157 resultados para Modelos gamma
Novel insulated gamma and lentis retroviral vectors towards safer genetic modification of stem cells
In otherwise successful gene therapy trials insertional mutagenesis has resulted in leukemia. The identification of new short synthetic genetic insulator elements (GIE) which would both prevent such activation effects and shield the transgene from silencing, is a main challenge. Previous attempts with e.g. b-globin HS4, have met with poor efficacy and genetic instability. We have investigated potential improvement with two new candidate synthetic GIEs in SIN-gamma and lentiviral vectors. With each constructs two internal promoters have been tested: either the strong Fr- MuLV-U3 or the housekeeping hPGK.We could identify a specific combination of insulator 2 repeats which translates into best functional activity, high titers and boundary effect in both gammaretro and lentivectors. In target cells a dramatic shift of expression is observed with an homogenous profile the level of which strictly depends on the promoter strength. These data remain stable in both HeLa cells over three months and cord blood HSCs for two months, irrespective of the multiplicity of infection (MOI). In comparison, control native and SIN vectors expression levels show heterogeneous, depend on the MOI and prove unstable. We have undertaken genotoxicity assessment in comparing integration patterns ingenuity in human target cells sampled over three months using high-throughput pyro-sequencing. Data will be presented. Further genotoxicity assessment will include in vivo studies. We have established insulated vectors which harbour both boundary and enhancer-blocking effect and show stable in prolonged in vitro culture conditions. Work performed with support of EC-DG research FP6-NoE, CLINIGENE: LSHB-CT-2006-018933
We propose robust estimators of the generalized log-gamma distribution and, more generally, of location-shape-scale families of distributions. A (weighted) Q tau estimator minimizes a tau scale of the differences between empirical and theoretical quantiles. It is n(1/2) consistent; unfortunately, it is not asymptotically normal and, therefore, inconvenient for inference. However, it is a convenient starting point for a one-step weighted likelihood estimator, where the weights are based on a disparity measure between the model density and a kernel density estimate. The one-step weighted likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal and fully efficient under the model. It is also highly robust under outlier contamination. Supplementary materials are available online.
The objective of the present study was longitudinal evaluation of the volumetric tumor response and functional results after Gamma Knife radiosurgery of vestibular schwannomas, performed according to the modern standards of treatment. From October 2003 to September 2007, 133 consecutive patients with vestibular schwannomas were treated according to the concept of robotic Gamma Knife microradiosurgery, which is based on precise irradiation of the lesion, sparing adjacent structures, and delivery of the high radiation energy to the target. Multiple small-sized isocenters located within the border of the neoplasm were applied. The mean marginal dose was 11.5 Gy (range, 11-12 Gy). In total, 126 cases with a minimum posttreatment follow-up of 2 years (range, 2-7 years; median, 4 years) were analyzed. Temporary enlargement was noted in 25 % of tumors at 6 months after radiosurgery. At 3 years of follow-up, tumor shrinkage, stabilization, and increase in volume were marked in 73 %, 23 %, and 4 % of cases, respectively. All progressing lesions spontaneously stabilized later on and did not require additional management. In 3 % of patients, transitory impairment of the facial nerve function was marked; however, neither its permanent dysfunction nor trigeminal neuropathy attributed to radiosurgery was noted. Impairment of hearing compared to its pretreatment level was revealed in 4 %, 12 %, 13 %, and 16 % of patients at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years after radiosurgery, respectively, and this trend was statistically significant (P = 0.0042). Overall, 77 % of patients with serviceable hearing before treatment preserved it 3 years thereafter. In conclusion, modern Gamma Knife radiosurgery provides effective and safe management of vestibular schwannomas. Nevertheless, possible temporary tumor enlargement, delay of its growth arrest, transient dysfunction of the cranial nerves, and gradual deterioration of hearing after irradiation should be always taken into consideration.
Biphasic response (shrinkage-regrowth-shrinkage) of tumors has never previously been reported in the postoperative course, neither after microsurgery, nor after Gamma Knife surgery (GKS). We present the case of an adult with dorsal midbrain syndrome resulting from a pilocytic astrocytoma centered on the mesencephalic tectum. The tumor extended to the third ventricle and the thalamus. Initially, due to tumor growth, a biopsy was performed and histology established. Later, a ventriculocisternostomy for obstructive hydrocephalus was performed. Finally, GKS was performed, as the tumor continued to grow. After GKS, the lesion exhibited a biphasic response, with a major shrinkage at 3 months, regrowth within the target volume at 6 and 9 months and a second phase of important shrinkage at 12 months, which persisted for the next two years. The possible mechanisms for this particular response pattern are discussed.
Background: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Currently, there is controversial data about the active early treatment of intracanalicular (Koos I) VS. Methods: We prospectively analyzed 208 VS, focusing on 42 Koos I patients treated with GKS as first intention in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and February 2015. We concentrated on patient, tumor, and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. Results: The mean follow-up period was 1.7 years (range 0.6-4.2). Twenty-six (61.9%) were females and 16 (38.1%) males. Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 33 (78.57%) patients. The mean maximal diameter was 7.7 (5-10). The median target volume at the moment of GKS was 90 mm3 (range 17-317). The median prescription isodose volume was 118 mm3 (range 37-603). The median marginal dose administrated was 12 Gy (range 11-12). The median number of shots was 2 (range 1-9). The median isodose prescription was 50% (range 45-80%). The median maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients in GR class 1 and 2 was 4.2 Gy (mean 4.4 Gy, range 1.8-7.6). Our preliminary results showed 98% tumor control, with 30% shrinkage on MRI. The actuarial probability of keeping the same audition class for those with functional hearing at GKS was 80% at 3 years; the probability of keeping a functional hearing was more than 90%. A paraclinical evolution (on MRI and/or audiometry) at the time diagnosis, before GKS, was associated with a less good prognosis (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth, and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation. The results in terms of functional outcome seemed comparable to, or even better than, the other Koos classes (i.e., larger lesions).
Objectives: We present the retrospective analysis of a single-institution experience for radiosurgery (RS) in brain metastasis (BM) with Gamma Knife (GK) and Linac. Methods: From July 2010 to July 2012, 28 patients (with 83 lesions) had RS with GK and 35 patients (with 47 lesions) with Linac. The primary outcome was the local progression-free survival (LPFS). The secondary outcome was the overall survival (OS). Apart a standard statistical analysis, we included a Cox regression model with shared frailty, to modulate the within-patient correlation (preliminary evaluation showed a significant frailty effect, meaning that the correlation within patient could be ignored). Results: The mean follow-up period was 11.7 months (median 7.9, 1.7-22.7) for GK and 18.1 (median 17, 7.5-28.7) for Linac. The median number of lesions per patient was 2.5 (1-9) in GK compared with 1 (1-3) in Linac. There were more radioresistant lesions (melanoma) and more lesions located in functional areas for the GK group. The median dose was 24 Gy (GK) compared with 20 Gy (Linac). The LPFS actuarial rate was as follows: for GK at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 17 months: 96.96, 96.96, 96.96, 88.1, and 81.5%, and remained stable till 32 months; for Linac at 3, 6, 12, 17, 24, and 33 months, it was 91.5, 91.5, 91.5, 79.9, 55.5, and 17.1%, respectively (p = 0.03, chi-square test). After the Cox regression analysis with shared frailty, the p-value was not statistically significant between groups. The median overall survival was 9.7 months for GK and 23.6 months for Linac group. Uni- and multivariate analysis showed a lower GPA score and noncontrolled systemic status were associated with lower OS. Cox regression analysis adjusting for these two parameters showed comparable OS rate. Conclusions: In this comparative report between GK and Linac, preliminary analysis showed that more difficult cases are treated by GK, with patients harboring more lesions, radioresistant tumors, and highly functional located. The groups look, in this sense, very heterogeneous at baseline. After a Cox frailty model, the LPFS rates seemed very similar (p < 0.05). The OS was similar, after adjusting for systemic status and GPA score (p < 0.05). The technical reasons for choosing GK instead of Linac were the anatomical location related to highly functional areas, histology, technical limitations of Linac movements, especially lower posterior fossa locations, or closeness of multiple lesions to highly functional areas optimal dosimetry with Linac