192 resultados para Oz (Imaginary place)


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Training future pathologists is an important mission of many hospital anatomic pathology departments. Apprenticeship-a process in which learning and teaching tightly intertwine with daily work, is one of the main educational methods in use in postgraduate medical training. However, patient care, including pathological diagnosis, often comes first, diagnostic priorities prevailing over educational ones. Recognition of the unique educational opportunities is a prerequisite for enhancing the postgraduate learning experience. The aim of this paper is to draw attention of senior pathologists with a role as supervisor in postgraduate training on the potential educational value of a multihead microscope, a common setting in pathology departments. After reporting on an informal observation of senior and junior pathologists' meetings around the multihead microscope in our department, we review the literature on current theories of learning to provide support to the high potential educational value of these meetings for postgraduate training in pathology. We also draw from the literature on learner-centered teaching some recommendations to better support learning in this particular context. Finally, we propose clues for further studies and effective instruction during meetings around a multihead microscope.


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Usefulness of a predictive score in subarachnoid hemorrhage diagnosis Nearly half of the patients with non-traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) present with no neurological signs, inducing clinical underestimation of the gravity of their affection. As the outcome of aneurismal SAH is highly dependant on the initial neurological status and the recurrence of untreated hemorrhagic events, these neurologically intact patients stand to suffer the most from delayed diagnosis. Although there is currently no validated predictive score that reliably identifies SAH-induced headache, a combination of clinical criteria derived from a cohort of sudden-onset headache patients should allow risk stratification and identification of those patients requiring further investigation.


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There is a sustained controversy in the literature about the role and utility of self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) in type 2 diabetes. The study results in this field do not provide really useful clues for the integration of SMBG in the follow-up of the individual patient, because they are based on a misconception of SMBG. It is studied as if it was a medical treatment whose effect on glycemic control is to be isolated. However, SMBG has no such intrinsic effect. It gains its purpose only as an inseparable component of a comprehensive and structured educational strategy. To be appropriate this strategy cannot be based on the health care professionals' view on diabetes only. It rather has to be tailored to the individual patient's needs through an ongoing process of shared reflection with him.


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Diabetes represents an important health burden on our society: for example in Lausanne (Switzerland) 16% of the adult population have abnormal glucose homeostasis and 6% have diabetes, of which about a third is not aware. Some guidelines identify the "at risk" population for which screening seems indicated. Simple clinical scores have been developed at allow to better estimate the risk of diabetes and hence to potentially better target screening of the disease. The recent discovery of more that 18 genetic variants associated with an increased risk to develop the diseased has allowed to include individual genotype into genetic risk scores. We will discuss in this article the usefulness of these genetic score, how they compare to clinical score, their implication for clinical practice as well as their potential ethical or economical consequences.


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Background and aim of the study: In Switzerland no HIV test is performed without the patient's consent based on a Voluntary Counseling and Testing policy (VCT). We hypothesized that a substantial proportion of patients going through an elective surgery falsely believed that an HIV test was performed on a routine basis and that the lack of transmission of result was interpreted as being HIV negative. Material and method: All patients with elective orthopedic surgery during 2007 were contacted by phone in 2008. A structured questionnaire assessed their belief about routine preoperative blood analysis (glycemia, coagulation capacity, HIV serology and cholesterol) as well as result awareness and interpretation. Variables included age and gender. Analysis were conducted using the software JMP 6.0.3. Results: 1123 patients were included. 130 (12%) were excluded (i.e. unreachable, unable to communicate on the phone, not operated). 993 completed the survey (89%). Median age was 51 (16-79). 50% were female. 376 (38%) patients thought they had an HIV test performed before surgery but none of them had one. 298 (79%) interpreted the absence of result as a negative HIV test. A predictive factor to believe an HIV test had been done was an age below 50 years old (45% vs 33% for 16-49 years old and 50-79 years old respectively, p <0.001). No difference was observed between genders. Conclusion: In Switzerland, nearly 40% of the patients falsely thought an HIV test had been performed on a routine basis before surgery and were erroneously reassured about their HIV status. These results should either improve the information given to the patient regarding preoperative exams, or motivate public health policy to consider HIV opt-out screening, as patients are already expecting it.


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Ce travail de thèse décrit dans un premier volet le contexte historique et géopolitique de l'héroïne et de la cocaïne, ainsi que la composition chimique des produits et les étapes de leur fabrication. Le second volet est consacré à la description du concept du profilage et aux méthodes d'analyses chimiques et de comparaison de profils. Le troisième volet présente l'utilisation d'outils permettant une gestion et une visualisation des liens chimiques mis en évidence. L'ensemble de la démarche s'inscrit dans le but visant à cerner mieux les rouages de l'organisation du trafic de stupéfiants et de proposer une architecture cohérente et efficace de la gestion des analyses des produits stupéfiants. Le résultat permet de fournir une information opérationnelle utile aux forces de police actives dans la lutte contre le trafic de stupéfiant. Enfin une réflexion est menée sur l'interprétation des résultats et la valeur probante de ceux-ci, notamment lorsqu'une expertise est rédigée à l'attention d'un magistrat ou d'un tribunal.


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Partant du double constat (1) de l?accroissement quasi exponentiel de la pression anthropique sur les ressources naturelles depuis près d?un siècle (Pfister 1996) et (2) de l?incapacité des politiques environnementales contemporaines à envisager les questions de régulation des rela- tions entre les sociétés humaines et leur environnement naturel sous l?angle de ce problème de plus en plus urgent de la surexploitation des ressources naturelles, ce travail de thèse de doc- torat propose de mettre en oeuvre un nouveau cadre d?analyse élaboré dans le cadre d?une recherche collective portant sur les {t régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles >:.l. Ce ca- dre conceptuel est le produit d?une rencontre entre deux disciplines ayant contribué, chacune à sa manière, à l?analyse de la régulation des usages sociaux de l?environnement et des ressour- ces naturelles que sont : (1) l?économie institutionnelle des ressources naturelles et (2) l?analyse des politiques publiques de l?environnement. Il se fonde sur deux postulats que sont : (1) la nécessité - si l?on entend rendre compre de ma- nière pertinente et exhaustive de l?ensemble des enjeux liés aux usages humains de l?environnement naturel - de combiner les instruments d?analyse de ces deux disciplines dans le cadre d?une nouvelle conceptualisation formalisée sous le terme de H régime institutionnei de ressources naturelles », et (2) la nécessité de dépasser la conception t< sectorielle >) des politiques environnementales et de relire la réalité sous l?angle non plus de la gestion des émissions, mais de la gestion des ressources naturelles. Par régime institutionnel, on entend la combinaison d?une part, de l?ensemble des politiques publiques régulant les usages d?exploitation et de protection d?une ressource naturelle et d?autre part, l?ensemble des droits de propriété (propriété formelle, droits de disposition et droits d?usages) s?appliquant à cette même ressource. Reprenant cet acquis commun (Knoepfel, Kissling-Naef, Varone 2001) et constatant que, eil l?état actuel de son développement, ce cadre conceptuel des régimes institutionnels n?est encore essentiellement que heuristique et statique, ma thèse a pour ambition de rendre celui-ci plus dynamique de manière à accroître sa capacité explicative. L?objectif de ce travail consiste donc à contribuer à l?élaboration d?une théorie des changements de régime et dc leurs effets. Pour ce faire, ce travail a pour ambition de répondre aux trois questions suivantes : 1. Pourquoi (déclencheurs) et comment (dynamique) les RIRN se transforment-ils dans le temps ? 2. Quels sont les effets de ces changements sur les usages et l?état de la ressource naturelle régulée ? 3. Quels enseignements peut-on tirer de la connaissance de ces processus en vue de la constitution de régimes institutionnels garantissant une gestion durable des ressources naturelles ?