263 resultados para brown stock screening


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Au vu de l'augmentation de la prévalence de l'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC), une détection précoce a été proposée. Certaines organisations de santé proposent des mesures de détection précoce (par exemple : taux de filtration glomérulaire). L'efficacité du dépistage de l'IRC n'est cependant pas connue puisqu'aucune étude randomisée contrôlée n'a été conduite. Si le test de dépistage de l'IRC est simple et peu onéreux, un dépistage n'est justifié que s'il améliore le pronostic par rapport à l'absence de dépistage avec un rapport risques-bénéfices favorable et un rapport coût-efficacité acceptable. Sur la base d'études observationnelles et de modèles de rapport coût-efficacité, le dépistage de l'IRC doit être proposé chez les patients hypertendus et/ou diabétiques mais pas dans la population générale. [Abstract] Given the increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD), early detection has been proposed. Some organizations recommend CKD screening. Yet, the efficacy of CKD screening is unknown given the absence of randomized controlled trial conducted so far. While CKD screening tests (e.g., glomerular filtration rate) are simple and inexpensive, CKD screening can only be justified if it reduces CKD-related mortality and/or CKD-related morbidity compared to no screening. In addition, CKD screening must provide more benefits than risks to the participants and must be cost-effective. Based on observational studies and cost-effectiveness models, CKD screening has to be proposed to high risk population (patients with hypertension and/or diabetes) but not to the general population.


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BACKGROUND: Detailed comparison of effectiveness between organised and opportunistic mammography screening operating in the same country has seldom been carried out. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Prognostic indicators, as defined in the European Guidelines, were used to evaluate screening effectiveness in Switzerland. Matching of screening programmes' records with population-based cancer registries enabled to compare indicators of effectiveness by screening and detection modality (organised versus opportunistic screening, unscreened, interval cancers). Comparisons of prognostic profile were also drawn with two Swiss regions uncovered by service screening of low and high prevalence of opportunistic screening, respectively. RESULTS: Opportunistic and organised screening yielded overall little difference in prognostic profile. Both screening types led to substantial stage shifting. Breast cancer prognostic indicators were systematically more favourable in Swiss regions covered by a programme. In regions without a screening programme, the higher the prevalence of opportunistic screening, the better was the prognostic profile. CONCLUSIONS: Organised screening appeared as effective as opportunistic screening. Mammography screening has strongly influenced the stage distribution of breast cancer in Switzerland, and a favourable impact on mortality is anticipated. Extension of organised mammography screening to the whole of Switzerland can be expected to further improve breast cancer prognosis in a cost-effective way.


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The concept of early detection to then intervene and improve the prognostic seems straightforward. Applied to asymptomatic subjects, this concept--screening--is rather complex. This review presents the rational and fundamental principles of screening. It underscores the fundamental principles related to the disease and to the screening test considered, the importance of considering screening as a program rather than a test only, and the validity of measures used to evaluate the efficacy of screening. Lastly, it reviews the most frequently bias encountered in screening studies and interpretations.


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'Good-genes' models of sexual selection predict significant additive genetic variation for fitness-correlated traits within populations to be revealed by phenotypic traits. To test this prediction, we sampled brown trout (Salmo trutta) from their natural spawning place, analysed their carotenoid-based red and melanin-based dark skin colours and tested whether these colours can be used to predict offspring viability. We produced half-sib families by in vitro fertilization, reared the resulting embryos under standardized conditions, released the hatchlings into a streamlet and identified the surviving juveniles 20 months later with microsatellite markers. Embryo viability was revealed by the sires' dark pigmentation: darker males sired more viable offspring. However, the sires' red coloration correlated negatively with embryo survival. Our study demonstrates that genetic variation for fitness-correlated traits is revealed by male colour traits in our study population, but contrary to predictions from other studies, intense red colours do not signal good genes.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of abdominal radiography in the detection of illegal intracorporeal containers (hereafter, packets), with low-dose computed tomography (CT) as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional ethical review board, with written informed consent. From July 2007 to July 2010, 330 people (296 men, 34 women; mean age, 32 years [range, 18-55 years]) suspected of having ingested drug packets underwent supine abdominal radiography and low-dose CT. The presence or absence of packets at abdominal radiography was reported, with low-dose CT as the reference standard. The density and number of packets (≤ 12 or >12) at low-dose CT were recorded and analyzed to determine whether those variables influence interpretation of results at abdominal radiography. RESULTS: Packets were detected at low-dose CT in 53 (16%) suspects. Sensitivity of abdominal radiography for depiction of packets was 0.77 (41 of 53), and specificity was 0.96 (267 of 277). The packets appeared isoattenuated to the bowel contents at low-dose CT in 16 (30%) of the 53 suspects with positive results. Nineteen (36%) of the 53 suspects with positive low-dose CT results had fewer than 12 packets. Packets that were isoattenuated at low-dose CT and a low number of packets (≤12) were both significantly associated with false-negative results at abdominal radiography (P = .004 and P = .016, respectively). CONCLUSION: Abdominal radiography is mainly limited by low sensitivity when compared with low-dose CT in the screening of people suspected of carrying drug packets. Low-dose CT is an effective imaging alternative to abdominal radiography.


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BACKGROUND: Direct-infusion ESI-MS/MS is a powerful approach for the identification of substances in complex mixtures. The aim of this work was to investigate its applicability to the toxicological screening of blood samples. A simple protein precipitation was used, followed by a 15 min infusion of the extract in the mass spectrometer. RESULTS: The application of the procedure to commercial quality controls and authentic post-mortem blood samples demonstrated that the direct-infusion ESI-MS/MS approach enables the simultaneous identification of substances that require different chromatographic conditions. However, poor sensitivity was observed for benzodiazepine, amphetamines and opiate compounds. CONCLUSION: Considering the facile implementation and positive performance of direct-infusion ESI-MS/MS, this approach may to be a valuable complementary technique for systematic toxicological analysis procedures.


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BACKGROUND: The objective is to develop a cost-effective, reliable and non invasive screening test able to detect early CRCs and adenomas. This is done on a nucleic acids multigene assay performed on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). METHODS: A colonoscopy-controlled study was conducted on 179 subjects. 92 subjects (21 CRC, 30 adenoma >1 cm and 41 controls) were used as training set to generate a signature. Other 48 subjects kept blinded (controls, CRC and polyps) were used as a test set. To determine organ and disease specificity 38 subjects were used: 24 with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),14 with other cancers (OC). Blood samples were taken and PBMCs were purified. After the RNA extraction, multiplex RT-qPCR was applied on 92 different candidate biomarkers. After different univariate and multivariate analysis 60 biomarkers with significant p-values (<0.01) were selected. 2 distinct biomarker signatures are used to separate patients without lesion from those with CRC or with adenoma, named COLOX CRC and COLOX POL. COLOX performances were validated using random resampling method, bootstrap. RESULTS: COLOX CRC and POL tests successfully separate patients without lesions from those with CRC (Se 67%, Sp 93%, AUC 0.87), and from those with adenoma > 1cm (Se 63%, Sp 83%, AUC 0.77). 6/24 patients in the IBD group and 1/14 patients in the OC group have a positive COLOX CRC. CONCLUSION: The two COLOX tests demonstrated a high Se and Sp to detect the presence of CRCs and adenomas > 1 cm. A prospective, multicenter, pivotal study is underway in order to confirm these promising results in a larger cohort.


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Based on neuroimaging data showing absence of the trochlear nerve, congenital superior oblique palsy is now classified as a congenital cranial dysinnervation disorder. A similar absence of the abducens nerve is accompanied by misinnervation to the lateral rectus muscle from a branch of oculomotor nerve in the Duane retraction syndrome. This similarity raises the question of whether some cases of Brown syndrome could arise from a similar synkinesis between the inferior and superior oblique muscles in the setting of congenital superior oblique palsy. This hypothesis has gained support from the confluence of evidence from a number of independent studies. Using Duane syndrome as a model, we critically review the accumulating evidence that some cases of Brown syndrome are ultimately attributable to dysgenesis of the trochlear nerve.


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INTRODUCTION: Diabetic patients are at high risk for coronary artery disease (CAD), which is the leading cause of death in this population. The Swiss Society of Endocrinology-Diabetology (SSED) recommends CAD screening for diabetic patients with > or = 2 additional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF), by stress echocardiography (SE) or myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI). The aim of this study was to assess the application of these guidelines and the treatment of CVRF in the diabetes outpatient clinics of the five Swiss University Hospitals. METHODS: The study was initiated in Lausanne and the study questionnaires were circulated to the endocrinologists of the five Swiss University Hospitals. Practitioners were asked to include consecutive patients attending the diabetes outpatient clinics over one month. Prevalence of CAD, screening methods for CAD, prevalence of CVRF, biological analyses over the last 6 months and medical therapy were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 302 subjects were included. The mean age was 53 +/- 14 years, 68% had type 2 diabetes, 27% type 1 and 5% other types. Among T2DM with > or = 2 CVRF, 45% were screened for CAD according to SSED guidelines. In T2DM 25% had blood pressure < or = 130/80 mm Hg, 15% a lipid profile within target, 23% HbA1c < or = 7.0%. Overall, 2% achieved all 3 targets. CONCLUSIONS: Only 45% of T2DM with > or = 2 CVRF were screened for CAD according to SSED guidelines and 2% of T2DM had proper control over all CVRF. Efforts are still necessary to improve CAD prevention and screening of diabetic patients in Swiss University Hospitals.


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To study the stress-induced effects caused by wounding under a new perspective, a metabolomic strategy based on HPLC-MS has been devised for the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. To detect induced metabolites and precisely localise these compounds among the numerous constitutive metabolites, HPLC-MS analyses were performed in a two-step strategy. In a first step, rapid direct TOF-MS measurements of the crude leaf extract were performed with a ballistic gradient on a short LC-column. The HPLC-MS data were investigated by multivariate analysis as total mass spectra (TMS). Principal components analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) on principal coordinates were combined for data treatment. PCA and HCA demonstrated a clear clustering of plant specimens selecting the highest discriminating ions given by the complete data analysis, leading to the specific detection of discrete-induced ions (m/z values). Furthermore, pool constitution with plants of homogeneous behaviour was achieved for confirmatory analysis. In this second step, long high-resolution LC profilings on an UPLC-TOF-MS system were used on pooled samples. This allowed to precisely localise the putative biological marker induced by wounding and by specific extraction of accurate m/z values detected in the screening procedure with the TMS spectra.


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Texte intégral: http://www.springerlink.com/content/3q68180337551r47/fulltext.pdf


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Studies of hybrid zones can inform our understanding of reproductive isolation and speciation. Two species of brown lemur (Eulemur rufifrons and E. cinereiceps) form an apparently stable hybrid zone in the Andringitra region of south-eastern Madagascar. The aim of this study was to identify factors that contribute to this stability. We sampled animals at 11 sites along a 90-km transect through the hybrid zone and examined variation in 26 microsatellites, the D-loop region of mitochondrial DNA, six pelage and nine morphological traits; we also included samples collected in more distant allopatric sites. Clines in these traits were noncoincident, and there was no increase in either inbreeding coefficients or linkage disequilibrium at the centre of the zone. These results could suggest that the hybrid zone is maintained by weak selection against hybrids, conforming to either the tension zone or geographical selection-gradient model. However, a closer examination of clines in pelage and microsatellites indicates that these clines are not sigmoid or stepped in shape but instead plateau at their centre. Sites within the hybrid zone also occur in a distinct habitat, characterized by greater seasonality in precipitation and lower seasonality in temperature. Together, these findings suggest that the hybrid zone may follow the bounded superiority model, with exogenous selection favouring hybrids within the transitional zone. These findings are noteworthy, as examples supporting the bounded superiority model are rare and may indicate a process of ecologically driven speciation without geographical isolation.