192 resultados para Diffusion treatments
Objectifs: Déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs prédictifs de l'effet T2 shine-through dans l'hémangiome hépatique. Matériels et méthodes: Entre janvier 2010 et novembre 2011, l'imagerie par résonance magnétique du foie de 149 patients avec 388 hémangiomes hépatiques a été revue rétrospectivement. Les caractéristiques lésionnelles: la taille, la localisation, le signal et l'aspect en T1, T2 et en diffusion, l'effet T2 shine-through, le coefficient apparent de diffusion des hémangiomes hépatiques et du foie et type de rehaussement ont été évalués. Résultats: L'effet T2 shine-through était observé dans 204/388 (52.6%) des hémangiomes hépatiques et 100 (67.1%) patients. L'ADC moyen des hémangiomas avec T2 shine-through effect était significativement plus bas que les hémangiomas sans T2 shine-through effect (2.0 +/- 0.48 vs 2.38 +/- 0.45 10"3 mm2/s, P < .0001). L'analyse multivariée retrouvait comme facteurs indépendants de la présence d'un effet T2 shine-through un hypersignal sur les images fat- suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo, les hémangiomes avec un rehaussement classique et retardé, et l'ADC du foie. Conclusion: Le T2 shine-through effect est fréquemment observé dans les hémangiomes hépatiques et dépend des caractéristiques lésionnelles. Sa présence ne remet pas en question le diagnostic lorsque les signes IRM typiques sont présents.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To determine, in a region of Switzerland, the duration of retention in opioid substitution treatments with methadone (OSTM), duration of treatment interruptions, probability of re-entry to treatment after a treatment interruption, and associated factors. METHODS: A secondary analysis of registry-based data was performed with patients (n = 2880) registered in the methadone treatment register database of the Public Health Service of the canton of Vaud between January 1, 2001 and June 30, 2008. Survival analysis and multivariate analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The probability of remaining on treatment was 69% at 1 year and 45% at 3 years (n =1666). One-third of patients remained on treatment beyond 5 years. The estimated hazard of leaving treatment was increased by a ratio of 1.31 in the case of a first treatment (P = 0.001), 1.83 for those without a fixed home (P < 0.001), and 1.29 for those younger than 30 years old (P < 0.001). The probability of having begun a new treatment after a first interruption was 21% at one year, 38% at 3 years, and 43% at 5 years (n = 1581). Factors at the interruption of treatment associated with a higher probability of re-entering were: interruption not due to methadone withdrawal, bad physical health, and higher methadone dose. CONCLUSIONS: OSTM are long-term (maintenance) treatments in Switzerland. Younger age, bad living conditions at entry, and first treatment are predictors of lower retention. Approximately one-half of patients who interrupt treatment will re-enter treatment within 5 years.
Diffusion magnetic resonance studies of the brain are typically performed using volume coils. Although in human brain this leads to a near optimal filling factor, studies of rodent brain must contend with the fact that only a fraction of the head volume can be ascribed to the brain. The use of surface coil as transceiver increases Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), reduces radiofrequency power requirements and opens the possibility of parallel transmit schemes, likely to allow efficient acquisition schemes, of critical importance for reducing the long scan times implicated in diffusion tensor imaging. This study demonstrates the implementation of a semiadiabatic echo planar imaging sequence (echo time=40 ms, four interleaves) at 14.1T using a quadrature surface coil as transceiver. It resulted in artifact free images with excellent SNR throughout the brain. Diffusion tensor derived parameters obtained within the rat brain were in excellent agreement with reported values.
Chronic hand eczema is a frequent cause of consultation. In Europe and Switzerland, it's one of the main reasons for patients to interrupt their profession. The etiology is pluri-factorial. Atopic patients are more likely predisposed. Pruritus, associated to pain and bleeding, is intense. Psychosocial consequences are huge, making this illness to an important public health problem. Topical treatment and UV-light are the main therapeutical strategy but the results are often disappointing. Recently, alitretinoine (9-cis retinoic acid) became the treatment of second choice with good response, allowing patients to preserve a good quality of life and their job.
RESUME Les membranes néovasculaires (MNV) compliquent diverses pathologies ophtalmiques. Elles sont à l'origine d'une importante baisse de l'acuité visuelle lorsque elles se situent à proximité de la fovéa. A l'heure actuelle, peu de données relatives à leur association aux pathologies inflammatoires de l'oeil (uvéites) existent. Dans ce travail, la fréquence de MNV a été évaluée parmi 643 patients avec uvéite. Leur impact sur l'acuité visuelle ainsi que le pronostic en fonction des différents traitements effectués ont été étudiés. Les dossiers des 643 patients souffrant d'uvéite ont été étudiés. Les patients présentant une MNV ont été classés en trois groupes en fonction de l'importance de l'inflammation intraoculaire: élevée (2+ cellules dans le vitré), moyenne (1/2+ à 1+ cellules dans le vitré) ou absente (0 cellules dans le vitré). L'évolution de l'acuité visuelle fut considérée comme favorable (+VA: maintient de l'acuité visuelle ou gain d'une ou plusieurs lignes de Snellen) ou défavorable (-VA: perte d'une ou plusieurs lignes Snellen). Chez 9 patients, le traitement instauré a consisté, initialement, en l'administration orale de corticostéroïdes (CST) à haute dose qui, dans le cas d'évolution favorable (-FVA ou régression angiographique de la MNV), était arrêtée en doses dégressives. Dans les évolutions défavorables (-VA ou progression angiographique de la MNV), les CST étaient maintenus à dose moyenne en complémentation d'un traitement par thérapie laser (photothérapie dynamique (PDT), thermothérapie transpupillaire (TTT) ou laser Argon). Ce protocole thérapeutique ne fut appliqué chez trois patients en raison de la non disponibilité de PDT ou d'un diagnostic manqué d'uvéite. Douze patients sur 643 avec uvéite ont présenté une MNV. L'impact visuel moyen était de 4.5 lignes de Snellen et le temps moyen de suivi était de 19.5 mois. Deux patients avec inflammation intraoculaire élevée ont évolué favorablement sous CST seuls. Huit patients avec inflammation intraoculaire moyenne ont évolué favorablement sous CST seuls chez trois patients, alors que quatre patients ont nécessité une thérapie laser additionnelle. Le dernier patient ne fut traité que par thérapie laser sans CST (diagnostic manqué d'uvéite). Deux patients sans inflammation intraoculaire ont eu un pronostic défavorable sous CST seuls (pas d'autre alternative thérapeutique). Notre étude a démontré que les MNV sont une complication rare de l'uvéite qui, après traitement adéquat, ont un pronostic visuel relativement favorable. Bien que les CST semblent être la première modalité thérapeutique, les traitements laser devraient être adoptés tôt dans les situations d'inflammation intraoculaire moyenne ou absente.
Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by disabling symptoms and cognitive deficit. Recent neuroimaging findings suggest that large parts of the brain are affected by the disease, and that the capacity of functional integration between brain areas is decreased. In this study we questioned (i) which brain areas underlie the loss of network integration properties observed in the pathology, (ii) what is the topological role of the affected regions within the overall brain network and how this topological status might be altered in patients, and (iii) how white matter properties of tracts connecting affected regions may be disrupted. We acquired diffusion spectrum imaging (a technique sensitive to fiber crossing and slow diffusion compartment) data from 16 schizophrenia patients and 15 healthy controls, and investigated their weighted brain networks. The global connectivity analysis confirmed that patients present disrupted integration and segregation properties. The nodal analysis allowed identifying a distributed set of brain nodes affected in the pathology, including hubs and peripheral areas. To characterize the topological role of this affected core, we investigated the brain network shortest paths layout, and quantified the network damage after targeted attack toward the affected core. The centrality of the affected core was compromised in patients. Moreover the connectivity strength within the affected core, quantified with generalized fractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient, was altered in patients. Taken together, these findings suggest that the structural alterations and topological decentralization of the affected core might be major mechanisms underlying the schizophrenia dysconnectivity disorder. Hum Brain Mapp, 36:354-366, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Purpose: The increase of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in treated hepatic malignancies compared to pre-therapeutic values has been interpreted as treatment success; however, the variability of ADC measurements remains unknown. Furthermore, ADC has been usually measured in the whole lesion, while measurements should be probably centered on the area with the most restricted diffusion (MRDA) as it represents potential tumoral residue. Our objective was to compare the inter/intraobserver variability of ADC measurements in the whole lesion and in MRDA. Material and methods: Forty patients previously treated with chemoembolization or radiofrequency were evaluated (20 on 1.5T and 20 on 3.0T). After consensual agreement on the best ADC image, two readers measured the ADC values using separate regions of interest that included the whole lesion and the whole MRDA without exceeding their borders. The same measurements were repeated two weeks later. Spearman test and the Bland-Altman method were used. Results: Interobserver correlation in ADC measurements in the whole lesion and MRDA was as follows: 0.962 and 0.884. Intraobserver correlation was, respectively, 0.992 and 0.979. Interobserver limits of variability (mm2/sec*10-3) were between -0.25/+0.28 in the whole lesion and between -0.51/+0.46 in MRDA. Intraobserver limits of variability were, respectively: -0.25/+0.24 and -0.43/+0.47. Conclusion: We observed a good inter/intraobserver correlation in ADC measurements. Nevertheless, a limited variability does exist, and it should be considered when interpreting ADC values of hepatic malignancies.
Introduction: Ankle arthrodesis (AD) and total ankle replacement (TAR) are typical treatments for ankle osteoarthritis (AO). Despite clinical interest, there is a lack of their outcome evaluation using objective criteria. Gait analysis and plantar pressure assessment are appropriate to detect pathologies in orthopaedics but they are mostly used in lab with few gait cycles. In this study, we propose an ambulatory device based on inertial and plantar pressure sensors to compare the gait during long-distance trials between healthy subjects (H) and patients with AO or treated by AD and TAR. Methods: Our study included four groups: 11 patients with AO, 9 treated by TAR, 7 treated by AD and 6 control subjects. An ambulatory system (Physilog®, CH) was used for gait analysis; plantar pressure measurements were done using a portable insole (Pedar®-X, DE). The subjects were asked to walk 50 meters in two trials. Mean value and coefficient of variation of spatio-temporal gait parameters were calculated for each trial. Pressure distribution was analyzed in ten subregions of foot. All parameters were compared among the four groups using multi-level model-based statistical analysis. Results: Significant difference (p <0.05) with control was noticed for AO patients in maximum force in medial hindfoot and forefoot and in central forefoot. These differences were no longer significant in TAR and AD groups. Cadence and speed of all pathologic groups showed significant difference with control. Both treatments showed a significant improvement in double support and stance. TAR decreased variability in speed, stride length and knee ROM. Conclusions: In spite of a small sample size, this study showed that ankle function after AO treatments can be evaluated objectively based on plantar pressure and spatio-temporal gait parameters measured during unconstrained walking outside the lab. The combination of these two ambulatory techniques provides a promising way to evaluate foot function in clinics.
Lutetium zoning in garnet within eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas Fee zone, Western Alps, reveal sharp, exponentially decreasing central peaks. They can be used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion in garnets. A prograde garnet growth temperature interval of 450-600 A degrees C has been estimated based on pseudosection calculations and garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry. The maximum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of D-0= 5.7*10(-6) m(2)/s, taking an estimated activation energy of 270 kJ/mol based on diffusion experiments for other rare earth elements in garnet. This corresponds to a maximum diffusion rate of D (600 A degrees C) = 4.0*10(-22) m(2)/s. The diffusion estimate of Lu can be used to estimate the minimum closure temperature, T-c, for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age data that have been obtained in eclogites of the Western Alps, postulating, based on a literature review, that D (Hf) < D (Nd) < D (Sm) a parts per thousand currency sign D (Lu). T-c calculations, using the Dodson equation, yielded minimum closure temperatures of about 630 A degrees C, assuming a rapid initial exhumation rate of 50A degrees/m.y., and an average crystal size of garnets (r = 1 mm). This suggests that Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf isochron age differences in eclogites from the Western Alps, where peak temperatures did rarely exceed 600 A degrees C must be interpreted in terms of prograde metamorphism.
Enhanced brain apoptosis (neurons and glia) may be involved in major depression (MD) and schizophrenia (SZ), mainly through the activation of the intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptotic pathway. In the extrinsic death pathway, pro-apoptotic Fas-associated death domain (FADD) adaptor and its non-apoptotic p-Ser194 FADD form have critical roles interacting with other death regulators such as phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15kDa (PEA-15) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). The basal status of FADD (protein and messenger RNA (mRNA)) and the effects of psychotropic drugs (detected in blood/urine samples) were first assessed in postmortem prefrontal cortex of MD and SZ subjects (including a non-MD/SZ suicide group). In MD, p-FADD, but not total FADD (and mRNA), was increased (26%, n=24; all MD subjects) as well as p-FADD/FADD ratio (a pro-survival marker) in antidepressant-free MD subjects (50%, n=10). In contrast, cortical FADD (and mRNA), p-FADD, and p-FADD/FADD were not altered in SZ brains (n=21) regardless of antipsychotic medications (except enhanced mRNA in treated subjects). Similar negative results were quantified in the non-MD/SZ suicide group. In MD, the regulation of multifunctional PEA-15 (i.e., p-Ser116 PEA-15 blocks pro-apoptotic FADD and PEA-15 prevents pro-survival ERK action) and the modulation of p-ERK1/2 were also investigated. Cortical p-PEA-15 was not changed whereas PEA-15 was increased mainly in antidepressant-treated subjects (16-20%). Interestingly, cortical p-ERK1/2/ERK1/2 ratio was reduced (33%) in antidepressant-free when compared to antidepressant-treated MD subjects. The neurochemical adaptations of brain FADD (increased p-FADD and pro-survival p-FADD/FADD ratio), as well as its interaction with PEA-15, could play a major role to counteract the known activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in MD.
The complex structural organization of the white matter of the brain can be depicted in vivo in great detail with advanced diffusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging schemes. Diffusion MR imaging techniques are increasingly varied, from the simplest and most commonly used technique-the mapping of apparent diffusion coefficient values-to the more complex, such as diffusion tensor imaging, q-ball imaging, diffusion spectrum imaging, and tractography. The type of structural information obtained differs according to the technique used. To fully understand how diffusion MR imaging works, it is helpful to be familiar with the physical principles of water diffusion in the brain and the conceptual basis of each imaging technique. Knowledge of the technique-specific requirements with regard to hardware and acquisition time, as well as the advantages, limitations, and potential interpretation pitfalls of each technique, is especially useful.
My case study of "Caroline"-a 26 year old presenting with depression, PTSD symptoms, and a history of sexual abuse as a teenager-represents a "third way" between (1) a strict adherence to a manualized treatment, and (2) a principle-guided therapy, in which the therapy follows particular theoretical concepts, but depends on the therapist's clinical judgement to flexibly apply them to the individual case. Specifically, in my therapy with Caroline (Kramer, 2009), I employed Foa and Rothbaum's (1998) cognitive-behavioral, "Prolonged Exposure" (PE) manual for PTSD, but deviated from it in certain ways based upon my evaluation of Caroline's individualized goals and reactions using Grawe and Caspar's "Plan Analysis," which is a cross-theoretical model for assessment and treatment planning. In their commentaries on my case study of Caroline, Caspar (2009) and Haldimann-Balli (see Appendix in Kramer, 2009) support my use of this third way. On the other hand, the other commentators-Muller (2009) and Hembree and Brinen (2009)-critique my handling of the case, arguing that strict adherence to the Foa and Rothbaum manual would have resulted in a more cost-effective therapy. In this article, I respond to the important issues raised by the four commentators.