processes over time in successful therapies and, to a lesser extent, in less successful treatments. No change was found either on outcome or on the process measure for the control condition, that is, clinical management. These results are discussed along with previous data comparing change in defense mechanisms and coping during the course of treatments.
Objective: The underlying mechanisms modifying clinician's communication skills by means of communication skills training (CST) remain unknown. Defense mechanisms, defined as psychological processes protecting the individual against emotional stress, may be a mediating factor of skills improvement.Methods: Using an adapted version of the Defense Mechanism Rating Scale-Clinician, this study evaluated clinicians' defense mechanisms and their possible modification after CST. Interviews with simulated patients of oncology clinicians (N=57) participating in CST (pre-/post-CST with a 6-month interval) were compared WITH interviews with the same simulated patients of oncology clinicians (N=56) who did not undergo training (T1 and T2 with a 6-month interval).Results: Results showed (i) a high number (mean=16, SD=6) and variety of defenses triggered by the 15-min interviews, (ii) no evolution difference between groups, and (iii) an increase in mature defenses after CST for clinicians with an initial higher level of defensive functioning.Conclusions: This is the first study describing clinicians' defensive functioning; results indicate a possible mediating role of defenses in clinician-patient communication.
Full signal intensity (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy, combining a preceding (13)C-editing block based on an inversion BISEP (B(1)-insensitive spectral editing pulse) with a spin-echo coherence-based localization, was developed and implemented at 14.1 T. (13)C editing of the proposed scheme was achieved by turning on and off the (13)C adiabatic full passage in the (13)C-editing block to prepare inverted and noninverted (13)C-coupled (1)H coherences along the longitudinal axis prior to localization. The novel (1)H-[(13)C] NMR approach was applied in vivo under infusion of the glia-specific substrate [2-(13)C] acetate. Besides a approximately 50% improvement in sensitivity, spectral dispersion was enhanced at 14.1 T, especially for J-coupled metabolites such as glutamate and glutamine. A more distinct spectral structure at 1.9-2.2 ppm(parts per million) was observed, e.g., glutamate C3 showed a doublet pattern in both simulated (1)H spectrum and in vivo (13)C-edited (1)H NMR spectra. Besides (13)C time courses of glutamate C4 and glutamine C4, the time courses of glutamate C3 and glutamine C3 obtained by (1)H-[(13)C] NMR spectroscopy were reported for the first time. Such capability should greatly improve the ability to study neuron-glial metabolism using (1)H-observed (13)C-edited NMR spectroscopy.
PURPOSE: This study assessed whether a cycle of "routine" therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for imatinib dosage individualization, targeting an imatinib trough plasma concentration (C min) of 1,000 ng/ml (tolerance: 750-1,500 ng/ml), could improve clinical outcomes in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients, compared with TDM use only in case of problems ("rescue" TDM). METHODS: Imatinib concentration monitoring evaluation was a multicenter randomized controlled trial including adult patients in chronic or accelerated phase CML receiving imatinib since less than 5 years. Patients were allocated 1:1 to "routine TDM" or "rescue TDM." The primary endpoint was a combined outcome (failure- and toxicity-free survival with continuation on imatinib) over 1-year follow-up, analyzed in intention-to-treat (ISRCTN31181395). RESULTS: Among 56 patients (55 evaluable), 14/27 (52 %) receiving "routine TDM" remained event-free versus 16/28 (57 %) "rescue TDM" controls (P = 0.69). In the "routine TDM" arm, dosage recommendations were correctly adopted in 14 patients (median C min: 895 ng/ml), who had fewer unfavorable events (28 %) than the 13 not receiving the advised dosage (77 %; P = 0.03; median C min: 648 ng/ml). CONCLUSIONS: This first target concentration intervention trial could not formally demonstrate a benefit of "routine TDM" because of small patient number and surprisingly limited prescriber's adherence to dosage recommendations. Favorable outcomes were, however, found in patients actually elected for target dosing. This study thus shows first prospective indication for TDM being a useful tool to guide drug dosage and shift decisions. The study design and analysis provide an interesting paradigm for future randomized TDM trials on targeted anticancer agents.
BACKGROUND: Tobacco dependence is the leading cause of preventable death and disabilities worldwide and nicotine is the main substance responsible for the addiction to tobacco. A vaccine against nicotine was tested in a 6-month randomized, double blind phase II smoking cessation study in 341 smokers with a subsequent 6-month follow-up period. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 229 subjects were randomized to receive five intramuscular injections of the nicotine vaccine and 112 to receive placebo at monthly intervals. All subjects received individual behavioral smoking cessation counseling. The vaccine was safe, generally well tolerated and highly immunogenic, inducing a 100% antibody responder rate after the first injection. Point prevalence of abstinence at month 2 showed a statistically significant difference between subjects treated with Nicotine-Qbeta (47.2%) and placebo (35.1%) (P = 0.036), but continuous abstinence between months 2 and 6 was not significantly different. However, in subgroup analysis of the per-protocol population, the third of subjects with highest antibody levels showed higher continuous abstinence from month 2 until month 6 (56.6%) than placebo treated participants (31.3%) (OR 2.9; P = 0.004) while medium and low antibody levels did not increase abstinence rates. After 12 month, the difference in continuous abstinence rate between subjects on placebo and those with high antibody response was maintained (difference 20.2%, P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS: Whereas Nicotine-Qbeta did not significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in the intention-to-treat population, subgroup analyses of the per-protocol population suggest that such a vaccination against nicotine can significantly increase continuous abstinence rates in smokers when sufficiently high antibody levels are achieved. Immunotherapy might open a new avenue to the treatment of nicotine addiction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Swiss Medical Registry 2003DR2327; ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00369616.
BACKGROUND: Pioglitazone, an oral anti-diabetic that stimulates the PPAR-gamma transcription factor, increased survival of mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We performed a phase II, double blind, multicentre, placebo controlled trial of pioglitazone in ALS patients under riluzole. 219 patients were randomly assigned to receive 45 mg/day of pioglitazone or placebo (one: one allocation ratio). The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included incidence of non-invasive ventilation and tracheotomy, and slopes of ALS-FRS, slow vital capacity, and quality of life as assessed using EUROQoL EQ-5D. The study was conducted under a two-stage group sequential test, allowing to stop for futility or superiority after interim analysis. Shortly after interim analysis, 30 patients under pioglitazone and 24 patients under placebo had died. The trial was stopped for futility; the hazard ratio for primary endpoint was 1.21 (95% CI: 0.71-2.07, p = 0.48). Secondary endpoints were not modified by pioglitazone treatment. Pioglitazone was well tolerated. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Pioglitazone has no beneficial effects on the survival of ALS patients as add-on therapy to riluzole. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00690118.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this trial was to assess which type of warm-up has the highest effect on virtual reality (VR) laparoscopy performance. The following warm-up strategies were applied: a hands-on exercise (group 1), a cognitive exercise (group 2), and no warm-up (control, group 3). DESIGN: This is a 3-arm randomized controlled trial. SETTING: The trial was conducted at the department of surgery of the University Hospital Basel in Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 94 participants, all laypersons without any surgical or VR experience, completed the study. RESULTS: A total of 96 participants were randomized, 31 to group 1, 31 to group 2, and 32 to group 3. There were 2 postrandomization exclusions. In the multivariate analysis, we found no evidence that the intervention had an effect on VR performance as represented by 6 calculated subscores of accuracy, time, and path length for (1) camera manipulation and (2) hand-eye coordination combined with 2-handed maneuvers (p = 0.795). Neither the comparison of the average of the intervention groups (groups 1 and 2) vs control (group 3) nor the pairwise comparisons revealed any significant differences in VR performance, neither multivariate nor univariate. VR performance improved with increasing performance score in the cognitive exercise warm-up (iPad 3D puzzle) for accuracy, time, and path length in the camera navigation task. CONCLUSIONS: We were unable to show an effect of the 2 tested warm-up strategies on VR performance in laypersons. We are currently designing a follow-up study including surgeons rather than laypersons with a longer warm-up exercise, which is more closely related to the final task.
Explicitly correlated coupled-cluster calculations of intermolecular interaction energies for the S22 benchmark set of Jurecka, Sponer, Cerny, and Hobza (Chem. Phys. Phys. Chem. 2006, 8, 1985) are presented. Results obtained with the recently proposed CCSD(T)-F12a method and augmented double-zeta basis sets are found to be in very close agreement with basis set extrapolated conventional CCSD(T) results. Furthermore, we propose a dispersion-weighted MP2 (DW-MP2) approximation that combines the good accuracy of MP2 for complexes with predominately electrostatic bonding and SCS-MP2 for dispersion-dominated ones. The MP2-F12 and SCS-MP2-F12 correlation energies are weighted by a switching function that depends on the relative HF and correlation contributions to the interaction energy. For the S22 set, this yields a mean absolute deviation of 0.2 kcal/mol from the CCSD(T)-F12a results. The method, which allows obtaining accurate results at low cost, is also tested for a number of dimers that are not in the training set.
Introduction: Imatinib trough plasma concentrations (Cmin) have been correlated with treatment response in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. The use of Cmin monitoring for optimizing imatinib dosage (therapeutic drug monitoring [TDM]) is therefore proposed for patients with unsatisfying response or tolerance ("rescue TDM"). A cycle of "routine TDM" for dosage individualization could also be beneficial to prevent unfavorable events, yet its clinical usefulness has not been evaluated. We aimed to assess prospectively whether a "routine TDM" intervention targeting imatinib Cmin of 1000 ng/mL (tolerance, 750-1500 ng/mL) could improve efficacy, tolerance, and persistence on treatment compared with "rescue TDM" use only. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: The Swiss Imatinib COncentration Monitoring Evaluation (I-COME) study was a multicenter randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN31181395). Adult patients in chronic or accelerated phase CML receiving imatinib ≤5 years were eligible. Patients were randomly (1:1) allocated to receive "routine TDM" intervention or to serve as controls with access only to "rescue TDM". All had 1-year follow-up. The primary endpoint was a combined efficacy-safety outcome (failure- and toxicity-free survival without imatinib discontinuation), analyzed in intention-to-treat. Results: Among 56 CML recruited patients, 55 had their molecular and cytogenetic response measured. 14/27 of patients receiving "routine TDM" (52% [33%-71%]) remained event-free versus 16/28 of control patients with "rescue TDM" only (57% [39%-75%]; P=0.69). In the "routine TDM" group, dosage recommendations were adopted entirely in 50% of patients (median Cmin at study end, 895 ng/mL; CV = 33%). These patients had fewer unfavorable events (28% [5%-52%]) compared with patients not receiving the advised dosage (77% [54%-99%]; P = 0.03; median Cmin at study end, 648 ng/mL; CV = 38%). Conclusion: This first prospective target concentration intervention trial could not formally demonstrate a benefit of "routine TDM" of imatinib, especially due to a small patient number and limited prescriber's adherence to dosage recommendations. Nevertheless, the patients receiving the advised dosage more often met target concentrations and the combined outcome (efficacy, tolerance, and persistence). A cycle of routine TDM could thus be favorable, at least in patients eligible for dosage adjustment. Its usefulness should, however, be further confirmed in larger trials.
STUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of an exercise program or routine follow-up on patients with chronic low back pain who have completed functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation. The short- and long-term outcome in terms of symptoms and physical and social functioning was compared. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Systematic reviews have shown that functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation improves physical function and reduces pain in patients with chronic low back pain. However, long-term maintenance of these improvements is inconsistent and the role of exercise in achieving this goal is unclear. METHODS: One hundred five chronic patients with low back pain who had completed a 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation program were randomized to either a 3-month exercise program (n = 56) or routine follow-up (n = 49). The exercise program consisted of 24 training sessions during 12 weeks. Patients underwent evaluations of trunk muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, lumbar spine mobility (flexion and extension range-of-motion, fingertip-to-floor distance), pain and perceived functional ability at the beginning and the end of functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation, at the end of the exercise program (3 months) and at 1-year follow-up. Disability was also assessed at the same time points except at the beginning of functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation. RESULTS: At the end of the functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation, both groups improved significantly in all physical parameters except flexion and extension range-of-motion. At the 3 month and 1 year follow-up, both groups maintained improvements in all parameters except for cardiovascular endurance. Only the exercise program group improved in disability score and trunk muscle endurance. No differences between groups were found. CONCLUSION: A favorable long-term outcome was observed after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation in both patient groups. Patients who participated in an exercise program obtained some additional benefits. The relevance of these benefits to overall health status need to be further investigated.
High-intensity intermittent training in hypoxia: A double-blinded, placebo-controlled field study in youth football players. J Strength Cond Res 29(1): 226-237, 2015-This study examined the effects of 5 weeks (∼60 minutes per training, 2 d·wk) of run-based high-intensity repeated-sprint ability (RSA) and explosive strength/agility/sprint training in either normobaric hypoxia repeated sprints in hypoxia (RSH; inspired oxygen fraction [FIO2] = 14.3%) or repeated sprints in normoxia (RSN; FIO2 = 21.0%) on physical performance in 16 highly trained, under-18 male footballers. For both RSH (n = 8) and RSN (n = 8) groups, lower-limb explosive power, sprinting (10-40 m) times, maximal aerobic speed, repeated-sprint (10 × 30 m, 30-s rest) and repeated-agility (RA) (6 × 20 m, 30-s rest) abilities were evaluated in normoxia before and after supervised training. Lower-limb explosive power (+6.5 ± 1.9% vs. +5.0 ± 7.6% for RSH and RSN, respectively; both p < 0.001) and performance during maximal sprinting increased (from -6.6 ± 2.2% vs. -4.3 ± 2.6% at 10 m to -1.7 ± 1.7% vs. -1.3 ± 2.3% at 40 m for RSH and RSN, respectively; p values ranging from <0.05 to <0.01) to a similar extent in RSH and RSN. Both groups improved best (-3.0 ± 1.7% vs. -2.3 ± 1.8%; both p ≤ 0.05) and mean (-3.2 ± 1.7%, p < 0.01 vs. -1.9 ± 2.6%, p ≤ 0.05 for RSH and RSN, respectively) repeated-sprint times, whereas sprint decrement did not change. Significant interactions effects (p ≤ 0.05) between condition and time were found for RA ability-related parameters with very likely greater gains (p ≤ 0.05) for RSH than RSN (initial sprint: 4.4 ± 1.9% vs. 2.0 ± 1.7% and cumulated times: 4.3 ± 0.6% vs. 2.4 ± 1.7%). Maximal aerobic speed remained unchanged throughout the protocol. In youth highly trained football players, the addition of 10 repeated-sprint training sessions performed in hypoxia vs. normoxia to their regular football practice over a 5-week in-season period was more efficient at enhancing RA ability (including direction changes), whereas it had no additional effect on improvements in lower-limb explosive power, maximal sprinting, and RSA performance.
The anaerobically inducible arcDABC operon encodes the enzymes of the arginine deiminase pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Upon induction, the arcAB mRNAs and proteins reach high intracellular levels, because of a strong anaerobically controlled promoter and mRNA processing in arcD, leading to stable downstream transcripts. We explored the usefulness of this system for the construction of expression vectors. The lacZ gene of Escherichia coli was expressed to the highest levels when fused close to the arc promoter. Insertion of lacZ further downstream into arcA or arcB did not stabilize the intrinsically unstable lacZ mRNA. On the contrary, lacZ mRNA appeared to be a vulnerable endonuclease target destabilizing arcAB mRNAs in the 5'-to-3' direction in P. aeruginosa. The native arc promoter was modified for optional expression in the -10 sequence and in the -40 region, which is a binding site for the anaerobic regulator ANR. In P. aeruginosa grown either anaerobically or with oxygen limitation in unshaken cultures, this promoter was stronger than the induced tac promoter. The P. aeruginosa lipAH genes, which encode extracellular lipase and lipase foldase, respectively, were fused directly to the modified arc promoter in an IncQ vector plasmid. Semianaerobic static cultures of P. aeruginosa PAO1 carrying this recombinant plasmid overproduced extracellular lipase 30-fold during stationary phase compared with the production by strain PAO1 without the plasmid. Severe oxygen limitation, in contrast, resulted in poor lipase productivity despite effective induction of the ANR-dependent promoter, suggesting that secretion of active lipase is blocked by the absence of oxygen. In conclusion, the modified arc promoter is useful for driving the expression of cloned genes in P. aeruginosa during oxygen-limited growth and stationary phase.