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CONTEXT: Complex steroid disorders such as P450 oxidoreductase deficiency or apparent cortisone reductase deficiency may be recognized by steroid profiling using chromatographic mass spectrometric methods. These methods are highly specific and sensitive, and provide a complete spectrum of steroid metabolites in a single measurement of one sample which makes them superior to immunoassays. The steroid metabolome during the fetal-neonatal transition is characterized by (a) the metabolites of the fetal-placental unit at birth, (b) the fetal adrenal androgens until its involution 3-6 months postnatally, and (c) the steroid metabolites produced by the developing endocrine organs. All these developmental events change the steroid metabolome in an age- and sex-dependent manner during the first year of life. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to provide normative values for the urinary steroid metabolome of healthy newborns at short time intervals in the first year of life. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, longitudinal study to measure 67 urinary steroid metabolites in 21 male and 22 female term healthy newborn infants at 13 time-points from week 1 to week 49 of life. Urine samples were collected from newborn infants before discharge from hospital and from healthy infants at home. Steroid metabolites were measured by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and steroid concentrations corrected for urinary creatinine excretion were calculated. RESULTS: 61 steroids showed age and 15 steroids sex specificity. Highest urinary steroid concentrations were found in both sexes for progesterone derivatives, in particular 20α-DH-5α-DH-progesterone, and for highly polar 6α-hydroxylated glucocorticoids. The steroids peaked at week 3 and decreased by ∼80% at week 25 in both sexes. The decline of progestins, androgens and estrogens was more pronounced than of glucocorticoids whereas the excretion of corticosterone and its metabolites and of mineralocorticoids remained constant during the first year of life. CONCLUSION: The urinary steroid profile changes dramatically during the first year of life and correlates with the physiologic developmental changes during the fetal-neonatal transition. Thus detailed normative data during this time period permit the use of steroid profiling as a powerful diagnostic tool.


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Different therapeutic options for prosthetic joint infections exist, but surgery remains the key. With a two-stage exchange procedure, a success rate above 90% can be expected. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the optimal duration between explantation and the reimplantation in a two-stage procedure. The aim of this study was to retrospectively compare treatment outcomes between short-interval and long-interval two-stage exchanges. Patients having a two-stage exchange of a hip or knee prosthetic joint infection at Lausanne University Hospital (Switzerland) between 1999 and 2013 were included. The satisfaction of the patient, the function of the articulation and the eradication of infection, were compared between patients having a short (2 to 4 weeks) versus a long (4 weeks and more) interval during a two-stage procedure. Patient satisfaction was defined as good if the patient did not have pain and bad if the patient had pain. Functional outcome was defined good if the patient had a prosthesis in place and could walk, medium if the prosthesis was in place but the patient could not walk, and bad if the prosthesis was no longer in place. Infection outcome was considered good if there had been no re-infection and bad if there had been a re-infection of the prosthesis 145 patients (100 hips, 45 knees) were identified with a median age of 68 years (range 19-103). The median hospital stay was 58 days (range 10-402). The median follow-up was 12.9 months (range 0.5-152). 28 % and 72 % of the patients had a short-interval and long-interval exchange of the prosthesis, respectively. Patient satisfaction, functional outcome and infection outcome for patients having a short versus a long interval are reported in the Table. The patient satisfaction was higher when a long interval was performed whereas the functional and infection outcomes were higher when a short interval was performed. According to this study a short-interval exchange appears preferable to a long interval, especially in the view of treatment effectiveness and functional outcome.


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Background: Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, pro-inflammatory, pro-angiogenic condition that affects 5 to 10% of women of reproductive age. Its defining feature is the presence of endometrium-like tissue in sites outside the uterine cavity, primarily on the pelvic peritoneum and ovaries. The main clinical features are chronic pain, pain during intercourse and infertility. In patients with endometriosis, inflammatory and immune responses, angiogenesis and apoptosis are altered in favour of the survival and replenishment of endometriotic tissue. These basic pathological processes depend on the excessive formation of estrogen and prostaglandins. Recently, new cellular and molecular mechanisms for the resolution of inflammation have been discovered, revealing key roles for lipid mediators such as lipoxins, resolvins and protectins. It is possible that disequilibrium in the expression of these molecules exists in endometriosis. Objective: To compare the expression of two proteins involved in the synthe sis and in the function of lipid mediators; the Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase (ALOXI5), implicated in the synthesis of lipoxins A4 and B4 and the Formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPRLI), the specific receptor for Lipoxin A4 and B4, between women who suffer from endometriosis and a control group. We wish to demonstrate the cellular localisation of these two molecules and to investigate if their expression is alteted in this pathology. Methods and Materials Using immunohistochemistry we will compare ALOXI5 and FPRLI staining, in endometrium, normal peritoneum and endometriotic lesions. The samples are being collected in the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lausanne (CHUV). Women attending the department for laparoscopic investigation of pain/infertility, suspected endometriosis or for a hysterectomy, are invited to participate. Approval of the ethics committee (Commission d'Ethique de la recherché clinique) was obtained in March 2009. Clinical samples will only be obtained from subjects having consented. Expected results and interpretation: No published studies investigating the expression of these two molecules in endometriotic lesions exist. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this disease will result in the development of new medical therapies and new diagnostic tests, with the aim of ameliorating the quality of life of endometriosis patients.


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Le corps humain emploie le glucose comme source principale d'énergie. L'insuline, sécrétée par les cellules ß-pancreatiques situées dans les îlots de Langerhans, est l'hormone principale assurant un maintien constant du taux de glucose sanguin (glycémie). Les prédispositions génétiques, le manque d'activité physique et un régime déséquilibré peuvent entraîner une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline et des taux de glucose dans le sang élevé (hyperglycémie), une condition nommée diabète de type 2. Cette maladie est initiée par une sensibilité diminuée à l'insuline dans les tissus périphériques, entraînant une demande accrue en insuline. Cette pression continue finie par épuiser les cellules ß-pancreatiques, qui sécrètent alors des niveaux d'insuline insuffisant en trainant l'apparition du diabète. Le vieillissement est un facteur de risque important pour les maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2 faits partis. En effet la majeure partie des diabétiques de type 2 ont plus de 45 ans. Il est connu que le vieillissement entraine une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline, une sécrétion altérée d'insuline, une baisse de réplication et une plus grande mort des ß-cellules pancréatiques. Le but de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contribuante au dysfonctionnement des cellules ß- pancréatiques lors du vieillissement. Les travaux du « Human Genome Project » ont révélés que seulement 2% de notre génome code pour des protéines. Le reste non-codant fut alors désigné sous le nom de « ADN déchets ». Cependant, l'étude approfondie de cet ADN non-codant ces dernières deux décennies a démontré qu'une grande partie code pour des «MicroARNs », des ARNs courts (20-22 nucleotides) découverts en 1997 chez le vers C.elegans. Depuis lors ces molécules ont été intensivement étudiées, révélant un rôle crucial de ces molécules dans la fonction et la survie des cellules en conditions normales et pathologiques. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Nos données suggèrent qu'ils peuvent jouer un rôle tantôt salutaire, tantôt nocif sur les cellules ß. Par exemple, certains microARNs réduisent la capacité des cellules ß à se multiplier ou réduisent leur survie, alors que d'autres protègent ces cellules contre la mort. Pour conclure, nous avons démontré les microARNs jouent un rôle important dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Ces nouvelles découvertes préparent le terrain pour la conception de futures stratégies visant à améliorer la résistance des cellules ß pancréatiques afin de trouver de nouveaux traitements du diabète de type 2. -- Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie métabolique due à la résistance à l'action de l'insuline des tissus cibles combinée à l'incapacité des cellules ß pancréatiques à sécréter les niveaux adéquats d'insuline. Le vieillissement est associé à un déclin global des fonctions de l'organisme incluant une diminution de la fonction et du renouvellement des cellules ß pancréatiques. Il constitue ainsi un risque majeur de développement des maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs (une classe d'ARN non- codants) dans le dysfonctionnement lié au vieillissement des cellules ß. L'analyse par microarray des niveaux d'expression des microARN dans les îlots pancréatiques de rats Wistar mâles âgés de 3 et 12 mois nous a permis d'identifier de nombreux changements d'expression de microARNs associés au vieillissement. Afin d'étudier les liens entre ces modifications et le déclin des cellules ß, les changements observés lors du vieillissement ont été reproduits spécifiquement dans une lignée cellulaire, dans des cellules ß primaires de jeune rats ou de donneurs humains sains. La diminution du miR-181a réduit la prolifération des cellules ß, tandis que la diminution du miR-130b ou l'augmentation du miR-383 protège contre l'apoptose induite par les cytokines. L'augmentation du miR-34a induit l'apoptose et inhibe la prolifération des cellules ß en réponse aux hormones Exendin-4 et prolactine et au facteur de croissance PDGF-AA. Cette perte de capacité réplicative est similaire à celle observée dans des cellules ß de rats âgés de 12 mois. Dans la littérature, la perte du récepteur au PDGF-r-a est associée à la diminution de la capacité proliférative des cellules ß observée lors du vieillissement. Nous avons pu démontrer que PDGF-r-a est une cible directe de miR- 34a, suggérant que l'effet néfaste de miR-34a sur la prolifération des cellules ß est, du moins en partie, lié à l'inhibition de l'expression de PDGF-r-a. L'expression de ce miR est aussi plus élevée dans le foie et le cerveau des animaux de 1 an et augmente avec l'âge dans les ilôts de donneurs non-diabétiques. Ces résultats suggèrent que miR-34a pourrait être non seulement impliqué dans l'affaiblissement des fonctions pancréatiques associé à l'âge, mais également jouer un rôle dans les tissus cibles de l'insuline et ainsi contribuer au vieillissement de l'organisme en général. Pour conclure, les travaux obtenus durant cette thèse suggèrent que des microARNs sont impliqués dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß pancréatiques durant le vieillissement. -- Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by impaired glucose tolerance, of the insulin sensitive tissues and insufficient insulin secretion from the pancreatic ß-cells to sustain the organism demand. Aging is a risk factor for the majority of the metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes. With aging is observed a decline in all body function, due to decrease both in cell efficiency and renewal. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential role of microRNAs (short non- coding RNAs) in the pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction associated with aging. Microarray analysis of microRNA expression profile in pancreatic islets from 3 and 12 month old Wistar male rats revealed important changes in several microRNAs. To further study the link between those alterations and the decline of ß-cells, the changes observed in old rats were mimicked in immortalized ß-cell lines, primary young rat and human islets. Downregulation of miR-181a inhibited pancreatic ß-cell proliferation in response to proliferative drugs, whereas downregulation of miR-130b and upregulation of miR-383 protected pancreatic ß-cells from cytokine stimulated apoptosis. Interestingly, miR-34a augmented pancreatic ß-cell apoptosis and inhibited ß-cell proliferation in response to the proliferative chemicals Exendin-4, prolactin and PDGF-AA. This loss of replicative capacity is reminiscent of what we observed in pancreatic ß-cells isolated from 12 month old rats. We further observed a correlation between the inhibitory effect of miR-34a on pancreatic ß-cell proliferation and its direct interfering effect of this microRNA on PDGF-r-a, which was previously reported to be involved in the age-associated decline of pancreatic ß-cell proliferation. Interestingly miR-34a was upregulated in the liver and brain of 1 year old animals and positively correlated with age in pancreatic islets of normoglycemic human donors. These results suggest that miR-34a might be not only involved in the age-associated impairment of the pancreatic ß-cell functions, but also play a role in insulin target tissues and contribute to the aging phenotype on the organism level. To conclude, we have demonstrated that microRNAs are indeed involved in the age-associated pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction and they can play both beneficial and harmful roles in the context of pancreatic ß-cell aging.


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BACKGROUND: Cognitive deficits have been reported during the early stages of bipolar disorder; however, the role of medication on such deficits remains unclear. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of lithium and quetiapine monotherapy on cognitive performance in people following first episode mania. METHODS: The design was a single-blind, randomised controlled trial on a cohort of 61 participants following first episode mania. Participants received either lithium or quetiapine monotherapy as maintenance treatment over a 12-month follow-up period. The groups were compared on performance outcomes using an extensive cognitive assessment battery conducted at baseline, month 3 and month 12 follow-up time-points. RESULTS: There was a significant interaction between group and time in phonemic fluency at the 3-month and 12-month endpoints, reflecting greater improvements in performance in lithium-treated participants relative to quetiapine-treated participants. After controlling for multiple comparisons, there were no other significant interactions between group and time for other measures of cognition. CONCLUSION: Although the effects of lithium and quetiapine treatment were similar for most cognitive domains, the findings imply that early initiation of lithium treatment may benefit the trajectory of cognition, specifically verbal fluency in young people with bipolar disorder. Given that cognition is a major symptomatic domain of bipolar disorder and has substantive effects on general functioning, the ability to influence the trajectory of cognitive change is of considerable clinical importance.


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Sexually transmitted infections are a major problem for medicine and for public health services worldwide. More than 30 sexually transmittable pathogenic micro-organisms are known, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and ectoparasites. According to estimates from the World Health Organisation more than 333 million of bacterial sexually transmitted infections occur worldwide per year. Sexually transmitted infections, by their nature, affect individuals, within partnerships and larger sexual networks, and in turn populations. This report focuses on three bacterial sexually transmitted infections in Switzerland that are Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhea and Treponema pallidum (syphilis) in Switzerland. The prevalence of these infections has been increasing alarmingly for a decade. All three infections can be asymptomatic and their diagnosis and treatment can therefore occur too late or worse not at all, even though treatments are available. This is an important problem as untreated sexually transmitted infections may cause complications such as ascending infections, infertility, ectopic pregnancies and serious long-term neurological sequels. The consequences of these infections should not be underestimated. They constitute a significant public health burden as well as serious financial burden. The increases in chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea infections have also been observed in many European countries. Countries, where rising numbers of sexually transmitted infections have been observed, have reacted in different ways. Some have developed clinical guidelines or implemented screening programs, while others are still in their observational phase. The aim of this mémoire is to assess whether Switzerland is doing enough regarding the prevention of chlamydial, syphilis and gonorrheal infections. After first describing the infections, surveillance systems of sexually transmitted infections are assessed, then the epidemiological trends of these three infections are described, and finally the prevention measures implemented in Switzerland to respond to the increasing number of infections are described. The reaction of the United Kingdom to the same problem is reported for comparison. [Author, p. 7]


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BACKGROUND: The use of a robotic surgical system is claimed to allow precise traction and counter-traction, especially in a narrow pelvis. Whether this translates to improvement of the quality of the resected specimen is not yet clear. The aim of the study was to compare the quality of the TME and the short-term oncological outcome between robotic and laparoscopic rectal cancer resections. METHODS: 20 consecutive robotic TME performed in a single institution for rectal cancer (Rob group) were matched 1:2 to 40 laparoscopic resections (Lap group) for gender, body mass index (BMI), and distance from anal verge on rigid proctoscopy. The quality of TME was assessed by 2 blinded and independent pathologists and reported according to international standardized guidelines. RESULTS: Both samples were well matched for gender, BMI (median 25.9 vs. 24.2 kg/m(2), p = 0.24), and level of the tumor (4.1 vs. 4.8 cm, p = 0.20). The quality of the TME was better in the Robotic group (complete TME: 95 vs. 55 %; p = 0.0003, nearly complete TME 5 vs. 37 %; p = 0.04, incomplete TME 0 vs. 8 %, p = 0.09). A trend for lower positive circumferential margin was observed in the Robotic group (10 vs. 25 %, p = 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that robotic-assisted surgery improves the quality of TME for rectal cancer. Whether this translates to better oncological outcome needs to be further investigated.