159 resultados para Inequalities in life expectancy
This paper aims at investigating the socio-cultural factors that affect leisure-time sport participation in Switzerland. Data drawn from 8 waves of the Swiss Household Panel is used to evaluate a probit model with random effects, that takes into account the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the respondents. In line with existing literature, findings from the multivariate analysis show inequalities in sport involvement in Switzerland. These are significantly related to age, income, education, citizenship and cultural aspects. Appropriate and targeted policies promoting participation in sports among the community can be found on the basis of the critical modifiers in the model and their impact.
SUMMARY : Parasites and sociality in ants This thesis investigates the complex relationships between sociality, defences against parasites and the regulation of social structures. We studied how fungal parasites influenced colony organization, collective defences and social immunity in the ant Formica selysi. We first describe the diversity and prevalence of fungal pathogens associated with ant nests. The richness of fungal parasites community may increase the risk of multiple infections and select for a diversification of anti-parasitic defences in ants. Collective defences are powerful means to combat parasites, but can also increase the risk of disease transmission. Here, we showed that allo-grooming (mutual cleaning) was directed towards every returning individuals, be they contaminated or not. This collective behaviour removed conidia more efficiently than self-grooming but did not improve the survival of contaminated individuals. This suggests that allo-grooming may rather protect the group than cure contaminated individuals. It may also permit "social vaccination" if a contact with contaminated ants protects groomers frorn a second fungal exposure. Social transfer of immunity is an emerging theme in insect immunology. Here, we showed that ants in contact with an ant from a different genetic lineage had a higher disease resistance. We also found that naïve ants had a higher resistance after a contact with an immunized ant. This suggests that a transfer of resistance is possible and that "social vaccination" may improve the resistance of the group. However, it remains unclear whether repeated exposure to parasites may also increase the resistance of infected individuals themselves. lmmune memory in invertebrates is still debated. We tested whether immune priming against fungal parasite arose in ants and whether it was strain-specific. We found no evidence of immune priming. Naïve and immunized ants had a similar survival when infected. Together with our previous results, this suggests that ants have evolved efficient collective anti-fungal defences but that these defences aim at protecting the group rather than the contaminated individuals. ln colonies of our study population, there is a strong variation in the number of breeders. This is associated with important changes in life-history traits like demography or queen and worker body size. In the second part of the thesis, we investigated how social structures evolved and were maintained. We showed that queens from monogyne and polygyne colonies were able to found new colonies both alone or in association. We also found that there was no difference between monogyne and polygyne colonies in the acceptance of additional queens. These results suggest that a high plasticity has been maintained in this population, which may permit to adapt rapidly to changing environmental conditions. RESUME : Parasites et socialité chez les fourmis Durant cette thèse, nous avons étudié comment la socialité apporte de nouvelles réponses a des problèmes complexes telle que la défense contre les parasites ou l'organisation de la vie en groupe. Nous avons choisi comme modèle la fourmi Formica selysi et ses champignons pathogènes. Nous avons d'abord montré que la diversité et la prévalence de champignons pathogènes associés aux nids de fourmis étaient très élevées. Cela a pu pousser les fourmis à diversifier le champ de leur défenses anti-parasitaires afin d'éviter les infections multiples, La socialité a en particulier permis l'évolution de défenses collectives qui pourraient être plus efficaces que les défenses individuelles. Nous nous sommes donc intéressés de plus près aux défenses collectives et avons étudié quels en étaient les coûts et les bénéfices pour le groupe et pour ses membres. Nous avons trouvé que les fourmis nettoyaient tous les individus entrant dans la colonie, qu'ils soient contaminés ou non. Cela permettait d'ôter plus de spores que le nettoyage individuel et n'augmentait pas la transmission de maladie. Cependant, le nettoyage mutuel n'augmentait pas non plus la survie des individus contaminés. ll se pourrait donc que ce comportement serve plutôt a éviter une dissémination de la maladie qu'à soigner les individus contaminés. Le nettoyage mutuel pourrait aussi permettre aux individus sains d'avoir un premier contact non-létal avec un parasite et d'être vaccinés contre une future exposition. Cette hypothèse a été soutenue par une expérience dans laquelle nous avons montré que le contact avec une fourmi immunisée permettait d'augmenter la résistance d'individus naïfs. Les fourmis avaient aussi une meilleure résistance lorsqu'elles étaient en contact avec une fourmi provenant d'une autre lignée génétique. Cette "vaccination sociale" pourrait permettre d'une part d'augmenter le nombre d'espèce de parasites contre lesquelles le groupe serait protégé et d'autre part de faire l'économie d'autres défenses individuelles telles que la réponse immunitaire. Nous avons testé si les fourmis étaient elles-mêmes "vaccinées", c'est-à-dire, si elles exprimaient une mémoire immunitaire après un premier contact avec un champignon parasite. Nous n'avons trouvé aucune différence de survie entre les individus naïfs et immunisés ce qui suggère les fourmis favorisent d'autres défenses que la mémoire immunitaire contre les champignons entomopathogènes. Cela suggère également que les comportements coopératifs anti-parasitaires pourraient compléter, voire remplacer les défenses individuelles. La socialité telle qu'elle est pratiquée par les fourmis pose un autre problème de poids qui est celui de savoir combien d'individus se reproduisent. En effet, si les ouvrières sont stériles, le nombre de reines assurant la reproduction peut varier considérablement. Dans la population de E sebrsi étudiée, les colonies monogynes (une reine) co-existent avec des colonies polygynes (plusieurs reines) dans le même habitat. Nous nous sommes demandés si ces structures sociales étaient fixes ou si un changement de l'une à l'autre était possible. Pour cela nous avons comparé la fondation de nouvelles colonies par les jeunes reines issues de colonies monogynes et polygynes. Nous avons également observé si l'acceptation de nouvelles reines était possible dans les deux types de colonies. Nous n'avons trouvé aucune différence entre les deux types de colonies. Cela suggère qu'un changement est possible et que l'évolution des structures sociales est un processus dynamique. Cela pourrait être dû à l'habitat particulièrement changeant dans lequel se trouve notre population qui exigerait d'être capable de s'adapter très rapidement a de nouvelles conditions.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the survival benefit and safety profile of low-dose (850 mg/kg) and high-dose (1350 mg/kg) phospholipid emulsion vs. placebo administered as a continuous 3-day infusion in patients with confirmed or suspected Gram-negative severe sepsis. Preclinical and ex vivo studies show that lipoproteins bind and neutralize endotoxin, and experimental animal studies demonstrate protection from septic death when lipoproteins are administered. Endotoxin neutralization correlates with the amount of phospholipid in the lipoprotein particles. DESIGN: A three-arm, randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING: Conducted at 235 centers worldwide between September 2004 and April 2006. PATIENTS: A total of 1379 patients participated in the study, 598 patients received low-dose phospholipid emulsion, and 599 patients received placebo. The high-dose phospholipid emulsion arm was stopped, on the recommendation of the Independent Data Monitoring Committee, due to an increase in life-threatening serious adverse events at the fourth interim analysis and included 182 patients. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A 28-day all-cause mortality and new-onset organ failure. There was no significant treatment benefit for low- or high-dose phospholipid emulsion vs. placebo for 28-day all-cause mortality, with rates of 25.8% (p = .329), 31.3% (p = .879), and 26.9%, respectively. The rate of new-onset organ failure was not statistically different among groups at 26.3%, 31.3%, 20.4% with low- and high-dose phospholipid emulsion, and placebo, respectively (one-sided p = .992, low vs. placebo; p = .999, high vs. placebo). Of the subjects treated, 45% had microbiologically confirmed Gram-negative infections. Maximal changes in mean hemoglobin levels were reached on day 10 (-1.04 g/dL) and day 5 (-1.36 g/dL) with low- and high-dose phospholipid emulsion, respectively, and on day 14 (-0.82 g/dL) with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with phospholipid emulsion did not reduce 28-day all-cause mortality, or reduce the onset of new organ failure in patients with suspected or confirmed Gram-negative severe sepsis.
The representation of age groups is becoming an increasingly discussed topic in Swiss politics. In this study, we explore inequalities in the descriptive and substantive representation of various age groups and find that despite important disparities in descriptive representation, the policy preferences of various age groups are relatively equally represented in the lower house of the Swiss parliament. Our analysis thus suggests that even if it is gaining visibility, the age cleavage is not central for parliamentary representation in Switzerland.
The omega-loop gastric bypass (OLGBP), also called "mini-gastric bypass" or "single-anastomosis" gastric bypass is a form of gastric bypass where a long, narrow gastric pouch is created and anastomosed to the jejunum about 200- 250 cm from the angle of Treitz in an omega loop fashion, thereby avoiding a jejuno-jejunostomy.Proponents of the OLGBP claim that it is a safer and simpler operation than the traditional Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP), easier to teach, that gives the same results in terms of weight loss than the RYGBP. One randomized study comparing the two techniques showed similar results after five years.The OLGBP is criticized because it creates an anastomosis between the gastric pouch and the jejunum where a large amount of biliopancreatic juices travel, thereby creating a situation where reflux of the latter into the stomach and distal esophagus is likely to develop. Such a situation has clearly been associated, in several animal studies, with an increased incidence of gastric cancer, especially at or close to the gastro-jejunostomy, and with an increased risk of lower esophageal cancer. In clinical practice, omega-loop gastrojejunostomies such as those used for reconstruction after gastric resection for benign disease or distal gastric cancer have been associated with the so called classical anastomotic cancer, linked to biliary reflux into the stomach, despite the fact that epidemiological studies about this do not show uniform results. Although no evidence at the present time links OLGBP to an increased risk of gastric cancer in the human, this possibility raises a concern among many bariatric surgeons, especially in the view that bariatric surgery is performed in relatively young patients with a long life expectancy, hence prone to develop cancer if indeed the risk is increased. Another arguments used against the OLGBP is that the jejuno-jejunostomy in the traditional RYGBP is easy to perform and associated with virtually no complication.Supporters of the OLGBP claim that the liquid that refluxes into the stomach after their procedure is not pure bile and pancreatic juice, but a combination of those with jejunal secretions, and that the latter is not as harmful. We would urge the proponents of the OLGBP to undertake the necessary animal studies to show that their assumption is indeed true before the procedure is performed widely, possibly leading to the development of hundreds of late gastric or esophageal carcinoma in the bariatric population. In the meantime, we strongly believe that RYGBP should remain the gold standard in gastric bypass surgery for morbid obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To describe prevalence, prenatal diagnosis and epidemiology of congenital hydronephrosis (CH) in Europe. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Data from a large European database for surveillance of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). The 20 participating registries are all based on multiple sources of information and include information about livebirths, fetal deaths with gestational age >or=20 weeks and terminations of pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis of malformations. Included were all cases with CH and born 1995-2004. RESULTS: There were 3648 cases with CH giving an overall prevalence of 11.5 cases per 10,000 births. The large majority of cases were livebirths (3506, 96% of total) and only 17 cases were fetal deaths and 120 were terminations of pregnancy. Almost all livebirths were alive 1 week after birth. Boys accounted for 72% of all cases. A high proportion of the cases (86%) had an isolated renal malformation. There were large regional differences in prevalence of CH ranging from 2 to 29 per 10,000 births. There was little regional variation in the prevalence of postnatally diagnosed cases while there were large regional differences in prevalence of prenatally diagnosed cases. CONCLUSION: Cases with CH are mainly livebirths, boys and survive the first week after birth. The large difference in prevalence seems to be related to the availability of prenatal screening in the region. The impact of over-diagnosis and potential over-treatment in regions with high prevalence or under-diagnosis with implications for renal function later in life in regions with low prevalence needs further investigation.
In specific and obligate interactions the nature and abundance of a given species can have important effects on the survival and population dynamics of associated organisms. In a phylogeographic framework, we therefore expect that the fates of organisms interacting specifically are also tightly interrelated. Here we investigate such a scenario by analyzing the genetic structures of species interacting in an obligate plant-insect pollination lure-and-trap antagonism, involving Arum maculatum (Araceae) and its specific psychodid (Diptera) visitors Psychoda phalaenoides and Psycha grisescens. Because the interaction is asymmetric (i.e., only the plant depends on the insect), we expect the genetic structure of the plant to be related with the historical pollinator availability, yielding incongruent phylogeographic patterns between the interacting organisms.Using insect mtDNA sequences and plant AFLP genome fingerprinting, we inferred the large-scale phylogeographies of each species and the distribution of genetic diversities throughout the sampled range, and evaluated the congruence in their respective genetic structures using hierarchical analyses of molecular variances (AMOVA). Because the composition of pollinator species varies in Europe, we also examined its association with the spatial genetic structure of the plant.Our findings indicate that while the plant presents a spatially well-defined genetic structure, this is not the case in the insects. Patterns of genetic diversities also show dissimilar distributions among the three interacting species. Phylogeographic histories of the plant and its pollinating insects are thus not congruent, a result that would indicate that plant and insect lineages do not share the same glacial and postglacial histories. However, the genetic structure of the plant can, at least partially, be explained by the type of pollinators available at a regional scale. Differences in life-history traits of available pollinators might therefore have influenced the genetic structure of the plant, the dependent organism, in this antagonistic interaction.
Diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin secretion from pancreatic β cells that is insufficient to maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Autoimmune destruction of β cells results in type 1 diabetes mellitus, whereas conditions that reduce insulin sensitivity and negatively affect β-cell activities result in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Without proper management, patients with diabetes mellitus develop serious complications that reduce their quality of life and life expectancy. Biomarkers for early detection of the disease and identification of individuals at risk of developing complications would greatly improve the care of these patients. Small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) control gene expression and participate in many physiopathological processes. Hundreds of miRNAs are actively or passively released in the circulation and can be used to evaluate health status and disease progression. Both type 1 diabetes mellitus and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with distinct modifications in the profile of miRNAs in the blood, which are sometimes detectable several years before the disease manifests. Moreover, circulating levels of certain miRNAs seem to be predictive of long-term complications. Technical and scientific obstacles still exist that need to be overcome, but circulating miRNAs might soon become part of the diagnostic arsenal to identify individuals at risk of developing diabetes mellitus and its devastating complications.
GENDER EMPOWERMENT: EFFECTS OF GODS, GEOGRAPHY, AND GDP¦Fenley, M., & Antonakis, J.¦ABSTRACT¦We examined the determinants of women's empowerment in the economy and political leadership in 178 countries. Given the androcentric nature of most religions, we hypothesized that high degrees of country-level theistic belief create social conditions that impede the progression of women to power. The dependent variable was the Gender Empowerment index of the United Nations Development Program, which captures the participation of women in political leadership, management, and their share of national income. Controlling for GDP per capita as well as the fixed-effects of the dominant type of religion and legal origin and instrumenting all endogenous variables with geographic or historical variables, our results show that atheism has a significant positive effect on gender empowerment. These results are driven by the rule of law, which in addition to being a catalyst for economic development, appears to crowd-out the informal regulation of behavior due to religious norms.¦DEVELOPING WOMEN LEADERS: COMPARING A TRANSFORMATIONAL AND A CHARISMATIC LEADERSHIP INTERVENTION¦Fenley, M., Jacquart, P., & Antonakis, J.¦ABSTRACT¦Along with a gender imbalance in leadership role occupancy, most leadership interventions have been conducted with samples of men. We conducted an experiment wherein we assigned female participants (n = 38, mean age = 35 years) to one of two conditions: Transformational (i.e., "standard") leadership training or charismatic leadership training. The two interventions were essentially equivalent, except that we also focused on developing the "charismatic leadership tactics" (e.g., rhetorical skills) of participants in the charismatic condition. After the interventions, we randomly assigned participants into problem-solving teams that required extensive interaction. Each team had an equal number of participants having received transformational training or charismatic training. At the end of the team exercises, participants rated each of their team members on a leadership prototypicality measure. Results indicated that those who received charismatic training scored higher (a) on prototypicality (standardized = .42) and (b) on a test of declarative knowledge of charismatic rhetorical strategies (i.e., a manipulation check, standardized = .76). Furthermore, the score on the test fully mediated the effect of the treatment on prototypicality (standardized indirect = .32). We discuss the importance and practical implications of these results.¦CHANGING ATTITUDES TOWARDS WOMEN IN A MALE SEX-TYPE WORK ENVIRONMENT: EVIDENCE FROM A FIELD EXPERIMENT IN EUROPEAN ATHLETICS¦Fenley, M.¦ABSTRACT¦Most sports organizations have a similar gender gap in leadership as do the majority of non-sport organizations. Women's careers sputter somewhere at coaching level positions and few women obtain top leadership positions. Greater awareness of gender inequalities in general, and in leadership in particular, could decrease gender discrimination and increase women's presence at upper levels. The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of an intervention using an online gender awareness exercise. Participants (n = 1,001 participants, n = 32 countries) were randomly assigned to one of eight conditions in a 2 (a discriminating perspective-taking story or a non-discriminating perspective-taking story) by 2 (gender quiz or no gender quiz) by 2 (diversity quiz or no diversity quiz) factorial design. The results show that the online perspective taking exercise changed initial sexist attitudes. Participants having taken a diversity quiz had less sexist attitudes (as measured by the Modern- and Old-fashioned sexism scale) than did participants who did not take the diversity quiz (irrespective of perspective-taking story). The combination of having taken a diversity quiz with a gender quiz had the biggest impact on attitudes for the non-discriminating story.
AIMS: More than two billion people worldwide are deficient in key micronutrients. Single micronutrients have been used at high doses to prevent and treat dietary insufficiencies. Yet the impact of combinations of micronutrients in small doses aiming to improve lipid disorders and the corresponding metabolic pathways remains incompletely understood. Thus, we investigated whether a combination of micronutrients would reduce fat accumulation and atherosclerosis in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lipoprotein receptor-null mice fed with an original combination of micronutrients incorporated into the daily chow showed reduced weight gain, body fat, plasma triglycerides, and increased oxygen consumption. These effects were achieved through enhanced lipid utilization and reduced lipid accumulation in metabolic organs and were mediated, in part, by the nuclear receptor PPARα. Moreover, the micronutrients partially prevented atherogenesis when administered early in life to apolipoprotein E-null mice. When the micronutrient treatment was started before conception, the anti-atherosclerotic effect was stronger in the progeny. This finding correlated with decreased post-prandial triglyceridaemia and vascular inflammation, two major atherogenic factors. CONCLUSION: Our data indicate beneficial effects of a combination of micronutritients on body weight gain, hypertriglyceridaemia, liver steatosis, and atherosclerosis in mice, and thus our findings suggest a novel cost-effective combinatorial micronutrient-based strategy worthy of being tested in humans.
Cancer is the second cause of death after cardio-vascular diseases in economically developed countries. Two of the most commonly used anti-cancer therapies are chemo and radiotherapy. Despite the remarkable advances made in term of delivery and specificity of these two anti-tumor regimens, their toxicity towards healthy tissue remains a limitation. A promising approach to overcome this obstacle would be the utilization of therapeutic peptides that specifically augment the sensitivity of tumoral cells to treatments. Lower therapeutical doses would then be required to kill malignant cells, limiting toxic effects on healthy tissues. It was previously shown in our laboratory that the caspase-3 generated fragment N2 of RasGAP is able to potentiate the genotoxin-induced apoptosis selectively in cancer cells. In this work we show that fragment N2 strictly requires a cytoplasmic localization to deliver its pro-apoptotic effect in genotoxin-treated cancer cells. The tumor sensitizing capacity of fragment N2 was found to reside within the 10 amino acid sequence 317-326. Our laboratory earlier demonstrated that a peptide corresponding to amino acids 317 to 326 of RasGAP fused to the TAT cell permeable moiety, called TAT-RasGAP317.326, is able to sensitize cancer cells, but not normal cells, to genotoxin-induced apoptosis. In the present study we describe the capacity of TAT-RasGAP 317.326 to sensitize tumors to both chemo and radiotherapy in an in vivo mouse model. The molecular mechanism underlying the TAT-RasGAP 317.326-mediated sensitization starts now to be elucidated. We demonstrate that G3BP1, an endoribonuclease binding to amino acids 317-326 of RasGAP, is not involved in the sensitization mechanism. We also provide evidence showing that TAT-RasGAP3 17-326 potentiates the genotoxin-mediated activation of Bax in a tBid-dependent manner. Altogether our results show that TAT-RasGAP 317.326 could be potentially used in cancer therapy as sensitizer, in order to improve the efficacy of chemo and radiotherapy and prolong the life expectancy of cancer patients. Moreover, the understanding of the TAT-RasGAP317.326 mode of action might help to unravel the mechanisms by which cancer cells resist to chemo and radiotherapy and therefore to design more targeted and efficient anti-tumoral strategies.
Clines in life history traits, presumably driven by spatially varying selection, are widespread. Major latitudinal clines have been observed, for example, in Drosophila melanogaster, an ancestrally tropical insect from Africa that has colonized temperate habitats on multiple continents. Yet, how geographic factors other than latitude, such as altitude or longitude, affect life history in this species remains poorly understood. Moreover, most previous work has been performed on derived European, American and Australian populations, but whether life history also varies predictably with geography in the ancestral Afro-tropical range has not been investigated systematically. Here, we have examined life history variation among populations of D. melanogaster from sub-Saharan Africa. Viability and reproductive diapause did not vary with geography, but body size increased with altitude, latitude and longitude. Early fecundity covaried positively with altitude and latitude, whereas lifespan showed the opposite trend. Examination of genetic variance-covariance matrices revealed geographic differentiation also in trade-off structure, and QST -FST analysis showed that life history differentiation among populations is likely shaped by selection. Together, our results suggest that geographic and/or climatic factors drive adaptive phenotypic differentiation among ancestral African populations and confirm the widely held notion that latitude and altitude represent parallel gradients.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
Among instruments measuring spiritual well-being, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual well-being (FACIT-Sp-12) is the most widely used instrument in research. It has been validated in patients suffering from cancer or HIV/AIDS, but has rarely been used in elderly patients. The objectives of this study were to determine the psychometric properties and suitability of the FACIT-Spto assess spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients. This cross-sectional study uses a mixed method approach. Subjects were patients (N = 208), aged 65 years and older, consecutively admitted in post-acute rehabilitation. Psychometric properties of the FACITSp were investigated. The internal structure of the FACIT-Sp (factor structure and internal consistency) was assessed. Convergent validity of the FACIT-Sp was assessed using the Spiritual Distress Assessment Tool (SDAT), the question "Are you at peace?" and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Predictive validity was assessed using length of stay (LOS) and discharge destination. Understanding and interpretation of FACIT-Sp items were consecutively assessed in a sub-sample of 135 patients. Results show that FACIT-Sp scores ranged from 7 to 46 (mean 29.6 ± 7.8); 23.1% of the patients had high spiritual well-being. Cronbach's α was g ood ( 0.85). Item-to-total correlations were all significant (0.34 to 0.73). Principal component analyses performed with 2 or 3 factors were only moderately consistent with previous work. FACIT-Sp correlated with SDAT, "Are you at peace?" and GDS (Rho = −0.45, P < 0.001; 0.51, P < 0.001 and −0.38, P < 0.001). No association was found with LOS or discharge destination. Spontaneous comments about one or more FACIT-Sp items were made by 97/135 (71.9%). Specifically, items that address purpose and meaning in life were frequently found difficult to answer. Analyses suggest that the FACIT-Sp may underestimate spiritual well-being in older patients. In conclusion, despite having acceptable psychometric properties, the FACIT-Sp presents limitations for measurement of spiritual well-being in hospitalized elderly patients.