347 resultados para Digestione anaerobica, VFA, P y-AD, PHA


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BACKGROUND: Urinary creatinine excretion is used as a marker of completeness of timed urine collections, which are a keystone of several metabolic evaluations in clinical investigations and epidemiological surveys. METHODS: We used data from two independent Swiss cross-sectional population-based studies with standardised 24-hour urinary collection and measured anthropometric variables. Only data from adults of European descent, with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) ≥60 ml/min/1.73 m2 and reported completeness of the urinary collection were retained. A linear regression model was developed to predict centiles of the 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion in 1,137 participants from the Swiss Survey on Salt and validated in 994 participants from the Swiss Kidney Project on Genes in Hypertension. RESULTS: The mean urinary creatinine excretion was 193 ± 41 μmol/kg/24 hours in men and 151 ± 38 μmol/kg/24 hours in women in the Swiss Survey on Salt. The values were inversely correlated with age and body mass index (BMI). CONCLUSIONS: We propose a validated prediction equation for 24-hour urinary creatinine excretion in the general European population, based on readily available variables such as age, sex and BMI, and a few derived normograms to ease its clinical application. This should help healthcare providers to interpret the completeness of a 24-hour urine collection in daily clinical practice and in epidemiological population studies.


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AIM: To document the feasibility and report the results of dosing darbepoetin-alpha at extended intervals up to once monthly (QM) in a large dialysis patient population. MATERIAL: 175 adult patients treated, at 23 Swiss hemodialysis centres, with stable doses of any erythropoiesis-stimulating agent who were switched by their physicians to darbepoetin-alpha treatment at prolonged dosing intervals (every 2 weeks [Q2W] or QM). METHOD: Multicentre, prospective, observational study. Patients' hemoglobin (Hb) levels and other data were recorded 1 month before conversion (baseline) to an extended darbepoetin-alpha dosing interval, at the time of conversion, and once monthly thereafter up to the evaluation point (maximum of 12 months or until loss to follow-up). RESULTS: Data for 161 evaluable patients from 23 sites were included in the final analysis. At 1 month prior to conversion, 73% of these patients were receiving darbepoetin-alpha weekly (QW) and 27% of the patients biweekly (Q2W). After a mean follow-up of 9.5 months, 34% received a monthly (QM) dosing regimen, 52% of the patients were receiving darbepoetin-alpha Q2W, and 14% QW. The mean (SD) Hb concentration at baseline was 12.3 +/- 1.2 g/dl, compared to 11.9 +/- 1.2 g/dl at the evaluation point. The corresponding mean weekly darbepoetin-alpha dose was 44.3 +/- 33.4 microg at baseline and 37.7 +/- 30.8 microg at the evaluation point. CONCLUSIONS: Conversion to extended darbepoetin-alpha dosing intervals of up to QM, with maintenance of initial Hb concentrations, was successful for the majority of stable dialysis patients.


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Accumulating evidence suggests that polymorphisms in Toll-like receptors (TLRs) influence the pathogenesis of mycobacterial infections, including leprosy, a disease whose manifestations depend on host immune responses. Polymorphisms in TLR2 are associated with an increased risk of reversal reaction, but not susceptibility to leprosy itself. We examined whether polymorphisms in TLR4 are associated with susceptibility to leprosy in a cohort of 441 Ethiopian leprosy patients and 197 healthy controls. We found that two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in TLR4 (896G>A [D299G] and 1196C>T [T399I]) were associated with a protective effect against the disease. The 896GG, GA and AA genotypes were found in 91.7, 7.8 and 0.5% of leprosy cases versus 79.9, 19.1 and 1.0% of controls, respectively (odds ratio [OR] = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.20-0.57, P < 0.001, additive model). Similarly, the 1196CC, CT and TT genotypes were found in 98.1, 1.9 and 0% of leprosy cases versus 91.8, 7.7 and 0.5% of controls, respectively (OR = 0.16, 95% CI 0.06--.40, P < 0.001, dominant model). We found that Mycobacterium leprae stimulation of monocytes partially inhibited their subsequent response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. Our data suggest that TLR4 polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to leprosy and that this effect may be mediated at the cellular level by the modulation of TLR4 signalling by M. leprae.


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Endocarditis is a common disease in hospital practice. Identification of the microorganism responsible for the valvular damage is essential to establish the prognosis and to determine the optimal antibiotic treatment. In some cases of endocarditis the diagnosis is laborious, especially when the responsible microorganism is difficult to detect using standard culture techniques. Here we report a case of native aortic valve endocarditis due to Kingella kingae, a Gram negative organism of the HACEK group. In addition we review 6 other cases of endocarditis caused by organism belonging to this group, treated in our hospital between 1983 and 1999. Epidemiological studies show that less than 5% of all cases of endocarditis are caused by organisms of the HACEK group. The diagnosis is often delayed because their slow growth on a standard culture medium. We describe clinical and microbiological characteristics of this group of endocarditis.


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Rectal diazepam is widely used in the treatment of acute seizures in children but has some disadvantages. Nasal/sublingual midazolam administration has been recently investigated for this purpose but never at home or in a general paediatric hospital. The aim of this open study was to determine the efficacy, the tolerance and the applicability of nasal midazolam during acute seizures in children both in hospital and at home. We included known epileptic children for treatment at home and all children with acute seizures in the hospital. In all, 26 children were enrolled, 11 at home and 17 in the hospital (including two treated in both locations); only one had simple febrile seizure. They had a total of 125 seizures; 122 seizures (98%) stopped within 10 minutes (average 3.6 minutes). Two patients in the hospital did not respond and in three, seizures recurred within 3 hours. None had serious adverse effects. Parents had no difficulties administering the drug at home. Most of those who were using rectal diazepam found that nasal midazolam was easier to use and that postictal recovery was faster. Among 15 children who received the drug under electroencephalogram monitoring (six without clinical seizures), the paroxysmal activity disappeared in ten and decreased in three. Nasal midazolam is efficient in the treatment of acute seizures. It appears to be safe and most useful outside the hospital in severe epilepsies, particularly in older children because it is easy for parents to use. These data should be confirmed in a larger sample of children. Its usefulness in febrile convulsions also remains to be evaluated.


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Polyclonal rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin (rATG) is widely used in solid organ transplantation (SOT) as induction therapy or to treat corticosteroid-resistant rejection. In vivo, the effect of rATG on natural killer (NK) cells has not been studied. These cells are of particular relevance after SOT because classical immunosuppressive drugs do not inhibit or even can activate NK cells. A cohort of 20 recipients at low immunological risk, that had been receiving rATG as induction therapy, was analyzed for receptor repertoire, cytotoxicity and capacity of NK cells to secrete IFN-γ before kidney transplantation and at different time points thereafter. NK cells expressed fewer killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR), fewer activating receptors NKG2D, but more inhibitory receptor NKG2A compatible with an immature phenotype in the first 6 months post transplantation. Both cytotoxicity of NK cells and the secretion of IFN-γ were preserved over time after transplantation.


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L'étude de la représentation de Dieu chez l'enfant à l'aide de la technique du dessin n'est pas nouvelle. Dans une large enquête conduite aux Etats-Unis, Harms (1944) montrait des modifications du contenu des représentations en fonction de l'âge : du conte de fée aux représentations plus réalistes, de l'anthropomorphisme à des représentations plus symboliques ou abstraites. Depuis, d'autres travaux ont repris cette technique avec des enfants européens, montrant des différences suivant que l'enfant a reçu ou non une éducation religieuse (Hanisch, 1996) ou qu'il est garçon ou fille (Klein, 2000). Dans le prolongement de ces travaux, l'enquête présentée cherche à mettre en évidence l'effet de la culture en sortant d'un contexte inspiré par la conception judéo-chrétienne de Dieu. Près de 150 dessins ont été récoltés au Japon dans des écoles bouddhistes et publiques, auprès d'enfants entre sept ans et 14 ans. Trois groupes d'âges ont été constitués : 7-8 ans, 10-11 ans, 13-14 ans. Chaque dessin a été décrit à l'aide d'une quarantaine de traits qui ont permis de définir 17 types. Ces types, ainsi que quelques variables saillantes ont été corrélés avec l'âge, le genre du dessinateur, et l'école suivie. Contrairement aux dessins récoltés en Occident, où presque tous les dessins anthropomorphes présentent des figures masculines, la moitié des filles japonaises ont représenté un dieu féminin. Parallèlement, on constate aussi que l'éducation religieuse (ici le bouddhisme) favorise la production des représentations non anthropomorphiques chez les enfants plus âgés (30% des dessins chez les enfants fréquentant des écoles bouddhistes contre 8% chez ceux fréquentant des écoles publiques). Indépendamment des types qui ont pu être décrits opérationnellement, on constate que certains moyens utilisés pour différencier la représentation de la figure de Dieu d'autres figures sont largement partagés. Les enfants puisent dans un répertoire graphique et symbolique en combinant des motifs, certains typiques du Japon, d'autres propres à l'imagerie occidentale largement popularisée par les médias. Il en ressort que la représentation (picturale) de Dieu n'est pas tant le résultat de la reproduction plus ou moins habile d'un stéréotype traditionnel plus ou moins bien assimilé, mais bien plutôt la tentative de signifier une différence ontologique à l'aide d'une grammaire de signes empruntés à divers systèmes de référence.


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Objectifs: Evaluer l'intérêt d'une double infiltration sous guidage scanner épiduro-foraminale versus foraminale seule dans les conflits disco -radiculaires. Matériels et méthodes: Etude randomisée prospective monocentrique portant sur 110 patients évaluant à J1, J7 et J30 l'évolution clinique par EVA, ODI et prise antalgiques. L'ensembledes interventions est réalisé sous guidage scanner avec opacification de la zone traitée pour confirmer le bon positionnement des corticoïdes . Résultats: Une différence significative (p<0,04) est montrée pour les hernies postéro-latérales avec une meilleure efficacité de l'injection double épidurale et foraminale.Aucune complication majeure n'a été constatée sur les 400 patients eligibles. Conclusion: Les infiltrations sous scanner sont des interventions efficaces et sûres . Le double abord épidural et foraminal présente un intérêt dans les herniespostéro-latérales.


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Invasive aspergillosis is one of the most important infections in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, with an incidence rate of 5-15% and an associated mortality of 30-60%. It remains unclear why certain patients develop invasive aspergillosis while others, undergoing identical transplant regimen and similar post transplant immunosuppression, do not. Over the last decade, pattern recognition receptors such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) have emerged as critical components of the innate immune system. By detecting specific molecular patterns from invading microbes and initiating inflammatory and subsequent adaptive immune responses, pattern recognition receptors are strategically located at the molecular interface of hosts and pathogens. Polymorphisms in pattern recognition receptors and downstream signaling molecules have been associated with increased or decreased susceptibility to infections, suggesting that their detection may have an increasing impact on the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in the coming years. Infectious risk stratification may be particularly relevant for patients with hematologic malignancies, because of the high prevalence and severity of infections in this population. This review summarizes the innate immune mechanisms involved in Aspergillus fumigatus detection and the role of host genetic polymorphisms in susceptibility to invasive aspergillosis.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) affects orofacial function. Our aim was to evaluate certain characteristics of orofacial function in DMD and relate possible deteriorations to the age of the patients and to the diminished internal structure quality of the masseter muscle. Bite force and finger force were measured in 16 DMD patients (6-20 years old) and 16 age matched controls. The thickness and internal structure quality of the masseter muscle were evaluated ultrasonographically. We found reduced mouth opening but no signs of masticatory muscle tenderness. Bite force values were lower for DMD patients. Masseter thickness showed no significant differences between the two groups, but poorer internal muscle structure quality characterised the elder, non-walking DMD patients explaining their low bite force values. In conclusion, the masseter muscle follows the general progress of the disease. Orofacial function in DMD patients is becoming ever more important as their life expectancy increases.