171 resultados para PERIPHERAL AIRWAYS
RESUME : La ghrelin est un peptide sécrété par l'estomac jouant un rôle important dans le maintien de l'homéostasie énergétique. Ses taux plasmatiques sont augmentés durant des périodes prolongées de déficit nutritionnel. Une carence énergétique étant souvent associée à une inhibition de l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-ovarien, nous avons postulé que l'augmentation des taux circulant de ghrelin pourrait diminuer l'activité du générateur hypothalamique de pulsations de GnRH. Le protocole expérimental impliquait des singes rhésus adultes ovariectomisés (n=6) qui dans un premier temps recevaient durant 3 heures une perfusion de solution saline physiologique afin de mesurer la sécrétion pulsatile de LH à l'état basai. L'expérience se poursuivait alors durant 5 heures par une perfusion intraveineuse de ghrelin humaine (un bolus de 100-150µg suivi par 100-150µg/h) ou le maintien de la perfusion de solution saline physiologique. Des échantillons de sang étaient prélevés toutes les 15 minutes. La perfusion de ghrelin a augmenté ses taux plasmatiques de 2.9 fois par rapport aux valeurs de base. L'administration de ghrelin a significativement diminué la fréquence des pulsations de LH (de 0.89±0.07/h à l'état basai à 0.57±0.10/h durant la perfusion de ghrelin; p<0.05, moyenne±SEM), alors que la fréquence des pulsations de LH est restée inchangée durant la perfusion de solution physiologique. L'amplitude des pulsations de LH n'a pas été modifiée. La ghrelin a également stimulé de manière significative la sécrétion de cortisol et d'hormone de croissance, mais n'a toutefois pas eu d'effet sur la sécrétion de leptin. En conclusion, la ghrelin peut inhiber l'activité du générateur de pulsations de GnRH et pourrait ainsi contribuer à l'inhibition de l'axe de la reproduction observée durant des périodes de carence nutritionnelle, comme notamment chez les patientes souffrant d'anorexie mentale. La ghrelin peut également activer l'axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrénalien. Le lien dans cette situation entre l'activation de l'axe surrénalien et l'inhibition de l'axe de la reproduction reste à démontrer. ABSTRACT: Ghrelin, a nutrition-related peptide secreted by the stomach, is elevated during prolonged food deprivation. Because undernutrition is often associated with a suppressed reproductive axis, we have postulated that increasing peripheral ghrelin levels will decrease the activity of the GnRH pulse generator. Adult ovariectomized rhesus monkeys (n = 6) were subjected to a 5-h iv human ghrelin (100- to 150µg bolus followed by 100-150 µg/h) or saline infusion, preceded by a 3-h saline infusion to establish baseline pulsatile LH release. Blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals throughout the experiment. Ghrelin infusion increased plasma ghrelin levels 2.9-fold of baseline. Ghrelin significantly decreased LH pulse frequency (from 0.89 ± 0.07/h in baseline to 0.57 ± 0.10/h during ghrelin infusion; P<0.05, mean ± SEM), whereas LH pulse frequency remained unchanged during saline treatment. LH pulse amplitude was not affected. Ghrelin also significantly stimulated both Cortisol and GH release, but had no effect on leptin. We conclude that ghrelin can inhibit GnRH pulse activity and may thereby mediate the suppression of the reproductive system observed in conditions of undernutrition, such as in anorexia nervosa. Ghrelin also activates the adrenal axis, but the relevance of this to the inhibition of GnRH pulse frequency remains to be established.
Allodynia (pain in response to normally non painful stimulation) and paresthesia (erroneous sensory experience) are two debilitating symptoms of neuropathic pain. These stem, at least partly, from profound changes in the non-nociceptive sensory pathway that comprises large myelinated neuronal afferents terminating in the gracile and cuneate nuclei. Further than neuronal changes, well admitted evidence indicates that glial cells (especially in the spinal cord) are key actors in neuropathic pain, in particular the possible alteration in astrocytic capacity to reuptake neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA). Yet, the possibility of such a changed astrocytic scavenging capacity remains unexplored in the dorsal column pathway. The present study was therefore undertaken to assess whether peripheral nerve injury (spared nerve injury model, SNI) could trigger a glial reaction, and especially changes in glutamate and GABA transporters, in the gracile nucleus. SNI surgery was performed on male Sprague-Dawley rats. Seven days after surgery, rats were used for immunofluorescence (fixation and brain slicing), western-blot (fresh brain freezing and protein extraction) or GABA reuptake on synaptosomes. We found that SNI results in a profound glial reaction in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus. This reaction was characterized by an enhanced immunolabelling for microglial marker Iba1 as well as astrocytic protein GFAP (further confirmed by western-blot, p <0.05, n = 7). These changes were not observed in sham animals. Immunofluorescence and western-blot analysis shows that the GABA transporter GAT-1 is upregulated in the ipsilateral gracile nucleus (p <0.001; n = 7), with no detectable change in GAT-3 or glutamate transporters EAAT-1 and EAAT-2. Double immunoflurescence shows that GAT-1 and GFAP colocalize within the same cells. Furthermore, the upregulation of GFAP and GAT-1 were shown to occur all along the rostrocaudal axis of the gracile nucleus. Finally, synaptosomes from ipsilateral gracile nucleus show an increased capacity to reuptake GABA. Together, the data presented herein show that glial cells in the gracile nucleus react to neuropathic lesion, in particular through an upregulation of the GABA transporter GAT-1. Hence, this study points to role of an increased GABA transport in the dorsal column nuclei in neuropathic pain, calling attention to GAT-1 as a putative future pharmacological target to treat allodynia and paresthesia.
Inactivating mutations of the Ten-Eleven Translocation 2 (TET2) gene were first identified in myeloid malignancies and more recently in peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs). In the present study, we investigated the presence of TET2 coding sequence mutations and their clinical relevance in a large cohort of 190 PTCL patients. TET2 mutations were identified in 40 of 86 (47%) cases of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) and in 22 of 58 (38%) cases of peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified (PTCL-NOS), but were absent in all other PTCL entities, with the exception of 2 of 10 cases of enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. Among PTCL-NOS, a heterogeneous group of lymphoma-comprising cases likely to derive from Th follicular (T(FH)) cells similarly to AITL, TET2 mutations were more frequent when PTCL-NOS expressed T(FH) markers and/or had features reminiscent of AITL (58% vs 24%, P = .01). In the AITL and PTCL-NOS subgroups, TET2 mutations were associated with advanced-stage disease, thrombocytopenia, high International Prognostic Index scores, and a shorter progression-free survival.
Background and Aims: Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) is reported with increasing frequency over the last two decades. However, it is still unknown whether this reflects a true increase in incidence or just an increased awareness by gastroenterologists. Therefore, we evaluated the incidence and cumulative prevalence of EoE in Olten county over the last 20 years. Methods: Olten county is an area of approximately 91,000 inhabitants without pronounced demographic changes in the last two decades. EoE evaluation is based upon two gastroenterology centers and one pathology center. No public programs for increased EoE awareness were implemented in this region. All EoE patients diagnosed from 1989 to 2009 were entered prospectively into the Olten county database. Results: Fourty-six patients (76% males, mean age 41±16 yrs) were diagnosed with EoE from 1989 to 2009. Ninety-four percent presented with dysphagia. In 70% of the patients concomitant allergies were found. The number of upper endoscopies per year was stable during the entire observation period. An average annual incidence rate of 2/100,000 was found (range 0-8) with a marked increase in the period from 2001 to 2009. A current cumulative EoE prevalence of 43/100,000 inhabitants was calculated. The mean diagnostic delay (time from first symptoms to diagnosis) was 4.3 years from 1989 to 1998 and 4.8 years from 1999 to 2009. Conclusions: Over the last 20 years, a significant increase in EoE incidence was found in a stable indicator region of Switzerland. The constant rate of upper endoscopies, the constant diagnostic delay, as well as the lack of EoE awareness programs in Olten county indicate a true increase in EoE incidence.
Rehabilitation programs represent an important and valuable tool for patients suffering various diseases. Supervised exercise programs for patients with peripheral arterial diseases have been shown to be efficacious in ameliorating walking performances and quality of life of such patients. With this regards the angiology service of the CHUV in Lausanne has established a multidisciplinary supervised program of vascular rehabilitation. This article describes organisation and characteristics of such a program.
Mature T-cell and T/NK-cell neoplasms are both uncommon and heterogeneous, among the broad category of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Due to the lack of specific genetic alterations in the vast majority of cases, most currently defined entities show overlapping morphologic and immunophenotypic features and therefore pose a challenge to the diagnostic pathologist. The goal of the symposium is to address current criteria for the recognition of specific subtypes of T-cell lymphoma, and to highlight new data regarding emerging immunophenotypic or molecular markers. This activity has been designed to meet the needs of practicing pathologists, and residents and fellows enrolled in training programs in anatomic and clinical pathology. It should be a particular benefit to those with an interest in hematopathology. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: -To be able to state the basis for the classification of mature T-cell malignancies involving nodal and extranodal sites. -To recognize and accurately diagnose the various subtypes of nodal and extranodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas. -To utilize immunohistochemical and molecular tests to characterize atypical T-cell proliferations. -To recognize and accurately diagnose T-cell lymphoproliferative lesions involving the skin and gastrointestinal tract, and be able to provide guidance regarding their clinical aggressiveness and management -To be able to utilize flow cytometric data to identify diverse functional T-cell subsets.
PURPOSE: To investigate choroidal vascular abnormalities in peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, using dynamic ultrawide-field fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA).¦DESIGN: Prospective observational case series.¦METHODS: This institutional study comprised a consecutive series of 40 patients (48 eyes) with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy. Choroidal vascular abnormalities were assessed with dynamic ultrawide-field (150-degree) FA and ICGA, using the Staurenghi 230 SLO Retina Lens and the Heidelberg scanning laser ophthalmoscope. The main outcome measures were morphologic descriptions of structural vascular abnormalities and choroidal hemodynamics (comparison with 30 normal eyes).¦RESULTS: The peripheral mass lesions were highly exudative and hemorrhagic, and usually associated with a pigment epithelium detachment. FA revealed nonspecific alterations corresponding to the visible fundoscopic changes (window defects, blockage, staining), but no neovascular membrane. However, despite frequent masking, ICGA showed hyperfluorescent polyp-like structures in the choroid of the lesion area in 33 eyes (69%) and an abnormal choroidal vascular network in 24 eyes (50%). The abnormal choroidal vascular network filled in the arterial or early venous phase, while the polyp-like structures filled some seconds later. Optical coherence tomography revealed the typical dome-shaped elevation of the pigment epithelium over the vascular polyps. Peripheral choriocapillaris closure was observed as well as dilated shunting vessels.¦CONCLUSION: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy shares many characteristics (polyp-like choroidal telangiectases, abnormal choroidal vascular networks, exudative and hemorrhagic presentation) with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Clarification of the precise role of these abnormalities requires further studies.
A monoclonal antibody, LAU-A1, which selectively reacts with all cells of the T-lineage, was derived from a fusion between spleen cells of a mouse immunized with paediatric thymocytes and mouse myeloma P X 63/Ag8 cells. As shown by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay and analysis by flow microfluorometry of cells labelled by indirect immunofluorescence, the LAU-A1 antibody reacted with all six T-cell lines but not with any of the B-cell lines or myeloid cell lines tested from a panel of 17 human hematopoietic cell lines. The LAU-A1 antibody was also shown to react with the majority of thymocytes and E-rosette-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes. Among the malignant cell populations tested, the blasts from all 20 patients with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) were found to react with the LAU-A1 antibody, whereas blasts from 85 patients with common ALL and 63 patients with acute myeloid leukemias were entirely negative. Examination of frozen tissue sections from fetal and adult thymuses stained by an indirect immunoperoxidase method revealed that cells expressing the LAU-A1 antigen were localized in both the cortex and the medulla. From the very broad reactivity spectrum of LAU-A1 antibody, we conclude that this antibody is directed against a T-cell antigen expressed throughout the T-cell differentiation lineage. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates formed by LAU-A1 antibody with detergent lysates of radiolabeled T-cells showed that the LAU-A1 antigen had an apparent mol. wt of 76,000 under non-reducing conditions. Under reducing conditions a single band with an apparent mol. wt of 40,000 was observed. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that the 76,000 mol. wt component consisted of an S-S-linked dimeric complex. The surface membrane expression of LAU-A1 antigen on HSB-2 T-cells was modulated when these cells were cultured in the presence of LAU-A1 antibody. Re-expression of LAU-A1 antigen occurred within 24 hr after transfer of the modulated cells into antibody-free medium.
While the morphological and electrophysiological changes underlying diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) are relatively well described, the involved molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated whether phenotypic changes associated with early DPN are correlated with transcriptional alterations in the neuronal (dorsal root ganglia [DRG]) or the glial (endoneurium) compartments of the peripheral nerve. We used Ins2(Akita/+) mice to study transcriptional changes underlying the onset of DPN in type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). Weight, blood glucose and motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) were measured in Ins2(Akita/+) and control mice during the first three months of life in order to determine the onset of DPN. Based on this phenotypic characterization, we performed gene expression profiling using sciatic nerve endoneurium and DRG isolated from pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic Ins2(Akita/+) mice and sex-matched littermate controls. Our phenotypic analysis of Ins2(Akita/+) mice revealed that DPN, as measured by reduced MNCV, is detectable in affected animals already one week after the onset of hyperglycemia. Surprisingly, the onset of DPN was not associated with any major persistent changes in gene expression profiles in either sciatic nerve endoneurium or DRG. Our data thus demonstrated that the transcriptional programs in both endoneurial and neuronal compartments of the peripheral nerve are relatively resistant to the onset of hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia suggesting that either minor transcriptional alterations or changes on the proteomic level are responsible for the functional deficits associated with the onset of DPN in type 1 DM.
The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor (BAFF) binds B cells and enhances B cell receptor-triggered proliferation. We find that B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a predicted member of the TNF receptor family expressed primarily in mature B cells, is a receptor for BAFF. Although BCMA was previously localized to the Golgi apparatus, BCMA was found to be expressed on the surface of transfected cells and tonsillar B cells. A soluble form of BCMA, which inhibited the binding of BAFF to a B cell line, induced a dramatic decrease in the number of peripheral B cells when administered in vivo. Moreover, culturing splenic cells in the presence of BAFF increased survival of a percentage of the B cells. These results are consistent with a role for BAFF in maintaining homeostasis of the B cell population.
An ideal substitute to treat a nerve gap has not been found. Initially, silicone conduits were employed. Later, conduits were fabricated from collagen or polyesters carbonates. More recently, it has been shown that a bioresorbable material, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), can enhance nerve repair. The present investigation shows the use of fibrin as a conduit to guide nerve regeneration and bridge nerve defects. In this study we prepared and investigated a novel nerve conduit made from fibrin glue. Using a rodent sciatic nerve injury model (10-mm gap), we compared the extent of nerve regeneration through the new fibrin conduits versus established PHB conduits. After 2 and 4 weeks, conduits containing proximal and distal stumps were harvested. We evaluated the initial axon and Schwann cell stimulation using immunohistochemistry. The conduits presented full tissue integration and were completely intact. Axons crossed the gap after 1 month. Immunohistochemistry using the axonal marker PGP 9.5 showed a superior nerve regeneration distance in the fibrin conduit compared with PHB (4.1 mm versus 1.9 mm). Schwann cell intrusion (S100 staining) was similarly enhanced in the fibrin conduits, both from the proximal (4.2 mm versus 2.1 mm) and distal ends (3.2 mm versus 1.7 mm). These findings suggest an advantage of the new fibrin conduit for the important initial phase of peripheral nerve regeneration. The use of fibrin glue as a conduit is a step toward a usable graft to bridge peripheral nerve lesions. This might be clinically interesting, given the widespread acceptance of fibrin glue among the surgical community.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy (CMT) represents a heterogenous group of inherited disorders of the peripheral nervous system. One form of autosomal recessive demyelinating CMT (CMT4C, 5q32) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding KIAA1985, a protein of so far unknown function. Here we show that KIAA1985 is exclusively expressed in Schwann cells. KIAA1985 is tethered to cellular membranes through an N-terminal myristic acid anchor and localizes to the perinuclear recycling compartment. A search for proteins that interact with KIAA1985 identified the small GTPase Rab11, a key regulator of recycling endosome functions. CMT4C-related missense mutations disrupt the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction. Protein binding studies indicate that KIAA1985 functions as a Rab11 effector, as it interacts only with active forms of Rab11 (WT and Q70L) and does not interact with the GDP locked mutant (S25N). Consistent with a function of Rab11 in Schwann cell myelination, myelin formation was strongly impaired when dorsal root ganglion neurons were co-cultured with Schwann cells infected with Rab11 S25N. Our data indicate that the KIAA1985/Rab11 interaction is relevant for peripheral nerve pathophysiology and place endosomal recycling on the list of cellular mechanisms involved in Schwann cell myelination.
Metastatic melanomas are frequently refractory to most adjuvant therapies such as chemotherapies and radiotherapies. Recently, immunotherapies have shown good results in the treatment of some metastatic melanomas. Immune cell infiltration in the tumor has been associated with successful immunotherapy. More generally, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in the primary tumor and in metastases of melanoma patients have been demonstrated to correlate positively with favorable clinical outcomes. Altogether, these findings suggest the importance of being able to identify, quantify and characterize immune infiltration at the tumor site for a better diagnostic and treatment choice. In this paper, we used Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging to identify and quantify different subpopulations of T cells: the cytotoxic T cells (CD8+), the helper T cells (CD4+) and the regulatory T cells (T reg). As a proof of concept, we investigated pure populations isolated from human peripheral blood from 6 healthy donors. These subpopulations were isolated from blood samples by magnetic labeling and purities were assessed by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). The results presented here show that Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) imaging followed by supervised Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) allows an accurate identification of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells (>86%). We then developed a PLS regression allowing the quantification of T reg in a different mix of immune cells (e.g. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)). Altogether, these results demonstrate the sensitivity of infrared imaging to detect the low biological variability observed in T cell subpopulations.