320 resultados para Companion animals medicine
The extensive variability of individual human genomes contributes to phenotypic variability. Structural genomic variants, and copy number variants (CNVs) in particular, have recently been rediscovered as contributors to the genomic plasticity and evolution and as pathoetiologic elements for both monogenic and complex traits. Herein we review some of the consequences of CNVs in the context of human inherited diseases.
Beta-catenin-mediated Wnt signaling has been suggested to be critically involved in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance and development of T and B cells in the immune system. Unexpectedly, here we report that inducible Cre-loxP-mediated inactivation of the beta-catenin gene in bone marrow progenitors does not impair their ability to self-renew and reconstitute all hematopoietic lineages (myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid), even in competitive mixed chimeras. In addition, both thymocyte survival and antigen-induced proliferation of peripheral T cells is beta-catenin independent. In contrast to earlier reports, these data exclude an essential role for beta-catenin during hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.
Training new doctors in general internal medicine represents a challenge. This requires to define future needs, which result from interest that are not necessarily convergent between patients, doctors, insurers and politicians. Problems related to medical demography in Switzerland, with the ageing of the population, the increase in health care costs and the place of Switzerland within the European Community require the implementation of specific objectives to train new physicians in general internal medicine. The success of these opportunities depends on social factors, political choices and choices from physician's association. In this article we will approach these challenges by formulating some proposals--nonexhaustive--in order to guarantee sufficient renewal in general internal medicine.
Using a direct binding assay based on photoaffinity labeling, we studied the interaction of T cell receptor (TCR) with a Kd-bound photoreactive peptide derivative on living cells. The Kd-restricted Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 253-260 (YIPSAEKI) was reacted NH2-terminally with biotin and at the TCR contact residue Lys259 with photoreactive iodo, 4-azido salicylic acid (IASA) to make biotin-YIPSAEK(IASA)I. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones derived from mice immunized with this derivative recognized this conjugate, but not a related one lacking the IASA group nor the parental PbCS peptide. The clones were Kd restricted. Recognition experiments with variant conjugates, lacking substituents from IASA, revealed a diverse fine specificity pattern and indicated that this group interacted directly with the TCR. The TCR of four clones could be photoaffinity labeled by biotin-YIPSAEK(125IASA)I. This labeling was dependent on the conjugates binding to the Kd molecule and was selective for the TCR alpha (2 clones) or beta chain (1 clone), or was common for both chains (1 clone). TCR sequence analysis showed a preferential usage of J alpha TA28 containing alpha chains that were paired with V beta 1 expressing beta chains. The TCR that were photoaffinity labeled at the alpha chain expressed these J alpha and V beta segments. The tryptophan encoded by the J alpha TA28 segment is rarely found in other J alpha segments. Moreover, we show that the IASA group interacts preferentially with tryptophan in aqueous solution. We thus propose that for these CTL clones, labeling of the alpha chain occurs via the J alpha-encoded tryptophan residue.
The aim of ORAMED work package 4 was the optimization of the medical practices in nuclear medicine during the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to the patient. During the project a wide campaign of measurements was performed in the nuclear medicine departments of the collaborating hospitals. Such data were intrinsically characterized by a large variability that depended on the procedure, the employed techniques and the operator's habits. That variability could easily hide some important parameter, for example, the effectiveness of the adopted shielding (for syringe and vial) or the effect of the distances from the source. This information is necessary for a valuable optimization purpose of radiation protection. To this end a sensitivity analysis was carried out through Monte Carlo simulations employing voxel models, representing operator's hand during the considered practices. Such analysis allowed understanding at what extent the range of personal dose equivalent evaluated during measurements can be considered intrinsically related to the procedures. Furthermore, with the Monte Carlo simulations it was possible to study the appropriateness of the shielding usually utilized in these practices.
INTRODUCTION: Infertility treatments are a major source of the increase in multiple pregnancies (MPs). AIMS: The aims of the present study were (1.) to investigate the origin and maternal/neonatal outcomes of MP and (2.) to review the different measures that can be adopted to reduce these serious complications. METHODS: The study included all women with multiple births between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 2006 at the University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland. The outcomes associated with the various origins of MP (natural conception, ovarian stimulation [OS] ‒ in-vitro fertilisation [IVF-ICSI]) were analysed using a multinomial logistic regression model. An analysis of the Swiss law on reproductive medicine and its current proposed revision, as well as a literature review using Pubmed, was carried out. RESULTS: A total of 592 MP were registered, 91% (n = 537) resulted in live births. There was significantly more neonatal/maternal morbidity in MP after OS compared with natural conception and even with the IVF-ICSI group. With a policy of elective single embryo transfer (eSET), twin rates after IVF-ICSI can be reduced to <5% and triplets to <1%. CONCLUSIONS: After OS, more triplets are found and the outcome of MP is worse. MP is known to be associated with morbidity, mortality, and economic and social risks. To counteract these complications (1.) better training for physicians performing OS should be encouraged and (2.) the Swiss law on reproductive medicine needs to be changed, with the introduction of eSET policies. This would lead to a dramatic decrease in neonatal and maternal morbidity/mortality as well as significant cost reductions for the Swiss healthcare system.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sense skin injury and promote wound healing through type I interferons.
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are specialized type I interferon (IFN-α/β)-producing cells that express intracellular toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and TLR9 and recognize viral nucleic acids in the context of infections. We show that pDCs also have the ability to sense host-derived nucleic acids released in common skin wounds. pDCs were found to rapidly infiltrate both murine and human skin wounds and to transiently produce type I IFNs via TLR7- and TLR9-dependent recognition of nucleic acids. This process was critical for the induction of early inflammatory responses and reepithelization of injured skin. Cathelicidin peptides, which facilitate immune recognition of released nucleic acids by promoting their access to intracellular TLR compartments, were rapidly induced in skin wounds and were sufficient but not necessary to stimulate pDC activation and type I IFN production. These data uncover a new role of pDCs in sensing tissue damage and promoting wound repair at skin surfaces.
OBJECTIVES: To examine whether the humoural response to malaria vaccine candidate antigens, Plasmodium falciparum [circumsporozoite repetitive sequence (NANP)(5) GLURP fragments (R0 and R2) and MSP3] varies with the level of malaria transmission and to determine whether the antibodies (IgG) present at the beginning of the malaria transmission season protect against clinical malaria. METHODS: Cross-sectional surveys were conducted to measure antibody response before, at the peak and at the end of the transmission season in children aged 6 months to 10 years in two villages with different levels of malaria transmission. A cohort study was performed to estimate the incidence of clinical malaria. RESULTS: Antibodies to these antigens showed different seasonal patterns. IgG concentrations to any of the four antigens were higher in the village with high entomological inoculation rate. Multivariate analysis of combined data from the two villages indicated that children who were classified as responders to the selected antigens were at lower risk of clinical malaria than children classified as non-responders [(NANP)(5) (incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.65, 95% CI: 0.46-0.92; P = 0.016), R0 (IRR = 0.69, 95% CI: 0.48-0.97; P = 0.032), R2 (IRR = 0.73, 95% CI: 0.50-1.06; P = 0.09), MSP3 (IRR = 0.52, 95% CI: 0.32-0.85; P = 0.009)]. Fitting a model with all four antibody responses showed that MSP3 looked the best malaria vaccine candidate (IRR = 0.63; 95% CI: 0.38-1.05; P = 0.08). CONCLUSION: Antibody levels to the four antigens are affected by the intensity of malaria transmission and associated with protection against clinical malaria. It is worthwhile investing in the development of these antigens as potential malaria vaccine candidates.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the hemodynamic effects of L-canavanine (an inhibitor of inducible, but not of constitutive, nitric oxide synthase) in endotoxic shock. DESIGN: Controlled, randomized, experimental study. SETTING: Animal laboratory. SUBJECTS: Wistar rats. INTERVENTIONS: Rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital, and hemodynamically monitored. One hour after an intravenous challenge with 5 mg/kg of Escherichia coli endotoxin, the rats were randomized to receive a continuous infusion of either L-canavanine (20 mg/kg/hr; n = 8) or vehicle only (isotonic saline, n = 11). In all animals, the infusion was given over 5 hrs at a rate of 2 mL/kg/hr. These experiments were repeated in additional rats challenged with isotonic saline instead of endotoxin (sham experiments). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, thermodilution cardiac output, central venous pressure, mean systemic filling pressure, urine output, arterial blood gases, blood lactate concentration, and hematocrit were measured. In sham experiments, hemodynamic stability was maintained throughout and L-canavanine had no detectable effect. Animals challenged with endotoxin and not treated with L-canavanine developed progressive hypotension and low cardiac output. After 6 hrs of endotoxemia, both central venous pressure and mean systemic filling pressure were significantly below their baseline values, indicating relative hypovolemia as the main determinant of reduced cardiac output. In endotoxemic animals treated with L-canavanine, hypotension was less marked, while cardiac output, central venous pressure, and mean systemic filling pressure were maintained throughout the experiment. L-canavanine had no effect on the time-course of hematocrit. L-canavanine significantly increased urine output and reduced the severity of lactic acidosis. CONCLUSIONS: Six hours after an endotoxin challenge in rats, low cardiac output develops, which appears to be primarily related to relative hypovolemia. L-canavanine, a selective inhibitor of the inducible nitric oxide synthase, increases the mean systemic filling pressure, thereby improving venous return, under these conditions.
The persistence of sexual reproduction in the face of competition from asexual invaders is more likely if asexual lineages are produced infrequently or have low fitness. The generation rate and success of new asexual lineages will be influenced by the proximate mechanisms underlying transitions to asexuality. As such, characterization of these mechanisms can help explain the distribution of reproductive modes among natural populations. Here, we synthesize the literature addressing proximate causes of transitions from sexual to asexual reproduction in plants and animals. In cyclical and facultatively asexual taxa, individual mutations can cause obligate asexuality. The evolution of asexuality in obligately sexual groups is more complex, requiring the simultaneous acquisition of two traits generally controlled by different genetic factors: unreduced gamete formation and spontaneous development of unfertilized gametes. At least three 'pre-adaptations' could favour transitions to obligate asexuality in obligate sexuals. First, linkage among loci affecting separate key components of asexuality facilitates its spread, with evidence for these linkage blocks in plants. Second, asexuality should evolve more readily in haplodiploids; support for this hypothesis comes from two examples where a single locus causes transitions to asexuality. Third, standing genetic variation for the production of unreduced gametes could facilitate transitions to asexuality, but whether the ability to produce unreduced gametes contributes to the evolution of obligate asexuality remains unclear. We close by reviewing the associations between asexuality, hybridization and polyploidy, and argue that current data suggest that hybridization is more likely to play a causal role in transitions to asexuality than polyploidy.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) encodes a superantigen (SAg) that promotes stable infection and virus transmission. Upon subcutaneous MMTV injection, infected B cells present SAg to SAg-reactive T cells leading to a strong local immune response in the draining lymph node (LN) that peaks after 6 d. We have used the reverse transcriptase inhibitor 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) to dissect in more detail the mechanism of SAg-dependent enhancement of MMTV infection in this system. Our data show that no detectable B or T cell response to SAg occurs in AZT pretreated mice. However, if AZT treatment is delayed 1-2 d after MMTV injection, a normal SAg-dependent local immune response is observed on day 6. Quantitation of viral DNA in draining LN of these infected mice indicates that a 4,000-fold increase in the absolute numbers of infected cells occurs between days 2 and 6 despite the presence of AZT. Furthermore MMTV DNA was found preferentially in surface IgG+ B cells of infected mice and was not detectable in SAg-reactive T cells. Collectively our data suggest that MMTV infection occurs preferentially in B cells without SAg involvement and is completed 1-2 d after virus challenge. Subsequent amplification of MMTV infection between days 2 and 6 requires SAg expression and occurs in the absence of any further requirement for reverse transcription. We therefore conclude that clonal expansion of infected B cells via cognate interaction with SAg-reactive T cells is the predominant mechanism for increasing the level of MMTV infection. Since infected B cells display a memory (surface IgG+) phenotype, both clonal expansion and possibly longevity of the virus carrier cells may contribute to stable MMTV infection.
Fas is a cell surface death receptor that signals apoptosis. Several proteins have been identified that bind to the cytoplasmic death domain of Fas. Fas-associated death domain (FADD), which couples Fas to procaspase-8, and Daxx, which couples Fas to the Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase pathway, bind independently to the Fas death domain. We have identified a 130-kD kinase designated Fas-interacting serine/threonine kinase/homeodomain-interacting protein kinase (FIST/HIPK3) as a novel Fas-interacting protein. Binding to Fas is mediated by a conserved sequence in the COOH terminus of the protein. FIST/HIPK3 is widely expressed in mammalian tissues and is localized both in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. In transfected cell lines, FIST/HIPK3 causes FADD phosphorylation, thereby promoting FIST/HIPK3-FADD-Fas interaction. Although Fas ligand-induced activation of Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase is impaired by overexpressed active FIST/HIPK3, cell death is not affected. These results suggest that Fas-associated FIST/HIPK3 modulates one of the two major signaling pathways of Fas.
The aim of this article is to propose an anthropological point of view about informed consent in medicine. This quest for legitimacy should be read as a relational and social construction. In the heart of clinical complexity we find on one side various techniques employed by the medical community to validate research and to obtain the consent of patients. On the other side patients offer plural and subjective answers due to the doctor patient hierarchical and long relationship. Between constraints and freedoms, informed consent brings to light social relation.
Current nuclear medicine techniques for the localization of inflammatory processes are based on injection of 111In labelled autologous granulocytes which need to be isolated and radiolabelled in vitro before reinjection. A new technique is presented here that obviates the need for cell isolation by the direct intravenous injection of a granulocyte specific 123I labelled monoclonal antibody. In this publication the basic parameters of the antibody granulocyte interaction are described. Antibody binding does not inhibit vital functions of the granulocytes, such as chemotaxis and superoxide generation. Scatchard analysis of binding data reveals an apparent affinity of the antibody for granulocytes of 6.8 X 10(9) l/mol and approximately 7.1 X 10(4) binding sites per cell. Due to the high specificity of the antibody, the only expected interference is from CEA producing tumors.