209 resultados para Halophilic proteins
SUMMARY :Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by an elevated intra- hepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration (> 5%). The incidence of NAFLD is frequently increased in obese patients, and is considered to be the hepatic component of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome, also characterized by visceral obesity, altered glucose homeostasis, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, represents actually a major public health burden. Both dietary factors and low physical activity are involved in the development of the metabolic syndrome. ln animals and healthy humans, high-fat or high-fructose diets lead to the development of several features of the metabolic syndrome including increased intrahepatic lipids and insulin resistance. ln contrast the effects of dietary protein are less well known, but an increase in protein intake has been suggested to exert beneficial effects by promoting weight loss and improving glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients. Increased postprandial thermogenesis and enhanced satiety after protein ingestion may be both involved. The effects of dietary protein on hepatic lipids have been poorly investigated in humans, but preliminary studies in rodents have shown a reduction of hepatic lipids in carbohydrate fed rats and in obese rats. ln this context this work aimed at investigating the metabolic effects of dietary protein intake on hepatic lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis in humans. The modulation by dietary proteins of exogenous lipid oxidation, net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta-oxidation, triglycerides concentrations, whole-body energy expenditure and glucose tolerance was assessed in the fasting state and in postprandial states. Measurements of IHCL were performed to quantify the amount of triglycerides in the liver. ln an attempt to cover all these metabolic aspects under different point of views, these questions were addressed by three protocols involving various feeding conditions. Study I addressed the effects of a 4-day hypercaloric high-fat high-protein diet on the accumulation of fat in the liver (IHCL) and on insulin sensitivity. Our findings indicated that a high protein intake significantly prevents intrahepatic fat deposition induced by a short- term hypercaloric high-fat diet, adverse effects of which are presumably modulated at the liver level.These encouraging results led us to conduct the second study (Study ll), as we were also interested in a more clinical approach to protein administration and especially if increased protein intakes might be of benefit for obese patients. Therefore the effects of one-month whey protein supplementation on IHCL, insulin sensitivity, lipid metabolism, glucose tolerance and renal function were assessed in obese women. Results showed that whey protein supplementation reduces hepatic steatosis and improves the plasma lipid profile in obese patients, without adverse effects on glucose tolerance or creatinine clearance. However since patients were fed ud-libitum, it remains possible that spontaneous carbohydrate and fat intakes were reduced due to the satiating effects of protein. The third study (Study lll) was designed in an attempt to deepen our comprehension about the mechanisms involved in the modulation of IHCL. We hypothesized that protein improved lipid metabolism and, therefore, we evaluated the effects of a high protein meal on postprandial lipid metabolism and glucose homeostasis after 4-day on a control or a protein diet. Our results did not sustain the hypothesis of an increased postprandial net lipid oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation and exogenous lipid oxidation. Four days on a high-protein diet rather decreased exogenous fat oxidation and enhanced postprandial triglyceride concentrations, by impairing probably chylomicron-TG clearance. Altogether the results of these three studies suggest a beneficial effect of protein intake on the reduction in lHCL, and clearly show that supplementation of proteins do not reduce IHCL by stimulating lipid metabolism, e.g. whole body fat oxidation, hepatic beta oxidation, or exogenous fat oxidation. The question of the effects of high-protein intakes on hepatic lipid metabolism is still open and will need further investigation to be elucidated. The effects of protein on increased postprandial lipemia and lipoproteins kinetics have been little investigated so far and might therefore be an interesting research question, considering the tight relationship between an elevation of plasmatic TG concentrations and the increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases.Résumé :La stéatose hépatique non alcoolique se caractérise par un taux de lipides intra-hépatiques élevé, supérieur à 5%. L'incidence de la stéatose hépatique est fortement augmentée chez les personnes obèses, ce qui mène à la définir comme étant la composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Ce syndrome se définit aussi par d'autres critères tels qu'obésité viscérale, altération de l'homéostasie du glucose, résistance à l'insuline, dyslipidémie et pression artérielle élevée. Le syndrome métabolique est actuellement un problème de santé publique majeur.Tant une alimentation trop riche et déséquilibrée, qu'une faible activité physique, semblent être des causes pouvant expliquer le développement de ce syndrome. Chez l'animal et le volontaire sain, des alimentations enrichies en graisses ou en sucres (fructose) favorisent le développement de facteurs associés au syndrome métabolique, notamment en augmentant le taux de lipides intra-hépatiques et en induisant le développement d'une résistance à l'insuline. Par ailleurs, les effets des protéines alimentaires sont nettement moins bien connus, mais il semblerait qu'une augmentation de l'apport en protéines soit bénéfique, favorisant la perte de poids et l'homéostasie du glucose chez des patients insulino-résistants. Une augmentation de la thermogenese postprandiale ainsi que du sentiment de satiété pourraient en être à l'origine.Les effets des protéines sur les lipides intra-hépatiques chez l'homme demeurent inconnus à ce jour, cependant des études préliminaires chez les rongeurs tendent à démontrer une diminution des lipides intra hépatiques chez des rats nourris avec une alimentation riche en sucres ou chez des rats obèses.Dans un tel contexte de recherche, ce travail s'est intéressé à l'étude des effets métaboliques des protéines alimentaires sur le métabolisme lipidique du foie et sur l'homéostasie du glucose. Ce travail propose d'évaluer l'effet des protéines alimentaires sur différentes voies métaboliques impliquant graisses et sucres, en ciblant d'une part les voies de l'oxydation des graisses exogènes, de la beta-oxydation hépatique et de l'oxydation nette des lipides, et d'autre part la dépense énergétique globale et l'évolution des concentrations sanguines des triglycérides, à jeun et en régime postprandial. Des mesures des lipides intra-hépatiques ont aussi été effectuées pour permettre la quantification des graisses déposées dans le foie.Dans le but de couvrir l'ensemble de ces aspects métaboliques sous différents angles de recherche, trois protocoles, impliquant des conditions alimentaires différentes, ont été entrepris pour tenter de répondre à ces questions. La première étude (Etude I) s'est intéressée aux effets d'u.ne suralimentation de 4 jours enrichie en graisses et protéines sur la sensibilité à l'insuline et sur l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques. Les résultats ont démontré que l'apport en protéines prévient l'accumulation de graisses intra-hépatiques induite par une suralimentation riche en graisses de courte durée ainsi que ses effets délétères probablement par le biais de mécanismes agissant au niveau du foie. Ces résultats encourageants nous ont conduits à entreprendre une seconde étude (Etude ll) qui s'intéressait à l'implication clinique et aux bénéfices que pouvait avoir une supplémentation en protéines sur les graisses hépatiques de patients obèses. Ainsi nous avons évalué pendant un mois de supplémentation l'effet de protéines de lactosérum sur le taux de graisses intrahépatiques, la sensibilité à l'insuline, la tolérance au glucose, le métabolisme des graisses et la fonction rénale chez des femmes obèses. Les résultats ont été encourageants; la supplémentation en lactosérum améliore la stéatose hépatique, le profil lipidique des patientes obèses sans pour autant altérer la tolérance au glucose ou la clairance de la créatinine. L'effet satiétogene des protéines pourrait aussi avoir contribué à renforcer ces effets. La troisième étude s'est intéressée aux mécanismes qui sous-tendent les effets bénéfiques des protéines observés dans les 2 études précédentes. Nous avons supposé que les protéines devaient favoriser le métabolisme des graisses. Par conséquent, nous avons cherché a évaluer les effets d'un repas riche en protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et l'homéostasie glucidique après 4 jours d'alimentation contrôlée soit isocalorique et équilibrée, soit hypercalorique enrichie en protéines. Les résultats obtenus n'ont pas vérifié l'hypothèse initiale ; ni une augmentation de l'oxydation nette des lipides, ni celle d'une augmentation de la béta-oxydation hépatique ou de l'oxydation d'un apport exogène de graisses n'a pu étre observée. A contrario, il semblerait même plutôt que 4 jours d'a]irnentation hyperprotéinée inhibent le métabolisme des graisses et augmente les concentrations sanguines de triglycérides, probablement par le biais d'une clairance de chylornicrons altérée. Globalement, les résultats de ces trois études nous permettent d'attester que les protéines exercent un effet bénéfique en prévenant le dépot de graisses intra-hépatiques et montrent que cet effet ne peut être attribué à une stimulation du métabolisme des lipides via l'augmentation des oxydations des graisses soit totales, hépatiques, ou exogènes. La question demeure en suspens à ce jour et nécessite de diriger la recherche vers d'autres voies d'exploration. Les effets des protéines sur la lipémie postprandiale et sur le cinétique des lipoprotéines n'a que peu été traitée à ce jour. Cette question me paraît néanmoins importante, sachant que des concentrations sanguines élevées de triglycérides sont étroitement corrélées à une incidence augmentée de facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire.
Membrane fusion and fission are antagonistic reactions controlled by different proteins. Dynamins promote membrane fission by GTP-driven changes of conformation and polymerization state, while SNAREs fuse membranes by forming complexes between t- and v-SNAREs from apposed vesicles. Here, we describe a role of the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p in fusion of yeast vacuoles. Vps1p forms polymers that couple several t-SNAREs together. At the onset of fusion, the SNARE-activating ATPase Sec18p/NSF and the t-SNARE depolymerize Vps1p and release it from the membrane. This activity is independent of the SNARE coactivator Sec17p/alpha-SNAP and of the v-SNARE. Vps1p release liberates the t-SNAREs for initiating fusion and at the same time disrupts fission activity. We propose that reciprocal control between fusion and fission components exists, which may prevent futile cycles of fission and fusion.
Abstract : Activation of naïve T lymphocytes is essential for the onset of an adaptive immune response against a pathogenic threat. T lymphocytes are activated through the engagement of their highly specific cell surface antigen-receptor (TCR), together with co-stimulatory receptors, by activated antigen-presenting cells that display antigenic peptide fragments from the pathogen that they have detected. Dissection of the mechanisms that modulate TCR- and co-stimulation- induced signals is therefore crucial for the understanding of the molelcular basis of adaptive immune responses. Following antigen-receptor triggering, the Carma1, Bcl10 and Malt1 (CBM) proteins assemble into an oligomeric complex, which is essential for activation of the NF-κB and JNK signaling pathways in lymphocytes. In this work, by using human epithelial and lymphocytic cell lines, we identified the TNF-receptor-associated factor (TRAF) proteins TRAF3 and TRAF7 as new binding partners of Bcl10 and Carma1, respectively. We could show that TRAF3 is required for the proper transcriptional upregulation of IL-2 in activated T cells, and that endogenous TRAF3 is recruited to Bcl10 following TCR engagement. Although the mechanisms used by TRAF3 to modulate the transcriptional activation of the IL-2 promoter are not elucidated, the stimulus-dependent association ofTRAF3 with its direct binding partner Bcl10 suggests that TRAF3 is regulating Bcl10 function in TCR-activated lymphocytes. We also demonstrated that TRAF7 acts as a negative regulator of Carma1-induced NFκB-and AP1-dependent transcription by overexpression in 293T cells. These data suggest that TRAF7 could contribute to the negative regulation of TCR-dependent Carma1 functions. Finally, we showed that Carma1 is processed upon antigen-receptor triggering in B and T cell lines, as well as in primary human CTLs, and that this processing is dependent on the proteolytic activity of Malt1. Collectively, this work contributes to describe new proteins and regulatory mechanisms that modulate CBM-dependent functions in activated lymphocytes. Furthermore, it uncovers new tracks that could lead to a better molecular understanding of the complex interplay between the activatory and inhibitory regulators associated with the CBM complex. Résumé : L'activation des lymphocytes T naifs est une étape essentielle à la mise en place d'une réponse immunitaire adaptative pour combattre une infection. Après la détection d'un pathogène, les cellules présentatrices d'antigènes exposent à leur surface des fragments peptidiques provenant du pathogène, qui activent le récepteur à antigène (TCR) spécifique des lymphocytes T, ainsi que des molécules co-stimulatrices qui contribuent à l'activation complète des lymphocytes T. La caractérisation des mécanismes qui modulent les cascades de signaux émanant du TCR et des récepteurs de co-stimulation est essentielle à la compréhension du fonctionnement moléculaire de la réponse immunitaire adaptative. La ligation du TCR induit la formation d'un complexe oligomérique comprenant les protéines Carma1, Bcl10 et Malt1, qui est essentiel à l'activation des voies de signalisation cellulaires NF-κB et JNK induisant l'activation complète des lymphorctes T. Dans cette étude, à l'aide de lignées de cellules humaines épithéliales et lymphocytaires, nous avons identifié que deux protéines de la famille des TRAF (Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Factor), TRAF3 et TRAF7, s'associent à Bc110 et à Carma1, respectivement. Les TRAFs sont d'importants régulateurs des voies de signalisation dans les cellules du système immunitaire inné et adaptatif. Nous avons démontré que TRAF3 était important pour permettre la transcription de l'interleukine-2 (IL-2) dans les lymphocytes T activés, et que TRAF3 s'associait à Bc110 à la suite de la stimulation du TCR Les mécanismes que TRAF3 utilise pour moduler l'activation du promoteur de l'IL-2 ne sont pas connus, mais l'association de TRAF3 à Bc110 suite à la stimulation du TCR suggère que TRAF3 régule la fonction de Bc110. Nous avons également identifié TRAF7 comme un nouveau régulateur négatif des voies NF-κB et JNK induites par surexpression de la protéine Carma1. Nos données suggèrent que TRAF7 pourrait également contribuer à la régulation négative de la fonction de Carma1 dans les lymphocytes activés. Enfin, nous avons découvert que Carma1 était clivé suite à la stimulation du TCR, et que ce clivage dépendait de l'activité protéolytique de Malt1. Cette étude contribue ainsi à la description de nouvelles protéines et de nouveaux mécanismes qui modulent l'activité du complexe CBM dans les lymphocytes activés, et ouvre la voie à la caractérisation moléculaire de ces nouveaux mécanismes importants pour la régulation de la réponse immunitaire adaptative.
In this study we focused our attention on the behavior of four nuclear matrix proteins during the various stages of apoptosis in the HL-60 cell line exposed to the DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin. We have examined the following antigens by immunocytochemical techniques: (i) the 180-kDa nucleolar isoform of DNA topoisomerase II; (ii) a 126-kDa polypeptide of nuclear bodies; (iii) a 125-kDa protein; and (iv) a 160-kDa polypeptide which are known to be components of the matrix inner network. Indirect immunofluorescence experiments were performed to follow these nuclear matrix antigens during apoptosis. Moreover, the ultrastructural localization of both 125- and 160-kDa proteins was investigated by electron microscope immunocytochemistry with gold-conjugated secondary antibodies. While the antibody to the nucleolar isoform of DNA topoisomerase II gave a fluorescent pattern that was well-maintained until the late phases of apoptosis, the other three nuclear antigens showed marked modifications in their distribution. A common feature, particularly evident for 125- and 160-kDa proteins, was their absence from cap-shaped chromatin marginations, whereas they were present in the areas of remaining decondensed chromatin. The 126-kDa polypeptide concentrated progressively in an irregular mass at the opposite side of the crescentic caps and then broke up in fine spots. The 125- and 160-kDa proteins localized in the nucleolus and precisely within certain granules which are known to appear in the nucleolar area after camptothecin administration. These results show that, in addition to the well-known chromatin changes, nuclear organization undergoes other rearrangements during the apoptotic process.
Objectives To prospectively assess respiratory health in wastewater workers and garbage collectors over 5 years. Methods Exposure, respiratory symptoms and conditions, spirometry and lung-specific proteins were assessed yearly in a cohort of 304 controls, 247 wastewater workers and 52 garbage collectors. Results were analysed with random coefficient models and linear regression taking into account several potential confounders. Results Symptoms, spirometry and lung-specific proteins were not affected by occupational exposure. Conclusions In this population no effects of occupational exposure to bioaerosols were found, probably because of good working conditions.
Krüppel-associated box domain-zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) are tetrapod-specific transcriptional repressors encoded in the hundreds by the human genome. In order to explore their as yet ill-defined impact on gene expression, we developed an ectopic repressor assay, allowing the study of KRAB-mediated transcriptional regulation at hundreds of different transcriptional units. By targeting a drug-controllable KRAB-containing repressor to gene-trapping lentiviral vectors, we demonstrate that KRAB and its corepressor KAP1 can silence promoters located several tens of kilobases (kb) away from their DNA binding sites, with an efficiency which is generally higher for promoters located within 15 kb or less. Silenced promoters exhibit a loss of histone H3-acetylation, an increase in H3 lysine 9 trimethylation (H3K9me3), and a drop in RNA Pol II recruitment, consistent with a block of transcriptional initiation following the establishment of silencing marks. Furthermore, we reveal that KRAB-mediated repression is established by the long-range spreading of H3K9me3 and heterochromatin protein 1 beta (HP1beta) between the repressor binding site and the promoter. We confirm the biological relevance of this phenomenon by documenting KAP1-dependent transcriptional repression at an endogenous KRAB-ZFP gene cluster, where KAP1 binds to the 3' end of genes and mediates propagation of H3K9me3 and HP1beta towards their 5' end. Together, our data support a model in which KRAB/KAP1 recruitment induces long-range repression through the spread of heterochromatin. This finding not only suggests auto-regulatory mechanisms in the control of KRAB-ZFP gene clusters, but also provides important cues for interpreting future genome-wide DNA binding data of KRAB-ZFPs and KAP1.
Labile or mutation-sensitised proteins may spontaneously convert into aggregation-prone conformations that may be toxic and infectious. This hazardous behavior, which can be described as a form of "molecular criminality", can be actively counteracted in the cell by a network of molecular chaperone and proteases. Similar to law enforcement agents, molecular chaperones and proteases can specifically identify, apprehend, unfold and thus neutralize "criminal" protein conformers, allowing them to subsequently refold into harmless functional proteins. Irreversibly damaged polypeptides that have lost the ability to natively refold are preferentially degraded by highly controlled ATP-consuming proteases. Damaged proteins that escape proteasomal degradation can also be "incarcerated" into dense amyloids, "evicted" from the cell, or internally "exiled" to the lysosome to be hydrolysed and recycled. Thus, remarkable parallels exist between molecular and human forms of criminality, as well as in the cellular and social responses to various forms of crime. Yet, differences also exist: whereas programmed death is the preferred solution chosen by aged and aggregation-stressed cells, collective suicide is seldom chosen by lawless societies. Significantly, there is no cellular equivalent for the role of familial care and of education in general, which is so crucial to the proper shaping of functional persons in the society. Unlike in the cell, humanism introduces a bias against radical solutions such as capital punishment, favouring crime prevention, reeducation and social reinsertion of criminals.
Canine distemper virus (CDV), a member of the genus Morbillivirus induces a highly infectious, frequently lethal disease in dogs and other carnivores. Current vaccines against canine distemper consisting of attenuated viruses have been in use for many years and have greatly reduced the incidence of distemper in the dog population. However, certain strains may not guarantee adequate protection and others can induce post vaccinal encephalitis. We tested a DNA vaccine for its ability to protect dogs, the natural host of CDV, against distemper. We constructed plasmids containing the nucleocapsid, the fusion, and the attachment protein genes of a virulent canine distemper virus strain. Mice inoculated with these plasmids developed humoral and cellular immune responses against CDV antigens. Dogs immunized with the expression plasmids developed virus-neutralizing antibodies. Significantly, vaccinated dogs were protected against challenge with virulent CDV, whereas unvaccinated animals succumbed to distemper.
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is an evolutionary conserved DNA repair system that is essential for the removal of UV-induced DNA damage. In this study we investigated how NER is compartmentalized in the interphase nucleus of human cells at the ultrastructural level by using electron microscopy in combination with immunogold labeling. We analyzed the role of two nuclear compartments: condensed chromatin domains and the perichromatin region. The latter contains transcriptionally active and partly decondensed chromatin at the surface of condensed chromatin domains. We studied the distribution of the damage-recognition protein XPC and of XPA, which is a central component of the chromatin-associated NER complex. Both XPC and XPA rapidly accumulate in the perichromatin region after UV irradiation, whereas only XPC is also moderately enriched in condensed chromatin domains. These observations suggest that DNA damage is detected by XPC throughout condensed chromatin domains, whereas DNA-repair complexes seem preferentially assembled in the perichromatin region. We propose that UV-damaged DNA inside condensed chromatin domains is relocated to the perichromatin region, similar to what has been shown for DNA replication. In support of this, we provide evidence that UV-damaged chromatin domains undergo expansion, which might facilitate the translocation process. Our results offer novel insight into the dynamic spatial organization of DNA repair in the human cell nucleus.
The skin is essential for survival and protects our body against biological attacks, physical stress, chemical injury, water loss, ultraviolet radiation and immunological impairment. The epidermal barrier constitutes the primordial frontline of this defense established during terminal differentiation. During this complex process proliferating basal keratinocytes become suprabasally mitotically inactive and move through four epidermal layers (basal, spinous, granular and layer, stratum corneum) constantly adapting to the needs of the respective cell layer. As a result, squamous keratinocytes contain polymerized keratin intermediate filament bundles and a water-retaining matrix surrounded by the cross-linked cornified cell envelope (CE) with ceramide lipids attached on the outer surface. These cells are concomitantly insulated by intercellular lipid lamellae and hold together by corneodesmosmes. Many proteins essential for epidermal differentiation are encoded by genes clustered on chromosomal human region 1q21. These genes constitute the 'epidermal differentiation complex' (EDC), which is divided on the basis of common gene and protein structures, in three gene families: (i) CE precursors, (ii) S100A and (iii) S100 fused genes. EDC protein expression is regulated in a gene and tissue-specific manner by a pool of transcription factors. Among them, Klf4, Grhl3 and Arnt are essential, and their deletion in mice is lethal. The importance of the EDC is further reflected by human diseases: FLG mutations are the strongest risk factor for atopic dermatitis (AD) and for AD-associated asthma, and faulty CE formation caused by TG1 deficiency causes life-threatening lamellar ichthyosis. Here, we review the EDC genes and the progress in this field.
The epigenetic regulator Bmi1 controls proliferation in many organs. Reexpression of cell cycle proteins such as cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) is a hallmark of neuronal apoptosis in neurodegenerative diseases. Here we address the potential role of Bmi1 as a key regulator of cell cycle proteins during neuronal apoptosis. We show that several cell cycle proteins are expressed in different models of retinal degeneration and required in the Rd1 photoreceptor death process. Deleting E2f1, a downstream target of CDKs, provided temporary protection in Rd1 mice. Most importantly, genetic ablation of Bmi1 provided extensive photoreceptor survival and improvement of retinal function in Rd1 mice, mediated by a decrease in cell cycle markers and regulators independent of p16(Ink4a) and p19(Arf). These data reveal that Bmi1 controls the cell cycle-related death process, highlighting this pathway as a promising therapeutic target for neuroprotection in retinal dystrophies.
By virtue of their general ability to bind (hold) translocating or unfolding polypeptides otherwise doomed to aggregate, molecular chaperones are commonly dubbed "holdases". Yet, chaperones also carry physiological functions that do not necessitate prevention of aggregation, such as altering the native states of proteins, as in the disassembly of SNARE complexes and clathrin coats. To carry such physiological functions, major members of the Hsp70, Hsp110, Hsp100, and Hsp60/CCT chaperone families act as catalytic unfolding enzymes or unfoldases that drive iterative cycles of protein binding, unfolding/pulling, and release. One unfoldase chaperone may thus successively convert many misfolded or alternatively folded polypeptide substrates into transiently unfolded intermediates, which, once released, can spontaneously refold into low-affinity native products. Whereas during stress, a large excess of non-catalytic chaperones in holding mode may optimally prevent protein aggregation, after the stress, catalytic disaggregases and unfoldases may act as nanomachines that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to repair proteins with compromised conformations. Thus, holding and catalytic unfolding chaperones can act as primary cellular defenses against the formation of early misfolded and aggregated proteotoxic conformers in order to avert or retard the onset of degenerative protein conformational diseases.