152 resultados para Carbon acquisition
The Liesberg Beds form the transition between the lower Oxfordian dark coloured marls (Renggeri Member and the Terrain a Chailles Member) and the middle Oxfordian reefal limestones (St-Ursanne Formation). Both lithofacies and biofacies are diverse and evolve rapidly up-section. Stable isotope studies of whole-rock samples are therefore excluded. In search for a convenient isotopic marker, we measured carbon isotope compositions of several fossil groups and chose crinoid stems of Millericrinus spp and echinoid spines of Paracidaris spp because of their abundance throughout the section and the small variations of delta(13)C within one fossil and between fossils from the same stratigraphic level. The delta(13)C values of echinoderms largely reflect earliest diagenetic conditions at the seawatersediment interface. The porous stereome structure secreted of high Mg-calcite by echinoderms has a high reactive surface/volume ratio, which triggers the precipitation of very early syntaxial cements. In the four studied sections reproducible carbon isotope shifts were observed both for Millericrinus spp stems and Paracidaris spp spines. A negative delta(13)C shift of 1-1.5 parts per thousand was observed near the base of the section, just above the transition from Terrain a Chailles Member, where the first corals occur. In the middle and upper part of the four sections, characterised by a stepwise increase of corals and the macrofossils, a positive delta(13)C Shift of about 2 parts per thousand was observed. Despite the highly variable lithologic composition of the Liesberg Beds;Member, carbon isotope shifts seem to be consistent and warrant an interpretation as an original signal, controlled by the isotopic composition of dissolved carbonic acid in seawater. We explain the heavy delta(13)C values (approximate to 2-2.3 parts per thousand) in the lower Liesberg Beds as a transition from an oxygen-limited environment (Terrain a Chailles Member) to the Liesberg Beds Member. The lowest delta(13)C values (approximate to 1-1.5 parts per thousand) correspond to a large input of dissolved nutrients to the platform under oxidizing conditions. The ensuing positive shift (between 2.5 and 3.5 parts per thousand), however, seems to correspond to a general trend of opening up of the platform and connection to open marine waters. Positive delta(13)C values in the upper Liesberg Beds is interpreted as a result of important accelareted extraction of organic carbon from the ocean reservoir, that occurred possibly during periods of warm and humid climate.
Nicotine in a smoky indoor air environment can be determined using graphitized carbon black as a solid sorbent in quartz tubes. The temperature stability, high purity, and heat absorption characteristics of the sorbent, as well as the permeability of the quartz tubes to microwaves, enable the thermal desorption by means of microwaves after active sampling. Permeation and dynamic dilution procedures for the generation of nicotine in the vapor phase at low and high concentrations are used to evaluate the performances of the sampler. Tube preparation is described and the microwave desorption temperature is measured. Breakthrough volume is determined to allow sampling at 0.1-1 L/min for definite periods of time. The procedure is tested for the determination of gas and paticulate phase nicotine in sidestream smoke produced in an experimental chamber.
Members of the TCF/LEF (T cell factor / lymphoid enhancer factor) family of DNA-binding factors play important roles during embryogenesis, the establishment and/or maintenance of self-renewing tissues such as the immune system and for malignant transformation. Specifically, it has been shown that TCF-1 is required for T cell development. A role for LEF-1 became apparent when mice harbored two hypomorphic TCF-1 alleles and consequently expressed low levels of TCF-1. Here we show that NK cell development is similarly regulated by redundant functions of TCF-1 and LEF-1, whereby TCF-1 contributes significantly more to NK cell development than LEF-1. Despite this role for NK cell development, LEF-1 is not required for the establishment of a repertoire of MHC class I-specific Ly49 receptors on NK cells. The proper formation of this repertoire depends to a large extent on TCF-1. These findings suggest common and distinct functions of TCF-1 and LEF-1 during lymphocyte development.
BACKGROUND: In acute respiratory failure, arterial blood gas analysis (ABG) is used to diagnose hypercapnia. Once non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is initiated, ABG should at least be repeated within 1 h to assess PaCO2 response to treatment in order to help detect NIV failure. The main aim of this study was to assess whether measuring end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) with a dedicated naso-buccal sensor during NIV could predict PaCO2 variation and/or PaCO2 absolute values. The additional aim was to assess whether active or passive prolonged expiratory maneuvers could improve the agreement between expiratory CO2 and PaCO2. METHODS: This is a prospective study in adult patients suffering from acute hypercapnic respiratory failure (PaCO2 ≥ 45 mmHg) treated with NIV. EtCO2 and expiratory CO2 values during active and passive expiratory maneuvers were measured using a dedicated naso-buccal sensor and compared to concomitant PaCO2 values. The agreement between two consecutive values of EtCO2 (delta EtCO2) and two consecutive values of PaCO2 (delta PaCO2) and between PaCO2 and concomitant expiratory CO2 values was assessed using the Bland and Altman method adjusted for the effects of repeated measurements. RESULTS: Fifty-four datasets from a population of 11 patients (8 COPD and 3 non-COPD patients), were included in the analysis. PaCO2 values ranged from 39 to 80 mmHg, and EtCO2 from 12 to 68 mmHg. In the observed agreement between delta EtCO2 and deltaPaCO2, bias was -0.3 mmHg, and limits of agreement were -17.8 and 17.2 mmHg. In agreement between PaCO2 and EtCO2, bias was 14.7 mmHg, and limits of agreement were -6.6 and 36.1 mmHg. Adding active and passive expiration maneuvers did not improve PaCO2 prediction. CONCLUSIONS: During NIV delivered for acute hypercapnic respiratory failure, measuring EtCO2 using a dedicating naso-buccal sensor was inaccurate to predict both PaCO2 and PaCO2 variations over time. Active and passive expiration maneuvers did not improve PaCO2 prediction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01489150.
PURPOSE: All methods presented to date to map both conductivity and permittivity rely on multiple acquisitions to compute quantitatively the magnitude of radiofrequency transmit fields, B1+. In this work, we propose a method to compute both conductivity and permittivity based solely on relative receive coil sensitivities ( B1-) that can be obtained in one single measurement without the need to neither explicitly perform transmit/receive phase separation nor make assumptions regarding those phases. THEORY AND METHODS: To demonstrate the validity and the noise sensitivity of our method we used electromagnetic finite differences simulations of a 16-channel transceiver array. To experimentally validate our methodology at 7 Tesla, multi compartment phantom data was acquired using a standard 32-channel receive coil system and two-dimensional (2D) and 3D gradient echo acquisition. The reconstructed electric properties were correlated to those measured using dielectric probes. RESULTS: The method was demonstrated both in simulations and in phantom data with correlations to both the modeled and bench measurements being close to identity. The noise properties were modeled and understood. CONCLUSION: The proposed methodology allows to quantitatively determine the electrical properties of a sample using any MR contrast, with the only constraint being the need to have 4 or more receive coils and high SNR. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
OBJECTIVE: It has been suggested that Schistosoma mansoni, which is endemic in African fishing communities, might increase susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition. If confirmed, this would be of great public health importance in these high HIV-risk communities. This study was undertaken to determine whether S. mansoni infection is a risk factor for HIV infection among the fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda. We conducted a matched case-control study, nested within a prospective HIV incidence cohort, including 50 HIV seroconverters (cases) and 150 controls during 2009-2011. METHODS: S. mansoni infection prior to HIV seroconversion was determined by measuring serum circulating anodic antigen (CAA) in stored serum. HIV testing was carried out using the Determine rapid test and infection confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. RESULTS: About 49% of cases and 52% of controls had S. mansoni infection prior to HIV seroconversion (or at the time of a similar study visit, for controls): odds ratio, adjusting for ethnicity, religion, marital status, education, occupation, frequency of alcohol consumption in previous 3 months, number of sexual partners while drunk, duration of stay in the community, and history of schistosomiasis treatment in the past 2 years was 1.23 (95% CI 0.3-5.7) P = 0.79. S. mansoni infections were chronic (with little change in status between enrolment and HIV seroconversion), and there was no difference in median CAA concentration between cases and controls. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support the hypothesis that S. mansoni infection promotes HIV acquisition.
Pathogenic attack by the fungus Botrytis cinerea (primary pathogen) on soybean leaves (Glycine max. L.; cv. Maple arrow) results in a hypersensitive response (necrotising infected leaves), in the establishment of local acquired resistance, as well as in the systemic induction of genes coding for pathogenesis-related proteins. It now appears that, concomitantly with these already well documented defence reactions, the pathogenic attack also induces the carbon reallocation mechanism based on the reinitiation of the glyoxylate cycle (pseudo-senescence of the infected leaves).
Les bactéries du genre Pseudomonas ont la capacité étonnante de s'adapter à différents habitats et d'y survivre, ce qui leur a permis de conquérir un large éventail de niches écologiques et d'interagir avec différents organismes hôte. Les espèces du groupe Pseudomonas fluorescens peuvent être facilement isolées de la rhizosphère et sont communément connues comme des Pseudomonas bénéfiques pour les plantes. Elles sont capables d'induire la résistance systémique des plantes, d'induire leur croissance et de contrer des phytopathogènes du sol. Un sous-groupe de ces Pseudomonas a de plus développé la capacité d'infecter et de tuer certaines espèces d'insectes. Approfondir les connaissances sur l'interaction de ces bactéries avec les insectes pourraient conduire au développement de nouveaux biopesticides pour la protection des cultures. Le but de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la base moléculaire, l'évolution et la régulation de la pathogénicité des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques envers les insectes. Plus spécifiquement, ce travail a été orienté sur l'étude de la production de la toxine insecticide appelée Fit et sur l'indentification d'autres facteurs de virulence participant à la toxicité de la bactérie envers les insectes. Dans la première partie de ce travail, la régulation de la production de la toxine Fit a été évaluée par microscopie à épifluorescence en utilisant des souches rapportrices de Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 qui expriment la toxine insecticide fusionnée à une protéine fluorescente rouge, au site natif du gène de la toxine. Celle-ci a été détectée uniquement dans l'hémolymphe des insectes et pas sur les racines des plantes, ni dans les milieux de laboratoire standards, indiquant une production dépendante de l'hôte. L'activation de la production de la toxine est contrôlée par trois protéines régulatrices dont l'histidine kinase FitF, essentielle pour un contrôle précis de l'expression et possédant un domaine "senseur" similaire à celui de la kinase DctB qui régule l'absorption de carbone chez les Protéobactéries. Il est donc probable que, durant l'évolution de FitF, un réarrangement de ce domaine "senseur" largement répandu ait contribué à une production hôte-spécifique de la toxine. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent aussi que l'expression de la toxine Fit est plutôt réprimée en présence de composés dérivés des plantes qu'induite par la perception d'un signal d'insecte spécifique. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, des souches mutantes ciblant des facteurs de virulence importants identifiés dans des pathogènes connus ont été générées, dans le but d'identifier ceux avec une virulence envers les insectes atténuée. Les résultats ont suggéré que l'antigène O du lipopolysaccharide (LPS) et le système régulateur à deux composantes PhoP/PhoQ contribuent significativement à la virulence de P. protegens CHA0. La base génétique de la biosynthèse de l'antigène O dans les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques et avec une activité insecticide a été élucidée et a révélé des différences considérables entre les lignées suite à des pertes de gènes ou des acquisitions de gènes par transfert horizontal durant l'évolution de certaines souches. Les chaînes latérales du LPS ont été montrées comme vitales pour une infection des insectes réussie par la souche CHA0, après ingestion ou injection. Les Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques, avec une activité insecticide sont naturellement résistants à la polymyxine B, un peptide antimicrobien modèle. La protection contre ce composé antimicrobien particulier dépend de la présence de l'antigène O et de la modification du lipide A, une partie du LPS, avec du 4-aminoarabinose. Comme les peptides antimicrobiens cationiques jouent un rôle important dans le système immunitaire des insectes, l'antigène O pourrait être important chez les Pseudomonas insecticides pour surmonter les mécanismes de défense de l'hôte. Le système PhoP/PhoQ, connu pour contrôler les modifications du lipide A chez plusieurs bactéries pathogènes, a été identifié chez Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 et P. protegens CHA0. Pour l'instant, il n'y a pas d'évidence que des modifications du lipide A contribuent à la pathogénicité de cette bactérie envers les insectes. Cependant, le senseur-kinase PhoQ est requis pour une virulence optimale de la souche CHA0, ce qui suggère qu'il régule aussi l'expression des facteurs de virulence de cette bactérie. Les découvertes de cette thèse démontrent que certains Pseudomonas associés aux plantes sont de véritables pathogènes d'insectes et donnent quelques indices sur l'évolution de ces microbes pour survivre dans l'insecte-hôte et éventuellement le tuer. Les résultats suggèrent également qu'une recherche plus approfondie est nécessaire pour comprendre comment ces bactéries sont capables de contourner ou surmonter la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte et de briser les barrières physiques pour envahir l'insecte lors d'une infection orale. Pour cela, les futures études ne devraient pas uniquement se concentrer sur le côté bactérien de l'interaction hôte-microbe, mais aussi étudier l'infection du point de vue de l'hôte. Les connaissances gagnées sur la pathogénicité envers les insectes des Pseudomonas plante-bénéfiques donnent un espoir pour une future application en agriculture, pour protéger les plantes, non seulement contre les maladies, mais aussi contre les insectes ravageurs. -- Pseudomonas bacteria have the astonishing ability to survive within and adapt to different habitats, which has allowed them to conquer a wide range of ecological niches and to interact with different host organisms. Species of the Pseudomonas fluorescens group can readily be isolated from plant roots and are commonly known as plant-beneficial pseudomonads. They are capable of promoting plant growth, inducing systemic resistance in the plant host and antagonizing soil-borne phytopathogens. A defined subgroup of these pseudomonads evolved in addition the ability to infect and kill certain insect species. Profound knowledge about the interaction of these particular bacteria with insects could lead to the development of novel biopesticides for crop protection. This thesis thus aimed at a better understanding of the molecular basis, evolution and regulation of insect pathogenicity in plant-beneficial pseudomonads. More specifically, it was outlined to investigate the production of an insecticidal toxin termed Fit and to identify additional factors contributing to the entomopathogenicity of the bacteria. In the first part of this work, the regulation of Fit toxin production was probed by epifluorescence microscopy using reporter strains of Pseudomonas protegens CHAO that express a fusion between the insecticidal toxin and a red fluorescent protein in place of the native toxin gene. The bacterium was found to express its insecticidal toxin only in insect hemolymph but not on plant roots or in common laboratory media. The host-dependent activation of Fit toxin production is controlled by three local regulatory proteins. The histidine kinase of this regulatory system, FitF, is essential for the tight control of toxin expression and shares a sensing domain with DctB, a sensor kinase regulating carbon uptake in Proteobacteria. It is therefore likely that shuffling of a ubiquitous sensor domain during the evolution of FitF contributed to host- specific production of the Fit toxin. Findings of this study additionally suggest that host-specific expression of the Fit toxin is mainly achieved by repression in the presence of plant-derived compounds rather than by induction upon perceiving an insect-specific signal molecule. In the second part of this thesis, mutant strains were generated that lack factors previously shown to be important for virulence in prominent pathogens. A screening for attenuation in insect virulence suggested that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen and the PhoP-PhoQ two-component regulatory system significantly contribute to virulence of P. protegens CHAO. The genetic basis of O-antigen biosynthesis in plant-beneficial pseudomonads displaying insect pathogenicity was elucidated and revealed extensive differences between lineages due to reduction and horizontal acquisition of gene clusters during the evolution of several strains. Specific 0 side chains of LPS were found to be vital for strain CHAO to successfully infect insects by ingestion or upon injection. Insecticidal pseudomonads with plant-beneficial properties were observed to be naturally resistant to polymyxin B, a model antimicrobial peptide. Protection against this particular antimicrobial compound was dependent on the presence of O-antigen and modification of the lipid A portion of LPS with 4-aminoarabinose. Since cationic antimicrobial peptides play a major role in the immune system of insects, O-antigenic polysaccharides could be important for insecticidal pseudomonads to overcome host defense mechanisms. The PhoP-PhoQ system, which is well-known to control lipid A modifications in several pathogenic bacteria, was identified in Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1391 and P. protegens CHAO. No evidence was found so far that lipid A modifications contribute to insect pathogenicity in this bacterium. However, the sensor kinase PhoQ was required for full virulence of strain CHAO suggesting that it additionally regulates the expression of virulence factors in this bacterium. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that certain plant-associated pseudomonads are true insect pathogens and give some insights into how these microbes evolved to survive within and eventually kill the insect host. Results however also point out that more in-depth research is needed to know how exactly these fascinating bacteria manage to bypass or overcome host immune responses and to breach physical barriers to invade insects upon oral infection. To achieve this, future studies should not only focus on the bacterial side of the microbe-host interactions but also investigate the infection from a host-oriented view. The knowledge gained about the entomopathogenicity of plant-beneficial pseudomonads gives hope for their future application in agriculture to protect plants not only against plant diseases but also against insect pests.
The partial efficacy reported in the RV144 HIV vaccine trial in 2009 has driven the HIV vaccine field to define correlates of risk associated with HIV-1 acquisition and connect these functionally to preventing HIV infection. Immunological correlates, mainly including CD4(+) T cell responses to the HIV envelope and Fc-mediated antibody effector function, have been connected to reduced acquisition. These immunological correlates place immunological and genetic pressure on the virus. Indeed, antibodies directed at conserved regions of the V1V2 loop and antibodies that mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity to HIV envelope in the absence of inhibiting serum immunoglobulin A antibodies correlated with decreased HIV risk. More recently, researchers have expanded their search with nonhuman primate studies using vaccine regimens that differ from that used in RV144; these studies indicate that non-neutralizing antibodies are associated with protection from experimental lentivirus challenge as well. These immunological correlates have provided the basis for the design of a next generation of vaccine regimens to improve upon the qualitative and quantitative degree of magnitude of these immune responses on HIV acquisition.
Following their detection and seizure by police and border guard authorities, false identity and travel documents are usually scanned, producing digital images. This research investigates the potential of these images to classify false identity documents, highlight links between documents produced by a same modus operandi or same source, and thus support forensic intelligence efforts. Inspired by previous research work about digital images of Ecstasy tablets, a systematic and complete method has been developed to acquire, collect, process and compare images of false identity documents. This first part of the article highlights the critical steps of the method and the development of a prototype that processes regions of interest extracted from images. Acquisition conditions have been fine-tuned in order to optimise reproducibility and comparability of images. Different filters and comparison metrics have been evaluated and the performance of the method has been assessed using two calibration and validation sets of documents, made up of 101 Italian driving licenses and 96 Portuguese passports seized in Switzerland, among which some were known to come from common sources. Results indicate that the use of Hue and Edge filters or their combination to extract profiles from images, and then the comparison of profiles with a Canberra distance-based metric provides the most accurate classification of documents. The method appears also to be quick, efficient and inexpensive. It can be easily operated from remote locations and shared amongst different organisations, which makes it very convenient for future operational applications. The method could serve as a first fast triage method that may help target more resource-intensive profiling methods (based on a visual, physical or chemical examination of documents for instance). Its contribution to forensic intelligence and its application to several sets of false identity documents seized by police and border guards will be developed in a forthcoming article (part II).
Ultrasound image reconstruction from the echoes received by an ultrasound probe after the transmission of diverging waves is an active area of research because of its capacity to insonify at ultra-high frame rate with large regions of interest using small phased arrays as the ones used in echocardiography. Current state-of-the-art techniques are based on the emission of diverging waves and the use of delay and sum strategies applied on the received signals to reconstruct the desired image (DW/DAS). Recently, we have introduced the concept of Ultrasound Fourier Slice Imaging (UFSI) theory for the reconstruction of ultrafast imaging for linear acquisition. In this study, we extend this theory to sectorial acquisition thanks to the introduction of an explicit and invertible spatial transform. Starting from a diverging wave, we show that the direct use of UFSI theory along with the application of the proposed spatial transform allows reconstructing the insonified medium in the conventional Cartesian space. Simulations and experiments reveal the capacity of this new approach in obtaining competitive quality of ultrafast imaging when compared with the current reference method.