255 resultados para N-H INSERTION
Dermatophytes cause the majority of superficial mycoses in humans and animals. However, little is known about the pathogenicity of this specialized group of filamentous fungi, for which molecular research has been limited thus far. During experimental infection of guinea pigs by the human pathogenic dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae, we recently detected the activation of the fungal gene encoding malate synthase AcuE, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle. By the establishment of the first genetic system for A. benhamiae, specific ΔacuE mutants were constructed in a wild-type strain and, in addition, in a derivative in which we inactivated the nonhomologous end-joining pathway by deletion of the A. benhamiae KU70 gene. The absence of AbenKU70 resulted in an increased frequency of the targeted insertion of linear DNA by homologous recombination, without notably altering the monitored in vitro growth abilities of the fungus or its virulence in a guinea pig infection model. Phenotypic analyses of ΔacuE mutants and complemented strains depicted that malate synthase is required for the growth of A. benhamiae on lipids, major constituents of the skin. However, mutant analysis did not reveal a pathogenic role of the A. benhamiae enzyme in guinea pig dermatophytosis or during epidermal invasion of the fungus in an in vitro model of reconstituted human epidermis. The presented efficient system for targeted genetic manipulation in A. benhamiae, paired with the analyzed infection models, will advance the functional characterization of putative virulence determinants in medically important dermatophytes.
It is often supposed that a protein's rate of evolution and its amino acid content are determined by the function and anatomy of the protein. Here we examine an alternative possibility, namely that the requirement to specify in the unprocessed RNA, in the vicinity of intron-exon boundaries, information necessary for removal of introns (e.g., exonic splice enhancers) affects both amino acid usage and rates of protein evolution. We find that the majority of amino acids show skewed usage near intron-exon boundaries, and that differences in the trends for the 2-fold and 4-fold blocks of both arginine and leucine show this to be owing to effects mediated at the nucleotide level. More specifically, there is a robust relationship between the extent to which an amino acid is preferred/avoided near boundaries and its enrichment/paucity in splice enhancers. As might then be expected, the rate of evolution is lowest near intron-exon boundaries, at least in part owing to splice enhancers, such that domains flanking intron-exon junctions evolve on average at under half the rate of exon centres from the same gene. In contrast, the rate of evolution of intronless retrogenes is highest near the domains where intron-exon junctions previously resided. The proportion of sequence near intron-exon boundaries is one of the stronger predictors of a protein's rate of evolution in mammals yet described. We conclude that after intron insertion selection favours modification of amino acid content near intron-exon junctions, so as to enable efficient intron removal, these changes then being subject to strong purifying selection even if nonoptimal for protein function. Thus there exists a strong force operating on protein evolution in mammals that is not explained directly in terms of the biology of the protein.
In natural conditions, basidiomycete ectomycorrhizal fungi such as Laccaria bicolor are typically in the dikaryotic state when forming symbioses with trees, meaning that two genetically different individuals have to fuse or 'mate'. Nevertheless, nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms of mating in these ecologically important fungi. Here, advantage was taken of the first sequenced genome of the ectomycorrhizal fungus, Laccaria bicolor, to determine the genes that govern the establishment of cell-type identity and orchestrate mating. The L. bicolor mating type loci were identified through genomic screening. The evolutionary history of the genomic regions that contained them was determined by genome-wide comparison of L. bicolor sequences with those of known tetrapolar and bipolar basidiomycete species, and by phylogenetic reconstruction of gene family history. It is shown that the genes of the two mating type loci, A and B, are conserved across the Agaricales, but they are contained in regions of the genome with different evolutionary histories. The A locus is in a region where the gene order is under strong selection across the Agaricales. By contrast, the B locus is in a region where the gene order is likely under a low selection pressure but where gene duplication, translocation and transposon insertion are frequent.
Although their contribution remains unclear, lipids may facilitate noncanonical routes of protein internalization into cells such as those used by cell-penetrating proteins. We show that protein C inhibitor (PCI), a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), rapidly transverses the plasma membrane, which persists at low temperatures and enables its nuclear targeting in vitro and in vivo. Cell membrane translocation of PCI necessarily requires phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In parallel, PCI acts as a lipid transferase for PE. The internalized serpin promotes phagocytosis of bacteria, thus suggesting a function in host defense. Membrane insertion of PCI depends on the conical shape of PE and is associated with the formation of restricted aqueous compartments within the membrane. Gain- and loss-of-function mutations indicate that the transmembrane passage of PCI requires a branched cavity between its helices H and D, which, according to docking studies, precisely accommodates PE. Our findings show that its specific shape enables cell surface PE to drive plasma membrane translocation of cell-penetrating PCI.
En France, les différentes réorientations pénales et les missions confiées au Service Pénitentiaire d'Insertion et de Probation (SPIP) placent l'évaluation des risques de récidive et leur prévention au centre de la pratique professionnelle des Conseillers Pénitentiaires d'Insertion et de Probation (CPIP). Les récentes évolutions législatives des missions des SPIP, les mutations identitaires et des pratiques qu'elles impliquent -en particulier les Groupes de Paroles de Prévention de la Récidive (GPPR)-, caractérisent une évolution centrée sur la gestion du risque. Partant de critiques dans la littérature sur la notion de gestion du risque de récidive dans les pratiques pénales et de ce qu'elle induit dans les modes d'appréhension des sujets et dans les interventions professionnelles, l'article met en relation les réorientations vers une gestion du risque telles qu'elles peuvent apparaître dans les textes, missions et référentiel du SPIP, avec une évaluation des pratiques professionnelles centrées sur les GPPR intégrés au sein des SPIP. Y a-t-il infiltration et remodelage des pratiques ? Si c'est bien le cas, on examine où se situe le niveau pertinent de cette influence et du réaménagement des pratiques.
Retroposed genes (retrogenes) originate via the reverse transcription of mature messenger RNAs from parental source genes and are therefore usually devoid of introns. Here, we characterize a particular set of mammalian retrogenes that acquired introns upon their emergence and thus represent rare cases of intron gain in mammals. We find that although a few retrogenes evolved introns in their coding or 3' untranslated regions (untranslated region, UTR), most introns originated together with untranslated exons in the 5' flanking regions of the retrogene insertion site. They emerged either de novo or through fusions with 5' UTR exons of host genes into which the retrogenes inserted. Generally, retrogenes with introns display high transcription levels and show broader spatial expression patterns than other retrogenes. Our experimental expression analyses of individual intron-containing retrogenes show that 5' UTR introns may indeed promote higher expression levels, at least in part through encoded regulatory elements. By contrast, 3' UTR introns may lead to downregulation of expression levels via nonsense-mediated decay mechanisms. Notably, the majority of retrogenes with introns in their 5' flanks depend on distant, sometimes bidirectional CpG dinucleotide-enriched promoters for their expression that may be recruited from other genes in the genomic vicinity. We thus propose a scenario where the acquisition of new 5' exon-intron structures was directly linked to the recruitment of distant promoters by these retrogenes, a process potentially facilitated by the presence of proto-splice sites in the genomic vicinity of retrogene insertion sites. Thus, the primary role and selective benefit of new 5' introns (and UTR exons) was probably initially to span the often substantial distances to potent CpG promoters driving retrogene transcription. Later in evolution, these introns then obtained additional regulatory roles in fine tuning retrogene expression levels. Our study provides novel insights regarding mechanisms underlying the origin of new introns, the evolutionary relevance of intron gain, and the origin of new gene promoters.
C4-dicarboxylates are one of the preferred carbon and energy sources for the growth of P. aeruginosa, a ubiquitous and metabolically versatile bacterium. However, despite their importance, C4-dicarboxylates sensing and uptake systems were poorly understood in P. aeruginosa and only little information was available in the literature. In our work, the C4-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) system in P. aeruginosa was found to be composed of a novel two-component system, called DctB/DctD, regulating together with the sigma factor RpoN the expression of two newly identified C4-dicarboxylate transporters: DctA and DctPQM. Inactivation of the dct A, dctB or dctD gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating their major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of redundant C4-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the kdctA mutant, combined with a screening for growth on succinate, led to the identification of a second Dct system, the DctPQM transporter, belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. AdctAAdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate albeit residual growth on succinate suggested that additional transporters for succinate are present. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at μΜ concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at mM concentrations. For the first time, high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate (DctA and DctPQM) are reported to function co-ordinately to transport C4- dicarboxylates. Most probably, the presence of redundant uptake systems contributes to the versatility of this bacterium. Next, the regulation of the Dct system was investigated. While performing a parallel study about the carbon catabolite repression (CCR) phenomenon in P. aeruginosa, a link between the CCR cascade (CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc) and the Dct system was observed. Crc is a translational repressor acting when preferred carbon sources (like C4-dicarboxylates) are present. CrcZ is a small RNA acting as a functional antagonist of Crc and induced by the CbrA/CbrB two-component system when non preferred carbon sources (like mannitol) are utilized. Novel targets of the CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc system in P. aeruginosa were identified using transcriptome analysis; among them dctA and dctPQM were detected. CCR is regulating the dct transporter genes expression depending on the succinate concentrations in the medium of growth; this modulation of CCR is possible because, at the same time, succinate concentrations tune CCR. In a medium containing high succinate concentrations, CrcZ levels were low and therefore Crc inhibited the translation of mRNA targets. Whereas in a medium containing low succinate concentrations, the subsequent increase of CrcZ levels sequestered Crc, inhibiting its activity. This model shows for the first time that CCR possesses a feedback-based circuitry, a very important type of regulatory loop that confers the best adaptive response under changing environmental conditions. The expression of the dct transporter genes is also found to be regulated by the RNA chaperone protein Hfq. Hfq has the same post-transcriptional effect than Crc at high concentration of succinate, i.e. inhibiting dctP and dctR and indirectly favouring dctA expression. Moreover, an additional indirect positive regulation of dctP expression by Hfq was found. Finally, a metabolome approach was performed to investigate the internal signals modulating CCR via induction of CbrA activity in P. aeruginosa PAOl and P. putida KT2442. The results of the analysis are currently under study in the laboratory. - Les acides C4-dicarboxyliques font partie des sources de carbone et d'énergie préférés de P. aeruginosa, une bactérie versatile et ubiquitaire. Néanmoins, malgré leur importance, comment la présence des acides C4-dicarboxyliques dans le milieu est sentie par la bactérie et comment ils sont transportés dans la cellule chez P. aeruginosa n'étaient pas connus. De plus, peu d'informations sur ces procédés ont été répertoriées dans la littérature. Grace à notre travail, le système de transport des acides C4-dicarboxyliques (Dct) chez P. aeruginosa a pu être caractérisé. En effet, il est composé d'un nouveau système à deux composants, nommé DctB/DctD, qui régule, en combinaison avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN, l'expression des deux nouveaux transporteurs des acides C4-dicarboxyliques: DctA et DctPQM. L'inactivation des gènes dctA, dctB or dctD cause un défaut de croissance des souches mutantes dans un milieu minimum contenant du succinate, fumarate ou malate; confirmation de leur rôle dans le Dct. Cependant, une croissance résiduelle du mutant dctA dans ces milieux suggérerait une redondance des transporteurs d'acides Grdicarboxyliques. Une expérience de mutagenèse dans la souche AdctA, utilisant le transposon Tn5, combiné avec un criblage génétique sur la croissance dans le succinate, nous a permis d'identifier le deuxième transporteur DctPQM. DctPQM appartient à la famille des transporteurs TRAP (tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic). Un double mutant AdctAAdctPQM ne pousse pas dans du malate ou fumarate mais par contre présente une croissance résiduelle dans le succinate suggérant l'existence de transporteurs supplémentaires pour le succinate. En réalisant des expériences de compétitions nous avons démontré que le transporteur DctPQM est plus efficace que le transporteur DctA pour l'utilisation de succinate à une concentration de l'ordre du μΜ. Par contre, DctA est le transporteur le plus important pour une concentration de succinate de l'ordre du raM. Pour la première fois, deux systèmes de transport, un avec une forte- et un avec une faible-affinité (DctA et DctPQM) pour le succinate, sont coordonnés dans leur activité de transport des acides C4- dicarboxyliques, probablement contribuant à la versatilité de la bactérie. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la régulation du system Dct. En effectuant, en parallèle, une étude sur le phénomène de la répression catabolique (RC) chez P. aeruginosa, un lien entre la RC et le système Dct a été observé. La cascade des régulateurs formant la RC est composée de CbrA/CbrB, CrcZ et Crc. Crc est un répresseur traductionnel qui agit quand des sources de carbone préférées (comme les acides C4-dicarboxyliques) sont présentes dans le milieu. CrcZ est un petit ARN non-codant qui agit comme antagoniste de Crc. L'expression de CrcZ est induite par le système à deux composants CbrA/CbrB lorsque une source de carbone non-préférée est utilisée (comme le mannitol). Des nouvelles cibles du système CbrAB/CrcZ/Crc chez P. aeruginosa ont été identifiées grâce à une analyse du transcriptome des souches mutantes des régulateurs de la cascade. Parmi les cibles identifiées, les gènes dctA et dctPQM étaient présents. La RC régule l'expression des transporteurs dct en fonction de la concentration de succinate dans le milieu de croissance. Cette régulation est possible parce que, en même temps, les acides C4- dicarboxyliques régulent la RC. Dans un milieu contenant une grande concentration du succinate, le niveau d'expression de CrcZ est faible, donc Crc peut inhiber l'expression de ces ARN messagers cibles. Par contre, dans un milieu avec une faible concentration de succinate, l'augmentation de l'expression de CrcZ titre Crc et inhibe son activité. Ce modèle de régulation rétroactive est très important pour le phénomène de la RC, parce qu'il permet à la bactérie d'accorder une meilleure réponse à un changement environnemental. L'expression des gènes codant pour les transporteurs dct sont aussi régulés par la protéine chaperonne d'ARN Hfq. Hfq semble avoir le même effet traductionnelle que Crc, lorsqu'il y a une forte concentration de succinate. Nous avons ainsi observé une régulation négative de l'expression du gène dct Ρ et dctR, qui code pour un répresseur de la transcription de dctA. Nous avons aussi observé une régulation positive de la transcription de dctP par Hfq, probablement de façon indirecte. Enfin, une analyse du metabolome a était utilisée pour chercher les signaux internes modulant la RC et, en particulier, l'activité de la protéine senseur CbrA chez P. aeruginosa PAOl et P. putida KT2442. Les résultats de l'analyse sont en cours d'étude dans le laboratoire.
The distribution of transposable elements (TEs) in a genome reflects a balance between insertion rate and selection against new insertions. Understanding the distribution of TEs therefore provides insights into the forces shaping the organization of genomes. Past research has shown that TEs tend to accumulate in genomic regions with low gene density and low recombination rate. However, little is known about the factors modulating insertion rates across the genome and their evolutionary significance. One candidate factor is gene expression, which has been suggested to increase local insertion rate by rendering DNA more accessible. We test this hypothesis by comparing the TE density around germline- and soma-expressed genes in the euchromatin of Drosophila melanogaster. Because only insertions that occur in the germline are transmitted to the next generation, we predicted a higher density of TEs around germline-expressed genes than soma-expressed genes. We show that the rate of TE insertions is greater near germline- than soma-expressed genes. However, this effect is partly offset by stronger selection for genome compactness (against excess noncoding DNA) on germline-expressed genes. We also demonstrate that the local genome organization in clusters of coexpressed genes plays a fundamental role in the genomic distribution of TEs. Our analysis shows that-in addition to recombination rate-the distribution of TEs is shaped by the interaction of gene expression and genome organization. The important role of selection for compactness sheds a new light on the role of TEs in genome evolution. Instead of making genomes grow passively, TEs are controlled by the forces shaping genome compactness, most likely linked to the efficiency of gene expression or its complexity and possibly their interaction with mechanisms of TE silencing.
We designed a trap system to isolate different amino acid sequences which could target proteins to the cell surface via GPI anchor transfer. This selection procedure is based on the insertion of various sequences which regenerate a functional GPI anchor signal sequence and therefore provoke re-expression at the surface of a reporter molecule. Using this trap for cell surface targeting sequences, we could show the importance of the defined elements essential for GPI anchor addition. Such a system could be used for an exhaustive analysis of the carboxyl terminus structural requirements for GPI membrane anchoring.
OBJECTIVES: During open heart surgery, so-called atrial chatter, a phenomenon due to right atria and/or caval collapse, is frequently observed. Collapse of the cava axis during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) limits venous drainage and may result downstream in reduced pump flow on (lack of volume) and upstream in increased after-load (stagnation), which in turn may both result in reduced or even inadequate end-organ perfusion. The goal of this study was to reproduce venous collapse in the flow bench. METHODS: In accordance with literature for venous anatomy, a caval tree system is designed (polyethylene, thickness 0.061 mm), which receives venous inflow from nine afferent veins. With water as medium and a preload of 4.4 mmHg, the system has an outflow of 4500 ml/min (Scenario A). After the insertion of a percutaneous venous cannula (23-Fr), the venous model is continuously served by the afferent branches in a venous test bench and venous drainage is augmented with a centrifugal pump (Scenario B). RESULTS: With gravity drainage (siphon: A), spontaneously reversible atrial chatter can be generated in reproducible fashion. Slight reduction in the outflow diameter allows for generation of continuous flow. With augmentation (B), irreversible collapse of the artificial vena cava occurs in reproducible fashion at a given pump speed of 2300 ± 50 RPM and a pump inlet pressure of -112 mmHg. Furthermore, bubbles form at the cannula tip despite the fact that the entire system is immersed in water and air from the environment cannot enter the system. This phenomenon is also known as cavitation and should be avoided because of local damage of both formed blood elements and endothelium, as well embolization. CONCLUSIONS: This caval model provides a realistic picture for the limitations of flow due to spontaneously reversible atrial chatter vs irreversible venous collapse for a given negative pressure during CPB. Temporary interruption of negative pressure in the venous line can allow for recovery of venous drainage. This know-how can be used not only for testing different cannula designs, but also for further optimizing perfusion strategies.
Centromedullary nailing is a well-established method of treatment for diaphyseal long bone fractures. The indications have been broadened greatly since the introduction in 1974 of interlocking centromedullary nailing. The purpose of this paper is to review our first results with locked intramedullary nailing of the tibia. We report our experience with the first 19 cases of interlocking tibia nails (15 fractures, 1 delayed union, 2 pseudarthrosis, 1 osteotomy). On the extension table, the insertion of the nail and the placement of the interlocking screws did not cause any problem. In 3 cases, a proximal screw had to be removed within two weeks because of spontaneous displacement. Complications have been noticed in three patients (15.8%) (pulmonary embolism on day 1, and compartment syndrome two days later in one case, sciatic nerve neuroapraxia in the other two). The other patients have been mobilized 24 to 48 hours after surgery. 94% of the fractures were consolidated 4 months post-operatively, with no major deformation. Interlocking tibia nailing seems to be an attractive method in the treatment of certain fractures of the tibia. Early mobilisation and weight-bearing are provided. The indications, the technical aspects as well as the dangers of the method must be carefully respected in order to avoid complications and poor results.
In order to improve the immunogenicity of currently available non-replicating pox virus HIV vaccine vectors, NYVAC was genetically modified through re-insertion of two host range genes (K1L and C7L), resulting in restored replicative capacity in human cells. In the present study these vectors, expressing either a combination of the HIV-1 clade C antigens Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, or a combination of Gal, Pol, Nef were evaluated for safety and immunogenicity in rhesus macaques, which were immunized at weeks 0, 4 and 12 either by scarification (conventional poxvirus route of immunization), intradermal or by intramuscular injection (route used in previous vaccine studies).Replication competent NYVAC-C-KC vectors induced higher HIV-specific responses, as measured by IFN- ELISpot assay, than the replication defective NYVAC-C vectors. Application through scarification only required one immunization to induce maximum HIV-specific immune responses. This method simultaneously induced relatively lower anti-vector responses. In contrast, two to three immunizations were required when the NYVAC-C-KC vectors were given by intradermal or intramuscular injection and this method tended to generate slightly lower responses. Responses were predominantly directed against Env in the animals that received NYVAC-C-KC vectors expressing HIV-1 Env, Gag, Pol, Nef, while Gag responses were dominant in the NYVAC-C-KC HIV-1 Gag, Pol, Nef immunized animals.The current study demonstrates that NYVAC replication competent vectors were well tolerated and showed increased immunogenicity as compared to replication defective vectors. Further studies are needed to evaluate the most efficient route of immunization and to explore the use of these replication competent NYVAC vectors in prime/boost combination with gp120 protein-based vaccine candidates. This studies was performed within the Poxvirus T-cell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, using the standard tools of forensic DNA profiling (i.e., STR markers), the profile of the minor contributor in mixed DNA stains cannot be successfully detected if its quantitative share of DNA is less than 10% of the mixed trace. This is due to the fact that the major contributor's profile "masks" that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP) linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed [1]. These novel markers are called DIP-STR markers. This paper compares, from a statistical and forensic perspective, the potential usefulness of these novel DIP-STR markers (i) with traditional STR markers in cases of moderately unbalanced mixtures, and (ii) with Y-STR markers in cases of female-male mixtures. This is done through a comparison of the distribution of 100,000 likelihood ratio values obtained using each method on simulated mixtures. This procedure is performed assuming, in turn, the prosecution's and the defence's point of view.
Abstract : Gene duplication is an essential source of material for the origin of genetic novelty and the evolution of lineage- or species-specific phenotypic traits. The reverse transcription of source gene mRNA followed by the genomic insertion of the resulting cDNA - retroposition - has provided the human genome with a significant number of gene copies during the last ~63 million years (MYA) of primate evolution. We estimated that at least 1 new functional gene (retrogene) per MYA emerged by retroposition in the primate lineage leading to humans. Using a combination of comparative sequencing and evolutionary simulations, we obtained strong evidence of functionality for 7 primate specific retrogenes. Most of these genes are specifically expressed in testis suggesting that retroposition has contributed with genetic raw material necessary for the evolution ofmale-specific functions in primates. We characterized CDC14Bretro (identified in the previous survey) that originated from the retroposition of a cell cycle gene - CDC14B - in the common ancestor of humans and apes. We demonstrate that CDC14Bretro experienced a period of intense positive selection in the African ape ancestor. By virtue of the amino acid substitutions that occurred during this period CDC 14Bretro adapted to a new subcellular compartment in African apes. Further analyses indicate that this subcellular shift reflects the evolution of anew functional role of CDC 14Bretro. Prompted by this result, we used yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to investigate on a global scale the extent of functional diversification of duplicate genes through the subcellular adaptation of their encoded proteins. We found that duplicate proteins frequently evolved new cellular localization patterns, either by partitioning of ancestral localizations ("sublocalization"), or more frequently by relocalization to previously unoccupied compartments ("neolocalization"). Interestingly, proteins involved in processes with a wider subcellular distribution more frequently evolved new localization patterns suggesting that subcellular localization changes are dependent on progenitor gene functions. Relocated proteins adapted to their new subcellular environments and evolved new functional roles through changes of their physio-chemical properties, expression levels, and interaction partners. Our work suggests an important role of subcellular adaptation for the emergence of new gene functions.
Acute kidney injury is common in critical illness and associated with important morbidity and mortality. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) enables physicians to safely and efficiently control associated metabolic and fluid balance disorders. The insertion of a large central venous catheter is required, which can be associated with mechanical and infectious complications. CRRT requires anticoagulation, which currently relies on heparin in most cases although citrate could become a standard in a near future. The choice of the substitution fluid depends on the clinical situation. A dose of 25 ml/kg/h is currently recommended.