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Resting energy expenditure is frequently increased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it is unknown if this hypermetabolism holds true over 24 h. The aim of this study was to measure the actual 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) in patients with stable COPD. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect calorimetry, using a metabolic chamber for 24-h EE and a canopy for basal metabolic rate (BMR). Physical activity was detected in the chamber by a radar system, and its duration was quantified. Two groups matched for age and height were studied: 16 male ambulatory patients with stable COPD and 12 male normal subjects. Body weight was 92 +/- 12% of ideal body weight in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 11% in the control group (p = 0.01). BMR was 120 +/- 7% of predicted in the group with COPD and 108 +/- 12% in the control group (p < 0.01). However, 24-h EE was similar in the two groups, amounting to 1,935 +/- 259 kcal in patients with COPD and 2,046 +/- 253 kcal in the control group (NS). This corresponded to 145% and 137% of predicted BMR, and to 121% and 126% of measured BMR in patients with COPD and the control group, respectively (NS). Patients were allowed to pursue their usual treatment within the chamber, and a positive correlation existed between 24-h EE and the daily dose of inhaled beta 2-agonists (p < 0.03). During daytime, physical activity was lower in patients with COPD. This study shows that patients with stable COPD are characterized by a normal daily energy expenditure in controlled conditions in spite of an increased basal metabolic rate. They appear to save energy by reducing their spontaneous level of physical activity.
Intensive agriculture, in which detrimental farming practices lessen food abundance and/or reduce food accessibility for many animal species, has led to a widespread collapse of farmland biodiversity. Vineyards in central and southern Europe are intensively cultivated; though they may still harbour several rare plant and animal species, they remain little studied. Over the past decades, there has been a considerable reduction in the application of insecticides in wine production, with a progressive shift to biological control (integrated production) and, to a lesser extent, organic production. Spraying of herbicides has also diminished, which has led to more vegetation cover on the ground, although most vineyards remain bare, especially in southern Europe. The effects of these potentially positive environmental trends upon biodiversity remain mostly unknown as regards vertebrates. The Woodlark (Lullula arborea) is an endangered, short-distance migratory bird that forages and breeds on the ground. In southern Switzerland (Valais), it occurs mostly in vineyards. We used radiotracking and mixed effects logistic regression models to assess Woodlark response to modern vineyard farming practices, study factors driving foraging micro-habitat selection, and determine optimal habitat profile to inform management. The presence of ground vegetation cover was the main factor dictating the selection of foraging locations, with an optimum around 55% at the foraging patch scale. These conditions are met in integrated production vineyards, but only when grass is tolerated on part of the ground surface, which is the case on ca. 5% of the total Valais vineyard area. In contrast, conventionally managed vineyards covering a parts per thousand yen95% of the vineyard area are too bare because of systematic application of herbicides all over the ground, whilst the rare organic vineyards usually have a too-dense sward. The optimal mosaic with ca. 50% ground vegetation cover is currently achieved in integrated production vineyards where herbicide is applied every second row. In organic production, ca. 50% ground vegetation cover should be promoted, which requires regular mechanical removal of ground vegetation. These measures are likely to benefit general biodiversity in vineyards.
Drug development has improved over recent decades, with refinements in analytical techniques, population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modelling and simulation, and new biomarkers of efficacy and tolerability. Yet this progress has not yielded improvements in individualization of treatment and monitoring, owing to various obstacles: monitoring is complex and demanding, many monitoring procedures have been instituted without critical assessment of the underlying evidence and rationale, controlled clinical trials are sparse, monitoring procedures are poorly validated and both drug manufacturers and regulatory authorities take insufficient account of the importance of monitoring. Drug concentration and effect data should be increasingly collected, analyzed, aggregated and disseminated in forms suitable for prescribers, along with efficient monitoring tools and evidence-based recommendations regarding their best use. PK-PD observations should be collected for both novel and established critical drugs and applied to observational data, in order to establish whether monitoring would be suitable. Methods for aggregating PK-PD data in systematic reviews should be devised. Observational and intervention studies to evaluate monitoring procedures are needed. Miniaturized monitoring tests for delivery at the point of care should be developed and harnessed to closed-loop regulated drug delivery systems. Intelligent devices would enable unprecedented precision in the application of critical treatments, i.e. those with life-saving efficacy, narrow therapeutic margins and high interpatient variability. Pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies and academic clinical pharmacologists share the responsibility of leading such developments, in order to ensure that patients obtain the greatest benefit and suffer the least harm from their medicines.
We report the case of a 20-year-old woman, with no medical history, who in a short period of time developed the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a nonsyphilitic interstitial keratitis, the usual clinical presentation of Cogan's syndrome. This rare disease was named after David Cogan, the ophthalmologist to whom we owe the description of the first series of cases. The precise aetiology of Cogan's syndrome has yet to be defined, but clinical and biological evidence point toward an immunopathological process. Some authors distinguish between a typical and an atypical form of Cogan's syndrome, the former being associated with interstitial keratitis, the latter with other forms of ocular involvement. The diagnosis of Cogan's syndrome is mainly a clinical one, the association of a bilateral vestibulocochlear deficit and a non-syphilitic keratitis being almost specific. Cogan's syndrome is frequently associated with general signs and cardiovascular, neurological, rheumathological and digestive involvement. Laboratory data usually show nonspecific inflammatory signs (elevation of the white cell count and of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate). The mortality of the disease is essentially determined by its cardiovascular involvement, mostly aortic insufficiency, which should therefore actively be sought for in every patient. It is useful to emphasise that the typical form of Cogan's syndrome carries a higher risk regarding the development of aortic insufficiency, whereas the atypical form is more often associated with a systemic vasculitis. Treatment is mandatory, based upon corticosteroids, and must sometimes be intensified by the administration of a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug. Although our patient perfectly met the diagnostic criteria of Cogan's syndrome, the vestibular symptoms preceded the visual complaints, the reverse temporal sequence being more often reported in the literature. Systemic signs and cardiovascular involvement are frequently seen in Cogan's syndrome, but were notably absent in our patient. Blood samples showed inflammatory signs, whereas both lumbar puncture and cerebral MRI were normal, which is the usual pattern encountered in Cogan's syndrome. Following the rapid initiation of immunosuppressive therapy (Prednisone), the visual symptoms due to the bilateral keratitis resolved in a matter of days, whereas the vestibulocochlear deficit was only partly - but dramatically - reduced. This is in accordance with literature data, showing that a severe and permanent auditory deficit occurs at some time in the majority of patients suffering from Cogan's syndrome. Tapering off Prednisone unfortunately reactivated the audiovestibular and ocular symptoms of the disease in our patient so that a steroid-sparing immunosuppressive drug had to be added (azathioprine, followed by mycophenolate mofetil because the patient developed hepatic intolerance). Only after these therapeutic measures could the disease be stabilised. With this case report, we would like to emphasise the importance of rapidly identifying the clinical picture of Cogan's syndrome, so that immunosuppressive therapy can be started without delay, which may significantly reduce both morbidity and mortality of this disease.
The case of a professional tennis player presenting exercise-induced hand pain with late appearance of digital blanching is reported. A bilateral hypothenar hammer syndrome and stenosis of the common palmar digital arteries close to the head of the metacarpals where the racket handle exerts its maximal force was observed with arteriography. As the patient decided to stop tennis practice, the condition improved without any medication. Six months after stopping tennis he was symptom free. Three conclusions can be drawn from this case report: 1) arteries of both hands can be injured by intense tennis practice, 2) pain in the dominant hand during tennis practice can be due to arterial insufficiency even in the absence of digital blanching which is a sign of severity, 3) hypothenar hammer syndrome is the main cause but stenosis of the common palmar digital arteries can possibly contribute to the ischemic phenomenon. Early recognition is important to avoid ineffective treatment and permanent symptoms. Therefore, we recommend an arterial examination in tennis players suffering from exercise-induced hand pain even in the absence of digital blanching which can be only a late manifestation.
BACKGROUND: In humans, local heating increases skin perfusion by mechanisms dependent on nitric oxide (NO). Because the vascular effects of NO may be subject to desensitization, we examined whether a first local thermal stimulus would attenuate the hyperemic response to a second one applied later. METHODS: Twelve healthy young men were studied. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was measured on forearm skin with laser Doppler imaging. Local thermal stimuli (temperature step from 34 to 41 degrees C maintained for 30 minutes) were applied with temperature-controlled chambers. We also tested the influence of prior local heating on the vasodilation induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a donor of NO. RESULTS: On reheating the same spot after two hours, the response of SkBF (i.e., plateau SkBF at 30 minutes minus SkBF at 34 degrees C) was lower than during the first stimulation (mean+/-SD 404+/-212 perfusion units [PU] vs. 635+/-100 PU; P<0.001). There was no such difference when reheating after four hours (654+/-153 vs. 645+/-103 PU; P=NS). Two, but not four, hours after local heating, the response of SkBF to SNP was reduced. CONCLUSION: The NO-dependent hyperemic response induced by local heating in human skin is subject to desensitization. At least one part of the mechanism implicated consists of a desensitization to the effects of NO itself.
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate changes of pediatric tracheotomy practice over time. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all tracheotomies at the University Children's Hospital Zurich from January 1990 to December 2009 was performed. Data analyzed included the indication for tracheotomy, patient comorbidities, age, duration of cannulation, and complications. The second part of the study consisted of comparing our results with data from an earlier study done at the same institution by Simma et al. (Eur J Pediatr 1994;153:291-296) reviewing the patients with tracheotomies treated from 1979 to 1989. RESULTS: Between 1990 and 2009, 119 patients were included. The indication for tracheotomy was airway obstruction in 70% and prolonged ventilation in 30%. 70% of the patients were operated on before 1 year of age. Serious postoperative complications occurred in 25 patients (23%). There was one death related to tracheotomy. Successful decannulation was achieved in 60%, on average 28 months after tracheotomy. The decannulation rate in patients with airway obstruction was 74% compared to 52% for the patients in prolonged ventilation group; a statistically significant difference was observed (p < 0.05). The longitudinal analysis showed an increase of indications for prolonged ventilation and a trend toward decreased tracheotomy complications. CONCLUSION: Over 30 years, a shift in the indications of pediatric tracheotomy, with an increasing number of procedures performed for prolonged ventilation, was found. The tracheotomy-related mortality was under 1%. Tracheotomy remains a valid and safe option for pediatric patients. Level of evidence 2c.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Standardized instruments are needed to assess the activity of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and to provide end points for clinical trials and observational studies. We aimed to develop and validate a patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument and score, based on items that could account for variations in patient assessments of disease severity. We also evaluated relationships between patient assessment of disease severity and EoE-associated endoscopic, histologic, and laboratory findings. METHODS: We collected information from 186 patients with EoE in Switzerland and the United States (69.4% male; median age, 43 y) via surveys (n = 135), focus groups (n = 27), and semistructured interviews (n = 24). Items were generated for the instruments to assess biologic activity based on physician input. Linear regression was used to quantify the extent to which variations in patient-reported disease characteristics could account for variations in patient assessment of EoE severity. The PRO instrument was used prospectively in 153 adult patients with EoE (72.5% male; median age, 38 y), and validated in an independent group of 120 patients with EoE (60.8% male; median age, 40.5 y). RESULTS: Seven PRO factors that are used to assess characteristics of dysphagia, behavioral adaptations to living with dysphagia, and pain while swallowing accounted for 67% of the variation in patient assessment of disease severity. Based on statistical consideration and patient input, a 7-day recall period was selected. Highly active EoE, based on endoscopic and histologic findings, was associated with an increase in patient-assessed disease severity. In the validation study, the mean difference between patient assessment of EoE severity (range, 0-10) and PRO score (range, 0-8.52) was 0.15. CONCLUSIONS: We developed and validated an EoE scoring system based on 7 PRO items that assess symptoms over a 7-day recall period. Clinicaltrials.gov number: NCT00939263.
Background a nd A ims: D iscriminating irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS) from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can bea clinical c hallenge as s ymptoms c an overlap. We a nd othershave recently shown that fecal c alprotectin ( FC) is moreaccurate for d iscriminating IBS f rom IBD compared to C -reactive p rotein ( CRP) and b lood leukocytes. We a imed toassess which b iomarkers are used by g astroenterologists intheir daily practice for discriminating IBS from IBD.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent to all board certifiedgastroenterologists in Switzerland in July 2010.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. T he following biomarkers weredetermined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%, FC79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, ironstatus ( ferritin, t ransferrin s aturation) 59%, e rythrocytesedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for usingFC more often in p rivate practice t han in h ospital ( P = 0.08).Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to besuperior to CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 8 7% thoughtthat patient's compliance for fecal sampling is high, and 51%judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions: F C is widely used in c linical practice t odiscriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with the scientificevidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to bemore accurate than CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD.
Objectives: Glutamine synthetase is a critical step in the glutamate-glutamine cycle, the major mechanism of glutamate neurotransmission and is implicated in the mechanism of ammonia toxicity. 15N MRS is an alternative approach to 13C MRS in studying glutamate- glutamine metabolism. 15N MRS studies allow to measure an apparent glutamine synthesis rate (Vsyn) which reflects a combination of the glutamate- glutamine cycle activity (Vnt) and net glutamine accumulation. The net glutamine synthesis (Vsyn-Vnt) can be directly measured from 1H NMR. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform in vivo localized 1H MRS interleaved with 15N MRS to directly measure the net glutamine synthesis rate and the apparent glutamine synthesis rate under 15N labeled ammonia infusion in the rat brain, respectively. Methods: 1H and 15N MRS data were acquired interleaved on a 9.4T system (Varian/Magnex Scientific) using 5 rats. 15NH4Cl solution was infused continuously into the femoral vein for up to 10 h (4.5 mmol/h/kg).1 The plasma ammonia concentration was increased to 0.95±0.08 mmol/L (Analox GM7 analyzer). 1H spectra were acquired and quantified as described previously.2 15N unlocalized and localized spectra were acquired using the sequence;3 and quantified using AMARES and an external reference method.4 The metabolic model used to analyze the total Gln and 5-15N labeled Gln time courses is shown on Figure 1A. Results: Glutamine concentration increased from 2.5±0.3 to 15±3.3 mmol/kg whereas the total glutamate concentrations remained unchanged (Figure 1B). The linear fit of the time-evolution of the total Gln from the 1H spectra gave the net synthesis flux (Vsyn-Vnt), which was 0.021± 0.006 mmol/min per g (Figure 1D). The 5-15N Gln peak (_271 ppm) was visible in the first and all subsequent scans, whereas the 2-15N Gln/Glu peak (_342 ppm) appeared after B1.5 h (Figure 1C). From the in vivo 5-15N Gln time course, Vsyn = 0.29±0.1 mmol/min per g and a plasma NH3 fractional enrichment of 71%±6% were calculated. Vnt was 0.26±0.1 mmol/min/g, obtained assuming a negligible Gln efflux.5 Vsyn and Vnt were within the range of 13C NMR measurements.6 Conclusion: The combination of 1H and 15N NMR allowed for the first time a direct and localized measurement of Vnt and apparent glutamine synthesis rate. Vnt is approximately one order of magnitude faster than the net glutamine accumulation.