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Sensitive and specific methods based on gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the determination of levels of citalopram, desmethylcitalopram and didesmethylcitalopram in the plasma of patients treated with citalopram are presented, as well as a GC-MS procedure for the assay of the citalopram propionic acid derivative. After addition of a separate internal standard for each drug, liquid-solvent extraction is used to separate the basic compounds from the acid compounds. The demethylated amines are derivatized with trifluoroacetic anhydride, and the acid metabolite with methyl iodide. GC-MS is performed in the electron impact mode, as mass spectrometry by the (positive-ion) chemical ionization mode (methane and ammonia) appeared to be unsuitable. The limits of quantification were 1 ng/ml for citalopram and desmethylcitalopram and 2 ng/ml for the other metabolites. The correlation coefficients for the calibration curves (range 10-500 ng/ml) were > or = 0.999 for all compounds, whether determined by GC or GC-MS.


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The aim of the study was to assess the effects of physical fitness on the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and body fat (BF) on blood pressure (BP) levels. Cross-sectional study conducted in 25 schools of Lisbon (Portugal), including 2041 boys and 1995 girls aged 10-18. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed by the 20-meter shuttle run and classified as fit/unfit. Obesity (BMI or BF defined) was defined according to international criteria. In both sexes, BMI was positively related with systolic and diastolic BP, while BF was only positively related with diastolic BP z-scores. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI categories regarding BP levels, while for BF a significant interaction was found. Being fit reduced the BF-induced increase in the Odds ratio (OR) of presenting with high BP: OR (95% confidence interval) 1.01 (0.73-1.40) and 0.99 (0.70-1.38) for overweight and obese fit boys, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese boys being 1.33 (0.94-1.90) and 1.75 (1.34-2.28), respectively. The values were 0.88 (0.57-1.35) and 1.66 (0.98-2.80) for overweight and obese fit girls, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese being 1.63 (1.12-2.37) and 1.90 (1.32-2.73) respectively. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI-defined overweight and obesity. Being fit reduces the negative impact of BF on BP levels and high BP status in adolescents. This protective effect was not found with BMI.


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A decrease in GSH levels, the main redox regulator, can be observed in neurodegenerative diseases as well as in schizophrenia. In search for substances able to increase GSH, we evaluated the ability of curcumin (polyphenol), quercetin (flavonoid), and tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) to up-regulate GSH-synthesizing enzymes. The gene expression, activity, and product levels of these enzymes were measured in cultured neurons and astrocytes. In astrocytes, all substances increased GSH levels and the activity of the rate-limiting synthesizing enzyme, glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL). In neurons, curcumin and to a lesser extent tBHQ increased GCL activity and GSH levels, while quercetin decreased GSH and led to cell death. In the two cell types, the gene that showed the greatest increase in its expression was the one coding for the modifier subunit of GCL (GCLM). The increase in mRNA levels of GCLM was 3 to 7-fold higher than that of the catalytic subunit. In astrocytes from GCLM-knock-out mice showing low GSH (-80%) and low GCL activity (-50%), none of the substances succeeded in increasing GSH synthesis. Our results indicate that GCLM is essential for the up-regulation of GCL activity induced by curcumin, quercetin and tBHQ.


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Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a key enzyme in prostaglandin synthesis, is highly expressed during inflammation and cellular transformation and promotes tumor progression and angiogenesis. We have previously demonstrated that endothelial cell COX-2 is required for integrin alphaVbeta3-dependent activation of Rac-1 and Cdc-42 and for endothelial cell spreading, migration, and angiogenesis (Dormond, O., Foletti, A., Paroz, C., and Ruegg, C. (2001) Nat. Med. 7, 1041-1047; Dormond, O., Bezzi, M., Mariotti, A., and Ruegg, C. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 45838-45846). In this study, we addressed the question of whether integrin-mediated cell adhesion may regulate COX-2 expression in endothelial cells. We report that cell detachment from the substrate caused rapid degradation of COX-2 protein in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) independent of serum stimulation. This effect was prevented by broad inhibition of cellular proteinases and by neutralizing lysosomal activity but not by inhibiting the proteasome. HUVEC adhesion to laminin, collagen I, fibronectin, or vitronectin induced rapid COX-2 protein expression with peak levels reached within 2 h and increased COX-2-dependent prostaglandin E2 production. In contrast, nonspecific adhesion to poly-L-lysine was ineffective in inducing COX-2 expression. Furthermore, the addition of matrix proteins in solution promoted COX-2 protein expression in suspended or poly-L-lysine-attached HUVEC. Adhesion-induced COX-2 expression was strongly suppressed by pharmacological inhibition of c-Src, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, p38, extracellular-regulated kinase 1/2, and, to a lesser extent, protein kinase C and by the inhibition of mRNA or protein synthesis. In conclusion, this work demonstrates that integrin-mediated cell adhesion and soluble integrin ligands contribute to maintaining COX-2 steady-state levels in endothelial cells by the combined prevention of lysosomal-dependent degradation and the stimulation of mRNA synthesis involving multiple signaling pathways.


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BACKGROUND: Factors associated with the detection of raised systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) levels in patients with a prior episode of pulmonary embolism (PE) are not well known. METHODS: We used the RIETE Registry database to identify factors associated with the finding of sPAP levels ≥50 mm Hg on trans-thoracic echocardiography, in 557 patients with a prior episode of acute, symptomatic PE. RESULTS: Sixty-two patients (11.1%; 95% CI: 8.72-14.1) had sPAP levels ≥50 mm Hg. These patients were more likely women, older, and more likely had chronic lung disease, heart failure, renal insufficiency or leg varicosities than those with PAP levels <50mm Hg. During the index PE event, they more likely had recent immobility, and more likely presented with hypoxemia, increased sPAP levels, atrial fibrillation, or right bundle branch block. On multivariate analysis, women aged ≥70 years (hazard ratio [HR]: 2.0; 95% CI: 1.0-3.7), chronic heart or chronic lung disease (HR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.3-4.4), atrial fibrillation at PE presentation (HR: 2.8; 95% CI: 1.3-6.1) or varicose veins (HR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.0-3.3) were all associated with an increased risk to have raised sPAP levels. Chronic heart disease, varicose veins, and atrial fibrillation were independent predictors in women, while chronic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, a right bundle branch block or an S1Q3T3 pattern on the electrocardiogram were independent predictors in men. CONCLUSIONS: Women aged ≥70 years more likely had raised sPAP levels than men after a PE episode. Additional variables influencing this risk seem to differ according to gender.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction: la prévalence de l'insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) augmente et malgré les traitements de remplacement rénal telle que la transplantation ou la dialyse, la mortalité chez des patients atteints d'une IRC reste très élevée. Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la cause principale de mortalité chez ces patients, et le risque de décès dú à une complication cardiovasculaire est chez eux accru de 10 à 20 fois par rapport à la populationnérale. Méme si les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires «traditionnels », principalement l'hypertension artérielle et le diabète sont très prévalents chez les patients avec IRC, ils sont insuffisants pour expliquer l'excès de mortalité cardiovasculaire. D'autres facteurs de risques « nontraditionnels » comme l'accumulation du diméthylarginine asymétrique (ADMA), un inhibiteur endogène de la synthase d'oxyde d'azote (NO), semblent aussi être importants. Chez les patients avec IRC, des taux élevés d'ADMA sont un puissant facteur prédictif indépendant de la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Il a également été démontré chez des souris que l'ADMA peut étre une cause directe de dysfonction endothéliale. Cette dernière joue un rôle primordial dans le développement de l'athérosclérose, cause principale des complications cardiovasculaires. Le but du présent travail est de tester l'hypothèse qu'une réduction du taux d'ADMA après une séance unique d'hémodialyse améliore la dysfonction endothéliale. Méthodes: la dysfonction endothéliale peut être évaluée dans les microvaisseaux de la péan de façon non invasive par fluxmétrie laser Doppler. La vasodilatation cutanée induite par un échauffement local de 34° à 41 °C (hyperémie thermique) est connue pour être dépendante de la production endothéliale de NO et a été utilisée dans plusieurs études cliniques pour évaluer la dysfonction endothéliale. Nous avons recruté 24 patients traités par hémodialyse chronique et également 24 sujets contrôles du même âge et sexe. Chez les patients dialysés, l'hyperémie thermique est mesuré une fois directement avant une séance d'hémodialyse, et une fois directement après une autre séance, toutes deux distantes de 2 à 7 jours. En même temps, les taux plasmatiques d'ADMA sont mesurés par la méthode de spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Chez les sujets contrôle, l'hyperémie thermique est également mesurée à deux reprises, à un intervalle de 2 à 7 jours comme chez les patients dialysés et les taux d'ADMA sont déterminés qu'une seule fois. Résultats: chez les patients dialysés, les réactions d'hyperémie thermique étaient superposables avant et après dialyse, mais moindre que chez les sujets contrôles. Par contre, les taux d'ADMA étaient plus élevés avant qu'après dialysé. Les taux d'ADMA après dialyse étaient similaires aux taux chez les sujets contrôles. Conclusion: cette étude montre que la vasodilatation dépendante de la production endothéliale de NO dans la microcirculation cutanée n'est pas influencée par les taux plasmatiques d'ADMA chez les patients dialysés. Ces résultats suggèrent que d'autres mécanismes sont responsables de la dysfonction endothéliale chez ces patients. Ceci met en question le concept que l'accumulation d'ADMA est un facteur causal du risque cardiovasculaire élevé et suggère que l'ADMA est juste un marqueur du milieu très athérogénique causé par l'IRC.


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Acetaldehyde is a carcinogenic product of alcohol fermentation and metabolism in microbes associated with cancers of the upper digestive tract. In yeast acetaldehyde is a by-product of the pyruvate bypass that converts pyruvate into acetyl-Coenzyme A (CoA) during fermentation. The aims of our study were: (i) to determine the levels of acetaldehyde produced by Candida albicans in the presence of glucose in low oxygen tension in vitro; (ii) to analyse the expression levels of genes involved in the pyruvate-bypass and acetaldehyde production; and (iii) to analyse whether any correlations exist between acetaldehyde levels, alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme activity or expression of the genes involved in the pyruvate-bypass. Candida albicans strains were isolated from patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (n = 5), autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) patients with chronic oral candidosis (n = 5), and control patients (n = 5). The acetaldehyde and ethanol production by these isolates grown under low oxygen tension in the presence of glucose was determined, and the expression of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1 and ADH2), pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC11), aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALD6) and acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACS1 and ACS2) and Adh enzyme activity were analysed. The C. albicans isolates produced high levels of acetaldehyde from glucose under low oxygen tension. The acetaldehyde levels did not correlate with the expression of ADH1, ADH2 or PDC11 but correlated with the expression of down-stream genes ALD6 and ACS1. Significant differences in the gene expressions were measured between strains isolated from different patient groups. Under low oxygen tension ALD6 and ACS1, instead of ADH1 or ADH2, appear the most reliable indicators of candidal acetaldehyde production from glucose.


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Levels of the enzymes that produce wound response mediators have to be controlled tightly in unwounded tissues. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) fatty acid oxygenation up-regulated8 (fou8) mutant catalyzes high rates of alpha -linolenic acid oxygenation and has higher than wild-type levels of the alpha -linolenic acid-derived wound response mediator jasmonic acid (JA) in undamaged leaves. fou8 produces a null allele in the gene SAL1 (also known as FIERY1 or FRY1). Overexpression of the wild-type gene product had the opposite effect of the null allele, suggesting a regulatory role of SAL1 acting in JA synthesis. The biochemical phenotypes in fou8 were complemented when the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) sulfur metabolism 3'(2'), 5'-bisphosphate nucleotidase MET22 was targeted to chloroplasts in fou8. The data are consistent with a role of SAL1 in the chloroplast-localized dephosphorylation of 3'-phospho-5'-adenosine phosphosulfate to 5'-adenosine phosphosulfate or in a closely related reaction (e.g. 3',5'-bisphosphate dephosphorylation). Furthermore, the fou8 phenotype was genetically suppressed in a triple mutant (fou8 apk1 apk2) affecting chloroplastic 3'-phospho-5'-adenosine phosphosulfate synthesis. These results show that a nucleotide component of the sulfur futile cycle regulates early steps of JA production and basal JA levels.


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AIM: To characterise the prevalence of burnout syndrome in a sample of family doctors (FDs) working in the Portuguese National Health System. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Primary healthcare centres from the 18 continental districts and two archipelagos of Portugal. METHOD: The Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey was sent to 40 randomly selected healthcare centres and distributed to the FDs employed. Socio-demographic and work-related data were also collected. Participants were classified as having high, average or low levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalisation (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA) dimensions of burnout. RESULTS: 371 questionnaires were sent, of which 153 (83 women, age range 29-64 years; response rate 41%) returned. One-quarter (25.3%, 95% CI 18.6% to 33.1%) of FDs scored high for EE, 16.2% (10.7% to 23.2%) for DP and 16.7% (11.1% to 23.6%) for lack of PA. On multivariate analysis, being married, of older age, having many years of practice or working in a personalised healthcare unit tended to be associated with increased burnout components. Men tended to present higher EE and DP but lower lack of PA than women. Finally, the prevalence (95% CI) of burnout ranged between 4.1% (1.5% to 8.6%) and 32.4% (25.0% to 40.6%), depending on the definition used. CONCLUSIONS: High burnout is relatively common among Portuguese FDs. Burnout relief measures should be developed in order to prevent a further increase of burnout syndrome among Portuguese FDs.


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OBJECTIVE: Prior to the implementation of the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport, we measured the serum androgen levels among a large population of high-level female athletes as well as the prevalence of biochemical hyperandrogenism and some disorders of sex development (DSD). METHODS AND RESULTS: In 849 elite female athletes, serum T, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate, androstenedione, SHBG, and gonadotrophins were measured by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry high resolution or immunoassay. Free T was calculated. The sampling hour, age, and type of athletic event only had a small influence on T concentration, whereas ethnicity had not. Among the 85.5% that did not use oral contraceptives, 168 of 717 athletes were oligo- or amenorrhoic. The oral contraceptive users showed the lowest serum androgen and gonadotrophin and the highest SHBG concentrations. After having removed five doped athletes and five DSD women from our population, median T and free T values were close to those reported in sedentary young women. The 99th percentile for T concentration was calculated at 3.08 nmol/L, which is below the 10 nmol/L threshold used for competition eligibility of hyperandrogenic women with normal androgen sensitivity. Prevalence of hyperandrogenic 46 XY DSD in our athletic population is approximately 7 per 1000, which is 140 times higher than expected in the general population. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to establish normative serum androgens values in elite female athletes, while taking into account the possible influence of menstrual status, oral contraceptive use, type of athletic event, and ethnicity. These findings should help to develop the blood steroidal module of the Athlete Biological Passport and to refine more evidence-based fair policies and recommendations concerning hyperandrogenism in female athletes.


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Background:It has been suggested that the relative importance of oestrogen-metabolising pathways may affect the risk of oestrogen-dependent tumours including endometrial cancer. One hypothesis is that the 2-hydroxy pathway is protective, whereas the 16α-hydroxy pathway is harmful.Methods:We conducted a case-control study nested within three prospective cohorts to assess whether the circulating 2-hydroxyestrone : 16α-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1 : 16α-OHE1) ratio is inversely associated with endometrial cancer risk in postmenopausal women. A total of 179 cases and 336 controls, matching cases on cohort, age and date of blood donation, were included. Levels of 2-OHE1 and 16α-OHE1 were measured using a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme assay.Results:Endometrial cancer risk increased with increasing levels of both metabolites, with odds ratios in the top tertiles of 2.4 (95% CI=1.3, 4.6; P(trend)=0.007) for 2-OHE1 and 1.9 (95% CI=1.1, 3.5; P(trend)=0.03) for 16α-OHE1 in analyses adjusting for endometrial cancer risk factors. These associations were attenuated and no longer statistically significant after further adjustment for oestrone or oestradiol levels. No significant association was observed for the 2-OHE1 : 16α-OHE1 ratio.Conclusion:Our results do not support the hypothesis that greater metabolism of oestrogen via the 2-OH pathway, relative to the 16α-OH pathway, protects against endometrial cancer.


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Body mass index (BMI) is related with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), but less is known regarding the combined relationships between BMI and body fat (BF) on CRF. Cross-sectional study included 2361 girls and 2328 boys aged 10–18 years living in the area of Lisbon, Portugal. BMI was calculated by measuring height and weight, and obesity was assessed by international criteria. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. CRF was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run and the participants were classified as normal-to-high or low-CRF level according to Fitness gram criterion-referenced standards. The prevalence of low CRF was 47 and 39% in girls and boys, respectively. The corresponding values for the prevalence of obesity were 4.8 and 5.6% (not significant) and of excess BF of 12.1 and 25.1% (P <0.001), respectively. In both sexes, BMI and BF were inversely related with CRF: r = – 0.53 and – 0.45 for BMI and % BF, respectively, in boys and the corresponding values in girls were – 0.50 and – 0.33 (all P <0.01). When compared with a participant with normal BMI and BF, the odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for low CRF were 1.94 (1.46–2.58) for a participant with normal BMI and high BF, and 6.19 (5.02–7.63) for a participant with high BMI and high BF. The prevalence of low-CRF levels is high in Portuguese youths. BF negatively influences CRF levels among children/adolescents with normal BMI.